
314 lines
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Executable File

* FDBLoanerTypes.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace FDB {
typedef StringRef KeyRef;
typedef StringRef ValueRef;
typedef int64_t Version;
typedef Standalone<KeyRef> Key;
typedef Standalone<ValueRef> Value;
inline Key keyAfter( const KeyRef& key ) {
if(key == LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff"))
return key;
Standalone<StringRef> r;
uint8_t* s = new (r.arena()) uint8_t[ key.size() + 1 ];
memcpy(s, key.begin(), key.size() );
s[key.size()] = 0;
((StringRef&) r) = StringRef( s, key.size() + 1 );
return r;
inline KeyRef keyAfter( const KeyRef& key, Arena& arena ) {
if(key == LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff"))
return key;
uint8_t* t = new ( arena ) uint8_t[ key.size()+1 ];
memcpy(t, key.begin(), key.size() );
t[key.size()] = 0;
return KeyRef(t,key.size()+1);
struct KeySelectorRef {
KeyRef key; // Find the last item less than key
bool orEqual; // (or equal to key, if this is true)
int offset; // and then move forward this many items (or backward if negative)
KeySelectorRef() {}
KeySelectorRef( const KeyRef& key, bool orEqual, int offset ) : key(key), orEqual(orEqual), offset(offset) {}
KeySelectorRef( Arena& arena, const KeySelectorRef& copyFrom ) : key(arena,copyFrom.key), orEqual(copyFrom.orEqual), offset(copyFrom.offset) {}
int expectedSize() const { return key.expectedSize(); }
// std::string toString() const {
// if (offset > 0) {
// if (orEqual) return format("firstGreaterThan(%s)%+d", printable(key).c_str(), offset-1);
// else return format("firstGreaterOrEqual(%s)%+d", printable(key).c_str(), offset-1);
// } else {
// if (orEqual) return format("lastLessOrEqual(%s)%+d", printable(key).c_str(), offset);
// else return format("lastLessThan(%s)%+d", printable(key).c_str(), offset);
// }
// }
bool isBackward() const { return !orEqual && offset<=0; } // True if the resolution of the KeySelector depends only on keys less than key
bool isFirstGreaterOrEqual() const { return !orEqual && offset==1; }
bool isFirstGreaterThan() const { return orEqual && offset==1; }
bool isLastLessOrEqual() const { return orEqual && offset==0; }
// True iff, regardless of the contents of the database, lhs must resolve to a key > rhs
bool isDefinitelyGreater( KeyRef const& k ) {
return offset >= 1 && ( isFirstGreaterOrEqual() ? key > k : key >= k );
// True iff, regardless of the contents of the database, lhs must resolve to a key < rhs
bool isDefinitelyLess( KeyRef const& k ) {
return offset <= 0 && ( isLastLessOrEqual() ? key < k : key <= k );
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, key, orEqual, offset);
inline bool operator == (const KeySelectorRef& lhs, const KeySelectorRef& rhs) { return lhs.key == rhs.key && lhs.orEqual==rhs.orEqual && lhs.offset==rhs.offset; }
inline KeySelectorRef lastLessThan( const KeyRef& k ) {
return KeySelectorRef( k, false, 0 );
inline KeySelectorRef lastLessOrEqual( const KeyRef& k ) {
return KeySelectorRef( k, true, 0 );
inline KeySelectorRef firstGreaterThan( const KeyRef& k ) {
return KeySelectorRef( k, true, +1 );
inline KeySelectorRef firstGreaterOrEqual( const KeyRef& k ) {
return KeySelectorRef( k, false, +1 );
inline KeySelectorRef operator + (const KeySelectorRef& s, int off) {
return KeySelectorRef(s.key, s.orEqual, s.offset+off);
inline KeySelectorRef operator - (const KeySelectorRef& s, int off) {
return KeySelectorRef(s.key, s.orEqual, s.offset-off);
typedef Standalone<KeySelectorRef> KeySelector;
struct KeyValueRef {
KeyRef key;
ValueRef value;
KeyValueRef() {}
KeyValueRef( const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value ) : key(key), value(value) {}
KeyValueRef( Arena& a, const KeyValueRef& copyFrom ) : key(a, copyFrom.key), value(a, copyFrom.value) {}
bool operator == ( const KeyValueRef& r ) const { return key == r.key && value == r.value; }
int expectedSize() const { return key.expectedSize() + value.expectedSize(); }
template <class Ar>
force_inline void serialize(Ar& ar) { serializer(ar, key, value); }
struct OrderByKey {
bool operator()(KeyValueRef const& a, KeyValueRef const& b) const {
return a.key < b.key;
template <class T>
bool operator()(T const& a, KeyValueRef const& b) const {
return a < b.key;
template <class T>
bool operator()(KeyValueRef const& a, T const& b) const {
return a.key < b;
struct OrderByKeyBack {
bool operator()(KeyValueRef const& a, KeyValueRef const& b) const {
return a.key > b.key;
template <class T>
bool operator()(T const& a, KeyValueRef const& b) const {
return a > b.key;
template <class T>
bool operator()(KeyValueRef const& a, T const& b) const {
return a.key > b;
typedef Standalone<KeyValueRef> KeyValue;
struct RangeResultRef : VectorRef<KeyValueRef> {
bool more; // True if (but not necessarily only if) values remain in the *key* range requested (possibly beyond the limits requested)
// False implies that no such values remain
Optional<KeyRef> readThrough; // Only present when 'more' is true. When present, this value represent the end (or beginning if reverse) of the range
// which was read to produce these results. This is guarenteed to be less than the requested range.
