1405 lines
62 KiB
1405 lines
62 KiB
* ActorCompiler.cs
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace actorcompiler
class TypeSwitch<R>
object value;
R result;
bool ok = false;
public TypeSwitch(object t) { this.value = t; }
public TypeSwitch<R> Case<T>(Func<T, R> f)
where T : class
if (!ok)
var t = value as T;
if (t != null)
result = f(t);
ok = true;
return this;
public R Return()
if (!ok) throw new Exception("Typeswitch didn't match.");
return result;
class Context
public Function target;
public Function next;
public Function breakF;
public Function continueF;
public Function catchFErr; // Catch function taking Error
public int tryLoopDepth = 0; // The number of (loopDepth-increasing) loops entered inside the innermost try (thus, that will be exited by a throw)
public void unreachable() { target = null; }
// Usually we just change the target of a context
public Context WithTarget(Function newTarget) { return new Context { target = newTarget, breakF = breakF, continueF = continueF, next = null, catchFErr = catchFErr, tryLoopDepth = tryLoopDepth }; }
// When entering a loop, we have to provide new break and continue functions
public Context LoopContext(Function newTarget, Function breakF, Function continueF, int deltaLoopDepth) { return new Context { target = newTarget, breakF = breakF, continueF = continueF, next = null, catchFErr = catchFErr, tryLoopDepth = tryLoopDepth + deltaLoopDepth }; }
public Context WithCatch(Function newCatchFErr) { return new Context { target = target, breakF = breakF, continueF = continueF, next = null, catchFErr = newCatchFErr, tryLoopDepth = 0 }; }
public Context Clone() { return new Context { target = target, next = next, breakF = breakF, continueF = continueF, catchFErr = catchFErr, tryLoopDepth = tryLoopDepth }; }
class Function
public string name;
public string returnType;
public string[] formalParameters;
public bool endIsUnreachable = false;
public string exceptionParameterIs = null;
public bool publicName = false;
public string specifiers;
string indentation;
StreamWriter body;
public bool wasCalled { get; protected set; }
public Function overload = null;
public Function()
body = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream());
public void setOverload(Function overload) {
this.overload = overload;
public Function popOverload() {
Function result = this.overload;
this.overload = null;
return result;
public void addOverload(params string[] formalParameters) {
new Function {
name = name,
returnType = returnType,
endIsUnreachable = endIsUnreachable,
formalParameters = formalParameters,
indentation = indentation
public void Indent(int change)
for(int i=0; i<change; i++) indentation += '\t';
if (change < 0) indentation = indentation.Substring(-change);
if (overload != null) {
public void WriteLineUnindented(string s)
if (overload != null) {
public void WriteLine(string line)
if (overload != null) {
public void WriteLine(string line, params object[] args)
body.WriteLine(line, args);
if (overload != null) {
overload.WriteLine(line, args);
public string BodyText
body.BaseStream.Position = 0;
return new StreamReader(body.BaseStream).ReadToEnd();
public string useByName()
wasCalled = true;
if (publicName)
return name;
return "a_" + name;
public virtual string call(params string[] parameters)
return useByName() + "(" + string.Join(", ", parameters) + ")";
/* A (C++) continuation function for point P in the (actor) control flow graph
* int fP( [params,] int loopDepth = 0 );
* has the following responsibilities:
* (A) If loopDepth==0, run the actor beginning at point P until
* (1) it waits, in which case set an appropriate callback and return 0, or
* (2) it returns, in which case destroy the actor and return 0.
* (B) If loopDepth>0, run the actor beginning at point P until
* (1) it waits, in which case set an appropriate callback and return 0, or
* (2) it returns, in which case destroy the actor and return 0, or
* (3) it reaches the bottom of the Nth innermost loop containing P, in which case
* return max(0, the given loopDepth - N) (N=0 for the innermost loop, N=1 for the next innermost, etc)
* Examples:
* Source:
* loop
* [P]
* loop
* [P']
* loop
* [P'']
* break
* [Q']
* break
* [Q]
* fP(1) should execute everything from [P] to [Q] and then return 1 (since [Q] is at the bottom of the 0th innermost loop containing [P])
* fP'(2) should execute everything from [P'] to [Q] and then return 1 (since [Q] is at the bottom of the 1st innermost loop containing [P'])
* fP''(3) should execute everything from [P''] to [Q] and then return 1 (since [Q] is at the bottom of the 2nd innermost loop containing [P''])
* fQ'(2) should execute everything from [Q'] to [Q] and then return 1 (since [Q] is at the bottom of the 1st innermost loop containing [Q'])
* fQ(1) should return 1 (since [Q] is at the bottom of the 0th innermost loop containing [Q])
class LiteralBreak : Function
public LiteralBreak() { name = "break!"; }
public override string call(params string[] parameters)
wasCalled = true;
if (parameters.Length != 0) throw new Exception("LiteralBreak called with parameters!");
return "break";
class LiteralContinue : Function
public LiteralContinue() { name = "continue!"; }
public override string call(params string[] parameters)
wasCalled = true;
if (parameters.Length != 0) throw new Exception("LiteralContinue called with parameters!");
return "continue";
class StateVar : VarDeclaration
public int SourceLine;
class CallbackVar : StateVar
public int CallbackGroup;
class DescrCompiler
Descr descr;
string memberIndentStr;
