1102 lines
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1102 lines
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* BackupWorker.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2019 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/BackupAgent.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainer.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitProxyInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbserver/BackupInterface.h"
#include "fdbserver/BackupProgress.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogProtocolMessage.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogSystem.h"
#include "fdbserver/ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "fdbserver/WaitFailure.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "flow/Error.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/Tracing.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
#define SevDebugMemory SevVerbose
struct VersionedMessage {
LogMessageVersion version;
StringRef message;
VectorRef<Tag> tags;
Arena arena; // Keep a reference to the memory containing the message
size_t bytes; // arena's size when inserted, which can grow afterwards
VersionedMessage(LogMessageVersion v, StringRef m, const VectorRef<Tag>& t, const Arena& a)
: version(v), message(m), tags(t), arena(a), bytes(a.getSize()) {}
Version getVersion() const { return version.version; }
uint32_t getSubVersion() const { return version.sub; }
// Returns true if the message is a mutation that should be backuped, i.e.,
// either key is not in system key space or is not a metadataVersionKey.
bool isBackupMessage(MutationRef* m) const {
for (Tag tag : tags) {
if (tag.locality == tagLocalitySpecial || tag.locality == tagLocalityTxs) {
return false; // skip Txs mutations
ArenaReader reader(arena, message, AssumeVersion(g_network->protocolVersion()));
// Return false for LogProtocolMessage and SpanContextMessage metadata messages.
if (LogProtocolMessage::isNextIn(reader)) return false;
if (reader.protocolVersion().hasSpanContext() && SpanContextMessage::isNextIn(reader)) return false;
reader >> *m;
return normalKeys.contains(m->param1) || m->param1 == metadataVersionKey;
struct BackupData {
const UID myId;
const Tag tag; // LogRouter tag for this worker, i.e., (-2, i)
const int totalTags; // Total log router tags
const Version startVersion; // This worker's start version
const Optional<Version> endVersion; // old epoch's end version (inclusive), or empty for current epoch
const LogEpoch recruitedEpoch; // current epoch whose tLogs are receiving mutations
const LogEpoch backupEpoch; // the epoch workers should pull mutations
LogEpoch oldestBackupEpoch = 0; // oldest epoch that still has data on tLogs for backup to pull
Version minKnownCommittedVersion;
Version savedVersion; // Largest version saved to blob storage
Version popVersion; // Largest version popped in NOOP mode, can be larger than savedVersion.
AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>> logSystem;
Database cx;
std::vector<VersionedMessage> messages;
NotifiedVersion pulledVersion;
bool pulling = false;
bool stopped = false;
bool exitEarly = false; // If the worker is on an old epoch and all backups starts a version >= the endVersion
AsyncVar<bool> paused; // Track if "backupPausedKey" is set.
Reference<FlowLock> lock;
struct PerBackupInfo {
PerBackupInfo() = default;
PerBackupInfo(BackupData* data, UID uid, Version v) : self(data), startVersion(v) {
// Open the container and get key ranges
BackupConfig config(uid);
container = config.backupContainer().get(data->cx);
ranges = config.backupRanges().get(data->cx);
if (self->backupEpoch == self->recruitedEpoch) {
// Only current epoch's worker update the number of backup workers.
updateWorker = _updateStartedWorkers(this, data, uid);
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerAddJob", data->myId).detail("BackupID", uid).detail("Version", v);
void stop() {
stopped = true;
updateWorker = Void(); // cancel actors
void cancelUpdater() { updateWorker = Void(); }
bool isReady() const {
return stopped || (container.isReady() && ranges.isReady());
Future<Void> waitReady() {
if (stopped) return Void();
return _waitReady(this);
ACTOR static Future<Void> _waitReady(PerBackupInfo* info) {
wait(success(info->container) && success(info->ranges));
return Void();
// Update the number of backup workers in the BackupConfig. Each worker
// writes (epoch, tag.id) into the key. Worker 0 monitors the key and once
// all workers have updated the key, this backup is considered as started
// (i.e., the "submitBackup" call is successful). Worker 0 then sets
// the "allWorkerStarted" flag, which in turn unblocks
// StartFullBackupTaskFunc::_execute.
