1953 lines
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1953 lines
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* BackupContainerFileSystem.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/BackupAgent.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainer.h"
#include "flow/BooleanParam.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainerAzureBlobStore.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainerFileSystem.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainerLocalDirectory.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainerS3BlobStore.h"
#include "fdbclient/JsonBuilder.h"
#include "flow/StreamCipher.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
class BackupContainerFileSystemImpl {
// TODO: Do this more efficiently, as the range file list for a snapshot could potentially be hundreds of
// megabytes.
ACTOR static Future<std::pair<std::vector<RangeFile>, std::map<std::string, KeyRange>>> readKeyspaceSnapshot(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
KeyspaceSnapshotFile snapshot) {
// Read the range file list for the specified version range, and then index them by fileName.
// This is so we can verify that each of the files listed in the manifest file are also in the container at this
// time.
std::vector<RangeFile> files = wait(bc->listRangeFiles(snapshot.beginVersion, snapshot.endVersion));
state std::map<std::string, RangeFile> rangeIndex;
for (auto& f : files)
rangeIndex[f.fileName] = std::move(f);
// Read the snapshot file, verify the version range, then find each of the range files by name in the index and
// return them.
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f = wait(bc->readFile(snapshot.fileName));
int64_t size = wait(f->size());
state Standalone<StringRef> buf = makeString(size);
wait(success(f->read(mutateString(buf), buf.size(), 0)));
json_spirit::mValue json;
json_spirit::read_string(buf.toString(), json);
JSONDoc doc(json);
Version v;
if (!doc.tryGet("beginVersion", v) || v != snapshot.beginVersion)
throw restore_corrupted_data();
if (!doc.tryGet("endVersion", v) || v != snapshot.endVersion)
throw restore_corrupted_data();
json_spirit::mValue& filesArray = doc.create("files");
if (filesArray.type() != json_spirit::array_type)
throw restore_corrupted_data();
std::vector<RangeFile> results;
int missing = 0;
for (auto const& fileValue : filesArray.get_array()) {
if (fileValue.type() != json_spirit::str_type)
throw restore_corrupted_data();
// If the file is not in the index then log the error but don't throw yet, keep checking the whole list.
auto i = rangeIndex.find(fileValue.get_str());
if (i == rangeIndex.end()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "FileRestoreMissingRangeFile")
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("File", fileValue.get_str());
// No point in using more memory once data is missing since an error will be thrown instead.
if (missing == 0) {
if (missing > 0) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "FileRestoreMissingRangeFileSummary")
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("Count", missing);
throw restore_missing_data();
// Check key ranges for files
std::map<std::string, KeyRange> fileKeyRanges;
JSONDoc ranges = doc.subDoc("keyRanges"); // Create an empty doc if not existed
for (auto i : ranges.obj()) {
const std::string& filename = i.first;
JSONDoc fields(i.second);
std::string begin, end;
if (fields.tryGet("beginKey", begin) && fields.tryGet("endKey", end)) {
.detail("File", filename)
.detail("Begin", printable(StringRef(begin)))
.detail("End", printable(StringRef(end)));
fileKeyRanges.emplace(filename, KeyRange(KeyRangeRef(StringRef(begin), StringRef(end))));
} else {
TraceEvent("MalFormattedManifest").detail("Key", filename);
throw restore_corrupted_data();
return std::make_pair(results, fileKeyRanges);
// Backup log types
static constexpr Version NON_PARTITIONED_MUTATION_LOG = 0;
static constexpr Version PARTITIONED_MUTATION_LOG = 1;
// Find what should be the filename of a path by finding whatever is after the last forward or backward slash, or
// failing to find those, the whole string.
static std::string fileNameOnly(const std::string& path) {
// Find the last forward slash position, defaulting to 0 if not found
int pos = path.find_last_of('/');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
pos = 0;
// Find the last backward slash position after pos, and update pos if found
int b = path.find_last_of('\\', pos);
if (b != std::string::npos) {
pos = b;
return path.substr(pos + 1);
static bool pathToRangeFile(RangeFile& out, const std::string& path, int64_t size) {
std::string name = fileNameOnly(path);
RangeFile f;
f.fileName = path;
f.fileSize = size;
int len;
if (sscanf(name.c_str(), "range,%" SCNd64 ",%*[^,],%u%n", &f.version, &f.blockSize, &len) == 2 &&
len == name.size()) {
out = f;
return true;
return false;
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
std::vector<std::string> fileNames,
std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>> beginEndKeys,
int64_t totalBytes,
IncludeKeyRangeMap includeKeyRangeMap) {
ASSERT(!fileNames.empty() && fileNames.size() == beginEndKeys.size());
state Version minVer = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
state Version maxVer = 0;
state RangeFile rf;
state json_spirit::mArray fileArray;
// Validate each filename, update version range
for (const auto& f : fileNames) {
if (pathToRangeFile(rf, f, 0)) {
if (rf.version < minVer)
minVer = rf.version;
if (rf.version > maxVer)
maxVer = rf.version;
} else
throw restore_unknown_file_type();
state json_spirit::mValue json;
state JSONDoc doc(json);
doc.create("files") = std::move(fileArray);
doc.create("totalBytes") = totalBytes;
doc.create("beginVersion") = minVer;
doc.create("endVersion") = maxVer;
if (includeKeyRangeMap) {
auto ranges = doc.subDoc("keyRanges");
for (int i = 0; i < beginEndKeys.size(); i++) {
auto fileDoc = ranges.subDoc(fileNames[i], /*split=*/false);
fileDoc.create("beginKey") = beginEndKeys[i].first.toString();
fileDoc.create("endKey") = beginEndKeys[i].second.toString();
state std::string docString = json_spirit::write_string(json);
state Reference<IBackupFile> f =
wait(bc->writeFile(format("snapshots/snapshot,%lld,%lld,%lld", minVer, maxVer, totalBytes)));
wait(f->append(docString.data(), docString.size()));
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<BackupFileList> dumpFileList(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
Version begin,
Version end) {
state Future<std::vector<RangeFile>> fRanges = bc->listRangeFiles(begin, end);
state Future<std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile>> fSnapshots = bc->listKeyspaceSnapshots(begin, end);
state std::vector<LogFile> logs;
state std::vector<LogFile> pLogs;
wait(success(fRanges) && success(fSnapshots) && store(logs, bc->listLogFiles(begin, end, false)) &&
store(pLogs, bc->listLogFiles(begin, end, true)));
logs.insert(logs.end(), std::make_move_iterator(pLogs.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(pLogs.end()));
return BackupFileList({ fRanges.get(), std::move(logs), fSnapshots.get() });
static Version resolveRelativeVersion(Optional<Version> max, Version v, const char* name, Error e) {
if (v == invalidVersion) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "BackupExpireInvalidVersion").detail(name, v);
throw e;
if (v < 0) {
if (!max.present()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "BackupExpireCannotResolveRelativeVersion").detail(name, v);
throw e;
v += max.get();
return v;
// For a list of log files specified by their indices (of the same tag),
// returns if they are continous in the range [begin, end]. If "tags" is not
// nullptr, then it will be populated with [begin, end] -> tags, where next
// pair's begin <= previous pair's end + 1. On return, the last pair's end
// version (inclusive) gives the continuous range from begin.
static bool isContinuous(const std::vector<LogFile>& files,
const std::vector<int>& indices,
Version begin,
Version end,
std::map<std::pair<Version, Version>, int>* tags) {
Version lastBegin = invalidVersion;
Version lastEnd = invalidVersion;
int lastTags = -1;
ASSERT(tags == nullptr || tags->empty());
for (int idx : indices) {
const LogFile& file = files[idx];
if (lastEnd == invalidVersion) {
if (file.beginVersion > begin)
return false;
if (file.endVersion > begin) {
lastBegin = begin;
lastTags = file.totalTags;
} else {
} else if (lastEnd < file.beginVersion) {
if (tags != nullptr) {
tags->emplace(std::make_pair(lastBegin, lastEnd - 1), lastTags);
return false;
if (lastTags != file.totalTags) {
if (tags != nullptr) {
tags->emplace(std::make_pair(lastBegin, file.beginVersion - 1), lastTags);
lastBegin = file.beginVersion;
lastTags = file.totalTags;
lastEnd = file.endVersion;
if (lastEnd > end)
if (tags != nullptr && lastBegin != invalidVersion) {
tags->emplace(std::make_pair(lastBegin, std::min(end, lastEnd - 1)), lastTags);
return lastBegin != invalidVersion && lastEnd > end;
// Returns the end version such that [begin, end] is continuous.
