1167 lines
43 KiB
1167 lines
43 KiB
* FuzzApiCorrectness.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <limits.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/ThreadSafeTransaction.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
namespace ph = std::placeholders;
// This allows us to dictate which exceptions we SHOULD get.
// We can use this to suppress expected exceptions, and take action
// if we don't get an exception wqe should have gotten.
struct ExceptionContract {
enum occurance_t { Never = 0, Possible = 1, Always = 2 };
std::string func;
std::map<int, occurance_t> expected;
std::function<void (TraceEvent &)> augment;
ExceptionContract(const char *func_, const std::function<void (TraceEvent &)> &augment_) : func(func_), augment(augment_) {}
ExceptionContract &operator=(const std::map<int, occurance_t> &e) {
expected = e;
return *this;
static occurance_t possibleButRequiredIf(bool in) { return in ? Always : Possible; }
static occurance_t requiredIf(bool in) { return in ? Always : Never; }
static occurance_t possibleIf(bool in) { return in ? Possible : Never; }
void handleException(const Error &e) const {
// We should always ignore these.
if (e.code() == error_code_used_during_commit ||
e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old ||
e.code() == error_code_future_version ||
e.code() == error_code_transaction_cancelled ||
e.code() == error_code_key_too_large ||
e.code() == error_code_value_too_large ||
e.code() == error_code_process_behind)
auto i = expected.find(e.code());
if (i != expected.end() && i->second != Never)
Severity s = (i->second == Possible) ? SevWarn : SevInfo;
TraceEvent evt(s, func.c_str());
evt.error(e).detail("Thrown", true)
.detail("Expected", i->second == Possible ? "possible" : "always").backtrace();
if (augment)
TraceEvent evt(SevError, func.c_str());
evt.error(e).detail("Thrown", true).detail("Expected", "never").backtrace();
if (augment)
throw e;
// Return true if we should have thrown, but didn't.
void handleNotThrown() const {
for (auto i : expected) {
if (i.second == Always) {
TraceEvent evt(SevError, func.c_str());
evt.error(Error::fromUnvalidatedCode(i.first)).detail("Thrown", false).detail("Expected", "always").backtrace();
if (augment)
struct FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload : TestWorkload {
static std::once_flag onceFlag;
static std::vector<std::function<Future<Void> (unsigned int const &, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload * const &, Reference<ITransaction> const &)>> testCases;
double testDuration;
int numOps;
bool rarelyCommit, adjacentKeys;
int minNode, nodes;
std::pair<int,int> valueSizeRange;
int maxClearSize;
double initialKeyDensity;
bool useSystemKeys;
std::string keyPrefix;
KeyRange conflictRange;
unsigned int operationId;
int64_t maximumTotalData;
bool success;
FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx)
: TestWorkload(wcx), operationId(0), success(true) {
std::call_once(onceFlag, [&]() { addTestCases(); });
testDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 60.0 );
numOps = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("numOps"), 21 );
rarelyCommit = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("rarelyCommit"), false );
maximumTotalData = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("maximumTotalData"), 15e6);
minNode = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("minNode"), 0);
adjacentKeys = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
useSystemKeys = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
initialKeyDensity = deterministicRandom()->random01(); // This fraction of keys are present before the first transaction (and after an unknown result)
if( adjacentKeys ) {
nodes = std::min<int64_t>( deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 4 << deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0,14)), CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT * 1.2 );
else {
nodes = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 4 << deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0,20));
int newNodes = std::min<int>(nodes, maximumTotalData / (getKeyForIndex(nodes).size() + valueSizeRange.second));
minNode = std::max(minNode, nodes - newNodes);
nodes = newNodes;
if(useSystemKeys && deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
keyPrefix = "\xff\x01";
maxClearSize = 1<<deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 20);
conflictRange = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef("\xfe"), LiteralStringRef("\xfe\x00") );
.detail("Nodes", nodes)
.detail("InitialKeyDensity", initialKeyDensity)
.detail("AdjacentKeys", adjacentKeys)
.detail("ValueSizeMin", valueSizeRange.first)
.detail("ValueSizeRange", valueSizeRange.second)
.detail("MaxClearSize", maxClearSize)
.detail("UseSystemKeys", useSystemKeys);