public DescrCompiler(Descr descr, int braceDepth)
this.descr = descr;
this.memberIndentStr = new string('\t', braceDepth);
public void Write(TextWriter writer, out int lines)
lines = 0;
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "template<> struct Descriptor<struct {0}> {{", descr.name);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\tstatic StringRef typeName() {{ return LiteralStringRef(\"{0}\"); }}", descr.name);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\ttypedef {0} type;", descr.name);
lines += 3;
foreach (var dec in descr.body)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\tstruct {0}Descriptor {{", dec.name);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t\tstatic StringRef name() {{ return LiteralStringRef(\"{0}\"); }}", dec.name);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t\tstatic StringRef typeName() {{ return LiteralStringRef(\"{0}\"); }}", dec.type);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t\tstatic StringRef comment() {{ return LiteralStringRef(\"{0}\"); }}", dec.comment);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t\ttypedef {0} type;", dec.type);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t\tstatic inline type get({0}& from);", descr.name);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t};");
lines += 7;
writer.Write(memberIndentStr + "\ttypedef std::tuple<");
bool FirstDesc = true;
foreach (var dec in descr.body)
if (!FirstDesc)
writer.Write("{0}Descriptor", dec.name);
FirstDesc = false;
writer.Write("> fields;\n");
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\ttypedef make_index_sequence_impl<0, index_sequence<>, std::tuple_size<fields>::value>::type field_indexes;");
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "};");
if(descr.superClassList != null)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "struct {0} : {1} {{", descr.name, descr.superClassList);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "struct {0} {{", descr.name);
lines += 4;
foreach (var dec in descr.body)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\t{0} {1}; //{2}", dec.type, dec.name, dec.comment);
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "};");
foreach (var dec in descr.body)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "{0} Descriptor<{1}>::{2}Descriptor::get({1}& from) {{ return from.{2}; }}", dec.type, descr.name, dec.name);
class ActorCompiler
Actor actor;
string className, fullClassName, stateClassName;
string sourceFile;
List<StateVar> state;
List<CallbackVar> callbacks = new List<CallbackVar>();
bool isTopLevel;
const string loopDepth0 = "int loopDepth=0";
const string loopDepth = "int loopDepth";
const int codeIndent = +2;
const string memberIndentStr = "\t";
static HashSet<string> usedClassNames = new HashSet<string>();
bool LineNumbersEnabled;
int chooseGroups = 0, whenCount = 0;
string This;
bool generateProbes;
public ActorCompiler(Actor actor, string sourceFile, bool isTopLevel, bool lineNumbersEnabled, bool generateProbes)
this.actor = actor;
this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
this.isTopLevel = isTopLevel;
this.LineNumbersEnabled = lineNumbersEnabled;
this.generateProbes = generateProbes;
public void Write(TextWriter writer)
string fullReturnType =
actor.returnType != null ? string.Format("Future<{0}>", actor.returnType)
: "void";
for (int i = 0; ; i++)
className = string.Format("{3}{0}{1}Actor{2}",
actor.name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(),
i != 0 ? i.ToString() : "",
actor.enclosingClass != null && actor.isForwardDeclaration ? actor.enclosingClass.Replace("::", "_") + "_"
: actor.nameSpace != null ? actor.nameSpace.Replace("::", "_") + "_"
: "");
if (actor.isForwardDeclaration || usedClassNames.Add(className))
fullClassName = className + GetTemplateActuals();
var actorClassFormal = new VarDeclaration { name = className, type = "class" };
This = string.Format("static_cast<{0}*>(this)", actorClassFormal.name);
stateClassName = className + "State";
var fullStateClassName = stateClassName + GetTemplateActuals(new VarDeclaration { type = "class", name = fullClassName });
if (actor.isForwardDeclaration) {
foreach (string attribute in actor.attributes) {
writer.Write(attribute + " ");
if (actor.isStatic) writer.Write("static ");
writer.WriteLine("{0} {3}{1}( {2} );", fullReturnType, actor.name, string.Join(", ", ParameterList()), actor.nameSpace==null ? "" : actor.nameSpace + "::");
if (actor.enclosingClass != null) {
writer.WriteLine("template <class> friend class {0};", stateClassName);
var body = getFunction("", "body", loopDepth0);
var bodyContext = new Context {
target = body,
catchFErr = getFunction(body.name, "Catch", "Error error", loopDepth0),
var endContext = TryCatchCompile(actor.body, bodyContext);
if (endContext.target != null)
if (actor.returnType == null)
CompileStatement(new ReturnStatement { FirstSourceLine = actor.SourceLine, expression = "" }, endContext );
throw new Error(actor.SourceLine, "Actor {0} fails to return a value", actor.name);
if (actor.returnType != null)
bodyContext.catchFErr.WriteLine("this->~{0}();", stateClassName);
bodyContext.catchFErr.WriteLine("{0}->sendErrorAndDelPromiseRef(error);", This);
bodyContext.catchFErr.WriteLine("delete {0};", This);
bodyContext.catchFErr.WriteLine("loopDepth = 0;");
if (isTopLevel && actor.nameSpace == null) writer.WriteLine("namespace {");
// The "State" class contains all state and user code, to make sure that state names are accessible to user code but
// inherited members of Actor, Callback etc are not.
