1217 lines
49 KiB
1217 lines
49 KiB
* GlobalTagThrottler.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/TagThrottle.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Smoother.h"
#include "fdbserver/TagThrottler.h"
#include <limits>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // must be last include
// In the function names below, several terms are used repeatedly. The context-specific are defined here:
// Cost: Every read or write operation has an associated cost, determined by the number of bytes accessed.
// Global tag throttling quotas are specified in terms of the amount of this cost that can be consumed
// per second. In the global tag throttler, cost refers to the per second rate of cost consumption.
// TPS: Transactions per second. Quotas are not specified in terms of TPS, but the limits given to clients must
// be specified in terms of TPS because throttling is performed at the front end of transactions (before costs are
// known).
// Total: Refers to the total quota specified by clients through the global tag throttling API. The sum of the
// costs of all operations (cluster-wide) with a particular tag cannot exceed the tag's specified total quota,
// even if the cluster has no saturated processes.
// Desired TPS: Assuming that a tag is able to achieve its total quota, this is the TPS it would be able to perform.
// Reserved: Refers to the reserved quota specified by clients through the global tag throttling API. As long as the
// sum of the costs of all operations (cluster-wide) with a particular tag are not above the tag's
// specified reserved quota, the tag should not experience any throttling from the global tag throttler.
// Current [Cost|TPS]: Measuring the current throughput on the cluster, independent of any specified quotas.
// ThrottlingRatio: Based on the health of each storage server, a throttling ratio is provided,
// informing the global tag throttler what ratio of the current throughput can be maintained.
// Limiting [Cost|TPS]: Based on the health of storage servers, a limiting throughput may be enforced.
// Target [Cost|TPS]: Based on reserved, limiting, and desired throughputs, this is the target throughput
// that the global tag throttler aims to achieve (across all clients).
// PerClient TPS: Because the target throughput must be shared across multiple clients, and all clients must
// be given the same limits, a per-client limit is calculated based on the current and target throughputs.
class GlobalTagThrottlerImpl {
template <class K, class V>
static Optional<V> tryGet(std::unordered_map<K, V> const& m, K const& k) {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end()) {
return {};
} else {
return it->second;
static Optional<double> getMin(Optional<double> a, Optional<double> b) {
if (a.present() && b.present()) {
return std::min(a.get(), b.get());
} else if (a.present()) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
static Optional<double> getMax(Optional<double> a, Optional<double> b) {
if (a.present() && b.present()) {
return std::max(a.get(), b.get());
} else if (a.present()) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
enum class LimitType { RESERVED, TOTAL };
enum class OpType { READ, WRITE };
class ThroughputCounters {
Smoother readCost;
Smoother writeCost;
void updateCost(double newCost, OpType opType) {
if (opType == OpType::READ) {
} else {
double getCost() const { return readCost.smoothTotal() + writeCost.smoothTotal(); }
// Track various statistics per tag, aggregated across all storage servers
class PerTagStatistics {
Optional<ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue> quota;
Smoother transactionCounter;
Smoother perClientRate;
Smoother targetRate;
double transactionsLastAdded;
explicit PerTagStatistics()
targetRate(SERVER_KNOBS->GLOBAL_TAG_THROTTLING_FOLDING_TIME), transactionsLastAdded(now()) {}
Optional<ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue> getQuota() const { return quota; }
void setQuota(ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue quota) { this->quota = quota; }
void clearQuota() { quota = {}; }
void addTransactions(int count) {
transactionsLastAdded = now();
double getTransactionRate() const { return transactionCounter.smoothRate(); }
ClientTagThrottleLimits updateAndGetPerClientLimit(double targetTps) {
auto newPerClientRate = std::max(
std::min(targetTps, (targetTps / transactionCounter.smoothRate()) * perClientRate.smoothTotal()));
return ClientTagThrottleLimits(
std::max(perClientRate.smoothTotal(), SERVER_KNOBS->GLOBAL_TAG_THROTTLING_MIN_RATE),
double updateAndGetTargetLimit(double targetTps) {
return targetRate.smoothTotal();
bool recentTransactionsAdded() const {
return now() - transactionsLastAdded < SERVER_KNOBS->GLOBAL_TAG_THROTTLING_TAG_EXPIRE_AFTER;
struct StorageServerInfo {
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> zoneId;
