2841 lines
121 KiB
2841 lines
121 KiB
* TagPartitionedLogSystem.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogSystem.h"
#include "fdbserver/ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "fdbserver/DBCoreState.h"
#include "fdbserver/WaitFailure.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Replication.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ReplicationUtils.h"
#include "fdbserver/RecoveryState.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogProtocolMessage.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
ACTOR Future<Version> minVersionWhenReady(Future<Void> f, std::vector<Future<TLogCommitReply>> replies) {
Version minVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
for(auto& reply : replies) {
if(reply.isReady() && !reply.isError()) {
minVersion = std::min(minVersion, reply.get().version);
return minVersion;
// TagPartitionedLogSystem info in old epoch
struct OldLogData {
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> tLogs;
int32_t logRouterTags;
int32_t txsTags; // The number of txsTags, which may change across generations.
Version epochBegin, epochEnd;
std::set<int8_t> pseudoLocalities;
LogEpoch epoch;
OldLogData() : epochBegin(0), epochEnd(0), logRouterTags(0), txsTags(0), epoch(0) {}
// Constructor for T of OldTLogConf and OldTLogCoreData
template <class T>
explicit OldLogData(const T& conf)
: logRouterTags(conf.logRouterTags), txsTags(conf.txsTags), epochBegin(conf.epochBegin), epochEnd(conf.epochEnd),
pseudoLocalities(conf.pseudoLocalities), epoch(conf.epoch) {
for (int j = 0; j < conf.tLogs.size(); j++) {
auto logSet = makeReference<LogSet>(conf.tLogs[j]);
tLogs[j] = logSet;
struct LogLockInfo {
Version epochEnd;
bool isCurrent;
Reference<LogSet> logSet;
std::vector<Future<TLogLockResult>> replies;
LogLockInfo() : epochEnd(std::numeric_limits<Version>::max()), isCurrent(false) {}
LogSet::LogSet(const TLogSet& tLogSet) :
tLogLocalities(tLogSet.tLogLocalities), tLogVersion(tLogSet.tLogVersion),
tLogPolicy(tLogSet.tLogPolicy), isLocal(tLogSet.isLocal),
locality(tLogSet.locality), startVersion(tLogSet.startVersion),
for (const auto& log : tLogSet.tLogs) {
for (const auto& log : tLogSet.logRouters) {
for (const auto& log : tLogSet.backupWorkers) {
filterLocalityDataForPolicy(tLogPolicy, &tLogLocalities);
LogSet::LogSet(const CoreTLogSet& coreSet) :
tLogLocalities(coreSet.tLogLocalities), tLogVersion(coreSet.tLogVersion),
tLogPolicy(coreSet.tLogPolicy), isLocal(coreSet.isLocal),
locality(coreSet.locality), startVersion(coreSet.startVersion),
for (const auto& log : coreSet.tLogs) {
// Do NOT recover coreSet.backupWorkers, because master will recruit new ones.
filterLocalityDataForPolicy(tLogPolicy, &tLogLocalities);
TLogSet::TLogSet(const LogSet& rhs) :
tLogLocalities(rhs.tLogLocalities), tLogVersion(rhs.tLogVersion),
tLogPolicy(rhs.tLogPolicy), isLocal(rhs.isLocal), locality(rhs.locality),
for (const auto& tlog : rhs.logServers) {
for (const auto& logRouter : rhs.logRouters) {
for (const auto& worker : rhs.backupWorkers) {
OldTLogConf::OldTLogConf(const OldLogData& oldLogData)
: logRouterTags(oldLogData.logRouterTags), txsTags(oldLogData.txsTags), epochBegin(oldLogData.epochBegin),
epochEnd(oldLogData.epochEnd), pseudoLocalities(oldLogData.pseudoLocalities), epoch(oldLogData.epoch) {
for (const Reference<LogSet>& logSet : oldLogData.tLogs) {
CoreTLogSet::CoreTLogSet(const LogSet& logset) :
tLogPolicy(logset.tLogPolicy), isLocal(logset.isLocal),
locality(logset.locality), startVersion(logset.startVersion),
for (const auto &log : logset.logServers) {
// Do NOT store logset.backupWorkers, because master will recruit new ones.
OldTLogCoreData::OldTLogCoreData(const OldLogData& oldData)
: logRouterTags(oldData.logRouterTags), txsTags(oldData.txsTags), epochBegin(oldData.epochBegin),
epochEnd(oldData.epochEnd), pseudoLocalities(oldData.pseudoLocalities), epoch(oldData.epoch) {
for (const Reference<LogSet>& logSet : oldData.tLogs) {
if (logSet->logServers.size()) {
struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogSystem> {
const UID dbgid;
LogSystemType logSystemType;
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> tLogs; // LogSets in different locations: primary, satellite, or remote
int expectedLogSets;
int logRouterTags;
int txsTags;
UID recruitmentID;
int repopulateRegionAntiQuorum;
bool stopped;
std::set<int8_t> pseudoLocalities; // Represent special localities that will be mapped to tagLocalityLogRouter
const LogEpoch epoch;
LogEpoch oldestBackupEpoch;
// new members
std::map<Tag, Version> pseudoLocalityPopVersion;
Future<Void> rejoins;
Future<Void> recoveryComplete;
Future<Void> remoteRecovery;
Future<Void> remoteRecoveryComplete;
std::vector<LogLockInfo> lockResults;
AsyncVar<bool> recoveryCompleteWrittenToCoreState;
bool remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState;
bool hasRemoteServers;
AsyncTrigger backupWorkerChanged;
std::set<UID> removedBackupWorkers; // Workers that are removed before setting them.
Optional<Version> recoverAt;
Optional<Version> recoveredAt;
Version knownCommittedVersion;
Version backupStartVersion = invalidVersion; // max(tLogs[0].startVersion, previous epochEnd).
LocalityData locality;
// For each currently running popFromLog actor, outstandingPops is
// (logID, tag)->(max popped version, durableKnownCommittedVersion).
// Why do we need durableKnownCommittedVersion? knownCommittedVersion gives the lower bound of what data
// will need to be copied into the next generation to restore the replication factor.
// Guess: It probably serves as a minimum version of what data should be on a TLog in the next generation and
// sending a pop for anything less than durableKnownCommittedVersion for the TLog will be absurd.
std::map<std::pair<UID, Tag>, std::pair<Version, Version>> outstandingPops;
Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>> addActor;
ActorCollection popActors;
std::vector<OldLogData> oldLogData; // each element has the log info. in one old epoch.
AsyncTrigger logSystemConfigChanged;
TagPartitionedLogSystem(UID dbgid, LocalityData locality, LogEpoch e,
Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>> addActor = Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>>())
: dbgid(dbgid), logSystemType(LogSystemType::empty), expectedLogSets(0), logRouterTags(0), txsTags(0),
repopulateRegionAntiQuorum(0), epoch(e), oldestBackupEpoch(0), recoveryCompleteWrittenToCoreState(false),
locality(locality), remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState(false), hasRemoteServers(false), stopped(false),
addActor(addActor), popActors(false) {}
void stopRejoins() final { rejoins = Future<Void>(); }
void addref() final {
void delref() final {
std::string describe() const final {
std::string result;
for( int i = 0; i < tLogs.size(); i++ ) {
result += format("%d: ", i);
for( int j = 0; j < tLogs[i]->logServers.size(); j++) {
result += tLogs[i]->logServers[j]->get().id().toString() + ((j == tLogs[i]->logServers.size() - 1) ? " " : ", ");
return result;
UID getDebugID() const final { return dbgid; }
void addPseudoLocality(int8_t locality) {
ASSERT(locality < 0);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < logRouterTags; i++) {
pseudoLocalityPopVersion[Tag(locality, i)] = 0;
Tag getPseudoPopTag(Tag tag, ProcessClass::ClassType type) const final {
switch (type) {
case ProcessClass::LogRouterClass:
if (tag.locality == tagLocalityLogRouter) {
ASSERT(pseudoLocalities.count(tagLocalityLogRouterMapped) > 0);
tag.locality = tagLocalityLogRouterMapped;
case ProcessClass::BackupClass:
if (tag.locality == tagLocalityLogRouter) {
ASSERT(pseudoLocalities.count(tagLocalityBackup) > 0);
tag.locality = tagLocalityBackup;
default: // This should be an error at caller site.
return tag;
bool hasPseudoLocality(int8_t locality) const final { return pseudoLocalities.count(locality) > 0; }
// Return the min version of all pseudoLocalities, i.e., logRouter and backupTag
Version popPseudoLocalityTag(Tag tag, Version upTo) final {
ASSERT(isPseudoLocality(tag.locality) && hasPseudoLocality(tag.locality));
Version& localityVersion = pseudoLocalityPopVersion[tag];
localityVersion = std::max(localityVersion, upTo);
Version minVersion = localityVersion;
// Why do we need to use the minimum popped version among all tags? Reason: for example,
// 2 pseudo tags pop 100 or 150, respectively. It's only safe to pop min(100, 150),
// because [101,150) is needed by another pseudo tag.
for (const int8_t locality : pseudoLocalities) {
minVersion = std::min(minVersion, pseudoLocalityPopVersion[Tag(locality, tag.id)]);
// TraceEvent("TLogPopPseudoTag", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Version", upTo).detail("PopVersion", minVersion);
return minVersion;
static Future<Void> recoverAndEndEpoch(Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>> const& outLogSystem, UID const& dbgid, DBCoreState const& oldState, FutureStream<TLogRejoinRequest> const& rejoins, LocalityData const& locality, bool* forceRecovery) {
return epochEnd( outLogSystem, dbgid, oldState, rejoins, locality, forceRecovery );
static Reference<ILogSystem> fromLogSystemConfig( UID const& dbgid, LocalityData const& locality, LogSystemConfig const& lsConf, bool excludeRemote, bool useRecoveredAt, Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>> addActor ) {
ASSERT(lsConf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::tagPartitioned || (lsConf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::empty && !lsConf.tLogs.size()));
//ASSERT(lsConf.epoch == epoch); //< FIXME
auto logSystem = makeReference<TagPartitionedLogSystem>(dbgid, locality, lsConf.epoch, addActor);
logSystem->expectedLogSets = lsConf.expectedLogSets;
logSystem->logRouterTags = lsConf.logRouterTags;
logSystem->txsTags = lsConf.txsTags;
logSystem->recruitmentID = lsConf.recruitmentID;
logSystem->stopped = lsConf.stopped;
if(useRecoveredAt) {
logSystem->recoveredAt = lsConf.recoveredAt;
logSystem->pseudoLocalities = lsConf.pseudoLocalities;
for (const TLogSet& tLogSet : lsConf.tLogs) {
if (!excludeRemote || tLogSet.isLocal) {
for (const auto& oldTlogConf : lsConf.oldTLogs) {
// .detail("Epoch", logSystem->oldLogData.back().epoch)
// .detail("Version", logSystem->oldLogData.back().epochEnd);
logSystem->logSystemType = lsConf.logSystemType;
logSystem->oldestBackupEpoch = lsConf.oldestBackupEpoch;
return logSystem;
static Reference<ILogSystem> fromOldLogSystemConfig( UID const& dbgid, LocalityData const& locality, LogSystemConfig const& lsConf ) {
ASSERT( lsConf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::tagPartitioned || (lsConf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::empty && !lsConf.tLogs.size()) );
//ASSERT(lsConf.epoch == epoch); //< FIXME
const LogEpoch e = lsConf.oldTLogs.size() > 0 ? lsConf.oldTLogs[0].epoch : 0;
auto logSystem = makeReference<TagPartitionedLogSystem>(dbgid, locality, e);
if (lsConf.oldTLogs.size()) {
for (const TLogSet& tLogSet : lsConf.oldTLogs[0].tLogs) {
logSystem->logRouterTags = lsConf.oldTLogs[0].logRouterTags;
logSystem->txsTags = lsConf.oldTLogs[0].txsTags;
//logSystem->epochEnd = lsConf.oldTLogs[0].epochEnd;
for (int i = 1; i < lsConf.oldTLogs.size(); i++ ) {
logSystem->logSystemType = lsConf.logSystemType;
logSystem->stopped = true;
logSystem->pseudoLocalities = lsConf.pseudoLocalities;
return logSystem;
void toCoreState(DBCoreState& newState) final {
if( recoveryComplete.isValid() && recoveryComplete.isError() )
throw recoveryComplete.getError();
if( remoteRecoveryComplete.isValid() && remoteRecoveryComplete.isError() )
throw remoteRecoveryComplete.getError();
newState.logRouterTags = logRouterTags;
newState.txsTags = txsTags;
newState.pseudoLocalities = pseudoLocalities;
for (const auto &t : tLogs) {
if (t->logServers.size()) {
for (const auto& log : t->logServers) {
if (!recoveryComplete.isValid() || !recoveryComplete.isReady() ||
(repopulateRegionAntiQuorum == 0 &&
(!remoteRecoveryComplete.isValid() || !remoteRecoveryComplete.isReady())) ||
epoch != oldestBackupEpoch) {
for (const auto& oldData : oldLogData) {
.detail("Epoch", newState.oldTLogData.back().epoch)
.detail("TotalTags", newState.oldTLogData.back().logRouterTags)
.detail("BeginVersion", newState.oldTLogData.back().epochBegin)
.detail("EndVersion", newState.oldTLogData.back().epochEnd);
newState.logSystemType = logSystemType;
bool remoteStorageRecovered() final {
return remoteRecoveryComplete.isValid() && remoteRecoveryComplete.isReady();
Future<Void> onCoreStateChanged() final {
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
if(recoveryComplete.isValid() && !recoveryComplete.isReady()) {
if(remoteRecovery.isValid() && !remoteRecovery.isReady()) {
if(remoteRecoveryComplete.isValid() && !remoteRecoveryComplete.isReady()) {
changes.push_back(backupWorkerChanged.onTrigger()); // changes to oldestBackupEpoch
return waitForAny(changes);
void coreStateWritten(DBCoreState const& newState) final {
if (!newState.oldTLogData.size()) {
for(auto& t : newState.tLogs) {
if(!t.isLocal) {
TraceEvent("RemoteLogsWritten", dbgid);
remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState = true;
Future<Void> onError() final {
return onError_internal(this);
ACTOR static Future<Void> onError_internal( TagPartitionedLogSystem* self ) {
// Never returns normally, but throws an error if the subsystem stops working
loop {
std::vector<Future<Void>> failed;
std::vector<Future<Void>> backupFailed(1, Never());
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for(auto& it : self->tLogs) {
for(auto &t : it->logServers) {
if( t->get().present() ) {
failed.push_back(waitFailureClient(t->get().interf().waitFailure, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT,
} else {
for(auto &t : it->logRouters) {
if( t->get().present() ) {
failed.push_back(waitFailureClient(t->get().interf().waitFailure, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT,
} else {
for (const auto& worker : it->backupWorkers) {
if (worker->get().present()) {
worker->get().interf().waitFailure, SERVER_KNOBS->BACKUP_TIMEOUT,
} else {
if(!self->recoveryCompleteWrittenToCoreState.get()) {
for(auto& old : self->oldLogData) {
for(auto& it : old.tLogs) {
for(auto &t : it->logRouters) {
if( t->get().present() ) {
t->get().interf().waitFailure, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT,
} else {
// Monitor changes of backup workers for old epochs.
