
3624 lines
134 KiB

* BlobGranuleFiles.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleFiles.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobCipher.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleCommon.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClientKnobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbclient/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h" // for allKeys unit test - could remove
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/CompressionUtils.h"
#include "flow/DeterministicRandom.h"
#include "flow/EncryptUtils.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/Knobs.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/serialize.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/xxhash.h"
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream> // for perf microbenchmark
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#define BG_READ_DEBUG false
#define BG_FILES_TEST_DEBUG false
// Implements granule file parsing and materialization with normal c++ functions (non-actors) so that this can be used
// outside the FDB network thread.
// File Format stuff
// Version info for file format of chunked files.
// TODO combine with SystemData? These don't actually have to match though
const uint8_t SNAPSHOT_FILE_TYPE = 'S';
const uint8_t DELTA_FILE_TYPE = 'D';
// Deltas in key order
// For key-ordered delta files, the format for both sets and range clears is that you store boundaries ordered by key.
// Each boundary has a corresponding key, zero or more versioned updates (ValueAndVersionRef), and optionally a clear
// from keyAfter(key) to the next boundary, at a version.
// A streaming merge is more efficient than applying deltas one by one to restore to a later version from the snapshot.
// The concept of this versioned mutation boundaries is repurposed directly from a prior version of redwood, back when
// it supported versioned data.
struct ValueAndVersionRef {
Version version;
MutationRef::Type op; // only set/clear
ValueRef value; // only present for set
ValueAndVersionRef() {}
// create clear
explicit ValueAndVersionRef(Version version) : version(version), op(MutationRef::Type::ClearRange) {}
// create set
explicit ValueAndVersionRef(Version version, ValueRef value)
: version(version), op(MutationRef::Type::SetValue), value(value) {}
ValueAndVersionRef(Arena& arena, const ValueAndVersionRef& copyFrom)
: version(copyFrom.version), op(copyFrom.op), value(arena, copyFrom.value) {}
bool isSet() const { return op == MutationRef::SetValue; }
bool isClear() const { return op == MutationRef::ClearRange; }
int totalSize() const { return sizeof(ValueAndVersionRef) + value.size(); }
int expectedSize() const { return value.size(); }
struct OrderByVersion {
bool operator()(ValueAndVersionRef const& a, ValueAndVersionRef const& b) const {
return a.version < b.version;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, version, op, value);
// Effectively the single DeltaBoundaryRef reduced to one update, but also with the key and clear after information.
// Sometimes at a given version, the boundary may only be necessary to represent a clear version after this key, or just
// an update/clear to this key, or both.
struct ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef {
KeyRef key;
MutationRef::Type op; // SetValue, ClearRange, or NoOp
ValueRef value; // null unless op == SetValue
bool clearAfter;
// op constructor
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef() {}
explicit ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(KeyRef key, bool clearAfter, const ValueAndVersionRef& valueAndVersion)
: key(key), op(valueAndVersion.op), value(valueAndVersion.value), clearAfter(clearAfter) {}
// noop constructor
explicit ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(KeyRef key, bool clearAfter)
: key(key), op(MutationRef::Type::NoOp), clearAfter(clearAfter) {}
// from snapshot set constructor
explicit ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(const KeyValueRef& kv)
: key(kv.key), op(MutationRef::Type::SetValue), value(kv.value), clearAfter(false) {}
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(Arena& arena, const ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef& copyFrom)
: key(arena, copyFrom.key), op(copyFrom.op), clearAfter(copyFrom.clearAfter) {
if (copyFrom.isSet()) {
value = StringRef(arena, copyFrom.value);
bool isSet() const { return op == MutationRef::SetValue; }
bool isClear() const { return op == MutationRef::ClearRange; }
bool isNoOp() const { return op == MutationRef::NoOp; }
bool redundant(bool prevClearAfter) const { return op == MutationRef::Type::NoOp && clearAfter == prevClearAfter; }
struct DeltaBoundaryRef {
// key
KeyRef key;
// updates to exactly this key
VectorRef<ValueAndVersionRef> values;
// clear version from keyAfter(key) up to the next boundary
Optional<Version> clearVersion;
DeltaBoundaryRef() {}
DeltaBoundaryRef(Arena& ar, const DeltaBoundaryRef& copyFrom)
: key(ar, copyFrom.key), values(ar, copyFrom.values), clearVersion(copyFrom.clearVersion) {}
int totalSize() { return sizeof(DeltaBoundaryRef) + key.expectedSize() + values.expectedSize(); }
int expectedSize() const { return key.expectedSize() + values.expectedSize(); }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, values, clearVersion);
struct GranuleSortedDeltas {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 8183903;
VectorRef<DeltaBoundaryRef> boundaries;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, boundaries);
struct ChildBlockPointerRef {
StringRef key;
uint32_t offset;
ChildBlockPointerRef() {}
explicit ChildBlockPointerRef(StringRef key, uint32_t offset) : key(key), offset(offset) {}
explicit ChildBlockPointerRef(Arena& arena, StringRef key, uint32_t offset) : key(arena, key), offset(offset) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, offset);
struct OrderByKey {
bool operator()(ChildBlockPointerRef const& a, ChildBlockPointerRef const& b) const { return a.key < b.key; }
struct OrderByKeyCommonPrefix {
int prefixLen;
OrderByKeyCommonPrefix(int prefixLen) : prefixLen(prefixLen) {}
bool operator()(ChildBlockPointerRef const& a, ChildBlockPointerRef const& b) const {
return a.key.compareSuffix(b.key, prefixLen);
namespace {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys getEncryptBlobCipherKey(const BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeysCtx) {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys eKeys;
// Cipher key reconstructed is 'never' inserted into BlobCipherKey cache, choose 'neverExpire'
eKeys.textCipherKey = makeReference<BlobCipherKey>(cipherKeysCtx.textCipherKey.encryptDomainId,
eKeys.headerCipherKey = makeReference<BlobCipherKey>(cipherKeysCtx.headerCipherKey.encryptDomainId,
return eKeys;
void validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(const BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys& eKeys,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
const StringRef& ivRef) {
// Validate encryption header 'cipherHeader' details sanity
if (header.cipherHeaderDetails.isValid() && header.cipherHeaderDetails != eKeys.headerCipherKey->details()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "EncryptionHeader_CipherHeaderMismatch")
.detail("HeaderDomainId", eKeys.headerCipherKey->getDomainId())
.detail("ExpectedHeaderDomainId", header.cipherHeaderDetails.encryptDomainId)
.detail("HeaderBaseCipherId", eKeys.headerCipherKey->getBaseCipherId())
.detail("ExpectedHeaderBaseCipherId", header.cipherHeaderDetails.baseCipherId)
.detail("HeaderSalt", eKeys.headerCipherKey->getSalt())
.detail("ExpectedHeaderSalt", header.cipherHeaderDetails.salt);
throw encrypt_header_metadata_mismatch();
// Validate encryption header 'cipherText' details sanity
if (!header.cipherTextDetails.isValid() || header.cipherTextDetails != eKeys.textCipherKey->details()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "EncryptionHeader_CipherTextMismatch")
.detail("TextDomainId", eKeys.textCipherKey->getDomainId())
.detail("ExpectedTextDomainId", header.cipherTextDetails.encryptDomainId)
.detail("TextBaseCipherId", eKeys.textCipherKey->getBaseCipherId())
.detail("ExpectedTextBaseCipherId", header.cipherTextDetails.baseCipherId)
.detail("TextSalt", eKeys.textCipherKey->getSalt())
.detail("ExpectedTextSalt", header.cipherTextDetails.salt);
throw encrypt_header_metadata_mismatch();
// Validate 'Initialization Vector' sanity
if (memcmp(ivRef.begin(), &header.iv[0], AES_256_IV_LENGTH) != 0) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "EncryptionHeader_IVMismatch")
.detail("IVChecksum", XXH3_64bits(ivRef.begin(), ivRef.size()))
.detail("ExpectedIVChecksum", XXH3_64bits(&header.iv[0], AES_256_IV_LENGTH));
throw encrypt_header_metadata_mismatch();
void validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(const BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys& eKeys,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef& headerRef,
const StringRef& ivRef) {
eKeys.headerCipherKey.isValid() ? eKeys.headerCipherKey->details()
: BlobCipherDetails(),
} // namespace
struct IndexBlock {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 6525412;
// Serializable fields
VectorRef<ChildBlockPointerRef> children;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, children);
struct IndexBlockRef {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 1945731;
// Serialized fields
Optional<StringRef> encryptHeaderRef;
// Encrypted/unencrypted IndexBlock
StringRef buffer;
// Non-serializable fields
IndexBlock block;
void encrypt(const BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeysCtx, Arena& arena) {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys eKeys = getEncryptBlobCipherKey(cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(eKeys.headerCipherKey.isValid() && eKeys.textCipherKey.isValid());
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(buffer.begin(), buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "IndexBlockEncrypt_Before").detail("Chksum", chksum);
Value serializedBuff = ObjectWriter::toValue(block, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr encryptor(
BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef headerRef;
buffer = encryptor.encrypt(
serializedBuff.contents().begin(), serializedBuff.contents().size(), &headerRef, arena);
Standalone<StringRef> serialized = BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef::toStringRef(headerRef);
encryptHeaderRef = serialized;
} else {
BlobCipherEncryptHeader header;
buffer =
encryptor.encrypt(serializedBuff.contents().begin(), serializedBuff.contents().size(), &header, arena)
encryptHeaderRef = BlobCipherEncryptHeader::toStringRef(header, arena);
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(buffer.begin(), buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "IndexBlockEncrypt_After").detail("Chksum", chksum);
static void decrypt(const BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeysCtx, IndexBlockRef& idxRef, Arena& arena) {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys eKeys = getEncryptBlobCipherKey(cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(eKeys.headerCipherKey.isValid() && eKeys.textCipherKey.isValid());
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(idxRef.buffer.begin(), idxRef.buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "IndexBlockEncrypt_Before").detail("Chksum", chksum);
StringRef decrypted;
BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef headerRef =
validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(eKeys, headerRef, cipherKeysCtx.ivRef);
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr decryptor(eKeys.textCipherKey,
decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(idxRef.buffer.begin(), idxRef.buffer.size(), headerRef, arena);
} else {
BlobCipherEncryptHeader header = BlobCipherEncryptHeader::fromStringRef(idxRef.encryptHeaderRef.get());
validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(eKeys, header, cipherKeysCtx.ivRef);
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr decryptor(eKeys.textCipherKey,
decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(idxRef.buffer.begin(), idxRef.buffer.size(), header, arena)->toStringRef();
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(decrypted.begin(), decrypted.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "IndexBlockEncrypt_After").detail("Chksum", chksum);
ObjectReader dataReader(decrypted.begin(), IncludeVersion());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<IndexBlock>::value, idxRef.block, arena);
void init(Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx, Arena& arena) {
if (encryptHeaderRef.present()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "reading encrypted chunked file");
decrypt(cipherKeysCtx.get(), *this, arena);
} else {
TraceEvent("IndexBlockSize").detail("Sz", buffer.size());
ObjectReader dataReader(buffer.begin(), IncludeVersion());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<IndexBlock>::value, block, arena);
void finalize(Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx, Arena& arena) {
if (cipherKeysCtx.present()) {
// IndexBlock childBlock pointers offsets are relative to IndexBlock endOffset instead of file start offset.
// Compressing indexBlock will need offset recalculation (circular depedency). IndexBlock size is bounded by
// number of chunks and sizeof(KeyPrefix), 'not' compressing IndexBlock shouldn't cause significant file
// size bloat.
CODE_PROBE(true, "encrypting index block");
encrypt(cipherKeysCtx.get(), arena);
} else {
buffer = StringRef(
arena, ObjectWriter::toValue(block, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile())).contents());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "IndexBlockSize")
.detail("Sz", buffer.size())
.detail("Encrypted", cipherKeysCtx.present());
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, encryptHeaderRef, buffer);
// On-disk and/or in-memory representation of a IndexBlobGranuleFile 'chunk'.
// Encryption: A 'chunk' gets encrypted before getting persisted if enabled. Encryption header is persisted along with
// the chunk data to assist decryption on reads.