ACTOR static Future<Void> _updateStartedWorkers(PerBackupInfo* info, BackupData* self, UID uid) {
state BackupConfig config(uid);
state Future<Void> watchFuture;
state bool updated = false;
state bool firstWorker = info->self->tag.id == 0;
state bool allUpdated = false;
state Optional<std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>> workers;
state Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr(new ReadYourWritesTransaction(self->cx));
loop {
try {
Optional<std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>> tmp =
workers = tmp;
if (!updated) {
if (workers.present()) {
workers.get().emplace_back(self->recruitedEpoch, (int64_t)self->tag.id);
} else {
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> v(1, { self->recruitedEpoch, self->tag.id });
workers = Optional<std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>>(v);
if (firstWorker) {
if (!workers.present()) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerDetectAbortedJob", self->myId).detail("BackupID", uid);
return Void();
ASSERT(workers.present() && workers.get().size() > 0);
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>& v = workers.get();
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
[epoch = self->recruitedEpoch](const std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>& p) {
return p.first != epoch;
std::set<int64_t> tags;
for (auto p : v) {
if (self->totalTags == tags.size()) {
config.allWorkerStarted().set(tr, true);
allUpdated = true;
} else {
// monitor all workers' updates
watchFuture = tr->watch(config.startedBackupWorkers().key);
ASSERT(workers.present() && workers.get().size() > 0);
if (!updated) {
config.startedBackupWorkers().set(tr, workers.get());
for (auto p : workers.get()) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerDebugTag", self->myId)
.detail("Epoch", p.first)
.detail("TagID", p.second);
updated = true; // Only set to true after commit.
if (allUpdated) {
} else {
ASSERT(workers.present() && workers.get().size() > 0);
config.startedBackupWorkers().set(tr, workers.get());
} catch (Error& e) {
allUpdated = false;
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerSetReady", self->myId).detail("BackupID", uid).detail("TagId", self->tag.id);
return Void();
BackupData* self = nullptr;
// Backup request's commit version. Mutations are logged at some version after this.
Version startVersion = invalidVersion;
// The last mutation log's saved version (not inclusive), i.e., next log's begin version.
Version lastSavedVersion = invalidVersion;
Future<Optional<Reference<IBackupContainer>>> container;
Future<Optional<std::vector<KeyRange>>> ranges; // Key ranges of this backup
Future<Void> updateWorker;
bool stopped = false; // Is the backup stopped?
std::map<UID, PerBackupInfo> backups; // Backup UID to infos
AsyncTrigger changedTrigger;
AsyncTrigger doneTrigger;
CounterCollection cc;
Future<Void> logger;
explicit BackupData(UID id, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db, const InitializeBackupRequest& req)
: myId(id), tag(req.routerTag), totalTags(req.totalTags), startVersion(req.startVersion),
endVersion(req.endVersion), recruitedEpoch(req.recruitedEpoch), backupEpoch(req.backupEpoch),
minKnownCommittedVersion(invalidVersion), savedVersion(req.startVersion - 1), popVersion(req.startVersion - 1),
cc("BackupWorker", myId.toString()), pulledVersion(0), paused(false),
cx = openDBOnServer(db, TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint, true, true);
specialCounter(cc, "SavedVersion", [this]() { return this->savedVersion; });
specialCounter(cc, "MinKnownCommittedVersion", [this]() { return this->minKnownCommittedVersion; });
specialCounter(cc, "MsgQ", [this]() { return this->messages.size(); });
specialCounter(cc, "BufferedBytes", [this]() { return this->lock->activePermits(); });
specialCounter(cc, "AvailableBytes", [this]() { return this->lock->available(); });
logger = traceCounters("BackupWorkerMetrics", myId, SERVER_KNOBS->WORKER_LOGGING_INTERVAL, &cc,
bool pullFinished() const {
return endVersion.present() && pulledVersion.get() > endVersion.get();
bool allMessageSaved() const {
return (endVersion.present() && savedVersion >= endVersion.get()) || stopped || exitEarly;
Version maxPopVersion() const {
return endVersion.present() ? endVersion.get() : minKnownCommittedVersion;
// Inserts a backup's single range into rangeMap.
