
349 lines
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* BackupContainer.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "fdbclient/ReadYourWrites.h"
#include <vector>
class ReadYourWritesTransaction;
Future<Optional<int64_t>> timeKeeperEpochsFromVersion(Version const& v, Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> const& tr);
Future<Version> timeKeeperVersionFromDatetime(std::string const& datetime, Database const& db);
// Append-only file interface for writing backup data
// Once finish() is called the file cannot be further written to.
// Backup containers should not attempt to use files for which finish was not called or did not complete.
// TODO: Move the log file and range file format encoding/decoding stuff to this file and behind interfaces.
class IBackupFile {
IBackupFile(const std::string& fileName) : m_fileName(fileName) {}
virtual ~IBackupFile() {}
// Backup files are append-only and cannot have more than 1 append outstanding at once.
virtual Future<Void> append(const void* data, int len) = 0;
virtual Future<Void> finish() = 0;
inline std::string getFileName() const { return m_fileName; }
virtual int64_t size() const = 0;
virtual void addref() = 0;
virtual void delref() = 0;
Future<Void> appendStringRefWithLen(Standalone<StringRef> s);
std::string m_fileName;
// Structures for various backup components
// Mutation log version written by old FileBackupAgent
static const uint32_t BACKUP_AGENT_MLOG_VERSION = 2001;
// Mutation log version written by BackupWorker
static const uint32_t PARTITIONED_MLOG_VERSION = 4110;
// Snapshot file version written by FileBackupAgent
static const uint32_t BACKUP_AGENT_SNAPSHOT_FILE_VERSION = 1001;
struct LogFile {
Version beginVersion;
Version endVersion;
uint32_t blockSize;
std::string fileName;
int64_t fileSize;
int tagId = -1; // Log router tag. Non-negative for new backup format.
int totalTags = -1; // Total number of log router tags.
// Order by beginVersion, break ties with endVersion
bool operator<(const LogFile& rhs) const {
return beginVersion == rhs.beginVersion ? endVersion < rhs.endVersion : beginVersion < rhs.beginVersion;
// Returns if this log file contains a subset of content of the given file
// by comparing version range and tag ID.
bool isSubset(const LogFile& rhs) const {
return beginVersion >= rhs.beginVersion && endVersion <= rhs.endVersion && tagId == rhs.tagId;
bool isPartitionedLog() const { return tagId >= 0 && tagId < totalTags; }
std::string toString() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "beginVersion:" << std::to_string(beginVersion) << " endVersion:" << std::to_string(endVersion)
<< " blockSize:" << std::to_string(blockSize) << " filename:" << fileName
<< " fileSize:" << std::to_string(fileSize)
<< " tagId: " << (tagId >= 0 ? std::to_string(tagId) : std::string("(None)"));
return ss.str();
struct RangeFile {
Version version;
uint32_t blockSize;
std::string fileName;
int64_t fileSize;
// Order by version, break ties with name
bool operator<(const RangeFile& rhs) const {
return version == rhs.version ? fileName < rhs.fileName : version < rhs.version;
std::string toString() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "version:" << std::to_string(version) << " blockSize:" << std::to_string(blockSize)
<< " fileName:" << fileName << " fileSize:" << std::to_string(fileSize);
return ss.str();
struct KeyspaceSnapshotFile {
Version beginVersion;
Version endVersion;
std::string fileName;
int64_t totalSize;
Optional<bool> restorable; // Whether or not the snapshot can be used in a restore, if known
bool isSingleVersion() const { return beginVersion == endVersion; }
double expiredPct(Optional<Version> expiredEnd) const {
double pctExpired = 0;
if (expiredEnd.present() && expiredEnd.get() > beginVersion) {
if (isSingleVersion()) {
pctExpired = 1;
} else {
pctExpired =
double(std::min(endVersion, expiredEnd.get()) - beginVersion) / (endVersion - beginVersion);
return pctExpired * 100;
// Order by beginVersion, break ties with endVersion
bool operator<(const KeyspaceSnapshotFile& rhs) const {
return beginVersion == rhs.beginVersion ? endVersion < rhs.endVersion : beginVersion < rhs.beginVersion;
struct BackupFileList {
std::vector<RangeFile> ranges;
std::vector<LogFile> logs;
