
743 lines
32 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// When actually compiled (NO_INTELLISENSE), include the generated version of this file. In intellisense use the source version.
#include "fdbrpc/"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "fdbrpc/TraceFileIO.h"
#include "fdbrpc/RangeMap.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
#undef max
#undef min
ACTOR Future<Void> sendOnProcess( ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, Promise<Void> promise, TaskPriority taskID );
ACTOR Future<Void> sendErrorOnProcess( ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, Promise<Void> promise, Error e, TaskPriority taskID );
ACTOR template <class T>
Future<T> sendErrorOnShutdown( Future<T> in ) {
choose {
when( wait(success( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture() )) ) {
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
when( T rep = wait( in ) ) {
return rep;
class AsyncFileDetachable sealed : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileDetachable>{
Reference<IAsyncFile> file;
Future<Void> shutdown;
explicit AsyncFileDetachable( Reference<IAsyncFile> file ) : file(file) {
shutdown = doShutdown(this);
ACTOR Future<Void> doShutdown( AsyncFileDetachable* self ) {
wait(success( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture() ));
self->file = Reference<IAsyncFile>();
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> open( Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> wrappedFile ) {
choose {
when( wait(success( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture() )) ) {
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
when(Reference<IAsyncFile> f = wait(wrappedFile)) { return makeReference<AsyncFileDetachable>(f); }
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileDetachable>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileDetachable>::delref(); }
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
if( !file.getPtr() || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture().isReady() )
return io_error().asInjectedFault();
return sendErrorOnShutdown( file->read( data, length, offset ) );
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
if( !file.getPtr() || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture().isReady() )
return io_error().asInjectedFault();
return sendErrorOnShutdown( file->write( data, length, offset ) );
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override {
if( !file.getPtr() || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture().isReady() )
return io_error().asInjectedFault();
return sendErrorOnShutdown( file->truncate( size ) );
Future<Void> sync() override {
if( !file.getPtr() || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture().isReady() )
return io_error().asInjectedFault();
return sendErrorOnShutdown( file->sync() );
Future<int64_t> size() const override {
if( !file.getPtr() || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->shutdownSignal.getFuture().isReady() )
return io_error().asInjectedFault();
return sendErrorOnShutdown( file->size() );
int64_t debugFD() const override {
if( !file.getPtr() )
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
return file->debugFD();
std::string getFilename() const override {
if( !file.getPtr() )
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
return file->getFilename();
//An async file implementation which wraps another async file and will randomly destroy sectors that it is writing when killed
//This is used to simulate a power failure which prevents all written data from being persisted to disk
class AsyncFileNonDurable sealed : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileNonDurable>{
UID id;
std::string filename;
//An approximation of the size of the file; .size() should be used instead of this variable in most cases
mutable int64_t approximateSize;
//The address of the machine that opened the file
NetworkAddress openedAddress;
//The wrapped IAsyncFile
Reference<IAsyncFile> file;
//The maximum amount of time a write is delayed before being passed along to the underlying file
double maxWriteDelay;
//Modifications which haven't been pushed to file, mapped by the location in the file that is being modified
RangeMap< uint64_t, Future<Void> > pendingModifications;
//Will be blocked whenever kill is running
Promise<Void> killed;
Promise<Void> killComplete;
//Used by sync (and kill) to force writes which have not yet been passed along.
//If true is sent, then writes will be durable. If false, then they may not be durable.
