562 lines
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562 lines
20 KiB
* VersionVector.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2021 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <set>
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/Knobs.h"
static const int InvalidEncodedSize = 0;
struct VersionVector {
friend struct serializable_traits<VersionVector>;
boost::container::flat_map<Tag, Version> versions; // An ordered map. (Note:
// changing this to an unordered
// map will break the
// serialization code below.)
Version maxVersion; // Specifies the max version in this version vector. (Note:
// there may or may not be a corresponding entry for this
// version in the "versions" map.)
VersionVector() : maxVersion(invalidVersion), cachedEncodedSize(InvalidEncodedSize) {}
VersionVector(Version version) : maxVersion(version), cachedEncodedSize(InvalidEncodedSize) {}
// Only invoked by getDelta() and applyDelta(), where tag has been validated
// and version is guaranteed to be larger than the existing value.
inline void setVersionNoCheck(const Tag& tag, Version version) {
versions[tag] = version;
inline void invalidateCachedEncodedSize() { cachedEncodedSize = InvalidEncodedSize; }
// Encoded version vector size. Introduced to help speed up serialization.
// @note This encoded size is not meant to be kept in sync with the updates
// that happen to the version vector.
// @note A value of 0 (= InvalidEncodedSize) indicates that the encoded version
// vector size is not cached.
size_t cachedEncodedSize;
Version getMaxVersion() const { return maxVersion; }
void setMaxVersion(Version version) { maxVersion = version; }
int size() const { return versions.size(); }
bool empty() const { return versions.empty(); }
void setVersion(const Tag& tag, Version version) {
ASSERT(tag != invalidTag);
ASSERT(tag.locality > tagLocalityInvalid);
ASSERT(version > maxVersion);
versions[tag] = version;
maxVersion = version;
void setVersion(const std::set<Tag>& tags, Version version) {
ASSERT(version > maxVersion);
for (auto& tag : tags) {
ASSERT(tag != invalidTag);
ASSERT(tag.locality > tagLocalityInvalid);
versions[tag] = version;
maxVersion = version;
bool hasVersion(const Tag& tag) const {
ASSERT(tag != invalidTag);
return versions.find(tag) != versions.end();
// @pre assumes that the given tag has an entry in the version vector.
Version getVersion(const Tag& tag) const {
ASSERT(tag != invalidTag);
auto iter = versions.find(tag);
ASSERT(iter != versions.end());
return iter->second;
void clear() {
maxVersion = invalidVersion;
// @note this method, together with method applyDelta(), helps minimize
// the number of version vector entries that get sent from sequencer to
// grv proxy (and from grv proxy to client) on the read path.
void getDelta(Version refVersion, VersionVector& delta) const {
ASSERT(refVersion <= maxVersion);
if (refVersion == maxVersion) {
return; // rerurn an invalid version vector
delta = *this;
} else {
for (const auto& [tag, version] : versions) {
if (version > refVersion) {
delta.setVersionNoCheck(tag, version);
delta.maxVersion = maxVersion;
// @note this method, together with method getDelta(), helps minimize
// the number of version vector entries that get sent from sequencer to
// grv proxy (and from grv proxy to client) on the read path.
void applyDelta(const VersionVector& delta) {
if (delta.maxVersion == invalidVersion) {
if (maxVersion >= delta.maxVersion) {
*this = delta;
} else {
for (const auto& [tag, version] : delta.versions) {
if (version > maxVersion) {
setVersionNoCheck(tag, version);
maxVersion = delta.maxVersion;
std::string toString() const {
std::stringstream vector;
vector << "[";
for (const auto& [tag, version] : versions) {
vector << '{' << tag.toString() << "," << version << '}';
vector << " maxversion: " << maxVersion << "]";
return vector.str();
bool operator==(const VersionVector& vv) const { return maxVersion == vv.maxVersion; }
bool operator!=(const VersionVector& vv) const { return maxVersion != vv.maxVersion; }
bool operator<(const VersionVector& vv) const { return maxVersion < vv.maxVersion; }
bool compare(const VersionVector& vv) {
if (maxVersion != vv.maxVersion) {
return false;
if (versions.size() != vv.versions.size()) {
return false;
auto iterA = versions.begin();
auto iterB = vv.versions.begin();
for (; iterA != versions.end(); iterA++, iterB++) {
if (iterA->first != iterB->first || iterA->second != iterB->second) {
return false;
ASSERT(iterB == vv.versions.end());
return true;
// Methods to set/get/check cached encoded version vector size.
void setCachedEncodedSize(size_t size) { cachedEncodedSize = size; }
bool isEncodedSizeCached() const { return cachedEncodedSize != InvalidEncodedSize; }
size_t getCachedEncodedSize() const {
return cachedEncodedSize;
// Methods to copy an encoded version vector into the serialization buffer.