// "logs" should be already sorted.
static Version getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(const std::vector<LogFile>& logs, Version begin) {
Version end = 0;
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> tagIndices; // tagId -> indices in files
for (int i = 0; i < logs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_GE(logs[i].tagId, 0);
ASSERT_LT(logs[i].tagId, logs[i].totalTags);
auto& indices = tagIndices[logs[i].tagId];
// filter out if indices.back() is subset of files[i] or vice versa
if (!indices.empty()) {
if (logs[indices.back()].isSubset(logs[i])) {
ASSERT_LE(logs[indices.back()].fileSize, logs[i].fileSize);
indices.back() = i;
} else if (!logs[i].isSubset(logs[indices.back()])) {
} else {
end = std::max(end, logs[i].endVersion - 1);
TraceEvent("ContinuousLogEnd").detail("Begin", begin).detail("InitVersion", end);
// check partition 0 is continuous in [begin, end] and create a map of ranges to partitions
std::map<std::pair<Version, Version>, int> tags; // range [start, end] -> partitions
isContinuous(logs, tagIndices[0], begin, end, &tags);
if (tags.empty() || end <= begin)
return 0;
end = std::min(end, tags.rbegin()->first.second);
TraceEvent("ContinuousLogEnd").detail("Partition", 0).detail("EndVersion", end).detail("Begin", begin);
// for each range in tags, check all partitions from 1 are continouous
Version lastEnd = begin;
for (const auto& [beginEnd, count] : tags) {
Version tagEnd = beginEnd.second; // This range's minimum continous partition version
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
std::map<std::pair<Version, Version>, int> rangeTags;
isContinuous(logs, tagIndices[i], beginEnd.first, beginEnd.second, &rangeTags);
tagEnd = rangeTags.empty() ? 0 : std::min(tagEnd, rangeTags.rbegin()->first.second);
.detail("Partition", i)
.detail("EndVersion", tagEnd)
.detail("RangeBegin", beginEnd.first)
.detail("RangeEnd", beginEnd.second);
if (tagEnd == 0)
return lastEnd == begin ? 0 : lastEnd;
if (tagEnd < beginEnd.second) {
return tagEnd;
lastEnd = beginEnd.second;
return end;
// Analyze partitioned logs and set contiguousLogEnd for "desc" if larger
// than the "scanBegin" version.
static void updatePartitionedLogsContinuousEnd(BackupDescription* desc,
const std::vector<LogFile>& logs,
const Version scanBegin,
const Version scanEnd) {
if (logs.empty())
Version snapshotBeginVersion = desc->snapshots.size() > 0 ? desc->snapshots[0].beginVersion : invalidVersion;
Version begin = std::max(scanBegin, desc->minLogBegin.get());
.detail("ScanBegin", scanBegin)
.detail("ScanEnd", scanEnd)
.detail("Begin", begin)
.detail("ContiguousLogEnd", desc->contiguousLogEnd.get());
for (const auto& file : logs) {
if (file.beginVersion > begin) {
if (scanBegin > 0)
// scanBegin is 0
desc->minLogBegin = file.beginVersion;
begin = file.beginVersion;
Version ver = getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(logs, begin);
if (ver >= desc->contiguousLogEnd.get()) {
// contiguousLogEnd is not inclusive, so +1 here.
desc->contiguousLogEnd.get() = ver + 1;
TraceEvent("UpdateContinuousLogEnd").detail("Version", ver + 1);
if (ver > snapshotBeginVersion)
// Computes the continuous end version for non-partitioned mutation logs up to
// the "targetVersion". If "outLogs" is not nullptr, it will be updated with
// continuous log files. "*end" is updated with the continuous end version.
static void computeRestoreEndVersion(const std::vector<LogFile>& logs,
std::vector<LogFile>* outLogs,
Version* end,
Version targetVersion) {
auto i = logs.begin();
if (outLogs != nullptr)
// Add logs to restorable logs set until continuity is broken OR we reach targetVersion
while (++i != logs.end()) {
if (i->beginVersion > *end || i->beginVersion > targetVersion)
// If the next link in the log chain is found, update the end
if (i->beginVersion == *end) {
if (outLogs != nullptr)
*end = i->endVersion;
ACTOR static Future<BackupDescription> describeBackup(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
bool deepScan,
Version logStartVersionOverride) {
state BackupDescription desc;
desc.url = bc->getURL();
desc.proxy = bc->getProxy();
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("LogStartVersionOverride", logStartVersionOverride);
bool e = wait(bc->exists());
if (!e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "BackupContainerDoesNotExist").detail("URL", bc->getURL());
throw backup_does_not_exist();
// If logStartVersion is relative, then first do a recursive call without it to find the max log version
// from which to resolve the relative version.
// This could be handled more efficiently without recursion but it's tricky, this will do for now.
if (logStartVersionOverride != invalidVersion && logStartVersionOverride < 0) {
BackupDescription tmp = wait(bc->describeBackup(false, invalidVersion));
logStartVersionOverride = resolveRelativeVersion(
tmp.maxLogEnd, logStartVersionOverride, "LogStartVersionOverride", invalid_option_value());
// Get metadata versions
state Optional<Version> metaLogBegin;
state Optional<Version> metaLogEnd;
state Optional<Version> metaExpiredEnd;
state Optional<Version> metaUnreliableEnd;
state Optional<Version> metaLogType;
std::vector<Future<Void>> metaReads;
metaReads.push_back(store(metaExpiredEnd, bc->expiredEndVersion().get()));
metaReads.push_back(store(metaUnreliableEnd, bc->unreliableEndVersion().get()));
metaReads.push_back(store(metaLogType, bc->logType().get()));
// Only read log begin/end versions if not doing a deep scan, otherwise scan files and recalculate them.
if (!deepScan) {
metaReads.push_back(store(metaLogBegin, bc->logBeginVersion().get()));
metaReads.push_back(store(metaLogEnd, bc->logEndVersion().get()));
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("LogStartVersionOverride", logStartVersionOverride)
.detail("ExpiredEndVersion", metaExpiredEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("UnreliableEndVersion", metaUnreliableEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("LogBeginVersion", metaLogBegin.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("LogEndVersion", metaLogEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("LogType", metaLogType.orDefault(-1));
// If the logStartVersionOverride is positive (not relative) then ensure that unreliableEndVersion is equal or
// greater
if (logStartVersionOverride != invalidVersion &&
metaUnreliableEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion) < logStartVersionOverride) {
metaUnreliableEnd = logStartVersionOverride;
// Don't use metaLogBegin or metaLogEnd if any of the following are true, the safest
// thing to do is rescan to verify log continuity and get exact begin/end versions
// - either are missing
// - metaLogEnd <= metaLogBegin (invalid range)
// - metaLogEnd < metaExpiredEnd (log continuity exists in missing data range)
// - metaLogEnd < metaUnreliableEnd (log continuity exists in incomplete data range)
if (!metaLogBegin.present() || !metaLogEnd.present() || metaLogEnd.get() <= metaLogBegin.get() ||
metaLogEnd.get() < metaExpiredEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion) ||
metaLogEnd.get() < metaUnreliableEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion)) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "BackupContainerMetadataInvalid")
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("ExpiredEndVersion", metaExpiredEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("UnreliableEndVersion", metaUnreliableEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("LogBeginVersion", metaLogBegin.orDefault(invalidVersion))
.detail("LogEndVersion", metaLogEnd.orDefault(invalidVersion));
metaLogBegin = Optional<Version>();
metaLogEnd = Optional<Version>();
// If the unreliable end version is not set or is < expiredEndVersion then increase it to expiredEndVersion.