std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile> snapshots;
void toStream(FILE* fout) const;
// The byte counts here only include usable log files and byte counts from kvrange manifests
struct BackupDescription {
BackupDescription() : snapshotBytes(0) {}
std::string url;
std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile> snapshots;
int64_t snapshotBytes;
// The version before which everything has been deleted by an expire
Optional<Version> expiredEndVersion;
// The latest version before which at least some data has been deleted by an expire
Optional<Version> unreliableEndVersion;
// The minimum log version in the backup
Optional<Version> minLogBegin;
// The maximum log version in the backup
Optional<Version> maxLogEnd;
// The maximum log version for which there is contiguous log version coverage extending back to minLogBegin
Optional<Version> contiguousLogEnd;
// The maximum version which this backup can be used to restore to
Optional<Version> maxRestorableVersion;
// The minimum version which this backup can be used to restore to
Optional<Version> minRestorableVersion;
std::string extendedDetail; // Freeform container-specific info.
bool partitioned; // If this backup contains partitioned mutation logs.
// Resolves the versions above to timestamps using a given database's TimeKeeper data.
// toString will use this information if present.
Future<Void> resolveVersionTimes(Database cx);
std::map<Version, int64_t> versionTimeMap;
std::string toString() const;
std::string toJSON() const;
struct RestorableFileSet {
Version targetVersion;
std::vector<LogFile> logs;
std::vector<RangeFile> ranges;
// Range file's key ranges. Can be empty for backups generated before 6.3.
std::map<std::string, KeyRange> keyRanges;
// Mutation logs continuous range [begin, end). Both can be invalidVersion
// when the entire key space snapshot is at the target version.
Version continuousBeginVersion, continuousEndVersion;
KeyspaceSnapshotFile snapshot; // Info. for debug purposes
/* IBackupContainer is an interface to a set of backup data, which contains
* - backup metadata
* - log files
* - range files
* - keyspace snapshot files defining a complete non overlapping key space snapshot
* Files in a container are identified by a name. This can be any string, whatever
* makes sense for the underlying storage system.
* Reading files is done by file name. File names are discovered by getting a RestorableFileSet.
* For remote data stores that are filesystem-like, it's probably best to inherit BackupContainerFileSystem.
class IBackupContainer {
virtual void addref() = 0;
virtual void delref() = 0;
IBackupContainer() {}
virtual ~IBackupContainer() {}
// Create the container
virtual Future<Void> create() = 0;
virtual Future<bool> exists() = 0;
// Open a log file or range file for writing
virtual Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> writeLogFile(Version beginVersion, Version endVersion, int blockSize) = 0;
virtual Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> writeRangeFile(Version snapshotBeginVersion,
int snapshotFileCount,
Version fileVersion,
int blockSize) = 0;
// Open a tagged log file for writing, where tagId is the log router tag's id.
virtual Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> writeTaggedLogFile(Version beginVersion,
Version endVersion,
int blockSize,
uint16_t tagId,
int totalTags) = 0;
// Write a KeyspaceSnapshotFile of range file names representing a full non overlapping
// snapshot of the key ranges this backup is targeting.
virtual Future<Void> writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile(const std::vector<std::string>& fileNames,
const std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>>& beginEndKeys,
int64_t totalBytes) = 0;
// Open a file for read by name
virtual Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> readFile(const std::string& name) = 0;
// Returns the key ranges in the snapshot file. This is an expensive function
// and should only be used in simulation for sanity check.
virtual Future<KeyRange> getSnapshotFileKeyRange(const RangeFile& file) = 0;
struct ExpireProgress {
std::string step;
int total;
int done;
std::string toString() const;
// Delete backup files which do not contain any data at or after (more recent than) expireEndVersion.
