835 lines
26 KiB
835 lines
26 KiB
* AsyncFileKAIO.actor.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#ifdef __linux__
// When actually compiled (NO_INTELLISENSE), include the generated version of this file. In intellisense use the source version.
#include "AsyncFileKAIO.actor.g.h"
#include "IAsyncFile.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include "fdbrpc/linux_kaio.h"
#include "flow/Knobs.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "flow/Hash3.h"
#include "flow/genericactors.actor.h"
// Set this to true to enable detailed KAIO request logging, which currently is written to a hardcoded location /data/v7/fdb/
#define KAIO_LOGGING 0
DESCR struct SlowAioSubmit {
int64_t submitDuration; // ns
int64_t truncateDuration; // ns
int64_t numTruncates;
int64_t truncateBytes;
int64_t largestTruncate;
class AsyncFileKAIO : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileKAIO> {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct OpLogEntry {
OpLogEntry() : result(0) {}
enum EOperation { READ = 1, WRITE = 2, SYNC = 3, TRUNCATE = 4 };
enum EStage { START = 1, LAUNCH = 2, REQUEUE = 3, COMPLETE = 4, READY = 5 };
int64_t timestamp;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t checksum;
uint32_t pageOffset;
uint8_t pageCount;
uint8_t op;
uint8_t stage;
uint32_t result;
static uint32_t nextID() {
static uint32_t last = 0;
return ++last;
void log(FILE *file) {
if(ftell(file) > (int64_t)50 * 1e9)
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
if(!fwrite(this, sizeof(OpLogEntry), 1, file))
throw io_error();
#pragma pop
FILE *logFile;
struct IOBlock;
static void KAIOLogBlockEvent(IOBlock *ioblock, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t result = 0);
static void KAIOLogBlockEvent(FILE *logFile, IOBlock *ioblock, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t result = 0);
static void KAIOLogEvent(FILE *logFile, uint32_t id, OpLogEntry::EOperation op, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t pageOffset = 0, uint32_t result = 0);
#define KAIOLogBlockEvent(...)
#define KAIOLogEvent(...)
static Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> open( std::string filename, int flags, int mode, void* ignore ) {
if (flags & OPEN_LOCK)
mode |= 02000; // Enable mandatory locking for this file if it is supported by the filesystem
std::string open_filename = filename;
ASSERT( (flags & OPEN_CREATE) && (flags & OPEN_READWRITE) && !(flags & OPEN_EXCLUSIVE) );
open_filename = filename + ".part";
int fd = ::open( open_filename.c_str(), openFlags(flags) | O_DIRECT, mode );
if (fd<0) {
Error e = errno==ENOENT ? file_not_found() : io_error();
int ecode = errno; // Save errno in case it is modified before it is used below
TraceEvent ev("AsyncFileKAIOOpenFailed");
ev.error(e).detail("Filename", filename).detailf("Flags", "%x", flags)
.detailf("OSFlags", "%x", openFlags(flags) | O_DIRECT).detailf("Mode", "0%o", mode).GetLastError();
if(ecode == EINVAL)
ev.detail("Description", "Invalid argument - Does the target filesystem support KAIO?");
return e;
} else {
.detail("Filename", filename)
.detail("Flags", flags)
.detail("Mode", mode)
.detail("Fd", fd);
Reference<AsyncFileKAIO> r(new AsyncFileKAIO( fd, flags, filename ));
if (flags & OPEN_LOCK) {
// Acquire a "write" lock for the entire file
flock lockDesc;
lockDesc.l_type = F_WRLCK;
lockDesc.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
lockDesc.l_start = 0;
lockDesc.l_len = 0; // "Specifying 0 for l_len has the special meaning: lock all bytes starting at the location specified by l_whence and l_start through to the end of file, no matter how large the file grows."