// Describe does not update unreliableEnd in the backup metadata for safety reasons as there is no
// compare-and-set operation to atomically change it and an expire process could be advancing it simultaneously.
if (!metaUnreliableEnd.present() || metaUnreliableEnd.get() < metaExpiredEnd.orDefault(0))
metaUnreliableEnd = metaExpiredEnd;
desc.unreliableEndVersion = metaUnreliableEnd;
desc.expiredEndVersion = metaExpiredEnd;
// Start scanning at the end of the unreliable version range, which is the version before which data is likely
// missing because an expire process has operated on that range.
state Version scanBegin = desc.unreliableEndVersion.orDefault(0);
state Version scanEnd = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
// Use the known log range if present
// Logs are assumed to be contiguious between metaLogBegin and metaLogEnd, so initalize desc accordingly
if (metaLogBegin.present() && metaLogEnd.present()) {
// minLogBegin is the greater of the log begin metadata OR the unreliable end version since we can't count
// on log file presence before that version.
desc.minLogBegin = std::max(metaLogBegin.get(), desc.unreliableEndVersion.orDefault(0));
// Set the maximum known end version of a log file, so far, which is also the assumed contiguous log file
// end version
desc.maxLogEnd = metaLogEnd.get();
desc.contiguousLogEnd = desc.maxLogEnd;
// Advance scanBegin to the contiguous log end version
scanBegin = desc.contiguousLogEnd.get();
state std::vector<LogFile> logs;
state std::vector<LogFile> plogs;
TraceEvent("BackupContainerListFiles").detail("URL", bc->getURL());
wait(store(logs, bc->listLogFiles(scanBegin, scanEnd, false)) &&
store(plogs, bc->listLogFiles(scanBegin, scanEnd, true)) &&
store(desc.snapshots, bc->listKeyspaceSnapshots()));
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("LogFiles", logs.size())
.detail("PLogsFiles", plogs.size())
.detail("Snapshots", desc.snapshots.size());
if (plogs.size() > 0) {
desc.partitioned = true;
} else {
desc.partitioned =
metaLogType.present() && metaLogType.get() == BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::PARTITIONED_MUTATION_LOG;
// List logs in version order so log continuity can be analyzed
std::sort(logs.begin(), logs.end());
// Find out contiguous log end version
if (!logs.empty()) {
desc.maxLogEnd = logs.rbegin()->endVersion;
// If we didn't get log versions above then seed them using the first log file
if (!desc.contiguousLogEnd.present()) {
desc.minLogBegin = logs.begin()->beginVersion;
if (desc.partitioned) {
// Cannot use the first file's end version, which may not be contiguous
// for other partitions. Set to its beginVersion to be safe.
desc.contiguousLogEnd = logs.begin()->beginVersion;
} else {
desc.contiguousLogEnd = logs.begin()->endVersion;
if (desc.partitioned) {
updatePartitionedLogsContinuousEnd(&desc, logs, scanBegin, scanEnd);
} else {
Version& end = desc.contiguousLogEnd.get();
computeRestoreEndVersion(logs, nullptr, &end, std::numeric_limits<Version>::max());
// Only update stored contiguous log begin and end versions if we did NOT use a log start override.
// Otherwise, a series of describe operations can result in a version range which is actually missing data.
if (logStartVersionOverride == invalidVersion) {
// If the log metadata begin/end versions are missing (or treated as missing due to invalidity) or
// differ from the newly calculated values for minLogBegin and contiguousLogEnd, respectively,
// then attempt to update the metadata in the backup container but ignore errors in case the
// container is not writeable.
try {
state Future<Void> updates = Void();
if (desc.minLogBegin.present() && metaLogBegin != desc.minLogBegin) {
updates = updates && bc->logBeginVersion().set(desc.minLogBegin.get());
if (desc.contiguousLogEnd.present() && metaLogEnd != desc.contiguousLogEnd) {
updates = updates && bc->logEndVersion().set(desc.contiguousLogEnd.get());
if (!metaLogType.present()) {
updates =
updates && bc->logType().set(desc.partitioned
? BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::PARTITIONED_MUTATION_LOG
: BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::NON_PARTITIONED_MUTATION_LOG);
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerMetadataUpdateFailure").error(e).detail("URL", bc->getURL());
for (auto& s : desc.snapshots) {
// Calculate restorability of each snapshot. Assume true, then try to prove false
s.restorable = true;
// If this is not a single-version snapshot then see if the available contiguous logs cover its range
if (s.beginVersion != s.endVersion) {
if (!desc.minLogBegin.present() || desc.minLogBegin.get() > s.beginVersion)
s.restorable = false;
if (!desc.contiguousLogEnd.present() || desc.contiguousLogEnd.get() <= s.endVersion)
s.restorable = false;
desc.snapshotBytes += s.totalSize;
// If the snapshot is at a single version then it requires no logs. Update min and max restorable.
// TODO: Somehow check / report if the restorable range is not or may not be contiguous.
if (s.beginVersion == s.endVersion) {
if (!desc.minRestorableVersion.present() || s.endVersion < desc.minRestorableVersion.get())
desc.minRestorableVersion = s.endVersion;
if (!desc.maxRestorableVersion.present() || s.endVersion > desc.maxRestorableVersion.get())
desc.maxRestorableVersion = s.endVersion;
// If the snapshot is covered by the contiguous log chain then update min/max restorable.
if (desc.minLogBegin.present() && s.beginVersion >= desc.minLogBegin.get() &&
s.endVersion < desc.contiguousLogEnd.get()) {
if (!desc.minRestorableVersion.present() || s.endVersion < desc.minRestorableVersion.get())
desc.minRestorableVersion = s.endVersion;
if (!desc.maxRestorableVersion.present() ||
(desc.contiguousLogEnd.get() - 1) > desc.maxRestorableVersion.get())
desc.maxRestorableVersion = desc.contiguousLogEnd.get() - 1;
return desc;
ACTOR static Future<Void> expireData(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
Version expireEndVersion,
bool force,
IBackupContainer::ExpireProgress* progress,
Version restorableBeginVersion) {
if (progress != nullptr) {
progress->step = "Describing backup";
progress->total = 0;
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("ExpireEndVersion", expireEndVersion)
.detail("RestorableBeginVersion", restorableBeginVersion);
// Get the backup description.
state BackupDescription desc = wait(bc->describeBackup(false, expireEndVersion));
// Resolve relative versions using max log version
expireEndVersion =
resolveRelativeVersion(desc.maxLogEnd, expireEndVersion, "ExpireEndVersion", invalid_option_value());
restorableBeginVersion = resolveRelativeVersion(
desc.maxLogEnd, restorableBeginVersion, "RestorableBeginVersion", invalid_option_value());
// It would be impossible to have restorability to any version < expireEndVersion after expiring to that version
if (restorableBeginVersion < expireEndVersion)
throw backup_cannot_expire();
// If the expire request is to a version at or before the previous version to which data was already deleted
// then do nothing and just return
if (expireEndVersion <= desc.expiredEndVersion.orDefault(invalidVersion)) {
return Void();
// Assume force is needed, then try to prove otherwise.
// Force is required if there is not a restorable snapshot which both
// - begins at or after expireEndVersion
// - ends at or before restorableBeginVersion
state bool forceNeeded = true;
for (KeyspaceSnapshotFile& s : desc.snapshots) {
if (s.restorable.orDefault(false) && s.beginVersion >= expireEndVersion &&
s.endVersion <= restorableBeginVersion) {
forceNeeded = false;
// If force is needed but not passed then refuse to expire anything.