template <class T>
void insertRange(KeyRangeMap<std::set<T>>& keyRangeMap, KeyRangeRef range, T value) {
for (auto& logRange : keyRangeMap.modify(range)) {
for (auto& logRange : keyRangeMap.modify(singleKeyRange(metadataVersionKey))) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerInsertRange", myId)
.detail("Value", value)
.detail("Begin", range.begin)
.detail("End", range.end);
// Inserts a backup's ranges into rangeMap.
template <class T>
void insertRanges(KeyRangeMap<std::set<T>>& keyRangeMap, const Optional<std::vector<KeyRange>>& ranges, T value) {
if (!ranges.present() || ranges.get().empty()) {
// insert full ranges of normal keys
return insertRange(keyRangeMap, normalKeys, value);
for (const auto& range : ranges.get()) {
insertRange(keyRangeMap, range, value);
void pop() {
if (backupEpoch > oldestBackupEpoch || stopped) {
// Defer pop if old epoch hasn't finished popping yet.
// If stopped because of displacement, do NOT pop as the progress may
// not be saved in a timely fashion. As a result, next epoch may still
// need to read mutations in the version range. Let the next epoch's
// worker do the pop instead.
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerPopDeferred", myId)
.detail("BackupEpoch", backupEpoch)
.detail("OldestEpoch", oldestBackupEpoch)
.detail("Version", savedVersion);
ASSERT_WE_THINK(backupEpoch == oldestBackupEpoch);
const Tag popTag = logSystem.get()->getPseudoPopTag(tag, ProcessClass::BackupClass);
logSystem.get()->pop(std::max(popVersion, savedVersion), popTag);
void stop() {
stopped = true;
for (auto& [uid, info] : backups) {
// Cancel the actor. Because container is valid, CANNOT set the
// "stop" flag that will block writing mutation files in
// saveMutationsToFile().
// Erases messages and updates lock with memory released.
void eraseMessages(int num) {
ASSERT(num <= messages.size());
if (num == 0) return;
if (messages.size() == num) {
TraceEvent(SevDebugMemory, "BackupWorkerMemory", myId).detail("ReleaseAll", lock->activePermits());
// keep track of each arena and accumulate their sizes
int64_t bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
const Arena& a = messages[i].arena;
const Arena& b = messages[i + 1].arena;
if (!a.sameArena(b)) {
bytes += messages[i].bytes;
TraceEvent(SevDebugMemory, "BackupWorkerMemory", myId)
.detail("Release", messages[i].bytes);
messages.erase(messages.begin(), messages.begin() + num);
void eraseMessagesAfterEndVersion() {
const Version ver = endVersion.get();
while (!messages.empty()) {
if (messages.back().getVersion() > ver) {
} else {
// Give a list of current active backups, compare with current list and decide
// to start new backups and stop ones not in the active state.
void onBackupChanges(const std::vector<std::pair<UID, Version>>& uidVersions) {
std::set<UID> stopList;
for (auto it : backups) {
bool modified = false;
bool minVersionChanged = false;
Version minVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
for (const auto& [uid, version] : uidVersions) {
auto it = backups.find(uid);
if (it == backups.end()) {
modified = true;
backups.emplace(uid, BackupData::PerBackupInfo(this, uid, version));
minVersion = std::min(minVersion, version);
minVersionChanged = true;
} else {
for (UID uid : stopList) {
auto it = backups.find(uid);
ASSERT(it != backups.end());
modified = true;
if (minVersionChanged && backupEpoch < recruitedEpoch && savedVersion + 1 == startVersion) {
// Advance savedVersion to minimize version ranges in case backupEpoch's
// progress is not saved. Master may set a very low startVersion that
// is already popped. Advance the version is safe because these
// versions are not popped -- if they are popped, their progress should
// be already recorded and Master would use a higher version than minVersion.
