358 lines
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358 lines
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* StorageServerInterface.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Locality.h"
#include "fdbrpc/QueueModel.h"
#include "fdbrpc/fdbrpc.h"
#include "fdbrpc/LoadBalance.actor.h"
#include "flow/Stats.h"
struct StorageServerInterface {
enum {
enum { LocationAwareLoadBalance = 1 };
enum { AlwaysFresh = 0 };
LocalityData locality;
UID uniqueID;
RequestStream<ReplyPromise<Version>> getVersion;
RequestStream<struct GetValueRequest> getValue;
RequestStream<struct GetKeyRequest> getKey;
// Throws a wrong_shard_server if the keys in the request or result depend on data outside this server OR if a large selector offset prevents
// all data from being read in one range read
RequestStream<struct GetKeyValuesRequest> getKeyValues;
RequestStream<struct GetShardStateRequest> getShardState;
RequestStream<struct WaitMetricsRequest> waitMetrics;
RequestStream<struct SplitMetricsRequest> splitMetrics;
RequestStream<struct GetPhysicalMetricsRequest> getPhysicalMetrics;
RequestStream<ReplyPromise<Void>> waitFailure;
RequestStream<struct StorageQueuingMetricsRequest> getQueuingMetrics;
RequestStream<ReplyPromise<KeyValueStoreType>> getKeyValueStoreType;
RequestStream<struct WatchValueRequest> watchValue;
explicit StorageServerInterface(UID uid) : uniqueID( uid ) {}
StorageServerInterface() : uniqueID( g_random->randomUniqueID() ) {}
NetworkAddress address() const { return getVersion.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress(); }
UID id() const { return uniqueID; }
std::string toString() const { return id().shortString(); }
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
// StorageServerInterface is persisted in the database and in the tLog's data structures, so changes here have to be
// versioned carefully!
serializer(ar, uniqueID, locality, getVersion, getValue, getKey, getKeyValues, getShardState, waitMetrics,
splitMetrics, getPhysicalMetrics, waitFailure, getQueuingMetrics, getKeyValueStoreType);
if( ar.protocolVersion() >= 0x0FDB00A200090001LL )
serializer(ar, watchValue);
bool operator == (StorageServerInterface const& s) const { return uniqueID == s.uniqueID; }
bool operator < (StorageServerInterface const& s) const { return uniqueID < s.uniqueID; }
void initEndpoints() {
getValue.getEndpoint( TaskLoadBalancedEndpoint );
getKey.getEndpoint( TaskLoadBalancedEndpoint );
getKeyValues.getEndpoint( TaskLoadBalancedEndpoint );
struct StorageInfo : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<StorageInfo> {
Tag tag;
StorageServerInterface interf;
StorageInfo() : tag(invalidTag) {}
struct ServerCacheInfo {
std::vector<Tag> tags;
std::vector<Reference<StorageInfo>> src_info;
std::vector<Reference<StorageInfo>> dest_info;
struct GetValueReply : public LoadBalancedReply {
Optional<Value> value;
GetValueReply() {}
GetValueReply(Optional<Value> value) : value(value) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, *(LoadBalancedReply*)this, value);
struct GetValueRequest : TimedRequest {
Key key;
Version version;
Optional<UID> debugID;
ReplyPromise<GetValueReply> reply;
GetValueRequest(const Key& key, Version ver, Optional<UID> debugID) : key(key), version(ver), debugID(debugID) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, key, version, debugID, reply);
struct WatchValueRequest {
Key key;
Optional<Value> value;
Version version;
Optional<UID> debugID;
ReplyPromise< Version > reply;
WatchValueRequest(const Key& key, Optional<Value> value, Version ver, Optional<UID> debugID) : key(key), value(value), version(ver), debugID(debugID) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, key, value, version, debugID, reply);
struct GetKeyValuesReply : public LoadBalancedReply {
Arena arena;
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data;
Version version; // useful when latestVersion was requested
bool more;
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, *(LoadBalancedReply*)this, data, version, more, arena);
struct GetKeyValuesRequest : TimedRequest {
Arena arena;
KeySelectorRef begin, end;
Version version; // or latestVersion
int limit, limitBytes;
Optional<UID> debugID;
ReplyPromise<GetKeyValuesReply> reply;
GetKeyValuesRequest() {}
// GetKeyValuesRequest(const KeySelectorRef& begin, const KeySelectorRef& end, Version version, int limit, int limitBytes, Optional<UID> debugID) : begin(begin), end(end), version(version), limit(limit), limitBytes(limitBytes) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, begin, end, version, limit, limitBytes, debugID, reply, arena);
struct GetKeyReply : public LoadBalancedReply {
KeySelector sel;
GetKeyReply() {}