writer.WriteLine("// This generated class is to be used only via {0}()", actor.name);
WriteTemplate(writer, actorClassFormal);
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
writer.WriteLine("class {0} {{", stateClassName);
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
foreach (var st in state)
LineNumber(writer, st.SourceLine);
writer.WriteLine("\t{0} {1};", st.type, st.name);
// The final actor class mixes in the State class, the Actor base class and all callback classes
writer.WriteLine("// This generated class is to be used only via {0}()", actor.name);
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
string callback_base_classes = string.Join(", ", callbacks.Select(c=>string.Format("public {0}", c.type)));
if (callback_base_classes != "") callback_base_classes += ", ";
writer.WriteLine("class {0} final : public Actor<{2}>, {3}public FastAllocated<{1}>, public {4} {{",
actor.returnType == null ? "void" : actor.returnType,
writer.WriteLine("\tusing FastAllocated<{0}>::operator new;", fullClassName);
writer.WriteLine("\tusing FastAllocated<{0}>::operator delete;", fullClassName);
writer.WriteLine("#pragma clang diagnostic push");
writer.WriteLine("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor\"");
if (actor.returnType != null)
writer.WriteLine("\tvoid destroy() override {{ ((Actor<{0}>*)this)->~Actor(); operator delete(this); }}", actor.returnType);
writer.WriteLine("\tvoid destroy() {{ ((Actor<void>*)this)->~Actor(); operator delete(this); }}");
writer.WriteLine("#pragma clang diagnostic pop");
foreach (var cb in callbacks)
writer.WriteLine("friend struct {0};", cb.type);
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
WriteConstructor(body, writer, fullStateClassName);
//WriteStartFunc(body, writer);
if (isTopLevel && actor.nameSpace == null) writer.WriteLine("}"); // namespace
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
foreach (string attribute in actor.attributes) {
writer.Write(attribute + " ");
if (actor.isStatic) writer.Write("static ");
writer.WriteLine("{0} {3}{1}( {2} ) {{", fullReturnType, actor.name, string.Join(", ", ParameterList()), actor.nameSpace==null ? "" : actor.nameSpace + "::");
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
string newActor = string.Format("new {0}({1})",
string.Join(", ", actor.parameters.Select(p => p.name).ToArray()));
if (actor.returnType != null)
writer.WriteLine("\treturn Future<{1}>({0});", newActor, actor.returnType);
writer.WriteLine("\t{0};", newActor);
if (actor.testCaseParameters != null)
writer.WriteLine("ACTOR_TEST_CASE({0}, {1})", actor.name, actor.testCaseParameters);
Console.WriteLine("\tCompiled ACTOR {0} (line {1})", actor.name, actor.SourceLine);
const string thisAddress = "reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(this)";
void ProbeEnter(Function fun, string name, int index = -1) {
if (generateProbes) {
fun.WriteLine("fdb_probe_actor_enter(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});", name, thisAddress, index);
void ProbeExit(Function fun, string name, int index = -1) {
if (generateProbes) {
fun.WriteLine("fdb_probe_actor_exit(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});", name, thisAddress, index);
void ProbeCreate(Function fun, string name) {
if (generateProbes) {
fun.WriteLine("fdb_probe_actor_create(\"{0}\", {1});", name, thisAddress);
void ProbeDestroy(Function fun, string name) {
if (generateProbes) {
fun.WriteLine("fdb_probe_actor_destroy(\"{0}\", {1});", name, thisAddress);
void LineNumber(TextWriter writer, int SourceLine)
if(SourceLine == 0)
throw new Exception("Internal error: Invalid source line (0)");
if (LineNumbersEnabled)
writer.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t#line {0} \"{1}\"", SourceLine, sourceFile);
void LineNumber(Function writer, int SourceLine)
if(SourceLine == 0)
throw new Exception("Internal error: Invalid source line (0)");
if (LineNumbersEnabled)
writer.WriteLineUnindented( string.Format("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t#line {0} \"{1}\"", SourceLine, sourceFile) );
void TryCatch(Context cx, Function catchFErr, int catchLoopDepth, Action action, bool useLoopDepth = true)
if (catchFErr!=null)
cx.target.WriteLine("try {");
if (catchFErr!=null)
cx.target.WriteLine("catch (Error& error) {");
if (useLoopDepth)
cx.target.WriteLine("\tloopDepth = {0};", catchFErr.call("error", AdjustLoopDepth(catchLoopDepth)));
cx.target.WriteLine("\t{0};", catchFErr.call("error", "0"));
cx.target.WriteLine("} catch (...) {");
if (useLoopDepth)
cx.target.WriteLine("\tloopDepth = {0};", catchFErr.call("unknown_error()", AdjustLoopDepth(catchLoopDepth)));
cx.target.WriteLine("\t{0};", catchFErr.call("unknown_error()", "0"));
Context TryCatchCompile(CodeBlock block, Context cx)
TryCatch(cx, cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () => {
cx = Compile(block, cx, true);
if (cx.target != null)
var next = getFunction(cx.target.name, "cont", loopDepth);
cx.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", next.call("loopDepth"));
cx.target = next;
cx.next = null;
return cx;
void WriteTemplate(TextWriter writer, params VarDeclaration[] extraParameters)
var formals = (actor.templateFormals!=null ? actor.templateFormals.AsEnumerable() : Enumerable.Empty<VarDeclaration>())
if (formals.Length==0) return;
LineNumber(writer, actor.SourceLine);
writer.WriteLine("template <{0}>",
string.Join(", ", formals.Select(
p => string.Format("{0} {1}", p.type, p.name)
string GetTemplateActuals(params VarDeclaration[] extraParameters)
var formals = (actor.templateFormals != null ? actor.templateFormals.AsEnumerable() : Enumerable.Empty<VarDeclaration>())
if (formals.Length == 0) return "";
else return "<" +
string.Join(", ", formals.Select(
p => p.name
+ ">";
bool WillContinue(Statement stmt)
return Flatten(stmt).Any(
st => (st is ChooseStatement || st is WaitStatement || st is TryStatement));
CodeBlock AsCodeBlock(Statement statement)
// SOMEDAY: Is this necessary? Maybe we should just be compiling statements?
