960 lines
36 KiB
960 lines
36 KiB
* FlowTransport.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "FlowTransport.h"
#include "genericactors.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc.h"
#include "flow/Net2Packet.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "flow/TDMetric.actor.h"
#include "FailureMonitor.h"
#include "crc32c.h"
#include "simulator.h"
#include <memcheck.h>
static NetworkAddress g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress;
const uint64_t TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG = 1;
class EndpointMap : NonCopyable {
void insert( NetworkMessageReceiver* r, Endpoint::Token& token, uint32_t priority );
NetworkMessageReceiver* get( Endpoint::Token const& token );
uint32_t getPriority( Endpoint::Token const& token );
void remove( Endpoint::Token const& token, NetworkMessageReceiver* r );
void realloc();
struct Entry {
union {
uint64_t uid[2]; // priority packed into lower 32 bits; actual lower 32 bits of token are the index in data[]
uint32_t nextFree;
NetworkMessageReceiver* receiver;
Endpoint::Token& token() { return *(Endpoint::Token*)uid; }
std::vector<Entry> data;
uint32_t firstFree;
: firstFree(-1)
void EndpointMap::realloc() {
int oldSize = data.size();
data.resize( std::max(128, oldSize*2) );
for(int i=oldSize; i<data.size(); i++) {
data[i].receiver = 0;
data[i].nextFree = i+1;
data[data.size()-1].nextFree = firstFree;
firstFree = oldSize;
void EndpointMap::insert( NetworkMessageReceiver* r, Endpoint::Token& token, uint32_t priority ) {
if (firstFree == uint32_t(-1)) realloc();
int index = firstFree;
firstFree = data[index].nextFree;
token = Endpoint::Token( token.first(), (token.second()&0xffffffff00000000LL) | index );
data[index].token() = Endpoint::Token( token.first(), (token.second()&0xffffffff00000000LL) | priority );
data[index].receiver = r;
NetworkMessageReceiver* EndpointMap::get( Endpoint::Token const& token ) {
uint32_t index = token.second();
if ( index < data.size() && data[index].token().first() == token.first() && ((data[index].token().second()&0xffffffff00000000LL)|index)==token.second() )
return data[index].receiver;
return 0;
uint32_t EndpointMap::getPriority( Endpoint::Token const& token ) {
uint32_t index = token.second();
if ( index < data.size() && data[index].token().first() == token.first() && ((data[index].token().second()&0xffffffff00000000LL)|index)==token.second() )
return data[index].token().second();
return TaskUnknownEndpoint;
void EndpointMap::remove( Endpoint::Token const& token, NetworkMessageReceiver* r ) {
uint32_t index = token.second();
if ( index < data.size() && data[index].token().first() == token.first() && ((data[index].token().second()&0xffffffff00000000LL)|index)==token.second() && data[index].receiver == r ) {
data[index].receiver = 0;
data[index].nextFree = firstFree;
firstFree = index;
struct EndpointNotFoundReceiver : NetworkMessageReceiver {
EndpointNotFoundReceiver(EndpointMap& endpoints) {
//endpoints[WLTOKEN_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND] = this;
endpoints.insert(this, e, TaskDefaultEndpoint);
virtual void receive( ArenaReader& reader ) {
// Remote machine tells us it doesn't have endpoint e
Endpoint e; reader >> e;
struct PingReceiver : NetworkMessageReceiver {
PingReceiver(EndpointMap& endpoints) {
Endpoint::Token e = WLTOKEN_PING_PACKET;
endpoints.insert(this, e, TaskReadSocket);
virtual void receive( ArenaReader& reader ) {
ReplyPromise<Void> reply; reader >> reply;
class TransportData {
TransportData(uint64_t transportId)
: endpointNotFoundReceiver(endpoints),
void initMetrics() {
struct Peer* getPeer( NetworkAddress const& address, bool doConnect = true );
NetworkAddress localAddress;
std::map<NetworkAddress, struct Peer*> peers;
Future<Void> listen;
bool warnAlwaysForLargePacket;
// These declarations must be in exactly this order
EndpointMap endpoints;
EndpointNotFoundReceiver endpointNotFoundReceiver;
PingReceiver pingReceiver;
// End ordered declarations
Int64MetricHandle bytesSent;