// Note that it is possible for there to be no actual files in the backup prior to expireEndVersion,
// if they were externally deleted or an expire operation deleted them but was terminated before
// updating expireEndVersion
if (forceNeeded && !force)
throw backup_cannot_expire();
// Start scan for files to delete at the last completed expire operation's end or 0.
state Version scanBegin = desc.expiredEndVersion.orDefault(0);
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("ExpireEndVersion", expireEndVersion)
.detail("RestorableBeginVersion", restorableBeginVersion)
.detail("ScanBeginVersion", scanBegin);
state std::vector<LogFile> logs;
state std::vector<LogFile> pLogs; // partitioned mutation logs
state std::vector<RangeFile> ranges;
if (progress != nullptr) {
progress->step = "Listing files";
// Get log files or range files that contain any data at or before expireEndVersion
wait(store(logs, bc->listLogFiles(scanBegin, expireEndVersion - 1, false)) &&
store(pLogs, bc->listLogFiles(scanBegin, expireEndVersion - 1, true)) &&
store(ranges, bc->listRangeFiles(scanBegin, expireEndVersion - 1)));
logs.insert(logs.end(), std::make_move_iterator(pLogs.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(pLogs.end()));
// The new logBeginVersion will be taken from the last log file, if there is one
state Optional<Version> newLogBeginVersion;
if (!logs.empty()) {
// Linear scan the unsorted logs to find the latest one in sorted order
LogFile& last = *std::max_element(logs.begin(), logs.end());
// If the last log ends at expireEndVersion then that will be the next log begin
if (last.endVersion == expireEndVersion) {
newLogBeginVersion = expireEndVersion;
} else {
// If the last log overlaps the expiredEnd then use the log's begin version and move the expiredEnd
// back to match it and keep the last log file
if (last.endVersion > expireEndVersion) {
newLogBeginVersion = last.beginVersion;
// Instead of modifying this potentially very large vector, just clear LogFile
last = LogFile();
expireEndVersion = newLogBeginVersion.get();
// Make a list of files to delete
state std::vector<std::string> toDelete;
// Move filenames out of vector then destroy it to save memory
for (auto const& f : logs) {
// We may have cleared the last log file earlier so skip any empty filenames
if (!f.fileName.empty()) {
// Move filenames out of vector then destroy it to save memory
for (auto const& f : ranges) {
// The file version must be checked here again because it is likely that expireEndVersion is in the middle
// of a log file, in which case after the log and range file listings are done (using the original
// expireEndVersion) the expireEndVersion will be moved back slightly to the begin version of the last log
// file found (which is also the first log to not be deleted)
if (f.version < expireEndVersion) {
for (auto const& f : desc.snapshots) {
if (f.endVersion < expireEndVersion)
desc = BackupDescription();
// We are about to start deleting files, at which point all data prior to expireEndVersion is considered
// 'unreliable' as some or all of it will be missing. So before deleting anything, read unreliableEndVersion
// (don't use cached value in desc) and update its value if it is missing or < expireEndVersion
if (progress != nullptr) {
progress->step = "Initial metadata update";
Optional<Version> metaUnreliableEnd = wait(bc->unreliableEndVersion().get());
if (metaUnreliableEnd.orDefault(0) < expireEndVersion) {
if (progress != nullptr) {
progress->step = "Deleting files";
progress->total = toDelete.size();
progress->done = 0;
// Delete files, but limit parallelism because the file list could use a lot of memory and the corresponding
// delete actor states would use even more if they all existed at the same time.
state std::list<Future<Void>> deleteFutures;
while (!toDelete.empty() || !deleteFutures.empty()) {
// While there are files to delete and budget in the deleteFutures list, start a delete
while (!toDelete.empty() && deleteFutures.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->BACKUP_CONCURRENT_DELETES) {
// Wait for deletes to finish until there are only targetDeletesInFlight remaining.
// If there are no files left to start then this value is 0, otherwise it is one less
// than the delete concurrency limit.
state int targetFuturesSize = toDelete.empty() ? 0 : (CLIENT_KNOBS->BACKUP_CONCURRENT_DELETES - 1);
while (deleteFutures.size() > targetFuturesSize) {
if (progress != nullptr) {
if (progress != nullptr) {
progress->step = "Final metadata update";
progress->total = 0;
// Update the expiredEndVersion metadata to indicate that everything prior to that version has been
// successfully deleted if the current version is lower or missing
Optional<Version> metaExpiredEnd = wait(bc->expiredEndVersion().get());
if (metaExpiredEnd.orDefault(0) < expireEndVersion) {
return Void();
// Returns true if logs are continuous in the range [begin, end].
// "files" should be pre-sorted according to version order.
static bool isPartitionedLogsContinuous(const std::vector<LogFile>& files, Version begin, Version end) {
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> tagIndices; // tagId -> indices in files
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
ASSERT(files[i].tagId >= 0 && files[i].tagId < files[i].totalTags);
auto& indices = tagIndices[files[i].tagId];
// check partition 0 is continuous and create a map of ranges to tags
std::map<std::pair<Version, Version>, int> tags; // range [begin, end] -> tags
if (!isContinuous(files, tagIndices[0], begin, end, &tags)) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupFileNotContinuous")
.detail("Partition", 0)
.detail("RangeBegin", begin)
.detail("RangeEnd", end);
return false;
// for each range in tags, check all tags from 1 are continouous
for (const auto& [beginEnd, count] : tags) {
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
if (!isContinuous(files, tagIndices[i], beginEnd.first, std::min(beginEnd.second - 1, end), nullptr)) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupFileNotContinuous")
.detail("Partition", i)
.detail("RangeBegin", beginEnd.first)
.detail("RangeEnd", beginEnd.second);
return false;
return true;
// Returns log files that are not duplicated, or subset of another log.
// If a log file's progress is not saved, a new log file will be generated
// with the same begin version. So we can have a file that contains a subset
// of contents in another log file.
// PRE-CONDITION: logs are already sorted by (tagId, beginVersion, endVersion).
static std::vector<LogFile> filterDuplicates(const std::vector<LogFile>& logs) {
std::vector<LogFile> filtered;
int i = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < logs.size(); j++) {
if (logs[j].isSubset(logs[i])) {
ASSERT_LE(logs[j].fileSize, logs[i].fileSize);
if (!logs[i].isSubset(logs[j])) {
i = j;
if (i < logs.size())
return filtered;
static Optional<RestorableFileSet> getRestoreSetFromLogs(const std::vector<LogFile>& logs,
Version targetVersion,
RestorableFileSet restorable) {
Version end = logs.begin()->endVersion;
computeRestoreEndVersion(logs, &restorable.logs, &end, targetVersion);
if (end >= targetVersion) {
restorable.continuousBeginVersion = logs.begin()->beginVersion;
restorable.continuousEndVersion = end;
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>(restorable);
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>();
// Get a set of files that can restore the given "keyRangesFilter" to the "targetVersion".
// If "keyRangesFilter" is empty, the file set will cover all key ranges present in the backup.
// It's generally a good idea to specify "keyRangesFilter" to reduce the number of files for
// restore times.
// If "logsOnly" is true, then only log files are returned and "keyRangesFilter" is ignored,
// because the log can contain mutations of the whole key space, unlike range files that each
// is limited to a smaller key range.