Optional<double> throttlingRatio;
Database db;
UID id;
int maxFallingBehind{ 0 };
uint64_t throttledTagChangeId{ 0 };
uint32_t lastBusyTagCount{ 0 };
std::unordered_map<UID, StorageServerInfo> ssInfos;
std::unordered_map<TransactionTag, PerTagStatistics> tagStatistics;
std::unordered_map<UID, std::unordered_map<TransactionTag, ThroughputCounters>> throughput;
// Returns the cost rate for the given tag on the given storage server
Optional<double> getCurrentCost(UID storageServerId, TransactionTag tag) const {
auto const tagToThroughputCounters = tryGet(throughput, storageServerId);
if (!tagToThroughputCounters.present()) {
return {};
auto const throughputCounter = tryGet(tagToThroughputCounters.get(), tag);
if (!throughputCounter.present()) {
return {};
return throughputCounter.get().getCost();
// Return the cost rate on the given storage server, summed across all tags
Optional<double> getCurrentCost(UID storageServerId) const {
auto tagToPerTagThroughput = tryGet(throughput, storageServerId);
if (!tagToPerTagThroughput.present()) {
return {};
double result = 0;
for (const auto& [tag, perTagThroughput] : tagToPerTagThroughput.get()) {
result += perTagThroughput.getCost();
return result;
// Return the cost rate for the given tag, summed across all storage servers
double getCurrentCost(TransactionTag tag) const {
double result{ 0.0 };
for (const auto& [id, _] : throughput) {
result += getCurrentCost(id, tag).orDefault(0);
// FIXME: Disabled due to noisy trace events. Fix the noise and reenabled
//TraceEvent("GlobalTagThrottler_GetCurrentCost").detail("Tag", printable(tag)).detail("Cost", result);
return result;
// For transactions with the provided tag, returns the average cost that gets associated with the provided storage
// server
Optional<double> getAverageTransactionCost(TransactionTag tag, UID storageServerId) const {
auto const cost = getCurrentCost(storageServerId, tag);
if (!cost.present()) {
return {};
auto const stats = tryGet(tagStatistics, tag);
if (!stats.present()) {
return {};
auto const transactionRate = stats.get().getTransactionRate();
if (transactionRate == 0.0) {
return {};
} else {
return std::max(1.0, cost.get() / transactionRate);
// For transactions with the provided tag, returns the average cost of all transactions
// accross the cluster. The minimum cost is 1.
double getAverageTransactionCost(TransactionTag tag) const {
auto const cost = getCurrentCost(tag);
auto const stats = tryGet(tagStatistics, tag);
if (!stats.present()) {
return 1.0;
auto const transactionRate = stats.get().getTransactionRate();
// FIXME: Disabled due to noisy trace events. Fix the noise and reenabled
.detail("Tag", tag)
.detail("TransactionRate", transactionRate)
.detail("Cost", cost);
if (transactionRate == 0.0) {
return 1.0;
} else {
return std::max(1.0, cost / transactionRate);
// Returns the list of all tags performing meaningful work on the given storage server
std::vector<TransactionTag> getTagsAffectingStorageServer(UID storageServerId) const {
std::vector<TransactionTag> result;
auto const tagToThroughputCounters = tryGet(throughput, storageServerId);
if (!tagToThroughputCounters.present()) {
return {};
} else {
for (const auto& [t, _] : tagToThroughputCounters.get()) {
return result;
Optional<double> getQuota(TransactionTag tag, LimitType limitType) const {
auto const stats = tryGet(tagStatistics, tag);
if (!stats.present()) {
return {};
auto const quota = stats.get().getQuota();
if (!quota.present()) {
return {};
if (limitType == LimitType::TOTAL) {
return quota.get().totalQuota;
} else {
return quota.get().reservedQuota;
// Of all tags meaningfully performing workload on the given storage server,
// returns the ratio of total quota allocated to the specified tag
double getQuotaRatio(TransactionTagRef tag, UID storageServerId) const {
double sumQuota{ 0.0 };
double tagQuota{ 0.0 };
auto const tagsAffectingStorageServer = getTagsAffectingStorageServer(storageServerId);
for (const auto& t : tagsAffectingStorageServer) {
auto const tQuota = getQuota(t, LimitType::TOTAL);
sumQuota += tQuota.orDefault(0);
if (t.compare(tag) == 0) {
tagQuota = tQuota.orDefault(0);
if (tagQuota == 0.0) {
return 0;
ASSERT_GT(sumQuota, 0.0);
return tagQuota / sumQuota;
// Returns the desired cost for a storage server, based on its current
// cost and throttling ratio
Optional<double> getLimitingCost(UID storageServerId) const {
auto const ssInfo = tryGet(ssInfos, storageServerId);
Optional<double> const throttlingRatio = ssInfo.present() ? ssInfo.get().throttlingRatio : Optional<double>{};
Optional<double> const currentCost = getCurrentCost(storageServerId);
if (!throttlingRatio.present() || !currentCost.present()) {
return {};
return throttlingRatio.get() * currentCost.get();
// For a given storage server and tag combination, return the limiting transaction rate.
