769 lines
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769 lines
32 KiB
* ReadWrite.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "fdbrpc/ContinuousSample.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/BulkSetup.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/ReadYourWrites.h"
#include "flow/TDMetric.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
const int sampleSize = 10000;
static Future<Version> nextRV;
static Version lastRV = invalidVersion;
ACTOR static Future<Version> getNextRV(Database db) {
state Transaction tr(db);
loop {
try {
Version v = wait( tr.getReadVersion() );
return v;
} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
static Future<Version> getInconsistentReadVersion( Database const& db ) {
if (!nextRV.isValid() || nextRV.isReady()) { // if no getNextRV() running
if (nextRV.isValid()) lastRV = nextRV.get();
nextRV = getNextRV( db );
if (lastRV == invalidVersion)
return nextRV;
return lastRV;
DESCR struct TransactionSuccessMetric {
int64_t totalLatency; // ns
int64_t startLatency; // ns
int64_t commitLatency; // ns
int64_t retries; // count
DESCR struct TransactionFailureMetric {
int64_t startLatency; // ns
int64_t errorCode; // flow error code
DESCR struct ReadMetric {
int64_t readLatency; // ns
struct ReadWriteWorkload : KVWorkload {
int readsPerTransactionA, writesPerTransactionA;
int readsPerTransactionB, writesPerTransactionB;
int extraReadConflictRangesPerTransaction, extraWriteConflictRangesPerTransaction;
double testDuration, transactionsPerSecond, alpha, warmingDelay, loadTime, maxInsertRate, debugInterval, debugTime;
double metricsStart, metricsDuration, clientBegin;
std::string valueString;
bool dependentReads;
bool enableReadLatencyLogging;
double periodicLoggingInterval;
bool cancelWorkersAtDuration;
bool inconsistentReads;
bool adjacentReads;
bool adjacentWrites;
bool rampUpLoad;
int rampSweepCount;
double hotKeyFraction, forceHotProbability;
bool rangeReads;
bool useRYW;
bool rampTransactionType;
bool rampUpConcurrency;
bool batchPriority;
Standalone<StringRef> descriptionString;
Int64MetricHandle totalReadsMetric;
Int64MetricHandle totalRetriesMetric;
EventMetricHandle<TransactionSuccessMetric> transactionSuccessMetric;
EventMetricHandle<TransactionFailureMetric> transactionFailureMetric;
EventMetricHandle<ReadMetric> readMetric;
std::vector<Future<Void>> clients;
PerfIntCounter aTransactions, bTransactions, retries;
ContinuousSample<double> latencies, readLatencies, commitLatencies, GRVLatencies, fullReadLatencies;
double readLatencyTotal; int readLatencyCount;
std::vector<uint64_t> insertionCountsToMeasure;
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double> > ratesAtKeyCounts;
std::vector<PerfMetric> periodicMetrics;
bool doSetup;
ReadWriteWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx)
: KVWorkload(wcx),
latencies( sampleSize ), readLatencies( sampleSize ), fullReadLatencies( sampleSize ),
commitLatencies( sampleSize ), GRVLatencies( sampleSize ), readLatencyTotal( 0 ),
readLatencyCount(0), loadTime(0.0), dependentReads(false), adjacentReads(false), adjacentWrites(false),
clientBegin(0), aTransactions("A Transactions"), bTransactions("B Transactions"), retries("Retries"),
testDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 10.0 );
transactionsPerSecond = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("transactionsPerSecond"), 5000.0 ) / clientCount;
double allowedLatency = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("allowedLatency"), 0.250);
actorCount = ceil(transactionsPerSecond * allowedLatency);
actorCount = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("actorCountPerTester"), actorCount);
readsPerTransactionA = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("readsPerTransactionA"), 10 );
writesPerTransactionA = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("writesPerTransactionA"), 0 );
readsPerTransactionB = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("readsPerTransactionB"), 1 );
writesPerTransactionB = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("writesPerTransactionB"), 9 );
alpha = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("alpha"), 0.1 );
extraReadConflictRangesPerTransaction = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("extraReadConflictRangesPerTransaction"), 0);
extraWriteConflictRangesPerTransaction = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("extraWriteConflictRangesPerTransaction"), 0);
valueString = std::string( maxValueBytes, '.' );
if( nodePrefix > 0 ) {
keyBytes += 16;
metricsStart = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("metricsStart"), 0.0 );
metricsDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("metricsDuration"), testDuration );
if( getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("discardEdgeMeasurements"), true ) ) {
// discardEdgeMeasurements keeps the metrics from the middle 3/4 of the test
metricsStart += testDuration * 0.125;