Int64MetricHandle countPacketsReceived;
Int64MetricHandle countPacketsGenerated;
Int64MetricHandle countConnEstablished;
Int64MetricHandle countConnClosedWithError;
Int64MetricHandle countConnClosedWithoutError;
std::map<NetworkAddress, std::pair<uint64_t, double>> incompatiblePeers;
uint32_t numIncompatibleConnections;
std::map<uint64_t, double> multiVersionConnections;
double lastIncompatibleMessage;
uint64_t transportId;
Future<Void> multiVersionCleanup;
#define CONNECT_PACKET_V0 0x0FDB00A444020001LL
#define CONNECT_PACKET_V1 0x0FDB00A446030001LL
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
struct ConnectPacket {
uint32_t connectPacketLength; // sizeof(ConnectPacket)-sizeof(uint32_t), or perhaps greater in later protocol versions
uint64_t protocolVersion; // Expect currentProtocolVersion
uint16_t canonicalRemotePort; // Port number to reconnect to the originating process
uint64_t connectionId; // Multi-version clients will use the same Id for both connections, other connections will set this to zero. Added at protocol Version 0x0FDB00A444020001.
uint32_t canonicalRemoteIp; // IP Address to reconnect to the originating process
size_t minimumSize() {
if (protocolVersion < CONNECT_PACKET_V0) return CONNECT_PACKET_V0_SIZE;
if (protocolVersion < CONNECT_PACKET_V1) return CONNECT_PACKET_V1_SIZE;
static_assert( sizeof(ConnectPacket) == CONNECT_PACKET_V2_SIZE, "ConnectPacket packed incorrectly" );
#pragma pack( pop )
static Future<Void> connectionReader( TransportData* const& transport, Reference<IConnection> const& conn, Peer* const& peer, Promise<Peer*> const& onConnected );
static PacketID sendPacket( TransportData* self, ISerializeSource const& what, const Endpoint& destination, bool reliable );
struct Peer : NonCopyable {
// FIXME: Peers don't die!
TransportData* transport;
NetworkAddress destination;
UnsentPacketQueue unsent;
ReliablePacketList reliable;
AsyncTrigger dataToSend; // Triggered when unsent.empty() becomes false
Future<Void> connect;
AsyncTrigger incompatibleDataRead;
bool compatible;
bool outgoingConnectionIdle; // We don't actually have a connection open and aren't trying to open one because we don't have anything to send
double lastConnectTime;
double reconnectionDelay;
explicit Peer( TransportData* transport, NetworkAddress const& destination, bool doConnect = true )
: transport(transport), destination(destination), outgoingConnectionIdle(!doConnect), lastConnectTime(0.0), reconnectionDelay(FLOW_KNOBS->INITIAL_RECONNECTION_TIME), compatible(true)
if(doConnect) {
connect = connectionKeeper(this);
void send(PacketBuffer* pb, ReliablePacket* rp, bool firstUnsent) {
if (rp) reliable.insert(rp);
if (firstUnsent) dataToSend.trigger();
void prependConnectPacket() {
// Send the ConnectPacket expected at the beginning of a new connection
ConnectPacket pkt;
if (transport->localAddress.isTLS() != destination.isTLS()) {
pkt.canonicalRemotePort = 0; // a "mixed" TLS/non-TLS connection is like a client/server connection - there's no way to reverse it
pkt.canonicalRemoteIp = 0;
else {
pkt.canonicalRemotePort = transport->localAddress.port;
pkt.canonicalRemoteIp = transport->localAddress.ip;
pkt.connectPacketLength = sizeof(pkt)-sizeof(pkt.connectPacketLength);
pkt.protocolVersion = currentProtocolVersion;
pkt.connectionId = transport->transportId;
PacketBuffer* pb_first = new PacketBuffer;
PacketWriter wr( pb_first, NULL, Unversioned() );
unsent.prependWriteBuffer(pb_first, wr.finish());
void discardUnreliablePackets() {
// Throw away the current unsent list, dropping the reference count on each PacketBuffer that accounts for presence in the unsent list
// Compact reliable packets into a new unsent range
PacketBuffer* pb = unsent.getWriteBuffer();
pb = reliable.compact(pb, NULL);
void onIncomingConnection( Reference<IConnection> conn, Future<Void> reader ) {
// In case two processes are trying to connect to each other simultaneously, the process with the larger canonical NetworkAddress
// gets to keep its outgoing connection.