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "Net2_LargePacket").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "LargeTransaction").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
virtual std::string description() { return "FuzzApiCorrectness"; }
virtual Future<Void> start( Database const& cx ) {
if( clientId == 0 ) {
return loadAndRun( cx, this );
return Void();
virtual Future<bool> check( Database const& cx ) {
return success;
Key getRandomKey() {
return getKeyForIndex( deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, nodes ) );
Key getKeyForIndex( int idx ) {
idx += minNode;
if( adjacentKeys ) {
return Key( keyPrefix + std::string( idx, '\x00' ) );
} else {
return Key( keyPrefix + format( "%010d", idx ) );
Value getRandomValue() {
return Value( std::string( deterministicRandom()->randomInt(valueSizeRange.first,valueSizeRange.second+1), 'x' ) );
virtual void getMetrics( vector<PerfMetric>& m ) {
//m.push_back( transactions.getMetric() );
//m.push_back( retries.getMetric() );
ACTOR Future<Void> loadAndRun( Database db, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload* self ) {
state double startTime = now();
state Reference<IDatabase> cx = wait( unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( ThreadSafeDatabase::createFromExistingDatabase(db) ) );
try {
loop {
state int i = 0;
state int keysPerBatch = std::min<int64_t>(1000, 1 + CLIENT_KNOBS->TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT / 2 / (self->getKeyForIndex(self->nodes).size() + self->valueSizeRange.second));
for(; i < self->nodes; i+=keysPerBatch ) {
state Reference<ITransaction> tr = cx->createTransaction();
loop {
if( now() - startTime > self->testDuration )
return Void();
try {
if( i == 0 ) {
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr->addWriteConflictRange(allKeys); // To prevent a write only transaction whose commit was previously cancelled from being reordered after this transaction
tr->clear( normalKeys );
if( self->useSystemKeys )
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
int end = std::min(self->nodes, i+keysPerBatch );
tr->clear( KeyRangeRef( self->getKeyForIndex(i), self->getKeyForIndex(end) ) );
for( int j = i; j < end; j++ ) {
if ( deterministicRandom()->random01() < self->initialKeyDensity ) {
Key key = self->getKeyForIndex( j );
if( key.size() <= (key.startsWith(systemKeys.begin) ? CLIENT_KNOBS->SYSTEM_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT : CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT)) {
Value value = self->getRandomValue();
value = value.substr(0,std::min<int>(value.size(),CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT));
tr->set( key, value );
wait( unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( tr->commit() ) );
//TraceEvent("WDRInitBatch").detail("I", i).detail("CommittedVersion", tr->getCommittedVersion());
} catch( Error &e ) {
wait( unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( tr->onError( e ) ) );
loop {
try {
wait( self->randomTransaction( cx, self ) && delay( self->numOps * .001 ) );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if( e.code() != error_code_not_committed )
throw e;
if( now() - startTime > self->testDuration )
return Void();
} catch (Error &e) {
throw e;
ACTOR Future<Void> randomTransaction( Reference<IDatabase> cx, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload* self ) {
state Reference<ITransaction> tr = cx->createTransaction();
state bool readYourWritesDisabled = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
state bool readAheadDisabled = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
state std::vector<Future<Void>> operations;
state int waitLocation = 0;
loop {
state bool cancelled = false;
if( readYourWritesDisabled )
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::READ_YOUR_WRITES_DISABLE );
if( readAheadDisabled )
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::READ_AHEAD_DISABLE );
if( self->useSystemKeys ) {
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr->addWriteConflictRange( self->conflictRange );
try {
state int numWaits = deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 1, 5 );
state int i = 0;
// Code path here will create a bunch of ops, wait for ONE of them to complete,
// then add more ops, wait for another one, and so on.
for(; i < numWaits; i++ ) {
state int numOps = deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 1, self->numOps );
state int j = 0;
for(; j < numOps; j++ ) {
state int operationType = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, testCases.size());
printf("%d: Selected Operation %d\n", self->operationId+1, operationType);
try {
operations.push_back(testCases[operationType](++self->operationId, self, tr));
} catch( Error &e ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "IgnoredOperation").error(e)
.detail("Operation", operationType).detail("Id", self->operationId);
// Wait for a random op to complete.