for (const auto& worker : old.tLogs[0]->backupWorkers) {
if (worker->get().present()) {
worker->get().interf().waitFailure, SERVER_KNOBS->BACKUP_TIMEOUT,
} else {
if(self->hasRemoteServers && ( !self->remoteRecovery.isReady() || self->remoteRecovery.isError() )) {
ASSERT( failed.size() >= 1 );
wait(quorum(changes, 1) || tagError<Void>(quorum(failed, 1), master_tlog_failed()) ||
tagError<Void>(quorum(backupFailed, 1), master_backup_worker_failed()));
ACTOR static Future<Void> pushResetChecker( Reference<ConnectionResetInfo> self, NetworkAddress addr ) {
self->slowReplies = 0;
self->fastReplies = 0;
TraceEvent("SlowPushStats").detail("PeerAddress", addr).detail("SlowReplies", self->slowReplies).detail("FastReplies", self->fastReplies);
if(self->slowReplies >= SERVER_KNOBS->PUSH_STATS_SLOW_AMOUNT && self->slowReplies/double(self->slowReplies+self->fastReplies) >= SERVER_KNOBS->PUSH_STATS_SLOW_RATIO) {
self->lastReset = now();
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<TLogCommitReply> recordPushMetrics( Reference<ConnectionResetInfo> self, NetworkAddress addr, Future<TLogCommitReply> in ) {
state double startTime = now();
TLogCommitReply t = wait(in);
if(now()-self->lastReset > SERVER_KNOBS->PUSH_RESET_INTERVAL) {
if(now()-startTime > SERVER_KNOBS->PUSH_MAX_LATENCY) {
if(self->resetCheck.isReady()) {
self->resetCheck = pushResetChecker(self, addr);
} else {
return t;
Future<Version> push(Version prevVersion, Version version, Version knownCommittedVersion,
Version minKnownCommittedVersion, LogPushData& data,
SpanID const& spanContext, Optional<UID> debugID) final {
// FIXME: Randomize request order as in LegacyLogSystem?
vector<Future<Void>> quorumResults;
vector<Future<TLogCommitReply>> allReplies;
int location = 0;
Span span("TPLS:push"_loc, spanContext);
for(auto& it : tLogs) {
if(it->isLocal && it->logServers.size()) {
if(it->connectionResetTrackers.size() == 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < it->logServers.size(); i++) {
vector<Future<Void>> tLogCommitResults;
for(int loc=0; loc< it->logServers.size(); loc++) {
Standalone<StringRef> msg = data.getMessages(location);
allReplies.push_back( recordPushMetrics( it->connectionResetTrackers[loc], it->logServers[loc]->get().interf().address(), it->logServers[loc]->get().interf().commit.getReply( TLogCommitRequest( spanContext, msg.arena(), prevVersion, version, knownCommittedVersion, minKnownCommittedVersion, msg, debugID ), TaskPriority::ProxyTLogCommitReply ) ) );
Future<Void> commitSuccess = success(allReplies.back());
quorumResults.push_back( quorum( tLogCommitResults, tLogCommitResults.size() - it->tLogWriteAntiQuorum ) );
return minVersionWhenReady( waitForAll(quorumResults), allReplies);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekAll( UID dbgid, Version begin, Version end, Tag tag, bool parallelGetMore ) {
int bestSet = 0;
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> localSets;
Version lastBegin = 0;
bool foundSpecial = false;
for(auto& log : tLogs) {
if(log->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || log->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded) {
foundSpecial = true;
if(log->isLocal && log->logServers.size() && (log->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || log->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || log->locality == tag.locality ||
tag == txsTag || tag.locality == tagLocalityTxs || tag.locality == tagLocalityLogRouter || ((tag.locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || tag == cacheTag) && log->locality != tagLocalitySatellite))) {
lastBegin = std::max(lastBegin, log->startVersion);
if(log->locality != tagLocalitySatellite) {
bestSet = localSets.size()-1;
if(!localSets.size()) {
lastBegin = end;
if(begin >= lastBegin && localSets.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekAllCurrentOnly", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestLogs", localSets[bestSet]->logServerString());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::SetPeekCursor>(
localSets, bestSet, localSets[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag), tag, begin, end, parallelGetMore);
} else {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
std::vector< LogMessageVersion > epochEnds;
if(lastBegin < end && localSets.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekAllAddingCurrent", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestLogs", localSets[bestSet]->logServerString());
cursors.push_back(makeReference<ILogSystem::SetPeekCursor>(localSets, bestSet,
tag, lastBegin, end, parallelGetMore));
for (int i = 0; begin < lastBegin; i++) {
if(i == oldLogData.size()) {
if(tag == txsTag || tag.locality == tagLocalityTxs || tag == cacheTag) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekAllDead", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("OldLogDataSize", oldLogData.size());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false,
int bestOldSet = 0;
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> localOldSets;
Version thisBegin = begin;
bool thisSpecial = false;
for(auto& log : oldLogData[i].tLogs) {
if(log->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || log->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded) {
thisSpecial = true;
if(log->isLocal && log->logServers.size() && (log->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || log->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || log->locality == tag.locality ||
tag == txsTag || tag.locality == tagLocalityTxs || tag.locality == tagLocalityLogRouter || ((tag.locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || tag == cacheTag) && log->locality != tagLocalitySatellite))) {
thisBegin = std::max(thisBegin, log->startVersion);
if(log->locality != tagLocalitySatellite) {
bestOldSet = localOldSets.size()-1;
if(!localOldSets.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekAllNoLocalSets", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin);
if(!cursors.size() && !foundSpecial) {
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false,
if(thisSpecial) {
foundSpecial = true;
if(thisBegin < lastBegin) {
if(thisBegin < end) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekAllAddingOld", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestLogs", localOldSets[bestOldSet]->logServerString()).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("ThisBegin", thisBegin);
localOldSets, bestOldSet, localOldSets[bestOldSet]->bestLocationFor(tag), tag, thisBegin,
std::min(lastBegin, end), parallelGetMore));
epochEnds.push_back(LogMessageVersion(std::min(lastBegin, end)));
lastBegin = thisBegin;
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MultiCursor>(cursors, epochEnds);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekRemote( UID dbgid, Version begin, Optional<Version> end, Tag tag, bool parallelGetMore ) {
int bestSet = -1;
Version lastBegin = recoveredAt.present() ? recoveredAt.get() + 1 : 0;
for(int t = 0; t < tLogs.size(); t++) {
if(tLogs[t]->isLocal) {
lastBegin = std::max(lastBegin, tLogs[t]->startVersion);
if(tLogs[t]->logRouters.size()) {
ASSERT(bestSet == -1);
bestSet = t;
if(bestSet == -1) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteNoBestSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(),
tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false, parallelGetMore);
if(begin >= lastBegin) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteBestOnly", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd()).detail("BestSet", bestSet).detail("BestSetStart", lastBegin).detail("LogRouterIds", tLogs[bestSet]->logRouterString());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(
tLogs[bestSet]->logRouters, tag, begin, end.present() ? end.get() + 1 : getPeekEnd(), parallelGetMore);
} else {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
std::vector< LogMessageVersion > epochEnds;
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteAddingBest", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd()).detail("BestSet", bestSet).detail("BestSetStart", lastBegin).detail("LogRouterIds", tLogs[bestSet]->logRouterString());
cursors.push_back(makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(tLogs[bestSet]->logRouters, tag, lastBegin,
end.present() ? end.get() + 1 : getPeekEnd(),
int i = 0;
while(begin < lastBegin) {
if(i == oldLogData.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteDead", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd()).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("OldLogDataSize", oldLogData.size());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false,
int bestOldSet = -1;
Version thisBegin = begin;
for(int t = 0; t < oldLogData[i].tLogs.size(); t++) {
if(oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->isLocal) {
thisBegin = std::max(thisBegin, oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->startVersion);
if(oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->logRouters.size()) {
ASSERT(bestOldSet == -1);
bestOldSet = t;
if(bestOldSet == -1) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteNoOldBestSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false,
if(thisBegin < lastBegin) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekRemoteAddingOldBest", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end.present() ? end.get() : getPeekEnd()).detail("BestOldSet", bestOldSet).detail("LogRouterIds", oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->logRouterString())
.detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("ThisBegin", thisBegin).detail("BestStartVer", oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->startVersion);
oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->logRouters, tag, thisBegin, lastBegin, parallelGetMore));
lastBegin = thisBegin;
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MultiCursor>(cursors, epochEnds);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peek( UID dbgid, Version begin, Optional<Version> end, Tag tag, bool parallelGetMore ) final {
if(!tLogs.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekNoLogSets", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin);
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(),
tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false, false);
if(tag.locality == tagLocalityRemoteLog) {
return peekRemote(dbgid, begin, end, tag, parallelGetMore);
} else {
return peekAll(dbgid, begin, getPeekEnd(), tag, parallelGetMore);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peek(UID dbgid, Version begin, Optional<Version> end, std::vector<Tag> tags, bool parallelGetMore) final {
if(tags.empty()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekNoTags", dbgid).detail("Begin", begin);
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(),
invalidTag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false, false);
if(tags.size() == 1) {
return peek(dbgid, begin, end, tags[0], parallelGetMore);
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
for(auto tag : tags) {
cursors.push_back(peek(dbgid, begin, end, tag, parallelGetMore));
return makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(cursors, begin, end.present() ? end.get() + 1 : getPeekEnd(),
true, tLogs[0]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded, false);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekLocal( UID dbgid, Tag tag, Version begin, Version end, bool useMergePeekCursors, int8_t peekLocality = tagLocalityInvalid ) {
if(tag.locality >= 0 || tag.locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || tag.locality == tagLocalitySpecial) {
peekLocality = tag.locality;
ASSERT(peekLocality >= 0 || peekLocality == tagLocalityUpgraded || tag.locality == tagLocalitySpecial);
int bestSet = -1;
bool foundSpecial = false;
int logCount = 0;
for(int t = 0; t < tLogs.size(); t++) {
if(tLogs[t]->logServers.size() && tLogs[t]->locality != tagLocalitySatellite) {
if(tLogs[t]->logServers.size() && (tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || tLogs[t]->locality == peekLocality || peekLocality == tagLocalityUpgraded || peekLocality == tagLocalitySpecial)) {
if( tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded ) {
foundSpecial = true;
bestSet = t;
if(bestSet == -1) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalNoBestSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LogCount", logCount);
if(useMergePeekCursors || logCount > 1) {
throw worker_removed();
} else {
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false, false);
if(begin >= tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalBestOnly", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestSet", bestSet).detail("BestSetStart", tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion).detail("LogId", tLogs[bestSet]->logServers[tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor( tag )]->get().id());
if(useMergePeekCursors) {
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MergedPeekCursor>(
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers, tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag),
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers.size() + 1 - tLogs[bestSet]->tLogReplicationFactor, tag, begin, end,
true, tLogs[bestSet]->tLogLocalities, tLogs[bestSet]->tLogPolicy,
} else {
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers[tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag)], tag, begin, end, false, false);
} else {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