savedVersion = std::max(minVersion, savedVersion);
if (modified) changedTrigger.trigger();
ACTOR static Future<Void> _waitAllInfoReady(BackupData* self) {
std::vector<Future<Void>> all;
for (auto it = self->backups.begin(); it != self->backups.end(); ) {
if (it->second.stopped) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerRemoveStoppedContainer", self->myId).detail("BackupId", it->first);
it = self->backups.erase(it);
return Void();
Future<Void> waitAllInfoReady() {
return _waitAllInfoReady(this);
bool isAllInfoReady() const {
for (const auto& [uid, info] : backups) {
if (!info.isReady()) return false;
return true;
ACTOR static Future<Version> _getMinKnownCommittedVersion(BackupData* self) {
state Span span("BA:GetMinCommittedVersion"_loc);
loop {
GetReadVersionRequest request(span.context, 0, TransactionPriority::DEFAULT,
choose {
when(wait(self->cx->onProxiesChanged())) {}
when(GetReadVersionReply reply = wait(basicLoadBalance(self->cx->getGrvProxies(false),
request, self->cx->taskID))) {
return reply.version;
Future<Version> getMinKnownCommittedVersion() { return _getMinKnownCommittedVersion(this); }
// Monitors "backupStartedKey". If "present" is true, wait until the key is set;
// otherwise, wait until the key is cleared. If "watch" is false, do not perform
// the wait for key set/clear events. Returns if key present.
ACTOR Future<bool> monitorBackupStartedKeyChanges(BackupData* self, bool present, bool watch) {
loop {
state ReadYourWritesTransaction tr(self->cx);
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> value = wait(tr.get(backupStartedKey));
std::vector<std::pair<UID, Version>> uidVersions;
bool shouldExit = self->endVersion.present();
if (value.present()) {
uidVersions = decodeBackupStartedValue(value.get());
TraceEvent e("BackupWorkerGotStartKey", self->myId);
int i = 1;
for (auto [uid, version] : uidVersions) {
e.detail(format("BackupID%d", i), uid)
.detail(format("Version%d", i), version);
if (shouldExit && version < self->endVersion.get()) {
shouldExit = false;
self->exitEarly = shouldExit;
if (present || !watch) return true;
} else {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerEmptyStartKey", self->myId);
self->exitEarly = shouldExit;
if (!present || !watch) {
return false;
state Future<Void> watchFuture = tr.watch(backupStartedKey);
} catch (Error& e) {
// Set "latestBackupWorkerSavedVersion" key for backups
ACTOR Future<Void> setBackupKeys(BackupData* self, std::map<UID, Version> savedLogVersions) {
state Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr(new ReadYourWritesTransaction(self->cx));
loop {
try {
state std::vector<Future<Optional<Version>>> prevVersions;
state std::vector<BackupConfig> versionConfigs;
state std::vector<Future<Optional<bool>>> allWorkersReady;
for (const auto [uid, version] : savedLogVersions) {
wait(waitForAll(prevVersions) && waitForAll(allWorkersReady));
for (int i = 0; i < prevVersions.size(); i++) {
if (!allWorkersReady[i].get().present() || !allWorkersReady[i].get().get()) continue;
const Version current = savedLogVersions[versionConfigs[i].getUid()];
if (prevVersions[i].get().present()) {
const Version prev = prevVersions[i].get().get();
if (prev > current) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupWorkerVersionInverse", self->myId)
.detail("Prev", prev)
.detail("Current", current);
if (self->backupEpoch == self->oldestBackupEpoch &&
(!prevVersions[i].get().present() || prevVersions[i].get().get() < current)) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerSetVersion", self->myId)
.detail("BackupID", versionConfigs[i].getUid())
.detail("Version", current);
versionConfigs[i].latestBackupWorkerSavedVersion().set(tr, current);
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
// Note only worker with Tag (-2,0) runs this actor so that the latest saved
// version key is set by one process, which is stored in each BackupConfig in
// the system space. The client can know if a backup is restorable by checking
// log saved version > snapshot version.
ACTOR Future<Void> monitorBackupProgress(BackupData* self) {
state Future<Void> interval;
loop {
while (self->backups.empty() || !self->logSystem.get()) {
wait(self->changedTrigger.onTrigger() || self->logSystem.onChange());
// check all workers have started by checking their progress is larger
// than the backup's start version.