lockDesc.l_pid = 0;
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lockDesc) == -1) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "UnableToLockFile").detail("Filename", filename).GetLastError();
return io_error();
struct stat buf;
if (fstat( fd, &buf )) {
TraceEvent("AsyncFileKAIOFStatError").detail("Fd",fd).detail("Filename", filename).GetLastError();
return io_error();
r->lastFileSize = r->nextFileSize = buf.st_size;
return Reference<IAsyncFile>(std::move(r));
static void init( Reference<IEventFD> ev, double ioTimeout ) {
if( !g_network->isSimulated() ) {
int rc = io_setup( FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OUTSTANDING, &ctx.iocx );
if (rc<0) {
throw io_error();
ctx.evfd = ev->getFD();
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enRunCycleFunc, (flowGlobalType) &AsyncFileKAIO::launch);
static int get_eventfd() { return ctx.evfd; }
static void setTimeout(double ioTimeout) { ctx.setIOTimeout(ioTimeout); }
virtual void addref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileKAIO>::addref(); }
virtual void delref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileKAIO>::delref(); }
virtual Future<int> read( void* data, int length, int64_t offset ) {
//printf("%p Begin logical read\n", getCurrentCoro());
if(failed) {
return io_timeout();
IOBlock *io = new IOBlock(IO_CMD_PREAD, fd);
io->buf = data;
io->nbytes = length;
io->offset = offset;
enqueue(io, "read", this);
Future<int> result = io->result.getFuture();
//result = map(result, [=](int r) mutable { KAIOLogBlockEvent(io, OpLogEntry::READY, r); return r; });
return result;
virtual Future<Void> write( void const* data, int length, int64_t offset ) {
//printf("%p Begin logical write\n", getCurrentCoro());
if(failed) {
return io_timeout();
IOBlock *io = new IOBlock(IO_CMD_PWRITE, fd);
io->buf = (void*)data;
io->nbytes = length;
io->offset = offset;
nextFileSize = std::max( nextFileSize, offset+length );
enqueue(io, "write", this);
Future<int> result = io->result.getFuture();
//result = map(result, [=](int r) mutable { KAIOLogBlockEvent(io, OpLogEntry::READY, r); return r; });
return success(result);
// TODO(alexmiller): Remove when we upgrade the dev docker image to >14.10
virtual Future<Void> zeroRange( int64_t offset, int64_t length ) override {
bool success = false;
if (ctx.fallocateZeroSupported) {
int rc = fallocate( fd, FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE, offset, length );
if (rc == EOPNOTSUPP) {
ctx.fallocateZeroSupported = false;
if (rc == 0) {
success = true;
return success ? Void() : IAsyncFile::zeroRange(offset, length);
virtual Future<Void> truncate( int64_t size ) {
if(failed) {
return io_timeout();
uint32_t id = OpLogEntry::nextID();
int result = -1;
KAIOLogEvent(logFile, id, OpLogEntry::TRUNCATE, OpLogEntry::START, size / 4096);
bool completed = false;
if( ctx.fallocateSupported && size >= lastFileSize ) {
result = fallocate( fd, 0, 0, size);
if (result != 0) {
int fallocateErrCode = errno;
TraceEvent("AsyncFileKAIOAllocateError").detail("Fd",fd).detail("Filename", filename).GetLastError();
if ( fallocateErrCode == EOPNOTSUPP ) {
// Mark fallocate as unsupported. Try again with truncate.