std::vector< LogMessageVersion > epochEnds;
if(tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion < end) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalAddingBest", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestSet", bestSet).detail("BestSetStart", tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion).detail("LogId", tLogs[bestSet]->logServers[tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor( tag )]->get().id());
if(useMergePeekCursors) {
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers, tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag),
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers.size() + 1 - tLogs[bestSet]->tLogReplicationFactor, tag,
tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion, end, true, tLogs[bestSet]->tLogLocalities,
tLogs[bestSet]->tLogPolicy, tLogs[bestSet]->tLogReplicationFactor));
} else {
tLogs[bestSet]->logServers[tLogs[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag)], tag,
tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion, end, false, false));
Version lastBegin = tLogs[bestSet]->startVersion;
for (int i = 0; begin < lastBegin; i++) {
if(i == oldLogData.size()) {
if((tag == txsTag || tag.locality == tagLocalityTxs) && cursors.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalDead", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("OldLogDataSize", oldLogData.size());
throw worker_removed();
int bestOldSet = -1;
logCount = 0;
bool nextFoundSpecial = false;
for(int t = 0; t < oldLogData[i].tLogs.size(); t++) {
if(oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->logServers.size() && oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality != tagLocalitySatellite) {
if(oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->logServers.size() && (oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded || oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality == peekLocality ||
peekLocality == tagLocalityUpgraded || peekLocality == tagLocalitySpecial)) {
if( oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded ) {
nextFoundSpecial = true;
if(foundSpecial && !oldLogData[i].tLogs[t]->isLocal) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalRemoteBeforeSpecial", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("OldLogDataSize", oldLogData.size()).detail("Idx", i);
throw worker_removed();
bestOldSet = t;
if(bestOldSet == -1) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalNoBestSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin).detail("OldLogDataSize", oldLogData.size()).detail("Idx", i).detail("LogRouterTags", oldLogData[i].logRouterTags).detail("LogCount", logCount).detail("FoundSpecial", foundSpecial);
if(oldLogData[i].logRouterTags == 0 || logCount > 1 || foundSpecial) {
throw worker_removed();
foundSpecial = nextFoundSpecial;
Version thisBegin = std::max(oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->startVersion, begin);
if(thisBegin < lastBegin) {
if(thisBegin < end) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLocalAddingOldBest", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("BestOldSet", bestOldSet)
.detail("LogServers", oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->logServerString()).detail("ThisBegin", thisBegin).detail("LastBegin", lastBegin);
//detail("LogId", oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->logServers[tLogs[bestOldSet]->bestLocationFor( tag )]->get().id());
oldLogData[i].tLogs[bestOldSet]->logServers.size() + 1 -
tag, thisBegin, std::min(lastBegin, end), useMergePeekCursors,
epochEnds.emplace_back(std::min(lastBegin, end));
lastBegin = thisBegin;
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MultiCursor>(cursors, epochEnds);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekTxs(UID dbgid, Version begin, int8_t peekLocality, Version localEnd, bool canDiscardPopped) final {
Version end = getEnd();
if(!tLogs.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekTxsNoLogs", dbgid);
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(),
txsTag, begin, end, false, false);
TraceEvent("TLogPeekTxs", dbgid).detail("Begin", begin).detail("End", end).detail("LocalEnd", localEnd).detail("PeekLocality", peekLocality).detail("CanDiscardPopped", canDiscardPopped);
int maxTxsTags = txsTags;
bool needsOldTxs = tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4;
for(auto& it : oldLogData) {
maxTxsTags = std::max<int>(maxTxsTags, it.txsTags);
needsOldTxs = needsOldTxs || it.tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4;
if(peekLocality < 0 || localEnd == invalidVersion || localEnd <= begin) {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
for(int i = 0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
cursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, begin, end, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), true));
//SOMEDAY: remove once upgrades from 6.2 are no longer supported
if(needsOldTxs) {
cursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, begin, end, txsTag, true));
return makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(cursors, begin, end, false, false, canDiscardPopped);
try {
if(localEnd >= end) {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
for(int i = 0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
cursors.push_back(peekLocal(dbgid, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), begin, end, true, peekLocality));
//SOMEDAY: remove once upgrades from 6.2 are no longer supported
if(needsOldTxs) {
cursors.push_back(peekLocal(dbgid, txsTag, begin, end, true, peekLocality));
return makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(cursors, begin, end, false, false, canDiscardPopped);
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
std::vector< LogMessageVersion > epochEnds;
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > localCursors;
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > allCursors;
for(int i = 0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
localCursors.push_back(peekLocal(dbgid, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), begin, localEnd, true, peekLocality));
allCursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, localEnd, end, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), true));
//SOMEDAY: remove once upgrades from 6.2 are no longer supported
if(needsOldTxs) {
localCursors.push_back(peekLocal(dbgid, txsTag, begin, localEnd, true, peekLocality));
allCursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, localEnd, end, txsTag, true));
cursors[1] = makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(localCursors, begin, localEnd, false, false,
cursors[0] = makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(allCursors, localEnd, end, false, false, false);
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MultiCursor>(cursors, epochEnds);
} catch( Error& e ) {
if(e.code() == error_code_worker_removed) {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
for(int i = 0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
cursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, begin, end, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), true));
//SOMEDAY: remove once upgrades from 6.2 are no longer supported
if(needsOldTxs) {
cursors.push_back(peekAll(dbgid, begin, end, txsTag, true));
return makeReference<ILogSystem::BufferedCursor>(cursors, begin, end, false, false, canDiscardPopped);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekSingle(UID dbgid, Version begin, Tag tag, std::vector<std::pair<Version,Tag>> history) final {
while(history.size() && begin >= history.back().first) {
if(history.size() == 0) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekSingleNoHistory", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin);
return peekLocal(dbgid, tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), false);
} else {
std::vector< Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> > cursors;
std::vector< LogMessageVersion > epochEnds;
TraceEvent("TLogPeekSingleAddingLocal", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", history[0].first);
cursors.push_back( peekLocal(dbgid, tag, history[0].first, getPeekEnd(), false) );
for(int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekSingleAddingOld", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("HistoryTag", history[i].second.toString()).detail("Begin", i+1 == history.size() ? begin : std::max(history[i+1].first, begin)).detail("End", history[i].first);
cursors.push_back( peekLocal(dbgid, history[i].second, i+1 == history.size() ? begin : std::max(history[i+1].first, begin), history[i].first, false) );
return makeReference<ILogSystem::MultiCursor>(cursors, epochEnds);
Reference<IPeekCursor> peekLogRouter(UID dbgid, Version begin, Tag tag) final {
bool found = false;
for (const auto& log : tLogs) {
found = log->hasLogRouter(dbgid) || log->hasBackupWorker(dbgid);
if (found) {
if (found) {
if(stopped) {
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> localSets;
int bestPrimarySet = 0;
int bestSatelliteSet = -1;
for(auto& log : tLogs) {
if(log->isLocal && log->logServers.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLogRouterLocalSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("LogServers", log->logServerString());
if(log->locality == tagLocalitySatellite) {
bestSatelliteSet = localSets.size() - 1;
} else {
bestPrimarySet = localSets.size() - 1;
int bestSet = bestPrimarySet;
bestSatelliteSet != -1 &&
tLogs[bestSatelliteSet]->tLogVersion >= TLogVersion::V4 ) {
bestSet = bestSatelliteSet;
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLogRouterSets", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin);
//FIXME: do this merge on one of the logs in the other data center to avoid sending multiple copies across the WAN
return makeReference<ILogSystem::SetPeekCursor>(
localSets, bestSet, localSets[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag), tag, begin, getPeekEnd(), true);
} else {
int bestPrimarySet = -1;
int bestSatelliteSet = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < tLogs.size(); i++ ) {
const auto& log = tLogs[i];
if(log->logServers.size() && log->isLocal) {
if (log->locality == tagLocalitySatellite) {
bestSatelliteSet = i;
} else {
if (bestPrimarySet == -1) bestPrimarySet = i;
int bestSet = bestPrimarySet;
bestSatelliteSet != -1 &&
tLogs[bestSatelliteSet]->tLogVersion >= TLogVersion::V4 ) {
bestSet = bestSatelliteSet;
const auto& log = tLogs[bestSet];
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLogRouterBestOnly", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("LogId", log->logServers[log->bestLocationFor( tag )]->get().id());
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(log->logServers[log->bestLocationFor(tag)], tag,
begin, getPeekEnd(), false, true);
bool firstOld = true;
for (const auto& old : oldLogData) {
found = false;
for (const auto& log : old.tLogs) {
found = log->hasLogRouter(dbgid) || log->hasBackupWorker(dbgid);
if (found) {
if( found ) {
int bestPrimarySet = 0;
int bestSatelliteSet = -1;
std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> localSets;
for(auto& log : old.tLogs) {
if(log->isLocal && log->logServers.size()) {
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLogRouterOldLocalSet", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("LogServers", log->logServerString());
if(log->locality == tagLocalitySatellite) {
bestSatelliteSet = localSets.size() - 1;
} else {
bestPrimarySet = localSets.size() - 1;
int bestSet = bestPrimarySet;
bestSatelliteSet != -1 &&
old.tLogs[bestSatelliteSet]->tLogVersion >= TLogVersion::V4 ) {
bestSet = bestSatelliteSet;
TraceEvent("TLogPeekLogRouterOldSets", dbgid).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("Begin", begin).detail("OldEpoch", old.epochEnd).detail("RecoveredAt", recoveredAt.present() ? recoveredAt.get() : -1).detail("FirstOld", firstOld);
//FIXME: do this merge on one of the logs in the other data center to avoid sending multiple copies across the WAN
return makeReference<ILogSystem::SetPeekCursor>(
localSets, bestSet, localSets[bestSet]->bestLocationFor(tag), tag, begin,
firstOld && recoveredAt.present() ? recoveredAt.get() + 1 : old.epochEnd, true);
firstOld = false;
return makeReference<ILogSystem::ServerPeekCursor>(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(), tag,
begin, getPeekEnd(), false, false);
Version getKnownCommittedVersion() final {
Version result = invalidVersion;
for(auto& it : lockResults) {
auto versions = TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(dbgid, it);
if(versions.present()) {
result = std::max(result, versions.get().first);
return result;
Future<Void> onKnownCommittedVersionChange() final {
std::vector<Future<Void>> result;
for(auto& it : lockResults) {
if(!result.size()) {
return Never();
return waitForAny(result);
void popLogRouter( Version upTo, Tag tag, Version durableKnownCommittedVersion, int8_t popLocality ) { //FIXME: do not need to pop all generations of old logs
if (!upTo) return;
for(auto& t : tLogs) {
if(t->locality == popLocality) {
for(auto& log : t->logRouters) {
Version prev = outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)].first;
if (prev < upTo)
outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)] = std::make_pair(upTo, durableKnownCommittedVersion);
if (prev == 0) {
popActors.add( popFromLog( this, log, tag, 0.0 ) ); //Fast pop time because log routers can only hold 5 seconds of data.