if ( !destination.isPublic() && !outgoingConnectionIdle ) throw address_in_use();
if ( !destination.isPublic() || outgoingConnectionIdle || destination > transport->localAddress ) {
// Keep the new connection
TraceEvent("IncomingConnection", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("FromAddr", conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("CanonicalAddr", destination)
.detail("IsPublic", destination.isPublic());
connect = connectionKeeper( this, conn, reader );
} else {
TraceEvent("RedundantConnection", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("FromAddr", conn->getPeerAddress().toString())
.detail("CanonicalAddr", destination);
// Keep our prior connection
// Send an (ignored) packet to make sure that, if our outgoing connection died before the peer made this connection attempt,
// we eventually find out that our connection is dead, close it, and then respond to the next connection reattempt from peer.
//sendPacket( self, SerializeSourceRaw(StringRef()), Endpoint(peer->address(), TOKEN_IGNORE_PACKET), false );
ACTOR static Future<Void> connectionMonitor( Peer *peer ) {
state RequestStream< ReplyPromise<Void> > remotePing( Endpoint( peer->destination, WLTOKEN_PING_PACKET ) );
loop {
Void _ = wait( delayJittered( FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_MONITOR_LOOP_TIME ) );
// SOMEDAY: Stop monitoring and close the connection after a long period of inactivity with no reliable or onDisconnect requests outstanding
state ReplyPromise<Void> reply;
FlowTransport::transport().sendUnreliable( SerializeSource<ReplyPromise<Void>>(reply), remotePing.getEndpoint() );
choose {
when (Void _ = wait( delay( FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_MONITOR_TIMEOUT ) )) { TraceEvent("ConnectionTimeout").detail("WithAddr", peer->destination); throw connection_failed(); }
when (Void _ = wait( reply.getFuture() )) {}
when (Void _ = wait( peer->incompatibleDataRead.onTrigger())) {}
ACTOR static Future<Void> connectionWriter( Peer* self, Reference<IConnection> conn ) {
state double lastWriteTime = now();
loop {
//Void _ = wait( delay(0, TaskWriteSocket) );
Void _ = wait( delayJittered(std::max<double>(FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_COALESCE_DELAY, FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_COALESCE_DELAY - (now() - lastWriteTime)), TaskWriteSocket) );
//Void _ = wait( delay(500e-6, TaskWriteSocket) );
//Void _ = wait( yield(TaskWriteSocket) );
// Send until there is nothing left to send
loop {
lastWriteTime = now();
int sent = conn->write( self->unsent.getUnsent() );
if (sent) {
self->transport->bytesSent += sent;
if (self->unsent.empty()) break;
TEST(true); // We didn't write everything, so apparently the write buffer is full. Wait for it to be nonfull.