// Compression: A 'chunk' gets compressed before getting persisted if enabled. Compression filter (algorithm)
// information is persisted as part of 'chunk metadata' to assist decompression on reads.
struct IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 2814019;
// Serialized fields
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressionFilter;
Optional<StringRef> encryptHeaderRef;
// encrypted and/or compressed chunk;
StringRef buffer;
// Non-serialized
Optional<StringRef> chunkBytes;
static void encrypt(const BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx& cipherKeysCtx,
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef& chunkRef,
Arena& arena) {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys eKeys = getEncryptBlobCipherKey(cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(eKeys.headerCipherKey.isValid() && eKeys.textCipherKey.isValid());
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "BlobChunkEncrypt_Before").detail("Chksum", chksum);
EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr encryptor(
BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef headerRef;
chunkRef.buffer = encryptor.encrypt(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size(), &headerRef, arena);
Standalone<StringRef> serialized = BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef::toStringRef(headerRef);
chunkRef.encryptHeaderRef = serialized;
} else {
BlobCipherEncryptHeader header;
chunkRef.buffer =
encryptor.encrypt(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size(), &header, arena)->toStringRef();
chunkRef.encryptHeaderRef = BlobCipherEncryptHeader::toStringRef(header, arena);
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "BlobChunkEncrypt_After").detail("Chksum", chksum);
static StringRef decrypt(const BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx& cipherKeysCtx,
const IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef& chunkRef,
Arena& arena) {
BlobGranuleFileEncryptionKeys eKeys = getEncryptBlobCipherKey(cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(eKeys.headerCipherKey.isValid() && eKeys.textCipherKey.isValid());
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "BlobChunkDecrypt_Before").detail("Chksum", chksum);
StringRef decrypted;
BlobCipherEncryptHeaderRef headerRef =
validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(eKeys, headerRef, cipherKeysCtx.ivRef);
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr decryptor(eKeys.textCipherKey,
decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size(), headerRef, arena);
} else {
BlobCipherEncryptHeader header = BlobCipherEncryptHeader::fromStringRef(chunkRef.encryptHeaderRef.get());
validateEncryptionHeaderDetails(eKeys, header, cipherKeysCtx.ivRef);
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr decryptor(eKeys.textCipherKey,
decrypted =
decryptor.decrypt(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size(), header, arena)->toStringRef();
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(decrypted.begin(), decrypted.size());
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "BlobChunkDecrypt_After").detail("Chksum", chksum);
return decrypted;
static void compress(IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef& chunkRef,
const Value& chunk,
const CompressionFilter compFilter,
Arena& arena) {
chunkRef.compressionFilter = compFilter;
chunkRef.buffer = CompressionUtils::compress(chunkRef.compressionFilter.get(),
XXH64_hash_t chunkChksum = XXH3_64bits(chunk.contents().begin(), chunk.contents().size());
XXH64_hash_t chksum = XXH3_64bits(chunkRef.buffer.begin(), chunkRef.buffer.size());
.detail("Filter", CompressionUtils::toString(chunkRef.compressionFilter.get()))
.detail("ChkSumBefore", chunkChksum)
.detail("ChkSumAfter", chksum);
static StringRef decompress(const IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef& chunkRef, Arena& arena) {
return CompressionUtils::decompress(chunkRef.compressionFilter.get(), chunkRef.chunkBytes.get(), arena);
static Value toBytes(Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compFilter,
const Value& chunk,
Arena& arena) {
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef chunkRef;
if (compFilter.present()) {
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::compress(chunkRef, chunk, compFilter.get(), arena);
} else {
chunkRef.buffer = StringRef(arena, chunk.contents());
if (cipherKeysCtx.present()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "encrypting granule chunk");
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::encrypt(cipherKeysCtx.get(), chunkRef, arena);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "GenerateBlobGranuleFileChunk")
.detail("Encrypt", cipherKeysCtx.present())
.detail("Compress", compFilter.present())
compFilter.present() ? CompressionUtils::toString(compFilter.get())
: CompressionUtils::toString(CompressionFilter::NONE));
return ObjectWriter::toValue(chunkRef, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
static IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef fromBytes(Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
StringRef buffer,
Arena& arena) {
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef chunkRef;
ObjectReader dataReader(buffer.begin(), IncludeVersion());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef>::value, chunkRef, arena);
if (chunkRef.encryptHeaderRef.present()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "reading encrypted file chunk");
chunkRef.chunkBytes = IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::decrypt(cipherKeysCtx.get(), chunkRef, arena);
} else {
chunkRef.chunkBytes = chunkRef.buffer;
if (chunkRef.compressionFilter.present()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "reading compressed file chunk");
chunkRef.chunkBytes = IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::decompress(chunkRef, arena);
} else if (!chunkRef.chunkBytes.present()) {
// 'Encryption' & 'Compression' aren't enabled.
chunkRef.chunkBytes = chunkRef.buffer;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ParseBlobGranuleFileChunk")
.detail("Encrypted", chunkRef.encryptHeaderRef.present())
.detail("Compressed", chunkRef.compressionFilter.present())
? CompressionUtils::toString(chunkRef.compressionFilter.get())
: CompressionUtils::toString(CompressionFilter::NONE));
return chunkRef;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, compressionFilter, encryptHeaderRef, buffer);
* A file header for a key-ordered file that is chunked on disk, where each chunk is a disjoint key range of data.
struct IndexedBlobGranuleFile {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 3828201;
// serialized fields
uint16_t formatVersion;
uint8_t fileType;
Optional<StringRef> filter; // not used currently
IndexBlockRef indexBlockRef;
int chunkStartOffset;
// Non-serialized member fields
StringRef fileBytes;
void init(uint8_t fType, const Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
fileType = fType;
chunkStartOffset = -1;
void init(const StringRef& fBytes, Arena& arena, const Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
ASSERT(chunkStartOffset > 0);
fileBytes = fBytes;
indexBlockRef.init(cipherKeysCtx, arena);
static Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> fromFileBytes(const StringRef& fileBytes,
const Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
// parse index block at head of file
Arena arena;
IndexedBlobGranuleFile file;
ObjectReader dataReader(fileBytes.begin(), IncludeVersion());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<IndexedBlobGranuleFile>::value, file, arena);
file.init(fileBytes, arena, cipherKeysCtx);
// do sanity checks
if (file.formatVersion > LATEST_BG_FORMAT_VERSION || file.formatVersion < MIN_SUPPORTED_BG_FORMAT_VERSION) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobGranuleFileInvalidFormatVersion")
.detail("FoundFormatVersion", file.formatVersion)
.detail("LatestSupported", LATEST_BG_FORMAT_VERSION);
throw unsupported_format_version();
ASSERT(file.fileType == SNAPSHOT_FILE_TYPE || file.fileType == DELTA_FILE_TYPE);
return Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile>(file, arena);
ChildBlockPointerRef* findStartBlock(const KeyRef& beginKey) const {
ChildBlockPointerRef searchKey(beginKey, 0);
ChildBlockPointerRef* startBlock = (ChildBlockPointerRef*)std::lower_bound(indexBlockRef.block.children.begin(),
if (startBlock != indexBlockRef.block.children.end() && startBlock != indexBlockRef.block.children.begin() &&
beginKey < startBlock->key) {
} else if (startBlock == indexBlockRef.block.children.end()) {
return startBlock;
// FIXME: implement some sort of iterator type interface?
template <class ChildType>
Standalone<ChildType> getChild(const ChildBlockPointerRef* childPointer,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
int startOffset) {
ASSERT(childPointer != indexBlockRef.block.children.end());
const ChildBlockPointerRef* nextPointer = childPointer + 1;
ASSERT(nextPointer != indexBlockRef.block.children.end());
size_t blockSize = nextPointer->offset - childPointer->offset;
// Account for IndexBlockRef size for chunk offset computation
StringRef childData(fileBytes.begin() + childPointer->offset + startOffset, blockSize);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "GetChild")
.detail("BlkSize", blockSize)
.detail("Offset", childPointer->offset)
.detail("StartOffset", chunkStartOffset);
Arena childArena;
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef chunkRef =
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::fromBytes(cipherKeysCtx, childData, childArena);
// TODO implement some sort of decrypted+decompressed+deserialized cache, if this object gets reused?
BinaryReader br(chunkRef.chunkBytes.get(), IncludeVersion());
Standalone<ChildType> child;
br >> child;
return child;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, formatVersion, fileType, filter, indexBlockRef, chunkStartOffset);
// Since ObjectReader doesn't update read offset after reading, we have to make the block offsets absolute offsets by
// serializing once, adding the serialized size to each offset, and serializing again. This relies on the fact that
// ObjectWriter/flatbuffers uses fixed size integers instead of variable size.
Value serializeIndexBlock(Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile>& file, Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
file.indexBlockRef.finalize(cipherKeysCtx, file.arena());
Value serialized = ObjectWriter::toValue(file, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
file.chunkStartOffset = serialized.contents().size();
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SerializeIndexBlock").detail("StartOffset", file.chunkStartOffset);
return ObjectWriter::toValue(file, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
Value serializeFileFromChunks(Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile>& file,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
std::vector<Value>& chunks,
int previousChunkBytes) {
Value indexBlockBytes = serializeIndexBlock(file, cipherKeysCtx);
int32_t indexSize = indexBlockBytes.size();
chunks[0] = indexBlockBytes;
// TODO: write this directly to stream to avoid extra copy?
Arena ret;
size_t size = indexSize + previousChunkBytes;
uint8_t* buffer = new (ret) uint8_t[size];
uint8_t* bufferStart = buffer;
int idx = 0;
for (auto& it : chunks) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SerializeFile")
.detail("ChunkIdx", idx++)
.detail("Size", it.size())
.detail("Offset", buffer - bufferStart);
buffer = it.copyTo(buffer);
ASSERT(size == buffer - bufferStart);
return Standalone<StringRef>(StringRef(bufferStart, size), ret);
// TODO: this should probably be in actor file with yields? - move writing logic to separate actor file in server?
// TODO: optimize memory copying
// TODO: sanity check no oversized files
Value serializeChunkedSnapshot(const Standalone<StringRef>& fileNameRef,
const Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>& snapshot,
int targetChunkBytes,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressFilter,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
bool isSnapshotSorted) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SerializeChunkedSnapshot")
.detail("FileName", fileNameRef.toString())
.detail("Encrypted", cipherKeysCtx.present())
.detail("Compressed", compressFilter.present());
CODE_PROBE(compressFilter.present(), "serializing compressed snapshot file");
CODE_PROBE(cipherKeysCtx.present(), "serializing encrypted snapshot file");
Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> file;
file.init(SNAPSHOT_FILE_TYPE, cipherKeysCtx);
size_t currentChunkBytesEstimate = 0;
size_t previousChunkBytes = 0;
std::vector<Value> chunks;
chunks.push_back(Value()); // dummy value for index block
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> currentChunk;
for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.size(); i++) {
// TODO REMOVE sanity check
if (i > 0 && isSnapshotSorted) {
ASSERT(snapshot[i - 1].key < snapshot[i].key);
currentChunk.push_back_deep(currentChunk.arena(), snapshot[i]);
currentChunkBytesEstimate += snapshot[i].expectedSize();
if (currentChunkBytesEstimate >= targetChunkBytes || i == snapshot.size() - 1) {
Value serialized =
BinaryWriter::toValue(currentChunk, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
Value chunkBytes =
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::toBytes(cipherKeysCtx, compressFilter, serialized, file.arena());
// TODO remove validation
if (!file.indexBlockRef.block.children.empty() && isSnapshotSorted) {
ASSERT(file.indexBlockRef.block.children.back().key < currentChunk.begin()->key);
file.arena(), currentChunk.begin()->key, previousChunkBytes);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ChunkSize")
.detail("ChunkBytes", chunkBytes.size())
.detail("PrvChunkBytes", previousChunkBytes);
previousChunkBytes += chunkBytes.size();
currentChunkBytesEstimate = 0;
currentChunk = Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>();
// push back dummy last chunk to get last chunk size, and to know last key in last block without having to read it
if (!snapshot.empty()) {
file.arena(), keyAfter(snapshot.back().key), previousChunkBytes);
return serializeFileFromChunks(file, cipherKeysCtx, chunks, previousChunkBytes);
// TODO: use redwood prefix trick to optimize cpu comparison
static Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> loadSnapshotFile(
const Standalone<StringRef>& fileName,
const StringRef& snapshotData,
const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> results;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "LoadChunkedSnapshot")
.detail("FileName", fileName.toString())
.detail("RangeBegin", keyRange.begin.printable())
.detail("RangeEnd", keyRange.end.printable())
.detail("Encrypted", cipherKeysCtx.present());
Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> file = IndexedBlobGranuleFile::fromFileBytes(snapshotData, cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(file.chunkStartOffset > 0);
// empty snapshot file
if (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.empty()) {
return results;
ASSERT(file.indexBlockRef.block.children.size() >= 2);
// find range of blocks needed to read
ChildBlockPointerRef* currentBlock = file.findStartBlock(keyRange.begin);
if (currentBlock == (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.end() - 1) || keyRange.end <= currentBlock->key) {
return results;
bool lastBlock = false;
// FIXME: shared prefix for key comparison
while (!lastBlock) {
auto nextBlock = currentBlock;
lastBlock = (nextBlock == (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.end() - 1)) || (keyRange.end <= nextBlock->key);
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> dataBlock =
file.getChild<GranuleSnapshot>(currentBlock, cipherKeysCtx, file.chunkStartOffset);
ASSERT(currentBlock->key == dataBlock.front().key);
bool anyRows = false;
for (auto& entry : dataBlock) {
if (!results.empty() && !lastBlock) {
// no key comparisons needed
results.emplace_back(results.arena(), entry);
anyRows = true;
} else if ((!results.empty() || entry.key >= keyRange.begin) && (!lastBlock || entry.key < keyRange.end)) {
results.emplace_back(results.arena(), entry);
anyRows = true;
} else if (!results.empty() && lastBlock) {
if (anyRows) {
return results;
typedef std::map<Key, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>> SortedDeltasT;
// FIXME: optimize all of this with common prefix comparison stuff
SortedDeltasT::iterator insertMutationBoundary(SortedDeltasT& deltasByKey, const KeyRef& boundary) {
// Find the first split point in buffer that is >= key
auto it = deltasByKey.lower_bound(boundary);
// Since the map contains fileRange already, we had to have found something
ASSERT(it != deltasByKey.end());
if (it->first == boundary) {
return it;
// new boundary, using find as insert hint
it = deltasByKey.insert(it, { boundary, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>() });
// look back at previous entry to see if this boundary is already cleared to at a prior version
ASSERT(it != deltasByKey.begin());
auto itPrev = it;
if (itPrev->second.clearVersion.present()) {
it->second.clearVersion = itPrev->second.clearVersion;
it->second.values.push_back(it->second.arena(), ValueAndVersionRef(it->second.clearVersion.get()));
return it;
void updateMutationBoundary(Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>& boundary, const ValueAndVersionRef& update) {
if (update.isSet()) {
if (boundary.values.empty() || boundary.values.back().version < update.version) {
// duplicate same set even if it's the same as the last one, so beginVersion reads still get updates
boundary.values.push_back(boundary.arena(), update);
} else {
CODE_PROBE(true, "multiple boundary updates at same version (set)");
// preserve inter-mutation order by replacing this one
boundary.values.back() = update;
} else {
if (boundary.values.empty() ||
(boundary.values.back().isSet() && boundary.values.back().version < update.version)) {
// don't duplicate single-key clears in order if previous was also a clear, since it's a no-op when starting
// with beginVersion
boundary.values.push_back(boundary.arena(), update);
} else if (!boundary.values.empty() && boundary.values.back().version == update.version) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "multiple boundary updates at same version (clear)");
if (boundary.values.back().isSet()) {
// if the last 2 updates were clear @ v1 and set @ v2, and we now have a clear at v2, just pop off the
// set and leave the previous clear. Otherwise, just set the last set to a clear
if (boundary.values.size() >= 2 && boundary.values[boundary.values.size() - 2].isClear()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "clear then set/clear at same version optimization");
} else {
boundary.values.back() = update;
} // else we have 2 consecutive clears at this version, no-op
void insertSortedDelta(const MutationRef& m,
const Version version,
const KeyRangeRef& fileRange,
SortedDeltasT& deltasByKey) {
// TODO REMOVE validation
if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
ASSERT(m.param2 <= fileRange.end);
// handle single key clear more efficiently
if (equalsKeyAfter(m.param1, m.param2)) {
SortedDeltasT::iterator key = insertMutationBoundary(deltasByKey, m.param1);
updateMutationBoundary(key->second, ValueAndVersionRef(version));
} else {
// Update each boundary in the cleared range
SortedDeltasT::iterator begin = insertMutationBoundary(deltasByKey, m.param1);
SortedDeltasT::iterator end = insertMutationBoundary(deltasByKey, m.param2);
while (begin != end) {
// Set the rangeClearedVersion if not set
if (!begin->second.clearVersion.present()) {
begin->second.clearVersion = version;
// Add a clear to values if it's empty or the last item is not a clear
if (begin->second.values.empty() || begin->second.values.back().isSet()) {
updateMutationBoundary(begin->second, ValueAndVersionRef(version));
} else {
Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>& bound = insertMutationBoundary(deltasByKey, m.param1)->second;
updateMutationBoundary(bound, ValueAndVersionRef(version, m.param2));
// TODO: investigate more cpu-efficient sorting methods. Potential options:
// 1) Replace std::map with ART mutation buffer
// 2) sort updates and clear endpoints by (key, version), and keep track of active clears.