for(auto& old : oldLogData) {
for(auto& t : old.tLogs) {
if(t->locality == popLocality) {
for(auto& log : t->logRouters) {
Version prev = outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)].first;
if (prev < upTo)
outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)] = std::make_pair(upTo, durableKnownCommittedVersion);
if (prev == 0)
popActors.add( popFromLog( this, log, tag, 0.0 ) );
void popTxs(Version upTo, int8_t popLocality) final {
if( getTLogVersion() < TLogVersion::V4 ) {
pop(upTo, txsTag, 0, popLocality);
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < txsTags; i++) {
pop(upTo, Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i), 0, popLocality);
// pop 'tag.locality' type data up to the 'upTo' version
void pop(Version upTo, Tag tag, Version durableKnownCommittedVersion, int8_t popLocality) final {
if (upTo <= 0) return;
if (tag.locality == tagLocalityRemoteLog) {
popLogRouter(upTo, tag, durableKnownCommittedVersion, popLocality);
for (auto& t : tLogs) {
if (t->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || t->locality == tag.locality ||
tag.locality == tagLocalityUpgraded ||
(tag.locality < 0 && ((popLocality == tagLocalityInvalid) == t->isLocal))) {
for(auto& log : t->logServers) {
Version prev = outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)].first;
if (prev < upTo) {
// update pop version for popFromLog actor
outstandingPops[std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag)] = std::make_pair(upTo, durableKnownCommittedVersion);
if (prev == 0) {
// pop tag from log upto version defined in outstandingPops[].first
popActors.add( popFromLog( this, log, tag, 1.0 ) ); //< FIXME: knob
// pop tag from log up to the version defined in self->outstandingPops[].first
ACTOR static Future<Void> popFromLog(TagPartitionedLogSystem* self,
Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>> log, Tag tag,
double time) {
state Version last = 0;
loop {
wait( delay(time, TaskPriority::TLogPop) );
// to: first is upto version, second is durableKnownComittedVersion
state std::pair<Version,Version> to = self->outstandingPops[ std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag) ];
if (to.first <= last) {
self->outstandingPops.erase( std::make_pair(log->get().id(),tag) );
return Void();
try {
if( !log->get().present() )
return Void();
wait(log->get().interf().popMessages.getReply( TLogPopRequest( to.first, to.second, tag ), TaskPriority::TLogPop ) );
last = to.first;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled) throw;
TraceEvent( (e.code() == error_code_broken_promise) ? SevInfo : SevError, "LogPopError", self->dbgid ).error(e).detail("Log", log->get().id());
return Void(); // Leaving outstandingPops filled in means no further pop requests to this tlog from this logSystem
ACTOR static Future<Version> getPoppedFromTLog( Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>> log, Tag tag ) {
loop {
choose {
when( TLogPeekReply rep = wait( log->get().present() ? brokenPromiseToNever(log->get().interf().peekMessages.getReply(TLogPeekRequest(-1, tag, false, false))) : Never() ) ) {
return rep.popped.get();
when( wait( log->onChange() ) ) {}
ACTOR static Future<Version> getPoppedTxs(TagPartitionedLogSystem* self) {
state std::vector<std::vector<Future<Version>>> poppedFutures;
state std::vector<Future<Void>> poppedReady;
if(self->tLogs.size()) {
poppedFutures.push_back( std::vector<Future<Version>>() );
for(auto& it : self->tLogs) {
for(auto& log : it->logServers) {
poppedFutures.back().push_back(getPoppedFromTLog(log, self->tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4 ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, 0)));
for(auto& old : self->oldLogData) {
if(old.tLogs.size()) {
poppedFutures.push_back( std::vector<Future<Version>>() );
for(auto& it : old.tLogs) {
for(auto& log : it->logServers) {
poppedFutures.back().push_back(getPoppedFromTLog(log, old.tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4 ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, 0)));
state Future<Void> maxGetPoppedDuration = delay(SERVER_KNOBS->TXS_POPPED_MAX_DELAY);
wait( waitForAll(poppedReady) || maxGetPoppedDuration );
if(maxGetPoppedDuration.isReady()) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "PoppedTxsNotReady", self->dbgid);
Version maxPopped = 1;
for(auto &it : poppedFutures) {
for(auto &v : it) {
if(v.isReady()) {
maxPopped = std::max(maxPopped, v.get());
return maxPopped;
Future<Version> getTxsPoppedVersion() final {
return getPoppedTxs(this);
ACTOR static Future<Void> confirmEpochLive_internal(Reference<LogSet> logSet, Optional<UID> debugID) {
state vector<Future<Void>> alive;
int numPresent = 0;
for(auto& t : logSet->logServers) {
if( t->get().present() ) {
alive.push_back( brokenPromiseToNever(
t->get().interf().confirmRunning.getReply( TLogConfirmRunningRequest(debugID),
TaskPriority::TLogConfirmRunningReply ) ) );
} else {
alive.push_back( Never() );
wait( quorum( alive, std::min(logSet->tLogReplicationFactor, numPresent - logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum) ) );
state std::vector<LocalityEntry> aliveEntries;
state std::vector<bool> responded(alive.size(), false);
loop {
for (int i = 0; i < alive.size(); i++) {
if (!responded[i] && alive[i].isReady() && !alive[i].isError()) {
responded[i] = true;
if (logSet->satisfiesPolicy(aliveEntries)) {
return Void();
// The current set of responders that we have weren't enough to form a quorum, so we must
// wait for more responses and try again.
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for (int i = 0; i < alive.size(); i++) {
if (!alive[i].isReady()) {
changes.push_back( ready(alive[i]) );
} else if (alive[i].isReady() && alive[i].isError() &&
alive[i].getError().code() == error_code_tlog_stopped) {
// All commits must go to all TLogs. If any TLog is stopped, then our epoch has ended.
return Never();
ASSERT(changes.size() != 0);
wait( waitForAny(changes) );
// Returns success after confirming that pushes in the current epoch are still possible
Future<Void> confirmEpochLive(Optional<UID> debugID) final {
vector<Future<Void>> quorumResults;
for(auto& it : tLogs) {
if(it->isLocal && it->logServers.size()) {
quorumResults.push_back( confirmEpochLive_internal(it, debugID) );
return waitForAll(quorumResults);
Future<Void> endEpoch() final {
std::vector<Future<Void>> lockResults;
for( auto& logSet : tLogs ) {
for( auto& log : logSet->logServers ) {
lockResults.push_back(success(lockTLog( dbgid, log )));
return waitForAll(lockResults);
// Call only after end_epoch() has successfully completed. Returns a new epoch immediately following this one.
// The new epoch is only provisional until the caller updates the coordinated DBCoreState.
Future<Reference<ILogSystem>> newEpoch(RecruitFromConfigurationReply const& recr,
Future<RecruitRemoteFromConfigurationReply> const& fRemoteWorkers,
DatabaseConfiguration const& config, LogEpoch recoveryCount,
int8_t primaryLocality, int8_t remoteLocality,
std::vector<Tag> const& allTags,
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> const& recruitmentStalled) final {
return newEpoch( Reference<TagPartitionedLogSystem>::addRef(this), recr, fRemoteWorkers, config, recoveryCount, primaryLocality, remoteLocality, allTags, recruitmentStalled );
LogSystemConfig getLogSystemConfig() const final {
LogSystemConfig logSystemConfig(epoch);
logSystemConfig.logSystemType = logSystemType;
logSystemConfig.expectedLogSets = expectedLogSets;
logSystemConfig.logRouterTags = logRouterTags;
logSystemConfig.txsTags = txsTags;
logSystemConfig.recruitmentID = recruitmentID;
logSystemConfig.stopped = stopped;
logSystemConfig.recoveredAt = recoveredAt;
logSystemConfig.pseudoLocalities = pseudoLocalities;
logSystemConfig.oldestBackupEpoch = oldestBackupEpoch;
for (const Reference<LogSet>& logSet : tLogs) {
if (logSet->isLocal || remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState) {
if(!recoveryCompleteWrittenToCoreState.get()) {
for (const auto& oldData : oldLogData) {
return logSystemConfig;
Standalone<StringRef> getLogsValue() const final {
vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>> logs;
vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>> oldLogs;
for(auto& t : tLogs) {
if(t->isLocal || remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState) {
for( int i = 0; i < t->logServers.size(); i++ ) {
logs.emplace_back(t->logServers[i]->get().id(), t->logServers[i]->get().present() ? t->logServers[i]->get().interf().address() : NetworkAddress());
if(!recoveryCompleteWrittenToCoreState.get()) {
for( int i = 0; i < oldLogData.size(); i++ ) {
for(auto& t : oldLogData[i].tLogs) {
for( int j = 0; j < t->logServers.size(); j++ ) {
oldLogs.emplace_back(t->logServers[j]->get().id(), t->logServers[j]->get().present() ? t->logServers[j]->get().interf().address() : NetworkAddress());
return logsValue( logs, oldLogs );
Future<Void> onLogSystemConfigChange() final {
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for(auto& t : tLogs) {
for( int i = 0; i < t->logServers.size(); i++ ) {
changes.push_back( t->logServers[i]->onChange() );
for(int i = 0; i < oldLogData.size(); i++) {
for(auto& t : oldLogData[i].tLogs) {
for( int j = 0; j < t->logServers.size(); j++ ) {
changes.push_back( t->logServers[j]->onChange() );
if(hasRemoteServers && !remoteRecovery.isReady()) {
return waitForAny(changes);
Version getEnd() const final {
ASSERT( recoverAt.present() );
return recoverAt.get() + 1;
Version getPeekEnd() const {
if (recoverAt.present())
return getEnd();
return std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
void getPushLocations(VectorRef<Tag> tags, std::vector<int>& locations, bool allLocations) const final {
int locationOffset = 0;
for(auto& log : tLogs) {
if(log->isLocal && log->logServers.size()) {
log->getPushLocations(tags, locations, locationOffset, allLocations);
locationOffset += log->logServers.size();
bool hasRemoteLogs() const final {
return logRouterTags > 0 || pseudoLocalities.size() > 0;
Tag getRandomRouterTag() const final {
return Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, logRouterTags));
Tag getRandomTxsTag() const final {
return Tag(tagLocalityTxs, deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, txsTags));
TLogVersion getTLogVersion() const final {
return tLogs[0]->tLogVersion;
int getLogRouterTags() const final { return logRouterTags; }
Version getBackupStartVersion() const final {
ASSERT(tLogs.size() > 0);
return backupStartVersion;
std::map<LogEpoch, ILogSystem::EpochTagsVersionsInfo> getOldEpochTagsVersionsInfo() const final {
std::map<LogEpoch, EpochTagsVersionsInfo> epochInfos;
for (const auto& old : oldLogData) {
{ old.epoch, ILogSystem::EpochTagsVersionsInfo(old.logRouterTags, old.epochBegin, old.epochEnd) });
TraceEvent("OldEpochTagsVersions", dbgid)
.detail("Epoch", old.epoch)
.detail("Tags", old.logRouterTags)
.detail("BeginVersion", old.epochBegin)
.detail("EndVersion", old.epochEnd);
return epochInfos;
inline Reference<LogSet> getEpochLogSet(LogEpoch epoch) const {
for (const auto& old : oldLogData) {
if (epoch == old.epoch) return old.tLogs[0];
return Reference<LogSet>(nullptr);
void setBackupWorkers(const std::vector<InitializeBackupReply>& replies) final {
ASSERT(tLogs.size() > 0);
Reference<LogSet> logset = tLogs[0]; // Master recruits this epoch's worker first.