Void _ = wait( conn->onWritable() );
Void _ = wait( yield(TaskWriteSocket) );
// Wait until there is something to send
while ( self->unsent.empty() )
Void _ = wait( self->dataToSend.onTrigger() );
ACTOR static Future<Void> connectionKeeper( Peer* self,
Reference<IConnection> conn = Reference<IConnection>(),
Future<Void> reader = Void()) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ConnKeeper", conn ? conn->getDebugID() : UID())
.detail("PeerAddr", self->destination)
.detail("ConnSet", (bool)conn);
loop {
try {
if (!conn) { // Always, except for the first loop with an incoming connection
self->outgoingConnectionIdle = true;
// Wait until there is something to send
while ( self->unsent.empty() )
Void _ = wait( self->dataToSend.onTrigger() );
ASSERT( self->destination.isPublic() );
self->outgoingConnectionIdle = false;
Void _ = wait( delayJittered( std::max(0.0, self->lastConnectTime+self->reconnectionDelay - now()) ) ); // Don't connect() to the same peer more than once per 2 sec
self->lastConnectTime = now();
TraceEvent("ConnectingTo", conn ? conn->getDebugID() : UID()).detail("PeerAddr", self->destination);
Reference<IConnection> _conn = wait( timeout( INetworkConnections::net()->connect(self->destination), FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_MONITOR_TIMEOUT, Reference<IConnection>() ) );
if (_conn) {
conn = _conn;
TraceEvent("ConnectionExchangingConnectPacket", conn->getDebugID()).detail("PeerAddr", self->destination);
} else {
TraceEvent("ConnectionTimedOut", conn ? conn->getDebugID() : UID()).detail("PeerAddr", self->destination);
throw connection_failed();
reader = connectionReader( self->transport, conn, self, Promise<Peer*>());
} else {
self->outgoingConnectionIdle = false;
try {
Void _ = wait( connectionWriter( self, conn ) || reader || connectionMonitor(self) );
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_connection_failed || e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled || ( g_network->isSimulated() && e.code() == error_code_checksum_failed ))
throw e;
ASSERT( false );
} catch (Error& e) {
if(now() - self->lastConnectTime > FLOW_KNOBS->RECONNECTION_RESET_TIME) {
} else {
self->reconnectionDelay = std::min(FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_RECONNECTION_TIME, self->reconnectionDelay * FLOW_KNOBS->RECONNECTION_TIME_GROWTH_RATE);
reader = Future<Void>();
bool ok = e.code() == error_code_connection_failed || e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled || ( g_network->isSimulated() && e.code() == error_code_checksum_failed );
if(self->compatible) {
TraceEvent(ok ? SevInfo : SevError, "ConnectionClosed", conn ? conn->getDebugID() : UID()).detail("PeerAddr", self->destination).error(e, true);
else {
TraceEvent(ok ? SevInfo : SevError, "IncompatibleConnectionClosed", conn ? conn->getDebugID() : UID()).detail("PeerAddr", self->destination).error(e, true);
if (conn) {
conn = Reference<IConnection>();
IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().notifyDisconnect( self->destination ); //< Clients might send more packets in response, which needs to go out on the next connection
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled) throw;
// Try to recover, even from serious errors, by retrying
ACTOR static void deliver( TransportData* self, Endpoint destination, ArenaReader reader, bool inReadSocket ) {
int priority = self->endpoints.getPriority(destination.token);
if (priority < TaskReadSocket || !inReadSocket) {
Void _ = wait( delay(0, priority) );
} else {
g_network->setCurrentTask( priority );
auto receiver = self->endpoints.get(destination.token);
if (receiver) {
try {
g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress = destination.address;
receiver->receive( reader );
g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress = NetworkAddress();
} catch (Error& e) {
g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress = NetworkAddress();
TraceEvent(SevError, "ReceiverError").error(e).detail("Token", destination.token.toString()).detail("Peer", destination.address);
} else if (destination.token.first() & TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG) {
// We don't have the (stream) endpoint 'token', notify the remote machine
if (destination.token.first() != -1)
sendPacket( self,
SerializeSource<Endpoint>( Endpoint( self->localAddress, destination.token ) ),
Endpoint( destination.address, WLTOKEN_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND),
false );
if( inReadSocket )
g_network->setCurrentTask( TaskReadSocket );
static void scanPackets( TransportData* transport, uint8_t*& unprocessed_begin, uint8_t* e, Arena& arena, NetworkAddress const& peerAddress, uint64_t peerProtocolVersion ) {
// Find each complete packet in the given byte range and queue a ready task to deliver it.