void sortDeltasByKey(const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& deltasByVersion,
const KeyRangeRef& fileRange,
SortedDeltasT& deltasByKey) {
if (deltasByVersion.empty()) {
if (deltasByKey.empty()) {
deltasByKey.insert({ fileRange.begin, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>() });
deltasByKey.insert({ fileRange.end, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>() });
for (auto& it : deltasByVersion) {
for (auto& m : it.mutations) {
insertSortedDelta(m, it.version, fileRange, deltasByKey);
// TODO: could do a scan through map and coalesce clears (if any boundaries with exactly 1 mutation (clear) and same
// clearVersion as previous guy)
void sortDeltasByKey(const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& deltasByVersion, const KeyRangeRef& fileRange) {
SortedDeltasT deltasByKey;
sortDeltasByKey(deltasByVersion, fileRange, deltasByKey);
// FIXME: Could maybe reduce duplicated code between this and chunkedSnapshot for chunking
Value serializeChunkedDeltaFile(const Standalone<StringRef>& fileNameRef,
const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& deltas,
const KeyRangeRef& fileRange,
int chunkSize,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressFilter,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "SerializeChunkedDelta")
.detail("Filename", fileNameRef.toString())
.detail("RangeBegin", fileRange.begin.printable())
.detail("RangeEnd", fileRange.end.printable())
.detail("Encrypted", cipherKeysCtx.present())
.detail("Compressed", compressFilter.present());
CODE_PROBE(compressFilter.present(), "serializing compressed delta file");
CODE_PROBE(cipherKeysCtx.present(), "serializing encrypted delta file");
Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> file;
file.init(DELTA_FILE_TYPE, cipherKeysCtx);
// build in-memory version of boundaries - TODO separate functions
SortedDeltasT boundaries;
sortDeltasByKey(deltas, fileRange, boundaries);
std::vector<Value> chunks;
chunks.push_back(Value()); // dummy value for index block
Standalone<GranuleSortedDeltas> currentChunk;
size_t currentChunkBytesEstimate = 0;
size_t previousChunkBytes = 0;
// TODO REMOVE - for validation
KeyRef lastKey;
int i = 0;
for (auto& it : boundaries) {
// TODO REMOVE sanity check
if (i > 0) {
ASSERT(lastKey < it.first);
lastKey = it.first;
it.second.key = it.first;
currentChunk.boundaries.push_back_deep(currentChunk.arena(), it.second);
currentChunkBytesEstimate += it.second.totalSize();
if (currentChunkBytesEstimate >= chunkSize || i == boundaries.size() - 1) {
Value serialized =
BinaryWriter::toValue(currentChunk, IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
Value chunkBytes =
IndexBlobGranuleFileChunkRef::toBytes(cipherKeysCtx, compressFilter, serialized, file.arena());
// TODO remove validation
if (!file.indexBlockRef.block.children.empty()) {
ASSERT(file.indexBlockRef.block.children.back().key < currentChunk.boundaries.begin()->key);
file.arena(), currentChunk.boundaries.begin()->key, previousChunkBytes);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ChunkSize")
.detail("ChunkBytes", chunkBytes.size())
.detail("PrvChunkBytes", previousChunkBytes);
previousChunkBytes += chunkBytes.size();
currentChunkBytesEstimate = 0;
currentChunk = Standalone<GranuleSortedDeltas>();
if (!deltas.empty()) {
file.indexBlockRef.block.children.emplace_back_deep(file.arena(), fileRange.end, previousChunkBytes);
return serializeFileFromChunks(file, cipherKeysCtx, chunks, previousChunkBytes);
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef deltaAtVersion(const DeltaBoundaryRef& delta, Version beginVersion, Version readVersion) {
bool clearAfter = delta.clearVersion.present() && readVersion >= delta.clearVersion.get() &&
beginVersion <= delta.clearVersion.get();
if (delta.values.empty()) {
return ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(delta.key, clearAfter);
} else if (readVersion >= delta.values.back().version && beginVersion <= delta.values.back().version) {
// for all but zero or one delta files, readVersion >= the entire delta file. optimize this case
return ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(delta.key, clearAfter, delta.values.back());
auto valueAtVersion = std::lower_bound(delta.values.begin(),
if (valueAtVersion == delta.values.begin() && readVersion < valueAtVersion->version) {
// deltas are all higher than read version
return ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(delta.key, clearAfter);
// lower_bound() found version >= readVersion, so if we're at the end or it's not equal, go back one
if (valueAtVersion == delta.values.end() || valueAtVersion->version > readVersion) {
ASSERT(readVersion >= valueAtVersion->version);
// now, handle beginVersion (if update < beginVersion, it's a noop)
if (valueAtVersion->version < beginVersion) {
return ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(delta.key, clearAfter);
} else {
return ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef(delta.key, clearAfter, *valueAtVersion);
// The arena owns the BoundaryDeltaRef struct data but the StringRef pointers point to data in deltaData, to avoid extra
// copying
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> loadChunkedDeltaFile(const Standalone<StringRef>& fileNameRef,
const StringRef& deltaData,
const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx,
bool& startClear) {
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> deltas;
Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> file = IndexedBlobGranuleFile::fromFileBytes(deltaData, cipherKeysCtx);
ASSERT(file.fileType == DELTA_FILE_TYPE);
ASSERT(file.chunkStartOffset > 0);
// empty delta file
if (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.empty()) {
return deltas;
ASSERT(file.indexBlockRef.block.children.size() >= 2);
// find range of blocks needed to read
ChildBlockPointerRef* currentBlock = file.findStartBlock(keyRange.begin);
if (currentBlock == (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.end() - 1) || keyRange.end <= currentBlock->key) {
// empty, done
return deltas;
// FIXME: shared prefix for key comparison
// FIXME: could cpu optimize first block a bit more by seeking right to start
bool lastBlock = false;
bool prevClearAfter = false;
while (!lastBlock) {
auto nextBlock = currentBlock;
lastBlock = (nextBlock == file.indexBlockRef.block.children.end() - 1) || keyRange.end <= nextBlock->key;
Standalone<GranuleSortedDeltas> deltaBlock =
file.getChild<GranuleSortedDeltas>(currentBlock, cipherKeysCtx, file.chunkStartOffset);
ASSERT(currentBlock->key == deltaBlock.boundaries.front().key);
// TODO refactor this into function to share with memory deltas
bool blockMemoryUsed = false;
for (auto& entry : deltaBlock.boundaries) {
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef boundary = deltaAtVersion(entry, beginVersion, readVersion);
if (deltas.empty() && entry.key < keyRange.begin) {
startClear = boundary.clearAfter;
prevClearAfter = boundary.clearAfter;
} else if (!lastBlock || entry.key < keyRange.end) {
if (!boundary.redundant(prevClearAfter)) {
deltas.push_back(deltas.arena(), boundary);
blockMemoryUsed = true;
prevClearAfter = boundary.clearAfter;
} else {
// TODO REMOVE validation
if (blockMemoryUsed) {
// TODO REMOVE eventually? order sanity check for parsed deltas
for (int i = 0; i < deltas.size() - 1; i++) {
ASSERT(deltas[i].key < deltas[i + 1].key);
return deltas;
static void applyDelta(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange, const MutationRef& m, std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef>& dataMap) {
if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
if (m.param2 <= keyRange.begin || m.param1 >= keyRange.end) {
// keyRange is inclusive on start, lower_bound is inclusive with the argument, and erase is inclusive for the
// begin. So if lower bound didn't find the exact key, we need to go up one so it doesn't erase an extra key
// outside the range.
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef>::iterator itStart = dataMap.lower_bound(m.param1);
if (itStart != dataMap.end() && itStart->first < m.param1) {
// keyRange is exclusive on end, lower bound is inclusive with the argument, and erase is exclusive for the end
// key. So if lower bound didn't find the exact key, we need to go up one so it doesn't skip the last key it
// should erase
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef>::iterator itEnd = dataMap.lower_bound(m.param2);
if (itEnd != dataMap.end() && itEnd->first < m.param2) {
dataMap.erase(itStart, itEnd);
} else {
// We don't need atomics here since eager reads handles it
ASSERT(m.type == MutationRef::SetValue);
if (m.param1 < keyRange.begin || m.param1 >= keyRange.end) {
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef>::iterator it = dataMap.find(m.param1);
if (it == dataMap.end()) {
dataMap.insert({ m.param1, m.param2 });
} else {
it->second = m.param2;
static void applyDeltasByVersion(const GranuleDeltas& deltas,
const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
Version& lastFileEndVersion,
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef>& dataMap) {
if (deltas.empty()) {
// check that consecutive delta file versions are disjoint
ASSERT(lastFileEndVersion < deltas.front().version);
const MutationsAndVersionRef* mutationIt = deltas.begin();
// prune beginVersion if necessary
if (beginVersion > deltas.front().version) {
if (beginVersion > deltas.back().version) {
// can happen with force flush
mutationIt = deltas.end();
} else {
// binary search for beginVersion
mutationIt = std::lower_bound(deltas.begin(),
MutationsAndVersionRef(beginVersion, 0),
while (mutationIt != deltas.end()) {
if (mutationIt->version > readVersion) {
lastFileEndVersion = readVersion;
for (auto& m : mutationIt->mutations) {
applyDelta(keyRange, m, dataMap);
lastFileEndVersion = deltas.back().version;
// TODO: could optimize this slightly to avoid tracking multiple updates for the same key at all since it's always then
// collapsed to the last one
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> sortMemoryDeltas(const GranuleDeltas& memoryDeltas,
const KeyRangeRef& granuleRange,
const KeyRangeRef& readRange,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion) {
// filter by request range first
SortedDeltasT versionedBoundaries;
if (versionedBoundaries.empty()) {
versionedBoundaries.insert({ readRange.begin, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>() });
versionedBoundaries.insert({ readRange.end, Standalone<DeltaBoundaryRef>() });
for (auto& it : memoryDeltas) {
for (auto& m : it.mutations) {
if (m.type == MutationRef::ClearRange) {
if (m.param2 > readRange.begin && m.param1 < readRange.end) {
KeyRangeRef clearRangeClipped = readRange & KeyRangeRef(m.param1, m.param2);
MutationRef clearClipped(
MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, clearRangeClipped.begin, clearRangeClipped.end);
insertSortedDelta(clearClipped, it.version, granuleRange, versionedBoundaries);
} else {
ASSERT(m.type == MutationRef::SetValue);
if (readRange.contains(m.param1)) {
insertSortedDelta(m, it.version, granuleRange, versionedBoundaries);
// parse and collapse based on version
bool prevClearAfter = false;
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> deltas;
// remove extra ranges inserted from clears that partially overlap read range
auto itBegin = versionedBoundaries.begin();
while (itBegin->first < readRange.begin) {
auto itEnd = versionedBoundaries.end();
while (itEnd->first > readRange.end) {
while (itBegin != itEnd) {
itBegin->second.key = itBegin->first;
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef boundary = deltaAtVersion(itBegin->second, beginVersion, readVersion);
if (!boundary.redundant(prevClearAfter)) {
deltas.push_back_deep(deltas.arena(), boundary);
prevClearAfter = boundary.clearAfter;
return deltas;
// does a sorted merge of the delta streams.