bool readToBegin;
bool readThroughEnd;
RangeResultRef() : more(false), readToBegin(false), readThroughEnd(false) {}
RangeResultRef( Arena& p, const RangeResultRef& toCopy ) : more( toCopy.more ), readToBegin( toCopy.readToBegin ), readThroughEnd( toCopy.readThroughEnd ), readThrough( toCopy.readThrough.present() ? KeyRef( p, toCopy.readThrough.get() ) : Optional<KeyRef>() ), VectorRef<KeyValueRef>( p, toCopy ) {}
RangeResultRef( const VectorRef<KeyValueRef>& value, bool more, Optional<KeyRef> readThrough = Optional<KeyRef>() ) : VectorRef<KeyValueRef>( value ), more( more ), readThrough( readThrough ), readToBegin( false ), readThroughEnd( false ) {}
RangeResultRef( bool readToBegin, bool readThroughEnd ) : more(false), readToBegin(readToBegin), readThroughEnd(readThroughEnd) { }
template <class Ar>
void serialize( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, ((VectorRef<KeyValueRef>&)*this), more, readThrough, readToBegin, readThroughEnd);
struct GetRangeLimits {
int rows;
int minRows;
int bytes;
GetRangeLimits() : rows( ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED ), minRows(1), bytes( BYTE_LIMIT_UNLIMITED ) {}
explicit GetRangeLimits( int rowLimit ) : rows( rowLimit ), minRows(1), bytes( BYTE_LIMIT_UNLIMITED ) {}
GetRangeLimits( int rowLimit, int byteLimit ) : rows( rowLimit ), minRows(1), bytes( byteLimit ) {}
void decrement( VectorRef<KeyValueRef> const& data );
void decrement( KeyValueRef const& data );
// True if either the row or byte limit has been reached
bool isReached();
// True if data would cause the row or byte limit to be reached
bool reachedBy( VectorRef<KeyValueRef> const& data );
bool hasByteLimit();
bool hasRowLimit();
bool hasSatisfiedMinRows();
bool isValid() { return (rows >= 0 || rows == ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED)
&& (bytes >= 0 || bytes == BYTE_LIMIT_UNLIMITED)
&& minRows >= 0 && (minRows <= rows || rows == ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED); }
struct KeyRangeRef {
const KeyRef begin, end;
KeyRangeRef() {}
KeyRangeRef( const KeyRef& begin, const KeyRef& end ) : begin(begin), end(end) {
if( begin > end ) {
throw inverted_range();
KeyRangeRef( Arena& a, const KeyRangeRef& copyFrom ) : begin(a, copyFrom.begin), end(a, copyFrom.end) {}
bool operator == ( const KeyRangeRef& r ) const { return begin == r.begin && end == r.end; }
bool operator != ( const KeyRangeRef& r ) const { return begin != r.begin || end != r.end; }
bool contains( const KeyRef& key ) const { return begin <= key && key < end; }
bool contains( const KeyRangeRef& keys ) const { return begin <= keys.begin && keys.end <= end; }
bool intersects( const KeyRangeRef& keys ) const { return begin < keys.end && keys.begin < end; }
bool empty() const { return begin == end; }
Standalone<KeyRangeRef> withPrefix( const StringRef& prefix ) const {
return KeyRangeRef( begin.withPrefix(prefix), end.withPrefix(prefix) );
const KeyRangeRef& operator = (const KeyRangeRef& rhs) {
const_cast<KeyRef&>(begin) = rhs.begin;
const_cast<KeyRef&>(end) = rhs.end;
return *this;
int expectedSize() const { return begin.expectedSize() + end.expectedSize(); }
template <class Ar>
force_inline void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, const_cast<KeyRef&>(begin), const_cast<KeyRef&>(end));
if( begin > end ) {
throw inverted_range();
struct ArbitraryOrder {
bool operator()(KeyRangeRef const& a, KeyRangeRef const& b) const {
if (a.begin < b.begin) return true;
if (a.begin > b.begin) return false;
return a.end < b.end;
inline KeyRangeRef operator & (const KeyRangeRef& lhs, const KeyRangeRef& rhs) {
KeyRef b = std::max(lhs.begin, rhs.begin), e = std::min(lhs.end, rhs.end);
if (e < b)
return KeyRangeRef();
return KeyRangeRef(b,e);
typedef Standalone<KeyRangeRef> KeyRange;
template <class T>
static std::string describe(T const& item) {
return item.toString();
template <class K, class V>
static std::string describe(std::map<K, V> const& items, int max_items = -1) {
if (!items.size())
return "[no items]";
std::string s;
int count = 0;
for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++) {
if (++count > max_items && max_items >= 0)
if (count > 1) s += ",";
s += describe(it->first) + "=>" + describe(it->second);
return s;
template <class T>
static std::string describeList(T const& items, int max_items) {
if (!items.size())
return "[no items]";
std::string s;
int count = 0;
for (auto const& item : items) {
if (++count > max_items && max_items >= 0)
if (count > 1) s += ",";
s += describe(item);
return s;
template <class T>
static std::string describe(std::vector<T> const& items, int max_items = -1) {
return describeList(items, max_items);
template <class T>
static std::string describe(std::set<T> const& items, int max_items = -1) {
return describeList(items, max_items);
template <class T1, class T2>
static std::string describe(std::pair<T1, T2> const& pair) {
return "first: " + describe(pair.first) + " second: " + describe(pair.second);
#endif /* FDB_LOANER_TYPES_H */