// Remove the complete packets from the range by increasing unprocessed_begin.
// There won't be more than 64K of data plus one packet, so this shouldn't take a long time.
uint8_t* p = unprocessed_begin;
bool checksumEnabled = true;
if (transport->localAddress.isTLS() || peerAddress.isTLS()) {
checksumEnabled = false;
loop {
uint32_t packetLen, packetChecksum;
//Retrieve packet length and checksum
if (checksumEnabled) {
if (e-p < sizeof(uint32_t) * 2) break;
packetLen = *(uint32_t*)p; p += sizeof(uint32_t);
packetChecksum = *(uint32_t*)p; p += sizeof(uint32_t);
} else {
if (e-p < sizeof(uint32_t)) break;
packetLen = *(uint32_t*)p; p += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (packetLen > FLOW_KNOBS->PACKET_LIMIT) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "Net2_PacketLimitExceeded").detail("FromPeer", peerAddress.toString()).detail("Length", (int)packetLen);
throw platform_error();
else if (packetLen > FLOW_KNOBS->PACKET_WARNING) {
TraceEvent(transport->warnAlwaysForLargePacket ? SevWarnAlways : SevWarn, "Net2_LargePacket")
.detail("FromPeer", peerAddress.toString())
.detail("Length", (int)packetLen)
transport->warnAlwaysForLargePacket = false;
if (e-p<packetLen) break;
ASSERT( packetLen >= sizeof(UID) );
if (checksumEnabled) {
bool isBuggifyEnabled = false;
if(g_network->isSimulated() && g_network->now() - g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure > g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration && BUGGIFY_WITH_PROB(0.0001)) {
g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure = g_network->now();
isBuggifyEnabled = true;
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "BitsFlip");
int flipBits = 32 - (int) floor(log2(g_random->randomUInt32()));
uint32_t firstFlipByteLocation = g_random->randomUInt32() % packetLen;
int firstFlipBitLocation = g_random->randomInt(0, 8);
*(p + firstFlipByteLocation) ^= 1 << firstFlipBitLocation;
for (int i = 0; i < flipBits; i++) {
uint32_t byteLocation = g_random->randomUInt32() % packetLen;
int bitLocation = g_random->randomInt(0, 8);
if (byteLocation != firstFlipByteLocation || bitLocation != firstFlipBitLocation) {
*(p + byteLocation) ^= 1 << bitLocation;
uint32_t calculatedChecksum = crc32c_append(0, p, packetLen);
if (calculatedChecksum != packetChecksum) {
if (isBuggifyEnabled) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "ChecksumMismatchExp").detail("packetChecksum", (int)packetChecksum).detail("calculatedChecksum", (int)calculatedChecksum);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "ChecksumMismatchUnexp").detail("packetChecksum", (int)packetChecksum).detail("calculatedChecksum", (int)calculatedChecksum);
throw checksum_failed();
} else {
if (isBuggifyEnabled) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ChecksumMatchUnexp").detail("packetChecksum", (int)packetChecksum).detail("calculatedChecksum", (int)calculatedChecksum);
ArenaReader reader( arena, StringRef(p, packetLen), AssumeVersion(peerProtocolVersion) );
UID token; reader >> token;
deliver( transport, Endpoint( peerAddress, token ), std::move(reader), true );
unprocessed_begin = p = p + packetLen;
ACTOR static Future<Void> connectionReader(
TransportData* transport,
Reference<IConnection> conn,
Peer *peer,