ctx.fallocateSupported = false;
} else {
KAIOLogEvent(logFile, id, OpLogEntry::TRUNCATE, OpLogEntry::COMPLETE, size / 4096, result);
return io_error();
} else {
completed = true;
if ( !completed )
result = ftruncate(fd, size);
KAIOLogEvent(logFile, id, OpLogEntry::TRUNCATE, OpLogEntry::COMPLETE, size / 4096, result);
if(result != 0) {
TraceEvent("AsyncFileKAIOTruncateError").detail("Fd",fd).detail("Filename", filename).GetLastError();
return io_error();
lastFileSize = nextFileSize = size;
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> throwErrorIfFailed( Reference<AsyncFileKAIO> self, Future<Void> sync ) {
Void _ = wait( sync );
if(self->failed) {
throw io_timeout();
return Void();
virtual Future<Void> sync() {
if(failed) {
return io_timeout();
uint32_t id = OpLogEntry::nextID();
KAIOLogEvent(logFile, id, OpLogEntry::SYNC, OpLogEntry::START);
Future<Void> fsync = throwErrorIfFailed(Reference<AsyncFileKAIO>::addRef(this), AsyncFileEIO::async_fdatasync(fd)); // Don't close the file until the asynchronous thing is done
// Alas, AIO f(data)sync doesn't seem to actually be implemented by the kernel
/*IOBlock *io = new IOBlock(IO_CMD_FDSYNC, fd);
submit(io, "write");
fsync = map(fsync, [=](Void r) mutable { KAIOLogEvent(logFile, id, OpLogEntry::SYNC, OpLogEntry::COMPLETE); return r; });
return AsyncFileEIO::waitAndAtomicRename( fsync, filename+".part", filename );
return fsync;
virtual Future<int64_t> size() { return nextFileSize; }
virtual int64_t debugFD() {
return fd;
virtual std::string getFilename() {
return filename;
~AsyncFileKAIO() {
if(logFile != nullptr)
static void launch() {
if (ctx.queue.size() && ctx.outstanding < FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OUTSTANDING - FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_SUBMIT) {
ctx.submitMetric = true;
double begin = timer_monotonic();
if (!ctx.outstanding) ctx.ioStallBegin = begin;
int n = std::min<size_t>(FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OUTSTANDING - ctx.outstanding, ctx.queue.size());
int64_t previousTruncateCount = ctx.countPreSubmitTruncate;
int64_t previousTruncateBytes = ctx.preSubmitTruncateBytes;
int64_t largestTruncate = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
auto io = ctx.queue.top();
KAIOLogBlockEvent(io, OpLogEntry::LAUNCH);
toStart[i] = io;
io->startTime = now();
if(ctx.ioTimeout > 0) {
if (io->owner->lastFileSize != io->owner->nextFileSize) {
int64_t truncateSize = io->owner->nextFileSize - io->owner->lastFileSize;
ASSERT(truncateSize > 0);
ctx.preSubmitTruncateBytes += truncateSize;
largestTruncate = std::max(largestTruncate, truncateSize);
double truncateComplete = timer_monotonic();
int rc = io_submit( ctx.iocx, n, (linux_iocb**)toStart );
double end = timer_monotonic();
if(end-begin > FLOW_KNOBS->SLOW_LOOP_CUTOFF) {
ctx.slowAioSubmitMetric->submitDuration = end-truncateComplete;
ctx.slowAioSubmitMetric->truncateDuration = truncateComplete-begin;
ctx.slowAioSubmitMetric->numTruncates = ctx.countPreSubmitTruncate - previousTruncateCount;
ctx.slowAioSubmitMetric->truncateBytes = ctx.preSubmitTruncateBytes - previousTruncateBytes;
ctx.slowAioSubmitMetric->largestTruncate = largestTruncate;
if(g_nondeterministic_random->random01() < end-begin) {
.detail("IOSubmitTime", end-truncateComplete)
.detail("TruncateTime", truncateComplete-begin)
.detail("TruncateCount", ctx.countPreSubmitTruncate - previousTruncateCount)
.detail("TruncateBytes", ctx.preSubmitTruncateBytes - previousTruncateBytes)
.detail("LargestTruncate", largestTruncate);
ctx.submitMetric = false;
double elapsed = timer_monotonic() - begin;
g_network->networkMetrics.secSquaredSubmit += elapsed*elapsed/2;
//TraceEvent("Launched").detail("N", rc).detail("Queued", ctx.queue.size()).detail("Elapsed", elapsed).detail("Outstanding", ctx.outstanding+rc);
