2093 lines
88 KiB
2093 lines
88 KiB
* StorageCache.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2019 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "fdbclient/StorageServerInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/VersionedMap.h"
#include "fdbclient/KeyRangeMap.h"
#include "fdbclient/Atomic.h"
#include "fdbclient/Notified.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogProtocolMessage.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogSystem.h"
#include "fdbserver/MutationTracking.h"
#include "fdbserver/WaitFailure.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
//TODO storageCache server shares quite a bit of storageServer functionality, although simplified
// Need to look into refactoring common code out for better code readability and to avoid duplication
//TODO rename wrong_shard_server error to wrong_cache_server
inline bool canReplyWith(Error e) {
switch(e.code()) {
case error_code_transaction_too_old:
case error_code_future_version:
case error_code_wrong_shard_server:
case error_code_cold_cache_server:
case error_code_process_behind:
//case error_code_all_alternatives_failed:
return true;
return false;
class StorageCacheUpdater;
struct AddingCacheRange : NonCopyable {
KeyRange keys;
Future<Void> fetchClient; // holds FetchKeys() actor
Promise<Void> fetchComplete;
Promise<Void> readWrite;
std::deque< Standalone<VerUpdateRef> > updates; // during the Fetching phase, mutations with key in keys and version>=(fetchClient's) fetchVersion;
struct StorageCacheData* server;
Version transferredVersion;
enum Phase { WaitPrevious, Fetching, Waiting };
Phase phase;
AddingCacheRange( StorageCacheData* server, KeyRangeRef const& keys );
~AddingCacheRange() {
if( !fetchComplete.isSet() )
if( !readWrite.isSet() )
void addMutation( Version version, MutationRef const& mutation );
bool isTransferred() const { return phase == Waiting; }
struct CacheRangeInfo : ReferenceCounted<CacheRangeInfo>, NonCopyable {
AddingCacheRange* adding;
struct StorageCacheData* readWrite;
KeyRange keys;
uint64_t changeCounter;
CacheRangeInfo(KeyRange keys, AddingCacheRange* adding, StorageCacheData* readWrite)
: adding(adding), readWrite(readWrite), keys(keys)
~CacheRangeInfo() {
delete adding;
static CacheRangeInfo* newNotAssigned(KeyRange keys) { return new CacheRangeInfo(keys, nullptr, nullptr); }
static CacheRangeInfo* newReadWrite(KeyRange keys, StorageCacheData* data) { return new CacheRangeInfo(keys, nullptr, data); }
static CacheRangeInfo* newAdding(StorageCacheData* data, KeyRange keys) { return new CacheRangeInfo(keys, new AddingCacheRange(data, keys), nullptr); }
bool isReadable() const { return readWrite!=nullptr; }
bool isAdding() const { return adding!=nullptr; }
bool notAssigned() const { return !readWrite && !adding; }
bool assigned() const { return readWrite || adding; }
bool isInVersionedData() const { return readWrite || (adding && adding->isTransferred()); }
void addMutation( Version version, MutationRef const& mutation );
bool isFetched() const { return readWrite || ( adding && adding->fetchComplete.isSet() ); }
const char* debugDescribeState() const {
if (notAssigned()) return "NotAssigned";
else if (adding && !adding->isTransferred()) return "AddingFetching";
else if (adding) return "AddingTransferred";
else return "ReadWrite";
64 + sizeof(Version) + sizeof(Standalone<VerUpdateRef>) + // mutationLog, 64b overhead for map
2 * (64 + sizeof(Version) +
ValueOrClearToRef>::PTreeT>)); // versioned map [ x2 for createNewVersion(version+1)
// ], 64b overhead for map
static int mvccStorageBytes( MutationRef const& m ) { return VersionedMap<KeyRef, ValueOrClearToRef>::overheadPerItem * 2 + (MutationRef::OVERHEAD_BYTES + m.param1.size() + m.param2.size()) * 2; }
struct FetchInjectionInfo {
Arena arena;
vector<VerUpdateRef> changes;
struct StorageCacheData {
typedef VersionedMap<KeyRef, ValueOrClearToRef> VersionedData;
//typedef VersionedMap<KeyRef, ValueOrClearToRef, FastAllocPTree<KeyRef>> VersionedData;
// in-memory versioned struct (PTree as of now. Subject to change)
VersionedData versionedData;
// in-memory mutationLog that the versionedData contains references to
// TODO change it to a deque, already contains mutations in version order
std::map<Version, Standalone<VerUpdateRef>> mutationLog; // versions (durableVersion, version]
UID thisServerID; // unique id
uint16_t index; // server index
ProtocolVersion logProtocol;
Reference<ILogSystem> logSystem;
Key ck; //cacheKey
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> const& db;
Database cx;
StorageCacheUpdater *updater;
//KeyRangeMap <bool> cachedRangeMap; // map of cached key-ranges
KeyRangeMap <Reference<CacheRangeInfo>> cachedRangeMap; // map of cached key-ranges
uint64_t cacheRangeChangeCounter; // Max( CacheRangeInfo->changecounter )
// TODO Add cache metrics, such as available memory/in-use memory etc to help dat adistributor assign cached ranges
//StorageCacheMetrics metrics;
// newestAvailableVersion[k]
// == invalidVersion -> k is unavailable at all versions
// <= compactVersion -> k is unavailable at all versions
// == v -> k is readable (from versionedData) @ (oldestVersion,v], and not being updated when version increases
// == latestVersion -> k is readable (from versionedData) @ (oldestVersion,version.get()], and thus stays available when version increases
CoalescedKeyRangeMap< Version > newestAvailableVersion;
CoalescedKeyRangeMap< Version > newestDirtyVersion; // Similar to newestAvailableVersion, but includes (only) keys that were only partly available (due to cancelled fetchKeys)
// The following are in rough order from newest to oldest
// TODO double check which ones we need for storageCache servers
Version lastTLogVersion, lastVersionWithData;
Version peekVersion; // version to peek the log at
NotifiedVersion version; // current version i.e. the max version that can be read from the cache
NotifiedVersion desiredOldestVersion; // oldestVersion can be increased to this after compaction
NotifiedVersion oldestVersion; // Min version that might be read from the cache
// TODO not really in use as of now. may need in some failure cases. Revisit and remove if no plausible use
Future<Void> compactionInProgress;
FlowLock updateVersionLock;
FlowLock fetchKeysParallelismLock;
vector< Promise<FetchInjectionInfo*> > readyFetchKeys;
// TODO do we need otherError here?
Promise<Void> otherError;
Promise<Void> coreStarted;
bool debug_inApplyUpdate;
double debug_lastValidateTime;
int64_t versionLag; // An estimate for how many versions it takes for the data to move from the logs to this cache server
bool behind;
// TODO double check which ones we need for storageCache servers
struct Counters {
CounterCollection cc;
Counter allQueries, getKeyQueries, getValueQueries, getRangeQueries, finishedQueries, rowsQueried, bytesQueried;
Counter bytesInput, bytesFetched, mutationBytes; // Like bytesInput but without MVCC accounting
Counter mutations, setMutations, clearRangeMutations, atomicMutations;
Counter updateBatches, updateVersions;
Counter loops;
Counter readsRejected;
//LatencyBands readLatencyBands;
Counters(StorageCacheData* self)
: cc("StorageCacheServer", self->thisServerID.toString()),
getKeyQueries("GetKeyQueries", cc),
getRangeQueries("GetRangeQueries", cc),
allQueries("QueryQueue", cc),
finishedQueries("FinishedQueries", cc),
rowsQueried("RowsQueried", cc),
bytesQueried("BytesQueried", cc),
bytesInput("BytesInput", cc),
bytesFetched("BytesFetched", cc),
mutationBytes("MutationBytes", cc),
mutations("Mutations", cc),
setMutations("SetMutations", cc),
clearRangeMutations("ClearRangeMutations", cc),
atomicMutations("AtomicMutations", cc),
updateBatches("UpdateBatches", cc),
updateVersions("UpdateVersions", cc),
loops("Loops", cc),
readsRejected("ReadsRejected", cc)
specialCounter(cc, "LastTLogVersion", [self](){ return self->lastTLogVersion; });
specialCounter(cc, "Version", [self](){ return self->version.get(); });
specialCounter(cc, "VersionLag", [self](){ return self->versionLag; });
} counters;
explicit StorageCacheData(UID thisServerID, uint16_t index, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> const& db)
: /*versionedData(FastAllocPTree<KeyRef>{std::make_shared<int>(0)}), */
thisServerID(thisServerID), index(index), logProtocol(0), db(db),
lastTLogVersion(0), lastVersionWithData(0), peekVersion(0),
debug_inApplyUpdate(false), debug_lastValidateTime(0),
versionLag(0), behind(false), counters(this)
version.initMetric(LiteralStringRef("StorageCacheData.Version"), counters.cc.id);
desiredOldestVersion.initMetric(LiteralStringRef("StorageCacheData.DesriedOldestVersion"), counters.cc.id);
oldestVersion.initMetric(LiteralStringRef("StorageCacheData.OldestVersion"), counters.cc.id);
newestAvailableVersion.insert(allKeys, invalidVersion);
newestDirtyVersion.insert(allKeys, invalidVersion);
addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newNotAssigned( allKeys ) );
cx = openDBOnServer(db, TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint, true, true);
// Puts the given cacheRange into cachedRangeMap. The caller is responsible for adding cacheRanges
// for all ranges in cachedRangeMap.getAffectedRangesAfterInsertion(newCacheRange->keys)), because these
// cacheRanges are invalidated by the call.
void addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo* newCacheRange ) {
ASSERT( !newCacheRange->keys.empty() );
newCacheRange->changeCounter = ++cacheRangeChangeCounter;
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "AddCacheRange", this->thisServerID).detail("KeyBegin", newCacheRange->keys.begin).detail("KeyEnd", newCacheRange->keys.end).
