212 lines
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212 lines
7.9 KiB
* BackupProgress.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2024 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbserver/BackupProgress.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
void BackupProgress::addBackupStatus(const WorkerBackupStatus& status) {
auto& it = progress[status.epoch];
auto lb = it.lower_bound(status.tag);
if (lb != it.end() && status.tag == lb->first) {
if (lb->second < status.version) {
lb->second = status.version;
} else {
it.insert(lb, { status.tag, status.version });
auto tagIt = epochTags.find(status.epoch);
if (tagIt == epochTags.end()) {
epochTags.insert({ status.epoch, status.totalTags });
} else {
ASSERT(status.totalTags == tagIt->second);
void BackupProgress::updateTagVersions(std::map<Tag, Version>* tagVersions,
std::set<Tag>* tags,
const std::map<Tag, Version>& progress,
Version endVersion,
Version adjustedBeginVersion,
LogEpoch epoch) {
for (const auto& [tag, savedVersion] : progress) {
// If tag is not in "tags", it means the old epoch has more tags than
// new epoch's tags. Just ignore the tag here.
auto n = tags->erase(tag);
if (n > 0 && savedVersion < endVersion - 1) {
const Version beginVersion =
(savedVersion + 1 > adjustedBeginVersion) ? (savedVersion + 1) : adjustedBeginVersion;
tagVersions->insert({ tag, beginVersion });
TraceEvent("BackupVersionRange", dbgid)
.detail("OldEpoch", epoch)
.detail("Tag", tag.toString())
.detail("BeginVersion", savedVersion + 1)
.detail("AdjustedBeginVersion", beginVersion)
.detail("EndVersion", endVersion);
std::map<std::tuple<LogEpoch, Version, int>, std::map<Tag, Version>> BackupProgress::getUnfinishedBackup() {
std::map<std::tuple<LogEpoch, Version, int>, std::map<Tag, Version>> toRecruit;
if (!backupStartedValue.present())
return toRecruit; // No active backups
Version lastEnd = invalidVersion;
for (const auto& [epoch, info] : epochInfos) {
std::set<Tag> tags = enumerateLogRouterTags(info.logRouterTags);
std::map<Tag, Version> tagVersions;
// Sometimes, an epoch's begin version is lower than the previous epoch's
// end version. In this case, adjust the epoch's begin version to be the
// same as previous end version.
Version adjustedBeginVersion = lastEnd > info.epochBegin ? lastEnd : info.epochBegin;
lastEnd = info.epochEnd;
auto progressIt = progress.lower_bound(epoch);
if (progressIt != progress.end() && progressIt->first == epoch) {
std::set<Tag> toCheck = tags;
for (auto current = progressIt; current != progress.begin() && !toCheck.empty();) {
auto prev = std::prev(current);
// Previous epoch is gone, consolidate the progress.
for (auto [tag, version] : prev->second) {
if (toCheck.count(tag) > 0) {
progressIt->second[tag] = std::max(version, progressIt->second[tag]);
current = prev;
updateTagVersions(&tagVersions, &tags, progressIt->second, info.epochEnd, adjustedBeginVersion, epoch);
} else {
auto rit = std::find_if(
[epoch = epoch](const std::pair<LogEpoch, std::map<Tag, Version>>& p) { return p.first < epoch; });
while (!(rit == progress.rend())) {
// A partial recovery can result in empty epoch that copies previous
// epoch's version range. In this case, we should check previous
// epoch's savedVersion.
int savedMore = 0;
for (auto [tag, version] : rit->second) {
if (version >= info.epochBegin) {
if (savedMore > 0) {
// The logRouterTags are the same
// ASSERT(info.logRouterTags == epochTags[rit->first]);
updateTagVersions(&tagVersions, &tags, rit->second, info.epochEnd, adjustedBeginVersion, epoch);
if (tags.empty())
for (const Tag& tag : tags) { // tags without progress data
tagVersions.insert({ tag, adjustedBeginVersion });
TraceEvent("BackupVersionRange", dbgid)
.detail("OldEpoch", epoch)
.detail("Tag", tag.toString())
.detail("BeginVersion", info.epochBegin)
.detail("AdjustedBeginVersion", adjustedBeginVersion)
.detail("EndVersion", info.epochEnd);
if (!tagVersions.empty()) {
toRecruit[{ epoch, info.epochEnd, info.logRouterTags }] = tagVersions;
return toRecruit;
// Save each tag's savedVersion for all epochs into "bStatus".
ACTOR Future<Void> getBackupProgress(Database cx, UID dbgid, Reference<BackupProgress> bStatus, bool logging) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
state Future<Optional<Value>> fValue = tr.get(backupStartedKey);
state RangeResult results = wait(tr.getRange(backupProgressKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
ASSERT(!results.more && results.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY);
Optional<Value> value = wait(fValue);
for (auto& it : results) {
const UID workerID = decodeBackupProgressKey(it.key);
const WorkerBackupStatus status = decodeBackupProgressValue(it.value);
if (logging) {
TraceEvent("GotBackupProgress", dbgid)
.detail("BackupWorker", workerID)
.detail("Epoch", status.epoch)
.detail("Version", status.version)
.detail("Tag", status.tag.toString())
.detail("TotalTags", status.totalTags);
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
TEST_CASE("/BackupProgress/Unfinished") {
std::map<LogEpoch, ILogSystem::EpochTagsVersionsInfo> epochInfos;
const int epoch1 = 2, begin1 = 1, end1 = 100;
const Tag tag1(tagLocalityLogRouter, 0);
epochInfos.insert({ epoch1, ILogSystem::EpochTagsVersionsInfo(1, begin1, end1) });
BackupProgress progress(UID(0, 0), epochInfos);
std::map<std::tuple<LogEpoch, Version, int>, std::map<Tag, Version>> unfinished = progress.getUnfinishedBackup();
ASSERT(unfinished.size() == 1);
for (const auto& [epochVersionCount, tagVersion] : unfinished) {
ASSERT(std::get<0>(epochVersionCount) == epoch1 && std::get<1>(epochVersionCount) == end1 &&
std::get<2>(epochVersionCount) == 1);
ASSERT(tagVersion.size() == 1 && tagVersion.begin()->first == tag1 && tagVersion.begin()->second == begin1);
const int saved1 = 50, totalTags = 1;
WorkerBackupStatus status1(epoch1, saved1, tag1, totalTags);
unfinished = progress.getUnfinishedBackup();
ASSERT(unfinished.size() == 1);
for (const auto& [epochVersionCount, tagVersion] : unfinished) {
ASSERT(std::get<0>(epochVersionCount) == epoch1 && std::get<1>(epochVersionCount) == end1 &&
std::get<2>(epochVersionCount) == 1);
ASSERT(tagVersion.size() == 1 && tagVersion.begin()->first == tag1 && tagVersion.begin()->second == saved1 + 1);
return Void();