state Reference<BackupProgress> progress(new BackupProgress(self->myId, {}));
wait(getBackupProgress(self->cx, self->myId, progress, /*logging=*/false));
state std::map<Tag, Version> tagVersions = progress->getEpochStatus(self->recruitedEpoch);
state std::map<UID, Version> savedLogVersions;
if (tagVersions.size() != self->totalTags) {
// Check every version is larger than backup's startVersion
for (auto& [uid, info] : self->backups) {
if (self->recruitedEpoch == self->oldestBackupEpoch) {
// update update progress so far if previous epochs are done
Version v = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
for (const auto [tag, version] : tagVersions) {
v = std::min(v, version);
savedLogVersions.emplace(uid, v);
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerSavedBackupVersion", self->myId).detail("BackupID", uid).detail("Version", v);
Future<Void> setKeys = savedLogVersions.empty() ? Void() : setBackupKeys(self, savedLogVersions);
wait(interval && setKeys);
ACTOR Future<Void> saveProgress(BackupData* self, Version backupVersion) {
state Transaction tr(self->cx);
state Key key = backupProgressKeyFor(self->myId);
loop {
try {
// It's critical to save progress immediately so that after a master
// recovery, the new master can know the progress so far.
WorkerBackupStatus status(self->backupEpoch, backupVersion, self->tag, self->totalTags);
tr.set(key, backupProgressValue(status));
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
// Write a mutation to a log file. Note the mutation can be different from
// message.message for clear mutations.
ACTOR Future<Void> addMutation(Reference<IBackupFile> logFile, VersionedMessage message, StringRef mutation,
int64_t* blockEnd, int blockSize) {
state int bytes = sizeof(Version) + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(int) + mutation.size();
// Convert to big Endianness for version.version, version.sub, and msgSize
// The decoder assumes 0xFF is the end, so little endian can easily be
// mistaken as the end. In contrast, big endian for version almost guarantee
// the first byte is not 0xFF (should always be 0x00).
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr << bigEndian64(message.version.version) << bigEndian32(message.version.sub)
<< bigEndian32(mutation.size());
state Standalone<StringRef> header = wr.toValue();
// Start a new block if needed
if (logFile->size() + bytes > *blockEnd) {
// Write padding if needed
const int bytesLeft = *blockEnd - logFile->size();
if (bytesLeft > 0) {
state Value paddingFFs = fileBackup::makePadding(bytesLeft);
wait(logFile->append(paddingFFs.begin(), bytesLeft));
*blockEnd += blockSize;
// write block Header
wait(logFile->append((uint8_t*)&PARTITIONED_MLOG_VERSION, sizeof(PARTITIONED_MLOG_VERSION)));
wait(logFile->append((void*)header.begin(), header.size()));
wait(logFile->append(mutation.begin(), mutation.size()));
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> updateLogBytesWritten(BackupData* self, std::vector<UID> backupUids,
std::vector<Reference<IBackupFile>> logFiles) {
state Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr(new ReadYourWritesTransaction(self->cx));
ASSERT(backupUids.size() == logFiles.size());
loop {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < backupUids.size(); i++) {
BackupConfig config(backupUids[i]);
config.logBytesWritten().atomicOp(tr, logFiles[i]->size(), MutationRef::AddValue);
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
// Saves messages in the range of [0, numMsg) to a file and then remove these
// messages. The file content format is a sequence of (Version, sub#, msgSize, message).
// Note only ready backups are saved.
ACTOR Future<Void> saveMutationsToFile(BackupData* self, Version popVersion, int numMsg) {
state std::vector<Future<Reference<IBackupFile>>> logFileFutures;
state std::vector<Reference<IBackupFile>> logFiles;
state std::vector<int64_t> blockEnds;
state std::vector<UID> activeUids; // active Backups' UIDs
state std::vector<Version> beginVersions; // logFiles' begin versions
state KeyRangeMap<std::set<int>> keyRangeMap; // range to index in logFileFutures, logFiles, & blockEnds
state std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> mutations;
state int idx;
// Make sure all backups are ready, otherwise mutations will be lost.
while (!self->isAllInfoReady()) {
for (auto it = self->backups.begin(); it != self->backups.end();) {
if (it->second.stopped || !it->second.container.get().present()) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerNoContainer", self->myId).detail("BackupId", it->first);
it = self->backups.erase(it);
const int index = logFileFutures.size();
self->insertRanges(keyRangeMap, it->second.ranges.get(), index);
if (it->second.lastSavedVersion == invalidVersion) {
if (it->second.startVersion > self->startVersion && !self->messages.empty()) {
// True-up first mutation log's begin version
it->second.lastSavedVersion = self->messages[0].getVersion();
} else {
it->second.lastSavedVersion = std::max({ self->popVersion, self->savedVersion, self->startVersion });
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerTrueUp", self->myId).detail("LastSavedVersion", it->second.lastSavedVersion);
// The true-up version can be larger than first message version, so keep
// the begin versions for later muation filtering.
