
273 lines
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# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Created on May 14, 2012
* General FDB data model of Pub/Sub model *
Feeds, Inboxes, Messages
Message - publisher (feed), data
Inbox - message cache, dirty list, list of subscribed-to feeds
Feed - messages, list of inboxes to notify
Structures for scalability: global list of dispatching feeds, feeds to consider
dirty for all operation
* Basic Processes: post message, list messages *
Post (in one transaction):
1. Add message to list of message in feed history
2. For each Inbox of list of watching inboxes
a. remove Inbox from list of watchers
b. mark self as 'dirty' in the Inbox's dirty list
List recent message in Inbox (in one transaction), up to n messages:
1. For each dirty Feed, update cache with latest message
2. Triage list by getting latest m messages from top m feeds
note: these messages can be cached in memory on the server, and on paging
operations reused, so long as step 1 is repeated, IF there is no message deletion.
* Assumptions: *
1. Subscriptions are "retroactive". If a subscription is in place, the messages
from that feed will start to appear in the listing of that inboxes messages
and appear in historical lists as well. This could lead to odd behavior
if paging through the contents of an inbox while a new subscription was added
import os
import sys
sys.path[:0] = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'bindings', 'python')]
import fdb
import struct
def key_for_feed(feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed))
def key_for_feed_subscriber_count(feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'subCount')
def key_for_feed_message_count(feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'messCount')
def key_for_feed_subscriber(feed, inbox):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'subs', struct.pack('>Q', inbox))
def prefix_for_feed_subscribers(feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'subs')
def key_for_feed_watcher(feed, inbox):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'watchers', struct.pack('>Q', inbox))
def key_for_feed_message(feed, message):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'message', struct.pack('>Q', message))
def prefix_for_feed_messages(feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('f', struct.pack('>Q', feed), 'message')
def key_for_inbox(inbox):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('i', struct.pack('>Q', inbox))
def key_for_inbox_subscription_count(inbox):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('i', struct.pack('>Q', inbox), 'subCount')
def key_for_inbox_subscription(inbox, feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('i', struct.pack('>Q', inbox), 'subs', struct.pack('>Q', feed))
def prefix_for_inbox_subscriptions(inbox):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('i', struct.pack('>Q', inbox), 'subs')
def key_for_inbox_stale_feed(inbox, feed):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('i', struct.pack('>Q', inbox), 'stale', struct.pack('>Q', feed))
def key_for_message(message):
return fdb.tuple_to_key('m', struct.pack('>Q', message))
def _create_feed_internal(tr, feed, metadata):
key = key_for_feed(feed)
if tr[key] != None:
print 'Feed', feed, 'already exists'
return feed
tr[key] = metadata
tr[key_for_feed_subscriber_count(feed)] = struct.pack('>Q', 0)
tr[key_for_feed_message_count(feed)] = struct.pack('>Q', 0)
return feed
def _create_inbox_internal(tr, inbox, metadata):
key = key_for_inbox(inbox)
if tr[key] != None:
return inbox
tr[key] = metadata
tr[key_for_inbox_subscription_count(inbox)] = struct.pack('>Q', 0)
return inbox
def _create_subscription_internal(tr, feed, inbox):
key = key_for_inbox_subscription(inbox, feed)
if tr[key] != None:
return True # This subscription exists
# print 'Feed, inbox:', feed, ",", inbox
# Retrieve the current counts for the feed and inbox, this serves as an existence "proof"
f_count = tr[key_for_feed_subscriber_count(feed)]
i_count = tr[key_for_inbox_subscription_count(inbox)]
# print f_count, 'and', i_count
if f_count == None or i_count == None:
print 'There is not a feed or inbox'
return False # Either the inbox or the feed do not exist
# Update the subscriptions of the inbox
tr[key] = ''
tr[key_for_feed_subscriber_count(feed)] = \
struct.pack('>Q', struct.unpack('>Q', f_count + '')[0] + 1)
# Update the subscribers of the feed
tr[key_for_feed_subscriber(feed, inbox)] = ''
tr[key_for_inbox_subscription_count(inbox)] = \
struct.pack('>Q', struct.unpack('>Q', i_count + '')[0] + 1)
# Add inbox as watcher of feed.
tr[key_for_feed_watcher(feed, inbox)] = ''
return True
def _post_message_internal(tr, feed, contents):
if tr[key_for_feed(feed)] == None:
return False # this feed does not exist!
# Get globally latest message, set our ID to that less one
zero_key = key_for_message(0)
last_key = key_for_message(sys.maxint)
first_key = tr.get_key(fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(zero_key))
last_message = tr[last_key]
if last_message == None:
print 'There are not other messages in the database'
message_id = sys.maxint
print fdb.key_to_tuple(first_key)
message_id = struct.unpack('>Q', fdb.key_to_tuple(first_key)[1])[0] - 1
print "MessageID", message_id
tr[key_for_message(message_id)] = contents
tr[key_for_feed_message(feed, message_id)] = ''
f_count = tr[key_for_feed_message_count(feed)]
tr[key_for_feed_message_count(feed)] = \
struct.pack('>Q', struct.unpack('>Q', f_count + '')[0] + 1)
# update the watchers on the feed to mark those inboxes as stale
# prefix = fdb.tuple_to_key(key_for_feed(feed), 'watchers')
# for k,v in tr.get_range_startswith(prefix):
# stale_inbox = fdb.key_to_tuple(k)[3]
# tr[key_for_inbox_stale_feed(stale_inbox, feed)] = ''
# del tr[k]
return True
def _list_messages_internal(tr, inbox):
messages = []
if tr[key_for_inbox(inbox)] == None:
return messages # this inbox does not exist!
print 'Messages in %s''s inbox' % tr[key_for_inbox(inbox)]
prefix = prefix_for_inbox_subscriptions(inbox)
for k, _ in tr.get_range_startswith(prefix):
# print "inbox sub:", fdb.key_to_tuple(k)
feed = struct.unpack('>Q', fdb.key_to_tuple(k)[3])[0]
# print "messages from feed:", feed
print ' from %s:' % tr[key_for_feed(feed)]
feed_prefix = prefix_for_feed_messages(feed)
for key, _ in tr.get_range_startswith(feed_prefix):
# print "feed message:", fdb.key_to_tuple(key)
message_id = struct.unpack('>Q', fdb.key_to_tuple(key)[3])[0]
message = tr[key_for_message(message_id)]
print " ", message
return messages
def _print_internal(tr, feed):
countKey = key_for_feed_message_count(feed)
f_count = tr[countKey]
print 'Messages in feed', feed, ':', struct.unpack('>Q', f_count + '')[0]
class PubSub(object):
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
def create_feed(self, metadata):
feed_id = struct.unpack('>Q', os.urandom(8))[0]
return _create_feed_internal(self.db, feed_id, metadata)
def create_inbox(self, metadata):
inbox_id = struct.unpack('>Q', os.urandom(8))[0]
return _create_inbox_internal(self.db, inbox_id, metadata)
def create_subscription(self, feed, inbox):
return _create_subscription_internal(self.db, feed, inbox)
def post_message(self, feed, contents):
return _post_message_internal(self.db, feed, contents)
def list_inbox_messages(self, inbox):
return _list_messages_internal(self.db, inbox)
def list_feed_messages(self, feed):
def print_feed_stats(self, feed):
_print_internal(self.db, feed)