401 lines
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401 lines
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# __init__.py
# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# FoundationDB TaskBucket layer
import random, uuid, time, struct
import fdb, fdb.tuple
# TODO: Make this fdb.tuple.subspace() or similar?
class Subspace (object):
def __init__(self, prefixTuple, rawPrefix=""):
self.rawPrefix = rawPrefix + fdb.tuple.pack(prefixTuple)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return Subspace( (name,), self.rawPrefix )
def key(self):
return self.rawPrefix
def pack(self, tuple):
return self.rawPrefix + fdb.tuple.pack( tuple )
def unpack(self, key):
assert key.startswith(self.rawPrefix)
return fdb.tuple.unpack(key[len(self.rawPrefix):])
def range(self, tuple=()):
p = fdb.tuple.range( tuple )
return slice(self.rawPrefix + p.start, self.rawPrefix + p.stop)
def random_key():
return uuid.uuid4().bytes
def _pack_value(v):
if hasattr(v, 'pack'):
return v.pack()
return v
class TaskTimedOutException(Exception):
class TaskBucket (object):
"""A TaskBucket represents an unordered collection of tasks, stored
in a database and available to any number of clients. A program may
use one or many TaskBuckets. TaskBucket represents a task as a
key/value dictionary. See TaskDispatcher for an easy way to define
tasks as functions."""
def __init__(self, subspace, system_access = False):
self.prefix = subspace
self.active = self.prefix["ac"]
self.available = self.prefix["av"]
self.timeouts = self.prefix["to"]
self.timeout = 30000
self.system_access = system_access
def clear(self, tr):
"""Removes all tasks, whether or not locked, from the bucket."""
if self.system_access:
del tr[ self.prefix.range(()) ]
def add(self, tr, taskDict):
"""Adds the task specified by taskDict to the bucket for any participant to do."""
if self.system_access:
assert taskDict
key = random_key()
for k,v in taskDict.items():
tr[ self.available.pack( (key, k) ) ] = _pack_value( v )
taskDict["__task_key"] = key
return key
def addIdle(self, tr):
"""Adds an idle task for any participant to remove."""
if self.system_access:
key = random_key()
tr[ self.available.pack( (key, "type") ) ] = ""
return key
def get_one(self, tr):
"""Gets a single task from the bucket, locks it so that only the
caller will work on it for a while, and returns its taskDict.
If there are no tasks in the bucket, returns None."""
if self.system_access:
k = tr.snapshot.get_key( fdb.KeySelector.last_less_or_equal( self.available.pack( (random_key(),) ) ) )
if not k or k < self.available.pack( ("",) ):
k = tr.snapshot.get_key( fdb.KeySelector.last_less_or_equal( self.available.pack( (chr(255)*16,) ) ) )
if not k or k < self.available.pack( ("",) ):
if self.check_timeouts(tr):
return self.get_one(tr)
return None
key = self.available.unpack(k)[0]
avail = self.available[key]
timeout = tr.get_read_version().wait() + long( self.timeout * (0.9 + 0.2*random.random()) )
taskDict = {}
for k,v in tr[ avail.range(()) ]:
tk, = avail.unpack(k)
if tk != "type" or v != "":
tr[ self.timeouts.pack( (timeout, key, tk) ) ] = v
del tr[ avail.range(()) ]
tr[self.active.key()] = random_key()
taskDict["__task_key"] = key
taskDict["__task_timeout"] = timeout
return taskDict
def is_empty(self, tr):
if self.system_access:
k = tr.get_key( fdb.KeySelector.last_less_or_equal( self.available.pack( (chr(255)*16,) ) ) )
if k and k >= self.available.pack( ("",) ):
return False
return not bool(next(iter(tr[self.timeouts.range()]),False))
def is_busy(self, tr):
if self.system_access:
k = tr.get_key( fdb.KeySelector.last_less_or_equal( self.available.pack( (chr(255)*16,) ) ) )
return k and k >= self.available.pack( ("",) )
def finish(self, tr, taskDict):
"""taskDict is a task previously locked by get_one. Removes it permanently
from the bucket. If the task has already timed out, raises TaskTimedOutException."""
if self.system_access:
rng = self.timeouts.range( (taskDict["__task_timeout"], taskDict["__task_key"]) )
if next(iter(tr[rng]),False):
del tr[ rng ]
raise TaskTimedOutException()
def is_finished(self, tr, taskDict):
#print "checking if the task was finished at version: {0}".format(tr.get_read_version().wait())
if self.system_access:
rng = self.timeouts.range( (taskDict["__task_timeout"], taskDict["__task_key"]) )
return not bool(next(iter(tr[rng]),False))
def check_active(self, db):
def get_starting_value(tr):
if self.system_access:
if not self.is_busy(tr):
return tr[self.active.key()]
starting_value = get_starting_value(db)
def get_active_key(tr):
if self.system_access:
if tr[self.active.key()] != starting_value:
return True
return False
for i in range(10):
if get_active_key(db):
return True
return False
def extend(self, tr, taskDict):
"""Extends the lock on a task previously locked by get_one for another self.timeout seconds.
If the task has already timed out, raises TaskTimedOutException."""
def check_timeouts(self, tr):
"""Looks for tasks that have timed out and returns them to be available tasks. Returns True
iff any tasks were affected."""
end = tr.get_read_version().wait()
rng = slice( self.timeouts.range((0,)).start , self.timeouts.range((end,)).stop )
anyTimeouts = False
for k,v in tr.get_range( rng.start, rng.stop, streaming_mode = fdb.StreamingMode.want_all):
timeout, taskKey, param = self.timeouts.unpack(k)
anyTimeouts = True
tr.set( self.available.pack( (taskKey,param) ), v )
del tr[rng]
return anyTimeouts
class TaskDispatcher (object):
def __init__(self):
self.taskTypes = {}
def taskType(self, f):
"""Given a function, defines a task type with the same name as the
function that calls the function. The function should accept the
task dictionary as keyword parameters.