Promise<bool> startSyncPromise;
//The performance parameters of the simulated disk
Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters;
//Set to true the first time sync is called on the file
bool hasBeenSynced;
//Used to describe what corruption is allowed by the file as well as the type of corruption being used on a particular page
enum KillMode { NO_CORRUPTION = 0, DROP_ONLY = 1, FULL_CORRUPTION = 2 };
//Limits what types of corruption are applied to writes from this file
KillMode killMode;
ActorCollection reponses; //cannot call getResult on this actor collection, since the actors will be on different processes
AsyncFileNonDurable(const std::string& filename, Reference<IAsyncFile> file, Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters, NetworkAddress openedAddress)
: openedAddress(openedAddress), pendingModifications(uint64_t(-1)), approximateSize(0), reponses(false) {
//This is only designed to work in simulation
this->id = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Create", id).detail("Filename", filename);
this->file = file;
this->filename = filename;
this->diskParameters = diskParameters;
maxWriteDelay = 5.0;
hasBeenSynced = false;
killMode = (KillMode)deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 3);
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_CreateEnd", id).detail("Filename", filename).backtrace();
static std::map<std::string, Future<Void>> filesBeingDeleted;
//Creates a new AsyncFileNonDurable which wraps the provided IAsyncFile
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> open(std::string filename, std::string actualFilename, Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> wrappedFile, Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
state Future<Void> shutdown = success(currentProcess->shutdownSignal.getFuture());
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurableOpenBegin").detail("Filename", filename).detail("Addr", g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->address);
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
wait(success(wrappedFile) || shutdown);
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
state Reference<IAsyncFile> file = wrappedFile.get();
//If we are in the process of deleting a file, we can't let someone else modify it at the same time. We therefore block the creation of new files until deletion is complete
state std::map<std::string, Future<Void>>::iterator deletedFile = filesBeingDeleted.find(filename);
if(deletedFile != filesBeingDeleted.end()) {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurableOpenWaitOnDelete1").detail("Filename", filename);
wait( deletedFile->second || shutdown );
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurableOpenWaitOnDelete2").detail("Filename", filename);
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
state Reference<AsyncFileNonDurable> nonDurableFile( new AsyncFileNonDurable(filename, file, diskParameters, currentProcess->address) );
//Causes the approximateSize member to be set
state Future<int64_t> sizeFuture = nonDurableFile->size();
wait(success(sizeFuture) || shutdown);
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurableOpenComplete").detail("Filename", filename);
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return nonDurableFile;
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
std::string currentFilename = ( wrappedFile.isReady() && !wrappedFile.isError() ) ? wrappedFile.get()->getFilename() : actualFilename;
currentProcess->machine->openFiles.erase( currentFilename );
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurableOpenError").error(e, true).detail("Filename", filename).detail("Address", currentProcess->address).detail("Addr", g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->address);
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
~AsyncFileNonDurable() {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Destroy", id).detail("Filename", filename);
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileNonDurable>::addref(); }
void delref() override {
if(delref_no_destroy()) {
ASSERT(filesBeingDeleted.count(filename) == 0);
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_StartDelete", id).detail("Filename", filename);
Future<Void> deleteFuture = deleteFile(this);
filesBeingDeleted[filename] = deleteFuture;
//Passes along reads straight to the underlying file, waiting for any outstanding changes that could affect the results
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override { return read(this, data, length, offset); }
//Writes data to the file. Writes are delayed a random amount of time before being
//passed to the underlying file
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Write", id).detail("Filename", filename).detail("Offset", offset).detail("Length", length);
if(length == 0) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "AsyncFileNonDurable_EmptyModification", id).detail("Filename", filename);
return Void();
debugFileSet("AsyncFileNonDurableWrite", filename, data, offset, length);
Promise<Void> writeStarted;
Promise<Future<Void>> writeEnded;
writeEnded.send(write(this, writeStarted, writeEnded.getFuture(), data, length, offset));
return writeStarted.getFuture();
//Truncates the file. Truncates are delayed a random amount of time before being
//passed to the underlying file
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Truncate", id).detail("Filename", filename).detail("Offset", size);
debugFileTruncate("AsyncFileNonDurableTruncate", filename, size);
Promise<Void> truncateStarted;
Promise<Future<Void>> truncateEnded;
truncateEnded.send(truncate(this, truncateStarted, truncateEnded.getFuture(), size));
return truncateStarted.getFuture();
//Fsyncs the file. This allows all delayed modifications to the file to complete before
//syncing the underlying file
Future<Void> sync() {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Sync", id).detail("Filename", filename);
Future<Void> syncFuture = sync(this, true);
reponses.add( syncFuture );
return syncFuture;
//Passes along size requests to the underlying file, augmenting with any writes past the end of the file
Future<int64_t> size() const override { return size(this); }
int64_t debugFD() const override { return file->debugFD(); }
std::string getFilename() const override { return file->getFilename(); }