//detail("State", newCacheRange->isReadable() ? "Readable" : newCacheRange->notAssigned() ? "NotAssigned" : "Adding").detail("Version", this->version.get());
cachedRangeMap.insert( newCacheRange->keys, Reference<CacheRangeInfo>(newCacheRange) );
void addMutation(KeyRangeRef const& cachedKeyRange, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation);
void applyMutation( MutationRef const& m, Arena& arena, VersionedData &data);
bool isReadable( KeyRangeRef const& keys ) {
auto cr = cachedRangeMap.intersectingRanges(keys);
for(auto i = cr.begin(); i != cr.end(); ++i)
if (!i->value()->isReadable())
return false;
return true;
void checkChangeCounter( uint64_t oldCacheRangeChangeCounter, KeyRef const& key ) {
if (oldCacheRangeChangeCounter != cacheRangeChangeCounter &&
cachedRangeMap[key]->changeCounter > oldCacheRangeChangeCounter)
TEST(true); // CacheRange change during getValueQ
// TODO: should we throw the cold_cache_server() error here instead?
throw wrong_shard_server();
void checkChangeCounter( uint64_t oldCacheRangeChangeCounter, KeyRangeRef const& keys ) {
if (oldCacheRangeChangeCounter != cacheRangeChangeCounter) {
auto sh = cachedRangeMap.intersectingRanges(keys);
for(auto i = sh.begin(); i != sh.end(); ++i)
if (i->value()->changeCounter > oldCacheRangeChangeCounter) {
TEST(true); // CacheRange change during range operation
// TODO: should we throw the cold_cache_server() error here instead?
throw wrong_shard_server();
Arena lastArena;
std::map<Version, Standalone<VerUpdateRef>> const& getMutationLog() const { return mutationLog; }
std::map<Version, Standalone<VerUpdateRef>>& getMutableMutationLog() { return mutationLog; }
VersionedData const& data() const { return versionedData; }
VersionedData& mutableData() { return versionedData; }
Standalone<VerUpdateRef>& addVersionToMutationLog(Version v) {
// return existing version...
auto m = mutationLog.find(v);
if (m != mutationLog.end())
return m->second;
// ...or create a new one
auto& u = mutationLog[v];
u.version = v;
if (lastArena.getSize() >= 65536) lastArena = Arena(4096);
u.arena() = lastArena;
counters.bytesInput += VERSION_OVERHEAD;
return u;
MutationRef addMutationToMutationLog(Standalone<VerUpdateRef>& mLV, MutationRef const& m){
//TODO find out more
//byteSampleApplyMutation(m, mLV.version);
counters.bytesInput += mvccStorageBytes(m);
return mLV.push_back_deep(mLV.arena(), m);
void applyMutation( StorageCacheUpdater* updater, StorageCacheData *data, MutationRef const& mutation, Version version );
/////////////////////////////////// Validation ///////////////////////////////////////
#pragma region Validation
bool validateCacheRange( StorageCacheData::VersionedData::ViewAtVersion const& view, KeyRangeRef range, Version version, UID id, Version minInsertVersion ) {
// * Nonoverlapping: No clear overlaps a set or another clear, or adjoins another clear.
// * Old mutations are erased: All items in versionedData.atLatest() have insertVersion() > oldestVersion()
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ValidateRange", id).detail("KeyBegin", range.begin).detail("KeyEnd", range.end).detail("Version", version);
KeyRef k;
bool ok = true;
bool kIsClear = false;
auto i = view.lower_bound(range.begin);
if (i != view.begin()) --i;
for(; i != view.end() && i.key() < range.end; ++i) {
// TODO revisit this check. there could be nodes in PTree that were inserted, but never updated. their insertVersion thus maybe lower than the current oldest version of the versioned map
//if (i.insertVersion() <= minInsertVersion)
// TraceEvent(SevError,"SCValidateCacheRange",id).detail("IKey", i.key()).detail("Version", version).detail("InsertVersion", i.insertVersion()).detail("MinInsertVersion", minInsertVersion);
//ASSERT( i.insertVersion() > minInsertVersion );
if (kIsClear && i->isClearTo() ? i.key() <= k : i.key() < k) {
TraceEvent(SevError,"SCInvalidRange",id).detail("Key1", k).detail("Key2", i.key()).detail("Version", version);
ok = false;
//ASSERT( i.key() >= k );
kIsClear = i->isClearTo();
k = kIsClear ? i->getEndKey() : i.key();
return ok;
void validate(StorageCacheData* data, bool force = false) {
try {
if (force || (EXPENSIVE_VALIDATION)) {
for(auto range = data->cachedRangeMap.ranges().begin(); range != data->cachedRangeMap.ranges().end(); ++range) {
ASSERT( range->value()->keys == range->range() );
ASSERT( !range->value()->keys.empty() );
for(auto range = data->cachedRangeMap.ranges().begin(); range != data->cachedRangeMap.ranges().end(); ++range)
if (range->value()->isReadable()) {
auto ar = data->newestAvailableVersion.intersectingRanges(range->range());
for(auto a = ar.begin(); a != ar.end(); ++a)
ASSERT( a->value() == latestVersion );
// * versionedData contains versions [oldestVersion.get(), version.get()]. It might also contain later versions if applyUpdate is on the stack.
ASSERT( data->data().getOldestVersion() == data->oldestVersion.get() );
ASSERT( data->data().getLatestVersion() == data->version.get() || data->data().getLatestVersion() == data->version.get()+1 || (data->debug_inApplyUpdate && data->data().getLatestVersion() > data->version.get()) );
auto latest = data->data().atLatest();
validateCacheRange(latest, allKeys, data->version.get(), data->thisServerID, data->oldestVersion.get());
data->debug_lastValidateTime = now();
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCValidationDone", data->thisServerID).detail("LastValidTime", data->debug_lastValidateTime);
} catch (...) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "SCValidationFailure", data->thisServerID).detail("LastValidTime", data->debug_lastValidateTime);
#pragma endregion
///////////////////////////////////// Queries /////////////////////////////////
#pragma region Queries
ACTOR Future<Version> waitForVersion( StorageCacheData* data, Version version ) {
// This could become an Actor transparently, but for now it just does the lookup
if (version == latestVersion)
version = std::max(Version(1), data->version.get());
if (version < data->oldestVersion.get() || version <= 0) throw transaction_too_old();
else if (version <= data->version.get())
return version;
if(data->behind && version > data->version.get()) {
throw process_behind();
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.001)
choose {
when ( wait( data->version.whenAtLeast(version) ) ) {
//FIXME: A bunch of these can block with or without the following delay 0.
//wait( delay(0) ); // don't do a whole bunch of these at once
if (version < data->oldestVersion.get()) throw transaction_too_old();
return version;
when ( wait( delay( SERVER_KNOBS->FUTURE_VERSION_DELAY ) ) ) {
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.001)
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "CacheServerFutureVersion1000x", data->thisServerID)
.detail("Version", version)
.detail("MyVersion", data->version.get())
.detail("ServerID", data->thisServerID);
throw future_version();
ACTOR Future<Version> waitForVersionNoTooOld( StorageCacheData* data, Version version ) {
// This could become an Actor transparently, but for now it just does the lookup
if (version == latestVersion)
version = std::max(Version(1), data->version.get());
if (version <= data->version.get())
return version;
choose {
when ( wait( data->version.whenAtLeast(version) ) ) {
return version;
when ( wait( delay( SERVER_KNOBS->FUTURE_VERSION_DELAY ) ) ) {
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.001)
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "CacheServerFutureVersion1000x", data->thisServerID)
.detail("Version", version)
.detail("MyVersion", data->version.get())
.detail("ServerID", data->thisServerID);
throw future_version();
ACTOR Future<Void> getValueQ( StorageCacheData* data, GetValueRequest req ) {
state int64_t resultSize = 0;
try {
//TODO later
//data->maxQueryQueue = std::max<int>( data->maxQueryQueue, data->counters.allQueries.getValue() - data->counters.finishedQueries.getValue());
// Active load balancing runs at a very high priority (to obtain accurate queue lengths)
// so we need to downgrade here
//TODO what's this?
wait( delay(0, TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint) );
if( req.debugID.present() ) {
g_traceBatch.addEvent("GetValueDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "getValueQ.DoRead"); //.detail("TaskID", g_network->getCurrentTask());
state Optional<Value> v;
state Version version = wait( waitForVersion( data, req.version ) );
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("GetValueDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "getValueQ.AfterVersion"); //.detail("TaskID", g_network->getCurrentTask());
state uint64_t changeCounter = data->cacheRangeChangeCounter;
if (data->cachedRangeMap[req.key]->notAssigned()) {
//TraceEvent(SevWarn, "WrongCacheServer", data->thisServerID).detail("Key", req.key).detail("ReqVersion", req.version).detail("DataVersion", data->version.get()).detail("In", "getValueQ");
throw wrong_shard_server();
} else if (!data->cachedRangeMap[req.key]->isReadable()) {
//TraceEvent(SevWarn, "ColdCacheServer", data->thisServerID).detail("Key", req.key).detail("IsAdding", data->cachedRangeMap[req.key]->isAdding())
// .detail("ReqVersion", req.version).detail("DataVersion", data->version.get()).detail("In", "getValueQ");
throw future_version();
state int path = 0;
auto i = data->data().at(version).lastLessOrEqual(req.key);
if (i && i->isValue() && i.key() == req.key) {
v = (Value)i->getValue();
path = 1;
// TODO: do we need to check changeCounter here?