May be used as a decorator."""
self.taskTypes[f.__name__] = f
return f
def makeTask(self, f, **kw):
"""Return a taskDict suitable for TaskBucket.add() based on a function
which has already been passed to self.taskType() and keyword parameters
for it."""
assert self.taskTypes.get(f.__name__) == f
assert 'type' not in kw
d = dict(kw)
d["type"] = f.__name__
return d
def dispatch(self, taskDict):
"""Calls the function associated with the type of the taskDict passed
in, passing the taskDict as keyword arguments. Does not finish or
extend the task or otherwise interact with a TaskBucket."""
if taskDict["type"] != "":
self.taskTypes[ taskDict["type"] ]( **taskDict )
def do_one(self, db, taskBucket):
"""Gets one task (if any) from the task bucket, executes it, and finishes it.
Returns True if a task was executed, False if none was available."""
task = taskBucket.get_one(db)
if not task: return False
return True
class FutureBucket (object):
"""A factory for Futures, and a location in the database to store them."""
def __init__(self, subspace, system_access = False):
self.prefix = subspace
self.dispatcher = TaskDispatcher()
self.dispatcher.taskType( self._add_task )
self.dispatcher.taskType( self._unblock_future )
self.system_access = system_access
def future(self, tr):
"""Returns a new Future which is unset."""
if self.system_access:
f = Future(self)
f._add_block(tr, "")
return f
def unpack(self, packed_future):
"""Returns a Future such that Future.pack()==packed_future."""
return Future( self, packed_future )
def join(self, tr, *futures):
"""Returns a Future which is set when all of the given futures are set."""
if self.system_access:
joined = Future(self)
joined._join(tr, futures)
return joined
def _add_task(self, tr, taskType, taskBucket, **task):
bucket = TaskBucket( Subspace((), rawPrefix=taskBucket), system_access=self.system_access )
task["type"] = taskType
bucket.add( tr, task )
def _unblock_future(self, tr, future, blockid, **task):
if self.system_access:
future = self.unpack(future)
del tr[ future.prefix["bl"][blockid].key() ]
if future.is_set(tr):
class Future (object):
"""Represents a state which will become true ("set") at some point, and a set
of actions to perform as soon as the state is true. The state can change
only once."""
def __init__(self, bucket, key=None):
"""Not for direct use. Call FutureBucket.future() instead."""
if key is None: key = random_key()
self.key = key
self.bucket = bucket
self.prefix = bucket.prefix[ self.key ]
self.dispatcher = bucket.dispatcher
self.system_access = bucket.system_access
def pack(self):
return self.key
def is_set(self, tr):
if self.system_access:
return not any( tr[self.prefix["bl"].range(())] )
def on_set_add_task(self, tr, taskBucket, taskDict):
"""When the Future is set, the given task will be added to the given taskBucket."""
td = dict(taskDict)
td["taskBucket"] = taskBucket.prefix.key()
td["taskType"] = td["type"]
td["type"] = "_add_task"
self.on_set(tr, td)
def on_set(self, tr, taskDict):
"""When the Future is set, the given task will be executed immediately
as part of the same transaction. Consider using onSetAddTask to defer
the execution of the task instead."""
if self.system_access:
if self.is_set(tr):
self.perform_action(tr, taskDict)
cb_key = random_key()
for k,v in taskDict.items():
tr[ self.prefix["cb"][ cb_key ][k].key() ] = _pack_value( v )
def set(self, tr):
"""Sets the Future immediately if it has not already been set. Any
actions that are to take place when it is set take place."""
if self.system_access:
#if self.is_set(tr): return
del tr[ self.prefix.range( ("bl",) ) ] # Remove all blocks
def join(self, tr, *futures):
"""This Future will be set when all of the given futures have been set.
If this is called more than once on a Future, it is cumulative - the
Future will be set when all of the Futures passed to any .join() are set."""
if self.system_access:
assert futures
if self.is_set(tr): return
del tr[ self.prefix["bl"][""].key() ]
self._join(tr, futures)
def joined_future(self, tr):
"""Returns a new unset future which this future is join()ed to."""
if self.system_access:
f = self.bucket.future(tr)
self.join(tr, f)
return f
def _join(self, tr, futures):
ids = [random_key() for f in futures]
for blockid in ids:
self._add_block(tr, blockid)
for f,blockid in zip(futures,ids):
f.on_set( tr, self.dispatcher.makeTask( self.bucket._unblock_future, future=self.pack(), blockid=blockid ) )
def _add_block(self, tr, blockid):
tr[ self.prefix["bl"][blockid].key() ] = ""
def perform_all_actions(self, tr):
cb = self.prefix["cb"]
callbacks = list(tr[cb.range()])
del tr[cb.range()] # Remove all callbacks
# Now actually perform the callbacks
taskDict = {}
taskKey = None
for k,v in callbacks:
cb_key, k = cb.unpack(k)
if cb_key != taskKey:
self.perform_action( tr, taskDict )
taskDict = {}
taskKey = cb_key
taskDict[k] = v
self.perform_action(tr, taskDict)
def perform_action(self, tr, taskDict):
if taskDict:
taskDict["tr"] = tr
self.dispatcher.dispatch( taskDict )