Promise<Peer*> onConnected)
// This actor exists whenever there is an open or opening connection, whether incoming or outgoing
// For incoming connections conn is set and peer is initially NULL; for outgoing connections it is the reverse
state Arena arena;
state uint8_t* unprocessed_begin = NULL;
state uint8_t* unprocessed_end = NULL;
state uint8_t* buffer_end = NULL;
state bool expectConnectPacket = true;
state bool compatible = false;
state NetworkAddress peerAddress;
state uint64_t peerProtocolVersion = 0;
peerAddress = conn->getPeerAddress();
if (peer == nullptr) {
ASSERT( !peerAddress.isPublic() );
try {
loop {
loop {
int readAllBytes = buffer_end - unprocessed_end;
if (readAllBytes < 4096) {
Arena newArena;
int unproc_len = unprocessed_end - unprocessed_begin;
int len = std::max( 65536, unproc_len*2 );
uint8_t* newBuffer = new (newArena) uint8_t[ len ];
memcpy( newBuffer, unprocessed_begin, unproc_len );
arena = newArena;
unprocessed_begin = newBuffer;
unprocessed_end = newBuffer + unproc_len;
buffer_end = newBuffer + len;
readAllBytes = buffer_end - unprocessed_end;
int readBytes = conn->read( unprocessed_end, buffer_end );
if (!readBytes) break;
state bool readWillBlock = readBytes != readAllBytes;
unprocessed_end += readBytes;
if (expectConnectPacket && unprocessed_end-unprocessed_begin>=CONNECT_PACKET_V0_SIZE) {
// At the beginning of a connection, we expect to receive a packet containing the protocol version and the listening port of the remote process
ConnectPacket* p = (ConnectPacket*)unprocessed_begin;
uint64_t connectionId = 0;
int32_t connectPacketSize = p->minimumSize();
if ( unprocessed_end-unprocessed_begin >= connectPacketSize ) {
if(p->protocolVersion >= 0x0FDB00A444020001) {
connectionId = p->connectionId;
if( (p->protocolVersion&compatibleProtocolVersionMask) != (currentProtocolVersion&compatibleProtocolVersionMask) ) {
NetworkAddress addr = p->canonicalRemotePort ? NetworkAddress( p->canonicalRemoteIp, p->canonicalRemotePort ) : conn->getPeerAddress();
if(connectionId != 1) addr.port = 0;
if(!transport->multiVersionConnections.count(connectionId)) {
if(now() - transport->lastIncompatibleMessage > FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_REJECTED_MESSAGE_DELAY) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "ConnectionRejected", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("Reason", "IncompatibleProtocolVersion")
.detail("LocalVersion", currentProtocolVersion)
.detail("RejectedVersion", p->protocolVersion)
.detail("VersionMask", compatibleProtocolVersionMask)
.detail("Peer", p->canonicalRemotePort ? NetworkAddress( p->canonicalRemoteIp, p->canonicalRemotePort ) : conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("ConnectionId", connectionId);
transport->lastIncompatibleMessage = now();
if(!transport->incompatiblePeers.count(addr)) {
transport->incompatiblePeers[ addr ] = std::make_pair(connectionId, now());
} else if(connectionId > 1) {
transport->multiVersionConnections[connectionId] = now() + FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_ID_TIMEOUT;
compatible = false;
if(p->protocolVersion < 0x0FDB00A551000000LL) {
// Older versions expected us to hang up. It may work even if we don't hang up here, but it's safer to keep the old behavior.