var cb = statement as CodeBlock;
if (cb != null) return cb;
return new CodeBlock { statements = new Statement[] { statement } };
void CompileStatement(PlainOldCodeStatement stmt, Context cx)
void CompileStatement(StateDeclarationStatement stmt, Context cx)
// if this state declaration is at the very top of the actor body
if (actor.body.statements.Select(x => x as StateDeclarationStatement).TakeWhile(x => x != null).Any(x => x == stmt))
// Initialize the state in the constructor, not here
state.Add(new StateVar { SourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine, name = stmt.decl.name, type = stmt.decl.type,
initializer = stmt.decl.initializer, initializerConstructorSyntax = stmt.decl.initializerConstructorSyntax } );
// State variables declared elsewhere must have a default constructor
state.Add(new StateVar { SourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine, name = stmt.decl.name, type = stmt.decl.type, initializer = null });
if (stmt.decl.initializer != null)
LineNumber(cx.target, stmt.FirstSourceLine);
if (stmt.decl.initializerConstructorSyntax || stmt.decl.initializer=="")
cx.target.WriteLine("{0} = {1}({2});", stmt.decl.name, stmt.decl.type, stmt.decl.initializer);
cx.target.WriteLine("{0} = {1};", stmt.decl.name, stmt.decl.initializer);
void CompileStatement(ForStatement stmt, Context cx)
// for( initExpression; condExpression; nextExpression ) body;
bool noCondition = stmt.condExpression == "" || stmt.condExpression == "true" || stmt.condExpression == "1";
if (!WillContinue(stmt.body))
// We can write this loop without anything fancy, because there are no wait statements in it
if (EmitNativeLoop(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "for(" + stmt.initExpression + ";" + stmt.condExpression + ";" + stmt.nextExpression+")", stmt.body, cx)
&& noCondition )
// First compile the initExpression
CompileStatement( new PlainOldCodeStatement {code = stmt.initExpression + ";", FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine}, cx );
// fullBody = { if (!(condExpression)) break; body; }
Statement fullBody = noCondition ? stmt.body :
new CodeBlock
statements = new Statement[] {
new IfStatement
expression = "!(" + stmt.condExpression + ")",
ifBody = new BreakStatement { FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine },
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine
Function loopF = getFunction(cx.target.name, "loopHead", loopDepth);
Function loopBody = getFunction(cx.target.name, "loopBody", loopDepth);
Function breakF = getFunction(cx.target.name, "break", loopDepth);
Function continueF = stmt.nextExpression == "" ? loopF : getFunction(cx.target.name, "continue", loopDepth);
// TODO: Could we use EmitNativeLoop() here?
loopF.WriteLine("int oldLoopDepth = ++loopDepth;");
loopF.WriteLine("while (loopDepth == oldLoopDepth) loopDepth = {0};", loopBody.call("loopDepth"));
Function endLoop = Compile(AsCodeBlock(fullBody), cx.LoopContext( loopBody, breakF, continueF, +1 ), true).target;
if (endLoop != null && endLoop != loopBody) {
if (stmt.nextExpression != "")
CompileStatement( new PlainOldCodeStatement {code = stmt.nextExpression + ";", FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine}, cx.WithTarget(endLoop) );
endLoop.WriteLine("if (loopDepth == 0) return {0};", loopF.call("0"));
cx.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", loopF.call("loopDepth"));
if (continueF != loopF && continueF.wasCalled) {
CompileStatement( new PlainOldCodeStatement {code = stmt.nextExpression + ";", FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine}, cx.WithTarget(continueF) );
continueF.WriteLine("if (loopDepth == 0) return {0};", loopF.call("0"));
if (breakF.wasCalled)
TryCatch(cx.WithTarget(breakF), cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth,
() => { breakF.WriteLine("return {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth")); });
Dictionary<string, int> iterators = new Dictionary<string, int>();
string getIteratorName(Context cx)
string name = "RangeFor" + cx.target.name + "Iterator";
if (!iterators.ContainsKey(name))
iterators[name] = 0;
return string.Format("{0}{1}", name, iterators[name]++);
void CompileStatement(RangeForStatement stmt, Context cx)
// If stmt does not contain a wait statement, rewrite the original c++11 range-based for loop
// If there is a wait, we need to rewrite the loop as:
// for(a:b) c; ==> for(__iter=std::begin(b); __iter!=std::end(b); ++__iter) { a = *__iter; c; }
// where __iter is stored as a state variable
if (WillContinue(stmt.body))
StateVar container = state.FirstOrDefault(s => s.name == stmt.rangeExpression);
if (container == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "container of range-based for with continuation must be a state variable");
var iter = getIteratorName(cx);
state.Add(new StateVar { SourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine, name = iter, type = "decltype(std::begin(std::declval<" + container.type + ">()))", initializer = null });
var equivalent = new ForStatement {
initExpression = iter + " = std::begin(" + stmt.rangeExpression + ")",
condExpression = iter + " != std::end(" + stmt.rangeExpression + ")",
nextExpression = "++" + iter,
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine,
body = new CodeBlock
statements = new Statement[] {
new PlainOldCodeStatement { FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine, code = stmt.rangeDecl + " = *" + iter + ";" },
CompileStatement(equivalent, cx);
EmitNativeLoop(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "for( " + stmt.rangeDecl + " : " + stmt.rangeExpression + " )", stmt.body, cx);
void CompileStatement(WhileStatement stmt, Context cx)
// Compile while (x) { y } as for(;x;) { y }
var equivalent = new ForStatement
condExpression = stmt.expression,
body = stmt.body,
