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249 lines
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* clock_support.swift
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Flow
public struct FlowClock {
/// A flow point in time used for `FlowClock`.
public struct Instant: Codable, Sendable {
internal var _value: Swift.Duration
internal init(_value: Swift.Duration) {
self._value = _value
public init() {
extension Clock where Self == FlowClock {
/// A clock that measures time that always increments but does not stop
/// incrementing while the system is asleep.
/// try await Task.sleep(until: .now + .seconds(3), clock: .flow)
public static var flow: FlowClock {
return FlowClock()
extension FlowClock: Clock {
/// The current flow instant.
public var now: FlowClock.Instant {
/// The minimum non-zero resolution between any two calls to `now`.
public var minimumResolution: Swift.Duration {
let seconds = Int64(0)
var nanoseconds = Int64(0)
nanoseconds += Duration.milliseconds(100).nanoseconds
return .seconds(seconds) + .nanoseconds(nanoseconds)
/// The current flow instant.
public static var now: FlowClock.Instant {
var seconds = Int64(0)
var nanoseconds = Int64(0)
let nowDouble: Double = flow_gNetwork_now()
seconds += Duration.seconds(nowDouble).seconds
nanoseconds = Duration.seconds(nowDouble).nanoseconds
return FlowClock.Instant(_value: .seconds(seconds) + .nanoseconds(nanoseconds))
/// Suspend task execution until a given deadline within a tolerance.
/// If no tolerance is specified then the system may adjust the deadline
/// to coalesce CPU wake-ups to more efficiently process the wake-ups in
/// a more power efficient manner.
/// If the task is canceled before the time ends, this function throws
/// `CancellationError`.
/// This function doesn't block the underlying thread.
public func sleep(
until deadline: Instant,
tolerance: Swift.Duration? = nil
) async throws {
let (seconds, attoseconds) = deadline._value.components
_ = seconds // silence warning
let nanoseconds = attoseconds / 1_000_000_000
_ = nanoseconds // silence warning
let duration = FlowClock.now.duration(to: deadline)
let secondsDouble = Double(duration.seconds)
let nanosDouble = 0 // TODO: fix this handling of nanos from the deadline
_ = nanosDouble // silence warning
try await flow_gNetwork_delay(/*secondsDouble=*/secondsDouble, /*priority=*/TaskPriority.DefaultDelay).value()
public static func sleep(
for duration: Duration
) async throws {
try await Task.sleep(until: now + duration, clock: .flow)
extension FlowClock.Instant: InstantProtocol {
public static var now: FlowClock.Instant {
public func advanced(by duration: Swift.Duration) -> FlowClock.Instant {
return FlowClock.Instant(_value: _value + duration)
public func duration(to other: FlowClock.Instant) -> Swift.Duration {
other._value - _value
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public static func ==(
_ lhs: FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: FlowClock.Instant
) -> Bool {
return lhs._value == rhs._value
public static func <(
_ lhs: FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: FlowClock.Instant
) -> Bool {
return lhs._value < rhs._value
public static func +(
_ lhs: FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: Swift.Duration
) -> FlowClock.Instant {
lhs.advanced(by: rhs)
public static func +=(
_ lhs: inout FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: Swift.Duration
) {
lhs = lhs.advanced(by: rhs)
public static func -(
_ lhs: FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: Swift.Duration
) -> FlowClock.Instant {
lhs.advanced(by: .zero - rhs)
public static func -=(
_ lhs: inout FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: Swift.Duration
) {
lhs = lhs.advanced(by: .zero - rhs)
public static func -(
_ lhs: FlowClock.Instant, _ rhs: FlowClock.Instant
) -> Swift.Duration {
rhs.duration(to: lhs)
// ==== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: Duration conversion support
extension Swift.Duration {
public typealias Value = Int64
public var nanoseconds: Value {
let (seconds, attoseconds) = self.components
let sNanos = seconds * Value(1_000_000_000)
let asNanos = attoseconds / Value(1_000_000_000)
let (totalNanos, overflow) = sNanos.addingReportingOverflow(asNanos)
return overflow ? .max : totalNanos
/// The microseconds representation of the `TimeAmount`.
public var microseconds: Value {
self.nanoseconds / TimeUnit.microseconds.rawValue
/// The milliseconds representation of the `TimeAmount`.
public var milliseconds: Value {
self.nanoseconds / TimeUnit.milliseconds.rawValue
/// The seconds representation of the `TimeAmount`.
public var seconds: Value {
self.nanoseconds / TimeUnit.seconds.rawValue
public var isEffectivelyInfinite: Bool {
self.nanoseconds == .max
/// Represents number of nanoseconds within given time unit
public enum TimeUnit: Value {
case days = 86_400_000_000_000
case hours = 3_600_000_000_000
case minutes = 60_000_000_000
case seconds = 1_000_000_000
case milliseconds = 1_000_000
case microseconds = 1000
case nanoseconds = 1
public var abbreviated: String {
switch self {
case .nanoseconds: return "ns"
case .microseconds: return "μs"
case .milliseconds: return "ms"
case .seconds: return "s"
case .minutes: return "m"
case .hours: return "h"
case .days: return "d"
public func duration(_ duration: Int) -> Duration {
switch self {
case .nanoseconds: return .nanoseconds(Value(duration))
case .microseconds: return .microseconds(Value(duration))
case .milliseconds: return .milliseconds(Value(duration))
case .seconds: return .seconds(Value(duration))
case .minutes: return .seconds(Value(duration) * 60)
case .hours: return .seconds(Value(duration) * 60 * 60)
case .days: return .seconds(Value(duration) * 24 * 60 * 60)