metricsDuration *= 0.75;
dependentReads = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("dependentReads"), false );
warmingDelay = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("warmingDelay"), 0.0 );
maxInsertRate = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("maxInsertRate"), 1e12 );
debugInterval = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("debugInterval"), 0.0 );
debugTime = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("debugTime"), 0.0 );
enableReadLatencyLogging = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("enableReadLatencyLogging"), false );
periodicLoggingInterval = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("periodicLoggingInterval"), 5.0 );
cancelWorkersAtDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("cancelWorkersAtDuration"), true );
inconsistentReads = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("inconsistentReads"), false );
adjacentReads = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("adjacentReads"), false );
adjacentWrites = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("adjacentWrites"), false);
rampUpLoad = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rampUpLoad"), false);
useRYW = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("useRYW"), false);
rampSweepCount = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rampSweepCount"), 1);
rangeReads = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rangeReads"), false);
rampTransactionType = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rampTransactionType"), false);
rampUpConcurrency = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rampUpConcurrency"), false);
doSetup = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("setup"), true);
batchPriority = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("batchPriority"), false);
descriptionString = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("description"), LiteralStringRef("ReadWrite"));
if (rampUpConcurrency) ASSERT( rampSweepCount == 2 ); // Implementation is hard coded to ramp up and down
// Validate that keyForIndex() is monotonic
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
int64_t a = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, nodeCount);
int64_t b = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, nodeCount);
if ( a > b ) {
std::swap(a, b);
ASSERT(a <= b);
ASSERT((keyForIndex(a, false) <= keyForIndex(b, false)));
std::vector<std::string> insertionCountsToMeasureString =
getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("insertionCountsToMeasure"), std::vector<std::string>());
for (int i = 0; i < insertionCountsToMeasureString.size(); i++) {
uint64_t count = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(insertionCountsToMeasureString[i]);
catch(...) {}
// with P(hotTrafficFraction) an access is directed to one of a fraction
// of hot keys, else it is directed to a disjoint set of cold keys
hotKeyFraction = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("hotKeyFraction"), 0.0 );
double hotTrafficFraction = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("hotTrafficFraction"), 0.0 );
ASSERT(hotKeyFraction >= 0 && hotTrafficFraction <= 1);
ASSERT(hotKeyFraction <= hotTrafficFraction); // hot keys should be actually hot!
// p(Cold key) = (1-FHP) * (1-hkf)
// p(Cold key) = (1-htf)
// solving for FHP gives:
forceHotProbability = (hotTrafficFraction-hotKeyFraction) / (1-hotKeyFraction);
virtual std::string description() { return descriptionString.toString(); }
virtual Future<Void> setup( Database const& cx ) { return _setup( cx, this ); }
virtual Future<Void> start( Database const& cx ) { return _start( cx, this ); }
ACTOR static Future<bool> traceDumpWorkers( Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db ) {
try {
loop {
choose {
when( wait( db->onChange() ) ) {}
when (ErrorOr<std::vector<WorkerDetails>> workerList = wait( db->get().clusterInterface.getWorkers.tryGetReply( GetWorkersRequest() ) );)
if( workerList.present() ) {
std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<Void>>> dumpRequests;
for( int i = 0; i < workerList.get().size(); i++)
dumpRequests.push_back( workerList.get()[i].interf.traceBatchDumpRequest.tryGetReply( TraceBatchDumpRequest() ) );
wait( waitForAll( dumpRequests ) );
return true;
wait( delay( 1.0 ) );
} catch( Error &e ) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "FailedToDumpWorkers").error(e);
virtual Future<bool> check( Database const& cx ) {
if(!cancelWorkersAtDuration && now() < metricsStart + metricsDuration)
metricsDuration = now() - metricsStart;
if( clientId == 0 )
return traceDumpWorkers( dbInfo );
return true;
virtual void getMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m) {
double duration = metricsDuration;
int reads = (aTransactions.getValue() * readsPerTransactionA) + (bTransactions.getValue() * readsPerTransactionB);
int writes = (aTransactions.getValue() * writesPerTransactionA) + (bTransactions.getValue() * writesPerTransactionB);
