
143 lines
5.6 KiB

* MutationTracking.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbserver/EncryptedMutationMessage.h"
#include "fdbserver/MutationTracking.h"
#include "fdbserver/LogProtocolMessage.h"
#include "fdbserver/SpanContextMessage.h"
#include "fdbserver/OTELSpanContextMessage.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#error "You cannot use mutation tracking in a clean/release build."
// If MUTATION_TRACKING_ENABLED is set, MutationTracking events will be logged for the
// keys in debugKeys and the ranges in debugRanges.
// Each entry is a pair of (label, keyOrRange) and the Label will be attached to the
// MutationTracking TraceEvent for easier searching/recognition.
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, KeyRef>> debugKeys = { { "SomeKey", "foo"_sr } };
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, KeyRangeRef>> debugRanges = { { "Everything", { ""_sr, "\xff\xff\xff\xff"_sr } } };
TraceEvent debugMutationEnabled(const char* context, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation, UID id) {
const char* label = nullptr;
for (auto& labelKey : debugKeys) {
if (((mutation.type == mutation.ClearRange || mutation.type == mutation.DebugKeyRange) &&
KeyRangeRef(mutation.param1, mutation.param2).contains(labelKey.second)) ||
mutation.param1 == labelKey.second) {
label = labelKey.first;
for (auto& labelRange : debugRanges) {
if (((mutation.type == mutation.ClearRange || mutation.type == mutation.DebugKeyRange) &&
KeyRangeRef(mutation.param1, mutation.param2).intersects(labelRange.second)) ||
labelRange.second.contains(mutation.param1)) {
label = labelRange.first;
if (label != nullptr) {
TraceEvent event("MutationTracking", id);
event.detail("Label", label).detail("At", context).detail("Version", version).detail("Mutation", mutation);
return event;
return TraceEvent();
TraceEvent debugKeyRangeEnabled(const char* context, Version version, KeyRangeRef const& keys, UID id) {
return debugMutation(context, version, MutationRef(MutationRef::DebugKeyRange, keys.begin, keys.end), id);
TraceEvent debugTagsAndMessageEnabled(const char* context, Version version, StringRef commitBlob, UID id) {
BinaryReader rdr(commitBlob, AssumeVersion(g_network->protocolVersion()));
while (!rdr.empty()) {
if (*(int32_t*)rdr.peekBytes(4) == VERSION_HEADER) {
int32_t dummy;
rdr >> dummy >> version;
TagsAndMessage msg;
msg.loadFromArena(&rdr, nullptr);
bool logAdapterMessage = std::any_of(
msg.tags.begin(), msg.tags.end(), [](const Tag& t) { return t == txsTag || t.locality == tagLocalityTxs; });
StringRef mutationData = msg.getMessageWithoutTags();
uint8_t mutationType = *mutationData.begin();
if (logAdapterMessage) {
// Skip the message, as there will always be an idential non-logAdapterMessage mutation
// that we can match against in the same commit.
} else if (LogProtocolMessage::startsLogProtocolMessage(mutationType)) {
BinaryReader br(mutationData, AssumeVersion(rdr.protocolVersion()));
LogProtocolMessage lpm;
br >> lpm;
} else if (SpanContextMessage::startsSpanContextMessage(mutationType)) {
BinaryReader br(mutationData, AssumeVersion(rdr.protocolVersion()));
SpanContextMessage scm;
br >> scm;
} else if (OTELSpanContextMessage::startsOTELSpanContextMessage(mutationType)) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "MutationTracking reading OTELSpanContextMessage");
BinaryReader br(mutationData, AssumeVersion(rdr.protocolVersion()));
OTELSpanContextMessage scm;
br >> scm;
} else if (EncryptedMutationMessage::startsEncryptedMutationMessage(mutationType)) {
throw encrypt_unsupported();
} else {
MutationRef m;
BinaryReader br(mutationData, AssumeVersion(rdr.protocolVersion()));
br >> m;
TraceEvent event = debugMutation(context, version, m, id);
if (event.isEnabled()) {
event.detail("MessageTags", msg.tags);
return event;
return TraceEvent();
TraceEvent debugMutation(const char* context, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation, UID id) {
return debugMutationEnabled(context, version, mutation, id);
TraceEvent debugKeyRange(const char* context, Version version, KeyRangeRef const& keys, UID id) {
return debugKeyRangeEnabled(context, version, keys, id);
TraceEvent debugTagsAndMessage(const char* context, Version version, StringRef commitBlob, UID id) {
return debugTagsAndMessageEnabled(context, version, commitBlob, id);
TraceEvent debugMutation(const char* context, Version version, MutationRef const& mutation, UID id) {
return TraceEvent();
TraceEvent debugKeyRange(const char* context, Version version, KeyRangeRef const& keys, UID id) {
return TraceEvent();
TraceEvent debugTagsAndMessage(const char* context, Version version, StringRef commitBlob, UID id) {
return TraceEvent();