Optional<double> getLimitingTps(UID storageServerId, TransactionTag tag) const {
auto const quotaRatio = getQuotaRatio(tag, storageServerId);
Optional<double> const limitingCost = getLimitingCost(storageServerId);
Optional<double> const averageTransactionCost = getAverageTransactionCost(tag, storageServerId);
if (!limitingCost.present() || !averageTransactionCost.present()) {
return {};
auto const limitingCostForTag = limitingCost.get() * quotaRatio;
return limitingCostForTag / averageTransactionCost.get();
// Return the limiting transaction rate, aggregated across all storage servers.
// The limits from the worst maxFallingBehind zones are
// ignored, because we do not non-workload related issues (e.g. slow disks)
// to affect tag throttling. If more than maxFallingBehind zones are at
// or near saturation, this indicates that throttling should take place.
Optional<double> getLimitingTps(TransactionTag tag) const {
// TODO: The algorithm for ignoring the worst zones can be made more efficient
std::unordered_map<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>, double> zoneIdToLimitingTps;
for (const auto& [id, ssInfo] : ssInfos) {
auto const limitingTpsForSS = getLimitingTps(id, tag);
if (limitingTpsForSS.present()) {
auto it = zoneIdToLimitingTps.find(ssInfo.zoneId);
if (it != zoneIdToLimitingTps.end()) {
auto& limitingTpsForZone = it->second;
limitingTpsForZone = std::min<double>(limitingTpsForZone, limitingTpsForSS.get());
} else {
zoneIdToLimitingTps[ssInfo.zoneId] = limitingTpsForSS.get();
if (zoneIdToLimitingTps.size() <= maxFallingBehind) {
return {};
} else {
std::vector<double> zoneLimits;
for (const auto& [_, limit] : zoneIdToLimitingTps) {
std::nth_element(zoneLimits.begin(), zoneLimits.begin() + maxFallingBehind, zoneLimits.end());
return zoneLimits[maxFallingBehind];
Optional<double> getTps(TransactionTag tag, LimitType limitType, double averageTransactionCost) const {
auto const cost = getQuota(tag, limitType);
if (!cost.present()) {
return {};
} else {
return cost.get() / averageTransactionCost;
void removeUnseenQuotas(std::unordered_set<TransactionTag> const& tagsWithQuota) {
for (auto& [tag, stats] : tagStatistics) {
if (!tagsWithQuota.count(tag)) {
ACTOR static Future<Void> monitorThrottlingChanges(GlobalTagThrottlerImpl* self) {
state std::unordered_set<TransactionTag> tagsWithQuota;
loop {
state ReadYourWritesTransaction tr(self->db);
loop {
try {
state RangeResult currentQuotas = wait(tr.getRange(tagQuotaKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
TraceEvent("GlobalTagThrottler_ReadCurrentQuotas", self->id).detail("Size", currentQuotas.size());
for (auto const kv : currentQuotas) {
auto const tag = kv.key.removePrefix(tagQuotaPrefix);
auto const quota = ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue::fromValue(kv.value);
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("GlobalTagThrottler_MonitoringChangesError", self->id).error(e);
Optional<double> getTargetTps(TransactionTag tag, bool& isBusy, TraceEvent& te) {
auto const limitingTps = getLimitingTps(tag);
auto const averageTransactionCost = getAverageTransactionCost(tag);
auto const desiredTps = getTps(tag, LimitType::TOTAL, averageTransactionCost);
if (!desiredTps.present()) {
return {};
auto reservedTps = getTps(tag, LimitType::RESERVED, averageTransactionCost);
auto targetTps = getMax(reservedTps, getMin(desiredTps, limitingTps));
isBusy = limitingTps.present() && limitingTps.get() < desiredTps.orDefault(0);
te.detail("Tag", printable(tag))
.detail("TargetTps", targetTps)
.detail("AverageTransactionCost", averageTransactionCost)
.detail("LimitingTps", limitingTps)
.detail("ReservedTps", reservedTps)
.detail("DesiredTps", desiredTps)
.detail("NumStorageServers", throughput.size());