//printf("launched: %d/%d in %f us (%d outstanding; lowest prio %d)\n", rc, ctx.queue.size(), elapsed*1e6, ctx.outstanding + rc, toStart[n-1]->getTask());
if (rc<0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) {
rc = 0;
} else {
KAIOLogBlockEvent(toStart[0], OpLogEntry::COMPLETE, errno ? -errno : -1000000);
// Other errors are assumed to represent failure to issue the first I/O in the list
toStart[0]->setResult( errno ? -errno : -1000000 );
rc = 1;
} else
ctx.outstanding += rc;
// Any unsubmitted I/Os need to be requeued
for(int i=rc; i<n; i++) {
KAIOLogBlockEvent(toStart[i], OpLogEntry::REQUEUE);
bool failed;
int fd, flags;
int64_t lastFileSize, nextFileSize;
std::string filename;
Int64MetricHandle countFileLogicalWrites;
Int64MetricHandle countFileLogicalReads;
Int64MetricHandle countLogicalWrites;
Int64MetricHandle countLogicalReads;
struct IOBlock : linux_iocb, FastAllocated<IOBlock> {
Promise<int> result;
Reference<AsyncFileKAIO> owner;
int64_t prio;
IOBlock *prev;
IOBlock *next;
double startTime;
int32_t iolog_id;
struct indirect_order_by_priority { bool operator () ( IOBlock* a, IOBlock* b ) { return a->prio < b->prio; } };
IOBlock(int op, int fd) : prev(nullptr), next(nullptr), startTime(0) {
memset((linux_iocb*)this, 0, sizeof(linux_iocb));
aio_lio_opcode = op;
aio_fildes = fd;
iolog_id = 0;
int getTask() const { return (prio>>32)+1; }
ACTOR static void deliver( Promise<int> result, bool failed, int r, int task ) {
Void _ = wait( delay(0, task) );
if (failed) result.sendError(io_timeout());
else if (r < 0) result.sendError(io_error());
else result.send(r);
void setResult( int r ) {
if (r<0) {
struct stat fst;
fstat( aio_fildes, &fst );
errno = -r;
TraceEvent("AsyncFileKAIOIOError").GetLastError().detail("Fd", aio_fildes).detail("Op", aio_lio_opcode).detail("Nbytes", nbytes).detail("Offset", offset).detail("Ptr", int64_t(buf))
.detail("Size", fst.st_size).detail("Filename", owner->filename);
deliver( result, owner->failed, r, getTask() );
delete this;
void timeout(bool warnOnly) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "AsyncFileKAIOTimeout").detail("Fd", aio_fildes).detail("Op", aio_lio_opcode).detail("Nbytes", nbytes).detail("Offset", offset).detail("Ptr", int64_t(buf))
.detail("Filename", owner->filename);
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enASIOTimedOut, (flowGlobalType)true);
owner->failed = true;
struct Context {
io_context_t iocx;
int evfd;
int outstanding;
double ioStallBegin;
bool fallocateSupported;
bool fallocateZeroSupported;
std::priority_queue<IOBlock*, std::vector<IOBlock*>, IOBlock::indirect_order_by_priority> queue;
Int64MetricHandle countAIOSubmit;
Int64MetricHandle countAIOCollect;
Int64MetricHandle submitMetric;
double ioTimeout;
bool timeoutWarnOnly;
IOBlock *submittedRequestList;
Int64MetricHandle countPreSubmitTruncate;
Int64MetricHandle preSubmitTruncateBytes;
EventMetricHandle<SlowAioSubmit> slowAioSubmitMetric;
uint32_t opsIssued;
Context() : iocx(0), evfd(-1), outstanding(0), opsIssued(0), ioStallBegin(0), fallocateSupported(true), fallocateZeroSupported(true), submittedRequestList(nullptr) {
void setIOTimeout(double timeout) {
ioTimeout = fabs(timeout);
timeoutWarnOnly = timeout < 0;
void appendToRequestList(IOBlock *io) {
ASSERT(!io->next && !io->prev);
if(submittedRequestList) {
io->prev = submittedRequestList->prev;
io->prev->next = io;
submittedRequestList->prev = io;
io->next = submittedRequestList;
else {
submittedRequestList = io;
io->next = io->prev = io;
void removeFromRequestList(IOBlock *io) {
if(io->next == nullptr) {
ASSERT(io->prev == nullptr);
ASSERT(io->prev != nullptr);
if(io == io->next) {
ASSERT(io == submittedRequestList && io == io->prev);