data->checkChangeCounter(changeCounter, req.key);
//DEBUG_MUTATION("CacheGetValue", version, MutationRef(MutationRef::DebugKey, req.key, v.present()?v.get():LiteralStringRef("<null>")));
//DEBUG_MUTATION("CacheGetPath", version, MutationRef(MutationRef::DebugKey, req.key, path==0?LiteralStringRef("0"):path==1?LiteralStringRef("1"):LiteralStringRef("2")));
if (v.present()) {
resultSize = v.get().size();
data->counters.bytesQueried += resultSize;
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCGetValueQPresent", data->thisServerID).detail("ResultSize",resultSize).detail("Version", version).detail("ReqKey",req.key).detail("Value",v);
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("GetValueDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "getValueQ.AfterRead"); //.detail("TaskID", g_network->getCurrentTask());
GetValueReply reply(v, true);
} catch (Error& e) {
//TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SCGetValueQError", data->thisServerID).detail("Code",e.code()).detail("ReqKey",req.key)
// .detail("ReqVersion", req.version).detail("DataVersion", data->version.get());
//if(data->latencyBandConfig.present()) {
// int maxReadBytes = data->latencyBandConfig.get().readConfig.maxReadBytes.orDefault(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
// data->counters.readLatencyBands.addMeasurement(timer() - req.requestTime(), resultSize > maxReadBytes);
return Void();
GetKeyValuesReply readRange(StorageCacheData* data, Version version, KeyRangeRef range, int limit, int* pLimitBytes) {
GetKeyValuesReply result;
StorageCacheData::VersionedData::ViewAtVersion view = data->data().at(version);
StorageCacheData::VersionedData::iterator vCurrent = view.end();
KeyRef readBegin;
KeyRef readEnd;
KeyRef rangeBegin = range.begin;
KeyRef rangeEnd = range.end;
int accumulatedBytes = 0;
// if (limit >= 0) we are reading forward, else backward
if (limit >= 0) {
//We might care about a clear beginning before start that runs into range
vCurrent = view.lastLessOrEqual(rangeBegin);
if (vCurrent && vCurrent->isClearTo() && vCurrent->getEndKey() > rangeBegin)
readBegin = vCurrent->getEndKey();
readBegin = rangeBegin;
vCurrent = view.lower_bound(readBegin);
ASSERT(!vCurrent || vCurrent.key() >= readBegin);
if (vCurrent) {
auto b = vCurrent;
ASSERT(!b || b.key() < readBegin);
accumulatedBytes = 0;
while (vCurrent && vCurrent.key() < rangeEnd && limit > 0 && accumulatedBytes < *pLimitBytes) {
if (!vCurrent->isClearTo()) {
result.data.push_back_deep(result.arena, KeyValueRef(vCurrent.key(), vCurrent->getValue()));
accumulatedBytes += sizeof(KeyValueRef) + result.data.end()[-1].expectedSize();
} else { // reverse readRange
vCurrent = view.lastLess(rangeEnd);
// A clear might extend all the way to range.end
if (vCurrent && vCurrent->isClearTo() && vCurrent->getEndKey() >= rangeEnd) {
readEnd = vCurrent.key();
} else {
readEnd = rangeEnd;
ASSERT(!vCurrent || vCurrent.key() < readEnd);
if (vCurrent) {
auto b = vCurrent;
ASSERT(!b || b.key() >= readEnd);
accumulatedBytes = 0;
while (vCurrent && vCurrent.key() >= rangeEnd && limit > 0 && accumulatedBytes < *pLimitBytes) {
if (!vCurrent->isClearTo()) {
result.data.push_back_deep(result.arena, KeyValueRef(vCurrent.key(), vCurrent->getValue()));
accumulatedBytes += sizeof(KeyValueRef) + result.data.end()[-1].expectedSize();
*pLimitBytes -= accumulatedBytes;
ASSERT(result.data.size() == 0 || *pLimitBytes + result.data.end()[-1].expectedSize() + sizeof(KeyValueRef) > 0);
result.more = limit == 0 || *pLimitBytes <= 0; // FIXME: Does this have to be exact?
result.version = version;
result.cached = true;
return result;
Key findKey( StorageCacheData* data, KeySelectorRef sel, Version version, KeyRange range, int* pOffset)
// Attempts to find the key indicated by sel in the data at version, within range.
// Precondition: selectorInRange(sel, range)
// If it is found, offset is set to 0 and a key is returned which falls inside range.
// If the search would depend on any key outside range OR if the key selector offset is too large (range read returns too many bytes), it returns either
// a negative offset and a key in [range.begin, sel.getKey()], indicating the key is (the first key <= returned key) + offset, or
// a positive offset and a key in (sel.getKey(), range.end], indicating the key is (the first key >= returned key) + offset-1
// The range passed in to this function should specify a cacheRange. If range.begin is repeatedly not the beginning of a cacheRange, then it is possible to get stuck looping here
ASSERT( version != latestVersion );
ASSERT( selectorInRange(sel, range) && version >= data->oldestVersion.get());
// Count forward or backward distance items, skipping the first one if it == key and skipEqualKey
bool forward = sel.offset > 0; // If forward, result >= sel.getKey(); else result <= sel.getKey()
int sign = forward ? +1 : -1;
bool skipEqualKey = sel.orEqual == forward;
int distance = forward ? sel.offset : 1-sel.offset;
//Don't limit the number of bytes if this is a trivial key selector (there will be at most two items returned from the read range in this case)
int maxBytes;
if (sel.offset <= 1 && sel.offset >= 0)
maxBytes = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
GetKeyValuesReply rep = readRange( data, version,
forward ? KeyRangeRef(sel.getKey(), range.end) : KeyRangeRef(range.begin, keyAfter(sel.getKey())),
(distance + skipEqualKey)*sign, &maxBytes );
bool more = rep.more && rep.data.size() != distance + skipEqualKey;
//If we get only one result in the reverse direction as a result of the data being too large, we could get stuck in a loop
if(more && !forward && rep.data.size() == 1) {
TEST(true); //Reverse key selector returned only one result in range read
maxBytes = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
GetKeyValuesReply rep2 = readRange( data, version, KeyRangeRef(range.begin, keyAfter(sel.getKey())), -2, &maxBytes );
rep = rep2;
more = rep.more && rep.data.size() != distance + skipEqualKey;
ASSERT(rep.data.size() == 2 || !more);
int index = distance-1;
if (skipEqualKey && rep.data.size() && rep.data[0].key == sel.getKey() )
if (index < rep.data.size()) {
*pOffset = 0;
return rep.data[ index ].key;
} else {
// FIXME: If range.begin=="" && !forward, return success?
*pOffset = index - rep.data.size() + 1;
if (!forward) *pOffset = -*pOffset;
if (more) {
TEST(true); // Key selector read range had more results
Key returnKey = forward ? keyAfter(rep.data.back().key) : rep.data.back().key;
//This is possible if key/value pairs are very large and only one result is returned on a last less than query
//SOMEDAY: graceful handling of exceptionally sized values
ASSERT(returnKey != sel.getKey());
return returnKey;
} else
return forward ? range.end : range.begin;
KeyRange getCachedKeyRange( StorageCacheData* data, const KeySelectorRef& sel )
// Returns largest range that is cached on this server and selectorInRange(sel, range) or wrong_shard_server if no such range exists
auto i = sel.isBackward() ? data->cachedRangeMap.rangeContainingKeyBefore( sel.getKey() ) :
data->cachedRangeMap.rangeContaining( sel.getKey() );
if (i->value()->notAssigned())
throw wrong_shard_server();
else if (!i->value()->isReadable())
throw future_version();
ASSERT( selectorInRange(sel, i->range()) );
return i->range();
ACTOR Future<Void> getKeyValues( StorageCacheData* data, GetKeyValuesRequest req )
// Throws a wrong_shard_server if the keys in the request or result depend on data outside this server OR if a large selector offset prevents
// all data from being read in one range read
state int64_t resultSize = 0;
//data->maxQueryQueue = std::max<int>( data->maxQueryQueue, data->counters.allQueries.getValue() - data->counters.finishedQueries.getValue());
// Active load balancing runs at a very high priority (to obtain accurate queue lengths)
// so we need to downgrade here
TaskPriority taskType = TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint;
taskType = TaskPriority::FetchKeys;
// } else if (false) {
// // Placeholder for up-prioritizing fetches for important requests
// taskType = TaskPriority::DefaultDelay;
wait( delay(0, taskType) );
try {
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "storagecache.getKeyValues.Before");
state Version version = wait( waitForVersion( data, req.version ) );
state uint64_t changeCounter = data->cacheRangeChangeCounter;
state KeyRange cachedKeyRange = getCachedKeyRange( data, req.begin );
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "storagecache.getKeyValues.AfterVersion");
//.detail("CacheRangeBegin", cachedKeyRange.begin).detail("CacheRangeEnd", cachedKeyRange.end);
if ( !selectorInRange(req.end, cachedKeyRange) && !(req.end.isFirstGreaterOrEqual() && req.end.getKey() == cachedKeyRange.end) ) {
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "WrongCacheRangeServer1", data->thisServerID).detail("Begin", req.begin.toString()).detail("End", req.end.toString()).detail("Version", version).
//detail("CacheRangeBegin", cachedKeyRange.begin).detail("CacheRangeEnd", cachedKeyRange.end).detail("In", "getKeyValues>checkShardExtents");
throw wrong_shard_server();
state int offset1;
state int offset2;
state Key begin = req.begin.isFirstGreaterOrEqual() ? req.begin.getKey() : findKey( data, req.begin, version, cachedKeyRange, &offset1 );
state Key end = req.end.isFirstGreaterOrEqual() ? req.end.getKey() : findKey( data, req.end, version, cachedKeyRange, &offset2 );
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "storagecache.getKeyValues.AfterKeys");
// Offsets of zero indicate begin/end keys in this cachedKeyRange, which obviously means we can answer the query
// An end offset of 1 is also OK because the end key is exclusive, so if the first key of the next cachedKeyRange is the end the last actual key returned must be from this cachedKeyRange.
// A begin offset of 1 is also OK because then either begin is past end or equal to end (so the result is definitely empty)
if ((offset1 && offset1!=1) || (offset2 && offset2!=1)) {
TEST(true); // wrong_cache_server due to offset
// We could detect when offset1 takes us off the beginning of the database or offset2 takes us off the end, and return a clipped range rather
// than an error (since that is what the NativeAPI.getRange will do anyway via its "slow path"), but we would have to add some flags to the response
// to encode whether we went off the beginning and the end, since it needs that information.
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "WrongCacheRangeServer2", data->thisServerID).detail("Begin", req.begin.toString()).detail("End", req.end.toString()).detail("Version", version).
//detail("CacheRangeBegin", cachedKeyRange.begin).detail("CacheRangeEnd", cachedKeyRange.end).detail("In", "getKeyValues>checkOffsets").
//detail("BeginKey", begin).detail("EndKey", end).detail("BeginOffset", offset1).detail("EndOffset", offset2);
throw wrong_shard_server();
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCGetKeyValues", data->thisServerID).detail("Begin", req.begin.toString()).detail("End", req.end.toString()).detail("Version", version).