return targetTps;
GlobalTagThrottlerImpl(Database db, UID id, int maxFallingBehind)
: db(db), id(id), maxFallingBehind(maxFallingBehind) {}
Future<Void> monitorThrottlingChanges() { return monitorThrottlingChanges(this); }
void addRequests(TransactionTag tag, int count) {
auto it = tagStatistics.find(tag);
if (it == tagStatistics.end()) {
"Global tag throttler ignoring transactions because maximum number of trackable tags has "
"been reached");
.detail("Tag", printable(tag))
.detail("Count", count);
} else {
} else {
uint64_t getThrottledTagChangeId() const { return throttledTagChangeId; }
TransactionTagMap<double> getProxyRates(int numProxies) {
TransactionTagMap<double> result;
lastBusyTagCount = 0;
for (auto& [tag, stats] : tagStatistics) {
// Currently there is no differentiation between batch priority and default priority transactions
TraceEvent te("GlobalTagThrottler_GotRate", id);
bool isBusy{ false };
auto const targetTps = getTargetTps(tag, isBusy, te);
if (isBusy) {
if (targetTps.present()) {
auto const smoothedTargetTps = stats.updateAndGetTargetLimit(targetTps.get());
result[tag] = smoothedTargetTps / numProxies;
} else {
return result;
PrioritizedTransactionTagMap<ClientTagThrottleLimits> getClientRates() {
PrioritizedTransactionTagMap<ClientTagThrottleLimits> result;
lastBusyTagCount = 0;
for (auto& [tag, stats] : tagStatistics) {
// Currently there is no differentiation between batch priority and default priority transactions
bool isBusy{ false };
TraceEvent te("GlobalTagThrottler_GotClientRate", id);
auto const targetTps = getTargetTps(tag, isBusy, te);
if (isBusy) {
if (targetTps.present()) {
auto const clientRate = stats.updateAndGetPerClientLimit(targetTps.get());
result[TransactionPriority::BATCH][tag] = result[TransactionPriority::DEFAULT][tag] = clientRate;
te.detail("ClientTps", clientRate.tpsRate);
} else {
return result;
int64_t autoThrottleCount() const {
int64_t result{ 0 };
for (const auto& [tag, stats] : tagStatistics) {
if (stats.getQuota().present()) {
return result;
uint32_t busyReadTagCount() const { return lastBusyTagCount; }
uint32_t busyWriteTagCount() const { return lastBusyTagCount; }
int64_t manualThrottleCount() const { return 0; }
Future<Void> tryUpdateAutoThrottling(StorageQueueInfo const& ss) {
auto& ssInfo = ssInfos[ss.id];
ssInfo.throttlingRatio = ss.getTagThrottlingRatio(SERVER_KNOBS->TARGET_BYTES_PER_STORAGE_SERVER,
ssInfo.zoneId = ss.locality.zoneId();
for (const auto& busyReadTag : ss.busiestReadTags) {
if (tagStatistics.find(busyReadTag.tag) != tagStatistics.end()) {
throughput[ss.id][busyReadTag.tag].updateCost(busyReadTag.rate, OpType::READ);
for (const auto& busyWriteTag : ss.busiestWriteTags) {
if (tagStatistics.find(busyWriteTag.tag) != tagStatistics.end()) {
throughput[ss.id][busyWriteTag.tag].updateCost(busyWriteTag.rate, OpType::WRITE);
return Void();
void setQuota(TransactionTagRef tag, ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue const& tagQuotaValue) {
void removeQuota(TransactionTagRef tag) { tagStatistics[tag].clearQuota(); }
void removeExpiredTags() {
for (auto it = tagStatistics.begin(); it != tagStatistics.end();) {
const auto& [tag, stats] = *it;
if (!stats.recentTransactionsAdded()) {
for (auto& [ss, tagToCounters] : throughput) {
it = tagStatistics.erase(it);
} else {
uint32_t tagsTracked() const { return tagStatistics.size(); }
GlobalTagThrottler::GlobalTagThrottler(Database db, UID id, int maxFallingBehind)
: impl(PImpl<GlobalTagThrottlerImpl>::create(db, id, maxFallingBehind)) {}
GlobalTagThrottler::~GlobalTagThrottler() = default;
Future<Void> GlobalTagThrottler::monitorThrottlingChanges() {
return impl->monitorThrottlingChanges();
void GlobalTagThrottler::addRequests(TransactionTag tag, int count) {