ACTOR static Future<Optional<RestorableFileSet>> getRestoreSet(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
Version targetVersion,
VectorRef<KeyRangeRef> keyRangesFilter,
bool logsOnly = false,
Version beginVersion = invalidVersion) {
for (const auto& range : keyRangesFilter) {
TraceEvent("BackupContainerGetRestoreSet").detail("RangeFilter", printable(range));
if (logsOnly) {
state RestorableFileSet restorableSet;
restorableSet.targetVersion = targetVersion;
state std::vector<LogFile> logFiles;
Version begin = beginVersion == invalidVersion ? 0 : beginVersion;
wait(store(logFiles, bc->listLogFiles(begin, targetVersion, false)));
// List logs in version order so log continuity can be analyzed
std::sort(logFiles.begin(), logFiles.end());
if (!logFiles.empty()) {
return getRestoreSetFromLogs(logFiles, targetVersion, restorableSet);
// Find the most recent keyrange snapshot through which we can restore filtered key ranges into targetVersion.
state std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile> snapshots = wait(bc->listKeyspaceSnapshots());
state int i = snapshots.size() - 1;
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
// The smallest version of filtered range files >= snapshot beginVersion > targetVersion
if (targetVersion >= 0 && snapshots[i].beginVersion > targetVersion) {
state RestorableFileSet restorable;
state Version minKeyRangeVersion = MAX_VERSION;
state Version maxKeyRangeVersion = -1;
std::pair<std::vector<RangeFile>, std::map<std::string, KeyRange>> results =
// If there is no key ranges filter for the restore OR if the snapshot contains no per-file key range info
// then return all of the range files
if (keyRangesFilter.empty() || results.second.empty()) {
restorable.ranges = std::move(results.first);
restorable.keyRanges = std::move(results.second);
minKeyRangeVersion = snapshots[i].beginVersion;
maxKeyRangeVersion = snapshots[i].endVersion;
} else {
for (const auto& rangeFile : results.first) {
const auto& keyRange = results.second.at(rangeFile.fileName);
if (keyRange.intersects(keyRangesFilter)) {
restorable.keyRanges[rangeFile.fileName] = keyRange;
minKeyRangeVersion = std::min(minKeyRangeVersion, rangeFile.version);
maxKeyRangeVersion = std::max(maxKeyRangeVersion, rangeFile.version);
// No range file matches 'keyRangesFilter'.
if (restorable.ranges.empty()) {
throw backup_not_overlapped_with_keys_filter();
// 'latestVersion' represents using the minimum restorable version in a snapshot.
restorable.targetVersion = targetVersion == latestVersion ? maxKeyRangeVersion : targetVersion;
// Any version < maxKeyRangeVersion is not restorable.
if (restorable.targetVersion < maxKeyRangeVersion)
restorable.snapshot = snapshots[i];
// No logs needed if there is a complete filtered key space snapshot at the target version.
if (minKeyRangeVersion == maxKeyRangeVersion && maxKeyRangeVersion == restorable.targetVersion) {
restorable.continuousBeginVersion = restorable.continuousEndVersion = invalidVersion;
.detail("KeyRangeVersion", restorable.targetVersion)
.detail("NumberOfRangeFiles", restorable.ranges.size())
.detail("KeyRangesFilter", printable(keyRangesFilter));
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>(restorable);
// FIXME: check if there are tagged logs. for each tag, there is no version gap.
state std::vector<LogFile> logs;
state std::vector<LogFile> plogs;
wait(store(logs, bc->listLogFiles(minKeyRangeVersion, restorable.targetVersion, false)) &&
store(plogs, bc->listLogFiles(minKeyRangeVersion, restorable.targetVersion, true)));
if (plogs.size() > 0) {
// sort by tag ID so that filterDuplicates works.
std::sort(logs.begin(), logs.end(), [](const LogFile& a, const LogFile& b) {
return std::tie(a.tagId, a.beginVersion, a.endVersion) <
std::tie(b.tagId, b.beginVersion, b.endVersion);
// Remove duplicated log files that can happen for old epochs.
std::vector<LogFile> filtered = filterDuplicates(logs);
// sort by version order again for continuous analysis
std::sort(restorable.logs.begin(), restorable.logs.end());
if (isPartitionedLogsContinuous(restorable.logs, minKeyRangeVersion, restorable.targetVersion)) {
restorable.continuousBeginVersion = minKeyRangeVersion;
restorable.continuousEndVersion = restorable.targetVersion + 1; // not inclusive
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>(restorable);
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>();
// List logs in version order so log continuity can be analyzed
std::sort(logs.begin(), logs.end());
// If there are logs and the first one starts at or before the keyrange's snapshot begin version, then
// it is valid restore set and proceed
if (!logs.empty() && logs.front().beginVersion <= minKeyRangeVersion) {
return getRestoreSetFromLogs(logs, targetVersion, restorable);
return Optional<RestorableFileSet>();
static std::string versionFolderString(Version v, int smallestBucket) {
ASSERT_LT(smallestBucket, 14);
// Get a 0-padded fixed size representation of v
std::string vFixedPrecision = format("%019lld", v);
ASSERT_EQ(vFixedPrecision.size(), 19);
// Truncate smallestBucket from the fixed length representation
vFixedPrecision.resize(vFixedPrecision.size() - smallestBucket);
// Split the remaining digits with a '/' 4 places from the right
vFixedPrecision.insert(vFixedPrecision.size() - 4, 1, '/');
return vFixedPrecision;
// This useful for comparing version folder strings regardless of where their "/" dividers are, as it is possible
// that division points would change in the future.
static std::string cleanFolderString(std::string f) {
f.erase(std::remove(f.begin(), f.end(), '/'), f.end());
return f;
// The innermost folder covers 100 seconds (1e8 versions) During a full speed backup it is possible though very
// unlikely write about 10,000 snapshot range files during that time.
static std::string old_rangeVersionFolderString(Version v) {
return format("ranges/%s/", versionFolderString(v, 8).c_str());
// Get the root folder for a snapshot's data based on its begin version
static std::string snapshotFolderString(Version snapshotBeginVersion) {
return format("kvranges/snapshot.%018" PRId64, snapshotBeginVersion);
// Extract the snapshot begin version from a path
static Version extractSnapshotBeginVersion(const std::string& path) {
Version snapshotBeginVersion;
if (sscanf(path.c_str(), "kvranges/snapshot.%018" SCNd64, &snapshotBeginVersion) == 1) {
return snapshotBeginVersion;
return invalidVersion;
// The innermost folder covers 100,000 seconds (1e11 versions) which is 5,000 mutation log files at current
// settings.