m.emplace_back("Measured Duration", duration, true);
m.emplace_back("Transactions/sec", (aTransactions.getValue() + bTransactions.getValue()) / duration, false);
m.emplace_back("Operations/sec", ( ( reads + writes ) / duration ), false);
m.push_back( aTransactions.getMetric() );
m.push_back( bTransactions.getMetric() );
m.push_back( retries.getMetric() );
m.emplace_back("Mean load time (seconds)", loadTime, true);
m.emplace_back("Read rows", reads, false);
m.emplace_back("Write rows", writes, false);
if(!rampUpLoad) {
m.emplace_back("Mean Latency (ms)", 1000 * latencies.mean(), true);
m.emplace_back("Median Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.median(), true);
m.emplace_back("90% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.percentile(0.90), true);
m.emplace_back("98% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.percentile(0.98), true);
m.emplace_back("Max Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.max(), true);
m.emplace_back("Mean Row Read Latency (ms)", 1000 * readLatencies.mean(), true);
m.emplace_back("Median Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * readLatencies.median(), true);
m.emplace_back("Max Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * readLatencies.max(), true);
m.emplace_back("Mean Total Read Latency (ms)", 1000 * fullReadLatencies.mean(), true);
m.emplace_back("Median Total Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * fullReadLatencies.median(), true);
m.emplace_back("Max Total Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * fullReadLatencies.max(), true);
m.emplace_back("Mean GRV Latency (ms)", 1000 * GRVLatencies.mean(), true);
m.emplace_back("Median GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * GRVLatencies.median(), true);
m.emplace_back("Max GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * GRVLatencies.max(), true);
m.emplace_back("Mean Commit Latency (ms)", 1000 * commitLatencies.mean(), true);
m.emplace_back("Median Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * commitLatencies.median(), true);
m.emplace_back("Max Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * commitLatencies.max(), true);
m.emplace_back("Read rows/sec", reads / duration, false);
m.emplace_back("Write rows/sec", writes / duration, false);
m.emplace_back("Bytes read/sec", (reads * (keyBytes + (minValueBytes+maxValueBytes)*0.5)) / duration, false);
m.emplace_back("Bytes written/sec", (writes * (keyBytes + (minValueBytes+maxValueBytes)*0.5)) / duration, false);
m.insert(m.end(), periodicMetrics.begin(), periodicMetrics.end());
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double> >::iterator ratesItr = ratesAtKeyCounts.begin();
for(; ratesItr != ratesAtKeyCounts.end(); ratesItr++)
m.emplace_back(format("%ld keys imported bytes/sec", ratesItr->first), ratesItr->second, false);
Value randomValue() { return StringRef( (uint8_t*)valueString.c_str(), deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minValueBytes, maxValueBytes+1) ); }
Standalone<KeyValueRef> operator()( uint64_t n ) {
return KeyValueRef( keyForIndex( n, false ), randomValue() );
template <class Trans>
void setupTransaction(Trans *tr) {
if(batchPriority) {
ACTOR static Future<Void> tracePeriodically( ReadWriteWorkload *self ) {
state double start = now();
state double elapsed = 0.0;
state int64_t last_ops = 0;
loop {
elapsed += self->periodicLoggingInterval;
wait( delayUntil(start + elapsed) );
TraceEvent((self->description() + "_RowReadLatency").c_str())
.detail("Mean", self->readLatencies.mean())
.detail("Median", self->readLatencies.median())
.detail("Percentile5", self->readLatencies.percentile(.05))
.detail("Percentile95", self->readLatencies.percentile(.95))
.detail("Percentile99", self->readLatencies.percentile(.99))
.detail("Percentile99_9", self->readLatencies.percentile(.999))
.detail("Max", self->readLatencies.max())
.detail("Count", self->readLatencyCount)
.detail("Elapsed", elapsed);
TraceEvent((self->description() + "_GRVLatency").c_str())
.detail("Mean", self->GRVLatencies.mean())
.detail("Median", self->GRVLatencies.median())
.detail("Percentile5", self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.05))
.detail("Percentile95", self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.95))
.detail("Percentile99", self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.99))
.detail("Percentile99_9", self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.999))
.detail("Max", self->GRVLatencies.max());
TraceEvent((self->description() + "_CommitLatency").c_str())
.detail("Mean", self->commitLatencies.mean())
.detail("Median", self->commitLatencies.median())
.detail("Percentile5", self->commitLatencies.percentile(.05))
.detail("Percentile95", self->commitLatencies.percentile(.95))
.detail("Percentile99", self->commitLatencies.percentile(.99))
.detail("Percentile99_9", self->commitLatencies.percentile(.999))
.detail("Max", self->commitLatencies.max());