return impl->addRequests(tag, count);
uint64_t GlobalTagThrottler::getThrottledTagChangeId() const {
return impl->getThrottledTagChangeId();
PrioritizedTransactionTagMap<ClientTagThrottleLimits> GlobalTagThrottler::getClientRates() {
return impl->getClientRates();
TransactionTagMap<double> GlobalTagThrottler::getProxyRates(int numProxies) {
return impl->getProxyRates(numProxies);
int64_t GlobalTagThrottler::autoThrottleCount() const {
return impl->autoThrottleCount();
uint32_t GlobalTagThrottler::busyReadTagCount() const {
return impl->busyReadTagCount();
uint32_t GlobalTagThrottler::busyWriteTagCount() const {
return impl->busyWriteTagCount();
int64_t GlobalTagThrottler::manualThrottleCount() const {
return impl->manualThrottleCount();
bool GlobalTagThrottler::isAutoThrottlingEnabled() const {
return true;
Future<Void> GlobalTagThrottler::tryUpdateAutoThrottling(StorageQueueInfo const& ss) {
return impl->tryUpdateAutoThrottling(ss);
void GlobalTagThrottler::setQuota(TransactionTagRef tag, ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue const& tagQuotaValue) {
return impl->setQuota(tag, tagQuotaValue);
void GlobalTagThrottler::removeQuota(TransactionTagRef tag) {
return impl->removeQuota(tag);
uint32_t GlobalTagThrottler::tagsTracked() const {
return impl->tagsTracked();
void GlobalTagThrottler::removeExpiredTags() {
return impl->removeExpiredTags();
namespace {
enum class LimitType { RESERVED, TOTAL };
enum class OpType { READ, WRITE };
Optional<double> getTPSLimit(GlobalTagThrottler& globalTagThrottler, TransactionTag tag) {
auto clientRates = globalTagThrottler.getClientRates();
auto it1 = clientRates.find(TransactionPriority::DEFAULT);
if (it1 != clientRates.end()) {
auto it2 = it1->second.find(tag);
if (it2 != it1->second.end()) {
return it2->second.tpsRate;
return {};
class MockStorageServer {
class Cost {
Smoother smoother;
Cost() : smoother(5.0) {}
Cost& operator+=(double delta) {
return *this;
double smoothRate() const { return smoother.smoothRate(); }
UID id;
// bytes/second that this storage server can handle
double capacity;
std::map<TransactionTag, Cost> readCosts, writeCosts;
Cost totalReadCost, totalWriteCost;
explicit MockStorageServer(UID id, double capacity) : id(id), capacity(capacity) { ASSERT_GT(capacity, 0); }
void addReadCost(TransactionTag tag, double cost) {
readCosts[tag] += cost;
totalReadCost += cost;
void addWriteCost(TransactionTag tag, double cost) {
writeCosts[tag] += cost;
totalWriteCost += cost;
void setCapacity(double value) { capacity = value; }
StorageQueueInfo getStorageQueueInfo() const {
StorageQueueInfo result(id, LocalityData({}, Value(id.toString()), {}, {}));
for (const auto& [tag, readCost] : readCosts) {
double fractionalBusyness{ 0.0 }; // unused for global tag throttling
result.busiestReadTags.emplace_back(tag, readCost.smoothRate(), fractionalBusyness);
for (const auto& [tag, writeCost] : writeCosts) {
double fractionalBusyness{ 0.0 }; // unused for global tag throttling
result.busiestWriteTags.emplace_back(tag, writeCost.smoothRate(), fractionalBusyness);
result.lastReply.bytesInput = ((totalReadCost.smoothRate() + totalWriteCost.smoothRate()) / capacity) *
return result;
class StorageServerCollection {
std::vector<MockStorageServer> storageServers;
StorageServerCollection(size_t size, double targetCost) {
ASSERT_GT(size, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
storageServers.emplace_back(UID(i, i), targetCost);
void addCost(TransactionTag tag, double cost, std::vector<int> const& storageServerIndices, OpType opType) {
if (storageServerIndices.empty()) {
auto const costPerSS = cost / storageServers.size();
for (auto& storageServer : storageServers) {
if (opType == OpType::READ) {