// In terms of write precedence, streams[i] < streams[i+1]
// Handles range clears by tracking the active clears when they start
struct MergeStreamNext {
KeyRef key;
int16_t streamIdx;
int dataIdx;
// the sort order is logically lower by key, and then higher by streamIdx
// because a priority queue is backwards, we invert that
struct OrderForPriorityQueue {
int commonPrefixLen;
OrderForPriorityQueue(int commonPrefixLen) : commonPrefixLen(commonPrefixLen) {}
bool operator()(MergeStreamNext const& a, MergeStreamNext const& b) const {
int keyCmp = a.key.compareSuffix(b.key, commonPrefixLen);
if (keyCmp != 0) {
return keyCmp > 0; // reverse
return a.streamIdx < b.streamIdx;
typedef std::priority_queue<MergeStreamNext, std::vector<MergeStreamNext>, OrderForPriorityQueue> MergePQ;
static RangeResult mergeDeltaStreams(const BlobGranuleChunkRef& chunk,
const std::vector<Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>>>& streams,
const std::vector<bool> startClears,
GranuleMaterializeStats& stats) {
ASSERT(streams.size() < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
ASSERT(startClears.size() == streams.size());
if (streams.empty()) {
return RangeResult{};
int prefixLen = commonPrefixLength(chunk.keyRange.begin, chunk.keyRange.end);
// next element for each stream
MergePQ next = MergePQ(OrderForPriorityQueue(prefixLen));
// efficiently find the highest stream's active clear
std::set<int16_t, std::greater<int16_t>> activeClears;
int16_t maxActiveClear = -1;
// trade off memory for cpu performance by assuming all inserts
RangeResult result;
int maxExpectedSize = 0;
// check if a given stream is actively clearing
bool clearActive[streams.size()];
for (int16_t i = 0; i < streams.size(); i++) {
clearActive[i] = startClears[i];
if (startClears[i]) {
maxActiveClear = i;
if (streams[i].empty()) {
// single clear that entirely encases partial read bounds
} else {
MergeStreamNext item;
item.key = streams[i][0].key;
item.streamIdx = i;
item.dataIdx = 0;
maxExpectedSize += streams[i].size();
result.reserve(result.arena(), maxExpectedSize);
std::vector<MergeStreamNext> cur;
while (!next.empty()) {
// == cur.front().key but with suffix comparison
while (!next.empty() && cur.front().key.compareSuffix(, prefixLen) == 0) {
// un-set clears and find latest value for key (if present)
bool foundValue = false;
bool includesSnapshot = cur.back().streamIdx == 0 && chunk.snapshotFile.present();
for (auto& it : cur) {
auto& v = streams[it.streamIdx][it.dataIdx];
if (clearActive[it.streamIdx]) {
clearActive[it.streamIdx] = false;
if (it.streamIdx == maxActiveClear) {
// re-get max active clear
maxActiveClear = activeClears.empty() ? -1 : *activeClears.begin();
// find value for this key (if any)
if (!foundValue && !v.isNoOp()) {
foundValue = true;
// if it's a clear, or maxActiveClear is higher, no value for this key
if (v.isSet() && maxActiveClear < it.streamIdx) {
KeyRef finalKey =
chunk.tenantPrefix.present() ? v.key.removePrefix(chunk.tenantPrefix.get()) : v.key;
result.push_back(result.arena(), KeyValueRef(finalKey, v.value));
if (!includesSnapshot) {
} else if (it.streamIdx > 0) {
} else if (includesSnapshot) {
// advance streams and start clearAfter
for (auto& it : cur) {
if (streams[it.streamIdx][it.dataIdx].clearAfter) {
clearActive[it.streamIdx] = true;
maxActiveClear = std::max(maxActiveClear, it.streamIdx);
// TODO: implement skipping if large clear!!
// if (maxClearIdx > it.streamIdx) - skip
if (it.dataIdx < streams[it.streamIdx].size()) {
it.key = streams[it.streamIdx][it.dataIdx].key;
// FIXME: if memory assumption was wrong and result is significantly smaller than total input size, could copy it
// with push_back_deep to a new result. This is rare though
stats.outputBytes += result.expectedSize();
return result;
RangeResult materializeJustSnapshot(const BlobGranuleChunkRef& chunk,
Optional<StringRef> snapshotData,
const KeyRange& requestRange,
GranuleMaterializeStats& stats) {
stats.inputBytes += snapshotData.get().size();
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> snapshotRows = loadSnapshotFile(
chunk.snapshotFile.get().filename, snapshotData.get(), requestRange, chunk.snapshotFile.get().cipherKeysCtx);
RangeResult result;
if (!snapshotRows.empty()) {
result.reserve(result.arena(), snapshotRows.size());
for (auto& it : snapshotRows) {
// TODO REMOVE validation
ASSERT(it.op == MutationRef::Type::SetValue);
KeyRef finalKey = chunk.tenantPrefix.present() ? it.key.removePrefix(chunk.tenantPrefix.get()) : it.key;
result.push_back(result.arena(), KeyValueRef(finalKey, it.value));
stats.outputBytes += result.expectedSize();
stats.snapshotRows += result.size();
return result;
RangeResult materializeBlobGranule(const BlobGranuleChunkRef& chunk,
KeyRangeRef keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
Optional<StringRef> snapshotData,
const std::vector<StringRef>& deltaFileData,
GranuleMaterializeStats& stats) {
// TODO REMOVE with early replying
ASSERT(readVersion == chunk.includedVersion);
Version lastFileVersion = 0;
// Arena to hold all allocations for applying deltas. Most of it, and the arenas produced by reading the files,
// will likely be tossed if there are a significant number of mutations, so we copy at the end instead of doing a
// dependsOn.
// FIXME: probably some threshold of a small percentage of the data is actually changed, where it makes sense to
// just to dependsOn instead of copy, to use a little extra memory footprint to help cpu?
Arena arena;
KeyRange requestRange;
if (chunk.tenantPrefix.present()) {
requestRange = keyRange.withPrefix(chunk.tenantPrefix.get());
} else {
requestRange = keyRange;
// fast case for only-snapshot read
if (chunk.snapshotFile.present() && chunk.deltaFiles.empty() && chunk.newDeltas.empty()) {
return materializeJustSnapshot(chunk, snapshotData, requestRange, stats);
std::vector<Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>>> streams;
std::vector<bool> startClears;
// +1 for possible snapshot, +1 for possible memory deltas
streams.reserve(chunk.deltaFiles.size() + 2);
if (snapshotData.present()) {
stats.inputBytes += snapshotData.get().size();
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> snapshotRows =
if (!snapshotRows.empty()) {
stats.snapshotRows += snapshotRows.size();
ASSERT_WE_THINK(lastFileVersion < chunk.snapshotFile.get().fileVersion);
lastFileVersion = chunk.snapshotFile.get().fileVersion;
} else {
fmt::print("Applying {} delta files\n", chunk.deltaFiles.size());
ASSERT(chunk.deltaFiles.size() == deltaFileData.size());
for (int deltaIdx = 0; deltaIdx < chunk.deltaFiles.size(); deltaIdx++) {
stats.inputBytes += deltaFileData[deltaIdx].size();
bool startClear = false;
auto deltaRows = loadChunkedDeltaFile(chunk.deltaFiles[deltaIdx].filename,
if (startClear || !deltaRows.empty()) {
ASSERT_WE_THINK(lastFileVersion < chunk.deltaFiles[deltaIdx].fileVersion);
lastFileVersion = chunk.deltaFiles[deltaIdx].fileVersion;
fmt::print("Applying {} memory deltas\n", chunk.newDeltas.size());
if (!chunk.newDeltas.empty()) {
stats.inputBytes += chunk.newDeltas.expectedSize();
// TODO REMOVE validation
ASSERT_WE_THINK(lastFileVersion < chunk.newDeltas.front().version);
ASSERT(beginVersion <= chunk.newDeltas.front().version);
ASSERT(readVersion >= chunk.newDeltas.back().version);
auto memoryRows = sortMemoryDeltas(chunk.newDeltas, chunk.keyRange, requestRange, beginVersion, readVersion);
if (!memoryRows.empty()) {
return mergeDeltaStreams(chunk, streams, startClears, stats);
struct GranuleLoadFreeHandle : NonCopyable, ReferenceCounted<GranuleLoadFreeHandle> {
const ReadBlobGranuleContext* granuleContext;
int64_t loadId;
GranuleLoadFreeHandle(const ReadBlobGranuleContext* granuleContext, int64_t loadId)
: granuleContext(granuleContext), loadId(loadId) {}
~GranuleLoadFreeHandle() { granuleContext->free_load_f(loadId, granuleContext->userContext); }
struct GranuleLoadIds {
Optional<int64_t> snapshotId;
std::vector<int64_t> deltaIds;
std::vector<Reference<GranuleLoadFreeHandle>> freeHandles;
static void startLoad(const ReadBlobGranuleContext* granuleContext,
const BlobGranuleChunkRef& chunk,
GranuleLoadIds& loadIds) {
// Start load process for all files in chunk
if (chunk.snapshotFile.present()) {
std::string snapshotFname = chunk.snapshotFile.get().filename.toString();
// FIXME: remove when we implement file multiplexing
ASSERT(chunk.snapshotFile.get().offset == 0);
ASSERT(chunk.snapshotFile.get().length == chunk.snapshotFile.get().fullFileLength);
loadIds.snapshotId = granuleContext->start_load_f(snapshotFname.c_str(),
loadIds.freeHandles.push_back(makeReference<GranuleLoadFreeHandle>(granuleContext, loadIds.snapshotId.get()));
for (int deltaFileIdx = 0; deltaFileIdx < chunk.deltaFiles.size(); deltaFileIdx++) {
std::string deltaFName = chunk.deltaFiles[deltaFileIdx].filename.toString();
// FIXME: remove when we implement file multiplexing
ASSERT(chunk.deltaFiles[deltaFileIdx].offset == 0);
ASSERT(chunk.deltaFiles[deltaFileIdx].length == chunk.deltaFiles[deltaFileIdx].fullFileLength);
int64_t deltaLoadId = granuleContext->start_load_f(deltaFName.c_str(),
loadIds.freeHandles.push_back(makeReference<GranuleLoadFreeHandle>(granuleContext, deltaLoadId));
ErrorOr<RangeResult> loadAndMaterializeBlobGranules(const Standalone<VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef>>& files,
const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
ReadBlobGranuleContext granuleContext,
GranuleMaterializeStats& stats) {
int64_t parallelism = granuleContext.granuleParallelism;
if (parallelism < 1) {
parallelism = 1;
GranuleLoadIds loadIds[files.size()];
try {
// Kick off first file reads if parallelism > 1
for (int i = 0; i < parallelism - 1 && i < files.size(); i++) {
startLoad(&granuleContext, files[i], loadIds[i]);
RangeResult results;
for (int chunkIdx = 0; chunkIdx < files.size(); chunkIdx++) {
// Kick off files for this granule if parallelism == 1, or future granule if parallelism > 1
if (chunkIdx + parallelism - 1 < files.size()) {
startLoad(&granuleContext, files[chunkIdx + parallelism - 1], loadIds[chunkIdx + parallelism - 1]);
RangeResult chunkRows;
// once all loads kicked off, load data for chunk
Optional<StringRef> snapshotData;
if (files[chunkIdx].snapshotFile.present()) {
snapshotData =
StringRef(granuleContext.get_load_f(loadIds[chunkIdx].snapshotId.get(), granuleContext.userContext),
if (!snapshotData.get().begin()) {
return ErrorOr<RangeResult>(blob_granule_file_load_error());
std::vector<StringRef> deltaData;
for (int i = 0; i < files[chunkIdx].deltaFiles.size(); i++) {
deltaData[i] =
StringRef(granuleContext.get_load_f(loadIds[chunkIdx].deltaIds[i], granuleContext.userContext),
// null data is error
if (!deltaData[i].begin()) {
return ErrorOr<RangeResult>(blob_granule_file_load_error());
// materialize rows from chunk
chunkRows = materializeBlobGranule(
files[chunkIdx], keyRange, beginVersion, readVersion, snapshotData, deltaData, stats);
results.append(results.arena(), chunkRows.begin(), chunkRows.size());
// free once done by forcing FreeHandles to trigger
return ErrorOr<RangeResult>(results);
} catch (Error& e) {
return ErrorOr<RangeResult>(e);
// just for client passthrough. reads all key-value pairs from a snapshot file, and all mutations from a delta file
RangeResult bgReadSnapshotFile(const StringRef& data,
Optional<KeyRef> tenantPrefix,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> encryptionCtx,
const KeyRangeRef& keys) {
Standalone<StringRef> fname = "f"_sr;
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> results = loadSnapshotFile(fname, data, keys, encryptionCtx);
RangeResult snapshot;
snapshot.reserve(snapshot.arena(), results.size());
for (auto& it : results) {
// FIXME: remove validation at some point
if (tenantPrefix.present()) {
snapshot.emplace_back(snapshot.arena(), it.key.removePrefix(tenantPrefix.get()), it.value);
} else {
snapshot.emplace_back(snapshot.arena(), it.key, it.value);
return snapshot;
// FIXME: refactor if possible, just copy-pasted from loadChunkedDeltaFile for prototyping
Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>> bgReadDeltaFile(const StringRef& deltaData,
Optional<KeyRef> tenantPrefix,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> encryptionCtx) {
Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>> deltas;
Standalone<IndexedBlobGranuleFile> file = IndexedBlobGranuleFile::fromFileBytes(deltaData, encryptionCtx);
ASSERT(file.fileType == DELTA_FILE_TYPE);
ASSERT(file.chunkStartOffset > 0);
// empty delta file
if (file.indexBlockRef.block.children.empty()) {
return deltas;
ASSERT(file.indexBlockRef.block.children.size() >= 2);
// find range of blocks needed to read
ChildBlockPointerRef* currentBlock = file.indexBlockRef.block.children.begin();
bool lastBlock = false;
bool prevClearAfter = false;
KeyRef prevClearAfterKey;
Version prevClearAfterVersion;
while (!lastBlock) {
auto nextBlock = currentBlock;
lastBlock = (nextBlock == file.indexBlockRef.block.children.end() - 1);
Standalone<GranuleSortedDeltas> deltaBlock =
file.getChild<GranuleSortedDeltas>(currentBlock, encryptionCtx, file.chunkStartOffset);
ASSERT(currentBlock->key == deltaBlock.boundaries.front().key);
for (auto& entry : deltaBlock.boundaries) {
if (prevClearAfter) {
if (tenantPrefix.present()) {
} else {
prevClearAfter = entry.clearVersion.present();
if (prevClearAfter) {
prevClearAfterVersion = entry.clearVersion.get();
prevClearAfterKey = entry.key;
for (auto& v : entry.values) {
if (v.op == MutationRef::Type::ClearRange) {
if (entry.clearVersion.present() && v.version == entry.clearVersion.get()) {
// we'll handle that in the next loop with prevClearAfter
if (tenantPrefix.present()) {
keyAfter(entry.key.removePrefix(tenantPrefix.get()), deltas.arena()));
} else {
keyAfter(entry.key, deltas.arena()));
} else {
ASSERT(v.op == MutationRef::Type::SetValue);
if (tenantPrefix.present()) {
} else {
deltas.emplace_back(deltas.arena(), MutationRef::Type::SetValue, v.version, entry.key, v.value);
return deltas;
std::string randomBGFilename(UID blobWorkerID, UID granuleID, Version version, std::string suffix) {
// Start with random bytes to avoid metadata hotspotting
// Worker ID for uniqueness and attribution
// Granule ID for uniqueness and attribution
// Version for uniqueness and possible future use
return deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().shortString().substr(0, 8) + "_" +
blobWorkerID.shortString().substr(0, 8) + "_" + granuleID.shortString() + "_V" + std::to_string(version) +
namespace {
const EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(786, 7860);