static std::string logVersionFolderString(Version v, bool partitioned) {
return format("%s/%s/", (partitioned ? "plogs" : "logs"), versionFolderString(v, 11).c_str());
static bool pathToLogFile(LogFile& out, const std::string& path, int64_t size) {
std::string name = fileNameOnly(path);
LogFile f;
f.fileName = path;
f.fileSize = size;
int len;
if (sscanf(name.c_str(),
"log,%" SCNd64 ",%" SCNd64 ",%*[^,],%u%n",
&len) == 3 &&
len == name.size()) {
out = f;
return true;
} else if (sscanf(name.c_str(),
"log,%" SCNd64 ",%" SCNd64 ",%*[^,],%d-of-%d,%u%n",
&len) == 5 &&
len == name.size() && f.tagId >= 0) {
out = f;
return true;
return false;
static bool pathToKeyspaceSnapshotFile(KeyspaceSnapshotFile& out, const std::string& path) {
std::string name = fileNameOnly(path);
KeyspaceSnapshotFile f;
f.fileName = path;
int len;
if (sscanf(name.c_str(),
"snapshot,%" SCNd64 ",%" SCNd64 ",%" SCNd64 "%n",
&len) == 3 &&
len == name.size()) {
out = f;
return true;
return false;
// fallback for using existing write api if the underlying blob store doesn't support efficient writeEntireFile
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeEntireFileFallback(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
std::string fileName,
std::string fileContents) {
state Reference<IBackupFile> objectFile = wait(bc->writeFile(fileName));
wait(objectFile->append(&fileContents[0], fileContents.size()));
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> createTestEncryptionKeyFile(std::string filename) {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> keyFile = wait(IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->open(
StreamCipherKey testKey(AES_256_KEY_LENGTH);
keyFile->write(testKey.data(), testKey.size(), 0);
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> readEncryptionKey(std::string encryptionKeyFileName) {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> keyFile;
state StreamCipherKey const* cipherKey = StreamCipherKey::getGlobalCipherKey();
try {
Reference<IAsyncFile> _keyFile =
wait(IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->open(encryptionKeyFileName, 0x0, 0400));
keyFile = _keyFile;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "FailedToOpenEncryptionKeyFile")
.detail("FileName", encryptionKeyFileName);
throw e;
int bytesRead = wait(keyFile->read(cipherKey->data(), cipherKey->size(), 0));
if (bytesRead != cipherKey->size()) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "InvalidEncryptionKeyFileSize")
.detail("ExpectedSize", cipherKey->size())
.detail("ActualSize", bytesRead);
throw invalid_encryption_key_file();
ASSERT_EQ(bytesRead, cipherKey->size());
return Void();
}; // class BackupContainerFileSystemImpl
Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::writeLogFile(Version beginVersion,
Version endVersion,
int blockSize) {
return writeFile(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::logVersionFolderString(beginVersion, false) +
Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::writeTaggedLogFile(Version beginVersion,
Version endVersion,
int blockSize,
uint16_t tagId,
int totalTags) {
return writeFile(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::logVersionFolderString(beginVersion, true) +
Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::writeRangeFile(Version snapshotBeginVersion,
int snapshotFileCount,
Version fileVersion,
int blockSize) {
std::string fileName = format(
"range,%" PRId64 ",%s,%d", fileVersion, deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString().c_str(), blockSize);
// In order to test backward compatibility in simulation, sometimes write to the old path format
if (g_network->isSimulated() && deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
return writeFile(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::old_rangeVersionFolderString(fileVersion) + fileName);
return writeFile(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::snapshotFolderString(snapshotBeginVersion) +
format("/%d/", snapshotFileCount / (BUGGIFY ? 1 : 5000)) + fileName);
Future<std::pair<std::vector<RangeFile>, std::map<std::string, KeyRange>>>
BackupContainerFileSystem::readKeyspaceSnapshot(KeyspaceSnapshotFile snapshot) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::readKeyspaceSnapshot(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this),
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile(const std::vector<std::string>& fileNames,
const std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>>& beginEndKeys,
int64_t totalBytes,
IncludeKeyRangeMap includeKeyRangeMap) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), fileNames, beginEndKeys, totalBytes, includeKeyRangeMap);
Future<std::vector<LogFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::listLogFiles(Version beginVersion,
Version targetVersion,
bool partitioned) {
// The first relevant log file could have a begin version less than beginVersion based on the knobs which
// determine log file range size, so start at an earlier version adjusted by how many versions a file could
// contain.
// Get the cleaned (without slashes) first and last folders that could contain relevant results.
std::string firstPath =
std::string lastPath = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::cleanFolderString(
BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::logVersionFolderString(targetVersion, partitioned));
std::function<bool(std::string const&)> pathFilter = [=](const std::string& folderPath) {
// Remove slashes in the given folder path so that the '/' positions in the version folder string do not
// matter
std::string cleaned = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::cleanFolderString(folderPath);
return StringRef(firstPath).startsWith(cleaned) || StringRef(lastPath).startsWith(cleaned) ||
(cleaned > firstPath && cleaned < lastPath);
return map(listFiles((partitioned ? "plogs/" : "logs/"), pathFilter), [=](const FilesAndSizesT& files) {
std::vector<LogFile> results;
LogFile lf;
for (auto& f : files) {
if (BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::pathToLogFile(lf, f.first, f.second) && lf.endVersion > beginVersion &&
lf.beginVersion <= targetVersion)
return results;
Future<std::vector<RangeFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::old_listRangeFiles(Version beginVersion, Version endVersion) {
// Get the cleaned (without slashes) first and last folders that could contain relevant results.
std::string firstPath = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::cleanFolderString(
std::string lastPath = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::cleanFolderString(
std::function<bool(std::string const&)> pathFilter = [=](const std::string& folderPath) {
// Remove slashes in the given folder path so that the '/' positions in the version folder string do not
// matter
std::string cleaned = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::cleanFolderString(folderPath);
return StringRef(firstPath).startsWith(cleaned) || StringRef(lastPath).startsWith(cleaned) ||
(cleaned > firstPath && cleaned < lastPath);
return map(listFiles("ranges/", pathFilter), [=](const FilesAndSizesT& files) {
std::vector<RangeFile> results;
RangeFile rf;
for (auto& f : files) {
if (BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::pathToRangeFile(rf, f.first, f.second) && rf.version >= beginVersion &&
rf.version <= endVersion)
return results;
Future<std::vector<RangeFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::listRangeFiles(Version beginVersion, Version endVersion) {
// Until the old folder scheme is no longer supported, read files stored using old folder scheme
Future<std::vector<RangeFile>> oldFiles = old_listRangeFiles(beginVersion, endVersion);
// Define filter function (for listFiles() implementations that use it) to reject any folder
// starting after endVersion
std::function<bool(std::string const&)> pathFilter = [=](std::string const& path) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::extractSnapshotBeginVersion(path) <= endVersion;
Future<std::vector<RangeFile>> newFiles = map(listFiles("kvranges/", pathFilter), [=](const FilesAndSizesT& files) {
std::vector<RangeFile> results;
RangeFile rf;
for (auto& f : files) {
if (BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::pathToRangeFile(rf, f.first, f.second) && rf.version >= beginVersion &&
rf.version <= endVersion)
return results;
return map(success(oldFiles) && success(newFiles), [=](Void _) {
std::vector<RangeFile> results = std::move(newFiles.get());
std::vector<RangeFile> oldResults = std::move(oldFiles.get());
results.end(), std::make_move_iterator(oldResults.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(oldResults.end()));
return results;
Future<std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile>> BackupContainerFileSystem::listKeyspaceSnapshots(Version begin, Version end) {
return map(listFiles("snapshots/"), [=](const FilesAndSizesT& files) {
std::vector<KeyspaceSnapshotFile> results;
KeyspaceSnapshotFile sf;
for (auto& f : files) {
if (BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::pathToKeyspaceSnapshotFile(sf, f.first) && sf.beginVersion < end &&
sf.endVersion >= begin)
std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
return results;
Future<BackupFileList> BackupContainerFileSystem::dumpFileList(Version begin, Version end) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::dumpFileList(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), begin, end);
Future<BackupDescription> BackupContainerFileSystem::describeBackup(bool deepScan, Version logStartVersionOverride) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::describeBackup(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), deepScan, logStartVersionOverride);
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::expireData(Version expireEndVersion,
bool force,
ExpireProgress* progress,
Version restorableBeginVersion) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::expireData(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), expireEndVersion, force, progress, restorableBeginVersion);
ACTOR static Future<KeyRange> getSnapshotFileKeyRange_impl(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc,
RangeFile file,
Database cx) {
state int readFileRetries = 0;
state bool beginKeySet = false;
state Key beginKey;
state Key endKey;
loop {
try {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> inFile = wait(bc->readFile(file.fileName));
beginKeySet = false;
state int64_t j = 0;
for (; j < file.fileSize; j += file.blockSize) {
int64_t len = std::min<int64_t>(file.blockSize, file.fileSize - j);
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> blockData =
wait(fileBackup::decodeRangeFileBlock(inFile, j, len, cx));
if (!beginKeySet) {
beginKey = blockData.front().key;
beginKeySet = true;
endKey = blockData.back().key;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_restore_bad_read || e.code() == error_code_restore_unsupported_file_version ||
e.code() == error_code_restore_corrupted_data_padding) { // no retriable error