storageServer.addReadCost(tag, costPerSS);
} else {
storageServer.addWriteCost(tag, costPerSS);
} else {
auto const costPerSS = cost / storageServerIndices.size();
for (auto i : storageServerIndices) {
if (opType == OpType::READ) {
storageServers[i].addReadCost(tag, costPerSS);
} else {
storageServers[i].addWriteCost(tag, costPerSS);
void setCapacity(int index, double value) { storageServers[index].setCapacity(value); }
std::vector<StorageQueueInfo> getStorageQueueInfos() const {
std::vector<StorageQueueInfo> result;
for (const auto& storageServer : storageServers) {
return result;
ACTOR Future<Void> runClient(GlobalTagThrottler* globalTagThrottler,
StorageServerCollection* storageServers,
TransactionTag tag,
double tpsRate,
double costPerTransaction,
OpType opType,
std::vector<int> storageServerIndices = std::vector<int>()) {
loop {
auto tpsLimit = getTPSLimit(*globalTagThrottler, tag);
state double enforcedRate = tpsLimit.present() ? std::min<double>(tpsRate, tpsLimit.get()) : tpsRate;
wait(delay(1 / enforcedRate));
storageServers->addCost(tag, costPerTransaction, storageServerIndices, opType);
globalTagThrottler->addRequests(tag, 1);
ACTOR template <class Check>
Future<Void> monitorActor(GlobalTagThrottler* globalTagThrottler, Check check) {
state int successes = 0;
loop {
if (check(*globalTagThrottler)) {
// Wait for 10 consecutive successes so we're certain
// than a stable equilibrium has been reached
if (++successes == 10) {
return Void();
} else {
successes = 0;
bool isNear(double a, double b) {
return abs(a - b) < 3.0;
bool isNear(Optional<double> a, Optional<double> b) {
if (a.present()) {
return b.present() && isNear(a.get(), b.get());
} else {
return !b.present();
bool targetRateIsNear(GlobalTagThrottler& globalTagThrottler, TransactionTag tag, Optional<double> expected) {
Optional<double> rate;
auto targetRates = globalTagThrottler.getProxyRates(1);
auto it = targetRates.find(tag);
if (it != targetRates.end()) {
rate = it->second;
.detail("Tag", tag)
.detail("CurrentTPSRate", rate)
.detail("ExpectedTPSRate", expected);
return isNear(rate, expected);
bool clientRateIsNear(GlobalTagThrottler& globalTagThrottler, TransactionTag tag, Optional<double> expected) {
Optional<double> rate;
auto clientRates = globalTagThrottler.getClientRates();
auto it1 = clientRates.find(TransactionPriority::DEFAULT);
if (it1 != clientRates.end()) {
auto it2 = it1->second.find(tag);
if (it2 != it1->second.end()) {
rate = it2->second.tpsRate;
.detail("Tag", tag)
.detail("CurrentTPSRate", rate)
.detail("ExpectedTPSRate", expected);
return isNear(rate, expected);
ACTOR Future<Void> updateGlobalTagThrottler(GlobalTagThrottler* globalTagThrottler,
StorageServerCollection const* storageServers) {
loop {
auto const storageQueueInfos = storageServers->getStorageQueueInfos();
for (const auto& sq : storageQueueInfos) {
} // namespace
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 5 6-byte read transactions per second.
// Limit should adjust to allow 100/6 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/Simple") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor =
monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 100.0 / 6.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 5 6-byte write transactions per second.
// Limit should adjust to allow 100/(6*<fungibility_ratio>) transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/WriteThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::WRITE);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 100.0 / (6.0 * CLIENT_KNOBS->GLOBAL_TAG_THROTTLING_RW_FUNGIBILITY_RATIO));
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second for each tag.
// 2 clients each attempt 5 6-byte read transactions per second.