// detail("CacheRangeBegin", cachedKeyRange.begin).detail("CacheRangeEnd", cachedKeyRange.end).detail("In", "getKeyValues>checkOffsets").
// detail("BeginKey", begin).detail("EndKey", end).detail("BeginOffset", offset1).detail("EndOffset", offset2);
if (begin >= end) {
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "storagecache.getKeyValues.Send");
GetKeyValuesReply none;
none.version = version;
none.more = false;
data->checkChangeCounter( changeCounter, KeyRangeRef( std::min<KeyRef>(req.begin.getKey(), req.end.getKey()), std::max<KeyRef>(req.begin.getKey(), req.end.getKey()) ) );
req.reply.send( none );
} else {
state int remainingLimitBytes = req.limitBytes;
GetKeyValuesReply _r = readRange(data, version, KeyRangeRef(begin, end), req.limit, &remainingLimitBytes);
GetKeyValuesReply r = _r;
if( req.debugID.present() )
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", req.debugID.get().first(), "storagecache.getKeyValues.AfterReadRange");
data->checkChangeCounter( changeCounter, KeyRangeRef( std::min<KeyRef>(begin, std::min<KeyRef>(req.begin.getKey(), req.end.getKey())), std::max<KeyRef>(end, std::max<KeyRef>(req.begin.getKey(), req.end.getKey())) ) );
for (int i = 0; i < r.data.size(); i++)
ASSERT(r.data[i].key >= begin && r.data[i].key < end);
ASSERT(r.data.size() <= std::abs(req.limit));
req.reply.send( r );
resultSize = req.limitBytes - remainingLimitBytes;
data->counters.bytesQueried += resultSize;
data->counters.rowsQueried += r.data.size();
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SCGetKeyValuesError", data->thisServerID).detail("Code",e.code()).detail("ReqBegin", req.begin.getKey()).detail("ReqEnd", req.end.getKey())
.detail("ReqVersion", req.version).detail("DataVersion", data->version.get());
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> getKey( StorageCacheData* data, GetKeyRequest req ) {
state int64_t resultSize = 0;
// Active load balancing runs at a very high priority (to obtain accurate queue lengths)
// so we need to downgrade here
wait( delay(0, TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint) );
try {
state Version version = wait( waitForVersion( data, req.version ) );
state uint64_t changeCounter = data->cacheRangeChangeCounter;
state KeyRange cachedKeyRange = getCachedKeyRange( data, req.sel );
state int offset;
Key k = findKey( data, req.sel, version, cachedKeyRange, &offset );
data->checkChangeCounter( changeCounter, KeyRangeRef( std::min<KeyRef>(req.sel.getKey(), k), std::max<KeyRef>(req.sel.getKey(), k) ) );
KeySelector updated;
if (offset < 0)
updated = firstGreaterOrEqual(k)+offset; // first thing on this cacheRange OR (large offset case) smallest key retrieved in range read
else if (offset > 0)
updated = firstGreaterOrEqual(k)+offset-1; // first thing on next cacheRange OR (large offset case) keyAfter largest key retrieved in range read
updated = KeySelectorRef(k,true,0); //found
resultSize = k.size();
data->counters.bytesQueried += resultSize;
GetKeyReply reply(updated, true);
catch (Error& e) {
//if (e.code() == error_code_wrong_shard_server) TraceEvent("SCWrongCacheRangeServer").detail("In","getKey");
//if (e.code() == error_code_future_version) TraceEvent("SCColdCacheRangeServer").detail("In","getKey");
return Void();
#pragma endregion
bool expandMutation( MutationRef& m, StorageCacheData::VersionedData const& data, KeyRef eagerTrustedEnd, Arena& ar ) {
// After this function call, m should be copied into an arena immediately (before modifying data, cacheRanges, or eager)
if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
// Expand the clear
const auto& d = data.atLatest();
// If another clear overlaps the beginning of this one, engulf it
auto i = d.lastLess(m.param1);
if (i && i->isClearTo() && i->getEndKey() >= m.param1)
m.param1 = i.key();
// If another clear overlaps the end of this one, engulf it; otherwise expand
i = d.lastLessOrEqual(m.param2);
if (i && i->isClearTo() && i->getEndKey() >= m.param2) {
m.param2 = i->getEndKey();
} else {
// Expand to the next set or clear (from storage or latestVersion), and if it
// is a clear, engulf it as well
i = d.lower_bound(m.param2);
// TODO check if the following is correct
KeyRef endKey = eagerTrustedEnd;
if (!i || endKey < i.key())
m.param2 = endKey;
else if (i->isClearTo())
m.param2 = i->getEndKey();
m.param2 = i.key();
else if (m.type != MutationRef::SetValue && (m.type)) {
Optional<StringRef> oldVal;
auto it = data.atLatest().lastLessOrEqual(m.param1);
if (it != data.atLatest().end() && it->isValue() && it.key() == m.param1)
oldVal = it->getValue();
else if (it != data.atLatest().end() && it->isClearTo() && it->getEndKey() > m.param1) {
TEST(true); // Atomic op right after a clear.
switch(m.type) {
case MutationRef::AddValue:
m.param2 = doLittleEndianAdd(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::And:
m.param2 = doAnd(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::Or:
m.param2 = doOr(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::Xor:
m.param2 = doXor(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::AppendIfFits:
m.param2 = doAppendIfFits(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::Max:
m.param2 = doMax(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::Min:
m.param2 = doMin(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::ByteMin:
m.param2 = doByteMin(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::ByteMax:
m.param2 = doByteMax(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::MinV2:
m.param2 = doMinV2(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::AndV2:
m.param2 = doAndV2(oldVal, m.param2, ar);
case MutationRef::CompareAndClear:
if (oldVal.present() && m.param2 == oldVal.get()) {
m.type = MutationRef::ClearRange;
m.param2 = keyAfter(m.param1, ar);
return expandMutation(m, data, eagerTrustedEnd, ar);
return false;
m.type = MutationRef::SetValue;
return true;
// Applies a write mutation (SetValue or ClearRange) to the in-memory versioned data structure
void StorageCacheData::applyMutation( MutationRef const& m, Arena& arena, StorageCacheData::VersionedData &data ) {
// m is expected to be in arena already
// Clear split keys are added to arena
if (m.type == MutationRef::SetValue) {
auto prev = data.atLatest().lastLessOrEqual(m.param1);
if (prev && prev->isClearTo() && prev->getEndKey() > m.param1) {
ASSERT( prev.key() <= m.param1 );
KeyRef end = prev->getEndKey();
// TODO double check if the insert version of the previous clear needs to be preserved for the "left half",
// insert() invalidates prev, so prev.key() is not safe to pass to it by reference
data.insert( KeyRef(prev.key()), ValueOrClearToRef::clearTo( m.param1 ), prev.insertVersion() ); // overwritten by below insert if empty
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ApplyMutationClearTo")
//.detail("Key1", prev.key())
//.detail("Version1", prev.insertVersion());
KeyRef nextKey = keyAfter(m.param1, arena);
if ( end != nextKey ) {
ASSERT( end > nextKey );
// TODO double check if it's okay to let go of the the insert version of the "right half"
// FIXME: This copy is technically an asymptotic problem, definitely a waste of memory (copy of keyAfter is a waste, but not asymptotic)
data.insert( nextKey, ValueOrClearToRef::clearTo( KeyRef(arena, end) ) );
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ApplyMutationClearTo2")
//.detail("K1", nextKey)
//.detail("K2", end)
//.detail("V", data.latestVersion);
data.insert( m.param1, ValueOrClearToRef::value(m.param2) );
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ApplyMutation")
// .detail("Key", m.param1)
// .detail("Value",m.param2)
// .detail("Version", data.latestVersion);
} else if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
data.erase( m.param1, m.param2 );
ASSERT( m.param2 > m.param1 );
ASSERT( !data.isClearContaining( data.atLatest(), m.param1 ) );
data.insert( m.param1, ValueOrClearToRef::clearTo(m.param2) );
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ApplyMutationClearTo3")
// .detail("Key21", m.param1)
// .detail("Key22", m.param2)
// .detail("V2", data.latestVersion);
template <class T>
void addMutation( T& target, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation ) {
target.addMutation( version, mutation );
template <class T>
void addMutation( Reference<T>& target, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation ) {
addMutation(*target, version, mutation);
template <class T>
void splitMutation(StorageCacheData* data, KeyRangeMap<T>& map, MutationRef const& m, Version ver) {
if(isSingleKeyMutation((MutationRef::Type) m.type)) {
auto i = map.rangeContaining(m.param1);
if (i->value()) // If this key lies in the cached key-range on this server
data->addMutation( i->range(), ver, m );
else if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
KeyRangeRef mKeys( m.param1, m.param2 );
auto r = map.intersectingRanges( mKeys );
for(auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
if (i->value()) { // if this sub-range exists on this cache server
KeyRangeRef k = mKeys & i->range();
data->addMutation( i->range(), ver, MutationRef((MutationRef::Type)m.type, k.begin, k.end) );
} else
ASSERT(false); // Unknown mutation type in splitMutations
void rollback( StorageCacheData* data, Version rollbackVersion, Version nextVersion ) {
TEST(true); // call to cacheRange rollback
// FIXME: enable when debugKeyRange is active
//debugKeyRange("Rollback", rollbackVersion, allKeys);
// FIXME: It's not straightforward to rollback certain versions from the VersionedMap.
// It's doable. But for now, we choose to just throw away this cache role
throw please_reboot();
void StorageCacheData::addMutation(KeyRangeRef const& cachedKeyRange, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation) {
MutationRef expanded = mutation;
auto& mLog = addVersionToMutationLog(version);
if ( !expandMutation( expanded, data(), cachedKeyRange.end, mLog.arena()) ) {
expanded = addMutationToMutationLog(mLog, expanded);
DEBUG_MUTATION("expandedMutation", version, expanded).detail("Begin", cachedKeyRange.begin).detail("End", cachedKeyRange.end);
applyMutation( expanded, mLog.arena(), mutableData() );
//printf("\nSCUpdate: Printing versioned tree after applying mutation\n");
void removeDataRange( StorageCacheData *sc, Standalone<VerUpdateRef> &mLV, KeyRangeMap<Reference<CacheRangeInfo>>& cacheRanges, KeyRangeRef range ) {
// modify the latest version of data to remove all sets and trim all clears to exclude range.
