448 lines
14 KiB
448 lines
14 KiB
* fdb_flow.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdb_flow.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "flow/DeterministicRandom.h"
#include "flow/SystemMonitor.h"
#include "flow/TLSConfig.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
using namespace FDB;
THREAD_FUNC networkThread(void* fdb) {
ACTOR Future<Void> _test() {
API *fdb = FDB::API::selectAPIVersion(630);
auto db = fdb->createDatabase();
state Reference<Transaction> tr = db->createTransaction();
// tr->setVersion(1);
Version ver = wait( tr->getReadVersion() );
printf("%" PRId64 "\n", ver);
state std::vector< Future<Version> > versions;
state double starttime = timer_monotonic();
state int i;
// for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
// Version v = wait( tr->getReadVersion() );
// }
for ( i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
versions.push_back( tr->getReadVersion() );
for ( i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
Version v = wait( versions[i] );
// wait( waitForAllReady( versions ) );
printf("Elapsed: %lf\n", timer_monotonic() - starttime );
tr->set( LiteralStringRef("foo"), LiteralStringRef("bar") );
Optional< FDBStandalone<ValueRef> > v = wait( tr->get( LiteralStringRef("foo") ) );
if ( v.present() ) {
printf("%s\n", v.get().toString().c_str() );
FDBStandalone<RangeResultRef> r = wait( tr->getRange( KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef("a"), LiteralStringRef("z") ), 100 ) );
for ( auto kv : r ) {
printf("%s is %s\n", kv.key.toString().c_str(), kv.value.toString().c_str());
return Void();
void fdb_flow_test() {
API *fdb = FDB::API::selectAPIVersion(630);
startThread(networkThread, fdb);
g_network = newNet2(TLSConfig());
openTraceFile(NetworkAddress(), 1000000, 1000000, ".");
uncancellable(recurring(&systemMonitor, 5.0, TaskPriority::FlushTrace));
Future<Void> t = _test();
namespace FDB {
class DatabaseImpl : public Database, NonCopyable {
virtual ~DatabaseImpl() { fdb_database_destroy(db); }
Reference<Transaction> createTransaction() override;
void setDatabaseOption(FDBDatabaseOption option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
FDBDatabase* db;
explicit DatabaseImpl(FDBDatabase* db) : db(db) {}
friend class API;
class TransactionImpl : public Transaction, private NonCopyable, public FastAllocated<TransactionImpl> {
friend class DatabaseImpl;
virtual ~TransactionImpl() {
if (tr) {
void setReadVersion(Version v) override;
Future<Version> getReadVersion() override;
Future<Optional<FDBStandalone<ValueRef>>> get(const Key& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
Future<FDBStandalone<KeyRef>> getKey(const KeySelector& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
Future<Void> watch(const Key& key) override;
using Transaction::getRange;
Future<FDBStandalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(const KeySelector& begin, const KeySelector& end,
GetRangeLimits limits = GetRangeLimits(), bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false,
FDBStreamingMode streamingMode = FDB_STREAMING_MODE_SERIAL) override;
Future<int64_t> getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(const KeyRange& keys) override;
void addReadConflictRange(KeyRangeRef const& keys) override;
void addReadConflictKey(KeyRef const& key) override;
void addWriteConflictRange(KeyRangeRef const& keys) override;
void addWriteConflictKey(KeyRef const& key) override;
void atomicOp(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& operand, FDBMutationType operationType) override;
void set(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value) override;
void clear(const KeyRangeRef& range) override;
void clear(const KeyRef& key) override;
Future<Void> commit() override;
Version getCommittedVersion() override;
Future<FDBStandalone<StringRef>> getVersionstamp() override;
void setOption(FDBTransactionOption option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
Future<int64_t> getApproximateSize() override;
Future<Void> onError(Error const& e) override;
void cancel() override;
void reset() override;
TransactionImpl() : tr(NULL) {}
TransactionImpl(TransactionImpl&& r) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
tr = r.tr;
r.tr = NULL;
TransactionImpl& operator=(TransactionImpl&& r) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
tr = r.tr;
r.tr = NULL;
return *this;
FDBTransaction* tr;
explicit TransactionImpl(FDBDatabase* db);
static inline void throw_on_error( fdb_error_t e ) {
if (e)
throw Error(e);
void CFuture::blockUntilReady() {
throw_on_error( fdb_future_block_until_ready( f ) );
void backToFutureCallback( FDBFuture* f, void* data ) {
g_network->onMainThread( Promise<Void>((SAV<Void>*)data), TaskPriority::DefaultOnMainThread ); // SOMEDAY: think about this priority
// backToFuture<Type>( FDBFuture*, (FDBFuture* -> Type) ) -> Future<Type>
// Takes an FDBFuture (from the alien client world, with callbacks potentially firing on an alien thread)
// and converts it into a Future<T> (with callbacks working on this thread, cancellation etc).