TraceEvent(SevError, "BackupContainerGetSnapshotFileKeyRange").error(e);
} else if (e.code() == error_code_http_request_failed || e.code() == error_code_connection_failed ||
e.code() == error_code_timed_out || e.code() == error_code_lookup_failed) {
// blob http request failure, retry
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "BackupContainerGetSnapshotFileKeyRangeConnectionFailure")
.detail("Retries", ++readFileRetries);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "BackupContainerGetSnapshotFileKeyRangeUnexpectedError").error(e);
return KeyRange(KeyRangeRef(beginKey, endKey));
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeVersionProperty(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc, std::string path, Version v) {
try {
state Reference<IBackupFile> f = wait(bc->writeFile(path));
std::string s = format("%lld", v);
wait(f->append(s.data(), s.size()));
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerWritePropertyFailed")
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("Path", path);
ACTOR static Future<Optional<Version>> readVersionProperty(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> bc, std::string path) {
try {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f = wait(bc->readFile(path));
state int64_t size = wait(f->size());
state std::string s;
int rs = wait(f->read((uint8_t*)s.data(), size, 0));
Version v;
int len;
if (rs == size && sscanf(s.c_str(), "%" SCNd64 "%n", &v, &len) == 1 && len == size)
return v;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerInvalidProperty").detail("URL", bc->getURL()).detail("Path", path);
throw backup_invalid_info();
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_file_not_found)
return Optional<Version>();
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BackupContainerReadPropertyFailed")
.detail("URL", bc->getURL())
.detail("Path", path);
Future<KeyRange> BackupContainerFileSystem::getSnapshotFileKeyRange(const RangeFile& file, Database cx) {
return getSnapshotFileKeyRange_impl(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), file, cx);
Future<Optional<RestorableFileSet>> BackupContainerFileSystem::getRestoreSet(Version targetVersion,
VectorRef<KeyRangeRef> keyRangesFilter,
bool logsOnly,
Version beginVersion) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getRestoreSet(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), targetVersion, keyRangesFilter, logsOnly, beginVersion);
Future<Optional<Version>> BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty::get() {
return readVersionProperty(bc, path);
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty::set(Version v) {
return writeVersionProperty(bc, path, v);
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty::clear() {
return bc->deleteFile(path);
BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty BackupContainerFileSystem::logBeginVersion() {
return { Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), "log_begin_version" };
BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty BackupContainerFileSystem::logEndVersion() {
return { Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), "log_end_version" };
BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty BackupContainerFileSystem::expiredEndVersion() {
return { Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), "expired_end_version" };
BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty BackupContainerFileSystem::unreliableEndVersion() {
return { Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), "unreliable_end_version" };
BackupContainerFileSystem::VersionProperty BackupContainerFileSystem::logType() {
return { Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), "mutation_log_type" };
bool BackupContainerFileSystem::usesEncryption() const {
return encryptionSetupFuture.isValid();
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::encryptionSetupComplete() const {
return encryptionSetupFuture;
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::writeEntireFileFallback(const std::string& fileName,
const std::string& fileContents) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::writeEntireFileFallback(
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>::addRef(this), fileName, fileContents);
void BackupContainerFileSystem::setEncryptionKey(Optional<std::string> const& encryptionKeyFileName) {
if (encryptionKeyFileName.present()) {
encryptionSetupFuture = BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::readEncryptionKey(encryptionKeyFileName.get());
Future<Void> BackupContainerFileSystem::createTestEncryptionKeyFile(std::string const& filename) {
return BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::createTestEncryptionKeyFile(filename);
// Get a BackupContainerFileSystem based on a container URL string
// TODO: refactor to not duplicate IBackupContainer::openContainer. It's the exact same
// code but returning a different template type because you can't cast between them
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> BackupContainerFileSystem::openContainerFS(
const std::string& url,
const Optional<std::string>& proxy,
const Optional<std::string>& encryptionKeyFileName,
bool isBackup) {
static std::map<std::string, Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>> m_cache;
Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem>& r = m_cache[url];
if (r)
return r;
try {
StringRef u(url);
if (u.startsWith("file://"_sr)) {
r = makeReference<BackupContainerLocalDirectory>(url, encryptionKeyFileName);
} else if (u.startsWith("blobstore://"_sr)) {
std::string resource;
// The URL parameters contain blobstore endpoint tunables as well as possible backup-specific options.
S3BlobStoreEndpoint::ParametersT backupParams;
Reference<S3BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore =
S3BlobStoreEndpoint::fromString(url, proxy, &resource, &lastOpenError, &backupParams);
if (resource.empty())
throw backup_invalid_url();
for (auto c : resource)
if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '.' && c != '/')
throw backup_invalid_url();
r = makeReference<BackupContainerS3BlobStore>(
bstore, resource, backupParams, encryptionKeyFileName, isBackup);
else if (u.startsWith("azure://"_sr)) {
auto address = u.eat("/"_sr);
if (address.endsWith(std::string(azure::storage_lite::constants::default_endpoint_suffix))) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Azure backup url with standard azure storage account endpoint");
// <account>.<service>.core.windows.net/<resource_path>
auto endPoint = address.toString();
auto accountName = address.eat("."_sr).toString();
auto containerName = u.eat("/"_sr).toString();
r = makeReference<BackupContainerAzureBlobStore>(
endPoint, accountName, containerName, encryptionKeyFileName);
} else {
// resolve the network address if necessary
std::string endpoint(address.toString());
Optional<NetworkAddress> parsedAddress = NetworkAddress::parseOptional(endpoint);
if (!parsedAddress.present()) {
try {
auto hostname = Hostname::parse(endpoint);
auto resolvedAddress = hostname.resolveBlocking();
if (resolvedAddress.present()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Azure backup url with hostname in the endpoint");
parsedAddress = resolvedAddress.get();
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidAzureBackupUrl").error(e).detail("Endpoint", endpoint);
throw backup_invalid_url();
if (!parsedAddress.present()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidAzureBackupUrl").detail("Endpoint", endpoint);
throw backup_invalid_url();
auto accountName = u.eat("/"_sr).toString();
// Avoid including ":tls" and "(fromHostname)"
// note: the endpoint needs to contain the account name
// so either "<account_name>.blob.core.windows.net" or "<ip>:<port>/<account_name>"
endpoint =
fmt::format("{}/{}", formatIpPort(parsedAddress.get().ip, parsedAddress.get().port), accountName);
auto containerName = u.eat("/"_sr).toString();
r = makeReference<BackupContainerAzureBlobStore>(
endpoint, accountName, containerName, encryptionKeyFileName);
else {
lastOpenError = "invalid URL prefix";
throw backup_invalid_url();
r->encryptionKeyFileName = encryptionKeyFileName;
r->URL = url;
return r;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent m(SevWarn, "BackupContainer");
m.detail("Description", "Invalid container specification. See help.");
m.detail("URL", url);
if (e.code() == error_code_backup_invalid_url)
m.detail("LastOpenError", lastOpenError);
namespace backup_test {
int chooseFileSize(std::vector<int>& sizes) {
if (!sizes.empty()) {
int size = sizes.back();
return size;
return deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 2e6);
ACTOR Future<Void> writeAndVerifyFile(Reference<IBackupContainer> c,
Reference<IBackupFile> f,
int size,
FlowLock* lock) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>> content;
wait(lock->take(TaskPriority::DefaultYield, size));
state FlowLock::Releaser releaser(*lock, size);
printf("writeAndVerify size=%d file=%s\n", size, f->getFileName().c_str());
content.resize(content.arena(), size);
for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i) {
content[i] = (uint8_t)deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256);
state VectorRef<uint8_t> sendBuf = content;
while (sendBuf.size() > 0) {
state int n = std::min(sendBuf.size(), deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 16384));
wait(f->append(sendBuf.begin(), n));
state Reference<IAsyncFile> inputFile = wait(c->readFile(f->getFileName()));
int64_t fileSize = wait(inputFile->size());
ASSERT_EQ(size, fileSize);
if (size > 0) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>> buf;
buf.resize(buf.arena(), fileSize);
int b = wait(inputFile->read(buf.begin(), buf.size(), 0));
ASSERT_EQ(b, buf.size());
ASSERT(buf == content);
return Void();
// Randomly advance version by up to 1 second of versions
Version nextVersion(Version v) {
int64_t increment = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, CLIENT_KNOBS->CORE_VERSIONSPERSECOND);
return v + increment;
// Write a snapshot file with only begin & end key
ACTOR static Future<Void> testWriteSnapshotFile(Reference<IBackupFile> file, Key begin, Key end, uint32_t blockSize) {
ASSERT_GT(blockSize, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t) + begin.size() + end.size());
// write Header
wait(file->append((uint8_t*)&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion)));
// write begin key length and key
// write end key length and key
int bytesLeft = blockSize - file->size();
if (bytesLeft > 0) {
Value paddings = fileBackup::makePadding(bytesLeft);
wait(file->append(paddings.begin(), bytesLeft));
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> testBackupContainer(std::string url,
Optional<std::string> proxy,
Optional<std::string> encryptionKeyFileName) {
state FlowLock lock(100e6);
if (encryptionKeyFileName.present()) {
printf("BackupContainerTest URL %s\n", url.c_str());
state Reference<IBackupContainer> c = IBackupContainer::openContainer(url, proxy, encryptionKeyFileName);
// Make sure container doesn't exist, then create it.