//Forces a non-durable sync (some writes are not made or made incorrectly)
//This is used when the file should 'die' without first completing its operations
//(e.g. to simulate power failure)
Future<Void> kill() {
TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Kill", id).detail("Filename", filename);
TEST(true); //AsyncFileNonDurable was killed
return sync(this, false);
//Returns a future that is used to ensure the waiter ends up on the main thread
Future<Void> returnToMainThread() {
Promise<Void> p;
Future<Void> f = p.getFuture();
g_network->onMainThread(std::move(p), g_network->getCurrentTask());
return f;
//Gets existing modifications that overlap the specified range. Optionally inserts a new modification into the map
std::vector<Future<Void>> getModificationsAndInsert(int64_t offset, int64_t length, bool insertModification = false, Future<Void> value = Void()) {
auto modification = RangeMapRange<uint64_t>(offset, length>=0 ? offset+length : uint64_t(-1));
auto priorModifications = pendingModifications.intersectingRanges(modification);
//Aggregate existing modifications in this range
std::vector<Future<Void>> modificationFutures;
for(auto itr = priorModifications.begin(); itr != priorModifications.end(); ++itr) {
if(itr.value().isValid() && (!itr.value().isReady() || itr.value().isError())) {
//Add the modification if we are doing a write or truncate
pendingModifications.insert(modification, value);
return modificationFutures;
//Checks if the file is killed. If so, then the current sync is completed if running and then an error is thrown
ACTOR static Future<Void> checkKilled(AsyncFileNonDurable const* self, std::string context) {
if(self->killed.isSet()) {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_KilledInCheck", self->id).detail("In", context).detail("Filename", self->filename);
TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_KilledFileOperation", self->id).detail("In", context).detail("Filename", self->filename);
TEST(true); // AsyncFileNonDurable operation killed
throw io_error().asInjectedFault();
return Void();
//Passes along reads straight to the underlying file, waiting for any outstanding changes that could affect the results
ACTOR Future<int> onRead(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, void *data, int length, int64_t offset) {
wait(checkKilled(self, "Read"));
vector<Future<Void>> priorModifications = self->getModificationsAndInsert(offset, length);
state Future<int> readFuture = self->file->read(data, length, offset);
wait( success( readFuture ) || self->killed.getFuture() );
// throws if we were killed
wait(checkKilled(self, "ReadEnd"));
debugFileCheck("AsyncFileNonDurableRead", self->filename, data, offset, length);
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_ReadEnd", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename);
return readFuture.get();
ACTOR Future<int> read(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, void *data, int length, int64_t offset) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
state int rep = wait( self->onRead( self, data, length, offset ) );
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return rep;
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
//Delays writes a random amount of time before passing them through to the underlying file.
//If a kill interrupts the delay, then the output could be the correct write, part of the write,
//or none of the write. It may also corrupt parts of sectors which have not been written correctly
ACTOR Future<Void> write(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, Promise<Void> writeStarted, Future<Future<Void>> ownFuture, void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
state double delayDuration = deterministicRandom()->random01() * self->maxWriteDelay;
state Standalone<StringRef> dataCopy(StringRef((uint8_t*)data, length));
state Future<bool> startSyncFuture = self->startSyncPromise.getFuture();
try {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Write", self->id).detail("Delay", delayDuration).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("WriteLength", length).detail("Offset", offset);
wait(checkKilled(self, "Write"));
Future<Void> writeEnded = wait(ownFuture);
std::vector<Future<Void>> priorModifications = self->getModificationsAndInsert(offset, length, true, writeEnded);
priorModifications.push_back(delay(deterministicRandom()->random01() * FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_PRIOR_MODIFICATION_DELAY) || self->killed.getFuture());
priorModifications.push_back(waitUntilDiskReady(self->diskParameters, length) || self->killed.getFuture());
self->approximateSize = std::max(self->approximateSize, length + offset);
self->reponses.add( sendOnProcess( currentProcess, writeStarted, currentTaskID ) );
catch(Error &e) {
self->reponses.add( sendErrorOnProcess( currentProcess, writeStarted, e, currentTaskID ) );
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_WriteDoneWithPreviousMods", self->id).detail("Delay", delayDuration).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("WriteLength", length).detail("Offset", offset);
//Wait a random amount of time or until a sync/kill is issued
state bool saveDurable = true;
choose {
when(wait(delay(delayDuration))) { }
when(bool durable = wait(startSyncFuture)) {
saveDurable = durable;
debugFileCheck("AsyncFileNonDurableWriteAfterWait", self->filename, dataCopy.begin(), offset, length);
//Only page-aligned writes are supported
ASSERT(offset % 4096 == 0 && length % 4096 == 0);
//Non-durable writes should introduce errors at the page level and corrupt at the sector level
//Otherwise, we can perform the entire write at once
int pageLength = saveDurable ? length : 4096;
int sectorLength = saveDurable ? length : 512;
vector<Future<Void>> writeFutures;
for(int writeOffset = 0; writeOffset < length; writeOffset += pageLength) {
//choose a random action to perform on this page write (write correctly, corrupt, or don't write)
KillMode pageKillMode = (KillMode)deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->killMode + 1);
for(int pageOffset = 0; pageOffset < pageLength; pageOffset += sectorLength) {
//If saving durable, then perform the write correctly. Otherwise, perform the write correcly with a probability of 1/3.