// Add a clear to mLV (mutationLog[data.getLatestVersion()]) that ensures all keys in range are removed from the disk when this latest version becomes durable
// mLV is also modified if necessary to ensure that split clears can be forgotten
MutationRef clearRange( MutationRef::ClearRange, range.begin, range.end );
clearRange = sc->addMutationToMutationLog( mLV, clearRange );
auto& data = sc->mutableData();
// Expand the range to the right to include other cacheRanges not in versionedData
for( auto r = cacheRanges.rangeContaining(range.end); r != cacheRanges.ranges().end() && !r->value()->isInVersionedData(); ++r )
range = KeyRangeRef(range.begin, r->end());
auto endClear = data.atLatest().lastLess( range.end );
if (endClear && endClear->isClearTo() && endClear->getEndKey() > range.end ) {
// This clear has been bumped up to insertVersion==data.getLatestVersion and needs a corresponding mutation log entry to forget
MutationRef m( MutationRef::ClearRange, range.end, endClear->getEndKey() );
m = sc->addMutationToMutationLog( mLV, m );
data.insert( m.param1, ValueOrClearToRef::clearTo( m.param2 ) );
auto beginClear = data.atLatest().lastLess( range.begin );
if (beginClear && beginClear->isClearTo() && beginClear->getEndKey() > range.begin ) {
// We don't need any special mutationLog entry - because the begin key and insert version are unchanged the original clear
// mutation works to forget this one - but we need range.begin in the right arena
KeyRef rb( mLV.arena(), range.begin );
// insert() invalidates beginClear, so beginClear.key() is not safe to pass to it by reference
data.insert( KeyRef(beginClear.key()), ValueOrClearToRef::clearTo( rb ), beginClear.insertVersion() );
data.erase( range.begin, range.end );
//void setAvailableStatus( StorageServer* self, KeyRangeRef keys, bool available );
//void setAssignedStatus( StorageServer* self, KeyRangeRef keys, bool nowAssigned );
void coalesceCacheRanges(StorageCacheData *data, KeyRangeRef keys) {
auto cacheRanges = data->cachedRangeMap.intersectingRanges(keys);
auto fullRange = data->cachedRangeMap.ranges();
auto iter = cacheRanges.begin();
if( iter != fullRange.begin() ) --iter;
auto iterEnd = cacheRanges.end();
if( iterEnd != fullRange.end() ) ++iterEnd;
bool lastReadable = false;
bool lastNotAssigned = false;
KeyRangeMap<Reference<CacheRangeInfo>>::iterator lastRange;
for( ; iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
if( lastReadable && iter->value()->isReadable() ) {
KeyRange range = KeyRangeRef( lastRange->begin(), iter->end() );
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newReadWrite( range, data) );
iter = data->cachedRangeMap.rangeContaining(range.begin);
} else if( lastNotAssigned && iter->value()->notAssigned() ) {
KeyRange range = KeyRangeRef( lastRange->begin(), iter->end() );
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newNotAssigned( range) );
iter = data->cachedRangeMap.rangeContaining(range.begin);
lastReadable = iter->value()->isReadable();
lastNotAssigned = iter->value()->notAssigned();
lastRange = iter;
ACTOR Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> tryFetchRange( Database cx, Version version, KeyRangeRef keys, GetRangeLimits limits, bool* isTooOld ) {
state Transaction tr( cx );
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> output;
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterOrEqual( keys.begin );
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual( keys.end );
if( *isTooOld )
throw transaction_too_old();
tr.setVersion( version );
tr.info.taskID = TaskPriority::FetchKeys;
limits.minRows = 0;
try {
loop {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> rep = wait( tr.getRange( begin, end, limits, true ) );
limits.decrement( rep );
if( limits.isReached() || !rep.more ) {
if( output.size() ) {
output.arena().dependsOn( rep.arena() );
output.append( output.arena(), rep.begin(), rep.size() );
if( limits.isReached() && rep.readThrough.present() )
output.readThrough = rep.readThrough.get();
} else {
output = rep;
output.more = limits.isReached();
return output;
} else if( rep.readThrough.present() ) {
output.arena().dependsOn( rep.arena() );
if( rep.size() ) {
output.append( output.arena(), rep.begin(), rep.size() );
ASSERT( rep.readThrough.get() > rep.end()[-1].key );
} else {
ASSERT( rep.readThrough.get() > keys.begin );
begin = firstGreaterOrEqual( rep.readThrough.get() );
} else {
output.arena().dependsOn( rep.arena() );
output.append( output.arena(), rep.begin(), rep.size() );
begin = firstGreaterThan( output.end()[-1].key );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if( begin.getKey() != keys.begin && ( e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old || e.code() == error_code_future_version || e.code() == error_code_process_behind ) ) {
if( e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old )
*isTooOld = true;
output.more = true;
if( begin.isFirstGreaterOrEqual() )
output.readThrough = begin.getKey();
return output;
ACTOR Future<Void> fetchKeys( StorageCacheData *data, AddingCacheRange* cacheRange ) {
state TraceInterval interval("SCFetchKeys");
state KeyRange keys = cacheRange->keys;
//state Future<Void> warningLogger = logFetchKeysWarning(cacheRange);
state double startt = now();
// TODO we should probably change this for cache server
// delay(0) to force a return to the run loop before the work of fetchKeys is started.
// This allows adding->start() to be called inline with CSK.
wait( data->coreStarted.getFuture() && delay( 0 ) );
try {
// FIXME: enable when debugKeyRange is active
//debugKeyRange("fetchKeysBegin", data->version.get(), cacheRange->keys);
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, interval.begin(), data->thisServerID)
// .detail("KeyBegin", cacheRange->keys.begin)
// .detail("KeyEnd",cacheRange->keys.end);
// TODO: double check the following block of code!!
// We want to make sure that we can't query below lastAvailable, by waiting for the oldestVersion to become lastAvaialble
auto navr = data->newestAvailableVersion.intersectingRanges( keys );
Version lastAvailable = invalidVersion;
for(auto r=navr.begin(); r!=navr.end(); ++r) {
ASSERT( r->value() != latestVersion );
lastAvailable = std::max(lastAvailable, r->value());
auto ndvr = data->newestDirtyVersion.intersectingRanges( keys );
for(auto r=ndvr.begin(); r!=ndvr.end(); ++r)
lastAvailable = std::max(lastAvailable, r->value());
if (lastAvailable != invalidVersion && lastAvailable >= data->oldestVersion.get()) {
wait( data->oldestVersion.whenAtLeast(lastAvailable+1) );
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFetchKeysVersionSatisfied", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID);
wait( data->fetchKeysParallelismLock.take( TaskPriority::DefaultYield, fetchBlockBytes ) );
state FlowLock::Releaser holdingFKPL( data->fetchKeysParallelismLock, fetchBlockBytes );
//state double executeStart = now();
//data->counters.fetchWaitingMS += 1000*(executeStart - startt);
// Fetch keys gets called while the update actor is processing mutations. data->version will not be updated until all mutations for a version
// have been processed. We need to take the updateVersionLock to ensure data->version is greater than the version of the mutation which caused
// the fetch to be initiated.
wait( data->updateVersionLock.take() );
cacheRange->phase = AddingCacheRange::Fetching;
state Version fetchVersion = data->version.get();
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFetchKeysUnblocked", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID).detail("Version", fetchVersion);
// Get the history
state int debug_getRangeRetries = 0;
state int debug_nextRetryToLog = 1;
state bool isTooOld = false;
//FIXME: this should invalidate the location cache for cacheServers
loop {
try {
TEST(true); // Fetching keys for transferred cacheRange
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> this_block = wait( tryFetchRange( data->cx, fetchVersion, keys, GetRangeLimits( GetRangeLimits::ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED, fetchBlockBytes ), &isTooOld ) );
state int expectedSize = (int)this_block.expectedSize() + (8-(int)sizeof(KeyValueRef))*this_block.size();
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFetchKeysBlock", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID)
.detail("BlockRows", this_block.size()).detail("BlockBytes", expectedSize)
.detail("KeyBegin", keys.begin).detail("KeyEnd", keys.end)
.detail("Last", this_block.size() ? this_block.end()[-1].key : std::string())
.detail("Version", fetchVersion).detail("More", this_block.more);
// FIXME: enable when debugKeyRange is active
//debugKeyRange("fetchRange", fetchVersion, keys);
// FIXME: enable when debugMutation is active
//for(auto k = this_block.begin(); k != this_block.end(); ++k) debugMutation("fetch", fetchVersion, MutationRef(MutationRef::SetValue, k->key, k->value));
data->counters.bytesFetched += expectedSize;
if( fetchBlockBytes > expectedSize ) {
holdingFKPL.release( fetchBlockBytes - expectedSize );
//Write this_block to mutationLog and versionedMap
state KeyValueRef *kvItr = this_block.begin();
for(; kvItr != this_block.end(); ++kvItr) {
applyMutation(data->updater, data, MutationRef(MutationRef::SetValue, kvItr->key, kvItr->value), fetchVersion);
data->counters.bytesFetched += expectedSize;
// TODO: If there was more to be fetched and we hit the limit before - possibly a case where data doesn't fit on this cache. For now, we can just fail this cache role.
// In future, we should think about evicting some data to make room for the remaining keys
if (this_block.more) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CacheWarmupMoreDataThanLimit", data->thisServerID);
throw please_reboot();
this_block = Standalone<RangeResultRef>();
if (BUGGIFY) wait( delay( 1 ) );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("SCFKBlockFail", data->thisServerID).error(e,true).suppressFor(1.0).detail("FKID", interval.pairID);
if (e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old){
TEST(true); // A storage server has forgotten the history data we are fetching
Version lastFV = fetchVersion;
fetchVersion = data->version.get();
isTooOld = false;
// Throw away deferred updates from before fetchVersion, since we don't need them to use blocks fetched at that version
while (!cacheRange->updates.empty() && cacheRange->updates[0].version <= fetchVersion) cacheRange->updates.pop_front();
// TODO: NEELAM: what's this for?