// Encoding methods used:
// - Tag localities: Run-length encoding
// - Tag ids: Compact representation (depending on the max tag id value)
// - Commit versions: Delta encoding
// Extracts information about tag ids, tag localities, and commit versions that are
// captured in the version vector. This will avoid the need to make multiple iterations
// over the contents of the version vector while (encoding and) serializing it.
void getTagAndCommitVersionInfo(size_t& utlCount,
uint16_t& maxTagId,
Version& minCommitVersion,
Version& maxCommitVersion) const {
// Initialization
utlCount = 0; // unique tag locality count
maxTagId = 0; // the highest tag id in the version vector
minCommitVersion = MAX_VERSION; // the lowest commit version in "VersionVector::versions"
maxCommitVersion = invalidVersion; // the highest commit version in "VersionVector::versions"
// Population
int8_t locality = tagLocalityInvalid;
for (const auto& [tag, version] : versions) {
if (locality != tag.locality) {
locality = tag.locality;
maxTagId = std::max(maxTagId, tag.id);
minCommitVersion = std::min(minCommitVersion, version);
maxCommitVersion = std::max(maxCommitVersion, version);
// Calculate size of the encoded version vector.
size_t getEncodedSize() const {
size_t utlCount; // unique tag locality count
uint16_t maxTagId; // the highest tag id in the version vector
Version minVersion; // the lowest commit version in the version vector
Version maxVersion; // the highest commit version in the version vector
getTagAndCommitVersionInfo(utlCount, maxTagId, minVersion, maxVersion);
// Is the version vector empty?
if (utlCount == 0) {
return sizeof(size_t) + /* captures unique tag locality count (= 0, in this case) */
sizeof(Version); /* captures VersionVector::maxVersion */
size_t tagIdSize = 0; // number of bytes needed to serialize an individual (potentially compacted) tag id
tagIdSize = (maxTagId <= UINT8_MAX) ? sizeof(uint8_t) : sizeof(uint16_t);
size_t commitVersionSize = 0; // number of bytes needed to serialize an individual commit version
if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT8_MAX) {
commitVersionSize = sizeof(uint8_t);
} else if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT16_MAX) {
commitVersionSize = sizeof(uint16_t);
} else if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT32_MAX) {
commitVersionSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
} else {
commitVersionSize = sizeof(uint64_t);
return sizeof(size_t) + /* unique tag locality count */
utlCount * (sizeof(int8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t)) + // unique tag locality values and their run lengths
sizeof(uint8_t) + /* number of bytes needed to serialize an individual (potentially compacted) tag id */
sizeof(uint8_t) + /* number of bytes needed to serialize an individual commit version */
sizeof(Version) + /* the lowest commit version in the version vector */
sizeof(size_t) + /* number of <tagid, version> pairs */
this->size() * (tagIdSize + commitVersionSize) + /* encoded <tagid, version> pairs */
sizeof(Version); /* VersionVector::maxVersion */
// Copy "value" into the serialization buffer.
template <typename T>
void serialize(uint8_t*& out, T value) const {
memcpy(out, &value, sizeof(T));
out += sizeof(T);
// Copy RLE encoded tag locality values into the serialization buffer.
void serializeTagLocalities(size_t utlCount, uint8_t*& out) const {
serialize<size_t>(out, utlCount); // unique tag locality count
// Is the version vector empty?
if (utlCount == 0) {
int8_t locality = tagLocalityInvalid;
uint16_t localityCount = 0;
for (const auto& [tag, version] : versions) {
if (locality != tag.locality) {
if (locality != tagLocalityInvalid) {
serialize<int8_t>(out, locality); // tag locality value
serialize<uint16_t>(out, localityCount); // run length of the locality value
locality = tag.locality;
localityCount = 1;
} else {
if (locality != tagLocalityInvalid) {
serialize<int8_t>(out, locality); // tag locality value
serialize<uint16_t>(out, localityCount); // run length of the locality value
// Copy encoded tag id and commit version values into the serialization buffer.