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId encryptBaseCipherId = deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64();
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt encryptSalt = deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64();
Standalone<StringRef> getBaseCipher() {
Standalone<StringRef> baseCipher = makeString(AES_256_KEY_LENGTH);
deterministicRandom()->randomBytes(mutateString(baseCipher), baseCipher.size());
return baseCipher;
Standalone<StringRef> encryptBaseCipher = getBaseCipher();
BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx getCipherKeysCtx(Arena& arena) {
BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeysCtx;
cipherKeysCtx.textCipherKey.encryptDomainId = encryptDomainId;
cipherKeysCtx.textCipherKey.baseCipherId = encryptBaseCipherId;
cipherKeysCtx.textCipherKey.salt = encryptSalt;
cipherKeysCtx.textCipherKey.baseCipher = StringRef(arena, encryptBaseCipher);
cipherKeysCtx.headerCipherKey.encryptDomainId = SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_ENCRYPT_DOMAIN_ID;
cipherKeysCtx.headerCipherKey.baseCipherId = encryptBaseCipherId;
cipherKeysCtx.headerCipherKey.salt = encryptSalt;
cipherKeysCtx.headerCipherKey.baseCipher = StringRef(arena, encryptBaseCipher);
cipherKeysCtx.ivRef = makeString(AES_256_IV_LENGTH, arena);
deterministicRandom()->randomBytes(mutateString(cipherKeysCtx.ivRef), AES_256_IV_LENGTH);
return cipherKeysCtx;
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/applyDelta") {
printf("Testing blob granule delta applying\n");
Arena a;
StringRef k_a = StringRef(a, "A"_sr);
StringRef k_ab = StringRef(a, "AB"_sr);
StringRef k_b = StringRef(a, "B"_sr);
StringRef k_c = StringRef(a, "C"_sr);
StringRef k_z = StringRef(a, "Z"_sr);
StringRef val1 = StringRef(a, "1"_sr);
StringRef val2 = StringRef(a, "2"_sr);
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> data;
data.insert({ k_a, val1 });
data.insert({ k_ab, val1 });
data.insert({ k_b, val1 });
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> correctData = data;
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> originalData = data;
ASSERT(data == correctData);
// test all clear permutations
MutationRef mClearEverything(MutationRef::ClearRange, allKeys.begin, allKeys.end);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearEverything, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearEverything2(MutationRef::ClearRange, allKeys.begin, k_c);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearEverything2, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearEverything3(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_a, allKeys.end);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearEverything3, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearEverything4(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_a, k_c);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearEverything, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearFirst(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_a, k_ab);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearFirst, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearSecond(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_ab, k_b);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearSecond, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearThird(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_b, k_c);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearThird, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearFirst2(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_a, k_b);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearFirst2, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mClearLast2(MutationRef::ClearRange, k_ab, k_c);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mClearLast2, data);
ASSERT(data == correctData);
// test set data
MutationRef mSetA(MutationRef::SetValue, k_a, val2);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mSetA, data);
correctData[k_a] = val2;
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mSetAB(MutationRef::SetValue, k_ab, val2);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mSetAB, data);
correctData[k_ab] = val2;
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mSetB(MutationRef::SetValue, k_b, val2);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mSetB, data);
correctData[k_b] = val2;
ASSERT(data == correctData);
MutationRef mSetC(MutationRef::SetValue, k_c, val2);
data = originalData;
correctData = originalData;
applyDelta(allKeys, mSetC, data);
correctData[k_c] = val2;
ASSERT(data == correctData);
// test pruning deltas that are outside of the key range
MutationRef mSetZ(MutationRef::SetValue, k_z, val2);
data = originalData;
applyDelta(KeyRangeRef(k_a, k_c), mSetZ, data);
ASSERT(data == originalData);
applyDelta(KeyRangeRef(k_ab, k_c), mSetA, data);
ASSERT(data == originalData);
applyDelta(KeyRangeRef(k_ab, k_c), mClearFirst, data);
ASSERT(data == originalData);
applyDelta(KeyRangeRef(k_a, k_ab), mClearThird, data);
ASSERT(data == originalData);
return Void();
void checkDeltaAtVersion(const ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef& expected,
const DeltaBoundaryRef& boundary,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion) {
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef actual = deltaAtVersion(boundary, beginVersion, readVersion);
ASSERT(expected.clearAfter == actual.clearAfter);
ASSERT(expected.op == actual.op);
if (expected.isSet()) {
ASSERT(expected.value == actual.value);
} else {
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/deltaAtVersion") {
Arena ar;
std::string keyStr = "k";
std::string aStr = "a";
KeyRef key(ar, keyStr);
ValueAndVersionRef vv_a_3(3, ValueRef(ar, aStr));
ValueAndVersionRef vv_clear_5(5);
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef resultEmpty(key, false);
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef resultEmptyWithClear(key, true);
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef resultSetA(key, false, vv_a_3);
ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef resultClearA(key, true, vv_clear_5);
// test empty boundary ref
DeltaBoundaryRef boundaryEmpty;
boundaryEmpty.key = key;
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, boundaryEmpty, 0, 2);
// test empty boundary with clear
DeltaBoundaryRef boundaryEmptyWithClear;
boundaryEmptyWithClear.key = key;
boundaryEmptyWithClear.clearVersion = 5;
// higher read version includes clear
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 0, 5);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 0, 10);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 2, 5);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 2, 10);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 5, 10);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmptyWithClear, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 5, 5);
// lower read version does not include clear
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 0, 4);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 3, 4);
// higher read version but also higher beginVersion does not include clear
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, boundaryEmptyWithClear, 6, 10);
// check values
DeltaBoundaryRef fullBoundary;
fullBoundary.key = key;
fullBoundary.values.push_back(ar, vv_a_3);
fullBoundary.values.push_back(ar, vv_clear_5);
fullBoundary.clearVersion = 5;
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, fullBoundary, 0, 2);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, fullBoundary, 6, 10);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultEmpty, fullBoundary, 4, 4);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultSetA, fullBoundary, 0, 3);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultSetA, fullBoundary, 3, 4);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultClearA, fullBoundary, 0, 5);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultClearA, fullBoundary, 0, 10);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultClearA, fullBoundary, 3, 5);
checkDeltaAtVersion(resultClearA, fullBoundary, 4, 5);
return Void();
void checkSnapshotEmpty(const Value& serialized, Key begin, Key end, Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef();
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> result =
loadSnapshotFile(fileNameRef, serialized, KeyRangeRef(begin, end), cipherKeysCtx);
// endIdx is exclusive
void checkSnapshotRead(const Standalone<StringRef>& fileNameRef,
const Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>& snapshot,
const Value& serialized,
int beginIdx,
int endIdx,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeysCtx) {
ASSERT(beginIdx < endIdx);
ASSERT(endIdx <= snapshot.size());
KeyRef beginKey = snapshot[beginIdx].key;
Key endKey = endIdx == snapshot.size() ? keyAfter(snapshot.back().key) : snapshot[endIdx].key;
KeyRangeRef range(beginKey, endKey);
fmt::print("Reading [{0} - {1})\n", beginKey.printable(), endKey.printable());
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> result =
loadSnapshotFile(fileNameRef, serialized, range, cipherKeysCtx);
if (result.size() != endIdx - beginIdx) {
fmt::print("Read {0} rows != {1}\n", result.size(), endIdx - beginIdx);
fmt::print("Expected Data {0}:\n", result.size());
for (auto& it : result) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.key.printable());
fmt::print("Actual Data {0}:\n", endIdx - beginIdx);
for (int i = beginIdx; i < endIdx; i++) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", snapshot[i].key.printable());
ASSERT(result.size() == endIdx - beginIdx);
for (auto& it : result) {
if (it.key != snapshot[beginIdx].key) {
fmt::print("Key {0} != {1}\n", it.key.printable(), snapshot[beginIdx].key.printable());
ASSERT(it.key == snapshot[beginIdx].key);
if (it.key != snapshot[beginIdx].key) {
fmt::print("Value {0} != {1} for Key {2}\n",
ASSERT(it.value == snapshot[beginIdx].value);
namespace {
size_t uidSize = 32;
struct KeyValueGen {
Arena ar;
std::string sharedPrefix;
int targetKeyLength;
int targetValueLength;
std::set<std::string> usedKeys;
std::vector<StringRef> usedKeysList;
double clearFrequency;
double clearUnsetFrequency;
double updateExistingKeyFrequency;
int minVersionIncrease;
int maxVersionIncrease;
int targetMutationsPerDelta;
KeyRange allRange;
// start at higher version to allow snapshot files to have version 1
Version version = 10;
// encryption/compression settings
// TODO: possibly different cipher keys or meta context per file?
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeys;
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressFilter;
KeyValueGen() {
sharedPrefix = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString();
ASSERT(sharedPrefix.size() == uidSize);
int sharedPrefixLen = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, uidSize);
targetKeyLength = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(4, uidSize);
sharedPrefix = sharedPrefix.substr(0, sharedPrefixLen) + "_";
targetValueLength = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 12);
allRange = KeyRangeRef(StringRef(sharedPrefix),
sharedPrefix.size() == 0 ? "\xff"_sr : strinc(StringRef(sharedPrefix)));
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
clearFrequency = 0.0;
clearUnsetFrequency = 0.0;
} else {
clearFrequency = deterministicRandom()->random01() / 2;
// clearing an unset value has no effect on the results, we mostly just want to make sure the format doesn't
// barf
clearUnsetFrequency = deterministicRandom()->random01() / 10;
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.2) {
// no updates, only new writes
updateExistingKeyFrequency = 0.0;
} else {
updateExistingKeyFrequency = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
// sequential versions
minVersionIncrease = 1;
maxVersionIncrease = 2;
} else {
minVersionIncrease = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 25);
maxVersionIncrease = minVersionIncrease + deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 25);
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
targetMutationsPerDelta = 1;
} else {
targetMutationsPerDelta = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(1, 5);
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
cipherKeys = getCipherKeysCtx(ar);
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
compressFilter = CompressionUtils::getRandomFilter();
Optional<StringRef> newKey() {
for (int nAttempt = 0; nAttempt < 1000; nAttempt++) {
size_t keySize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(targetKeyLength / 2, targetKeyLength * 3 / 2);
keySize = std::min(keySize, uidSize);
std::string key = sharedPrefix + deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString().substr(0, keySize);
if (usedKeys.insert(key).second) {
StringRef k(ar, key);
return k;
return {};
StringRef value() {
int valueSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(targetValueLength / 2, targetValueLength * 3 / 2);
std::string value = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString();
if (value.size() > valueSize) {
value = value.substr(0, valueSize);
if (value.size() < valueSize) {
// repeated string so it's compressible
value += std::string(valueSize - value.size(), 'x');
return StringRef(ar, value);
KeyRef randomUsedKey() const { return usedKeysList[deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, usedKeysList.size())]; }
KeyRange randomKeyRange() const {
Key begin = randomUsedKey();
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
begin = keyAfter(begin);
if (usedKeysList.size() == 1) {
return KeyRange(KeyRangeRef(begin, keyAfter(begin)));
} else {
Key end = begin;
while (end == begin) {
end = randomUsedKey();
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
end = keyAfter(end);
if (begin < end) {
return KeyRangeRef(begin, end);
} else {
return KeyRangeRef(end, begin);
StringRef keyForUpdate(double probUseExisting) {
if (!usedKeysList.empty() && deterministicRandom()->random01() < probUseExisting) {
return randomUsedKey();
} else {
auto k = newKey();
if (k.present()) {
return k.get();
} else {
// use existing key instead
return randomUsedKey();
Version nextVersion() {
Version jump = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minVersionIncrease, maxVersionIncrease);
version += jump;
return version;
MutationRef newMutation() {
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() < clearFrequency) {
// The algorithm for generating clears of varying sizes is, to generate clear sizes based on an exponential
// distribution, such that the expected value of the clear size is 2.
