430 lines
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430 lines
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* BackupContainer.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "BackupContainer.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/Hash3.h"
#include "fdbrpc/AsyncFileBlobStore.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/AsyncFileReadAhead.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/Status.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
const std::string BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET = "FDB_BACKUPS";
class BackupContainerLocalDirectory : public IBackupContainer, ReferenceCounted<BackupContainerLocalDirectory> {
void addref() { return ReferenceCounted<BackupContainerLocalDirectory>::addref(); }
void delref() { return ReferenceCounted<BackupContainerLocalDirectory>::delref(); }
static std::string getURLFormat() { return "file://</path/to/base/dir/>"; }
BackupContainerLocalDirectory(std::string url) {
std::string path;
if(url.find("file://") != 0) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerLocalDirectory").detail("Description", "Invalid URL for BackupContainerLocalDirectory").detail("URL", url);
path = url.substr(7);
// Remove trailing slashes on path
path.erase(path.find_last_not_of("\\/") + 1);
if(!g_network->isSimulated() && path != abspath(path)) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerLocalDirectory").detail("Description", "Backup path must be absolute (e.g. file:///some/path)").detail("URL", url).detail("Path", path);
throw io_error();
// Finalized path written to will be will be <path>/backup-<uid>
m_path = path;
Future<Void> create() {
// Nothing should be done here because create() can be called by any process working with the container URL, such as fdbbackup.
// Since "local directory" containers are by definition local to the machine they are accessed from,
// the container's creation (in this case the creation of a directory) must be ensured prior to every file creation,
// which is done in openFile().
// Creating the directory here will result in unnecessary directories being created on machines that run fdbbackup but not agents.
return Void();
virtual Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> openFile(std::string name, EMode mode) {
int flags = IAsyncFile::OPEN_NO_AIO;
if(mode == WRITEONLY) {
// Since each backup agent could be writing to a different, non-shared directory, every open for write
// must make sure the directory has been created because it may not have been created when the
// backup task was created (by the command line tool, on some single machine).
else if(mode == READONLY) {
// Simulation does not properly handle opening the same file from multiple machines using a shared filesystem,
// so create a symbolic link to make each file opening appear to be unique. This could also work in production
// but only if the source directory is writeable which shouldn't be required for a restore.
#ifndef _WIN32
if(g_network->isSimulated()) {
std::string uniqueName = name + "." + g_random->randomUniqueID().toString() + ".lnk";
unlink((m_path + "/" + uniqueName).c_str());
ASSERT(symlink(name.c_str(), (m_path + "/" + uniqueName).c_str()) == 0);
name = uniqueName;
// Opening cached mode forces read/write mode at a lower level, overriding the readonly request. So cached mode
// can't be used because backup files are read-only. Cached mode can only help during restore task retries handled
// by the same process that failed the first task execution anyway, which is a very rare case.
flags |= IAsyncFile::OPEN_UNCACHED;
flags |= IAsyncFile::OPEN_READONLY;
throw io_error();
return IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->open(m_path + "/" + name, flags, 0644);
virtual Future<bool> fileExists(std::string name) {
return ::fileExists(m_path + "/" + name);
virtual Future<std::vector<std::string>> listFiles() {
std::vector<std::string> files = platform::listFiles(m_path, "");
// Remove .lnk files, they are a side effect of a backup that was *read* during simulation. See openFile() above for more info on why they are created.
files.erase(std::remove_if(files.begin(), files.end(), [](std::string const &f) { return StringRef(f).endsWith(LiteralStringRef(".lnk")); }), files.end());
return files;
virtual Future<Void> renameFile(std::string from, std::string to) {
::renameFile(m_path + "/" + from, m_path + "/" + to);
return Void();
std::string m_path;
// Read (or Create, if desired) the metadata entry for this backup container in a fixed-name metadata bucket.
// Returns the number of buckets in this backup container, for now. If more important properties
// are added later then it should return something different like a JSON object or a struct.
// If the record doesn't exist yet, then one will be created using bucketCount if bucketCount is 0 or more.
// Otherwise, directory_does_not_exist() will be thrown.