// T: Type to be used to serialize tag ids (uint8_t/uint16_t)
// V: Type to be used to serialize commit version deltas (uint8_t/uint16_t/uint32_t/uint64_t)
template <typename T, typename V>
void serializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions(Version minCommitVersion, uint8_t*& out) const {
// Number of bytes that will be used to serialize an individual tag id.
serialize<uint8_t>(out, (uint8_t)sizeof(T));
// Number of bytes that will be used to serialize an individual commit version delta value.
serialize<uint8_t>(out, (uint8_t)sizeof(V));
// The lowest commit version in the version vector.
serialize<Version>(out, minCommitVersion);
// The number of <tagId, commitVersion> pairs.
serialize<size_t>(out, (this->size()));
for (const auto& [tag, version] : versions) {
// Serialize tag id.
serialize<T>(out, (T)tag.id);
// Serialize commit version delta.
serialize<V>(out, (V)(version - minCommitVersion));
// Figure out the type to be used to serialize delta encoded commit version values,
// and call the above method to do the serialization.
// T: Type to be used to serialize tag ids (uint8_t/uint16_t)
template <typename T>
void serializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions(Version minVersion, Version maxVersion, uint8_t*& out) const {
if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT8_MAX) {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint8_t>(minVersion, out);
} else if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT16_MAX) {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint16_t>(minVersion, out);
} else if ((maxVersion - minVersion) <= UINT32_MAX) {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint32_t>(minVersion, out);
} else {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint64_t>(minVersion, out);
// Figure out the types to be used to serialize (potentially compacted) tag ids and delta
// encoded commit version values, and call the above methods to do the serialization.
void serializeTagIdsAndCommitVersions(uint16_t maxTagId,
Version minVersion,
Version maxVersion,
uint8_t*& out) const {
if (maxTagId <= UINT8_MAX) {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions<uint8_t>(minVersion, maxVersion, out);
} else {
serializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions<uint16_t>(minVersion, maxVersion, out);
// Methods to load (an encoded) version vector from the serialization buffer.
// Extract "value" from the serialization buffer.
template <typename T>
void deserialize(const uint8_t*& data, T& value) const {
memcpy(&value, data, sizeof(T));
data += sizeof(T);
// Deserialize RLE encoded tag locality values.
void deserializeLocalities(const uint8_t*& data,
size_t& utlCount,
std::vector<int8_t>& localities,
std::vector<uint16_t>& localityCounts) {
// Initialization
// Extract unique tag locality count from the buffer.
deserialize<size_t>(data, utlCount);
if (utlCount == 0) {
int8_t locality;
uint16_t localityCount;
for (size_t i = 0; i < utlCount; i++) {
deserialize<int8_t>(data, locality);
deserialize<uint16_t>(data, localityCount);
// Deserialize tag ids and commit version values.
// T: Type that was used to serialize tag ids (uint8_t/uint16_t)
// V: Type that was used to serialize commit version deltas (uint8_t/uint16_t/uint32_t/uint64_t)
template <typename T, typename V>
void deserializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions(const uint8_t*& data,
std::vector<int8_t>& localities,
std::vector<uint16_t>& localityCounts) {
Version minCommitVersion;
deserialize<Version>(data, minCommitVersion);
size_t pairCount; // number of serialized <tag id, commit version> pairs
deserialize<size_t>(data, pairCount);
T tagId;
V versionDelta;
for (size_t i = 0; i < localities.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < localityCounts[i]; j++) {
// Deserialize tag id.
deserialize<T>(data, tagId);
// Deserialize commit version delta.
deserialize<V>(data, versionDelta);
Tag tag(localities[i], tagId);
setVersionNoCheck(tag, minCommitVersion + versionDelta);
// Figrue out the type that was used to serialize commit version deltas and call the above
// method to do the deserialization.