if( waitLocation < operations.size() ) {
int waitOp = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(waitLocation,operations.size());
wait( operations[waitOp] );
wait( delay(0.000001) ); //to ensure errors have propgated from reads to commits
waitLocation = operations.size();
wait( waitForAll( operations ) );
try {
wait( timeoutError( unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( tr->commit() ), 30) );
catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() == error_code_client_invalid_operation ||
e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_large)
throw not_committed();
} catch( Error &e ) {
waitLocation = 0;
if( e.code() == error_code_not_committed ||
e.code() == error_code_commit_unknown_result ||
cancelled )
throw not_committed();
try {
wait( unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( tr->onError(e) ) );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if( e.code() == error_code_transaction_timed_out ) {
throw not_committed();
throw e;
return Void();
template<typename Subclass, typename T>
struct BaseTest {
typedef T value_type;
ACTOR static Future<Void> runTest( unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *wl, Reference<ITransaction> tr ) {
state Subclass self(id, wl);
try {
value_type result = wait( timeoutError( BaseTest::runTest2(tr, &self), 1000) );
return self.errorCheck(tr, result);
} catch (Error &e) {
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<value_type> runTest2( Reference<ITransaction> tr, Subclass *self ) {
state Future<value_type> future = unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( self->createFuture(tr) );
// Create may have added some other things to do before
// we can get the result.
state std::vector<ThreadFuture<Void> >::iterator i;
for (i = self->pre_steps.begin(); i != self->pre_steps.end(); ++i) {
wait(unsafeThreadFutureToFuture( *i ));
value_type result = wait( future );
if (future.isError()) {
} else {
ASSERT( future.isValid() );
return result;
virtual ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture( Reference<ITransaction> tr ) = 0;
virtual Void errorCheck(Reference<ITransaction> tr, value_type result) { return Void(); }
virtual void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const { e.detail("Id", id); }
unsigned int id;
FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload;
ExceptionContract contract;
std::vector<ThreadFuture<Void> > pre_steps;
BaseTest(unsigned int id_, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *wl, const char *func)
: id(id_), workload(wl), contract(func, std::bind(&Subclass::augmentTrace, static_cast<Subclass *>(this), ph::_1)) {}
static Key makeKey() {
double ksrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
// 25% of the time it's empty, 25% it's above range.
if (ksrv < 0.25)
return Key();
int64_t key_size;
if (ksrv < 0.5)
key_size = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT + 1) + CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT;
key_size = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT + 1);
std::string skey;
for (size_t j = 0; j < key_size; ++j)
skey.append(1, (char) deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
return Key(skey);
static Value makeValue() {
double vrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
// 25% of the time it's empty, 25% it's above range.
if (vrv < 0.25)
return Value();
int64_t value_size;
if (vrv < 0.5)
value_size = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT + 1) + CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT;
value_size = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT + 1);
std::string svalue;
for (size_t j = 0; j < value_size; ++j)
svalue.append(1, (char) deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
return Value(svalue);
static KeySelector makeKeySel() {
// 40% of the time no offset, 30% it's a positive or negative.
double orv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
int offs = 0;
if (orv >= 0.4) {
if (orv < 0.7)
offs = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
offs = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
return KeySelectorRef(makeKey(), deterministicRandom()->coinflip(), offs);
static GetRangeLimits makeRangeLimits() {
double lrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
int rowlimit = 0;
if (lrv >= 0.2) {
if (lrv < 0.4)
rowlimit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
rowlimit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip())
return GetRangeLimits(rowlimit);
lrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
int bytelimit = 0;
if (lrv >= 0.2) {
if (lrv < 0.4)
bytelimit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
bytelimit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
// Try again if both are 0.
if (!rowlimit && !bytelimit)
return makeRangeLimits();
return GetRangeLimits(rowlimit, bytelimit);
static bool isOverlapping(const Key &begin, const Key &end, const KeyRangeRef &range) {
return ((range.begin >= begin && range.begin < end) ||
(range.end >= begin && range.end < end) ||
(begin >= range.begin && begin < range.end) ||
(end >= range.begin && end < range.end));
static bool isOverlapping(const Key &begin, const Key &end, const KeyRef &key) {
return (key >= begin && key < end);
static std::string slashToEnd(const KeyRef &key) {
return key.toString().replace(key.size()-1, 1, 1, '0');
static KeyRangeRef &getServerKeys() {
static std::string serverKeysEnd = slashToEnd(serverKeysPrefix);
static KeyRangeRef serverKeys(serverKeysPrefix, StringRef(serverKeysEnd));
return serverKeys;
static KeyRangeRef &getGlobalKeys() {
static std::string globalKeysPrefix2 = globalKeysPrefix.toString() + "/";
static std::string globalKeysEnd = slashToEnd(globalKeysPrefix2);
static KeyRangeRef globalKeys(globalKeysPrefix2, StringRef(globalKeysEnd));
return globalKeys;
static bool isProtectedKey(const Key &begin, const Key &end) {
if (end < begin)
return false;
return (isOverlapping(begin, end, keyServersKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, serverListKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, processClassKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, configKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, workerListKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, backupLogKeys) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, getServerKeys()) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, getGlobalKeys()) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, coordinatorsKey) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, backupEnabledKey) ||
