178 lines
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178 lines
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* BlobWorkerInterface.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleCommon.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbrpc/fdbrpc.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Locality.h"
struct BlobWorkerInterface {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 8358753;
// TODO should we just implement off the bad what the StorageServerInterface does with sequential endpoint IDs?
RequestStream<ReplyPromise<Void>> waitFailure;
RequestStream<struct BlobGranuleFileRequest> blobGranuleFileRequest;
RequestStream<struct AssignBlobRangeRequest> assignBlobRangeRequest;
RequestStream<struct RevokeBlobRangeRequest> revokeBlobRangeRequest;
RequestStream<struct GranuleStatusStreamRequest> granuleStatusStreamRequest;
struct LocalityData locality;
UID myId;
BlobWorkerInterface() {}
explicit BlobWorkerInterface(const struct LocalityData& l, UID id) : locality(l), myId(id) {}
void initEndpoints() {}
UID id() const { return myId; }
NetworkAddress address() const { return blobGranuleFileRequest.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress(); }
bool operator==(const BlobWorkerInterface& r) const { return id() == r.id(); }
bool operator!=(const BlobWorkerInterface& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
std::string toString() const { return id().shortString(); }
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar) {
serializer(ar, waitFailure, blobGranuleFileRequest, assignBlobRangeRequest, locality, myId);
struct BlobGranuleFileReply {
// TODO is there a "proper" way to generate file_identifier?
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 6858612;
Arena arena;
VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef> chunks;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, chunks, arena);
// TODO could do a reply promise stream of file mutations to bound memory requirements?
// Have to load whole snapshot file into memory though so it doesn't actually matter too much
struct BlobGranuleFileRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 4150141;
Arena arena;
KeyRangeRef keyRange;
Version beginVersion = 0;
Version readVersion;
ReplyPromise<BlobGranuleFileReply> reply;
BlobGranuleFileRequest() {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, keyRange, beginVersion, readVersion, reply, arena);
struct AssignBlobRangeReply {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 6431923;
bool epochOk; // false if the worker has seen a new manager
AssignBlobRangeReply() {}
explicit AssignBlobRangeReply(bool epochOk) : epochOk(epochOk) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, epochOk);
struct RevokeBlobRangeRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 4844288;
Arena arena;
KeyRangeRef keyRange;
int64_t managerEpoch;
int64_t managerSeqno;
bool dispose;
ReplyPromise<AssignBlobRangeReply> reply;
RevokeBlobRangeRequest() {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, keyRange, managerEpoch, managerSeqno, dispose, reply, arena);
struct AssignBlobRangeRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 905381;
Arena arena;
KeyRangeRef keyRange;
int64_t managerEpoch;
int64_t managerSeqno;
// If continueAssignment is true, this is just to instruct the worker that it *still* owns the range, so it should
// re-snapshot it and continue.
// For an initial assignment, reassignent, split, or merge, continueAssignment==false.
bool continueAssignment;
ReplyPromise<AssignBlobRangeReply> reply;
AssignBlobRangeRequest() {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, keyRange, managerEpoch, managerSeqno, continueAssignment, reply, arena);
// reply per granule
// TODO: could eventually add other types of metrics to report back to the manager here
struct GranuleStatusReply : public ReplyPromiseStreamReply {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 7563104;
KeyRange granuleRange;
bool doSplit;
int64_t epoch;
int64_t seqno;
GranuleStatusReply() {}
explicit GranuleStatusReply(KeyRange range, bool doSplit, int64_t epoch, int64_t seqno)
: granuleRange(range), doSplit(doSplit), epoch(epoch), seqno(seqno) {}
int expectedSize() const { return sizeof(GranuleStatusReply) + granuleRange.expectedSize(); }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, ReplyPromiseStreamReply::acknowledgeToken, granuleRange, doSplit, epoch, seqno);
// manager makes one request per worker, it sends all range updates through this stream
struct GranuleStatusStreamRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 2289677;
int64_t managerEpoch;
ReplyPromiseStream<GranuleStatusReply> reply;
GranuleStatusStreamRequest() {}
explicit GranuleStatusStreamRequest(int64_t managerEpoch) : managerEpoch(managerEpoch) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, managerEpoch, reply);
#endif |