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine,
CompileStatement(equivalent, cx);
void CompileStatement(LoopStatement stmt, Context cx)
// Compile loop { body } as for(;;;) { body }
var equivalent = new ForStatement
body = stmt.body,
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine
CompileStatement(equivalent, cx);
// Writes out a loop in native C++ (with no continuation passing)
// Returns true if the loop is known to have no normal exit (is unreachable)
private bool EmitNativeLoop(int sourceLine, string head, Statement body, Context cx)
LineNumber(cx.target, sourceLine);
cx.target.WriteLine(head + " {");
var literalBreak = new LiteralBreak();
Compile(AsCodeBlock(body), cx.LoopContext(cx.target, literalBreak, new LiteralContinue(), 0), true);
return !literalBreak.wasCalled;
void CompileStatement(ChooseStatement stmt, Context cx)
int group = ++this.chooseGroups;
//string cbGroup = "ChooseGroup" + getFunction(cx.target.name,"W").name; // SOMEDAY
var codeblock = stmt.body as CodeBlock;
if (codeblock == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "'choose' must be followed by a compound statement.");
var choices = codeblock.statements
.Select( (ch,i) => new {
Stmt = ch,
Group = group,
Index = this.whenCount+i,
Body = getFunction(cx.target.name, "when",
new string[] { string.Format("{0} const& {2}{1}", ch.wait.result.type, ch.wait.result.name, ch.wait.resultIsState?"__":""), loopDepth },
new string[] { string.Format("{0} && {2}{1}", ch.wait.result.type, ch.wait.result.name, ch.wait.resultIsState?"__":""), loopDepth }
Future = string.Format("__when_expr_{0}", this.whenCount + i),
CallbackType = string.Format("{3}< {0}, {1}, {2} >", fullClassName, this.whenCount + i, ch.wait.result.type, ch.wait.isWaitNext ? "ActorSingleCallback" : "ActorCallback"),
CallbackTypeInStateClass = string.Format("{3}< {0}, {1}, {2} >", className, this.whenCount + i, ch.wait.result.type, ch.wait.isWaitNext ? "ActorSingleCallback" : "ActorCallback")
this.whenCount += choices.Length;
if (choices.Length != codeblock.statements.Length)
throw new Error(codeblock.statements.First(x=>!(x is WhenStatement)).FirstSourceLine, "only 'when' statements are valid in an 'choose' block.");
var exitFunc = getFunction("exitChoose", "");
exitFunc.returnType = "void";
exitFunc.WriteLine("if ({0}->actor_wait_state > 0) {0}->actor_wait_state = 0;", This);
foreach(var ch in choices)
exitFunc.WriteLine("{0}->{1}::remove();", This, ch.CallbackTypeInStateClass);
exitFunc.endIsUnreachable = true;
//state.Add(new StateVar { SourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine, type = "CallbackGroup", name = cbGroup, callbackCatchFErr = cx.catchFErr });
bool reachable = false;
foreach(var ch in choices) {
callbacks.Add(new CallbackVar
SourceLine = ch.Stmt.FirstSourceLine,
CallbackGroup = ch.Group,
type = ch.CallbackType
var r = ch.Body;
if (ch.Stmt.wait.resultIsState)
Function overload = r.popOverload();
CompileStatement(new StateDeclarationStatement
FirstSourceLine = ch.Stmt.FirstSourceLine,
decl = new VarDeclaration {
type = ch.Stmt.wait.result.type,
name = ch.Stmt.wait.result.name,
initializer = "__" + ch.Stmt.wait.result.name,
initializerConstructorSyntax = false
}, cx.WithTarget(r));
if (overload != null)
overload.WriteLine("{0} = std::move(__{0});", ch.Stmt.wait.result.name);
if (ch.Stmt.body != null)
r = Compile(AsCodeBlock(ch.Stmt.body), cx.WithTarget(r), true).target;
if (r != null)
reachable = true;
if (cx.next.formalParameters.Length == 1)
r.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth"));
else {
Function overload = r.popOverload();
r.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call(ch.Stmt.wait.result.name, "loopDepth"));
if (overload != null) {
overload.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call(string.Format("std::move({0})", ch.Stmt.wait.result.name), "loopDepth"));
var cbFunc = new Function {
name = "callback_fire",
returnType = "void",
formalParameters = new string[] {
ch.CallbackTypeInStateClass + "*",
ch.Stmt.wait.result.type + " const& value"
endIsUnreachable = true
cbFunc.addOverload(ch.CallbackTypeInStateClass + "*", ch.Stmt.wait.result.type + " && value");
functions.Add(string.Format("{0}#{1}", cbFunc.name, ch.Index), cbFunc);
ProbeEnter(cbFunc, actor.name, ch.Index);
cbFunc.WriteLine("{0};", exitFunc.call());
Function _overload = cbFunc.popOverload();
TryCatch(cx.WithTarget(cbFunc), cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () => {
cbFunc.WriteLine("{0};", ch.Body.call("value", "0"));
}, false);
if (_overload != null) {
TryCatch(cx.WithTarget(_overload), cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () => {
_overload.WriteLine("{0};", ch.Body.call("std::move(value)", "0"));
}, false);
ProbeExit(cbFunc, actor.name, ch.Index);
var errFunc = new Function
name = "callback_error",
returnType = "void",
formalParameters = new string[] {
ch.CallbackTypeInStateClass + "*",
"Error err"
endIsUnreachable = true
functions.Add(string.Format("{0}#{1}", errFunc.name, ch.Index), errFunc);
ProbeEnter(errFunc, actor.name, ch.Index);
errFunc.WriteLine("{0};", exitFunc.call());
TryCatch(cx.WithTarget(errFunc), cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () =>
errFunc.WriteLine("{0};", cx.catchFErr.call("err", "0"));
}, false);
ProbeExit(errFunc, actor.name, ch.Index);
bool firstChoice = true;
foreach (var ch in choices)
string getFunc = ch.Stmt.wait.isWaitNext ? "pop" : "get";
LineNumber(cx.target, ch.Stmt.wait.FirstSourceLine);
cx.target.WriteLine("{2}<{3}> {0} = {1};", ch.Future, ch.Stmt.wait.futureExpression, ch.Stmt.wait.isWaitNext ? "FutureStream" : "StrictFuture", ch.Stmt.wait.result.type);
if (firstChoice)
// Do this check only after evaluating the expression for the first wait expression, so that expression cannot be short circuited by cancellation.