//If corrupting the write, then this sector will be written correctly with a 1/4 chance
if(saveDurable || pageKillMode == NO_CORRUPTION || (pageKillMode == FULL_CORRUPTION && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.25)) {
//if (!saveDurable) TraceEvent(SevInfo, "AsyncFileNonDurableWrite", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("Offset", offset+writeOffset+pageOffset).detail("Length", sectorLength);
writeFutures.push_back(self->file->write(dataCopy.begin() + writeOffset + pageOffset, sectorLength, offset + writeOffset + pageOffset));
//If the write is not durable, then the write will either be corrupted or not written at all. If corrupted, there is 1/4 chance that a given
//sector will not be written
else if(pageKillMode == FULL_CORRUPTION && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.66667) {
//The incorrect part of the write can be the rightmost bytes (side = 0), the leftmost bytes (side = 1), or the entire write (side = 2)
int side = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 3);
//There is a 1/2 chance that a bad write will have garbage written into its bad portion
//The chance is increased to 1 if the entire write is bad
bool garbage = side == 2 || deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5;
int64_t goodStart = 0;
int64_t goodEnd = sectorLength;
int64_t badStart = 0;
int64_t badEnd = sectorLength;
if(side == 0) {
goodEnd = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, sectorLength);
badStart = goodEnd;
else if(side == 1) {
badEnd = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, sectorLength);
goodStart = badEnd;
goodEnd = 0;
//Write randomly generated bytes, if required
if(garbage && badStart != badEnd) {
uint8_t *badData = const_cast<uint8_t*>(&dataCopy.begin()[badStart + writeOffset + pageOffset]);
for(int i = 0; i < badEnd - badStart; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
uint32_t val = deterministicRandom()->randomUInt32();
memcpy(&badData[i], &val, std::min(badEnd - badStart - i, (int64_t)sizeof(uint32_t)));
writeFutures.push_back(self->file->write(dataCopy.begin() + writeOffset + pageOffset, sectorLength, offset + writeOffset + pageOffset));
debugFileSet("AsyncFileNonDurableBadWrite", self->filename, dataCopy.begin() + writeOffset + pageOffset, offset + writeOffset + pageOffset, sectorLength);
else if(goodStart != goodEnd)
writeFutures.push_back(self->file->write(dataCopy.begin() + goodStart + writeOffset + pageOffset, goodEnd - goodStart, goodStart + offset + writeOffset + pageOffset));
TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_BadWrite", self->id).detail("Offset", offset + writeOffset + pageOffset).detail("Length", sectorLength).detail("GoodStart", goodStart).detail("GoodEnd", goodEnd).detail("HasGarbage", garbage).detail("Side", side).detail("Filename", self->filename);
TEST(true); //AsyncFileNonDurable bad write
else {
TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_DroppedWrite", self->id).detail("Offset", offset + writeOffset + pageOffset).detail("Length", sectorLength).detail("Filename", self->filename);
TEST(true); //AsyncFileNonDurable dropped write
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_WriteDone", self->id).detail("Delay", delayDuration).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("WriteLength", length).detail("Offset", offset);
return Void();
//Delays truncates a random amount of time before passing them through to the underlying file.
//If a kill interrupts the delay, then the truncate may or may not be performed
ACTOR Future<Void> truncate(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, Promise<Void> truncateStarted, Future<Future<Void>> ownFuture, int64_t size) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
state double delayDuration = deterministicRandom()->random01() * self->maxWriteDelay;
state Future<bool> startSyncFuture = self->startSyncPromise.getFuture();
try {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Truncate", self->id).detail("Delay", delayDuration).detail("Filename", self->filename);
wait(checkKilled(self, "Truncate"));
Future<Void> truncateEnded = wait(ownFuture);
std::vector<Future<Void>> priorModifications = self->getModificationsAndInsert(size, -1, true, truncateEnded);
priorModifications.push_back(delay(deterministicRandom()->random01() * FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_PRIOR_MODIFICATION_DELAY) || self->killed.getFuture());
priorModifications.push_back(waitUntilDiskReady(self->diskParameters, 0) || self->killed.getFuture());
self->approximateSize = size;
self->reponses.add( sendOnProcess( currentProcess, truncateStarted, currentTaskID ) );
catch(Error &e) {
self->reponses.add( sendErrorOnProcess( currentProcess, truncateStarted, e, currentTaskID ) );
//Wait a random amount of time or until a sync/kill is issued
state bool saveDurable = true;
choose {
when(wait(delay(delayDuration))) { }
when(bool durable = wait(startSyncFuture)) {
saveDurable = durable;
if(g_network->check_yield(TaskPriority::DefaultYield)) {
wait(delay(0, TaskPriority::DefaultYield));
//If performing a durable truncate, then pass it through to the file. Otherwise, pass it through with a 1/2 chance
if(saveDurable || self->killMode == NO_CORRUPTION || deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5)
else {
TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_DroppedTruncate", self->id).detail("Size", size);
TEST(true); //AsyncFileNonDurable dropped truncate
return Void();