ACTOR Future<int> createOrGetMetaRecord(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucketBase, int bucketCount = -1) {
bool exists = wait(bstore->objectExists(BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET, bucketBase));
if(exists) {
std::string data = wait(bstore->readEntireFile(BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET, bucketBase));
json_spirit::mValue json;
try {
json_spirit::read_string(data, json);
JSONDoc j(json);
bucketCount = -1;
j.tryGet("bucketCount", bucketCount);
} catch(Error &e) {
throw http_bad_response();
if(bucketCount < 0) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobBackupContainerInvalid").detail("bucketCount", bucketCount).detail("URL", bstore->getResourceURL(bucketBase));
throw io_error();
return bucketCount;
if(bucketCount >= 0) {
json_spirit::mObject o;
o["bucketCount"] = bucketCount;
std::string json = json_spirit::write_string(json_spirit::mValue(o));
Void _ = wait(bstore->writeEntireFile(BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET, bucketBase, json));
return bucketCount;
throw directory_does_not_exist();
ACTOR Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> openFile_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, std::string name, IBackupContainer::EMode mode) {
state std::string bucket = wait(bc->getBucketForFile(name));
if(mode == BackupContainerBlobStore::WRITEONLY)
return Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite(bc->m_bstore, bucket, name));
else if(mode == BackupContainerBlobStore::READONLY) {
// This isn't great logic but if "temp" is not in the filename then treat the file as a symlink and redirect to the name in its content
if(name.find("temp") == name.npos) {
std::string realName = wait(bc->m_bstore->readEntireFile(bucket, name));
name = realName;
throw io_error();
std::string realBucket = wait(bc->getBucketForFile(name));
bucket = realBucket;
Reference<IAsyncFile> f(new AsyncFileBlobStoreRead(bc->m_bstore, bucket, name));
return Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileReadAheadCache(f,
throw io_error();
Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> BackupContainerBlobStore::openFile(std::string name, EMode mode) {
return openFile_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this), name, mode);
ACTOR Future<bool> fileExists_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, std::string name) {
std::string bucket = wait(bc->getBucketForFile(name));
bool e = wait(bc->m_bstore->objectExists(bucket, name));
return e;
Future<bool> BackupContainerBlobStore::fileExists(std::string name) {
return fileExists_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this), name);
// Since blob store cannot rename, this just writes a file called <to> that contains <from>. This unfornately
// means that there has to be some more knowledge sharing between backup container and its users than is ideal.
// Specfically, any file written to a backup container should be opened as a temp file and then renamed
// to a valid backup file type upon closure. The blob store backup container must know the naming conventions
// of valid final backup file filenames so it can redirect openings of such to the temp file that it was
// created from.
ACTOR Future<Void> renameFile_impl(BackupContainerBlobStore *b, std::string from, std::string to) {
try {
// Checking for the existing of the source file isn't really necesary and depending on the blob store's
// causal consistency guarauntee it's possible that a file that just finished uploading is found not
// to exist yet.
//bool exists = wait(b->fileExists(from));
//throw file_not_found();
std::string bucket = wait(b->getBucketForFile(to));
Void _ = wait(b->m_bstore->writeEntireFile(bucket, to, from));
} catch(Error &e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobStoreRenameFailure").detail("From", from).detail("To", to).error(e);
return Void();
Future<Void> BackupContainerBlobStore::renameFile(std::string from, std::string to) {
return renameFile_impl(this, from, to);
ACTOR Future<Void> listFilesStream_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo> results) {
state std::vector<std::string> buckets = wait(bc->getBucketList());
state std::vector<Future<Void>> bucketFutures;
// Start listing all of the buckets to the stream
for(auto &b : buckets)
bucketFutures.push_back(bc->m_bstore->getBucketContentsStream(b, results));
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(bucketFutures));
return Void();
Future<Void> BackupContainerBlobStore::listFilesStream(PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo> results) {
return listFilesStream_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this), results);
ACTOR Future<std::vector<std::string>> listFiles_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc) {
state PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo> resultsStream;
state std::vector<std::string> results;
state Future<Void> done = bc->listFilesStream(resultsStream);
loop {
choose {
when(Void _ = wait(done)) {
when(BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo info = waitNext(resultsStream.getFuture())) {
return results;
Future<std::vector<std::string>> BackupContainerBlobStore::listFiles() {
return listFiles_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this));
ACTOR Future<Void> create_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc) {
// If bucketCount is known then container is already created.
if(bc->m_bucketCount.isValid()) {
try {
int _ = wait(bc->m_bucketCount);
return Void();
} catch(Error &e) {}
// If future isn't valid or an error was thrown, then attempt to read/create the meta record
bc->m_bucketCount = createOrGetMetaRecord(bc->m_bstore, bc->m_bucketPrefix, bc->m_bstore->knobs.buckets_to_span);
// If we get a bucket count then the container now exists.