int clearWidth = 1;
while (clearWidth < usedKeys.size() && deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
clearWidth *= 2;
bool clearPastEnd = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
if (clearPastEnd) {
StringRef begin = keyForUpdate(1.0 - clearUnsetFrequency);
std::string beginStr = begin.toString();
auto it = usedKeys.find(beginStr);
ASSERT(it != usedKeys.end());
while (it != usedKeys.end() && clearWidth > 0) {
if (it == usedKeys.end()) {
clearPastEnd = true;
std::string endKey = *it;
if (clearPastEnd) {
Key end = keyAfter(StringRef(ar, endKey));
return MutationRef(MutationRef::ClearRange, begin, end);
} else {
// clear up to end
return MutationRef(MutationRef::ClearRange, begin, StringRef(ar, endKey));
} else {
return MutationRef(MutationRef::SetValue, keyForUpdate(updateExistingKeyFrequency), value());
MutationsAndVersionRef newDelta() {
Version v = nextVersion();
int mutationCount = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, targetMutationsPerDelta * 2);
MutationsAndVersionRef ret(v, v);
for (int i = 0; i < mutationCount; i++) {
ret.mutations.push_back(ar, newMutation());
return ret;
} // namespace
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> genSnapshot(KeyValueGen& kvGen, int targetDataBytes) {
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> data;
int totalDataBytes = 0;
while (totalDataBytes < targetDataBytes) {
Optional<StringRef> key = kvGen.newKey();
if (!key.present()) {
StringRef value = kvGen.value();
data.push_back_deep(data.arena(), KeyValueRef(KeyRef(key.get()), ValueRef(value)));
totalDataBytes += key.get().size() + value.size();
std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), KeyValueRef::OrderByKey());
return data;
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> genDeltas(KeyValueGen& kvGen, int targetBytes) {
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> data;
int totalDataBytes = 0;
while (totalDataBytes < targetBytes) {
data.push_back(data.arena(), kvGen.newDelta());
totalDataBytes += data.back().expectedSize();
return data;
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/validateEncryptionCompression") {
KeyValueGen kvGen;
int targetSnapshotChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 9);
int targetDeltaChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 8);
int targetDataBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(12, 25);
int targetSnapshotBytes = (int)(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, targetDataBytes));
int targetDeltaBytes = targetDataBytes - targetSnapshotBytes;
int targetSnapshotChunkSize = targetSnapshotBytes / targetSnapshotChunks;
int targetDeltaChunkSize = targetDeltaBytes / targetDeltaChunks;
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> snapshotData = genSnapshot(kvGen, targetSnapshotBytes);
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> deltaData = genDeltas(kvGen, targetDeltaBytes);
fmt::print("{0} snapshot rows and {1} deltas\n", snapshotData.size(), deltaData.size());
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef();
Arena ar;
BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeys = getCipherKeysCtx(ar);
std::vector<bool> encryptionModes = { false, true };
std::vector<Optional<CompressionFilter>> compressionModes;
compressionModes.end(), CompressionUtils::supportedFilters.begin(), CompressionUtils::supportedFilters.end());
std::vector<Value> snapshotValues;
for (bool encryptionMode : encryptionModes) {
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys = encryptionMode ? cipherKeys : Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx>();
for (auto& compressionMode : compressionModes) {
Value v =
serializeChunkedSnapshot(fileNameRef, snapshotData, targetSnapshotChunkSize, compressionMode, keys);
fmt::print("snapshot({0}, {1}): {2}\n",
compressionMode.present() ? CompressionUtils::toString(compressionMode.get()) : "",
for (auto& v2 : snapshotValues) {
ASSERT(v != v2);
fmt::print("Validated {0} encryption/compression combos for snapshot\n", snapshotValues.size());
std::vector<Value> deltaValues;
for (bool encryptionMode : encryptionModes) {
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys = encryptionMode ? cipherKeys : Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx>();
for (auto& compressionMode : compressionModes) {
Value v = serializeChunkedDeltaFile(
fileNameRef, deltaData, kvGen.allRange, targetDeltaChunkSize, compressionMode, keys);
fmt::print("delta({0}, {1}): {2}\n",
compressionMode.present() ? CompressionUtils::toString(compressionMode.get()) : "",
for (auto& v2 : deltaValues) {
ASSERT(v != v2);
fmt::print("Validated {0} encryption/compression combos for delta\n", deltaValues.size());
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/snapshotFormatUnitTest") {
// snapshot files are likely to have a non-trivial shared prefix since they're for a small contiguous key range
KeyValueGen kvGen;
int targetChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 9);
int targetDataBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 25);
int targetChunkSize = targetDataBytes / targetChunks;
Standalone<StringRef> fnameRef = StringRef(std::string("test"));
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> data = genSnapshot(kvGen, targetDataBytes);
int maxExp = 0;
while (1 << maxExp < data.size()) {
fmt::print("Validating snapshot data is sorted\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; i++) {
ASSERT(data[i].key < data[i + 1].key);
fmt::print("Constructing snapshot with {0} rows, {1} chunks\n", data.size(), targetChunks);
Value serialized =
serializeChunkedSnapshot(fnameRef, data, targetChunkSize, kvGen.compressFilter, kvGen.cipherKeys);
fmt::print("Snapshot serialized! {0} bytes\n", serialized.size());
fmt::print("Validating snapshot data is sorted again\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; i++) {
ASSERT(data[i].key < data[i + 1].key);
fmt::print("Initial read starting\n");
checkSnapshotRead(fnameRef, data, serialized, 0, data.size(), kvGen.cipherKeys);
fmt::print("Initial read complete\n");
if (data.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < std::min(100, data.size() * 2); i++) {
int width = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, maxExp);
ASSERT(width <= data.size());
int start = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, data.size() - width);
checkSnapshotRead(fnameRef, data, serialized, start, start + width, kvGen.cipherKeys);
fmt::print("Doing empty checks\n");
int randomIdx = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, data.size() - 1);
checkSnapshotEmpty(serialized, keyAfter(data[randomIdx].key), data[randomIdx + 1].key, kvGen.cipherKeys);
} else {
fmt::print("Doing empty checks\n");
checkSnapshotEmpty(serialized, normalKeys.begin, data.front().key, kvGen.cipherKeys);
checkSnapshotEmpty(serialized, normalKeys.begin, "\x00"_sr, kvGen.cipherKeys);
checkSnapshotEmpty(serialized, keyAfter(data.back().key), normalKeys.end, kvGen.cipherKeys);
checkSnapshotEmpty(serialized, "\xfe"_sr, normalKeys.end, kvGen.cipherKeys);
fmt::print("Snapshot format test done!\n");
return Void();
void checkDeltaRead(const KeyValueGen& kvGen,
const KeyRangeRef& range,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& data,
const std::vector<StringRef>& serialized) {
ASSERT_EQ(serialized.size(), 1);
// expected answer
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> expectedData;
Version lastFileEndVersion = 0;
GranuleMaterializeStats stats;
fmt::print("Delta Read [{0} - {1}) @ {2} - {3}\n",
applyDeltasByVersion(data, range, beginVersion, readVersion, lastFileEndVersion, expectedData);
// actual answer
std::string filename = randomBGFilename(
deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), readVersion, ".delta");
Standalone<BlobGranuleChunkRef> chunk;
chunk.arena(), filename, 0, serialized[0].size(), serialized[0].size(), 1, kvGen.cipherKeys);
chunk.keyRange = kvGen.allRange;
chunk.includedVersion = readVersion;
chunk.snapshotVersion = invalidVersion;
RangeResult actualData = materializeBlobGranule(chunk, range, beginVersion, readVersion, {}, serialized, stats);
if (expectedData.size() != actualData.size()) {
fmt::print("Expected Data {0}:\n", expectedData.size());
/*for (auto& it : expectedData) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.first.printable());
fmt::print("Actual Data {0}:\n", actualData.size());
/*for (auto& it : actualData) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.key.printable());
ASSERT(expectedData.size() == actualData.size());
int i = 0;
for (auto& it : expectedData) {
ASSERT(it.first == actualData[i].key);
ASSERT(it.second == actualData[i].value);
static std::tuple<KeyRange, Version, Version> randomizeKeyAndVersions(const KeyValueGen& kvGen,
const Standalone<GranuleDeltas> data) {
// either randomize just keyrange, just version range, or both
double rand = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 3);
bool randomizeKeyRange = rand == 0 || rand == 2;
bool randomizeVersionRange = rand == 1 || rand == 2;
KeyRange readRange = kvGen.allRange;
Version beginVersion = 0;
Version readVersion = data.back().version;
if (randomizeKeyRange) {
readRange = kvGen.randomKeyRange();
if (randomizeVersionRange) {
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
beginVersion = 0;
} else {
beginVersion = data[deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, data.size())].version;
beginVersion += deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 3) - 1; // randomize between -1, 0, and +1
readVersion = data[deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, data.size())].version;
readVersion += deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 3) - 1; // randomize between -1, 0, and +1
if (readVersion < beginVersion) {
std::swap(beginVersion, readVersion);
return { readRange, beginVersion, readVersion };
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/deltaFormatUnitTest") {
KeyValueGen kvGen;
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef(std::string("test"));
int targetChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 8);
int targetDataBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 21);
int targetChunkSize = targetDataBytes / targetChunks;
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> data = genDeltas(kvGen, targetDataBytes);
fmt::print("Deltas ({0})\n", data.size());
/*for (auto& it : data) {
fmt::print(" {0}) ({1})\n", it.version, it.mutations.size());
for (auto& it2 : it.mutations) {
if (it2.type == MutationRef::Type::SetValue) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it2.param1.printable());
} else {
fmt::print(" {0} - {1}\n", it2.param1.printable(), it2.param2.printable());
Value serialized = serializeChunkedDeltaFile(
fileNameRef, data, kvGen.allRange, targetChunkSize, kvGen.compressFilter, kvGen.cipherKeys);
std::vector<StringRef> deltaPtr{ serialized };
// check whole file
checkDeltaRead(kvGen, kvGen.allRange, 0, data.back().version, data, deltaPtr);
for (int i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)100, kvGen.usedKeysList.size() * data.size()); i++) {
auto params = randomizeKeyAndVersions(kvGen, data);
checkDeltaRead(kvGen, std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params), std::get<2>(params), data, deltaPtr);
return Void();
void checkGranuleRead(const KeyValueGen& kvGen,
const KeyRangeRef& range,
Version beginVersion,
Version readVersion,
const Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>& snapshotData,
const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& deltaData,
const Value& serializedSnapshot,
const std::vector<std::pair<Version, Value>>& serializedDeltas,
const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& inMemoryDeltas) {
// expected answer
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> expectedData;
if (beginVersion == 0) {
for (auto& it : snapshotData) {
if (range.contains(it.key)) {
expectedData.insert({ it.key, it.value });
Version lastFileEndVersion = 0;
applyDeltasByVersion(deltaData, range, beginVersion, readVersion, lastFileEndVersion, expectedData);
GranuleMaterializeStats stats;
// actual answer
Standalone<BlobGranuleChunkRef> chunk;
if (beginVersion == 0) {
std::string snapshotFilename = randomBGFilename(
deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), 0, ".snapshot");
chunk.snapshotFile = BlobFilePointerRef(chunk.arena(),
int deltaIdx = 0;
while (deltaIdx < serializedDeltas.size() && serializedDeltas[deltaIdx].first < beginVersion) {
std::vector<StringRef> deltaPtrsVector;
while (deltaIdx < serializedDeltas.size()) {
std::string deltaFilename = randomBGFilename(
deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), readVersion, ".delta");
size_t fsize = serializedDeltas[deltaIdx].second.size();
chunk.arena(), deltaFilename, 0, fsize, fsize, serializedDeltas[deltaIdx].first, kvGen.cipherKeys);
if (serializedDeltas[deltaIdx].first >= readVersion) {
// add in memory deltas
for (auto& it : inMemoryDeltas) {
if (beginVersion <= it.version && it.version <= readVersion) {
chunk.newDeltas.push_back(chunk.arena(), it);
chunk.keyRange = kvGen.allRange;
chunk.includedVersion = readVersion;
chunk.snapshotVersion = (beginVersion == 0) ? 0 : invalidVersion;
Optional<StringRef> snapshotPtr;
if (beginVersion == 0) {
snapshotPtr = serializedSnapshot;
RangeResult actualData =
materializeBlobGranule(chunk, range, beginVersion, readVersion, snapshotPtr, deltaPtrsVector, stats);
if (expectedData.size() != actualData.size()) {
fmt::print("Expected Size {0} != Actual Size {1}\n", expectedData.size(), actualData.size());
fmt::print("Expected Data {0}:\n", expectedData.size());