TraceEvent((self->description() + "_TotalLatency").c_str())
.detail("Mean", self->latencies.mean())
.detail("Median", self->latencies.median())
.detail("Percentile5", self->latencies.percentile(.05))
.detail("Percentile95", self->latencies.percentile(.95))
.detail("Percentile99", self->latencies.percentile(.99))
.detail("Percentile99_9", self->latencies.percentile(.999))
.detail("Max", self->latencies.max());
int64_t ops = (self->aTransactions.getValue() * (self->readsPerTransactionA+self->writesPerTransactionA)) +
(self->bTransactions.getValue() * (self->readsPerTransactionB+self->writesPerTransactionB));
bool recordBegin = self->shouldRecord( std::max( now() - self->periodicLoggingInterval, self->clientBegin ) );
bool recordEnd = self->shouldRecord( now() );
if( recordBegin && recordEnd ) {
std::string ts = format("T=%04.0fs:", elapsed);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Operations/sec", (ops-last_ops)/self->periodicLoggingInterval, false);
//if(self->rampUpLoad) {
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Mean Latency (ms)", 1000 * self->latencies.mean(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Median Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->latencies.median(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "5% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->latencies.percentile(.05), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "95% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->latencies.percentile(.95), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Mean Row Read Latency (ms)", 1000 * self->readLatencies.mean(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Median Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->readLatencies.median(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "5% Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->readLatencies.percentile(.05), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "95% Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->readLatencies.percentile(.95), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Mean Total Read Latency (ms)", 1000 * self->fullReadLatencies.mean(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Median Total Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->fullReadLatencies.median(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "5% Total Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->fullReadLatencies.percentile(.05), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "95% Total Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->fullReadLatencies.percentile(.95), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Mean GRV Latency (ms)", 1000 * self->GRVLatencies.mean(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Median GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->GRVLatencies.median(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "5% GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.05), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "95% GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->GRVLatencies.percentile(.95), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Mean Commit Latency (ms)", 1000 * self->commitLatencies.mean(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Median Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->commitLatencies.median(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "5% Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->commitLatencies.percentile(.05), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "95% Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->commitLatencies.percentile(.95), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Max Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->latencies.max(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Max Row Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->readLatencies.max(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Max Total Read Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->fullReadLatencies.max(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Max GRV Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->GRVLatencies.max(), true);
self->periodicMetrics.emplace_back(ts + "Max Commit Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * self->commitLatencies.max(), true);
last_ops = ops;
//if(self->rampUpLoad) {
self->readLatencyTotal = 0.0;
self->readLatencyCount = 0;
ACTOR static Future<Void> logLatency( Future<Optional<Value>> f, ContinuousSample<double> *latencies, double* totalLatency, int* latencyCount, EventMetricHandle<ReadMetric> readMetric, bool shouldRecord ) {
state double readBegin = now();
Optional<Value> value = wait( f );
double latency = now() - readBegin;
readMetric->readLatency = latency * 1e9;
if( shouldRecord ) {
*totalLatency += latency; ++*latencyCount;
latencies->addSample( latency );