it->second.lastSavedVersion, popVersion + 1, blockSize, self->tag.id, self->totalTags));
std::transform(logFileFutures.begin(), logFileFutures.end(), std::back_inserter(logFiles),
[](const Future<Reference<IBackupFile>>& f) { return f.get(); });
ASSERT(activeUids.size() == logFiles.size() && beginVersions.size() == logFiles.size());
for (int i = 0; i < logFiles.size(); i++) {
TraceEvent("OpenMutationFile", self->myId)
.detail("BackupID", activeUids[i])
.detail("TagId", self->tag.id)
.detail("File", logFiles[i]->getFileName());
blockEnds = std::vector<int64_t>(logFiles.size(), 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < numMsg; idx++) {
const auto& message = self->messages[idx];
MutationRef m;
if (!message.isBackupMessage(&m)) continue;
DEBUG_MUTATION("addMutation", message.version.version, m)
.detail("Version", message.version.toString())
.detail("Mutation", m)
.detail("KCV", self->minKnownCommittedVersion)
.detail("SavedVersion", self->savedVersion);
std::vector<Future<Void>> adds;
if (m.type != MutationRef::Type::ClearRange) {
for (int index : keyRangeMap[m.param1]) {
if (message.getVersion() >= beginVersions[index]) {
addMutation(logFiles[index], message, message.message, &blockEnds[index], blockSize));
} else {
KeyRangeRef mutationRange(m.param1, m.param2);
KeyRangeRef intersectionRange;
// Find intersection ranges and create mutations for sub-ranges
for (auto range : keyRangeMap.intersectingRanges(mutationRange)) {
const auto& subrange = range.range();
intersectionRange = mutationRange & subrange;
MutationRef subm(MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, intersectionRange.begin, intersectionRange.end);
BinaryWriter wr(AssumeVersion(g_network->protocolVersion()));
wr << subm;
for (int index : range.value()) {
if (message.getVersion() >= beginVersions[index]) {
addMutation(logFiles[index], message, mutations.back(), &blockEnds[index], blockSize));
std::vector<Future<Void>> finished;
std::transform(logFiles.begin(), logFiles.end(), std::back_inserter(finished),
[](const Reference<IBackupFile>& f) { return f->finish(); });
for (const auto& file : logFiles) {
TraceEvent("CloseMutationFile", self->myId)
.detail("FileSize", file->size())
.detail("TagId", self->tag.id)
.detail("File", file->getFileName());
for (const UID uid : activeUids) {
self->backups[uid].lastSavedVersion = popVersion + 1;
wait(updateLogBytesWritten(self, activeUids, logFiles));
return Void();
// Uploads self->messages to cloud storage and updates savedVersion.
ACTOR Future<Void> uploadData(BackupData* self) {
state Version popVersion = invalidVersion;
loop {
// Too large uploadDelay will delay popping tLog data for too long.
state Future<Void> uploadDelay = delay(SERVER_KNOBS->BACKUP_UPLOAD_DELAY);
state int numMsg = 0;
Version lastPopVersion = popVersion;
// index of last version's end position in self->messages
int lastVersionIndex = 0;
Version lastVersion = invalidVersion;
if (self->messages.empty()) {
// Even though messages is empty, we still want to advance popVersion.
if (!self->endVersion.present()) {
popVersion = std::max(popVersion, self->minKnownCommittedVersion);
} else {
for (const auto& message : self->messages) {
// message may be prefetched in peek; uncommitted message should not be uploaded.