// You must pass as the second parameter a function which takes a ready FDBFuture* and returns a value of Type
ACTOR template<class T, class Function> static Future<T> backToFuture( FDBFuture* _f, Function convertValue ) {
state Reference<CFuture> f( new CFuture(_f) );
Promise<Void> ready;
Future<Void> onReady = ready.getFuture();
throw_on_error( fdb_future_set_callback( f->f, backToFutureCallback, ready.extractRawPointer() ) );
wait( onReady );
return convertValue( f );
void API::setNetworkOption( FDBNetworkOption option, Optional<StringRef> value ) {
if ( value.present() )
throw_on_error( fdb_network_set_option( option, value.get().begin(), value.get().size() ) );
throw_on_error( fdb_network_set_option( option, NULL, 0 ) );
API* API::instance = NULL;
API::API(int version) : version(version) {}
API* API::selectAPIVersion(int apiVersion) {
if(API::instance) {
if(apiVersion != API::instance->version) {
throw api_version_already_set();
else {
return API::instance;
if(apiVersion < 500 || apiVersion > FDB_API_VERSION) {
throw api_version_not_supported();
throw_on_error( fdb_select_api_version_impl(apiVersion, FDB_API_VERSION) );
API::instance = new API(apiVersion);
return API::instance;
bool API::isAPIVersionSelected() {
return API::instance != NULL;
API* API::getInstance() {
if(API::instance == NULL) {
throw api_version_unset();
else {
return API::instance;
void API::setupNetwork() {
throw_on_error( fdb_setup_network() );
void API::runNetwork() {
throw_on_error( fdb_run_network() );
void API::stopNetwork() {
throw_on_error( fdb_stop_network() );
bool API::evaluatePredicate(FDBErrorPredicate pred, Error const& e) {
return fdb_error_predicate( pred, e.code() );
Reference<Database> API::createDatabase(std::string const& connFilename) {
FDBDatabase *db;
throw_on_error(fdb_create_database(connFilename.c_str(), &db));
return Reference<Database>(new DatabaseImpl(db));
int API::getAPIVersion() const {
return version;
Reference<Transaction> DatabaseImpl::createTransaction() {
return Reference<Transaction>(new TransactionImpl(db));
void DatabaseImpl::setDatabaseOption(FDBDatabaseOption option, Optional<StringRef> value) {
if (value.present())
throw_on_error(fdb_database_set_option(db, option, value.get().begin(), value.get().size()));
throw_on_error(fdb_database_set_option(db, option, NULL, 0));
TransactionImpl::TransactionImpl(FDBDatabase* db) {
throw_on_error(fdb_database_create_transaction(db, &tr));
void TransactionImpl::setReadVersion(Version v) {
fdb_transaction_set_read_version( tr, v );
Future<Version> TransactionImpl::getReadVersion() {
return backToFuture<Version>( fdb_transaction_get_read_version( tr ), [](Reference<CFuture> f){
Version value;
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_int64( f->f, &value ) );
return value;
} );
Future<Optional<FDBStandalone<ValueRef>>> TransactionImpl::get(const Key& key, bool snapshot) {
return backToFuture< Optional<FDBStandalone<ValueRef>> >( fdb_transaction_get( tr, key.begin(), key.size(), snapshot ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
fdb_bool_t present;
uint8_t const* value;
int value_length;
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_value( f->f, &present, &value, &value_length ) );
if ( present ) {
return Optional<FDBStandalone<ValueRef>>( FDBStandalone<ValueRef>( f, ValueRef( value, value_length ) ) );
} else {
return Optional<FDBStandalone<ValueRef>>();
} );
Future<Void> TransactionImpl::watch(const Key& key) {
return backToFuture< Void >( fdb_transaction_watch( tr, key.begin(), key.size() ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_error( f->f ) );
return Void();
} );
Future<FDBStandalone<KeyRef>> TransactionImpl::getKey(const KeySelector& key, bool snapshot) {
return backToFuture< FDBStandalone<KeyRef> >( fdb_transaction_get_key( tr, key.key.begin(), key.key.size(), key.orEqual, key.offset, snapshot ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
uint8_t const* key;
int key_length;
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_key( f->f, &key, &key_length ) );
return FDBStandalone<KeyRef>( f, KeyRef( key, key_length ) );
} );
