
306 lines
15 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbcli/FlowLineNoise.h"
#include "fdbcli/"
#include "fdbclient/FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/IClientApi.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/FastRef.h"
#include "flow/"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
namespace fdb_cli {
ACTOR Future<bool> configureCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
Database localDb,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
LineNoise* linenoise,
Future<Void> warn) {
state ConfigurationResult result;
state StatusObject s;
state int startToken = 1;
state bool force = false;
if (tokens.size() < 2)
result = ConfigurationResult::NO_OPTIONS_PROVIDED;
else {
if (tokens[startToken] == LiteralStringRef("FORCE")) {
force = true;
startToken = 2;
state Optional<ConfigureAutoResult> conf;
if (tokens[startToken] == LiteralStringRef("auto")) {
// get cluster status
state Reference<ITransaction> tr = db->createTransaction();
if (!tr->isValid()) {
StatusObject _s = wait(StatusClient::statusFetcher(localDb));
s = _s;
} else {
state ThreadFuture<Optional<Value>> statusValueF = tr->get(LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff/status/json"));
Optional<Value> statusValue = wait(safeThreadFutureToFuture(statusValueF));
if (!statusValue.present()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to get status json from the cluster\n");
return false;
json_spirit::mValue mv;
json_spirit::read_string(statusValue.get().toString(), mv);
s = StatusObject(mv.get_obj());
if (warn.isValid())
conf = parseConfig(s);
if (!conf.get().isValid()) {
printf("Unable to provide advice for the current configuration.\n");
return false;
bool noChanges = conf.get().old_replication == conf.get().auto_replication &&
conf.get().old_logs == conf.get().auto_logs &&
conf.get().old_commit_proxies == conf.get().auto_commit_proxies &&
conf.get().old_grv_proxies == conf.get().auto_grv_proxies &&
conf.get().old_resolvers == conf.get().auto_resolvers &&
conf.get().old_processes_with_transaction == conf.get().auto_processes_with_transaction &&
conf.get().old_machines_with_transaction == conf.get().auto_machines_with_transaction;
bool noDesiredChanges = noChanges && conf.get().old_logs == conf.get().desired_logs &&
conf.get().old_commit_proxies == conf.get().desired_commit_proxies &&
conf.get().old_grv_proxies == conf.get().desired_grv_proxies &&
conf.get().old_resolvers == conf.get().desired_resolvers;
std::string outputString;
outputString += "\nYour cluster has:\n\n";
outputString += format(" processes %d\n", conf.get().processes);
outputString += format(" machines %d\n", conf.get().machines);
if (noDesiredChanges)
outputString += "\nConfigure recommends keeping your current configuration:\n\n";
else if (noChanges)
outputString +=
"\nConfigure cannot modify the configuration because some parameters have been set manually:\n\n";
outputString += "\nConfigure recommends the following changes:\n\n";
outputString += " ------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
outputString += "| parameter | old | new |\n";
outputString += " ------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
outputString += format("| replication | %16s | %16s |\n",
outputString +=
format("| logs | %16d | %16d |", conf.get().old_logs, conf.get().auto_logs);
outputString += conf.get().auto_logs != conf.get().desired_logs
? format(" (manually set; would be %d)\n", conf.get().desired_logs)
: "\n";
outputString += format("| commit_proxies | %16d | %16d |",
outputString += conf.get().auto_commit_proxies != conf.get().desired_commit_proxies
? format(" (manually set; would be %d)\n", conf.get().desired_commit_proxies)
: "\n";
outputString += format("| grv_proxies | %16d | %16d |",
outputString += conf.get().auto_grv_proxies != conf.get().desired_grv_proxies
? format(" (manually set; would be %d)\n", conf.get().desired_grv_proxies)
: "\n";
outputString += format(
"| resolvers | %16d | %16d |", conf.get().old_resolvers, conf.get().auto_resolvers);
outputString += conf.get().auto_resolvers != conf.get().desired_resolvers
? format(" (manually set; would be %d)\n", conf.get().desired_resolvers)
: "\n";
outputString += format("| transaction-class processes | %16d | %16d |\n",
outputString += format("| transaction-class machines | %16d | %16d |\n",
outputString += " ------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n";
std::printf("%s", outputString.c_str());
if (noChanges)
return true;
// TODO: disable completion
Optional<std::string> line = wait(linenoise->read("Would you like to make these changes? [y/n]> "));
if (!line.present() || (line.get() != "y" && line.get() != "Y")) {
return true;
ConfigurationResult r = wait(ManagementAPI::changeConfig(
db, std::vector<StringRef>(tokens.begin() + startToken, tokens.end()), conf, force));
result = r;
// Real errors get thrown from makeInterruptable and printed by the catch block in cli(), but
// there are various results specific to changeConfig() that we need to report:
bool ret = true;
switch (result) {
case ConfigurationResult::NO_OPTIONS_PROVIDED:
case ConfigurationResult::CONFLICTING_OPTIONS:
case ConfigurationResult::UNKNOWN_OPTION:
case ConfigurationResult::INCOMPLETE_CONFIGURATION:
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::INVALID_CONFIGURATION:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: These changes would make the configuration invalid\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::STORAGE_MIGRATION_DISABLED:
"ERROR: Storage engine type cannot be changed because "
"Type `configure perpetual_storage_wiggle=1 storage_migration_type=gradual' to enable gradual "
"migration with the perpetual wiggle, or `configure "