// Both limits should adjust to allow 100/6 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiTagThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag1 = "sampleTag1"_sr;
TransactionTag testTag2 = "sampleTag2"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag1, tagQuotaValue);
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag2, tagQuotaValue);
state std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
state std::vector<Future<Void>> monitorFutures;
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag1, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ));
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag2, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ));
futures.push_back(updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers));
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag1, testTag2](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag1, 100.0 / 6.0) && targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag2, 100.0 / 6.0);
wait(timeoutError(waitForAny(futures) || monitor, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 20 10-byte read transactions per second.
// Limit should adjust to allow 100/10 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/AttemptWorkloadAboveQuota") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 20.0, 10.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor =
monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 10.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// 2 clients each attempt 5 6-byte transactions per second.
// Limit should adjust to allow 100/6 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiClientThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> client2 = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 100.0 / 6.0) && clientRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 100.0 / 6.0);
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || client2 || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// 2 clients each attempt 20 10-byte transactions per second.
// Target rate should adjust to allow 100/10 transactions per second.
// Each client is throttled to only perform 100/20 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiClientThrottling2") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 20.0, 10.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> client2 = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 20.0, 10.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 10.0) && clientRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 5.0);
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota set to 100 bytes/second.
// One client attempts 5 5-byte read transactions per second.
// Another client attempts 25 5-byte read transactions per second.
// Target rate should adjust to allow 100/5 transactions per second.
// This 20 transactions/second limit is split with a distribution of (5, 15) between the 2 clients.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/SkewedMultiClientThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 5.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> client2 = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 25.0, 5.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 20.0) && clientRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 15.0);
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is initially set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 5 6-byte transactions per second.
// Test that the tag throttler can reach equilibrium, then adjust to a new equilibrium once the quota is changed
// Target rate should adjust to allow 100/6 transactions per second.
// Total quota is modified to 50 bytes/second.
// Target rate should adjust to allow 50/6 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/UpdateQuota") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
state TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(
&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, 100.0 / 6.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 50.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
monitor =
monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, 50.0 / 6.0); });
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is initially set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 5 6-byte read transactions per second.
// Target limit adjusts to allow 100/6 transactions per second.
// Then Quota is removed.
// Target limit is removed as a result.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/RemoveQuota") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
state TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(
&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, 100.0 / 6.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, {}); });
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 5 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 10 6-byte transactions per second
// Target is adjusted to 50/6 transactions per second, to match the total capacity all storage servers.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/ActiveThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 5);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 50 / 6.0) && gtt.busyReadTagCount() == 1;
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can handle 5 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is set to 50 bytes/second for one tag, 100 bytes/second for another.
// For each tag, a client attempts to execute 10 6-byte read transactions per second.
// Target rates are adjusted to utilize the full 50 bytes/second capacity of the
// add storage servers. The two tags receive this capacity with a 2:1 ratio,
// matching the ratio of their total quotas.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiTagActiveThrottling") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 5);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue1;
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue2;
TransactionTag testTag1 = "sampleTag1"_sr;
TransactionTag testTag2 = "sampleTag2"_sr;
tagQuotaValue1.totalQuota = 50.0;
tagQuotaValue2.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag1, tagQuotaValue1);
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag2, tagQuotaValue2);
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag1, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ));
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag2, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ));
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag1, testTag2](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag1, (50 / 6.0) / 3) && targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag2, 2 * (50 / 6.0) / 3) &&
gtt.busyReadTagCount() == 2;
futures.push_back(updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers));
wait(timeoutError(waitForAny(futures) || monitor, 600.0));
return Void();
// 3 storage servers can handle 50 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is set to 100 bytes/second for each tag.
// Each client attempts 10 6-byte read transactions per second.
// This workload is sent to 2 storage servers per client (with an overlap of one storage server).
// Target rates for both tags are adjusted to 50/6 transactions per second to match the throughput
// that the busiest server can handle.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiTagActiveThrottling2") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(3, 50);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue1;
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue2;
TransactionTag testTag1 = "sampleTag1"_sr;
TransactionTag testTag2 = "sampleTag2"_sr;
tagQuotaValue1.totalQuota = 100.0;
tagQuotaValue2.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag1, tagQuotaValue1);
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag2, tagQuotaValue2);
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag1, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ, { 0, 1 }));
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag2, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ, { 1, 2 }));
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag1, testTag2](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag1, 50 / 6.0) && targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag2, 50 / 6.0) &&
gtt.busyReadTagCount() == 2;
futures.push_back(updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers));
wait(timeoutError(waitForAny(futures) || monitor, 600.0));
return Void();
// 3 storage servers can handle 50 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is set to 100 bytes/second for each tag.