//FIXME: remove when we no longer support upgrades from 5.X
if(debug_getRangeRetries >= 100) {
data->cx->enableLocalityLoadBalance = false;
if (debug_nextRetryToLog==debug_getRangeRetries){
debug_nextRetryToLog += std::min(debug_nextRetryToLog, 1024);
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SCFetchPast", data->thisServerID).detail("TotalAttempts", debug_getRangeRetries).detail("FKID", interval.pairID).detail("V", lastFV).detail("N", fetchVersion).detail("E", data->version.get());
} else if (e.code() == error_code_future_version || e.code() == error_code_process_behind) {
TEST(true); // fetchKeys got future_version or process_behind, so there must be a huge storage lag somewhere. Keep trying.
} else {
wait( delayJittered( FLOW_KNOBS->PREVENT_FAST_SPIN_DELAY ) );
// We have completed the fetch and write of the data, now we wait for MVCC window to pass.
// As we have finished this work, we will allow more work to start...
// TODO revisit the following block of code
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFKBeforeFinalCommit", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID).detail("SV", data->storageVersion()).detail("DV", data->durableVersion.get());
// Directly commit()ing the IKVS would interfere with updateStorage, possibly resulting in an incomplete version being recovered.
// Instead we wait for the updateStorage loop to commit something (and consequently also what we have written)
// TODO: do we need this kind of wait? we are not going to make anything durable and hence no fear of wrong recovery
//wait( data->durableVersion.whenAtLeast( data->storageVersion()+1 ) );
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFKAfterFinalCommit", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID).detail("SV", data->storageVersion()).detail("DV", data->durableVersion.get());
// Wait to run during pullAsyncData, after a new batch of versions is received from the tlog
Promise<FetchInjectionInfo*> p;
data->readyFetchKeys.push_back( p );
FetchInjectionInfo* batch = wait( p.getFuture() );
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFKUpdateBatch", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID);
cacheRange->phase = AddingCacheRange::Waiting;
// Choose a transferredVersion. This choice and timing ensure that
// * The transferredVersion can be mutated in versionedData
// * The transferredVersion isn't yet committed to storage (so we can write the availability status change)
// * The transferredVersion is <= the version of any of the updates in batch, and if there is an equal version
// its mutations haven't been processed yet
cacheRange->transferredVersion = data->version.get() + 1;
data->mutableData().createNewVersion( cacheRange->transferredVersion );
ASSERT( cacheRange->transferredVersion > data->oldestVersion.get() );
ASSERT( cacheRange->transferredVersion == data->data().getLatestVersion() );
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCFetchKeysHaveData", data->thisServerID).detail("FKID", interval.pairID)
.detail("Version", cacheRange->transferredVersion).detail("OldestVersion", data->oldestVersion.get());
// Put the updates that were collected during the FinalCommit phase into the batch at the transferredVersion.
// The mutations will come back through AddingCacheRange::addMutations and be applied to versionedMap and mutationLog as normal.
// The lie about their version is acceptable because this cacheRange will never be read at versions < transferredVersion
for(auto i=cacheRange->updates.begin(); i!=cacheRange->updates.end(); ++i) {
i->version = cacheRange->transferredVersion;
int startSize = batch->changes.size();
TEST(startSize); //Adding fetch data to a batch which already has changes
batch->changes.resize( batch->changes.size()+cacheRange->updates.size() );
//FIXME: pass the deque back rather than copy the data
std::copy( cacheRange->updates.begin(), cacheRange->updates.end(), batch->changes.begin()+startSize );
Version checkv = cacheRange->transferredVersion;
for(auto b = batch->changes.begin()+startSize; b != batch->changes.end(); ++b ) {
ASSERT( b->version >= checkv );
checkv = b->version;
// FIXME: enable when debugMutation is active
//for(auto& m : b->mutations)
// debugMutation("fetchKeysFinalCommitInject", batch->changes[0].version, m);
// TODO: NEELAM: what exactly does it do? Writing some mutations to log. Do we need it for caches?
//setAvailableStatus(data, keys, true); // keys will be available when getLatestVersion()==transferredVersion is durable
// Wait for the transferredVersion (and therefore the cacheRange data) to be committed and compacted.
// TODO: double check.
wait( data->oldestVersion.whenAtLeast( cacheRange->transferredVersion ) );
ASSERT( data->cachedRangeMap[cacheRange->keys.begin]->assigned() && data->cachedRangeMap[cacheRange->keys.begin]->keys == cacheRange->keys ); // We aren't changing whether the cacheRange is assigned
data->newestAvailableVersion.insert(cacheRange->keys, latestVersion);
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newReadWrite(cacheRange->keys, data) ); // invalidates cacheRange!
coalesceCacheRanges(data, keys);
//data->counters.fetchExecutingMS += 1000*(now() - executeStart);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, interval.end(), data->thisServerID);
} catch (Error &e){
TraceEvent(SevDebug, interval.end(), data->thisServerID).error(e, true).detail("Version", data->version.get());
// TODO define the shuttingDown state of cache server
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled && /* !data->shuttingDown &&*/ cacheRange->phase >= AddingCacheRange::Fetching) {
if (cacheRange->phase < AddingCacheRange::Waiting) {
// TODO Not sure if it's okay to do this here!!
removeDataRange( data, data->addVersionToMutationLog(data->data().getLatestVersion()), data->cachedRangeMap, keys );
//data->storage.clearRange( keys );
} else {
ASSERT( data->data().getLatestVersion() > data->version.get() );
removeDataRange( data, data->addVersionToMutationLog(data->data().getLatestVersion()), data->cachedRangeMap, keys );
//setAvailableStatus(data, keys, false);
// Prevent another, overlapping fetchKeys from entering the Fetching phase until data->data().getLatestVersion() is durable
data->newestDirtyVersion.insert( keys, data->data().getLatestVersion() );
TraceEvent(SevError, "SCFetchKeysError", data->thisServerID)
.detail("Elapsed", now()-startt)
.detail("KeyBegin", keys.begin)
if (e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
data->otherError.sendError(e); // Kill the cache server. Are there any recoverable errors?
throw; // goes nowhere
return Void();
AddingCacheRange::AddingCacheRange( StorageCacheData* server, KeyRangeRef const& keys )
: server(server), keys(keys), transferredVersion(invalidVersion), phase(WaitPrevious)
fetchClient = fetchKeys(server, this);
void AddingCacheRange::addMutation( Version version, MutationRef const& mutation ){
if (mutation.type == mutation.ClearRange) {
ASSERT( keys.begin<=mutation.param1 && mutation.param2<=keys.end );
else if (isSingleKeyMutation((MutationRef::Type) mutation.type)) {
ASSERT( keys.contains(mutation.param1) );
if (phase == WaitPrevious) {
// Updates can be discarded
} else if (phase == Fetching) {
if (!updates.size() || version > updates.end()[-1].version) {
VerUpdateRef v;
v.version = version;
v.isPrivateData = false;
} else {
ASSERT( version == updates.end()[-1].version );
updates.back().mutations.push_back_deep( updates.back().arena(), mutation );
} else if (phase == Waiting) {
server->addMutation(keys, version, mutation);
} else ASSERT(false);
void CacheRangeInfo::addMutation(Version version, MutationRef const& mutation) {
ASSERT( (void *)this);
ASSERT( keys.contains( mutation.param1 ) );
if (adding)
adding->addMutation(version, mutation);
else if (readWrite)
readWrite->addMutation(this->keys, version, mutation);
else if (mutation.type != MutationRef::ClearRange) { //TODO NEELAM: ClearRange mutations are ignored (why do we even allow them on un-assigned range?)
TraceEvent(SevError, "DeliveredToNotAssigned").detail("Version", version).detail("Mutation", mutation.toString());
ASSERT(false); // Mutation delivered to notAssigned cacheRange!
void cacheWarmup( StorageCacheData *data, const KeyRangeRef& keys, bool nowAssigned, Version version) {
ASSERT( !keys.empty() );
// FIXME: enable when debugKeyRange is active
//debugKeyRange( nowAssigned ? "KeysAssigned" : "KeysUnassigned", version, keys );
bool isDifferent = false;
auto existingCacheRanges = data->cachedRangeMap.intersectingRanges(keys);
for( auto it = existingCacheRanges.begin(); it != existingCacheRanges.end(); ++it ) {
if( nowAssigned != it->value()->assigned() ) {
isDifferent = true;
TraceEvent("SCWRangeDifferent", data->thisServerID)
.detail("KeyBegin", it->range().begin)
.detail("KeyEnd", it->range().end);
if( !isDifferent ) {
TraceEvent("SCWShortCircuit", data->thisServerID)
.detail("KeyBegin", keys.begin)
.detail("KeyEnd", keys.end);
// Save a backup of the CacheRangeInfo references before we start messing with cacheRanges, in order to defer fetchKeys cancellation (and
// its potential call to removeDataRange()) until cacheRanges is again valid
vector< Reference<CacheRangeInfo> > oldCacheRanges;
auto ocr = data->cachedRangeMap.intersectingRanges(keys);
for(auto r = ocr.begin(); r != ocr.end(); ++r)
oldCacheRanges.push_back( r->value() );
// As addCacheRange (called below)'s documentation requires, reinitialize any overlapping range(s)
auto ranges = data->cachedRangeMap.getAffectedRangesAfterInsertion( keys, Reference<CacheRangeInfo>() ); // null reference indicates the range being changed
for(int i=0; i<ranges.size(); i++) {
if (!ranges[i].value) {
ASSERT( (KeyRangeRef&)ranges[i] == keys ); // there shouldn't be any nulls except for the range being inserted
} else if (ranges[i].value->notAssigned())
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newNotAssigned(ranges[i]) );
else if (ranges[i].value->isReadable())
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newReadWrite(ranges[i], data) );
else {
ASSERT( ranges[i].value->adding );
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newAdding( data, ranges[i] ) );
TEST( true ); // cacheWarmup reFetchKeys
// CacheRange state depends on nowAssigned and whether the data is available (actually assigned in memory or on the disk) up to the given
// version. The latter depends on data->newestAvailableVersion, so loop over the ranges of that.