// If force is false, then nothing will be deleted unless there is a restorable snapshot which
// - begins at or after expireEndVersion
// - ends at or before restorableBeginVersion
// If force is true, data is deleted unconditionally which could leave the backup in an unusable state. This is not
// recommended. Returns true if expiration was done.
virtual Future<Void> expireData(Version expireEndVersion,
bool force = false,
ExpireProgress* progress = nullptr,
Version restorableBeginVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max()) = 0;
// Delete entire container. During the process, if pNumDeleted is not null it will be
// updated with the count of deleted files so that progress can be seen.
virtual Future<Void> deleteContainer(int* pNumDeleted = nullptr) = 0;
// Return key details about a backup's contents.
// Unless deepScan is true, use cached metadata, if present, as initial contiguous available log range.
// If logStartVersionOverride is given, log data prior to that version will be ignored for the purposes
// of this describe operation. This can be used to calculate what the restorability of a backup would
// be after deleting all data prior to logStartVersionOverride.
virtual Future<BackupDescription> describeBackup(bool deepScan = false,
Version logStartVersionOverride = invalidVersion) = 0;
virtual Future<BackupFileList> dumpFileList(Version begin = 0,
Version end = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max()) = 0;
// Get exactly the files necessary to restore the key space filtered by the specified key ranges to targetVersion.
// If targetVersion is 'latestVersion', use the minimum restorable version in a snapshot.
// If logsOnly is set, only use log files in [beginVersion, targetVervions) in restore set.
// Returns non-present if restoring to the given version is not possible.
virtual Future<Optional<RestorableFileSet>> getRestoreSet(Version targetVersion,
VectorRef<KeyRangeRef> keyRangesFilter = {},
bool logsOnly = false,
Version beginVersion = -1) = 0;
// Get an IBackupContainer based on a container spec string
static Reference<IBackupContainer> openContainer(const std::string& url,
const Optional<std::string>& encryptionKeyFileName = {});
static std::vector<std::string> getURLFormats();
static Future<std::vector<std::string>> listContainers(const std::string& baseURL);
std::string getURL() const { return URL; }
static std::string lastOpenError;
std::string URL;
namespace fileBackup {
// Accumulates mutation log value chunks, as both a vector of chunks and as a combined chunk,
// in chunk order, and can check the chunk set for completion or intersection with a set
// of ranges.
struct AccumulatedMutations {
AccumulatedMutations() : lastChunkNumber(-1) {}
// Add a KV pair for this mutation chunk set
// It will be accumulated onto serializedMutations if the chunk number is
// the next expected value.
void addChunk(int chunkNumber, const KeyValueRef& kv);
// Returns true if both
// - 1 or more chunks were added to this set
// - The header of the first chunk contains a valid protocol version and a length
// that matches the bytes after the header in the combined value in serializedMutations
bool isComplete() const;
// Returns true if a complete chunk contains any MutationRefs which intersect with any
// range in ranges.
// It is undefined behavior to run this if isComplete() does not return true.
bool matchesAnyRange(const std::vector<KeyRange>& ranges) const;
std::vector<KeyValueRef> kvs;
std::string serializedMutations;
int lastChunkNumber;
// Decodes a mutation log key, which contains (hash, commitVersion, chunkNumber) and
// returns (commitVersion, chunkNumber)
std::pair<Version, int32_t> decodeMutationLogKey(const StringRef& key);
// Decodes an encoded list of mutations in the format of:
// [includeVersion:uint64_t][val_length:uint32_t][mutation_1][mutation_2]...[mutation_k],
// where a mutation is encoded as:
// [type:uint32_t][keyLength:uint32_t][valueLength:uint32_t][param1][param2]
std::vector<MutationRef> decodeMutationLogValue(const StringRef& value);
} // namespace fileBackup