GetKeyReply(KeySelector sel) : sel(sel) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, *(LoadBalancedReply*)this, sel);
struct GetKeyRequest : TimedRequest {
Arena arena;
KeySelectorRef sel;
Version version; // or latestVersion
ReplyPromise<GetKeyReply> reply;
GetKeyRequest() {}
GetKeyRequest(KeySelectorRef const& sel, Version version) : sel(sel), version(version) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, sel, version, reply, arena);
struct GetShardStateRequest {
enum waitMode {
NO_WAIT = 0,
KeyRange keys;
int32_t mode;
ReplyPromise< std::pair<Version,Version> > reply;
GetShardStateRequest() {}
GetShardStateRequest( KeyRange const& keys, waitMode mode ) : keys(keys), mode(mode) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, keys, mode, reply);
struct StorageMetrics {
int64_t bytes; // total storage
int64_t bytesPerKSecond; // network bandwidth (average over 10s)
int64_t iosPerKSecond;
static const int64_t infinity = 1LL<<60;
StorageMetrics() : bytes(0), bytesPerKSecond(0), iosPerKSecond(0) {}
bool allLessOrEqual( const StorageMetrics& rhs ) const {
return bytes <= rhs.bytes && bytesPerKSecond <= rhs.bytesPerKSecond && iosPerKSecond <= rhs.iosPerKSecond;
void operator += ( const StorageMetrics& rhs ) {
bytes += rhs.bytes;
bytesPerKSecond += rhs.bytesPerKSecond;
iosPerKSecond += rhs.iosPerKSecond;
void operator -= ( const StorageMetrics& rhs ) {
bytes -= rhs.bytes;
bytesPerKSecond -= rhs.bytesPerKSecond;
iosPerKSecond -= rhs.iosPerKSecond;
template <class F>
void operator *= ( F f ) {
bytes *= f;
bytesPerKSecond *= f;
iosPerKSecond *= f;
bool allZero() const { return !bytes && !bytesPerKSecond && !iosPerKSecond; }
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, bytes, bytesPerKSecond, iosPerKSecond);
void negate() { operator*=(-1.0); }
StorageMetrics operator - () const { StorageMetrics x(*this); x.negate(); return x; }
StorageMetrics operator + ( const StorageMetrics& r ) const { StorageMetrics x(*this); x+=r; return x; }
StorageMetrics operator - ( const StorageMetrics& r ) const { StorageMetrics x(r); x.negate(); x+=*this; return x; }
template <class F> StorageMetrics operator * ( F f ) const { StorageMetrics x(*this); x*=f; return x; }
bool operator == ( StorageMetrics const& rhs ) const {
return bytes == rhs.bytes && bytesPerKSecond == rhs.bytesPerKSecond && iosPerKSecond == rhs.iosPerKSecond;
std::string toString() const {
return format("Bytes: %lld, BPerKSec: %lld, iosPerKSec: %lld", bytes, bytesPerKSecond, iosPerKSecond);
struct WaitMetricsRequest {
// Waits for any of the given minimum or maximum metrics to be exceeded, and then returns the current values
// Send a reversed range for min, max to receive an immediate report
Arena arena;
KeyRangeRef keys;
StorageMetrics min, max;
ReplyPromise<StorageMetrics> reply;
WaitMetricsRequest() {}
WaitMetricsRequest( KeyRangeRef const& keys, StorageMetrics const& min, StorageMetrics const& max )
: keys( arena, keys ), min( min ), max( max )
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, keys, min, max, reply, arena);
struct SplitMetricsReply {
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> splits;
StorageMetrics used;
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, splits, used);
struct SplitMetricsRequest {
Arena arena;
KeyRangeRef keys;
StorageMetrics limits;
StorageMetrics used;
StorageMetrics estimated;
bool isLastShard;
ReplyPromise<SplitMetricsReply> reply;
SplitMetricsRequest() {}
SplitMetricsRequest( KeyRangeRef const& keys, StorageMetrics const& limits, StorageMetrics const& used, StorageMetrics const& estimated, bool isLastShard ) : keys( arena, keys ), limits( limits ), used( used ), estimated( estimated ), isLastShard( isLastShard ) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, keys, limits, used, estimated, isLastShard, reply, arena);
struct GetPhysicalMetricsReply {
StorageMetrics load;
StorageMetrics free;
StorageMetrics capacity;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, load, free, capacity);
struct GetPhysicalMetricsRequest {
ReplyPromise<GetPhysicalMetricsReply> reply;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, reply);
struct StorageQueuingMetricsRequest {
// SOMEDAY: Send threshold value to avoid polling faster than the information changes?
ReplyPromise<struct StorageQueuingMetricsReply> reply;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, reply);
struct StorageQueuingMetricsReply {
double localTime;
int64_t instanceID; // changes if bytesDurable and bytesInput reset
int64_t bytesDurable, bytesInput;
StorageBytes storageBytes;
Version v; // current storage server version
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, localTime, instanceID, bytesDurable, bytesInput, v, storageBytes);