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> logLatency(Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> f, ContinuousSample<double> *latencies, double* totalLatency, int* latencyCount, EventMetricHandle<ReadMetric> readMetric, bool shouldRecord) {
state double readBegin = now();
Standalone<RangeResultRef> value = wait(f);
double latency = now() - readBegin;
readMetric->readLatency = latency * 1e9;
if (shouldRecord) {
*totalLatency += latency; ++*latencyCount;
return Void();
ACTOR template <class Trans>
Future<Void> readOp(Trans *tr, std::vector<int64_t> keys, ReadWriteWorkload *self, bool shouldRecord) {
if( !keys.size() )
return Void();
if (!self->dependentReads){
std::vector<Future<Void>> readers;
if (self->rangeReads) {
for (int op = 0; op < keys.size(); op++) {
readers.push_back(logLatency(tr->getRange(KeyRangeRef(self->keyForIndex(keys[op]), Key(strinc(self->keyForIndex(keys[op])))), GetRangeLimits(-1, 80000)), &self->readLatencies, &self->readLatencyTotal, &self->readLatencyCount, self->readMetric, shouldRecord));
else {
for (int op = 0; op < keys.size(); op++) {
readers.push_back(logLatency(tr->get(self->keyForIndex(keys[op])), &self->readLatencies, &self->readLatencyTotal, &self->readLatencyCount, self->readMetric, shouldRecord));
wait( waitForAll( readers ) );
} else {
state int op;
for(op = 0; op < keys.size(); op++ ) {
wait( logLatency( tr->get( self->keyForIndex( keys[op] ) ), &self->readLatencies, &self->readLatencyTotal, &self->readLatencyCount, self->readMetric, shouldRecord) );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> _setup( Database cx, ReadWriteWorkload *self ) {
return Void();
state Promise<double> loadTime;
state Promise<std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double> > > ratesAtKeyCounts;
wait( bulkSetup( cx, self, self->nodeCount, loadTime, self->insertionCountsToMeasure.empty(), self->warmingDelay, self->maxInsertRate,
self->insertionCountsToMeasure, ratesAtKeyCounts ) );
self->loadTime = loadTime.getFuture().get();
self->ratesAtKeyCounts = ratesAtKeyCounts.getFuture().get();
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> _start( Database cx, ReadWriteWorkload *self ) {
// Read one record from the database to warm the cache of keyServers
state std::vector<int64_t> keys;
keys.push_back( deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, self->nodeCount) );
state double startTime = now();
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
try {
wait( self->readOp( &tr, keys, self, false ) );
wait( tr.warmRange( cx, allKeys ) );
} catch( Error& e ) {
wait( tr.onError( e ) );
wait( delay( std::max(0.1, 1.0 - (now() - startTime) ) ) );
std::vector<Future<Void>> clients;
self->clientBegin = now();
for(int c = 0; c < self->actorCount; c++) {
Future<Void> worker;
if (self->useRYW)
worker = self->randomReadWriteClient<ReadYourWritesTransaction>(cx, self, self->actorCount / self->transactionsPerSecond, c);
worker = self->randomReadWriteClient<Transaction>(cx, self, self->actorCount / self->transactionsPerSecond, c);
if (!self->cancelWorkersAtDuration) self->clients = clients; // Don't cancel them until check()
wait( self->cancelWorkersAtDuration ? timeout( waitForAll( clients ), self->testDuration, Void() ) : delay( self->testDuration ) );
return Void();
bool shouldRecord() {
return shouldRecord( now() );
bool shouldRecord( double checkTime ) {
double timeSinceStart = checkTime - clientBegin;
return timeSinceStart >= metricsStart && timeSinceStart < ( metricsStart + metricsDuration );
int64_t getRandomKey(uint64_t nodeCount){
if (forceHotProbability && deterministicRandom()->random01() < forceHotProbability)
return deterministicRandom()->randomInt64( 0, nodeCount*hotKeyFraction) / hotKeyFraction; // spread hot keys over keyspace
return deterministicRandom()->randomInt64( 0, nodeCount );
double sweepAlpha(double startTime) {
double sweepDuration = testDuration / rampSweepCount;
double numSweeps = (now() - startTime) / sweepDuration;
int currentSweep = (int)numSweeps;
double alpha = numSweeps - currentSweep;
if (currentSweep%2) alpha = 1 - alpha;
return alpha;
ACTOR template <class Trans>
Future<Void> randomReadWriteClient( Database cx, ReadWriteWorkload *self, double delay, int clientIndex ) {
state double startTime = now();
state double lastTime = now();
state double GRVStartTime;
state UID debugID;
if (self->rampUpConcurrency) {
wait( ::delay( self->testDuration/2 * (double(clientIndex) / self->actorCount + double(self->clientId) / self->clientCount / self->actorCount) ) );
TraceEvent("ClientStarting").detail("ActorIndex", clientIndex).detail("ClientIndex", self->clientId).detail("NumActors", clientIndex*self->clientCount + self->clientId + 1);
loop {
wait( poisson( &lastTime, delay ) );
if (self->rampUpConcurrency) {
if (now() - startTime >= self->testDuration/2 * (2 - (double(clientIndex) / self->actorCount + double(self->clientId) / self->clientCount / self->actorCount))) {
TraceEvent("ClientStopping").detail("ActorIndex", clientIndex).detail("ClientIndex", self->clientId)