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() != error_code_backup_invalid_url && e.code() != error_code_backup_does_not_exist)
state std::vector<Future<Void>> writes;
state std::map<Version, std::vector<std::string>> snapshots;
state std::map<Version, int64_t> snapshotSizes;
state std::map<Version, std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>>> snapshotBeginEndKeys;
state int nRangeFiles = 0;
state std::map<Version, std::string> logs;
state Version v = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, std::numeric_limits<Version>::max() / 2);
// List of sizes to use to test edge cases on underlying file implementations
state std::vector<int> fileSizes = { 0 };
if (StringRef(url).startsWith("blob"_sr)) {
loop {
state Version logStart = v;
state int kvfiles = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 3);
state Key begin = ""_sr;
state Key end = ""_sr;
state int blockSize = 3 * sizeof(uint32_t) + begin.size() + end.size() + 8;
while (kvfiles > 0) {
if (snapshots.empty()) {
snapshots[v] = {};
snapshotBeginEndKeys[v] = {};
snapshotSizes[v] = 0;
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
v = nextVersion(v);
Reference<IBackupFile> range = wait(c->writeRangeFile(snapshots.rbegin()->first, 0, v, blockSize));
v = nextVersion(v);
snapshotBeginEndKeys.rbegin()->second.emplace_back(begin, end);
int size = chooseFileSize(fileSizes);
snapshotSizes.rbegin()->second += size;
// Write in actual range file format, instead of random data.
// writes.push_back(writeAndVerifyFile(c, range, size, &lock));
wait(testWriteSnapshotFile(range, begin, end, blockSize));
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() < .2) {
snapshots[v] = {};
snapshotBeginEndKeys[v] = {};
snapshotSizes[v] = 0;
if (logStart == v || deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
v = nextVersion(v);
state Reference<IBackupFile> log = wait(c->writeLogFile(logStart, v, 10));
logs[logStart] = log->getFileName();
int size = chooseFileSize(fileSizes);
writes.push_back(writeAndVerifyFile(c, log, size, &lock));
// Randomly stop after a snapshot has finished and all manually seeded file sizes have been used.
if (fileSizes.empty() && !snapshots.empty() && snapshots.rbegin()->second.empty() &&
deterministicRandom()->random01() < .2) {
state BackupFileList listing = wait(c->dumpFileList());
ASSERT_EQ(listing.ranges.size(), nRangeFiles);
ASSERT_EQ(listing.logs.size(), logs.size());
ASSERT_EQ(listing.snapshots.size(), snapshots.size());
state BackupDescription desc = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("\n%s\n", desc.toString().c_str());
// Do a series of expirations and verify resulting state
state int i = 0;
for (; i < listing.snapshots.size(); ++i) {
// Ensure we can still restore to the latest version
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(desc.maxRestorableVersion.get()));
// Ensure we can restore to the end version of snapshot i
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(listing.snapshots[i].endVersion));
// Test expiring to the end of this snapshot
state Version expireVersion = listing.snapshots[i].endVersion;
// Expire everything up to but not including the snapshot end version
fmt::print("EXPIRE TO {}\n", expireVersion);
state Future<Void> f = c->expireData(expireVersion);
// If there is an error, it must be backup_cannot_expire and we have to be on the last snapshot
if (f.isError()) {
ASSERT_EQ(f.getError().code(), error_code_backup_cannot_expire);
ASSERT_EQ(i, listing.snapshots.size() - 1);
wait(c->expireData(expireVersion, true));
BackupDescription d = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("\n%s\n", d.toString().c_str());
state Future<BackupDescription> d = c->describeBackup();
ASSERT(d.isError() && d.getError().code() == error_code_backup_does_not_exist);
BackupFileList empty = wait(c->dumpFileList());
ASSERT_EQ(empty.ranges.size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(empty.logs.size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(empty.snapshots.size(), 0);
printf("BackupContainerTest URL=%s PASSED.\n", url.c_str());
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/containers/localdir/unencrypted") {
wait(testBackupContainer(format("file://%s/fdb_backups/%llx", params.getDataDir().c_str(), timer_int()), {}, {}));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/containers/localdir/encrypted") {
wait(testBackupContainer(format("file://%s/fdb_backups/%llx", params.getDataDir().c_str(), timer_int()),
format("%s/test_encryption_key", params.getDataDir().c_str())));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/containers/url") {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) {
const char* url = getenv("FDB_TEST_BACKUP_URL");
ASSERT(url != nullptr);
wait(testBackupContainer(url, {}, {}));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/containers_list") {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) {
state const char* url = getenv("FDB_TEST_BACKUP_URL");
ASSERT(url != nullptr);
printf("Listing %s\n", url);
std::vector<std::string> urls = wait(IBackupContainer::listContainers(url, {}));
for (auto& u : urls) {
printf("%s\n", u.c_str());
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/time") {
// test formatTime()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
int64_t ts = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime(BackupAgentBase::formatTime(ts)) == ts);
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime("2019/03/18.17:51:11-0600") ==
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime("2019/03/31.22:45:07-0700") ==
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime("2019/03/31.22:45:07+0000") ==
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime("2019/03/31.22:45:07+0030") ==
ASSERT(BackupAgentBase::parseTime("2019/03/31.22:45:07+0030") ==
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/backup/continuous") {
std::vector<LogFile> files;
// [0, 100) 2 tags
files.push_back({ 0, 100, 10, "file1", 100, 0, 2 }); // Tag 0: 0-100
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 99));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 0) == 0);
files.push_back({ 0, 100, 10, "file2", 200, 1, 2 }); // Tag 1: 0-100
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 99));
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 100));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 0) == 99);
// [100, 300) 3 tags
files.push_back({ 100, 200, 10, "file3", 200, 0, 3 }); // Tag 0: 100-200
files.push_back({ 100, 250, 10, "file4", 200, 1, 3 }); // Tag 1: 100-250
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 99));
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 100));
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 50, 150));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 0) == 99);
files.push_back({ 100, 300, 10, "file5", 200, 2, 3 }); // Tag 2: 100-300
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 50, 150));
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 50, 200));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 10, 199));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 0) == 199);
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 100) == 199);
files.push_back({ 250, 300, 10, "file6", 200, 0, 3 }); // Tag 0: 250-300, missing 200-250
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 50, 240));
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 100, 280));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 99) == 199);
files.push_back({ 250, 300, 10, "file7", 200, 1, 3 }); // Tag 1: 250-300
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(!BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 100, 280));
files.push_back({ 200, 250, 10, "file8", 200, 0, 3 }); // Tag 0: 200-250
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 299));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 100, 280));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 150) == 299);
// [300, 400) 1 tag
// files.push_back({200, 250, 10, "file9", 200, 0, 3}); // Tag 0: 200-250, duplicate file
files.push_back({ 300, 400, 10, "file10", 200, 0, 1 }); // Tag 1: 300-400
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 0, 399));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 100, 399));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 150, 399));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::isPartitionedLogsContinuous(files, 250, 399));
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 0) == 399);
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 99) == 399);
ASSERT(BackupContainerFileSystemImpl::getPartitionedLogsContinuousEndVersion(files, 250) == 399);
return Void();
} // namespace backup_test