// SOMEDAY: Could this just use cacheRanges? Then we could explicitly do the removeDataRange here when an adding/transferred cacheRange is cancelled
auto vr = data->newestAvailableVersion.intersectingRanges(keys);
std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange,Version>> changeNewestAvailable;
std::vector<KeyRange> removeRanges;
for (auto r = vr.begin(); r != vr.end(); ++r) {
KeyRangeRef range = keys & r->range();
bool dataAvailable = r->value()==latestVersion || r->value() >= version;
/*TraceEvent("CSKRange", data->thisServerID)
.detail("KeyBegin", range.begin)
.detail("KeyEnd", range.end)
.detail("Available", dataAvailable)
.detail("NowAssigned", nowAssigned)
.detail("NewestAvailable", r->value())
.detail("CacheRangeState0", data->cachedRangeMap[range.begin]->debugDescribeState());*/
if (!nowAssigned) {
if (dataAvailable) {
ASSERT( r->value() == latestVersion); // Not that we care, but this used to be checked instead of dataAvailable
ASSERT( data->mutableData().getLatestVersion() > version);
changeNewestAvailable.emplace_back(range, version);
removeRanges.push_back( range );
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newNotAssigned(range) );
} else if (!dataAvailable) {
// SOMEDAY: Avoid restarting adding/transferred cacheRanges
if (version==0){ // bypass fetchkeys; cacheRange is known empty at version 0
changeNewestAvailable.emplace_back(range, latestVersion);
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newReadWrite(range, data) );
//setAvailableStatus(data, range, true);
} else {
auto& cacheRange = data->cachedRangeMap[range.begin];
if( !cacheRange->assigned() || cacheRange->keys != range )
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newAdding(data, range) );
} else {
changeNewestAvailable.emplace_back(range, latestVersion);
data->addCacheRange( CacheRangeInfo::newReadWrite(range, data) );
// Update newestAvailableVersion when a cacheRange becomes (un)available (in a separate loop to avoid invalidating vr above)
for(auto r = changeNewestAvailable.begin(); r != changeNewestAvailable.end(); ++r)
data->newestAvailableVersion.insert( r->first, r->second );
//if (!nowAssigned)
// data->metrics.notifyNotReadable( keys );
coalesceCacheRanges( data, KeyRangeRef(ranges[0].begin, ranges[ranges.size()-1].end) );
// Now it is OK to do removeDataRanges, directly and through fetchKeys cancellation (and we have to do so before validate())
for(auto r=removeRanges.begin(); r!=removeRanges.end(); ++r) {
removeDataRange( data, data->addVersionToMutationLog(data->data().getLatestVersion()), data->cachedRangeMap, *r );
//setAvailableStatus(data, *r, false);
// Helper class for updating the storage cache (i.e. applying mutations)
class StorageCacheUpdater {
StorageCacheUpdater() : fromVersion(invalidVersion), currentVersion(invalidVersion), processedCacheStartKey(false) {}
StorageCacheUpdater(Version currentVersion) : fromVersion(currentVersion), currentVersion(currentVersion), processedCacheStartKey(false) {}
void applyMutation(StorageCacheData* data, MutationRef const& m , Version ver) {
//TraceEvent("SCNewVersion", data->thisServerID).detail("VerWas", data->mutableData().latestVersion).detail("ChVer", ver);
if(currentVersion != ver) {
fromVersion = currentVersion;
currentVersion = ver;
DEBUG_MUTATION("SCUpdateMutation", ver, m);
if (m.param1.startsWith( systemKeys.end )) {
//TraceEvent("SCPrivateData", data->thisServerID).detail("Mutation", m.toString()).detail("Version", ver);
applyPrivateCacheData( data, m );
} else {
splitMutation(data, data->cachedRangeMap, m, ver);
if (data->otherError.getFuture().isReady()) data->otherError.getFuture().get();
Version currentVersion;
Version fromVersion;
KeyRef cacheStartKey;
bool nowAssigned;
bool processedCacheStartKey;
// Applies private mutations, as the name suggests. It basically establishes the key-ranges
// that this cache server is responsible for
// TODO Revisit during failure handling. Might we loose some private mutations?
void applyPrivateCacheData( StorageCacheData* data, MutationRef const& m ) {
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCPrivateCacheMutation", data->thisServerID).detail("Mutation", m);
if (processedCacheStartKey) {
// we expect changes in pairs, [begin,end). This mutation is for end key of the range
ASSERT (m.type == MutationRef::SetValue && m.param1.startsWith(data->ck));
KeyRangeRef keys( cacheStartKey.removePrefix(data->ck), m.param1.removePrefix(data->ck));
//setAssignedStatus( data, keys, nowAssigned );
//data->cachedRangeMap.insert(keys, true);
//fprintf(stderr, "SCPrivateCacheMutation: begin: %s, end: %s\n", printable(keys.begin).c_str(), printable(keys.end).c_str());
// Warmup the cache for the newly added key-range
cacheWarmup(data, /*this,*/ keys, nowAssigned, currentVersion-1);
processedCacheStartKey = false;
} else if (m.type == MutationRef::SetValue && m.param1.startsWith( data->ck )) {
// We expect changes in pairs, [begin,end), This mutation is for start key of the range
cacheStartKey = m.param1;
nowAssigned = m.param2 != serverKeysFalse;
processedCacheStartKey = true;
} else if (m.type == MutationRef::SetValue && m.param1 == lastEpochEndPrivateKey) {
// lastEpochEnd transactions are guaranteed by the master to be alone in their own batch (version)
// That means we don't have to worry about the impact on changeServerKeys
Version rollbackVersion;
BinaryReader br(m.param2, Unversioned());
br >> rollbackVersion;
if ( rollbackVersion < fromVersion && rollbackVersion > data->oldestVersion.get()) {
TEST( true ); // CacheRangeApplyPrivateData cacheRange rollback
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "Rollback", data->thisServerID)
.detail("FromVersion", fromVersion)
.detail("ToVersion", rollbackVersion)
.detail("AtVersion", currentVersion)
.detail("OldestVersion", data->oldestVersion.get());
rollback( data, rollbackVersion, currentVersion );
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SCPrivateCacheMutation: Unknown private mutation");
//ASSERT(false); // Unknown private mutation
void applyMutation( StorageCacheUpdater* updater, StorageCacheData *data, MutationRef const& mutation, Version version ) {
updater->applyMutation( data, mutation, version );
// Compacts the in-memory VersionedMap, i.e. removes versions below the desiredOldestVersion
// TODO revisit if we change the data structure of the VersionedMap
ACTOR Future<Void> compactCache(StorageCacheData* data) {
loop {
//TODO understand this, should we add delay here?
//if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
// double endTime = g_simulator.checkDisabled(format("%s/compactCache", data->thisServerID.toString().c_str()));
// if(endTime > now()) {
// wait(delay(endTime - now(), TaskPriority::CompactCache));
// }
// Wait until the desiredOldestVersion is greater than the current oldestVersion
wait( data->desiredOldestVersion.whenAtLeast( data->oldestVersion.get()+1 ) );
wait( delay(0, TaskPriority::CompactCache) );
//TODO not really in use as of now. may need in some failure cases. Revisit and remove if no plausible use
state Promise<Void> compactionInProgress;
data->compactionInProgress = compactionInProgress.getFuture();
//state Version oldestVersion = data->oldestVersion.get();
state Version desiredVersion = data->desiredOldestVersion.get();
// Call the compaction routine that does the actual work,
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCCompactCache", data->thisServerID).detail("DesiredVersion", desiredVersion);
// TODO It's a synchronous function call as of now. Should it asynch?
Future<Void> finishedForgetting = data->mutableData().forgetVersionsBeforeAsync( desiredVersion,
TaskPriority::CompactCache );
data->oldestVersion.set( desiredVersion );
wait( finishedForgetting );
// TODO how do we yield here? This may not be enough, because compact() does the heavy lifting
// of compating the VersionedMap. We should probably look into per version compaction and then
// we can yield after compacting one version
wait( yield(TaskPriority::CompactCache) );
// TODO what flowlock to acquire during compaction?
wait(delay(2.0)); // we want to wait at least some small amount of time before
//wait( delay(0, TaskPriority::CompactCache) ); //Setting compactionInProgess could cause the cache server to shut down, so delay to check for cancellation
ACTOR Future<Void> pullAsyncData( StorageCacheData *data ) {
state Future<Void> dbInfoChange = Void();
state Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> cursor;
state Version tagAt = 0;
state double start = now();
state Version ver = invalidVersion;
loop {
loop {
choose {
when(wait( cursor ? cursor->getMore(TaskPriority::TLogCommit) : Never() ) ) {
when( wait( dbInfoChange ) ) {
if( data->logSystem ) {
cursor = data->logSystem->peekSingle( data->thisServerID, data->peekVersion, cacheTag, std::vector<std::pair<Version,Tag>>()) ;
} else
cursor = Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor>();
dbInfoChange = data->db->onChange();
try {
// If the popped version is greater than our last version, we need to clear the cache
if (cursor->version().version <= cursor->popped())
throw please_reboot();
data->lastTLogVersion = cursor->getMaxKnownVersion();
data->versionLag = std::max<int64_t>(0, data->lastTLogVersion - data->version.get());
start = now();
wait( data->updateVersionLock.take(TaskPriority::TLogPeekReply,1) );
state FlowLock::Releaser holdingDVL( data->updateVersionLock );
if(now() - start > 0.1)
TraceEvent("SCSlowTakeLock1", data->thisServerID).detailf("From", "%016llx", debug_lastLoadBalanceResultEndpointToken).detail("Duration", now() - start).detail("Version", data->version.get());
state FetchInjectionInfo fii;
state Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> cloneCursor2;
state uint64_t changeCounter = data->cacheRangeChangeCounter;
bool epochEnd = false;
bool hasPrivateData = false;
bool firstMutation = true;
bool dbgLastMessageWasProtocol = false;
Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> cloneCursor1 = cursor->cloneNoMore();
cloneCursor2 = cursor->cloneNoMore();
//TODO cache servers should write the LogProtocolMessage when they are created
for (; cloneCursor1->hasMessage(); cloneCursor1->nextMessage()) {
ArenaReader& cloneReader = *cloneCursor1->reader();
if (LogProtocolMessage::isNextIn(cloneReader)) {
LogProtocolMessage lpm;
cloneReader >> lpm;
dbgLastMessageWasProtocol = true;
else if (cloneReader.protocolVersion().hasSpanContext() && SpanContextMessage::isNextIn(cloneReader)) {
SpanContextMessage scm;
cloneReader >> scm;
else {
MutationRef msg;
cloneReader >> msg;
if (firstMutation && msg.param1.startsWith(systemKeys.end))
hasPrivateData = true;
firstMutation = false;
if (msg.param1 == lastEpochEndPrivateKey) {
epochEnd = true;
dbgLastMessageWasProtocol = false;
// Any fetchKeys which are ready to transition their cacheRanges to the adding,transferred state do so now.