const Version version = message.getVersion();
if (version > self->maxPopVersion()) break;
if (version > popVersion) {
lastVersionIndex = numMsg;
lastVersion = popVersion;
popVersion = version;
if (self->pullFinished()) {
popVersion = self->endVersion.get();
} else {
// make sure file is saved on version boundary
popVersion = lastVersion;
numMsg = lastVersionIndex;
if (((numMsg > 0 || popVersion > lastPopVersion) && self->pulling) || self->pullFinished()) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerSave", self->myId)
.detail("Version", popVersion)
.detail("LastPopVersion", lastPopVersion)
.detail("Pulling", self->pulling)
.detail("SavedVersion", self->savedVersion)
.detail("NumMsg", numMsg)
.detail("MsgQ", self->messages.size());
// save an empty file for old epochs so that log file versions are continuous
wait(saveMutationsToFile(self, popVersion, numMsg));
// If transition into NOOP mode, should clear messages
if (!self->pulling && self->backupEpoch == self->recruitedEpoch) {
if (popVersion > self->savedVersion && popVersion > self->popVersion) {
wait(saveProgress(self, popVersion));
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerSavedProgress", self->myId)
.detail("Tag", self->tag.toString())
.detail("Version", popVersion)
.detail("MsgQ", self->messages.size());
self->savedVersion = std::max(popVersion, self->savedVersion);
if (self->allMessageSaved()) {
return Void();
if (!self->pullFinished()) {
wait(uploadDelay || self->doneTrigger.onTrigger());
// Pulls data from TLog servers using LogRouter tag.
ACTOR Future<Void> pullAsyncData(BackupData* self) {
state Future<Void> logSystemChange = Void();
state Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> r;
state Version tagAt = std::max(self->pulledVersion.get(), std::max(self->startVersion, self->savedVersion));
state Arena prev;
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerPull", self->myId);
loop {
while (self->paused.get()) {
loop choose {
when (wait(r ? r->getMore(TaskPriority::TLogCommit) : Never())) {
when (wait(logSystemChange)) {
if (self->logSystem.get()) {
r = self->logSystem.get()->peekLogRouter(self->myId, tagAt, self->tag);
} else {
r = Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor>();
logSystemChange = self->logSystem.onChange();
self->minKnownCommittedVersion = std::max(self->minKnownCommittedVersion, r->getMinKnownCommittedVersion());
// Note we aggressively peek (uncommitted) messages, but only committed
// messages/mutations will be flushed to disk/blob in uploadData().
while (r->hasMessage()) {
if (!prev.sameArena(r->arena())) {
TraceEvent(SevDebugMemory, "BackupWorkerMemory", self->myId)
.detail("Take", r->arena().getSize())
.detail("Current", self->lock->activePermits());
wait(self->lock->take(TaskPriority::DefaultYield, r->arena().getSize()));
prev = r->arena();
self->messages.emplace_back(r->version(), r->getMessage(), r->getTags(), r->arena());
tagAt = r->version().version;
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerGot", self->myId).suppressFor(1.0).detail("V", tagAt);
if (self->pullFinished()) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerFinishPull", self->myId)
.detail("Tag", self->tag.toString())
.detail("VersionGot", tagAt)
.detail("EndVersion", self->endVersion.get())
.detail("MsgQ", self->messages.size());
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> monitorBackupKeyOrPullData(BackupData* self, bool keyPresent) {
state Future<Void> pullFinished = Void();
loop {
state Future<bool> present = monitorBackupStartedKeyChanges(self, !keyPresent, /*watch=*/true);
if (keyPresent) {
pullFinished = pullAsyncData(self);
self->pulling = true;
wait(success(present) || pullFinished);
if (pullFinished.isReady()) {
self->pulling = false;
return Void(); // backup is done for some old epoch.
// Even though the snapshot is done, mutation logs may not be written
// out yet. We need to make sure mutations up to this point is written.
Version currentVersion = wait(self->getMinKnownCommittedVersion());
pullFinished = Future<Void>(); // cancels pullAsyncData()
self->pulling = false;
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerPaused", self->myId).detail("Reson", "NoBackup");
} else {
// Backup key is not present, enter this NOOP POP mode.
state Future<Version> committedVersion = self->getMinKnownCommittedVersion();
loop choose {
when(wait(success(present))) { break; }
when(wait(success(committedVersion) || delay(SERVER_KNOBS->BACKUP_NOOP_POP_DELAY, self->cx->taskID))) {
if (committedVersion.isReady()) {
self->popVersion =
std::max(self->popVersion, std::max(committedVersion.get(), self->savedVersion));
self->minKnownCommittedVersion =
std::max(committedVersion.get(), self->minKnownCommittedVersion);
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerNoopPop", self->myId)
.detail("SavedVersion", self->savedVersion)
.detail("PopVersion", self->popVersion);
self->pop(); // Pop while the worker is in this NOOP state.