LogEpoch logsetEpoch = this->epoch;
oldestBackupEpoch = this->epoch;
for (const auto& reply : replies) {
if (removedBackupWorkers.count(reply.interf.id()) > 0) {
auto worker = makeReference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<BackupInterface>>>(
if (reply.backupEpoch != logsetEpoch) {
// find the logset from oldLogData
logsetEpoch = reply.backupEpoch;
oldestBackupEpoch = std::min(oldestBackupEpoch, logsetEpoch);
logset = getEpochLogSet(logsetEpoch);
TraceEvent("AddBackupWorker", dbgid)
.detail("Epoch", logsetEpoch)
.detail("BackupWorkerID", reply.interf.id());
TraceEvent("SetOldestBackupEpoch", dbgid).detail("Epoch", oldestBackupEpoch);
bool removeBackupWorker(const BackupWorkerDoneRequest& req) final {
bool removed = false;
Reference<LogSet> logset = getEpochLogSet(req.backupEpoch);
if (logset.isValid()) {
for (auto it = logset->backupWorkers.begin(); it != logset->backupWorkers.end(); it++) {
if (it->getPtr()->get().interf().id() == req.workerUID) {
removed = true;
if (removed) {
oldestBackupEpoch = epoch;
for (const auto& old : oldLogData) {
if (old.epoch < oldestBackupEpoch && old.tLogs[0]->backupWorkers.size() > 0) {
oldestBackupEpoch = old.epoch;
} else {
TraceEvent("RemoveBackupWorker", dbgid)
.detail("Removed", removed)
.detail("BackupEpoch", req.backupEpoch)
.detail("WorkerID", req.workerUID)
.detail("OldestBackupEpoch", oldestBackupEpoch);
return removed;
LogEpoch getOldestBackupEpoch() const final { return oldestBackupEpoch; }
void setOldestBackupEpoch(LogEpoch epoch) final {
oldestBackupEpoch = epoch;
ACTOR static Future<Void> monitorLog(Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>> logServer, Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> failed) {
state Future<Void> waitFailure;
loop {
waitFailure = waitFailureTracker( logServer->get().interf().waitFailure, failed );
wait( logServer->onChange() );
Optional<std::pair<Version,Version>> static getDurableVersion(UID dbgid, LogLockInfo lockInfo, std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>> failed = std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>>(), Optional<Version> lastEnd = Optional<Version>()) {
Reference<LogSet> logSet = lockInfo.logSet;
// To ensure consistent recovery, the number of servers NOT in the write quorum plus the number of servers NOT in the read quorum
// have to be strictly less than the replication factor. Otherwise there could be a replica set consistent entirely of servers that
// are out of date due to not being in the write quorum or unavailable due to not being in the read quorum.
// So with N = # of tlogs, W = antiquorum, R = required count, F = replication factor,
// W + (N - R) < F, and optimally (N-W)+(N-R)=F-1. Thus R=N+1-F+W.
int requiredCount = (int)logSet->logServers.size()+1 - logSet->tLogReplicationFactor + logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum;
ASSERT( requiredCount > 0 && requiredCount <= logSet->logServers.size() );
ASSERT( logSet->tLogReplicationFactor >= 1 && logSet->tLogReplicationFactor <= logSet->logServers.size() );
ASSERT( logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum >= 0 && logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum < logSet->logServers.size() );
std::vector<LocalityData> availableItems, badCombo;
std::vector<TLogLockResult> results;
std::string sServerState;
LocalityGroup unResponsiveSet;
for(int t=0; t<logSet->logServers.size(); t++) {
if (lockInfo.replies[t].isReady() && !lockInfo.replies[t].isError() && (!failed.size() || !failed[t]->get())) {
sServerState += 'a';
else {
sServerState += 'f';
// Check if the list of results is not larger than the anti quorum
bool bTooManyFailures = (results.size() <= logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum);
// Check if failed logs complete the policy
bTooManyFailures = bTooManyFailures || ((unResponsiveSet.size() >= logSet->tLogReplicationFactor) && (unResponsiveSet.validate(logSet->tLogPolicy)));
// Check all combinations of the AntiQuorum within the failed
if (!bTooManyFailures && (logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum) && (!validateAllCombinations(badCombo, unResponsiveSet, logSet->tLogPolicy, availableItems, logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false))) {
TraceEvent("EpochEndBadCombo", dbgid).detail("Required", requiredCount).detail("Present", results.size()).detail("ServerState", sServerState);
bTooManyFailures = true;
ASSERT(logSet->logServers.size() == lockInfo.replies.size());
if (!bTooManyFailures) {
std::sort( results.begin(), results.end(), sort_by_end() );
int absent = logSet->logServers.size() - results.size();
int safe_range_begin = logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum;
int new_safe_range_begin = std::min(logSet->tLogWriteAntiQuorum, (int)(results.size()-1));
int safe_range_end = logSet->tLogReplicationFactor - absent;
if( !lastEnd.present() || ((safe_range_end > 0) && (safe_range_end-1 < results.size()) && results[ safe_range_end-1 ].end < lastEnd.get()) ) {
Version knownCommittedVersion = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
knownCommittedVersion = std::max(knownCommittedVersion, results[i].knownCommittedVersion);
if (knownCommittedVersion > results[new_safe_range_begin].end) {
knownCommittedVersion = results[new_safe_range_begin].end;
TraceEvent("GetDurableResult", dbgid).detail("Required", requiredCount).detail("Present", results.size()).detail("ServerState", sServerState)
.detail("RecoveryVersion", ((safe_range_end > 0) && (safe_range_end-1 < results.size())) ? results[ safe_range_end-1 ].end : -1)
.detail("EndVersion", results[ new_safe_range_begin ].end).detail("SafeBegin", safe_range_begin).detail("SafeEnd", safe_range_end)
.detail("NewSafeBegin", new_safe_range_begin).detail("KnownCommittedVersion", knownCommittedVersion).detail("EpochEnd", lockInfo.epochEnd);
return std::make_pair(knownCommittedVersion, results[ new_safe_range_begin ].end);
TraceEvent("GetDurableResultWaiting", dbgid).detail("Required", requiredCount).detail("Present", results.size()).detail("ServerState", sServerState);
return Optional<std::pair<Version,Version>>();
ACTOR static Future<Void> getDurableVersionChanged(LogLockInfo lockInfo, std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>> failed = std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>>()) {
// Wait for anything relevant to change
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for(int j=0; j < lockInfo.logSet->logServers.size(); j++) {
if (!lockInfo.replies[j].isReady())
changes.push_back( ready(lockInfo.replies[j]) );
else {
changes.push_back( lockInfo.logSet->logServers[j]->onChange() );
if(failed.size()) {
changes.push_back( failed[j]->onChange() );
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> epochEnd( Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>> outLogSystem, UID dbgid, DBCoreState prevState, FutureStream<TLogRejoinRequest> rejoinRequests, LocalityData locality, bool* forceRecovery ) {
// Stops a co-quorum of tlogs so that no further versions can be committed until the DBCoreState coordination state is changed
// Creates a new logSystem representing the (now frozen) epoch
// No other important side effects.
// The writeQuorum in the master info is from the previous configuration
if (!prevState.tLogs.size()) {
// This is a brand new database
auto logSystem = makeReference<TagPartitionedLogSystem>(dbgid, locality, 0);
logSystem->logSystemType = prevState.logSystemType;
logSystem->recoverAt = 0;
logSystem->knownCommittedVersion = 0;
logSystem->stopped = true;
wait( Future<Void>(Never()) );
throw internal_error();
if(*forceRecovery) {
DBCoreState modifiedState = prevState;
int8_t primaryLocality = -1;
for(auto& coreSet : modifiedState.tLogs) {
if(coreSet.isLocal && coreSet.locality >= 0 && coreSet.tLogLocalities[0].dcId() != locality.dcId()) {
primaryLocality = coreSet.locality;
bool foundRemote = false;
int8_t remoteLocality = -1;
int modifiedLogSets = 0;
int removedLogSets = 0;
if(primaryLocality >= 0) {
auto copiedLogs = modifiedState.tLogs;
for(auto& coreSet : copiedLogs) {
if(coreSet.locality != primaryLocality && coreSet.locality >= 0) {
foundRemote = true;
remoteLocality = coreSet.locality;
modifiedState.tLogs[0].isLocal = true;
modifiedState.logRouterTags = 0;
while( !foundRemote && modifiedState.oldTLogData.size() ) {
for(auto& coreSet : modifiedState.oldTLogData[0].tLogs) {
if(coreSet.locality != primaryLocality && coreSet.locality >= tagLocalitySpecial) {
foundRemote = true;
remoteLocality = coreSet.locality;
modifiedState.tLogs[0].isLocal = true;
modifiedState.logRouterTags = 0;
modifiedState.txsTags = modifiedState.oldTLogData[0].txsTags;
if(foundRemote) {
for(int i = 0; i < modifiedState.oldTLogData.size(); i++) {
bool found = false;
auto copiedLogs = modifiedState.oldTLogData[i].tLogs;
for(auto& coreSet : copiedLogs) {
if(coreSet.locality == remoteLocality || coreSet.locality == tagLocalitySpecial) {
found = true;
if(!coreSet.isLocal || copiedLogs.size() > 1) {
modifiedState.oldTLogData[i].tLogs[0].isLocal = true;
modifiedState.oldTLogData[i].logRouterTags = 0;
modifiedState.oldTLogData[i].epochBegin =
modifiedState.oldTLogData[i].epochEnd =
(i == 0 ? modifiedState.tLogs[0].startVersion
: modifiedState.oldTLogData[i - 1].tLogs[0].startVersion);
if(!found) {
prevState = modifiedState;
} else {
*forceRecovery = false;
} else {
*forceRecovery = false;
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "ForcedRecovery", dbgid).detail("PrimaryLocality", primaryLocality).detail("RemoteLocality", remoteLocality).detail("FoundRemote", foundRemote).detail("Modified", modifiedLogSets).detail("Removed", removedLogSets);
for(int i = 0; i < prevState.tLogs.size(); i++) {
TraceEvent("ForcedRecoveryTLogs", dbgid).detail("I", i).detail("Log", ::describe(prevState.tLogs[i].tLogs)).detail("Loc", prevState.tLogs[i].locality).detail("Txs", prevState.txsTags);
for(int i = 0; i < prevState.oldTLogData.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < prevState.oldTLogData[i].tLogs.size(); j++) {
TraceEvent("ForcedRecoveryTLogs", dbgid).detail("I", i).detail("J",j).detail("Log", ::describe(prevState.oldTLogData[i].tLogs[j].tLogs)).detail("Loc", prevState.oldTLogData[i].tLogs[j].locality).detail("Txs", prevState.oldTLogData[i].txsTags);
TEST( true ); // Master recovery from pre-existing database
// trackRejoins listens for rejoin requests from the tLogs that we are recovering from, to learn their TLogInterfaces
state std::vector<LogLockInfo> lockResults;
state std::vector<std::pair<Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>,Reference<IReplicationPolicy>>> allLogServers;
state std::vector<Reference<LogSet>> logServers;
state std::vector<OldLogData> oldLogData;
state std::vector<std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>>> logFailed;
state std::vector<Future<Void>> failureTrackers;
for (const CoreTLogSet& coreSet : prevState.tLogs) {
std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>> failed;
for (const auto& logVar : logServers.back()->logServers) {
failureTrackers.push_back(monitorLog(logVar, failed.back()));
for (const auto& oldTlogData : prevState.oldTLogData) {
for (const auto& logSet : oldLogData.back().tLogs) {
for (const auto& logVar : logSet->logServers) {
state Future<Void> rejoins = trackRejoins( dbgid, allLogServers, rejoinRequests );
std::set<int8_t> lockedLocalities;
bool foundSpecial = false;
for( int i=0; i < logServers.size(); i++ ) {
if(logServers[i]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || logServers[i]->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded) {
foundSpecial = true;
lockResults[i].isCurrent = true;
lockResults[i].logSet = logServers[i];
for(int t=0; t<logServers[i]->logServers.size(); t++) {
lockResults[i].replies.push_back( lockTLog( dbgid, logServers[i]->logServers[t]) );
for( auto& old : oldLogData ) {
if(foundSpecial) {
for( auto& log : old.tLogs ) {
if(log->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || log->locality == tagLocalityUpgraded) {
foundSpecial = true;
if(!lockedLocalities.count(log->locality)) {
TraceEvent("EpochEndLockExtra").detail("Locality", log->locality);
TEST(true); //locking old generations for version information
LogLockInfo lockResult;
lockResult.epochEnd = old.epochEnd;
lockResult.logSet = log;
for(int t=0; t<log->logServers.size(); t++) {
lockResult.replies.push_back( lockTLog( dbgid, log->logServers[t]) );
if(*forceRecovery) {
state std::vector<LogLockInfo> allLockResults;
ASSERT( lockResults.size() == 1 );
for( auto& old : oldLogData ) {
ASSERT( old.tLogs.size() == 1 );
LogLockInfo lockResult;
lockResult.epochEnd = old.epochEnd;
lockResult.logSet = old.tLogs[0];
for(int t=0; t<old.tLogs[0]->logServers.size(); t++) {
lockResult.replies.push_back( lockTLog( dbgid, old.tLogs[0]->logServers[t]) );
state int lockNum = 0;
state Version maxRecoveryVersion = 0;
state int maxRecoveryIndex = 0;
while(lockNum < allLockResults.size()) {
auto versions = TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(dbgid, allLockResults[lockNum]);
if(versions.present()) {
if(versions.get().second > maxRecoveryVersion) {
TraceEvent("HigherRecoveryVersion", dbgid).detail("Idx", lockNum).detail("Ver", versions.get().second);
maxRecoveryVersion = versions.get().second;
maxRecoveryIndex = lockNum;
} else {
wait( TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersionChanged(allLockResults[lockNum]) );
if(maxRecoveryIndex > 0) {
logServers = oldLogData[maxRecoveryIndex-1].tLogs;
prevState.txsTags = oldLogData[maxRecoveryIndex-1].txsTags;
lockResults[0] = allLockResults[maxRecoveryIndex];
lockResults[0].isCurrent = true;
std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>> failed;
for(auto& log : logServers[0]->logServers) {
failureTrackers.push_back( monitorLog(log, failed.back() ) );
ASSERT(logFailed.size() == 1);
logFailed[0] = failed;
oldLogData.erase(oldLogData.begin(), oldLogData.begin() + maxRecoveryIndex);
state Optional<Version> lastEnd;
state Version knownCommittedVersion = 0;
loop {
Version minEnd = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
Version maxEnd = 0;
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for(int log = 0; log < logServers.size(); log++) {
if(!logServers[log]->isLocal) {
auto versions = TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(dbgid, lockResults[log], logFailed[log], lastEnd);
