
242 lines
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* DatabaseConfiguration.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ReplicationPolicy.h"
#include "fdbclient/Status.h"
// SOMEDAY: Buggify DatabaseConfiguration
struct SatelliteInfo {
Key dcId;
int32_t priority;
int32_t satelliteDesiredTLogCount = -1;
SatelliteInfo() : priority(0) {}
struct sort_by_priority {
bool operator ()(SatelliteInfo const&a, SatelliteInfo const& b) const { return a.priority > b.priority; }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, dcId, priority, satelliteDesiredTLogCount);
struct RegionInfo {
Key dcId;
int32_t priority;
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> satelliteTLogPolicy;
int32_t satelliteDesiredTLogCount;
int32_t satelliteTLogReplicationFactor;
int32_t satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorum;
int32_t satelliteTLogUsableDcs;
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> satelliteTLogPolicyFallback;
int32_t satelliteTLogReplicationFactorFallback;
int32_t satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback;
int32_t satelliteTLogUsableDcsFallback;
std::vector<SatelliteInfo> satellites;
RegionInfo() : priority(0), satelliteDesiredTLogCount(-1), satelliteTLogReplicationFactor(0), satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorum(0), satelliteTLogUsableDcs(1),
satelliteTLogReplicationFactorFallback(0), satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback(0), satelliteTLogUsableDcsFallback(0) {}
struct sort_by_priority {
bool operator ()(RegionInfo const&a, RegionInfo const& b) const { return a.priority > b.priority; }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, dcId, priority, satelliteTLogPolicy, satelliteDesiredTLogCount, satelliteTLogReplicationFactor, satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorum, satelliteTLogUsableDcs,
satelliteTLogPolicyFallback, satelliteTLogReplicationFactorFallback, satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback, satelliteTLogUsableDcsFallback, satellites);
struct DatabaseConfiguration {
void applyMutation( MutationRef mutation );
bool set( KeyRef key, ValueRef value ); // Returns true if a configuration option that requires recovery to take effect is changed
bool clear( KeyRangeRef keys );
Optional<ValueRef> get( KeyRef key ) const;
bool isValid() const;
bool initialized;
std::string toString() const;
StatusObject toJSON(bool noPolicies = false) const;
StatusArray getRegionJSON() const;
RegionInfo getRegion( Optional<Key> dcId ) const {
if(!dcId.present()) {
return RegionInfo();
for(auto& r : regions) {
if(r.dcId == dcId.get()) {
return r;
return RegionInfo();
int expectedLogSets( Optional<Key> dcId ) const {
int result = 1;
if(dcId.present() && getRegion(dcId.get()).satelliteTLogReplicationFactor > 0) {
if(usableRegions > 1) {
return result;
int32_t minDatacentersRequired() const {
int minRequired = 0;
for(auto& r : regions) {
minRequired += 1 + r.satellites.size();
return minRequired;
int32_t minZonesRequiredPerDatacenter() const {
int minRequired = std::max( remoteTLogReplicationFactor, std::max(tLogReplicationFactor, storageTeamSize) );
for(auto& r : regions) {
minRequired = std::max( minRequired, r.satelliteTLogReplicationFactor/std::max(1, r.satelliteTLogUsableDcs) );
return minRequired;
//Killing an entire datacenter counts as killing one zone in modes that support it
int32_t maxZoneFailuresTolerated() const {
int worstSatellite = regions.size() ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : 0;
for(auto& r : regions) {
worstSatellite = std::min(worstSatellite, r.satelliteTLogReplicationFactor - r.satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorum);
if(r.satelliteTLogUsableDcsFallback > 0) {
worstSatellite = std::min(worstSatellite, r.satelliteTLogReplicationFactorFallback - r.satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback);
if(usableRegions > 1 && worstSatellite > 0) {
return 1 + std::min(std::max(tLogReplicationFactor - 1 - tLogWriteAntiQuorum, worstSatellite - 1), storageTeamSize - 1);
} else if(worstSatellite > 0) {
return std::min(tLogReplicationFactor + worstSatellite - 2 - tLogWriteAntiQuorum, storageTeamSize - 1);
return std::min(tLogReplicationFactor - 1 - tLogWriteAntiQuorum, storageTeamSize - 1);
// MasterProxy Servers
int32_t masterProxyCount;
int32_t autoMasterProxyCount;
// Resolvers
int32_t resolverCount;
int32_t autoResolverCount;
// TLogs
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> tLogPolicy;
int32_t desiredTLogCount;
int32_t autoDesiredTLogCount;
int32_t tLogWriteAntiQuorum;
int32_t tLogReplicationFactor;
TLogVersion tLogVersion;
KeyValueStoreType tLogDataStoreType;
TLogSpillType tLogSpillType;
// Storage Servers
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> storagePolicy;
int32_t storageTeamSize;
KeyValueStoreType storageServerStoreType;
// Remote TLogs
int32_t desiredLogRouterCount;
int32_t remoteDesiredTLogCount;
int32_t remoteTLogReplicationFactor;
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> remoteTLogPolicy;
// Backup Workers
bool backupWorkerEnabled;
//Data centers
int32_t usableRegions;
int32_t repopulateRegionAntiQuorum;
std::vector<RegionInfo> regions;
// Excluded servers (no state should be here)
bool isExcludedServer( NetworkAddress ) const;
std::set<AddressExclusion> getExcludedServers() const;
int32_t getDesiredProxies() const { if(masterProxyCount == -1) return autoMasterProxyCount; return masterProxyCount; }
int32_t getDesiredResolvers() const { if(resolverCount == -1) return autoResolverCount; return resolverCount; }
int32_t getDesiredLogs() const { if(desiredTLogCount == -1) return autoDesiredTLogCount; return desiredTLogCount; }
int32_t getDesiredRemoteLogs() const { if(remoteDesiredTLogCount == -1) return getDesiredLogs(); return remoteDesiredTLogCount; }
int32_t getDesiredSatelliteLogs( Optional<Key> dcId ) const {
auto desired = getRegion(dcId).satelliteDesiredTLogCount;
if(desired == -1) return autoDesiredTLogCount; return desired;
int32_t getRemoteTLogReplicationFactor() const { if(remoteTLogReplicationFactor == 0) return tLogReplicationFactor; return remoteTLogReplicationFactor; }
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> getRemoteTLogPolicy() const { if(remoteTLogReplicationFactor == 0) return tLogPolicy; return remoteTLogPolicy; }
bool operator == ( DatabaseConfiguration const& rhs ) const {
return rawConfiguration == rhs.rawConfiguration;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
if (!ar.isDeserializing) makeConfigurationImmutable();
serializer(ar, rawConfiguration);
if (ar.isDeserializing) {
for(auto c=rawConfiguration.begin(); c!=rawConfiguration.end(); ++c)
setInternal(c->key, c->value);
void fromKeyValues( Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> rawConfig ) {
this->rawConfiguration = rawConfig;
for(auto c=rawConfiguration.begin(); c!=rawConfiguration.end(); ++c)
setInternal(c->key, c->value);
Optional< std::map<std::string, std::string> > mutableConfiguration; // If present, rawConfiguration is not valid
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> rawConfiguration; // sorted by key
void makeConfigurationMutable();
void makeConfigurationImmutable();
bool setInternal( KeyRef key, ValueRef value );
void resetInternal();
void setDefaultReplicationPolicy();