// T: Type that was used to serialize tag ids (uint8_t/uint16_t)
template <typename T>
void deserializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions(const uint8_t*& data,
std::vector<int8_t>& localities,
std::vector<uint16_t>& localityCounts) {
uint8_t commitVersionDeltaSize; // number of bytes that were used to serialize an individual commit version
// delta value
deserialize<uint8_t>(data, commitVersionDeltaSize);
if (commitVersionDeltaSize == sizeof(uint8_t)) {
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint8_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
} else if (commitVersionDeltaSize == sizeof(uint16_t)) {
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint16_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
} else if (commitVersionDeltaSize == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint32_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
} else {
ASSERT(commitVersionDeltaSize == sizeof(uint64_t));
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndSizedCommitVersions<T, uint64_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
// Figure out the types that were used to serialize tag ids and commit version deltas, and
// call the above methods to do the deserialization.
void deserializeTagIdsAndCommitVersions(const uint8_t*& data,
std::vector<int8_t>& localities,
std::vector<uint16_t>& localityCounts) {
uint8_t tagIdSize; // number of bytes that were used to serialize an individual tag id
deserialize<uint8_t>(data, tagIdSize);
if (tagIdSize == sizeof(uint8_t)) {
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions<uint8_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
} else {
ASSERT(tagIdSize == sizeof(uint16_t));
deserializeSizedTagIdsAndCommitVersions<uint16_t>(data, localities, localityCounts);
// @note Enabling/Disabling version vector encoding during serialization (and
// de-serialization):
// - To enable version vector encoding during serialization/de-serialization:
// derive "struct dynamic_size_traits<VersionVector>" from "std::true_type" and
// derive "struct serializable_traits<VersionVector>" from "std::false_type".
// - To disable version vector encoding during serialization/de-serialization::
// derive "struct dynamic_size_traits<VersionVector>" from "std::false_type" and
// derive "struct serializable_traits<VersionVector>" from "std::true_type".
template <>
struct serializable_traits<VersionVector> : std::false_type {
template <class Archiver>
static void serialize(Archiver& ar, VersionVector& vv) {
serializer(ar, vv.versions, vv.maxVersion);
template <>
struct dynamic_size_traits<VersionVector> : std::true_type {
template <class Context>
static size_t size(const VersionVector& vv, Context&) {
size_t encodedSize;
if (vv.isEncodedSizeCached()) {
encodedSize = vv.getCachedEncodedSize();
// @todo remove this assert before doing performance tests
ASSERT(encodedSize == vv.getEncodedSize());
} else {
encodedSize = vv.getEncodedSize();
return encodedSize;
template <class Context>
static void save(uint8_t* out, const VersionVector& vv, Context&) {
auto* begin = out;
size_t utlCount; // unique tag locality count
uint16_t maxTagId; // the highest tag id in the version vector
Version minCommitVersion; // the lowest commit version in the version vector (in "VersionVector::versions")
Version maxCommitVersion; // the highest commit version in the version vector (in "VersionVector::versions")
vv.getTagAndCommitVersionInfo(utlCount, maxTagId, minCommitVersion, maxCommitVersion);
vv.serializeTagLocalities(utlCount, out);
if (!vv.empty()) {
vv.serializeTagIdsAndCommitVersions(maxTagId, minCommitVersion, maxCommitVersion, out);
// Serialize vv::maxVersion.
vv.serialize<Version>(out, (vv.getMaxVersion()));
// @todo remove this assert before doing performance tests
ASSERT(out - begin == vv.getEncodedSize());
template <class Context>
static void load(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, VersionVector& vv, Context& context) {
auto* p = data;
size_t utlCount;
std::vector<int8_t> localities;
std::vector<uint16_t> localityCounts;
vv.deserializeLocalities(data, utlCount, localities, localityCounts);
if (utlCount > 0) {
vv.deserializeTagIdsAndCommitVersions(data, localities, localityCounts);
// Deserialize VersionVector::maxVersion.
Version maxVersion;
vv.deserialize<Version>(data, maxVersion);
ASSERT(data - p == size);
static const VersionVector minVersionVector{ 0 };
static const VersionVector maxVersionVector{ MAX_VERSION };
static const VersionVector invalidVersionVector{ invalidVersion };