// So wait( expr() ) will always evaluate `expr()`, but choose { when ( wait(success( expr2() )) {} } need
// not evaluate `expr2()`.
firstChoice = false;
LineNumber(cx.target, stmt.FirstSourceLine);
if (actor.IsCancellable())
cx.target.WriteLine("if ({1}->actor_wait_state < 0) return {0};", cx.catchFErr.call("actor_cancelled()", AdjustLoopDepth(cx.tryLoopDepth)), This);
cx.target.WriteLine("if ({0}.isReady()) {{ if ({0}.isError()) return {2}; else return {1}; }};", ch.Future, ch.Body.call(ch.Future + "." + getFunc + "()", "loopDepth"), cx.catchFErr.call(ch.Future + ".getError()", AdjustLoopDepth(cx.tryLoopDepth)));
cx.target.WriteLine("{1}->actor_wait_state = {0};", group, This);
foreach (var ch in choices)
LineNumber(cx.target, ch.Stmt.wait.FirstSourceLine);
cx.target.WriteLine("{0}.addCallbackAndClear(static_cast<{1}*>({2}));", ch.Future, ch.CallbackTypeInStateClass, This);
cx.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = 0;");//cx.target.WriteLine("return 0;");
if (!reachable) cx.unreachable();
void CompileStatement(BreakStatement stmt, Context cx)
if (cx.breakF == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "break outside loop");
if (cx.breakF is LiteralBreak)
cx.target.WriteLine("{0};", cx.breakF.call());
cx.target.WriteLine("return {0}; // break", cx.breakF.call("loopDepth==0?0:loopDepth-1"));
void CompileStatement(ContinueStatement stmt, Context cx)
if (cx.continueF == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "continue outside loop");
if (cx.continueF is LiteralContinue)
cx.target.WriteLine("{0};", cx.continueF.call());
cx.target.WriteLine("return {0}; // continue", cx.continueF.call("loopDepth"));
void CompileStatement(WaitStatement stmt, Context cx)
var equiv = new ChooseStatement
body = new CodeBlock
statements = new Statement[] {
new WhenStatement {
wait = stmt,
body = null,
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine,
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine
FirstSourceLine = stmt.FirstSourceLine
if (!stmt.resultIsState) {
cx.next.formalParameters = new string[] {
string.Format("{0} const& {1}", stmt.result.type, stmt.result.name),
loopDepth };
string.Format("{0} && {1}", stmt.result.type, stmt.result.name),
CompileStatement(equiv, cx);
void CompileStatement(CodeBlock stmt, Context cx)
var end = Compile(stmt, cx, true);
if (end.target == null)
else if (end.target != cx.target)
end.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth"));
void CompileStatement(ReturnStatement stmt, Context cx)
LineNumber(cx.target, stmt.FirstSourceLine);
if ((stmt.expression == "") != (actor.returnType == null))
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "Return statement does not match actor declaration");
if (actor.returnType != null)
if (stmt.expression == "Never()")
// `return Never();` destroys state immediately but never returns to the caller
cx.target.WriteLine("this->~{0}();", stateClassName);
cx.target.WriteLine("{0}->sendAndDelPromiseRef(Never());", This);
// Short circuit if there are no futures outstanding, but still evaluate the expression
// if it has side effects
cx.target.WriteLine("if (!{0}->SAV<{1}>::futures) {{ (void)({2}); this->~{3}(); {0}->destroy(); return 0; }}", This, actor.returnType, stmt.expression, stateClassName);
// Build the return value directly in SAV<T>::value_storage
// If the expression is exactly the name of a state variable, std::move() it
if (state.Exists(s => s.name == stmt.expression))
cx.target.WriteLine("new (&{0}->SAV< {1} >::value()) {1}(std::move({2})); // state_var_RVO", This, actor.returnType, stmt.expression);
cx.target.WriteLine("new (&{0}->SAV< {1} >::value()) {1}({2});", This, actor.returnType, stmt.expression);
// Destruct state
cx.target.WriteLine("this->~{0}();", stateClassName);
// Tell SAV<T> to return the value we already constructed in value_storage
cx.target.WriteLine("{0}->finishSendAndDelPromiseRef();", This);
} else
cx.target.WriteLine("delete {0};", This);
cx.target.WriteLine("return 0;");
void CompileStatement(IfStatement stmt, Context cx)
bool useContinuation = WillContinue(stmt.ifBody) || WillContinue(stmt.elseBody);
LineNumber(cx.target, stmt.FirstSourceLine);
cx.target.WriteLine("if ({0})", stmt.expression);
Function ifTarget = Compile(AsCodeBlock(stmt.ifBody), cx, useContinuation).target;
if (useContinuation && ifTarget != null)
ifTarget.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth"));
Function elseTarget = null;
if (stmt.elseBody != null || useContinuation)
elseTarget = cx.target;
if (stmt.elseBody != null)
elseTarget = Compile(AsCodeBlock(stmt.elseBody), cx, useContinuation).target;
if (useContinuation && elseTarget != null)
elseTarget.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth"));
if (ifTarget == null && stmt.elseBody != null && elseTarget == null)