submittedRequestList = nullptr;
else {
io->next->prev = io->prev;
io->prev->next = io->next;
if(submittedRequestList == io) {
submittedRequestList = io->next;
io->next = io->prev = nullptr;
static Context ctx;
explicit AsyncFileKAIO(int fd, int flags, std::string const& filename) : fd(fd), flags(flags), filename(filename), failed(false) {
if( !g_network->isSimulated() ) {
countFileLogicalWrites.init(LiteralStringRef("AsyncFile.CountFileLogicalWrites"), filename);
countFileLogicalReads.init( LiteralStringRef("AsyncFile.CountFileLogicalReads"), filename);
countLogicalReads.init( LiteralStringRef("AsyncFile.CountLogicalReads"));
logFile = nullptr;
// TODO: Don't do this hacky investigation-specific thing
StringRef fname(filename);
if(fname.endsWith(LiteralStringRef(".sqlite")) || fname.endsWith(LiteralStringRef(".sqlite-wal"))) {
std::string logFileName = basename(filename);
while(logFileName.find("/") != std::string::npos)
logFileName = logFileName.substr(logFileName.find("/") + 1);
if(!logFileName.empty()) {
// TODO: don't hardcode this path
std::string logPath("/data/v7/fdb/");
try {
logFileName = logPath + format("%s.iolog", logFileName.c_str());
logFile = fopen(logFileName.c_str(), "r+");
if(logFile == nullptr)
logFile = fopen(logFileName.c_str(), "w");
if(logFile != nullptr)
TraceEvent("KAIOLogOpened").detail("File", filename).detail("LogFile", logFileName);
else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "KAIOLogOpenFailure")
.detail("File", filename)
.detail("LogFile", logFileName)
.detail("ErrorCode", errno)
.detail("ErrorDesc", strerror(errno));
} catch(Error &e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "KAIOLogOpenFailure").error(e);
void enqueue( IOBlock* io, const char* op, AsyncFileKAIO* owner ) {
ASSERT( int64_t(io->buf) % 4096 == 0 && io->offset % 4096 == 0 && io->nbytes % 4096 == 0 );
KAIOLogBlockEvent(owner->logFile, io, OpLogEntry::START);
io->flags |= 1;
io->eventfd = ctx.evfd;
io->prio = (int64_t(g_network->getCurrentTask())<<32) - (++ctx.opsIssued);
//io->prio = - (++ctx.opsIssued);
io->owner = Reference<AsyncFileKAIO>::addRef(owner);
static int openFlags(int flags) {
int oflags = 0;
ASSERT( bool(flags & OPEN_READONLY) != bool(flags & OPEN_READWRITE) ); // readonly xor readwrite
if( flags & OPEN_EXCLUSIVE ) oflags |= O_EXCL;
if( flags & OPEN_CREATE ) oflags |= O_CREAT;
if( flags & OPEN_READONLY ) oflags |= O_RDONLY;
if( flags & OPEN_READWRITE ) oflags |= O_RDWR;
if( flags & OPEN_ATOMIC_WRITE_AND_CREATE ) oflags |= O_TRUNC;
return oflags;
ACTOR static void poll( Reference<IEventFD> ev ) {
loop {
int64_t evfd_count = wait( ev->read() );
Void _ = wait(delay(0, TaskDiskIOComplete));
linux_ioresult ev[FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OUTSTANDING];
timespec tm; tm.tv_sec = 0; tm.tv_nsec = 0;
int n;
loop {
n = io_getevents( ctx.iocx, 0, FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OUTSTANDING, ev, &tm );
if (n>=0 || errno!=EINTR) break;
// printf("io_getevents: collected %d/%d in %f us (%d queued)\n", n, ctx.outstanding, (timer()-before)*1e6, ctx.queue.size());
if (n<0) {
// printf("io_getevents failed: %d\n", errno);
throw io_error();
if (n) {
double t = timer_monotonic();
double elapsed = t - ctx.ioStallBegin;
ctx.ioStallBegin = t;
g_network->networkMetrics.secSquaredDiskStall += elapsed*elapsed/2;
ctx.outstanding -= n;
if(ctx.ioTimeout > 0) {
double currentTime = now();
while(ctx.submittedRequestList && currentTime - ctx.submittedRequestList->startTime > ctx.ioTimeout) {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
IOBlock* iob = static_cast<IOBlock*>(ev[i].iocb);
KAIOLogBlockEvent(iob, OpLogEntry::COMPLETE, ev[i].result);
if(ctx.ioTimeout > 0) {
iob->setResult( ev[i].result );