if(versions.present()) {
knownCommittedVersion = std::max(knownCommittedVersion, versions.get().first);
maxEnd = std::max(maxEnd, versions.get().second);
minEnd = std::min(minEnd, versions.get().second);
changes.push_back(TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersionChanged(lockResults[log], logFailed[log]));
if(maxEnd > 0 && (!lastEnd.present() || maxEnd < lastEnd.get())) {
TEST( lastEnd.present() ); // Restarting recovery at an earlier point
auto logSystem = makeReference<TagPartitionedLogSystem>(dbgid, locality, prevState.recoveryCount);
lastEnd = minEnd;
logSystem->tLogs = logServers;
logSystem->logRouterTags = prevState.logRouterTags;
logSystem->txsTags = prevState.txsTags;
logSystem->oldLogData = oldLogData;
logSystem->logSystemType = prevState.logSystemType;
logSystem->rejoins = rejoins;
logSystem->lockResults = lockResults;
if (knownCommittedVersion > minEnd) {
knownCommittedVersion = minEnd;
logSystem->recoverAt = minEnd;
logSystem->knownCommittedVersion = knownCommittedVersion;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "FinalRecoveryVersionInfo")
.detail("KCV", knownCommittedVersion)
.detail("MinEnd", minEnd);
logSystem->remoteLogsWrittenToCoreState = true;
logSystem->stopped = true;
logSystem->pseudoLocalities = prevState.pseudoLocalities;
wait( waitForAny(changes) );
ACTOR static Future<Void> recruitOldLogRouters( TagPartitionedLogSystem* self, vector<WorkerInterface> workers, LogEpoch recoveryCount, int8_t locality, Version startVersion,
std::vector<LocalityData> tLogLocalities, Reference<IReplicationPolicy> tLogPolicy, bool forRemote ) {
state vector<vector<Future<TLogInterface>>> logRouterInitializationReplies;
state vector<Future<TLogInterface>> allReplies;
int nextRouter = 0;
state Version lastStart = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
if(!forRemote) {
Version maxStart = getMaxLocalStartVersion(self->tLogs);
lastStart = std::max(startVersion, maxStart);
if( self->logRouterTags == 0 ) {
return Void();
bool found = false;
for(auto& tLogs : self->tLogs) {
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
TraceEvent("RecruitingOldLogRoutersAddingLocality").detail("Locality", locality).detail("LastStart", lastStart);
auto newLogSet = makeReference<LogSet>();
newLogSet->locality = locality;
newLogSet->startVersion = lastStart;
newLogSet->isLocal = false;
for(auto& tLogs : self->tLogs) {
//Recruit log routers for old generations of the primary locality
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
for( int i = 0; i < self->logRouterTags; i++) {
InitializeLogRouterRequest req;
req.recoveryCount = recoveryCount;
req.routerTag = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i);
req.startVersion = lastStart;
req.tLogLocalities = tLogLocalities;
req.tLogPolicy = tLogPolicy;
req.locality = locality;
auto reply = transformErrors( throwErrorOr( workers[nextRouter].logRouter.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( req, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() );
logRouterInitializationReplies.back().push_back( reply );
allReplies.push_back( reply );
nextRouter = (nextRouter+1)%workers.size();
for(auto& old : self->oldLogData) {
Version maxStart = getMaxLocalStartVersion(old.tLogs);
if(old.logRouterTags == 0 || maxStart >= lastStart) {
lastStart = std::max(startVersion, maxStart);
bool found = false;
for(auto& tLogs : old.tLogs) {
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
TraceEvent("RecruitingOldLogRoutersAddingLocality").detail("Locality", locality).detail("LastStart", lastStart);
auto newLogSet = makeReference<LogSet>();
newLogSet->locality = locality;
newLogSet->startVersion = lastStart;
for(auto& tLogs : old.tLogs) {
//Recruit log routers for old generations of the primary locality
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
for( int i = 0; i < old.logRouterTags; i++) {
InitializeLogRouterRequest req;
req.recoveryCount = recoveryCount;
req.routerTag = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i);
req.startVersion = lastStart;
req.tLogLocalities = tLogLocalities;
req.tLogPolicy = tLogPolicy;
req.locality = locality;
auto reply = transformErrors( throwErrorOr( workers[nextRouter].logRouter.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( req, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() );
logRouterInitializationReplies.back().push_back( reply );
allReplies.push_back( reply );
nextRouter = (nextRouter+1)%workers.size();
wait( waitForAll(allReplies) );
int nextReplies = 0;
lastStart = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
vector<Future<Void>> failed;
if(!forRemote) {
Version maxStart = getMaxLocalStartVersion(self->tLogs);
lastStart = std::max(startVersion, maxStart);
for(auto& tLogs : self->tLogs) {
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
for( int i = 0; i < logRouterInitializationReplies[nextReplies].size(); i++ ) {
for(auto& old : self->oldLogData) {
Version maxStart = getMaxLocalStartVersion(old.tLogs);
if(old.logRouterTags == 0 || maxStart >= lastStart) {
lastStart = std::max(startVersion, maxStart);
for(auto& tLogs : old.tLogs) {
if(tLogs->locality == locality) {
for( int i = 0; i < logRouterInitializationReplies[nextReplies].size(); i++ ) {
if(!forRemote) {
if(!forRemote) {
wait( failed.size() ? tagError<Void>( quorum( failed, 1 ), master_tlog_failed() ) : Future<Void>(Never()) );
throw internal_error();
return Void();
static Version getMaxLocalStartVersion(const std::vector<Reference<LogSet>>& tLogs) {
Version maxStart = 0;
for (const auto& logSet : tLogs) {
if (logSet->isLocal) {
maxStart = std::max(maxStart, logSet->startVersion);
return maxStart;
static std::vector<Tag> getLocalTags(int8_t locality, const std::vector<Tag>& allTags) {
std::vector<Tag> localTags;
for (const auto& tag : allTags) {
if (locality == tagLocalitySpecial || locality == tag.locality || tag.locality < 0) {
return localTags;
ACTOR static Future<Void> newRemoteEpoch( TagPartitionedLogSystem* self, Reference<TagPartitionedLogSystem> oldLogSystem, Future<RecruitRemoteFromConfigurationReply> fRemoteWorkers, DatabaseConfiguration configuration, LogEpoch recoveryCount, int8_t remoteLocality, std::vector<Tag> allTags ) {
state RecruitRemoteFromConfigurationReply remoteWorkers = wait( fRemoteWorkers );
state Reference<LogSet> logSet(new LogSet());
logSet->tLogReplicationFactor = configuration.getRemoteTLogReplicationFactor();
logSet->tLogVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
logSet->tLogPolicy = configuration.getRemoteTLogPolicy();
logSet->isLocal = false;
logSet->locality = remoteLocality;
logSet->startVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
state int lockNum = 0;
while(lockNum < oldLogSystem->lockResults.size()) {
if(oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].logSet->locality == remoteLocality) {
loop {
auto versions = TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(self->dbgid, oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum]);
if(versions.present()) {
logSet->startVersion = std::min(std::min(versions.get().first+1, oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].epochEnd), logSet->startVersion);
wait( TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersionChanged(oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum]) );
vector<LocalityData> localities;
for(int i = 0; i < remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size(); i++) {
localities[i] = remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs[i].locality;
state Future<Void> oldRouterRecruitment = Void();
if(logSet->startVersion < oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1) {
ASSERT(oldLogSystem->logRouterTags > 0);
oldRouterRecruitment = TagPartitionedLogSystem::recruitOldLogRouters(self, remoteWorkers.logRouters, recoveryCount, remoteLocality, logSet->startVersion, localities, logSet->tLogPolicy, true);
state vector<Future<TLogInterface>> logRouterInitializationReplies;
const Version startVersion = oldLogSystem->logRouterTags == 0
? oldLogSystem->recoverAt.get() + 1
: std::max(self->tLogs[0]->startVersion, logSet->startVersion);
for (int i = 0; i < self->logRouterTags; i++) {
InitializeLogRouterRequest req;
req.recoveryCount = recoveryCount;
req.routerTag = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i);
req.startVersion = startVersion;
req.tLogLocalities = localities;
req.tLogPolicy = logSet->tLogPolicy;
req.locality = remoteLocality;
logRouterInitializationReplies.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( remoteWorkers.logRouters[i%remoteWorkers.logRouters.size()].logRouter.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( req, SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
std::vector<Tag> localTags = getLocalTags(remoteLocality, allTags);
LogSystemConfig oldLogSystemConfig = oldLogSystem->getLogSystemConfig();
logSet->tLogLocalities.resize( remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size() );
logSet->logServers.resize( remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size() ); // Dummy interfaces, so that logSystem->getPushLocations() below uses the correct size
state vector<Future<TLogInterface>> remoteTLogInitializationReplies;
vector< InitializeTLogRequest > remoteTLogReqs( remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size() );
bool nonShardedTxs = self->getTLogVersion() < TLogVersion::V4;
if(oldLogSystem->logRouterTags == 0) {
std::vector<int> locations;
for( Tag tag : localTags ) {
logSet->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&tag, 1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
remoteTLogReqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
if(oldLogSystem->tLogs.size()) {
int maxTxsTags = oldLogSystem->txsTags;
bool needsOldTxs = oldLogSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4;
for(auto& it : oldLogSystem->oldLogData) {
maxTxsTags = std::max<int>(maxTxsTags, it.txsTags);
needsOldTxs = needsOldTxs || it.tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4;
for(int i = needsOldTxs?-1:0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
Tag tag = i==-1 ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i);
Tag pushTag = (i==-1 || nonShardedTxs) ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i%self->txsTags);
logSet->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&pushTag, 1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
remoteTLogReqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
if(oldLogSystem->tLogs.size()) {
if(nonShardedTxs) {
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < self->txsTags; i++) {
localTags.push_back(Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i));
for( int i = 0; i < remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size(); i++ ) {
InitializeTLogRequest &req = remoteTLogReqs[i];
req.recruitmentID = self->recruitmentID;
req.logVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
req.storeType = configuration.tLogDataStoreType;
req.spillType = configuration.tLogSpillType;
req.recoverFrom = oldLogSystemConfig;
req.recoverAt = oldLogSystem->recoverAt.get();
req.knownCommittedVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion;
req.epoch = recoveryCount;
req.remoteTag = Tag(tagLocalityRemoteLog, i);
req.locality = remoteLocality;
req.isPrimary = false;
req.allTags = localTags;
req.startVersion = logSet->startVersion;
req.logRouterTags = 0;
req.txsTags = self->txsTags;
for( int i = 0; i < remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs.size(); i++ )
remoteTLogInitializationReplies.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs[i].tLog.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( remoteTLogReqs[i], SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
TraceEvent("RemoteLogRecruitment_InitializingRemoteLogs").detail("StartVersion", logSet->startVersion).detail("LocalStart", self->tLogs[0]->startVersion).detail("LogRouterTags", self->logRouterTags);
wait( waitForAll(remoteTLogInitializationReplies) && waitForAll(logRouterInitializationReplies) && oldRouterRecruitment );
for( int i = 0; i < logRouterInitializationReplies.size(); i++ ) {
for( int i = 0; i < remoteTLogInitializationReplies.size(); i++ ) {
logSet->logServers[i] = makeReference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(
logSet->tLogLocalities[i] = remoteWorkers.remoteTLogs[i].locality;
filterLocalityDataForPolicy(logSet->tLogPolicy, &logSet->tLogLocalities);
std::vector<Future<Void>> recoveryComplete;
for( int i = 0; i < logSet->logServers.size(); i++)
recoveryComplete.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( logSet->logServers[i]->get().interf().recoveryFinished.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( TLogRecoveryFinishedRequest(), SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
self->remoteRecoveryComplete = waitForAll(recoveryComplete);
self->tLogs.push_back( logSet );
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Reference<ILogSystem>> newEpoch( Reference<TagPartitionedLogSystem> oldLogSystem, RecruitFromConfigurationReply recr, Future<RecruitRemoteFromConfigurationReply> fRemoteWorkers, DatabaseConfiguration configuration, LogEpoch recoveryCount,
int8_t primaryLocality, int8_t remoteLocality, std::vector<Tag> allTags, Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> recruitmentStalled ) {
state double startTime = now();
state Reference<TagPartitionedLogSystem> logSystem(
new TagPartitionedLogSystem(oldLogSystem->getDebugID(), oldLogSystem->locality, recoveryCount));
logSystem->logSystemType = LogSystemType::tagPartitioned;
logSystem->expectedLogSets = 1;
logSystem->recoveredAt = oldLogSystem->recoverAt;
logSystem->repopulateRegionAntiQuorum = configuration.repopulateRegionAntiQuorum;
logSystem->recruitmentID = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
logSystem->txsTags = configuration.tLogVersion >= TLogVersion::V4 ? recr.tLogs.size() : 0;
oldLogSystem->recruitmentID = logSystem->recruitmentID;
if(configuration.usableRegions > 1) {
logSystem->logRouterTags = recr.tLogs.size() * std::max<int>(1, configuration.desiredLogRouterCount / std::max<int>(1, recr.tLogs.size()));
TraceEvent e("AddPseudoLocality", logSystem->getDebugID());
e.detail("Locality1", "LogRouterMapped");
if (configuration.backupWorkerEnabled) {
e.detail("Locality2", "Backup");
} else if (configuration.backupWorkerEnabled) {
// Single region uses log router tag for backup workers.