"storage_migration_type=aggressive' for aggressive migration.\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::DATABASE_ALREADY_CREATED:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Database already exists! To change configuration, don't say `new'\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::DATABASE_CREATED:
printf("Database created\n");
case ConfigurationResult::DATABASE_UNAVAILABLE:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The database is unavailable\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::STORAGE_IN_UNKNOWN_DCID:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: All storage servers must be in one of the known regions\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::REGION_NOT_FULLY_REPLICATED:
"ERROR: When usable_regions > 1, all regions with priority >= 0 must be fully replicated "
"before changing the configuration\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_REGIONS:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: When changing usable_regions, only one region can have priority >= 0\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::REGIONS_CHANGED:
"ERROR: The region configuration cannot be changed while simultaneously changing usable_regions\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::NOT_ENOUGH_WORKERS:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Not enough processes exist to support the specified configuration\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::REGION_REPLICATION_MISMATCH:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: `three_datacenter' replication is incompatible with region configuration\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::DCID_MISSING:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: `No storage servers in one of the specified regions\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Type `configure FORCE <TOKEN...>' to configure without this check\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS:
printf("Configuration changed\n");
case ConfigurationResult::LOCKED_NOT_NEW:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: `only new databases can be configured as locked`\n");
ret = false;
case ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS_WARN_PPW_GRADUAL:
printf("Configuration changed, with warnings\n");
"WARN: To make progress toward the desired storage type with storage_migration_type=gradual, the "
"Perpetual Wiggle must be enabled.\n");
"Type `configure perpetual_storage_wiggle=1' to enable the perpetual wiggle, or `configure "
"storage_migration_type=gradual' to set the gradual migration type.\n");
ret = false;
ret = false;
return ret;
CommandFactory configureFactory(
"configure [new|tss]"
"change the database configuration",
"The `new' option, if present, initializes a new database with the given configuration rather than changing "
"the configuration of an existing one. When used, both a redundancy mode and a storage engine must be "
"specified.\n\ntss: when enabled, configures the testing storage server for the cluster instead."
"When used with new to set up tss for the first time, it requires both a count and a storage engine."
"To disable the testing storage server, run \"configure tss count=0\"\n\n"
"Redundancy mode:\n single - one copy of the data. Not fault tolerant.\n double - two copies "
"of data (survive one failure).\n triple - three copies of data (survive two failures).\n three_data_hall - "
"See the Admin Guide.\n three_datacenter - See the Admin Guide.\n\nStorage engine:\n ssd - B-Tree storage "
"engine optimized for solid state disks.\n memory - Durable in-memory storage engine for small "
"datasets.\n\nproxies=<PROXIES>: Sets the desired number of proxies in the cluster. The proxy role is being "
"deprecated and split into GRV proxy and Commit proxy, now prefer configure 'grv_proxies' and 'commit_proxies' "
"separately. Generally we should follow that 'commit_proxies' is three times of 'grv_proxies' and "
"'grv_proxies' "
"should be not more than 4. If 'proxies' is specified, it will be converted to 'grv_proxies' and "
"'commit_proxies'. "
"Must be at least 2 (1 GRV proxy, 1 Commit proxy), or set to -1 which restores the number of proxies to the "
"default value.\n\ncommit_proxies=<COMMIT_PROXIES>: Sets the desired number of commit proxies in the cluster. "
"Must be at least 1, or set to -1 which restores the number of commit proxies to the default "
"value.\n\ngrv_proxies=<GRV_PROXIES>: Sets the desired number of GRV proxies in the cluster. Must be at least "
"1, or set to -1 which restores the number of GRV proxies to the default value.\n\nlogs=<LOGS>: Sets the "
"desired number of log servers in the cluster. Must be at least 1, or set to -1 which restores the number of "
"logs to the default value.\n\nresolvers=<RESOLVERS>: Sets the desired number of resolvers in the cluster. "
"Must be at least 1, or set to -1 which restores the number of resolvers to the default value.\n\n"
"perpetual_storage_wiggle=<WIGGLE_SPEED>: Set the value speed (a.k.a., the number of processes that the Data "
"Distributor should wiggle at a time). Currently, only 0 and 1 are supported. The value 0 means to disable the "
"perpetual storage wiggle.\n\n"
"perpetual_storage_wiggle_locality=<<LOCALITY_KEY>:<LOCALITY_VALUE>|0>: Set the process filter for wiggling. "
"The processes that match the given locality key and locality value are only wiggled. The value 0 will disable "
"the locality filter and matches all the processes for wiggling.\n\n"
"tenant_mode=<disabled|optional_experimental|required_experimental>: Sets the tenant mode for the cluster. If "
"optional, then transactions can be run with or without specifying tenants. If required, all data must be "
"accessed using tenants.\n\n"
"See the FoundationDB Administration Guide for more information."));
} // namespace fdb_cli