.detail("NumActors", clientIndex*self->clientCount + self->clientId);
if(!self->rampUpLoad || deterministicRandom()->random01() < self->sweepAlpha(startTime))
state double tstart = now();
state bool aTransaction = deterministicRandom()->random01() > (self->rampTransactionType ? self->sweepAlpha(startTime) : self->alpha);
state std::vector<int64_t> keys;
state std::vector<Value> values;
state std::vector<KeyRange> extra_ranges;
int reads = aTransaction ? self->readsPerTransactionA : self->readsPerTransactionB;
state int writes = aTransaction ? self->writesPerTransactionA : self->writesPerTransactionB;
state int extra_read_conflict_ranges = writes ? self->extraReadConflictRangesPerTransaction : 0;
state int extra_write_conflict_ranges = writes ? self->extraWriteConflictRangesPerTransaction : 0;
if(!self->adjacentReads) {
for(int op = 0; op < reads; op++)
else {
int startKey = self->getRandomKey(self->nodeCount - reads);
for(int op = 0; op < reads; op++)
keys.push_back(startKey + op);
for (int op = 0; op<writes; op++)
for (int op = 0; op<extra_read_conflict_ranges + extra_write_conflict_ranges; op++)
extra_ranges.push_back(singleKeyRange( deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString() ));
state Trans tr(cx);
if(tstart - self->clientBegin > self->debugTime && tstart - self->clientBegin <= self->debugTime + self->debugInterval) {
debugID = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", debugID.first(), "ReadWrite.randomReadWriteClient.Before");
else {
debugID = UID();
self->transactionSuccessMetric->retries = 0;
self->transactionSuccessMetric->commitLatency = -1;
try {
GRVStartTime = now();
self->transactionFailureMetric->startLatency = -1;
Version v = wait(self->inconsistentReads ? getInconsistentReadVersion(cx) : tr.getReadVersion());
if(self->inconsistentReads) tr.setVersion(v);
double grvLatency = now() - GRVStartTime;
self->transactionSuccessMetric->startLatency = grvLatency * 1e9;
self->transactionFailureMetric->startLatency = grvLatency * 1e9;
if( self->shouldRecord() )
state double readStart = now();
wait(self->readOp(&tr, keys, self, self->shouldRecord()));
double readLatency = now() - readStart;
if( self->shouldRecord() )
if (self->adjacentWrites) {
int64_t startKey = self->getRandomKey(self->nodeCount - writes);
for (int op = 0; op < writes; op++)
tr.set(self->keyForIndex(startKey+op, false), values[op]);
else {
for (int op = 0; op < writes; op++)
tr.set(self->keyForIndex(self->getRandomKey(self->nodeCount), false), values[op]);
for (int op = 0; op < extra_read_conflict_ranges; op++)
for (int op = 0; op < extra_write_conflict_ranges; op++)
tr.addWriteConflictRange(extra_ranges[op + extra_read_conflict_ranges]);
state double commitStart = now();
double commitLatency = now() - commitStart;
self->transactionSuccessMetric->commitLatency = commitLatency * 1e9;
if( self->shouldRecord() )
catch(Error& e) {
self->transactionFailureMetric->errorCode = e.code();
if(debugID != UID())
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", debugID.first(), "ReadWrite.randomReadWriteClient.After");
tr = Trans();
double transactionLatency = now() - tstart;
self->transactionSuccessMetric->totalLatency = transactionLatency * 1e9;
if(self->shouldRecord()) {
ACTOR Future<std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double> > > trackInsertionCount(Database cx, std::vector<uint64_t> countsOfInterest, double checkInterval)
state KeyRange keyPrefix = KeyRangeRef(std::string("keycount"), std::string("keycount") + char(255));
state KeyRange bytesPrefix = KeyRangeRef(std::string("bytesstored"), std::string("bytesstored") + char(255));
state Transaction tr(cx);
state uint64_t lastInsertionCount = 0;
state int currentCountIndex = 0;
state std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double> > countInsertionRates;
state double startTime = now();
while(currentCountIndex < countsOfInterest.size())
state Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> countFuture = tr.getRange(keyPrefix, 1000000000);
state Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> bytesFuture = tr.getRange(bytesPrefix, 1000000000);
wait(success(countFuture) && success(bytesFuture));
Standalone<RangeResultRef> counts = countFuture.get();
Standalone<RangeResultRef> bytes = bytesFuture.get();
uint64_t numInserted = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < counts.size(); i++)
numInserted += *(uint64_t*)counts[i].value.begin();
uint64_t bytesInserted = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.size(); i++)
bytesInserted += *(uint64_t*)bytes[i].value.begin();
while(currentCountIndex < countsOfInterest.size() && countsOfInterest[currentCountIndex] > lastInsertionCount && countsOfInterest[currentCountIndex] <= numInserted)
countInsertionRates.emplace_back(countsOfInterest[currentCountIndex++], bytesInserted / (now() - startTime));
lastInsertionCount = numInserted;
catch(Error& e)
return countInsertionRates;
WorkloadFactory<ReadWriteWorkload> ReadWriteWorkloadFactory("ReadWrite");