isOverlapping(begin, end, backupVersionKey) );
static bool isProtectedKey(const Key &k) {
return (isOverlapping(keyServersKeys.begin, keyServersKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(serverListKeys.begin, serverListKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(processClassKeys.begin, processClassKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(configKeys.begin, configKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(workerListKeys.begin, workerListKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(backupLogKeys.begin, backupLogKeys.end, k) ||
isOverlapping(getServerKeys().begin, getServerKeys().end, k) ||
isOverlapping(getGlobalKeys().begin, getGlobalKeys().end, k) ||
coordinatorsKey == k || backupEnabledKey == k || backupVersionKey == k);
template<typename Subclass>
struct BaseTestCallback : BaseTest<Subclass, Void> {
typedef typename BaseTest<Subclass, Void>::value_type value_type;
BaseTestCallback(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *wl, const char *func)
: BaseTest<Subclass, Void>(id, wl, func) {}
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr.castTo<ThreadSafeTransaction>()->checkDeferredError();
Void errorCheck(Reference<ITransaction> tr, value_type result) {
return Void();
virtual void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) = 0;
virtual void callbackErrorCheck(Reference<ITransaction> tr) { }
struct TestSetVersion : public BaseTest<TestSetVersion, Version> {
typedef BaseTest<TestSetVersion, Version> base_type;
Version v;
TestSetVersion(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestSetVersion") {
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip())
v = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(INT64_MIN, 0);
v = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, INT64_MAX);
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_read_version_already_set, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_version_invalid, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(v <= 0) )
ThreadFuture<Version> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getReadVersion();
Void errorCheck(Reference<ITransaction> tr, value_type result) {
ASSERT(v == result);
return Void();
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Version", v);
struct TestGet : public BaseTest<TestGet, Optional<Value>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGet, Optional<Value>> base_type;
Key key;
TestGet(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGet") {
key = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf((key >= (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->get(key, deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key));
struct TestGetKey : public BaseTest<TestGetKey, Key> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetKey, Key> base_type;
KeySelector keysel;
TestGetKey(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetKey") {
keysel = makeKeySel();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf((keysel.getKey() > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getKey(keysel, deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("KeySel", keysel.toString());
struct TestGetRange0 : public BaseTest<TestGetRange0, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetRange0, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> base_type;
KeySelector keysel1, keysel2;
int limit;
TestGetRange0(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetRange0") {
keysel1 = makeKeySel();
keysel2 = makeKeySel();
limit = 0;
double lrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (lrv > 0.20) {
if (lrv < 0.4)
limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_range_limits_invalid, ExceptionContract::possibleButRequiredIf(limit < 0) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(keysel1.getKey() > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(keysel2.getKey() > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getRange(keysel1, keysel2, limit, deterministicRandom()->coinflip(), deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("KeySel1", keysel1.toString()).detail("KeySel2", keysel2.toString()).detail("Limit", limit);
struct TestGetRange1 : public BaseTest<TestGetRange1, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetRange1, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> base_type;
KeySelector keysel1, keysel2;
GetRangeLimits limits;
TestGetRange1(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetRange1") {
keysel1 = makeKeySel();
keysel2 = makeKeySel();
limits = makeRangeLimits();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_range_limits_invalid, ExceptionContract::possibleButRequiredIf( !limits.isReached() && !limits.isValid()) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(keysel1.getKey() > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(keysel2.getKey() > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getRange(keysel1, keysel2, limits, deterministicRandom()->coinflip(), deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("KeySel1", keysel1.toString()).detail("KeySel2", keysel2.toString());
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(" << limits.rows << ", " << limits.minRows << ", " << limits.bytes << ")";
e.detail("Limits", ss.str());
struct TestGetRange2 : public BaseTest<TestGetRange2, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetRange2, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
int limit;
TestGetRange2(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetRange2") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
limit = 0;
double lrv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (lrv > 0.20) {
if (lrv < 0.4)
limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_range_limits_invalid, ExceptionContract::possibleButRequiredIf(limit < 0) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getRange(KeyRangeRef(key1, key2),
limit, deterministicRandom()->coinflip(), deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2)).detail("Limit", limit);
struct TestGetRange3 : public BaseTest<TestGetRange3, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetRange3, Standalone<RangeResultRef>> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
GetRangeLimits limits;
TestGetRange3(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetRange3") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