else if (!cx.next.wasCalled && useContinuation)
throw new Exception("Internal error: IfStatement: next not called?");
void CompileStatement(TryStatement stmt, Context cx)
bool reachable = false;
if (stmt.catches.Count != 1) throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "try statement must have exactly one catch clause");
var c = stmt.catches[0];
string catchErrorParameterName = "";
if (c.expression != "...") {
string exp = c.expression.Replace(" ","");
if (!exp.StartsWith("Error&"))
throw new Error(c.FirstSourceLine, "Only type 'Error' or '...' may be caught in an actor function");
catchErrorParameterName = exp.Substring(6);
if (catchErrorParameterName == "") catchErrorParameterName = "__current_error";
var catchFErr = getFunction(cx.target.name, "Catch", "const Error& " + catchErrorParameterName, loopDepth0);
catchFErr.exceptionParameterIs = catchErrorParameterName;
var end = TryCatchCompile(AsCodeBlock(stmt.tryBody), cx.WithCatch(catchFErr));
if (end.target != null) reachable = true;
if (end.target!=null)
TryCatch(end, cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () =>
end.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth")));
// Now to write the catch function
TryCatch(cx.WithTarget(catchFErr), cx.catchFErr, cx.tryLoopDepth, () =>
var cend = Compile(AsCodeBlock(c.body), cx.WithTarget(catchFErr), true);
if (cend.target != null) cend.target.WriteLine("loopDepth = {0};", cx.next.call("loopDepth"));
if (cend.target != null) reachable = true;
if (!reachable) cx.unreachable();
void CompileStatement(ThrowStatement stmt, Context cx)
LineNumber(cx.target, stmt.FirstSourceLine);
if (stmt.expression == "")
if (cx.target.exceptionParameterIs != null)
cx.target.WriteLine("return {0};", cx.catchFErr.call(cx.target.exceptionParameterIs, AdjustLoopDepth( cx.tryLoopDepth )));
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "throw statement with no expression has no current exception in scope");
cx.target.WriteLine("return {0};", cx.catchFErr.call(stmt.expression, AdjustLoopDepth( cx.tryLoopDepth )));
void CompileStatement(Statement stmt, Context cx)
// Use reflection for double dispatch. SOMEDAY: Use a Dictionary<string,Action<Statement,Context>> and expression trees to memoize
var method = typeof(ActorCompiler).GetMethod("CompileStatement",
null, new Type[] { stmt.GetType(), typeof(Context) }, null);
if (method == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "Statement type {0} not supported yet.", stmt.GetType().Name);
method.Invoke(this, new object[] { stmt, cx });
catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e)
if (!(e.InnerException is Error))
Console.Error.WriteLine("\tHit error <{0}> for statement type {1} at line {2}\n\tStack Trace:\n{3}",
e.InnerException.Message, stmt.GetType().Name, stmt.FirstSourceLine, e.InnerException.StackTrace);
throw e.InnerException;
// Compile returns a new context based on the one that is passed in, but (unlike CompileStatement)
// does not modify its parameter
// The target of the returned context is null if the end of the CodeBlock is unreachable (otherwise
// it is the target Function to which the end of the CodeBlock was written)
Context Compile(CodeBlock block, Context context, bool okToContinue=true)
var cx = context.Clone(); cx.next = null;
foreach (var stmt in block.statements)
if (cx.target == null)
throw new Error(stmt.FirstSourceLine, "Unreachable code.");
//Console.Error.WriteLine("\t(WARNING) Unreachable code at line {0}.", stmt.FirstSourceLine);
if (cx.next == null)
cx.next = getFunction(cx.target.name, "cont", loopDepth);
CompileStatement(stmt, cx);
if (cx.next.wasCalled)
if (cx.target == null) throw new Exception("Unreachable continuation called?");
if (!okToContinue) throw new Exception("Unexpected continuation");
cx.target = cx.next;
cx.next = null;
return cx;
Dictionary<string, Function> functions = new Dictionary<string, Function>();
void WriteFunctions(TextWriter writer)
foreach (var func in functions.Values)
string body = func.BodyText;
if (body.Length != 0)
WriteFunction(writer, func, body);
if (func.overload != null)
string overloadBody = func.overload.BodyText;
if (overloadBody.Length != 0)
WriteFunction(writer, func.overload, overloadBody);
private static void WriteFunction(TextWriter writer, Function func, string body)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "{0}{1}({2}){3}",
func.returnType == "" ? "" : func.returnType + " ",
string.Join(",", func.formalParameters),
func.specifiers == "" ? "" : " " + func.specifiers);
if (func.returnType != "")
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "{");
if (!func.endIsUnreachable)
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "\treturn loopDepth;");
writer.WriteLine(memberIndentStr + "}");
Function getFunction(string baseName, string addName, string[] formalParameters, string[] overloadFormalParameters)