int _ = wait(bc->m_bucketCount);
return Void();
Future<Void> BackupContainerBlobStore::create() {
return create_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this));
Future<int> BackupContainerBlobStore::getBucketCount() {
if(!m_bucketCount.isValid() || m_bucketCount.isError())
m_bucketCount = createOrGetMetaRecord(m_bstore, m_bucketPrefix);
return m_bucketCount;
ACTOR Future<std::string> getBucketForFile_impl(BackupContainerBlobStore *bc, std::string fname) {
int count = wait(bc->getBucketCount());
return bc->getBucketString(hashlittle(fname.data(), fname.size(), 0) % count);
Future<std::string> BackupContainerBlobStore::getBucketForFile(std::string const &name) { return getBucketForFile_impl(this, name); }
ACTOR Future<std::vector<std::string>> getBucketList_impl(BackupContainerBlobStore *bc) {
int count = wait(bc->getBucketCount());
std::vector<std::string> buckets;
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
return buckets;
Future<std::vector<std::string>> BackupContainerBlobStore::getBucketList() { return getBucketList_impl(this); }
ACTOR Future<std::vector<std::string>> BackupContainerBlobStore::listBackupContainers(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bs) {
state std::vector<std::string> results;
BlobStoreEndpoint::BucketContentsT contents = wait(bs->getBucketContents(BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET));
for(auto &o : contents)
return results;
std::vector<std::string> IBackupContainer::getURLFormats() {
std::vector<std::string> formats;
return formats;
ACTOR Future<Void> deleteContainer_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, int *pNumDeleted) {
state std::vector<std::string> buckets = wait(bc->getBucketList());
state std::vector<Future<Void>> bucketFutures;
// Start deleting all the buckets
for(auto &b : buckets)
bucketFutures.push_back(bc->m_bstore->deleteBucket(b, pNumDeleted));
// Wait for all object deletes to be finished
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(bucketFutures));
// Delete metadata entry last, if deleting all the other stuff worked.
Void _ = wait(bc->m_bstore->deleteObject(BackupContainerBlobStore::META_BUCKET, bc->m_bucketPrefix));
return Void();
Future<Void> BackupContainerBlobStore::deleteContainer(int *pNumDeleted) {
return deleteContainer_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore>::addRef(this), pNumDeleted);
Future<std::string> BackupContainerBlobStore::containerInfo() {
return std::string();
// Get an IBackupContainer based on a container URL string
Reference<IBackupContainer> IBackupContainer::openContainer(std::string url, std::string *errors)
static std::map<std::string, Reference<IBackupContainer>> m_cache;
Reference<IBackupContainer> &r = m_cache[url];
return r;
try {
StringRef u(url);
r = Reference<IBackupContainer>(new BackupContainerLocalDirectory(url));
else if(u.startsWith(LiteralStringRef("blobstore://"))) {
std::string resource;
Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore = BlobStoreEndpoint::fromString(url, &resource, errors);
throw file_not_found();
for(auto c : resource)
if(!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '.')
throw invalid_option_value();
r = Reference<IBackupContainer>(new BackupContainerBlobStore(bstore, resource));
throw file_not_found();
return r;
} catch(Error &e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainer").detail("Description", "Invalid container specification. See help.").detail("URL", url);
TEST_CASE("backup/containers/localdir") {
state Reference<IBackupContainer> c = IBackupContainer::openContainer(format("file://simfdb/backups/%llx", timer_int()));
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f;
Reference<IAsyncFile> fh = wait(c->openFile("test", IBackupContainer::WRITEONLY));
f = fh;
Void _ = wait(f->write((const uint8_t *)"asdf", 4, 0));
Void _ = wait(f->truncate(4));
Void _ = wait(f->sync());
Reference<IAsyncFile> fh = wait(c->openFile("test2", IBackupContainer::WRITEONLY));
f = fh;
Void _ = wait(f->write((const uint8_t *)"1234", 4, 0));
Void _ = wait(f->truncate(4));
Void _ = wait(f->sync());
Reference<IAsyncFile> fh = wait(c->openFile("test", IBackupContainer::READONLY));
f = fh;
int64_t size = wait(f->size());
ASSERT(size == 4);
state std::string buf;
int rs = wait(f->read((void *)buf.data(), 4, 0));
ASSERT(rs == 4);
ASSERT(buf == "asdf");
Reference<IAsyncFile> fh = wait(c->openFile("test2", IBackupContainer::READONLY));
f = fh;
int64_t size = wait(f->size());
ASSERT(size == 4);
int rs = wait(f->read((void *)buf.data(), 4, 0));
ASSERT(rs == 4);
ASSERT(buf == "1234");
std::vector<std::string> files = wait(c->listFiles());
ASSERT(files.size() == 2);
Void _ = wait(c->renameFile("test", "testrenamed"));
std::vector<std::string> files = wait(c->listFiles());
ASSERT(files.size() == 2);
return Void();