Future<FDBStandalone<RangeResultRef>> TransactionImpl::getRange(const KeySelector& begin, const KeySelector& end, GetRangeLimits limits, bool snapshot, bool reverse, FDBStreamingMode streamingMode) {
// FIXME: iteration
return backToFuture< FDBStandalone<RangeResultRef> >( fdb_transaction_get_range( tr, begin.key.begin(), begin.key.size(), begin.orEqual, begin.offset, end.key.begin(), end.key.size(), end.orEqual, end.offset, limits.rows, limits.bytes, streamingMode, 1, snapshot, reverse ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
FDBKeyValue const* kv;
int count;
fdb_bool_t more;
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_keyvalue_array( f->f, &kv, &count, &more ) );
return FDBStandalone<RangeResultRef>( f, RangeResultRef( VectorRef<KeyValueRef>( (KeyValueRef*)kv, count ), more ) );
} );
Future<int64_t> TransactionImpl::getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(const KeyRange& keys) {
return backToFuture<int64_t>(fdb_transaction_get_estimated_range_size_bytes(tr, keys.begin.begin(), keys.begin.size(), keys.end.begin(), keys.end.size()), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
int64_t bytes;
throw_on_error(fdb_future_get_int64(f->f, &bytes));
return bytes;
void TransactionImpl::addReadConflictRange(KeyRangeRef const& keys) {
throw_on_error( fdb_transaction_add_conflict_range( tr, keys.begin.begin(), keys.begin.size(), keys.end.begin(), keys.end.size(), FDB_CONFLICT_RANGE_TYPE_READ ) );
void TransactionImpl::addReadConflictKey(KeyRef const& key) {
return addReadConflictRange(KeyRange(KeyRangeRef(key, keyAfter(key))));
void TransactionImpl::addWriteConflictRange(KeyRangeRef const& keys) {
throw_on_error( fdb_transaction_add_conflict_range( tr, keys.begin.begin(), keys.begin.size(), keys.end.begin(), keys.end.size(), FDB_CONFLICT_RANGE_TYPE_WRITE ) );
void TransactionImpl::addWriteConflictKey(KeyRef const& key) {
return addWriteConflictRange(KeyRange(KeyRangeRef(key, keyAfter(key))));
void TransactionImpl::atomicOp(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& operand, FDBMutationType operationType) {
fdb_transaction_atomic_op( tr, key.begin(), key.size(), operand.begin(), operand.size(), operationType );
void TransactionImpl::set(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value) {
fdb_transaction_set( tr, key.begin(), key.size(), value.begin(), value.size() );
void TransactionImpl::clear(const KeyRangeRef& range) {
fdb_transaction_clear_range( tr, range.begin.begin(), range.begin.size(), range.end.begin(), range.end.size() );
void TransactionImpl::clear(const KeyRef& key) {
fdb_transaction_clear( tr, key.begin(), key.size() );
Future<Void> TransactionImpl::commit() {
return backToFuture< Void >( fdb_transaction_commit( tr ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_error( f->f ) );
return Void();
} );
Version TransactionImpl::getCommittedVersion() {
Version v;
throw_on_error( fdb_transaction_get_committed_version( tr, &v ) );
return v;
Future<FDBStandalone<StringRef>> TransactionImpl::getVersionstamp() {
return backToFuture<FDBStandalone<KeyRef>>(fdb_transaction_get_versionstamp(tr), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
uint8_t const* key;
int key_length;
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_key( f->f, &key, &key_length ) );
return FDBStandalone<StringRef>( f, StringRef( key, key_length ) );
void TransactionImpl::setOption(FDBTransactionOption option, Optional<StringRef> value) {
if ( value.present() ) {
throw_on_error( fdb_transaction_set_option( tr, option, value.get().begin(), value.get().size() ) );
} else {
throw_on_error( fdb_transaction_set_option( tr, option, NULL, 0 ) );
Future<int64_t> TransactionImpl::getApproximateSize() {
return backToFuture<int64_t>(fdb_transaction_get_approximate_size(tr), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
int64_t size = 0;
throw_on_error(fdb_future_get_int64(f->f, &size));
return size;
Future<Void> TransactionImpl::onError(Error const& e) {
return backToFuture< Void >( fdb_transaction_on_error( tr, e.code() ), [](Reference<CFuture> f) {
throw_on_error( fdb_future_get_error( f->f ) );
return Void();
} );
void TransactionImpl::cancel() {
fdb_transaction_cancel( tr );
void TransactionImpl::reset() {
fdb_transaction_reset( tr );
} // namespace FDB