logSystem->logRouterTags = recr.tLogs.size() * std::max<int>(1, configuration.desiredLogRouterCount / std::max<int>(1, recr.tLogs.size()));
TraceEvent("AddPseudoLocality", logSystem->getDebugID()).detail("Locality", "Backup");
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogWriteAntiQuorum = configuration.tLogWriteAntiQuorum;
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogReplicationFactor = configuration.tLogReplicationFactor;
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogPolicy = configuration.tLogPolicy;
logSystem->tLogs[0]->isLocal = true;
logSystem->tLogs[0]->locality = primaryLocality;
state RegionInfo region = configuration.getRegion(recr.dcId);
state int maxTxsTags = oldLogSystem->txsTags;
state bool needsOldTxs = oldLogSystem->tLogs.size() && oldLogSystem->getTLogVersion() < TLogVersion::V4;
for(auto& it : oldLogSystem->oldLogData) {
maxTxsTags = std::max<int>(maxTxsTags, it.txsTags);
needsOldTxs = needsOldTxs || it.tLogs[0]->tLogVersion < TLogVersion::V4;
if(region.satelliteTLogReplicationFactor > 0 && configuration.usableRegions > 1) {
if(recr.satelliteFallback) {
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogWriteAntiQuorum = region.satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogReplicationFactor = region.satelliteTLogReplicationFactorFallback;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogPolicy = region.satelliteTLogPolicyFallback;
} else {
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogWriteAntiQuorum = region.satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorum;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogReplicationFactor = region.satelliteTLogReplicationFactor;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogPolicy = region.satelliteTLogPolicy;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->isLocal = true;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->locality = tagLocalitySatellite;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->startVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogLocalities.resize( recr.satelliteTLogs.size() );
for(int i = 0; i < recr.satelliteTLogs.size(); i++) {
logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogLocalities[i] = recr.satelliteTLogs[i].locality;
filterLocalityDataForPolicy(logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogPolicy, &logSystem->tLogs[1]->tLogLocalities);
logSystem->tLogs[1]->logServers.resize( recr.satelliteTLogs.size() ); // Dummy interfaces, so that logSystem->getPushLocations() below uses the correct size
if(oldLogSystem->tLogs.size()) {
logSystem->oldLogData[0].tLogs = oldLogSystem->tLogs;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].epochBegin = oldLogSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].epochEnd = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].logRouterTags = oldLogSystem->logRouterTags;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].txsTags = oldLogSystem->txsTags;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].pseudoLocalities = oldLogSystem->pseudoLocalities;
logSystem->oldLogData[0].epoch = oldLogSystem->epoch;
logSystem->oldLogData.insert(logSystem->oldLogData.end(), oldLogSystem->oldLogData.begin(), oldLogSystem->oldLogData.end());
logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
logSystem->backupStartVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
state int lockNum = 0;
while(lockNum < oldLogSystem->lockResults.size()) {
if(oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].logSet->locality == primaryLocality) {
if(oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].isCurrent && oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].logSet->isLocal) {
state Future<Void> stalledAfter = setAfter(recruitmentStalled, SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_RECOVERY_TIME, true);
loop {
auto versions = TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(logSystem->dbgid, oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum]);
if(versions.present()) {
logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion = std::min(std::min(versions.get().first+1, oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum].epochEnd), logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion);
wait( TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersionChanged(oldLogSystem->lockResults[lockNum]) );
vector<LocalityData> localities;
for(int i = 0; i < recr.tLogs.size(); i++) {
localities[i] = recr.tLogs[i].locality;
state Future<Void> oldRouterRecruitment = Never();
TraceEvent("NewEpochStartVersion", oldLogSystem->getDebugID()).detail("StartVersion", logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion).detail("EpochEnd", oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1).detail("Locality", primaryLocality).detail("OldLogRouterTags", oldLogSystem->logRouterTags);
if(oldLogSystem->logRouterTags > 0 || logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion < oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1) {
oldRouterRecruitment = TagPartitionedLogSystem::recruitOldLogRouters(oldLogSystem.getPtr(), recr.oldLogRouters, recoveryCount, primaryLocality, logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion, localities, logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogPolicy, false);
if(oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion - logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_RECOVERY_VERSIONS) {
//make sure we can recover in the other DC.
for(auto& lockResult : oldLogSystem->lockResults) {
if(lockResult.logSet->locality == remoteLocality) {
if( TagPartitionedLogSystem::getDurableVersion(logSystem->dbgid, lockResult).present() ) {
} else {
std::vector<Tag> localTags = getLocalTags(primaryLocality, allTags);
state LogSystemConfig oldLogSystemConfig = oldLogSystem->getLogSystemConfig();
state vector<Future<TLogInterface>> initializationReplies;
vector< InitializeTLogRequest > reqs( recr.tLogs.size() );
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogLocalities.resize( recr.tLogs.size() );
logSystem->tLogs[0]->logServers.resize( recr.tLogs.size() ); // Dummy interfaces, so that logSystem->getPushLocations() below uses the correct size
std::vector<int> locations;
for( Tag tag : localTags ) {
logSystem->tLogs[0]->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&tag, 1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
reqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
for(int i = 0; i < oldLogSystem->logRouterTags; i++) {
Tag tag = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i);
reqs[ logSystem->tLogs[0]->bestLocationFor( tag ) ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
bool nonShardedTxs = logSystem->getTLogVersion() < TLogVersion::V4;
if(oldLogSystem->tLogs.size()) {
for(int i = needsOldTxs?-1:0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
Tag tag = i==-1 ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i);
Tag pushTag = (i==-1 || nonShardedTxs) ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i%logSystem->txsTags);
logSystem->tLogs[0]->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&pushTag, 1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
reqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
if(nonShardedTxs) {
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < logSystem->txsTags; i++) {
localTags.push_back(Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i));
for( int i = 0; i < recr.tLogs.size(); i++ ) {
InitializeTLogRequest &req = reqs[i];
req.recruitmentID = logSystem->recruitmentID;
req.logVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
req.storeType = configuration.tLogDataStoreType;
req.spillType = configuration.tLogSpillType;
req.recoverFrom = oldLogSystemConfig;
req.recoverAt = oldLogSystem->recoverAt.get();
req.knownCommittedVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion;
req.epoch = recoveryCount;
req.locality = primaryLocality;
req.remoteTag = Tag(tagLocalityRemoteLog, i);
req.isPrimary = true;
req.allTags = localTags;
req.startVersion = logSystem->tLogs[0]->startVersion;
req.logRouterTags = logSystem->logRouterTags;
req.txsTags = logSystem->txsTags;
for( int i = 0; i < recr.tLogs.size(); i++ )
initializationReplies.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( recr.tLogs[i].tLog.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( reqs[i], SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
state std::vector<Future<Void>> recoveryComplete;
if(region.satelliteTLogReplicationFactor > 0 && configuration.usableRegions > 1) {
state vector<Future<TLogInterface>> satelliteInitializationReplies;
vector< InitializeTLogRequest > sreqs( recr.satelliteTLogs.size() );
std::vector<Tag> satelliteTags;
if (logSystem->logRouterTags) {
for(int i = 0; i < oldLogSystem->logRouterTags; i++) {
Tag tag = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i);
// Satellite logs will index a mutation with tagLocalityLogRouter with an id greater than
// the number of log routers as having an id mod the number of log routers. We thus need
// to make sure that if we're going from more log routers in the previous generation to
// less log routers in the newer one, that we map the log router tags onto satellites that
// are the preferred location for id%logRouterTags.
Tag pushLocation = Tag(tagLocalityLogRouter, i%logSystem->logRouterTags);
logSystem->tLogs[1]->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&pushLocation,1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
sreqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
if(oldLogSystem->tLogs.size()) {
for(int i = needsOldTxs?-1:0; i < maxTxsTags; i++) {
Tag tag = i==-1 ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i);
Tag pushTag = (i==-1 || nonShardedTxs) ? txsTag : Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i%logSystem->txsTags);
logSystem->tLogs[1]->getPushLocations( VectorRef<Tag>(&pushTag,1), locations, 0 );
for(int loc : locations)
sreqs[ loc ].recoverTags.push_back( tag );
if(nonShardedTxs) {
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < logSystem->txsTags; i++) {
satelliteTags.push_back(Tag(tagLocalityTxs, i));
for( int i = 0; i < recr.satelliteTLogs.size(); i++ ) {
InitializeTLogRequest &req = sreqs[i];
req.recruitmentID = logSystem->recruitmentID;
req.logVersion = configuration.tLogVersion;
req.storeType = configuration.tLogDataStoreType;
req.spillType = configuration.tLogSpillType;
req.recoverFrom = oldLogSystemConfig;
req.recoverAt = oldLogSystem->recoverAt.get();
req.knownCommittedVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion;
req.epoch = recoveryCount;
req.locality = tagLocalitySatellite;
req.remoteTag = Tag();
req.isPrimary = true;
req.allTags = satelliteTags;
req.startVersion = oldLogSystem->knownCommittedVersion + 1;
req.logRouterTags = logSystem->logRouterTags;
req.txsTags = logSystem->txsTags;
for( int i = 0; i < recr.satelliteTLogs.size(); i++ )
satelliteInitializationReplies.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( recr.satelliteTLogs[i].tLog.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( sreqs[i], SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
wait( waitForAll( satelliteInitializationReplies ) || oldRouterRecruitment );
for( int i = 0; i < satelliteInitializationReplies.size(); i++ ) {
logSystem->tLogs[1]->logServers[i] = makeReference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(
for( int i = 0; i < logSystem->tLogs[1]->logServers.size(); i++)
recoveryComplete.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( logSystem->tLogs[1]->logServers[i]->get().interf().recoveryFinished.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( TLogRecoveryFinishedRequest(), SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
wait( waitForAll( initializationReplies ) || oldRouterRecruitment );
for( int i = 0; i < initializationReplies.size(); i++ ) {
logSystem->tLogs[0]->logServers[i] = makeReference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>(
logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogLocalities[i] = recr.tLogs[i].locality;
filterLocalityDataForPolicy(logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogPolicy, &logSystem->tLogs[0]->tLogLocalities);
//Don't force failure of recovery if it took us a long time to recover. This avoids multiple long running recoveries causing tests to timeout
if (BUGGIFY && now() - startTime < 300 && g_network->isSimulated() && g_simulator.speedUpSimulation) throw master_recovery_failed();
for( int i = 0; i < logSystem->tLogs[0]->logServers.size(); i++)
recoveryComplete.push_back( transformErrors( throwErrorOr( logSystem->tLogs[0]->logServers[i]->get().interf().recoveryFinished.getReplyUnlessFailedFor( TLogRecoveryFinishedRequest(), SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_TIMEOUT, SERVER_KNOBS->MASTER_FAILURE_SLOPE_DURING_RECOVERY ) ), master_recovery_failed() ) );
logSystem->recoveryComplete = waitForAll(recoveryComplete);
if(configuration.usableRegions > 1) {
logSystem->hasRemoteServers = true;
logSystem->remoteRecovery = TagPartitionedLogSystem::newRemoteEpoch(logSystem.getPtr(), oldLogSystem, fRemoteWorkers, configuration, recoveryCount, remoteLocality, allTags);
if (oldLogSystem->tLogs.size() > 0 && oldLogSystem->tLogs[0]->locality == tagLocalitySpecial) {
//The wait is required so that we know both primary logs and remote logs have copied the data between the known committed version and the recovery version.