limits = makeRangeLimits();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_range_limits_invalid, ExceptionContract::possibleButRequiredIf( !limits.isReached() && !limits.isValid()) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getRange(KeyRangeRef(key1, key2), limits, deterministicRandom()->coinflip(), deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2));
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(" << limits.rows << ", " << limits.minRows << ", " << limits.bytes << ")";
e.detail("Limits", ss.str());
struct TestGetAddressesForKey : public BaseTest<TestGetAddressesForKey, Standalone<VectorRef<const char*>>> {
typedef BaseTest<TestGetAddressesForKey, Standalone<VectorRef<const char *>>> base_type;
Key key;
TestGetAddressesForKey(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestGetAddressesForKey") {
key = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->getAddressesForKey(key);
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key));
struct TestAddReadConflictRange : public BaseTestCallback<TestAddReadConflictRange> {
typedef BaseTest<TestAddReadConflictRange, Void> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
TestAddReadConflictRange(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestAddReadConflictRange") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->addReadConflictRange(KeyRangeRef(key1, key2));
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2));
struct TestAtomicOp : public BaseTestCallback<TestAtomicOp> {
typedef BaseTest<TestAtomicOp, Void> base_type;
Key key;
Value value;
uint8_t op;
int32_t pos;
TestAtomicOp(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestAtomicOp") {
key = makeKey();
while (isProtectedKey(key)) {
key = makeKey();
value = makeValue();
double arv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (arv < 0.25) {
int val = UINT8_MAX;
for (auto i = FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.end(); ++i)
if (i->first < val)
val = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, val);
} else if (arv < 0.50) {
int val = 0;
for (auto i = FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.end(); ++i)
if (i->first > val)
val = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(val+1, UINT8_MAX);
} else {
int minval = UINT8_MAX, maxval = 0;
for (auto i = FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBMutationTypes::optionInfo.end(); ++i) {
if (i->first < minval)
minval = i->first;
if (i->first > maxval)
maxval = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minval, maxval+1);
pos = -1;
if(op == MutationRef::SetVersionstampedKey && key.size() >= 4) {
pos = littleEndian32(*(int32_t*)&key.end()[-4]);
if(op == MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue && value.size() >= 4) {
pos = littleEndian32(*(int32_t*)&value.end()[-4]);
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_too_large, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key.size() > (key.startsWith(systemKeys.begin) ? CLIENT_KNOBS->SYSTEM_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT : CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT)) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_value_too_large, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(value.size() > CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_invalid_mutation_type, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
!isValidMutationType(op) || !isAtomicOp((MutationRef::Type) op)) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key >= (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(op == MutationRef::SetVersionstampedKey && (pos < 0 || pos + 10 > key.size() - 4)) ||
(op == MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue && (pos < 0 || pos + 10 > value.size() - 4))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->atomicOp(key, value, (FDBMutationTypes::Option) op);
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key)).detail("Value", printable(value)).detail("Op", op).detail("Pos", pos);
struct TestSet : public BaseTestCallback<TestSet> {
typedef BaseTest<TestSet, Void> base_type;
Key key;
Value value;
TestSet(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestSet") {
key = makeKey();
while (isProtectedKey(key)) {
key = makeKey();
value = makeValue();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_too_large, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key.size() > (key.startsWith(systemKeys.begin) ? CLIENT_KNOBS->SYSTEM_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT : CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT)) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_value_too_large, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(value.size() > CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key >= (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->set(key, value);
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key)).detail("Value", printable(value));
struct TestClear0 : public BaseTestCallback<TestClear0> {
typedef BaseTest<TestClear0, Void> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
TestClear0(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestClear0") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
while (isProtectedKey(key1, key2)) {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->clear(key1, key2);
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2));
struct TestClear1 : public BaseTestCallback<TestClear1> {
typedef BaseTest<TestClear1, Void> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
TestClear1(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestClear1") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
while (isProtectedKey(key1, key2)) {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->clear(KeyRangeRef(key1, key2));
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2));
struct TestClear2 : public BaseTestCallback<TestClear2> {
typedef BaseTest<TestClear2, Void> base_type;
Key key;
TestClear2(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestClear2") {
key = makeKey();
while (isProtectedKey(key)) {
key = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
key >= (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end) ) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key));
struct TestWatch : public BaseTest<TestWatch, Void> {
typedef BaseTest<TestWatch, Void> base_type;
Key key;
TestWatch(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTest(id, workload, "TestWatch") {
key = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_key_too_large, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key.size() > (key.startsWith(systemKeys.begin) ? CLIENT_KNOBS->SYSTEM_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT : CLIENT_KNOBS->KEY_SIZE_LIMIT)) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_watches_disabled, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf( (key >= (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_timed_out, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_accessed_unreadable, ExceptionContract::Possible )
ThreadFuture<value_type> createFuture(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
return tr->watch(key);
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key", printable(key));
struct TestAddWriteConflictRange : public BaseTestCallback<TestAddWriteConflictRange> {
typedef BaseTest<TestAddWriteConflictRange, Void> base_type;
Key key1, key2;
TestAddWriteConflictRange(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestAddWriteConflictRange") {
key1 = makeKey();
key2 = makeKey();
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_inverted_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(key1 > key2) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_key_outside_legal_range, ExceptionContract::requiredIf(
(key1 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end)) ||
(key2 > (workload->useSystemKeys ? systemKeys.end : normalKeys.end))) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->addWriteConflictRange(KeyRangeRef(key1, key2));
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Key1", printable(key1)).detail("Key2", printable(key2));
struct TestSetOption : public BaseTestCallback<TestSetOption> {
typedef BaseTest<TestSetOption, Void> base_type;
int op;
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> val;
TestSetOption(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestSetOption") {
double arv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (arv < 0.25) {
int val = INT_MAX;
for (auto i = FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.end(); ++i)
if (i->first < val)
val = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, val);
} else if (arv < 0.50) {
int val = INT_MIN;
for (auto i = FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.end(); ++i)
if (i->first > val)
val = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(val+1, INT_MAX);
} else {
int minval = INT_MAX, maxval = INT_MIN;
for (auto i = FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.begin(); i != FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.end(); ++i) {
if (i->first < minval)
minval = i->first;
if (i->first > maxval)
maxval = i->first;
op = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minval, maxval+1);
if(op == FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS || op == FDBTransactionOptions::READ_SYSTEM_KEYS) //do not test access system keys since the option is actually used by the workload
op = -1;
double orv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (orv >= 0.25) {
int64_t value_size = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT + 1) + CLIENT_KNOBS->VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT;
std::string svalue;
for (size_t j = 0; j < value_size; ++j)
svalue.append(1, (char) deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
val = Standalone<StringRef>(StringRef(svalue));
contract = {
std::make_pair( error_code_invalid_option, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_invalid_option_value, ExceptionContract::Possible ),
std::make_pair( error_code_client_invalid_operation, ExceptionContract::possibleIf((FDBTransactionOptions::Option)op == FDBTransactionOptions::READ_YOUR_WRITES_DISABLE ||
(FDBTransactionOptions::Option)op == FDBTransactionOptions::LOG_TRANSACTION) ),
std::make_pair( error_code_read_version_already_set, ExceptionContract::possibleIf((FDBTransactionOptions::Option)op == FDBTransactionOptions::INITIALIZE_NEW_DATABASE) )
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
tr->setOption((FDBTransactionOptions::Option) op, val.castTo<StringRef>());
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("Op", op).detail("Val", printable(val));
struct TestOnError : public BaseTestCallback<TestOnError> {
typedef BaseTest<TestOnError, Void> base_type;
int errorcode;
TestOnError(unsigned int id, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload *workload) : BaseTestCallback(id, workload, "TestOnError") {
errorcode = 0;
double erv = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (erv >= 0.2) {
if (erv < 0.6)
errorcode = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(INT_MIN, 0);
errorcode = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, INT_MAX)+1;
void callback(Reference<ITransaction> tr) {
// This is necessary here, as onError will have reset this
// value, we will be looking at the wrong thing.
if( workload->useSystemKeys )
tr->setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
void augmentTrace(TraceEvent &e) const {
e.detail("ErrorCode", errorcode);
static void addTestCases() {
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestSetVersion::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGet::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetKey::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetRange0::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetRange1::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetRange2::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetRange3::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestGetAddressesForKey::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestAddReadConflictRange::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestAtomicOp::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestSet::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestClear0::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestClear1::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestClear2::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestWatch::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestAddWriteConflictRange::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestSetOption::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
testCases.push_back(std::bind(&TestOnError::runTest, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3));
std::once_flag FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload::onceFlag;
std::vector<std::function<Future<Void> (unsigned int const &, FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload * const &, Reference<ITransaction> const &)>> FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload::testCases;
WorkloadFactory<FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkload> FuzzApiCorrectnessWorkloadFactory("FuzzApiCorrectness");