committedVersion = Never();
} else {
committedVersion = self->getMinKnownCommittedVersion();
ASSERT(!keyPresent == present.get());
keyPresent = !keyPresent;
ACTOR Future<Void> checkRemoved(Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db, LogEpoch recoveryCount,
BackupData* self) {
loop {
bool isDisplaced =
db->get().recoveryCount > recoveryCount && db->get().recoveryState != RecoveryState::UNINITIALIZED;
if (isDisplaced) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerDisplaced", self->myId)
.detail("RecoveryCount", recoveryCount)
.detail("SavedVersion", self->savedVersion)
.detail("BackupWorkers", describe(db->get().logSystemConfig.tLogs))
.detail("DBRecoveryCount", db->get().recoveryCount)
.detail("RecoveryState", (int)db->get().recoveryState);
throw worker_removed();
ACTOR static Future<Void> monitorWorkerPause(BackupData* self) {
state Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr(new ReadYourWritesTransaction(self->cx));
state Future<Void> watch;
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> value = wait(tr->get(backupPausedKey));
bool paused = value.present() && value.get() == LiteralStringRef("1");
if (self->paused.get() != paused) {
TraceEvent(paused ? "BackupWorkerPaused" : "BackupWorkerResumed", self->myId);
watch = tr->watch(backupPausedKey);
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> backupWorker(BackupInterface interf, InitializeBackupRequest req,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db) {
state BackupData self(interf.id(), db, req);
state PromiseStream<Future<Void>> addActor;
state Future<Void> error = actorCollection(addActor.getFuture());
state Future<Void> dbInfoChange = Void();
state Future<Void> pull;
state Future<Void> done;
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerStart", self.myId)
.detail("Tag", req.routerTag.toString())
.detail("TotalTags", req.totalTags)
.detail("StartVersion", req.startVersion)
.detail("EndVersion", req.endVersion.present() ? req.endVersion.get() : -1)
.detail("LogEpoch", req.recruitedEpoch)
.detail("BackupEpoch", req.backupEpoch);
try {
addActor.send(checkRemoved(db, req.recruitedEpoch, &self));
if (req.recruitedEpoch == req.backupEpoch && req.routerTag.id == 0) {
// Check if backup key is present to avoid race between this check and
// noop pop as well as upload data: pop or skip upload before knowing
// there are backup keys. Set the "exitEarly" flag if needed.
bool present = wait(monitorBackupStartedKeyChanges(&self, true, false));
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerWaitKey", self.myId).detail("Present", present).detail("ExitEarly", self.exitEarly);
pull = self.exitEarly ? Void() : monitorBackupKeyOrPullData(&self, present);
done = self.exitEarly ? Void() : uploadData(&self);
loop choose {
when(wait(dbInfoChange)) {
dbInfoChange = db->onChange();
Reference<ILogSystem> ls = ILogSystem::fromServerDBInfo(self.myId, db->get(), true);
bool hasPseudoLocality = ls.isValid() && ls->hasPseudoLocality(tagLocalityBackup);
if (hasPseudoLocality) {
self.oldestBackupEpoch = std::max(self.oldestBackupEpoch, ls->getOldestBackupEpoch());
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerLogSystem", self.myId)
.detail("HasBackupLocality", hasPseudoLocality)
.detail("OldestBackupEpoch", self.oldestBackupEpoch)
.detail("Tag", self.tag.toString());
when(wait(done)) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerDone", self.myId).detail("BackupEpoch", self.backupEpoch);
// Notify master so that this worker can be removed from log system, then this
// worker (for an old epoch's unfinished work) can safely exit.
BackupWorkerDoneRequest(self.myId, self.backupEpoch))));
when(wait(error)) {}
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error err = e;
if (e.code() == error_code_worker_removed) {
pull = Void(); // cancels pulling
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerShutdownError", self.myId).error(e, true);
TraceEvent("BackupWorkerTerminated", self.myId).error(err, true);
if (err.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled && err.code() != error_code_worker_removed) {
throw err;
return Void();