// One client attempts 10 6-byte read transactions per second, all directed towards a single storage server.
// Another client, using a different tag, attempts 10 6-byte read transactions split across the other two storage
// servers. Target rates adjust to 50/6 and 100/6 transactions per second for the two clients, based on the capacities
// of the
// storage servers being accessed.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/MultiTagActiveThrottling3") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(3, 50);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue1;
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue2;
TransactionTag testTag1 = "sampleTag1"_sr;
TransactionTag testTag2 = "sampleTag2"_sr;
tagQuotaValue1.totalQuota = 100.0;
tagQuotaValue2.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag1, tagQuotaValue1);
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag2, tagQuotaValue2);
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag1, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ, { 0 }));
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag2, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ, { 1, 2 }));
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag1, testTag2](auto& gtt) {
return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag1, 50 / 6.0) && targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag2, 100 / 6.0) &&
gtt.busyReadTagCount() == 1;
futures.push_back(updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers));
wait(timeoutError(waitForAny(futures) || monitor, 600.0));
return Void();
// 10 storage servers can serve 5 bytes/second each.
// Total quota is set to 100 bytes/second.
// Reserved quota is set to 70 bytes/second.
// A client attempts to execute 10 6-byte read transactions per second.
// Despite the storage server only having capacity to serve 50/6 transactions per second,
// the reserved quota will ensure the target rate adjusts to 70/6 transactions per second.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/ReservedQuota") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 5);
state ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
tagQuotaValue.reservedQuota = 70.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor =
monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [testTag](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, testTag, 70 / 6.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();
// Test that tags are expired iff a sufficient amount of time has passed since the
// last transaction with that tag
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/ExpireTags") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 5);
TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
state Future<Void> client =
timeout(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 10.0, 6.0, OpType::READ), 60.0, Void());
state Future<Void> updater = timeout(updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers), 60.0, Void());
wait(client && updater);
ASSERT_EQ(globalTagThrottler.tagsTracked(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(globalTagThrottler.tagsTracked(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(globalTagThrottler.tagsTracked(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(globalTagThrottler.tagsTracked(), 0);
return Void();
// Test that the number of tags tracked does not grow beyond SERVER_KNOBS->GLOBAL_TAG_THROTTLING_MAX_TAGS_TRACKED
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/TagLimit") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 0);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 5);
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
Arena arena;
TransactionTag tag = makeString(8, arena);
deterministicRandom()->randomBytes(mutateString(tag), tag.size());
futures.push_back(runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, tag, 1.0, 6.0, OpType::READ));
wait(timeout(waitForAll(futures), 60.0, Void()));
return Void();
// 9 storage servers can handle 100 bytes/second each.
// 1 unhealthy storage server can only handle 1 byte/second.
// Total quota is set to 100 bytes/second.
// Client attempts 5 6-byte transactions per second.
// Target rate adjusts to 100/6 transactions per second, ignoring the worst storage server.
// Then, a second storage server becomes unhealthy and can only handle 1 byte/second.
// Target rate adjusts down to 1/6 transactions per second, because only one bad zone can be ignored.
TEST_CASE("/GlobalTagThrottler/IgnoreWorstZone") {
state GlobalTagThrottler globalTagThrottler(Database{}, UID{}, 1);
state StorageServerCollection storageServers(10, 100);
state TransactionTag testTag = "sampleTag1"_sr;
storageServers.setCapacity(0, 1);
ThrottleApi::TagQuotaValue tagQuotaValue;
tagQuotaValue.totalQuota = 100.0;
globalTagThrottler.setQuota(testTag, tagQuotaValue);
state Future<Void> client = runClient(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers, testTag, 5.0, 6.0, OpType::READ);
state Future<Void> monitor = monitorActor(
&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, 100.0 / 6.0); });
state Future<Void> updater = updateGlobalTagThrottler(&globalTagThrottler, &storageServers);
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
storageServers.setCapacity(1, 1);
monitor =
monitorActor(&globalTagThrottler, [](auto& gtt) { return targetRateIsNear(gtt, "sampleTag1"_sr, 1.0 / 6.0); });
wait(timeoutError(monitor || client || updater, 600.0));
return Void();