for (auto& it : expectedData) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.first.printable());
fmt::print("Actual Data {0}:\n", actualData.size());
for (auto& it : actualData) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.key.printable());
ASSERT(expectedData.size() == actualData.size());
int i = 0;
for (auto& it : expectedData) {
if (it.first != actualData[i].key) {
fmt::print("expected {0} != actual {1}\n", it.first.printable(), actualData[i].key.printable());
ASSERT(it.first == actualData[i].key);
ASSERT(it.second == actualData[i].value);
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/granuleReadUnitTest") {
KeyValueGen kvGen;
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef(std::string("testSnap"));
int targetSnapshotChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 9);
int targetDeltaChunks = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(0, 8);
int targetDataBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomExp(12, 25);
int targetSnapshotBytes = (int)(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, targetDataBytes));
int targetDeltaBytes = targetDataBytes - targetSnapshotBytes;
fmt::print("Snapshot Chunks: {0}\nDelta Chunks: {1}\nSnapshot Bytes: {2}\nDelta Bytes: {3}\n",
int targetSnapshotChunkSize = targetSnapshotBytes / targetSnapshotChunks;
int targetDeltaChunkSize = targetDeltaBytes / targetDeltaChunks;
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> snapshotData = genSnapshot(kvGen, targetSnapshotBytes);
fmt::print("Snapshot data: {0}\n", snapshotData.size());
for (auto& it : snapshotData) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it.key.printable());
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> deltaData = genDeltas(kvGen, targetDeltaBytes);
fmt::print("{0} snapshot rows and {1} deltas\n", snapshotData.size(), deltaData.size());
fmt::print("Delta data: {0}\n", deltaData.size());
for (auto& it : deltaData) {
fmt::print(" {0}) ({1})\n", it.version, it.mutations.size());
for (auto& it2 : it.mutations) {
if (it2.type == MutationRef::Type::SetValue) {
fmt::print(" {0}=\n", it2.param1.printable());
} else {
fmt::print(" {0} - {1}\n", it2.param1.printable(), it2.param2.printable());
Value serializedSnapshot = serializeChunkedSnapshot(
fileNameRef, snapshotData, targetSnapshotChunkSize, kvGen.compressFilter, kvGen.cipherKeys);
// split deltas up across multiple files
int deltaFiles = std::min(deltaData.size(), deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 21));
int deltasPerFile = deltaData.size() / deltaFiles + 1;
std::vector<std::pair<Version, Value>> serializedDeltaFiles;
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> inMemoryDeltas;
for (int i = 0; i < deltaFiles; i++) {
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> fileData;
int j;
for (j = i * deltasPerFile; j < (i + 1) * deltasPerFile && j < deltaData.size(); j++) {
fileData.push_back_deep(fileData.arena(), deltaData[j]);
if (!fileData.empty()) {
if (j == deltaData.size() && deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
// if it's the last set of deltas, sometimes make them the memory deltas instead
fmt::print("Memory Deltas {0} - {1}\n", fileData.front().version, fileData.back().version);
inMemoryDeltas = fileData;
} else {
fmt::print("Delta file {0} - {1}\n", fileData.front().version, fileData.back().version);
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef("delta" + std::to_string(i));
Value serializedDelta = serializeChunkedDeltaFile(fileNameRef,
serializedDeltaFiles.emplace_back(fileData.back().version, serializedDelta);
fmt::print("Full test\n");
// prevent overflow by doing min before multiply
int maxRuns = 100;
int snapshotAndDeltaSize = 5 + std::min(maxRuns, snapshotData.size()) * std::min(maxRuns, deltaData.size());
int lim = std::min(maxRuns, snapshotAndDeltaSize);
for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
auto params = randomizeKeyAndVersions(kvGen, deltaData);
fmt::print("Partial test {0}: [{1} - {2}) @ {3} - {4}\n",
return Void();
namespace {
MutationsAndVersionRef singleMutation(Version v,
MutationRef::Type type,
Arena& ar,
const StringRef& param1,
const StringRef& param2) {
MutationsAndVersionRef ref(v, v);
ref.mutations.emplace_back(ar, type, param1, param2);
return ref;
void checkMutations(const Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>>& expected,
const Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>>& actual) {
ASSERT(expected.size() == actual.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
ASSERT(expected[i].version == actual[i].version);
ASSERT(expected[i].type == actual[i].type);
ASSERT(expected[i].param1 == actual[i].param1);
ASSERT(expected[i].param2 == actual[i].param2);
} // namespace
Input mutations:
Set A=5 @ 100
Clear [A - C) @ 200
Set E=6 @ 300
Set A=7 @ 400
Clear [A - E) @ 500
Clear [E - E\x00) @ 600 (single key clear)
Output mutations:
Set A=5 @ 100
Set A=7 @ 400
Clear [A - A\x00) @ 500
Clear [A - C) @ 200
Clear [C - C\x00] @ 500
Set E=6 @ 300
Clear [E - E\x00) @ 600
TEST_CASE("/blobgranule/files/bgReadDeltaFile") {
KeyValueGen kvGen;
Arena ar;
Standalone<StringRef> strA = "A"_sr;
Standalone<StringRef> strC = "C"_sr;
Standalone<StringRef> strE = "E"_sr;
Standalone<StringRef> strAfterA = keyAfter(strA);
Standalone<StringRef> strAfterE = keyAfter(strE);
Standalone<StringRef> str5 = "5"_sr;
Standalone<StringRef> str6 = "6"_sr;
Standalone<StringRef> str7 = "7"_sr;
bool addTenantPrefix = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
KeyRef tenantPrefix = addTenantPrefix ? "12345678"_sr : ""_sr;
// make tenant versions
Standalone<StringRef> t_strA = strA.withPrefix(tenantPrefix);
Standalone<StringRef> t_strC = strC.withPrefix(tenantPrefix);
Standalone<StringRef> t_strE = strE.withPrefix(tenantPrefix);
Standalone<StringRef> t_strAfterA = strAfterA.withPrefix(tenantPrefix);
Standalone<StringRef> t_strAfterE = strAfterE.withPrefix(tenantPrefix);
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> originalMutations;
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(100, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, ar, t_strA, str5));
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(200, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, ar, t_strA, t_strC));
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(300, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, ar, t_strE, str6));
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(400, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, ar, t_strA, str7));
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(500, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, ar, t_strA, t_strE));
originalMutations.push_back(ar, singleMutation(600, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, ar, t_strE, t_strAfterE));
Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>> expectedMutations;
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, 100, strA, str5);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, 400, strA, str7);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, 500, strA, strAfterA);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, 200, strA, strC);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, 500, strC, strE);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::SetValue, 300, strE, str6);
expectedMutations.emplace_back(ar, MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, 600, strE, strAfterE);
for (int chunkSize = 1; chunkSize <= 32 * 1024; chunkSize *= 2) {
Value serialized = serializeChunkedDeltaFile(strA,
KeyRangeRef(t_strA, t_strAfterE),
Standalone<VectorRef<GranuleMutationRef>> actualMutations =
bgReadDeltaFile(serialized, addTenantPrefix ? tenantPrefix : Optional<KeyRef>(), kvGen.cipherKeys);
checkMutations(expectedMutations, actualMutations);
return Void();
// performance micro-benchmarks
struct FileSet {
std::tuple<std::string, Version, Value, Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>> snapshotFile;
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, Version, Value, Standalone<GranuleDeltas>>> deltaFiles;
Key commonPrefix;
KeyRange range;
std::pair<std::string, Version> parseFilename(const std::string& fname) {
auto dotPos = fname.find(".");
ASSERT(dotPos > 0);
std::string type = fname.substr(dotPos + 1);
ASSERT(type == "snapshot" || type == "delta");
auto lastUnderscorePos = fname.rfind("_");
ASSERT('V' == fname[lastUnderscorePos + 1]);
std::string versionString = fname.substr(lastUnderscorePos + 2, dotPos);
Version version = std::stoll(versionString);
return { type, version };
Value loadFileData(std::string filename) {
std::ifstream input(filename, std::ios::binary);
// copies all data into buffer
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), {});
Value v(StringRef(&buffer[0], buffer.size()));
fmt::print("Loaded {0} file bytes from {1}\n", v.size(), filename);
return v;
struct CommonPrefixStats {
// for computing common prefix details and stats
Key key;
int len = -1;
int64_t totalKeySize = 0;
int totalKeys = 0;
int minKeySize = 1000000000;
int maxKeySize = 0;
int64_t logicalBytes = 0;
int64_t totalLogicalBytes = 0;
int deltas = 0;
int deltasSet = 0;
int deltasClear = 0;
int deltasNoOp = 0;
int deltasClearAfter = 0;
void addKey(const KeyRef& k) {
if (len == -1) {
key = k;
len = k.size();
} else {
len = std::min(len, commonPrefixLength(k, key));
totalKeySize += k.size();
minKeySize = std::min(minKeySize, k.size());
maxKeySize = std::max(maxKeySize, k.size());
void addKeyValue(const KeyRef& k, const ValueRef& v) {
logicalBytes += k.size();
logicalBytes += v.size();
void addBoundary(const ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef& d) {
if (d.isSet()) {
logicalBytes += d.value.size();
} else if (d.isClear()) {
} else {
if (d.clearAfter) {
void doneFile() {
totalLogicalBytes += logicalBytes;
fmt::print("Logical Size: {0}\n", logicalBytes);
logicalBytes = 0;
Key done() {
ASSERT(len >= 0);
fmt::print("Common prefix: {0}\nCommon Prefix Length: {1}\nAverage Key Size: {2}\nMin Key Size: {3}, Max Key "
"Size: {4}\n",
key.substr(0, len).printable(),
totalKeySize / totalKeys,
if (deltas > 0) {
fmt::print("Delta stats: {0} deltas, {1} sets, {2} clears, {3} noops, {4} clearAfters\n",
fmt::print("Logical Size: {0}\n", totalLogicalBytes);
return key.substr(0, len);
FileSet loadFileSet(std::string basePath, const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, bool newFormat) {
FileSet files;
CommonPrefixStats stats;
for (int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
auto parts = parseFilename(filenames[i]);
std::string type = parts.first;
Version version = parts.second;
if (type == "snapshot") {
std::string fpath = basePath + filenames[i];
Value data = loadFileData(fpath);
Standalone<GranuleSnapshot> parsed;
if (!newFormat) {
Arena arena;
GranuleSnapshot file;
ObjectReader dataReader(data.begin(), Unversioned());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<GranuleSnapshot>::value, file, arena);
parsed = Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>(file, arena);
fmt::print("Loaded {0} rows from snapshot file\n", parsed.size());
for (auto& it : parsed) {
stats.addKeyValue(it.key, it.value);
} else {
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> res = loadSnapshotFile(""_sr, data, normalKeys, {});
fmt::print("Loaded {0} rows from snapshot file\n", res.size());
for (auto& it : res) {
stats.addKeyValue(it.key, it.value);
files.snapshotFile = { filenames[i], version, data, parsed };
} else {
std::string fpath = basePath + filenames[i];
Value data = loadFileData(fpath);
if (!newFormat) {
Arena arena;
GranuleDeltas file;
ObjectReader dataReader(data.begin(), Unversioned());
dataReader.deserialize(FileIdentifierFor<GranuleDeltas>::value, file, arena);
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> parsed(file, arena);
fmt::print("Loaded {0} deltas from delta file\n", parsed.size());
files.deltaFiles.push_back({ filenames[i], version, data, parsed });
for (auto& it : parsed) {
for (auto& it2 : it.mutations) {
if (it2.type == MutationRef::Type::ClearRange) {
} else {
bool startClear = false;
Standalone<VectorRef<ParsedDeltaBoundaryRef>> res =
loadChunkedDeltaFile(""_sr, data, normalKeys, 0, version, {}, startClear);
Standalone<GranuleDeltas> parsed;
fmt::print("Loaded {0} boundaries from delta file\n", res.size());
files.deltaFiles.push_back({ filenames[i], version, data, parsed });
for (auto& it : res) {
files.commonPrefix = stats.done();
if (files.commonPrefix.size() == 0) {
files.range = normalKeys;
} else {
files.range = KeyRangeRef(files.commonPrefix, strinc(files.commonPrefix));
fmt::print("Range: [{0} - {1})\n", files.range.begin.printable(), files.range.end.printable());
return files;
int WRITE_RUNS = 5;
std::pair<int64_t, double> doSnapshotWriteBench(const Standalone<GranuleSnapshot>& data,
bool chunked,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeys,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressionFilter) {
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef();
int64_t serializedBytes = 0;
double elapsed = -timer_monotonic();
for (int runI = 0; runI < WRITE_RUNS; runI++) {
if (!chunked) {
serializedBytes = ObjectWriter::toValue(data, Unversioned()).size();
} else {
serializedBytes =
serializeChunkedSnapshot(fileNameRef, data, 64 * 1024, compressionFilter, cipherKeys).size();
elapsed += timer_monotonic();
elapsed /= WRITE_RUNS;
return { serializedBytes, elapsed };
std::pair<int64_t, double> doDeltaWriteBench(const Standalone<GranuleDeltas>& data,
const KeyRangeRef& fileRange,