throw incompatible_protocol_version();
else {
compatible = true;
TraceEvent("ConnectionEstablished", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("Peer", conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("ConnectionId", connectionId);
if(connectionId > 1) {
transport->multiVersionConnections[connectionId] = now() + FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_ID_TIMEOUT;
unprocessed_begin += connectPacketSize;
expectConnectPacket = false;
peerProtocolVersion = p->protocolVersion;
if (peer != nullptr) {
// Outgoing connection; port information should be what we expect
TraceEvent("ConnectedOutgoing").detail("PeerAddr", NetworkAddress( p->canonicalRemoteIp, p->canonicalRemotePort ) );
peer->compatible = compatible;
if (!compatible)
ASSERT( p->canonicalRemotePort == peerAddress.port );
} else {
if (p->canonicalRemotePort) {
peerAddress = NetworkAddress( p->canonicalRemoteIp, p->canonicalRemotePort, true, peerAddress.isTLS() );
peer = transport->getPeer(peerAddress);
peer->compatible = compatible;
if (!compatible)
onConnected.send( peer );
Void _ = wait( delay(0) ); // Check for cancellation
if (compatible) {
scanPackets( transport, unprocessed_begin, unprocessed_end, arena, peerAddress, peerProtocolVersion );
else if(!expectConnectPacket) {
unprocessed_begin = unprocessed_end;
if (readWillBlock)
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskReadSocket));
Void _ = wait( conn->onReadable() );
Void _ = wait(delay(0, TaskReadSocket)); // We don't want to call conn->read directly from the reactor - we could get stuck in the reactor reading 1 packet at a time
catch (Error& e) {
if (peer && !peer->compatible) {
ASSERT(peer->transport->numIncompatibleConnections > 0);
ACTOR static Future<Void> connectionIncoming( TransportData* self, Reference<IConnection> conn ) {
try {
state Promise<Peer*> onConnected;
state Future<Void> reader = connectionReader( self, conn, nullptr, onConnected );
choose {
when( Void _ = wait( reader ) ) { ASSERT(false); return Void(); }
when( Peer *p = wait( onConnected.getFuture() ) ) {
p->onIncomingConnection( conn, reader );
when( Void _ = wait( delayJittered(FLOW_KNOBS->CONNECTION_MONITOR_TIMEOUT) ) ) {
TEST(true); // Incoming connection timed out
throw timed_out();
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("IncomingConnectionError", conn->getDebugID()).error(e).detail("FromAddress", conn->getPeerAddress());
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> listen( TransportData* self, NetworkAddress listenAddr ) {
state ActorCollectionNoErrors incoming; // Actors monitoring incoming connections that haven't yet been associated with a peer
state Reference<IListener> listener = INetworkConnections::net()->listen( listenAddr );
try {
loop {
Reference<IConnection> conn = wait( listener->accept() );
TraceEvent("ConnectionFrom", conn->getDebugID()).detail("FromAddress", conn->getPeerAddress());
incoming.add( connectionIncoming(self, conn) );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ListenError").error(e);
Peer* TransportData::getPeer( NetworkAddress const& address, bool doConnect ) {
auto& peer = peers[address];
if (!peer) peer = new Peer(this, address, doConnect);
return peer;
ACTOR static Future<Void> multiVersionCleanupWorker( TransportData* self ) {
loop {
for(auto it = self->incompatiblePeers.begin(); it != self->incompatiblePeers.end();) {
if( self->multiVersionConnections.count(it->second.first) ) {
it = self->incompatiblePeers.erase(it);
} else {
for(auto it = self->multiVersionConnections.begin(); it != self->multiVersionConnections.end();) {
if( it->second < now() ) {
it = self->multiVersionConnections.erase(it);
} else {
FlowTransport::FlowTransport( uint64_t transportId ) : self(new TransportData(transportId)) {
self->multiVersionCleanup = multiVersionCleanupWorker(self);
FlowTransport::~FlowTransport() { delete self; }
void FlowTransport::initMetrics() { self->initMetrics(); }
NetworkAddress FlowTransport::getLocalAddress() { return self->localAddress; }
std::map<NetworkAddress, std::pair<uint64_t, double>>* FlowTransport::getIncompatiblePeers() {
for(auto it = self->incompatiblePeers.begin(); it != self->incompatiblePeers.end();) {
if( self->multiVersionConnections.count(it->second.first) ) {
it = self->incompatiblePeers.erase(it);
