214 lines
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214 lines
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* DatabaseContext.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef DatabaseContext_h
#define DatabaseContext_h
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/KeyRangeMap.h"
#include "fdbclient/MasterProxyInterface.h"
#include "fdbrpc/QueueModel.h"
#include "fdbrpc/MultiInterface.h"
#include "flow/TDMetric.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/EventTypes.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ContinuousSample.h"
class StorageServerInfo : public ReferencedInterface<StorageServerInterface> {
static Reference<StorageServerInfo> getInterface( DatabaseContext *cx, StorageServerInterface const& interf, LocalityData const& locality );
void notifyContextDestroyed();
virtual ~StorageServerInfo();
DatabaseContext *cx;
StorageServerInfo( DatabaseContext *cx, StorageServerInterface const& interf, LocalityData const& locality ) : cx(cx), ReferencedInterface<StorageServerInterface>(interf, locality) {}
typedef MultiInterface<ReferencedInterface<StorageServerInterface>> LocationInfo;
typedef MultiInterface<MasterProxyInterface> ProxyInfo;
class SpecialKeySpace; //forward declaration
class DatabaseContext : public ReferenceCounted<DatabaseContext>, public FastAllocated<DatabaseContext>, NonCopyable {
static DatabaseContext* allocateOnForeignThread() {
return (DatabaseContext*)DatabaseContext::operator new(sizeof(DatabaseContext));
// For internal (fdbserver) use only
static Database create(Reference<AsyncVar<ClientDBInfo>> clientInfo, Future<Void> clientInfoMonitor,
LocalityData clientLocality, bool enableLocalityLoadBalance,
TaskPriority taskID = TaskPriority::DefaultEndpoint, bool lockAware = false,
int apiVersion = Database::API_VERSION_LATEST, bool switchable = false);
Database clone() const { return Database(new DatabaseContext( connectionFile, clientInfo, clientInfoMonitor, taskID, clientLocality, enableLocalityLoadBalance, lockAware, internal, apiVersion, switchable )); }
std::pair<KeyRange,Reference<LocationInfo>> getCachedLocation( const KeyRef&, bool isBackward = false );
bool getCachedLocations( const KeyRangeRef&, vector<std::pair<KeyRange,Reference<LocationInfo>>>&, int limit, bool reverse );
Reference<LocationInfo> setCachedLocation( const KeyRangeRef&, const vector<struct StorageServerInterface>& );
void invalidateCache( const KeyRef&, bool isBackward = false );
void invalidateCache( const KeyRangeRef& );
Reference<ProxyInfo> getMasterProxies(bool useProvisionalProxies);
Future<Reference<ProxyInfo>> getMasterProxiesFuture(bool useProvisionalProxies);
Future<Void> onMasterProxiesChanged();
Future<HealthMetrics> getHealthMetrics(bool detailed);
// Update the watch counter for the database
void addWatch();
void removeWatch();
void setOption( FDBDatabaseOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value );
Error deferredError;
bool lockAware;
bool isError() {
return deferredError.code() != invalid_error_code;
void checkDeferredError() {
if(isError()) {
throw deferredError;
int apiVersionAtLeast(int minVersion) { return apiVersion < 0 || apiVersion >= minVersion; }
Future<Void> onConnected(); // Returns after a majority of coordination servers are available and have reported a leader. The cluster file therefore is valid, but the database might be unavailable.
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> getConnectionFile();
// Switch the database to use the new connection file, and recreate all pending watches for committed transactions.
// Meant to be used as part of a 'hot standby' solution to switch to the standby. A correct switch will involve
// advancing the version on the new cluster sufficiently far that any transaction begun with a read version from the
// old cluster will fail to commit. Assuming the above version-advancing is done properly, a call to
// switchConnectionFile guarantees that any read with a version from the old cluster will not be attempted on the
// new cluster.
Future<Void> switchConnectionFile(Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> standby);
Future<Void> connectionFileChanged();
bool switchable = false;
explicit DatabaseContext( Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>>> connectionFile, Reference<AsyncVar<ClientDBInfo>> clientDBInfo,
Future<Void> clientInfoMonitor, TaskPriority taskID, LocalityData const& clientLocality,
bool enableLocalityLoadBalance, bool lockAware, bool internal = true, int apiVersion = Database::API_VERSION_LATEST, bool switchable = false );
explicit DatabaseContext( const Error &err );
// Key DB-specific information
Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>>> connectionFile;
AsyncTrigger masterProxiesChangeTrigger;
Future<Void> monitorMasterProxiesInfoChange;
Reference<ProxyInfo> masterProxies;
bool provisional;
UID masterProxiesLastChange;
LocalityData clientLocality;
QueueModel queueModel;
bool enableLocalityLoadBalance;
// Transaction start request batching
struct VersionBatcher {
PromiseStream< std::pair< Promise<GetReadVersionReply>, Optional<UID> > > stream;
Future<Void> actor;
std::map<uint32_t, VersionBatcher> versionBatcher;
AsyncTrigger connectionFileChangedTrigger;
// Disallow any reads at a read version lower than minAcceptableReadVersion. This way the client does not have to
// trust that the read version (possibly set manually by the application) is actually from the correct cluster.
// Updated everytime we get a GRV response
Version minAcceptableReadVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
void validateVersion(Version);
// Client status updater
struct ClientStatusUpdater {
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, BinaryWriter> > inStatusQ;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, BinaryWriter> > outStatusQ;
Future<Void> actor;
ClientStatusUpdater clientStatusUpdater;
// Cache of location information
int locationCacheSize;
CoalescedKeyRangeMap< Reference<LocationInfo> > locationCache;
std::map< UID, StorageServerInfo* > server_interf;
UID dbId;
bool internal; // Only contexts created through the C client and fdbcli are non-internal
CounterCollection cc;
Counter transactionReadVersions;
Counter transactionLogicalReads;
Counter transactionPhysicalReads;
Counter transactionCommittedMutations;
Counter transactionCommittedMutationBytes;
Counter transactionsCommitStarted;
Counter transactionsCommitCompleted;
Counter transactionsTooOld;
Counter transactionsFutureVersions;
Counter transactionsNotCommitted;
Counter transactionsMaybeCommitted;
Counter transactionsResourceConstrained;
Counter transactionsProcessBehind;
Counter transactionsThrottled;
ContinuousSample<double> latencies, readLatencies, commitLatencies, GRVLatencies, mutationsPerCommit, bytesPerCommit;
int outstandingWatches;
int maxOutstandingWatches;
int snapshotRywEnabled;
Future<Void> logger;
TaskPriority taskID;
Int64MetricHandle getValueSubmitted;
EventMetricHandle<GetValueComplete> getValueCompleted;
Reference<AsyncVar<ClientDBInfo>> clientInfo;
Future<Void> clientInfoMonitor;
Future<Void> connected;
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>> statusClusterInterface;
Future<Void> statusLeaderMon;
double lastStatusFetch;
int apiVersion;
int mvCacheInsertLocation;
std::vector<std::pair<Version, Optional<Value>>> metadataVersionCache;
HealthMetrics healthMetrics;
double healthMetricsLastUpdated;
double detailedHealthMetricsLastUpdated;
UniqueOrderedOptionList<FDBTransactionOptions> transactionDefaults;
std::unique_ptr<SpecialKeySpace> specialKeySpace;