//FIXME: we can remove this wait once we are able to have log routers which can ship data to the remote logs without using log router tags.
} else {
logSystem->hasRemoteServers = false;
logSystem->remoteRecovery = logSystem->recoveryComplete;
logSystem->remoteRecoveryComplete = logSystem->recoveryComplete;
return logSystem;
ACTOR static Future<Void> trackRejoins( UID dbgid, std::vector<std::pair<Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>,Reference<IReplicationPolicy>>> logServers, FutureStream< struct TLogRejoinRequest > rejoinRequests ) {
state std::map<UID, ReplyPromise<TLogRejoinReply>> lastReply;
try {
loop {
TLogRejoinRequest req = waitNext( rejoinRequests );
int pos = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < logServers.size(); i++ ) {
if( logServers[i].first->get().id() == req.myInterface.id() ) {
pos = i;
if ( pos != -1 ) {
TraceEvent("TLogJoinedMe", dbgid).detail("TLog", req.myInterface.id()).detail("Address", req.myInterface.commit.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress().toString());
if( !logServers[pos].first->get().present() || req.myInterface.commit.getEndpoint() != logServers[pos].first->get().interf().commit.getEndpoint()) {
TLogInterface interf = req.myInterface;
filterLocalityDataForPolicyDcAndProcess(logServers[pos].second, &interf.filteredLocality);
logServers[pos].first->setUnconditional( OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>(interf) );
lastReply[req.myInterface.id()].send(TLogRejoinReply{ false });
lastReply[req.myInterface.id()] = req.reply;
else {
TraceEvent("TLogJoinedMeUnknown", dbgid).detail("TLog", req.myInterface.id()).detail("Address", req.myInterface.commit.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress().toString());
} catch (...) {
for (auto it = lastReply.begin(); it != lastReply.end(); ++it) it->second.send(TLogRejoinReply{ true });
ACTOR static Future<TLogLockResult> lockTLog( UID myID, Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>> tlog ) {
TraceEvent("TLogLockStarted", myID).detail("TLog", tlog->get().id());
loop {
choose {
when (TLogLockResult data = wait( tlog->get().present() ? brokenPromiseToNever( tlog->get().interf().lock.getReply<TLogLockResult>() ) : Never() )) {
TraceEvent("TLogLocked", myID).detail("TLog", tlog->get().id()).detail("End", data.end);
return data;
when (wait(tlog->onChange())) {}
//FIXME: disabled during merge, update and use in epochEnd()
static void lockMinimalTLogSet(const UID& dbgid, const DBCoreState& prevState,
const std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>>& logServers,
const std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>>& logFailed,
vector<Future<TLogLockResult>>* tLogReply ) {
// Invariant: tLogReply[i] must correspond to the tlog stored as logServers[i].
ASSERT(tLogReply->size() == prevState.tLogLocalities.size());
ASSERT(logFailed.size() == tLogReply->size());
// For any given index, only one of the following will be true.
auto locking_completed = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return !logFailed[index]->get() && entry.isValid() && entry.isReady() && !entry.isError();
auto locking_failed = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return logFailed[index]->get() || (entry.isValid() && entry.isReady() && entry.isError());
auto locking_pending = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return !logFailed[index]->get() && (entry.isValid() && !entry.isReady());
auto locking_skipped = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return !logFailed[index]->get() && !entry.isValid();
auto can_obtain_quorum = [&prevState](std::function<bool(int)> filter) {
LocalityGroup filter_true;
std::vector<LocalityData> filter_false, unused;
for (int i = 0; i < prevState.tLogLocalities.size() ; i++) {
if (filter(i)) {
} else {
bool valid = filter_true.validate(prevState.tLogPolicy);
if (!valid && prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum > 0 ) {
valid = !validateAllCombinations(unused, filter_true, prevState.tLogPolicy, filter_false, prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false);
return valid;
// Step 1: Verify that if all the failed TLogs come back, they can't form a quorum.
if (can_obtain_quorum(locking_failed)) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "MasterRecoveryTLogLockingImpossible", dbgid);
// Step 2: It's possible for us to succeed, but we need to lock additional logs.
// First, we need an accurate picture of what TLogs we're capable of locking. We can't tell the
// difference between a temporarily failed TLog and a permanently failed TLog. Thus, we assume
// all failures are permanent, and manually re-issue lock requests if they rejoin.
for (int i = 0; i < logFailed.size(); i++) {
const auto& r = tLogReply->at(i);
TEST(locking_failed(i) && (r.isValid() && !r.isReady())); // A TLog failed with a pending request.
// The reboot_a_tlog BUGGIFY below should cause the above case to be hit.
if (locking_failed(i)) {
tLogReply->at(i) = Future<TLogLockResult>();
// We're trying to paritition the set of old tlogs into two sets, L and R, such that:
// (1). R does not validate the policy
// (2). |R| is as large as possible
// (3). L contains all the already-locked TLogs
// and then we only issue lock requests to TLogs in L. This is safe, as R does not have quorum,
// so no commits may occur. It does not matter if L forms a quorum or not.
// We form these sets by starting with L as all machines and R as the empty set, and moving a
// random machine from L to R until (1) or (2) no longer holds as true. Code-wise, L is
// [0..end-can_omit), and R is [end-can_omit..end), and we move a random machine via randomizing
// the order of the tlogs. Choosing a random machine was verified to generate a good-enough
// result to be interesting intests sufficiently frequently that we don't need to try to
// calculate the exact optimal solution.
std::vector<std::pair<LocalityData, int>> tlogs;
for (int i = 0; i < prevState.tLogLocalities.size(); i++) {
tlogs.emplace_back(prevState.tLogLocalities[i], i);
// Rearrange the array such that things that the left is logs closer to being locked, and
// the right is logs that can't be locked. This makes us prefer locking already-locked TLogs,
// which is how we respect the decisions made in the previous execution.
auto idx_to_order = [&locking_completed, &locking_failed, &locking_pending, &locking_skipped](int index) {
bool complete = locking_completed(index);
bool pending = locking_pending(index);
bool skipped = locking_skipped(index);
bool failed = locking_failed(index);
ASSERT( complete + pending + skipped + failed == 1 );
if (complete) return 0;
if (pending) return 1;
if (skipped) return 2;
if (failed) return 3;
ASSERT(false); // Programmer error.
return -1;
std::sort(tlogs.begin(), tlogs.end(),
// TODO: Change long type to `auto` once toolchain supports C++17.
[&idx_to_order](const std::pair<LocalityData, int>& lhs, const std::pair<LocalityData, int>& rhs) {
return idx_to_order(lhs.second) < idx_to_order(rhs.second);
// Indexes that aren't in the vector are the ones we're considering omitting. Remove indexes until
// the removed set forms a quorum.
int can_omit = 0;
std::vector<int> to_lock_indexes;
for (auto it = tlogs.cbegin() ; it != tlogs.cend() - 1 ; it++ ) {
auto filter = [&to_lock_indexes](int index) {
return std::find(to_lock_indexes.cbegin(), to_lock_indexes.cend(), index) == to_lock_indexes.cend();
while(true) {
if (can_obtain_quorum(filter)) {
} else {
ASSERT(can_omit < tlogs.size());
if (prevState.tLogReplicationFactor - prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum == 1) {
ASSERT(can_omit == 0);
// Our previous check of making sure there aren't too many failed logs should have prevented this.
// If we've managed to leave more tlogs unlocked than (RF-AQ), it means we've hit the case
// where the policy engine has allowed us to have multiple logs in the same failure domain
// with independant sets of data. This case will validated that no code is relying on the old
// quorum=(RF-AQ) logic, and now goes through the policy engine instead.
TEST(can_omit >= prevState.tLogReplicationFactor - prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum); // Locking a subset of the TLogs while ending an epoch.
const bool reboot_a_tlog = g_network->now() - g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure > g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration && BUGGIFY && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.25;
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "MasterRecoveryTLogLocking", dbgid)
detail("Locks", tlogs.size() - can_omit)
detail("Skipped", can_omit)
detail("Replication", prevState.tLogReplicationFactor)
detail("Antiquorum", prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum)
detail("RebootBuggify", reboot_a_tlog);
for (int i = 0; i < tlogs.size() - can_omit; i++) {
const int index = tlogs[i].second;
Future<TLogLockResult>& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
if (!entry.isValid()) {
entry = lockTLog( dbgid, logServers[index] );
if (reboot_a_tlog) {
g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure = g_network->now();
for (int i = 0; i < tlogs.size() - can_omit; i++) {
const int index = tlogs[i].second;
if (logServers[index]->get().present()) {
// Intentionally leave `tlogs.size() - can_omit` .. `tlogs.size()` as !isValid() Futures.
template <class T>
static vector<T> getReadyNonError( vector<Future<T>> const& futures ) {
// Return the values of those futures which have (non-error) values ready
std::vector<T> result;
for(auto& f : futures)
if (f.isReady() && !f.isError())
return result;
struct sort_by_end {
bool operator ()(TLogLockResult const&a, TLogLockResult const& b) const { return a.end < b.end; }
Future<Void> ILogSystem::recoverAndEndEpoch(Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>> const& outLogSystem, UID const& dbgid, DBCoreState const& oldState, FutureStream<TLogRejoinRequest> const& rejoins, LocalityData const& locality, bool* forceRecovery) {
return TagPartitionedLogSystem::recoverAndEndEpoch( outLogSystem, dbgid, oldState, rejoins, locality, forceRecovery );
Reference<ILogSystem> ILogSystem::fromLogSystemConfig( UID const& dbgid, struct LocalityData const& locality, struct LogSystemConfig const& conf, bool excludeRemote, bool useRecoveredAt, Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>> addActor ) {
if (conf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::empty)
return Reference<ILogSystem>();
else if (conf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::tagPartitioned)
return TagPartitionedLogSystem::fromLogSystemConfig( dbgid, locality, conf, excludeRemote, useRecoveredAt, addActor );
throw internal_error();
Reference<ILogSystem> ILogSystem::fromOldLogSystemConfig( UID const& dbgid, struct LocalityData const& locality, struct LogSystemConfig const& conf ) {
if (conf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::empty)
return Reference<ILogSystem>();
else if (conf.logSystemType == LogSystemType::tagPartitioned)
return TagPartitionedLogSystem::fromOldLogSystemConfig( dbgid, locality, conf );
throw internal_error();
Reference<ILogSystem> ILogSystem::fromServerDBInfo( UID const& dbgid, ServerDBInfo const& dbInfo, bool useRecoveredAt, Optional<PromiseStream<Future<Void>>> addActor ) {
return fromLogSystemConfig( dbgid, dbInfo.myLocality, dbInfo.logSystemConfig, false, useRecoveredAt, addActor );