//Waits for delayed modifications to the file to complete and then syncs the underlying file
//If durable is false, then some of the delayed modifications will not be applied or will be
//applied incorrectly
ACTOR Future<Void> onSync(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, bool durable) {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_ImplSync", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("Durable", durable);
ASSERT(durable || !self->killed.isSet()); // this file is kill()ed only once
if(durable) {
self->hasBeenSynced = true;
wait(waitUntilDiskReady(self->diskParameters, 0, true) || self->killed.getFuture());
wait(checkKilled(self, durable ? "Sync" : "Kill"));
self->killed.send( Void() );
//Get all outstanding modifications
std::vector<Future<Void>> outstandingModifications;
std::vector<RangeMapRange<uint64_t>> stillPendingModifications;
auto rangeItr = self->pendingModifications.ranges();
for(auto itr = rangeItr.begin(); itr != rangeItr.end(); ++itr) {
if(itr.value().isValid() && (!itr->value().isReady() || itr->value().isError())) {
Future<Void> allModifications = waitForAll(outstandingModifications);
//Clear out the pending modifications map of all completed modifications
self->pendingModifications.insert(RangeMapRange<uint64_t>(0, -1), Void());
for(auto itr = stillPendingModifications.begin(); itr != stillPendingModifications.end(); ++itr)
self->pendingModifications.insert(*itr, success(allModifications)); //waitForAll cannot wait on the same future more than once, so wrap the future with success
//Signal all modifications to end their delay and reset the startSyncPromise
Promise<bool> startSyncPromise = self->startSyncPromise;
self->startSyncPromise = Promise<bool>();
//Writes will be durable in a kill with a 10% probability
state bool writeDurable = durable || deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.1;
//Wait for outstanding writes to complete
if(!durable) {
//Sometimes sync the file if writes were made durably. Before a file is first synced, it is stored in a temporary file and then renamed to the correct
//location once sync is called. By not calling sync, we simulate a failure to fsync the directory storing the file
if(self->hasBeenSynced && writeDurable && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5) {
TEST(true); //AsyncFileNonDurable kill was durable and synced
//Setting this promise could trigger the deletion of the AsyncFileNonDurable; after this none of its members should be used
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_ImplSyncEnd", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("Durable", durable);
//A killed file cannot be allowed to report that it successfully synced
else {
wait(checkKilled(self, "SyncEnd"));
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_ImplSyncEnd", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("Durable", durable);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> sync(AsyncFileNonDurable *self, bool durable) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
wait( self->onSync( self, durable ) );
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return Void();
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
//Passes along size requests to the underlying file, augmenting with any writes past the end of the file
ACTOR static Future<int64_t> onSize(AsyncFileNonDurable const* self) {
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_Size", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename);
wait(checkKilled(self, "Size"));
state Future<int64_t> sizeFuture = self->file->size();
wait( success( sizeFuture ) || self->killed.getFuture() );
wait(checkKilled(self, "SizeEnd"));
//Include any modifications which extend past the end of the file
uint64_t maxModification = self->pendingModifications.lastItem().begin();
self->approximateSize = std::max<int64_t>(sizeFuture.get(), maxModification);
return self->approximateSize;
ACTOR static Future<int64_t> size(AsyncFileNonDurable const* self) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
state int64_t rep = wait(onSize(self));
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return rep;
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
//Finishes all outstanding actors on an AsyncFileNonDurable and then deletes it
ACTOR Future<Void> deleteFile(AsyncFileNonDurable *self) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
state std::string filename = self->filename;
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
//Make sure all writes have gone through.
Promise<bool> startSyncPromise = self->startSyncPromise;
self->startSyncPromise = Promise<bool>();
std::vector<Future<Void>> outstandingModifications;
for(auto itr = self->pendingModifications.ranges().begin(); itr != self->pendingModifications.ranges().end(); ++itr)
if(itr->value().isValid() && !itr->value().isReady())
//Ignore errors here so that all modifications can finish
//Make sure we aren't in the process of killing the file
//Remove this file from the filesBeingDeleted map so that new files can be created with this filename
g_simulator.getMachineByNetworkAddress( self->openedAddress )->closingFiles.erase(self->getFilename());
g_simulator.getMachineByNetworkAddress( self->openedAddress )->deletingFiles.erase(self->getFilename());
//TraceEvent("AsyncFileNonDurable_FinishDelete", self->id).detail("Filename", self->filename);
delete self;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return Void();
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"