257 lines
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257 lines
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* fdb_api.hpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2020 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// A collection of C++ classes to wrap the C API to improve memory management
// and add types to futures. Using the old C API may look something like:
// FDBTransaction *tr;
// fdb_database_create_transaction(db, &tr);
// FDBFuture *f = fdb_transaction_get(tr, (const uint8_t*)"foo", 3, true);
// fdb_future_block_until_ready(f);
// fdb_future_get_value(f, ...);
// fdb_future_destroy(f);
// fdb_transaction_destroy(tr);
// Using the wrapper classes defined here, it will instead look like:
// fdb::Transaction tr(db);
// fdb::ValueFuture f = tr.get((const uint8_t*)"foo", 3, true);
// f.block_until_ready();
// f.get_value(f, ...);
#pragma once
#define FDB_API_VERSION 700
#include <foundationdb/fdb_c.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
namespace fdb {
// Wrapper parent class to manage memory of an FDBFuture pointer. Cleans up
// FDBFuture when this instance goes out of scope.
class Future {
virtual ~Future() = 0;
// Wrapper around fdb_future_is_ready.
bool is_ready();
// Wrapper around fdb_future_block_until_ready.
fdb_error_t block_until_ready();
// Wrapper around fdb_future_set_callback.
fdb_error_t set_callback(FDBCallback callback, void* callback_parameter);
// Wrapper around fdb_future_get_error.
fdb_error_t get_error();
// Wrapper around fdb_future_release_memory.
void release_memory();
// Wrapper around fdb_future_cancel.
void cancel();
// Conversion operator to allow Future instances to work interchangeably as
// an FDBFuture object.
// operator FDBFuture* () const {
// return future_;
// }
Future(FDBFuture* f) : future_(f) {}
FDBFuture* future_;
class Int64Future : public Future {
// Call this function instead of fdb_future_get_int64 when using the
// Int64Future type. It's behavior is identical to fdb_future_get_int64.
fdb_error_t get(int64_t* out);
friend class Transaction;
friend class Database;
Int64Future(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
class KeyFuture : public Future {
// Call this function instead of fdb_future_get_key when using the KeyFuture
// type. It's behavior is identical to fdb_future_get_key.
fdb_error_t get(const uint8_t** out_key, int* out_key_length);
friend class Transaction;
KeyFuture(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
class ValueFuture : public Future {
// Call this function instead of fdb_future_get_value when using the
// ValueFuture type. It's behavior is identical to fdb_future_get_value.
fdb_error_t get(fdb_bool_t* out_present, const uint8_t** out_value, int* out_value_length);
friend class Transaction;
ValueFuture(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
class StringArrayFuture : public Future {
// Call this function instead of fdb_future_get_string_array when using the
// StringArrayFuture type. It's behavior is identical to
// fdb_future_get_string_array.
fdb_error_t get(const char*** out_strings, int* out_count);
friend class Transaction;
StringArrayFuture(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
class KeyValueArrayFuture : public Future {
// Call this function instead of fdb_future_get_keyvalue_array when using
// the KeyValueArrayFuture type. It's behavior is identical to
// fdb_future_get_keyvalue_array.
fdb_error_t get(const FDBKeyValue** out_kv, int* out_count, fdb_bool_t* out_more);
friend class Transaction;
KeyValueArrayFuture(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
class EmptyFuture : public Future {
friend class Transaction;
friend class Database;
EmptyFuture(FDBFuture* f) : Future(f) {}
// Wrapper around FDBDatabase, providing database-level API
class Database final {
static Int64Future reboot_worker(FDBDatabase* db,
const uint8_t* address,
int address_length,
fdb_bool_t check,
int duration);
static EmptyFuture force_recovery_with_data_loss(FDBDatabase* db, const uint8_t* dcid, int dcid_length);
static EmptyFuture create_snapshot(FDBDatabase* db,
const uint8_t* uid,
int uid_length,
const uint8_t* snap_command,
int snap_command_length);
// Wrapper around FDBTransaction, providing the same set of calls as the C API.
// Handles cleanup of memory, removing the need to call
// fdb_transaction_destroy.
class Transaction final {
// Given an FDBDatabase, initializes a new transaction.
Transaction(FDBDatabase* db);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_reset.
void reset();
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_cancel.
void cancel();
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_set_option.
fdb_error_t set_option(FDBTransactionOption option, const uint8_t* value, int value_length);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_set_read_version.
void set_read_version(int64_t version);
// Returns a future which will be set to the transaction read version.
Int64Future get_read_version();
// Returns a future which will be set to the approximate transaction size so far.
Int64Future get_approximate_size();
// Returns a future which will be set to the versionstamp which was used by
// any versionstamp operations in the transaction.
KeyFuture get_versionstamp();
// Returns a future which will be set to the value of `key` in the database.
ValueFuture get(std::string_view key, fdb_bool_t snapshot);
// Returns a future which will be set to the key in the database matching the
// passed key selector.
KeyFuture get_key(const uint8_t* key_name,
int key_name_length,
fdb_bool_t or_equal,
int offset,
fdb_bool_t snapshot);
// Returns a future which will be set to an array of strings.
StringArrayFuture get_addresses_for_key(std::string_view key);
// Returns a future which will be set to an FDBKeyValue array.
KeyValueArrayFuture get_range(const uint8_t* begin_key_name,
int begin_key_name_length,
fdb_bool_t begin_or_equal,
int begin_offset,
const uint8_t* end_key_name,
int end_key_name_length,
fdb_bool_t end_or_equal,
int end_offset,
int limit,
int target_bytes,
FDBStreamingMode mode,
int iteration,
fdb_bool_t snapshot,
fdb_bool_t reverse);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_watch. Returns a future representing an
// empty value.
EmptyFuture watch(std::string_view key);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_commit. Returns a future representing an
// empty value.
EmptyFuture commit();
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_on_error. Returns a future representing an
// empty value.
EmptyFuture on_error(fdb_error_t err);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_clear.
void clear(std::string_view key);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_clear_range.
void clear_range(std::string_view begin_key, std::string_view end_key);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_set.
void set(std::string_view key, std::string_view value);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_atomic_op.
void atomic_op(std::string_view key, const uint8_t* param, int param_length, FDBMutationType operationType);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_get_committed_version.
fdb_error_t get_committed_version(int64_t* out_version);
// Wrapper around fdb_transaction_add_conflict_range.
fdb_error_t add_conflict_range(std::string_view begin_key, std::string_view end_key, FDBConflictRangeType type);
FDBTransaction* tr_;
} // namespace fdb