string proposedName;
if (addName == "cont" && baseName.Length>=5 && baseName.Substring(baseName.Length - 5, 4) == "cont")
proposedName = baseName.Substring(0, baseName.Length - 1);
proposedName = baseName + addName;
int i = 0;
while (functions.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}{1}", proposedName, ++i))) ;
var f = new Function {
name = string.Format("{0}{1}", proposedName, i),
returnType = "int",
formalParameters = formalParameters
if (overloadFormalParameters != null) {
functions.Add(f.name, f);
return f;
Function getFunction(string baseName, string addName, params string[] formalParameters)
return getFunction(baseName, addName, formalParameters, null);
string[] ParameterList()
return actor.parameters.Select(p =>
// SOMEDAY: pass small built in types by value
if (p.initializer != "")
return string.Format("{0} const& {1} = {2}", p.type, p.name, p.initializer);
return string.Format("{0} const& {1}", p.type, p.name);
void WriteCancelFunc(TextWriter writer)
if (actor.IsCancellable())
Function cancelFunc = new Function
name = "cancel",
returnType = "void",
formalParameters = new string[] {},
endIsUnreachable = true,
publicName = true,
specifiers = "override"
cancelFunc.WriteLine("auto wait_state = this->actor_wait_state;");
cancelFunc.WriteLine("this->actor_wait_state = -1;");
cancelFunc.WriteLine("switch (wait_state) {");
int lastGroup = -1;
foreach (var cb in callbacks.OrderBy(cb => cb.CallbackGroup))
if (cb.CallbackGroup != lastGroup)
lastGroup = cb.CallbackGroup;
cancelFunc.WriteLine("case {0}: this->a_callback_error(({1}*)0, actor_cancelled()); break;", cb.CallbackGroup, cb.type);
WriteFunction(writer, cancelFunc, cancelFunc.BodyText);
void WriteConstructor(Function body, TextWriter writer, string fullStateClassName)
Function constructor = new Function
name = className,
returnType = "",
formalParameters = ParameterList(),
endIsUnreachable = true,
publicName = true
constructor.WriteLine( " : Actor<" + (actor.returnType == null ? "void" : actor.returnType) + ">()," );
constructor.WriteLine( " {0}({1})", fullStateClassName, string.Join(", ", actor.parameters.Select(p => p.name)));
ProbeEnter(constructor, actor.name);
constructor.WriteLine("#ifdef ENABLE_SAMPLING");
constructor.WriteLine("this->lineage.setActorName(\"{0}\");", actor.name);
constructor.WriteLine("LineageScope _(&this->lineage);");
// constructor.WriteLine("getCurrentLineage()->modify(&StackLineage::actorName) = LiteralStringRef(\"{0}\");", actor.name);
constructor.WriteLine("this->{0};", body.call());
ProbeExit(constructor, actor.name);
WriteFunction(writer, constructor, constructor.BodyText);
void WriteStateConstructor(TextWriter writer)
Function constructor = new Function
name = stateClassName,
returnType = "",
formalParameters = ParameterList(),
endIsUnreachable = true,
publicName = true
string ini = null;
int line = actor.SourceLine;
var initializers = state.AsEnumerable();
foreach (var s in initializers)
if (s.initializer != null)
LineNumber(constructor, line);
if (ini != null)
constructor.WriteLine(ini + ",");
ini = " ";
ini = " : ";
ini += string.Format("{0}({1})", s.name, s.initializer);
line = s.SourceLine;
LineNumber(constructor, line);
if (ini != null)
ProbeCreate(constructor, actor.name);
WriteFunction(writer, constructor, constructor.BodyText);
void WriteStateDestructor(TextWriter writer) {
Function destructor = new Function
name = String.Format("~{0}", stateClassName),
returnType = "",
formalParameters = new string[0],
endIsUnreachable = true,
publicName = true,
ProbeDestroy(destructor, actor.name);
WriteFunction(writer, destructor, destructor.BodyText);
IEnumerable<Statement> Flatten(Statement stmt)
if (stmt == null) return new Statement[] { };
var fl = new TypeSwitch<IEnumerable<Statement>>(stmt)
.Case<LoopStatement>(s => Flatten(s.body))
.Case<WhileStatement>(s => Flatten(s.body))
.Case<ForStatement>(s => Flatten(s.body))
.Case<RangeForStatement>(s => Flatten(s.body))
.Case<CodeBlock>(s => s.statements.SelectMany(t=>Flatten(t)))
.Case<IfStatement>( s => Flatten(s.ifBody).Concat(Flatten(s.elseBody)) )
.Case<ChooseStatement>( s => Flatten(s.body) )
.Case<WhenStatement>( s => Flatten(s.body) )
.Case<TryStatement>( s => Flatten(s.tryBody).Concat( s.catches.SelectMany(c=>Flatten(c.body)) ) )
.Case<Statement>(s => Enumerable.Empty<Statement>())
return new Statement[]{stmt}.Concat(fl);
void FindState()
state = actor.parameters
p=>new StateVar { SourceLine = actor.SourceLine, name=p.name, type=p.type, initializer=p.name, initializerConstructorSyntax=false } )
// Generate an expression equivalent to max(0, loopDepth-subtract) for the given constant subtract
string AdjustLoopDepth(int subtract)
if (subtract == 0)
return "loopDepth";
return string.Format("std::max(0, loopDepth - {0})", subtract);