// If there is an epoch end we skip this step, to increase testability and to prevent inserting a version in the middle of a rolled back version range.
while(!hasPrivateData && !epochEnd && !data->readyFetchKeys.empty()) {
auto fk = data->readyFetchKeys.back();
fk.send( &fii );
if (data->cacheRangeChangeCounter == changeCounter) break;
//TEST(true); // A fetchKeys completed while we were doing this, so eager might be outdated. Read it again.
data->debug_inApplyUpdate = true;
if (EXPENSIVE_VALIDATION) data->data().atLatest().validate();
state bool injectedChanges = false;
state int changeNum = 0;
state int mutationBytes = 0;
for(; changeNum < fii.changes.size(); changeNum++) {
state int mutationNum = 0;
state VerUpdateRef* pUpdate = &fii.changes[changeNum];
for(; mutationNum < pUpdate->mutations.size(); mutationNum++) {
TraceEvent("SCInjectedChanges", data->thisServerID).detail("Version", pUpdate->version);
applyMutation(data->updater, data, pUpdate->mutations[mutationNum], pUpdate->version);
mutationBytes += pUpdate->mutations[mutationNum].totalSize();
injectedChanges = true;
if(false && mutationBytes > SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_UPDATE_BYTES) {
mutationBytes = 0;
//FIXME: ensure this can only read data from the current version
ver = invalidVersion;
// Now process the mutations
for (; cloneCursor2->hasMessage(); cloneCursor2->nextMessage()) {
ArenaReader& reader = *cloneCursor2->reader();
if (cloneCursor2->version().version > ver && cloneCursor2->version().version > data->version.get()) {
ver = cloneCursor2->version().version;
if (LogProtocolMessage::isNextIn(reader)) {
LogProtocolMessage lpm;
reader >> lpm;
// TODO should we store the logProtocol?
data->logProtocol = reader.protocolVersion();
else if (reader.protocolVersion().hasSpanContext() && SpanContextMessage::isNextIn(reader)) {
SpanContextMessage scm;
reader >> scm;
else {
MutationRef msg;
reader >> msg;
if (ver != invalidVersion) // This change belongs to a version < minVersion
applyMutation(data->updater, data, msg, ver);
data->counters.mutationBytes += msg.totalSize();
switch(msg.type) {
case MutationRef::SetValue:
case MutationRef::ClearRange:
case MutationRef::AddValue:
case MutationRef::And:
case MutationRef::AndV2:
case MutationRef::AppendIfFits:
case MutationRef::ByteMax:
case MutationRef::ByteMin:
case MutationRef::Max:
case MutationRef::Min:
case MutationRef::MinV2:
case MutationRef::Or:
case MutationRef::Xor:
case MutationRef::CompareAndClear:
else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "DiscardingPeekedData", data->thisServerID).detail("Mutation", msg.toString()).detail("CursorVersion", cloneCursor2->version().version).
detail("DataVersion", data->version.get());
tagAt = cursor->version().version + 1;
if(ver != invalidVersion) {
data->lastVersionWithData = ver;
} else {
ver = cloneCursor2->version().version - 1;
if(injectedChanges) data->lastVersionWithData = ver;
data->debug_inApplyUpdate = false;
if(ver != invalidVersion && ver > data->version.get()) {
DEBUG_KEY_RANGE("SCUpdate", ver, allKeys);
// TODO what about otherError
if (data->otherError.getFuture().isReady()) data->otherError.getFuture().get();
// TODO may enable these later
//data->lastUpdate = now();
data->version.set( ver ); // Triggers replies to waiting gets for new version(s)
data->peekVersion = ver + 1;
// TODO double check
//setDataVersion(data->thisServerID, data->version.get());
// TODO what about otherError
if (data->otherError.getFuture().isReady()) data->otherError.getFuture().get();
// we can get rid of versions beyond maxVerionsInMemory at any point. Update the
//desiredOldestVersion and that may invoke the compaction actor
Version proposedOldestVersion = data->version.get() - maxVersionsInMemory;
proposedOldestVersion = std::max(proposedOldestVersion, data->oldestVersion.get());
data->lastTLogVersion = cloneCursor2->getMaxKnownVersion();
cursor->advanceTo( cloneCursor2->version() );
data->versionLag = std::max<int64_t>(0, data->lastTLogVersion - data->version.get());
if(cursor->version().version >= data->lastTLogVersion) {
if(data->behind) {
TraceEvent("StorageCacheNoLongerBehind", data->thisServerID).detail("CursorVersion", cursor->version().version).detail("TLogVersion", data->lastTLogVersion);
data->behind = false;
} catch (Error& err) {
state Error e = err;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCUpdateError", data->thisServerID).error(e).backtrace();
if (e.code() == error_code_worker_removed) {
throw please_reboot();
} else {
throw e;
tagAt = std::max( tagAt, cursor->version().version);
// Fetch metadata mutation from the database to establish cache ranges and apply them
ACTOR Future<Void> storageCacheStartUpWarmup(StorageCacheData* self) {
state Transaction tr(self->cx);
state Value trueValue = storageCacheValue(std::vector<uint16_t>{ 0 });
state Value falseValue = storageCacheValue(std::vector<uint16_t>{});
state MutationRef privatized;
privatized.type = MutationRef::SetValue;
state Version readVersion;
try {
loop {
try {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> range = wait(tr.getRange(storageCacheKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
readVersion = tr.getReadVersion().get();
bool currCached = false;
KeyRef begin, end;
for (const auto& kv : range) {
// These booleans have to flip consistently
ASSERT(currCached == (kv.value == falseValue));
if (kv.value == trueValue) {
begin = kv.key;
privatized.param1 = begin.withPrefix(systemKeys.begin);
privatized.param2 = serverKeysTrue;
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCStartupFetch", self->thisServerID).
// detail("BeginKey", begin.substr(storageCacheKeys.begin.size())).
// detail("ReadVersion", readVersion).detail("DataVersion", self->version.get());
applyMutation(self->updater, self, privatized, readVersion);
currCached = true;
} else {
currCached = false;
end = kv.key;
privatized.param1 = begin.withPrefix(systemKeys.begin);
privatized.param2 = serverKeysFalse;
//TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SCStartupFetch", self->thisServerID).detail("EndKey", end.substr(storageCacheKeys.begin.size())).
// detail("ReadVersion", readVersion).detail("DataVersion", self->version.get());
applyMutation(self->updater, self, privatized, readVersion);
self->peekVersion = readVersion + 1;
} catch (Error& e) {
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "SCStartUpFailed").error(e);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> watchInterface(StorageCacheData* self, StorageServerInterface ssi) {
state Transaction tr(self->cx);
state Key storageKey = storageCacheServerKey(ssi.id());
loop {
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> val = wait(tr.get(storageKey));
// This could race with the data distributor trying to remove
// the interface - but this is ok, as we don't need to kill
// ourselves if FailureMonitor marks us as down (this might save
// from unnecessary cache refreshes).
if (!val.present()) {
tr.set(storageKey, storageCacheServerValue(ssi));
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> storageCacheServer(StorageServerInterface ssi, uint16_t id, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db) {
state StorageCacheData self(ssi.id(), id, db);
state ActorCollection actors(false);
state Future<Void> dbInfoChange = Void();
state StorageCacheUpdater updater(self.lastVersionWithData);
self.updater = &updater;
//TraceEvent("StorageCache_CacheServerInterface", self.thisServerID).detail("UID", ssi.uniqueID);
// This helps identify the private mutations meant for this cache server
self.ck = cacheKeysPrefixFor( id ).withPrefix(systemKeys.begin); // FFFF/02cacheKeys/[this server]/
actors.add(traceCounters("CacheMetrics", self.thisServerID, SERVER_KNOBS->STORAGE_LOGGING_DELAY, &self.counters.cc, self.thisServerID.toString() + "/CacheMetrics"));
// fetch already cached ranges from the database and apply them before proceeding
wait( storageCacheStartUpWarmup(&self) );
//compactCache actor will periodically compact the cache when certain version condition is met
// pullAsyncData actor pulls mutations from the TLog and also applies them.
actors.add(watchInterface(&self, ssi));
actors.add(traceRole(Role::STORAGE_CACHE, ssi.id()));
self.coreStarted.send( Void() );
loop {
choose {
when( wait( dbInfoChange ) ) {
dbInfoChange = db->onChange();
self.logSystem = ILogSystem::fromServerDBInfo( self.thisServerID, self.db->get() );
when( GetValueRequest req = waitNext(ssi.getValue.getFuture()) ) {
// TODO do we need to add throttling for cache servers? Probably not
//actors.add(self->readGuard(req , getValueQ));
actors.add(getValueQ(&self, req));
when( WatchValueRequest req = waitNext(ssi.watchValue.getFuture()) ) {
when (GetKeyRequest req = waitNext(ssi.getKey.getFuture())) {
actors.add(getKey(&self, req));
when (GetKeyValuesRequest req = waitNext(ssi.getKeyValues.getFuture()) ) {
actors.add(getKeyValues(&self, req));
when (GetShardStateRequest req = waitNext(ssi.getShardState.getFuture()) ) {
when (StorageQueuingMetricsRequest req = waitNext(ssi.getQueuingMetrics.getFuture())) {
//when( ReplyPromise<Version> reply = waitNext(ssi.getVersion.getFuture()) ) {
// ASSERT(false);
when( ReplyPromise<KeyValueStoreType> reply = waitNext(ssi.getKeyValueStoreType.getFuture()) ) {
when(wait(actors.getResult())) {}