bool chunked,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> cipherKeys,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressionFilter) {
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef();
int64_t serializedBytes = 0;
double elapsed = -timer_monotonic();
for (int runI = 0; runI < WRITE_RUNS; runI++) {
if (!chunked) {
serializedBytes = ObjectWriter::toValue(data, Unversioned()).size();
} else {
serializedBytes =
serializeChunkedDeltaFile(fileNameRef, data, fileRange, 32 * 1024, compressionFilter, cipherKeys)
elapsed += timer_monotonic();
elapsed /= WRITE_RUNS;
return { serializedBytes, elapsed };
void chunkFromFileSet(const FileSet& fileSet,
Standalone<BlobGranuleChunkRef>& chunk,
std::vector<StringRef>& deltaPtrs,
Version readVersion,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys,
int numDeltaFiles) {
size_t snapshotSize = std::get<3>(fileSet.snapshotFile).size();
chunk.snapshotFile =
BlobFilePointerRef(chunk.arena(), std::get<0>(fileSet.snapshotFile), 0, snapshotSize, snapshotSize, 1, keys);
for (int i = 0; i < numDeltaFiles; i++) {
size_t deltaSize = std::get<3>(fileSet.deltaFiles[i]).size();
chunk.arena(), std::get<0>(fileSet.deltaFiles[i]), 0, deltaSize, deltaSize, 2 + i, keys);
deltaPtrs[i] = std::get<2>(fileSet.deltaFiles[i]);
chunk.keyRange = fileSet.range;
chunk.includedVersion = readVersion;
chunk.snapshotVersion = std::get<1>(fileSet.snapshotFile);
FileSet rewriteChunkedFileSet(const FileSet& fileSet,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys,
Optional<CompressionFilter> compressionFilter) {
Standalone<StringRef> fileNameRef = StringRef();
FileSet newFiles;
newFiles.snapshotFile = fileSet.snapshotFile;
newFiles.deltaFiles = fileSet.deltaFiles;
newFiles.commonPrefix = fileSet.commonPrefix;
newFiles.range = fileSet.range;
std::get<2>(newFiles.snapshotFile) =
serializeChunkedSnapshot(fileNameRef, std::get<3>(newFiles.snapshotFile), 64 * 1024, compressionFilter, keys);
for (auto& deltaFile : newFiles.deltaFiles) {
std::get<2>(deltaFile) = serializeChunkedDeltaFile(
fileNameRef, std::get<3>(deltaFile), fileSet.range, 32 * 1024, compressionFilter, keys);
return newFiles;
int READ_RUNS = 20;
std::pair<int64_t, double> doReadBench(const FileSet& fileSet,
bool chunked,
KeyRange readRange,
bool clearAllAtEnd,
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys,
int numDeltaFiles,
bool printStats = false) {
Version readVersion = std::get<1>(fileSet.deltaFiles.back());
Standalone<BlobGranuleChunkRef> chunk;
GranuleMaterializeStats stats;
ASSERT(numDeltaFiles >= 0 && numDeltaFiles <= fileSet.deltaFiles.size());
std::vector<StringRef> deltaPtrs(numDeltaFiles);
MutationRef clearAllAtEndMutation;
if (clearAllAtEnd) {
clearAllAtEndMutation = MutationRef(MutationRef::Type::ClearRange, readRange.begin, readRange.end);
if (chunked) {
chunkFromFileSet(fileSet, chunk, deltaPtrs, readVersion, keys, numDeltaFiles);
if (clearAllAtEnd) {
MutationsAndVersionRef lastDelta;
lastDelta.version = readVersion;
lastDelta.mutations.push_back(chunk.arena(), clearAllAtEndMutation);
chunk.includedVersion = readVersion;
chunk.newDeltas.push_back_deep(chunk.arena(), lastDelta);
int64_t serializedBytes = 0;
double elapsed = -timer_monotonic();
for (int runI = 0; runI < READ_RUNS; runI++) {
if (!chunked) {
std::map<KeyRef, ValueRef> data;
for (auto& it : std::get<3>(fileSet.snapshotFile)) {
data.insert({ it.key, it.value });
Version lastFileEndVersion = 0;
for (auto& deltaFile : fileSet.deltaFiles) {
applyDeltasByVersion(std::get<3>(deltaFile), readRange, 0, readVersion, lastFileEndVersion, data);
if (clearAllAtEnd) {
applyDelta(readRange, clearAllAtEndMutation, data);
RangeResult actualData;
for (auto& it : data) {
actualData.push_back_deep(actualData.arena(), KeyValueRef(it.first, it.second));
serializedBytes += actualData.expectedSize();
} else {
RangeResult actualData = materializeBlobGranule(
chunk, readRange, 0, readVersion, std::get<2>(fileSet.snapshotFile), deltaPtrs, stats);
serializedBytes += actualData.expectedSize();
elapsed += timer_monotonic();
elapsed /= READ_RUNS;
serializedBytes /= READ_RUNS;
if (printStats) {
fmt::print("Materialize stats:\n");
fmt::print(" Input bytes: {0}\n", stats.inputBytes / READ_RUNS);
fmt::print(" Output bytes: {0}\n", stats.outputBytes / READ_RUNS);
fmt::print(" Write Amp: {0}\n", (1.0 * stats.inputBytes) / stats.outputBytes);
fmt::print(" Snapshot Rows: {0}\n", stats.snapshotRows / READ_RUNS);
fmt::print(" Rows Cleared: {0}\n", stats.rowsCleared / READ_RUNS);
fmt::print(" Rows Inserted: {0}\n", stats.rowsInserted / READ_RUNS);
fmt::print(" Rows Updated: {0}\n", stats.rowsUpdated / READ_RUNS);
return { serializedBytes, elapsed };
void printMetrics(int64_t diskBytes, double elapsed, int64_t processesBytes, int64_t logicalSize) {
double storageAmp = (1.0 * diskBytes) / logicalSize;
double MBperCPUsec = (elapsed == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (processesBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / elapsed;
fmt::print("{}", fmt::format(" {:.6} {:.6}", storageAmp, MBperCPUsec));
TEST_CASE("!/blobgranule/files/benchFromFiles") {
std::string basePath = "SET_ME";
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fileSetNames = { { "SET_ME" } };
Arena ar;
BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx cipherKeys = getCipherKeysCtx(ar);
std::vector<bool> chunkModes = { false, true };
std::vector<bool> encryptionModes = { false, true };
std::vector<Optional<CompressionFilter>> compressionModes;
compressionModes.end(), CompressionUtils::supportedFilters.begin(), CompressionUtils::supportedFilters.end());
std::vector<std::string> runNames = { "logical" };
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, double>> snapshotMetrics;
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, double>> deltaMetrics;
std::vector<FileSet> fileSets;
int64_t logicalSnapshotSize = 0;
int64_t logicalDeltaSize = 0;
for (auto& it : fileSetNames) {
FileSet fileSet = loadFileSet(basePath, it, false);
logicalSnapshotSize += std::get<3>(fileSet.snapshotFile).expectedSize();
for (auto& deltaFile : fileSet.deltaFiles) {
logicalDeltaSize += std::get<3>(deltaFile).expectedSize();
snapshotMetrics.push_back({ logicalSnapshotSize, 0.0 });
deltaMetrics.push_back({ logicalDeltaSize, 0.0 });
for (bool chunk : chunkModes) {
for (bool encrypt : encryptionModes) {
if (!chunk && encrypt) {
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys = encrypt ? cipherKeys : Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx>();
for (auto& compressionFilter : compressionModes) {
if (!chunk && compressionFilter.present()) {
if (compressionFilter.present() && CompressionFilter::NONE == compressionFilter.get()) {
std::string name;
if (!chunk) {
name = "old";
} else {
if (encrypt) {
name += "ENC";
if (compressionFilter.present() && compressionFilter.get() != CompressionFilter::NONE) {
name += "CMP";
if (name.empty()) {
name = "chunked";
int64_t snapshotTotalBytes = 0;
double snapshotTotalElapsed = 0.0;
for (auto& fileSet : fileSets) {
auto res = doSnapshotWriteBench(std::get<3>(fileSet.snapshotFile), chunk, keys, compressionFilter);
snapshotTotalBytes += res.first;
snapshotTotalElapsed += res.second;
snapshotMetrics.push_back({ snapshotTotalBytes, snapshotTotalElapsed });
int64_t deltaTotalBytes = 0;
double deltaTotalElapsed = 0.0;
for (auto& fileSet : fileSets) {
for (auto& deltaFile : fileSet.deltaFiles) {
auto res =
doDeltaWriteBench(std::get<3>(deltaFile), fileSet.range, chunk, keys, compressionFilter);
deltaTotalBytes += res.first;
deltaTotalElapsed += res.second;
deltaMetrics.push_back({ deltaTotalBytes, deltaTotalElapsed });
fmt::print("\n\n\n\nWrite Results:\n");
ASSERT(runNames.size() == snapshotMetrics.size());
ASSERT(runNames.size() == deltaMetrics.size());
for (int i = 0; i < runNames.size(); i++) {
fmt::print("{0}", runNames[i]);
snapshotMetrics[i].first, snapshotMetrics[i].second, snapshotMetrics[i].first, snapshotMetrics[0].first);
printMetrics(deltaMetrics[i].first, deltaMetrics[i].second, deltaMetrics[i].first, deltaMetrics[0].first);
int64_t logicalTotalBytes = snapshotMetrics[0].first + deltaMetrics[0].first;
int64_t totalBytes = deltaMetrics[i].first + snapshotMetrics[i].first;
double logicalTotalElapsed = (snapshotMetrics[i].second == 0.0 || deltaMetrics[i].second == 0.0)
? 0.0
: snapshotMetrics[i].second + deltaMetrics[i].second;
printMetrics(totalBytes, logicalTotalElapsed, deltaMetrics[i].first, logicalTotalBytes);
std::vector<std::string> readRunNames = {};
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, double>> readMetrics;
bool doEdgeCaseReadTests = false;
bool doVaryingDeltaTests = false;
std::vector<double> clearAllReadMetrics;
std::vector<double> readSingleKeyMetrics;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, double>>> varyingDeltaMetrics;
size_t maxDeltaFiles = 100000;
for (auto& f : fileSets) {
maxDeltaFiles = std::min(maxDeltaFiles, f.deltaFiles.size());
for (bool chunk : chunkModes) {
for (bool encrypt : encryptionModes) {
if (!chunk && encrypt) {
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx> keys = encrypt ? cipherKeys : Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysCtx>();
for (auto& compressionFilter : compressionModes) {
if (!chunk && compressionFilter.present()) {
if (compressionFilter.present() && CompressionFilter::NONE == compressionFilter.get()) {
std::string name;
if (!chunk) {
name = "old";
} else {
if (encrypt) {
name += "ENC";
if (compressionFilter.present() && compressionFilter.get() != CompressionFilter::NONE) {
name += "CMP";
if (name.empty()) {
name = "chunked";
int64_t totalBytesRead = 0;
double totalElapsed = 0.0;
double totalElapsedClearAll = 0.0;
double totalElapsedSingleKey = 0.0;
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, double>> varyingDeltas;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxDeltaFiles; i++) {
varyingDeltas.push_back({ 0, 0.0 });
for (auto& fileSet : fileSets) {
FileSet newFileSet;
if (!chunk) {
newFileSet = fileSet;
} else {
newFileSet = rewriteChunkedFileSet(fileSet, keys, compressionFilter);
auto res = doReadBench(newFileSet, chunk, fileSet.range, false, keys, newFileSet.deltaFiles.size());
totalBytesRead += res.first;
totalElapsed += res.second;
if (doEdgeCaseReadTests) {
totalElapsedClearAll +=
doReadBench(newFileSet, chunk, fileSet.range, true, keys, newFileSet.deltaFiles.size())
Key k = std::get<3>(fileSet.snapshotFile).front().key;
KeyRange singleKeyRange(KeyRangeRef(k, keyAfter(k)));
totalElapsedSingleKey +=
doReadBench(newFileSet, chunk, singleKeyRange, false, keys, newFileSet.deltaFiles.size())
if (doVaryingDeltaTests && chunk) {
for (int i = 0; i <= maxDeltaFiles; i++) {
auto r = doReadBench(newFileSet, chunk, fileSet.range, false, keys, i);
varyingDeltas[i].first += r.first;
varyingDeltas[i].second += r.second;
readMetrics.push_back({ totalBytesRead, totalElapsed });
if (doEdgeCaseReadTests) {
if (doVaryingDeltaTests) {
fmt::print("\n\nRead Results:\n");
ASSERT(readRunNames.size() == readMetrics.size());
for (int i = 0; i < readRunNames.size(); i++) {
fmt::print("{0}", readRunNames[i]);
double MBperCPUsec = (readMetrics[i].first / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / readMetrics[i].second;
fmt::print(" {:.6}", MBperCPUsec);
if (doEdgeCaseReadTests) {
ASSERT(readRunNames.size() == clearAllReadMetrics.size());
ASSERT(readRunNames.size() == readSingleKeyMetrics.size());
fmt::print("\n\nEdge Case Read Results:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < readRunNames.size(); i++) {
fmt::print("{0}", readRunNames[i]);
// use MB from full read test but elapsed from these tests so the numbers make sense relatively
double MBperCPUsecClearAll = (readMetrics[i].first / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / clearAllReadMetrics[i];
double MBperCPUsecSingleKey = (readMetrics[i].first / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / readSingleKeyMetrics[i];
fmt::print(" {:.6} {:.6}", MBperCPUsecClearAll, MBperCPUsecSingleKey);
if (doVaryingDeltaTests) {
ASSERT(readRunNames.size() == varyingDeltaMetrics.size());
fmt::print("\n\nVarying Deltas Read Results:\nDF#\t");
for (int i = 0; i <= maxDeltaFiles; i++) {
fmt::print("{0}\t", i);
for (int i = 0; i < readRunNames.size(); i++) {
fmt::print("{0}", readRunNames[i]);
for (auto& it : varyingDeltaMetrics[i]) {
double MBperCPUsec = (it.first / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / it.second;
fmt::print("\t{:.6}", MBperCPUsec);
fmt::print("\n\nCombined Results:\n");
ASSERT(readRunNames.size() == runNames.size() - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < readRunNames.size(); i++) {
fmt::print("{0}", readRunNames[i]);
int64_t logicalBytes = deltaMetrics[i + 1].first;
double totalElapsed = snapshotMetrics[i + 1].second + deltaMetrics[i + 1].second + readMetrics[i].second;
double MBperCPUsec = (logicalBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / totalElapsed;
fmt::print(" {:.6}", MBperCPUsec);
fmt::print("\n\nBenchmark Complete!\n");
return Void();
TEST_CASE("!/blobgranule/files/repeatFromFiles") {
std::string basePath = "SET_ME";
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fileSetNames = { { "SET_ME" } };
int64_t totalBytesRead = 0;
double totalElapsed = 0.0;
for (auto& it : fileSetNames) {
FileSet fileSet = loadFileSet(basePath, it, true);
auto res = doReadBench(fileSet, true, fileSet.range, false, {}, fileSet.deltaFiles.size(), true);
totalBytesRead += res.first;
totalElapsed += res.second;
double MBperCPUsec = (totalBytesRead / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / totalElapsed;
fmt::print("Read Results: {:.6} MB/cpusec\n", MBperCPUsec);
return Void();