// Call from contexts where only an ioblock is available, log if its owner is set
void AsyncFileKAIO::KAIOLogBlockEvent(IOBlock *ioblock, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t result) {
return KAIOLogBlockEvent(ioblock->owner->logFile, ioblock, stage, result);
void AsyncFileKAIO::KAIOLogBlockEvent(FILE *logFile, IOBlock *ioblock, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t result) {
if(logFile != nullptr) {
// Figure out what type of operation this is
OpLogEntry::EOperation op;
if(ioblock->aio_lio_opcode == IO_CMD_PREAD)
op = OpLogEntry::READ;
else if(ioblock->aio_lio_opcode == IO_CMD_PWRITE)
op = OpLogEntry::WRITE;
// Assign this IO operation an io log id number if it doesn't already have one
if(ioblock->iolog_id == 0)
ioblock->iolog_id = OpLogEntry::nextID();
OpLogEntry e;
e.timestamp = timer_int();
e.op = (uint8_t)op;
e.id = ioblock->iolog_id;
e.stage = (uint8_t)stage;
e.pageOffset = (uint32_t)(ioblock->offset / 4096);
e.pageCount = (uint8_t)(ioblock->nbytes / 4096);
e.result = result;
// Log a checksum for Writes up to the Complete stage or Reads starting from the Complete stage
if( (op == OpLogEntry::WRITE && stage <= OpLogEntry::COMPLETE) || (op == OpLogEntry::READ && stage >= OpLogEntry::COMPLETE) )
e.checksum = hashlittle(ioblock->buf, ioblock->nbytes, 0xab12fd93);
e.checksum = 0;
void AsyncFileKAIO::KAIOLogEvent(FILE *logFile, uint32_t id, OpLogEntry::EOperation op, OpLogEntry::EStage stage, uint32_t pageOffset, uint32_t result) {
if(logFile != nullptr) {
OpLogEntry e;
e.timestamp = timer_int();
e.id = id;
e.op = (uint8_t)op;
e.stage = (uint8_t)stage;
e.pageOffset = pageOffset;
e.pageCount = 0;
e.checksum = 0;
e.result = result;
ACTOR Future<Void> runTestOps(Reference<IAsyncFile> f, int numIterations, int fileSize, bool expectedToSucceed) {
state void *buf = FastAllocator<4096>::allocate(); // we leak this if there is an error, but that shouldn't be a big deal
state int iteration = 0;
state bool opTimedOut = false;
for(; iteration < numIterations; ++iteration) {
state std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
state int numOps = g_random->randomInt(1, 20);
for(; numOps > 0; --numOps) {
if(g_random->coinflip()) {
futures.push_back(success(f->read(buf, 4096, g_random->randomInt(0, fileSize)/4096*4096)));
else {
futures.push_back(f->write(buf, 4096, g_random->randomInt(0, fileSize)/4096*4096));
state int fIndex = 0;
for(; fIndex < futures.size(); ++fIndex) {
try {
Void _ = wait(futures[fIndex]);
catch(Error &e) {
ASSERT(e.code() == error_code_io_timeout);
opTimedOut = true;
try {
Void _ = wait(f->sync() && delay(0.1));
catch(Error &e) {
ASSERT(!expectedToSucceed && e.code() == error_code_io_timeout);
ASSERT(expectedToSucceed || opTimedOut);
return Void();
TEST_CASE("fdbrpc/AsyncFileKAIO/RequestList") {
if(!g_network->isSimulated()) { // This test does nothing in simulation because simulation doesn't support AsyncFileKAIO
try {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f = wait(AsyncFileKAIO::open("/tmp/__KAIO_TEST_FILE__", IAsyncFile::OPEN_UNBUFFERED | IAsyncFile::OPEN_READWRITE | IAsyncFile::OPEN_CREATE, 0666, nullptr));
state int fileSize = 2<<27; // ~100MB
Void _ = wait(f->truncate(fileSize));
// Test that the request list works as intended with default timeout
Void _ = wait(runTestOps(f, 100, fileSize, true));
// Test that the request list works as intended with long timeout
Void _ = wait(runTestOps(f, 100, fileSize, true));
// Test that requests timeout correctly
Void _ = wait(runTestOps(f, 10, fileSize, false));
catch(Error &e) {
state Error err = e;
if(f) {
Void _ = wait(AsyncFileEIO::deleteFile(f->getFilename(), true));
throw err;
Void _ = wait(AsyncFileEIO::deleteFile(f->getFilename(), true));
return Void();
AsyncFileKAIO::Context AsyncFileKAIO::ctx;