} else {
return &self->incompatiblePeers;
Future<Void> FlowTransport::bind( NetworkAddress publicAddress, NetworkAddress listenAddress ) {
ASSERT( publicAddress.isPublic() );
self->localAddress = publicAddress;
TraceEvent("Binding").detail("PublicAddress", publicAddress).detail("ListenAddress", listenAddress);
self->listen = listen( self, listenAddress );
return self->listen;
void FlowTransport::loadedEndpoint( Endpoint& endpoint ) {
if (endpoint.address.isValid()) return;
ASSERT( !(endpoint.token.first() & TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG) ); // Only reply promises are supposed to be unaddressed
ASSERT( g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress.isValid() );
endpoint.address = g_currentDeliveryPeerAddress;
void FlowTransport::addEndpoint( Endpoint& endpoint, NetworkMessageReceiver* receiver, uint32_t taskID ) {
endpoint.token = g_random->randomUniqueID();
if (receiver->isStream()) {
endpoint.address = getLocalAddress();
endpoint.token = UID( endpoint.token.first() | TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG, endpoint.token.second() );
} else {
endpoint.address = NetworkAddress();
endpoint.token = UID( endpoint.token.first() & ~TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG, endpoint.token.second() );
self->endpoints.insert( receiver, endpoint.token, taskID );
void FlowTransport::removeEndpoint( const Endpoint& endpoint, NetworkMessageReceiver* receiver ) {
self->endpoints.remove(endpoint.token, receiver);
void FlowTransport::addWellKnownEndpoint( Endpoint& endpoint, NetworkMessageReceiver* receiver, uint32_t taskID ) {
endpoint.address = getLocalAddress();
ASSERT( ((endpoint.token.first() & TOKEN_STREAM_FLAG)!=0) == receiver->isStream() );
Endpoint::Token otoken = endpoint.token;
self->endpoints.insert( receiver, endpoint.token, taskID );
ASSERT( endpoint.token == otoken );
static PacketID sendPacket( TransportData* self, ISerializeSource const& what, const Endpoint& destination, bool reliable ) {
if (destination.address == self->localAddress) {
TEST(true); // "Loopback" delivery
// SOMEDAY: Would it be better to avoid (de)serialization by doing this check in flow?
BinaryWriter wr( AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion) );
Standalone<StringRef> copy = wr.toStringRef();
VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(copy.begin(), copy.size());
deliver( self, destination, ArenaReader(copy.arena(), copy, AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion)), false );
return (PacketID)NULL;
} else {
bool checksumEnabled = true;
if (self->localAddress.isTLS() || destination.address.isTLS()) {
checksumEnabled = false;
Peer* peer = self->getPeer(destination.address);
// If there isn't an open connection, a public address, or the peer isn't compatible, we can't send
if ((peer->outgoingConnectionIdle && !destination.address.isPublic()) || (!peer->compatible && destination.token != WLTOKEN_PING_PACKET)) {
TEST(true); // Can't send to private address without a compatible open connection
return (PacketID)NULL;
bool firstUnsent = peer->unsent.empty();
PacketBuffer* pb = peer->unsent.getWriteBuffer();
ReliablePacket* rp = reliable ? new ReliablePacket : 0;
void*p = pb->data+pb->bytes_written;
int prevBytesWritten = pb->bytes_written;
PacketBuffer* checksumPb = pb;
PacketWriter wr(pb,rp,AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion)); // SOMEDAY: Can we downgrade to talk to older peers?
// Reserve some space for packet length and checksum, write them after serializing data
SplitBuffer packetInfoBuffer;
uint32_t len, checksum = 0;
int packetInfoSize = sizeof(len);
if (checksumEnabled) {
packetInfoSize += sizeof(checksum);
wr.writeAhead(packetInfoSize , &packetInfoBuffer);
wr << destination.token;
pb = wr.finish();
len = wr.size() - packetInfoSize;
if (checksumEnabled) {
// Find the correct place to start calculating checksum
uint32_t checksumUnprocessedLength = len;
prevBytesWritten += packetInfoSize;
if (prevBytesWritten >= PacketBuffer::DATA_SIZE) {
prevBytesWritten -= PacketBuffer::DATA_SIZE;
checksumPb = checksumPb->nextPacketBuffer();
// Checksum calculation
while (checksumUnprocessedLength > 0) {
uint32_t processLength = std::min(checksumUnprocessedLength, (uint32_t)(PacketBuffer::DATA_SIZE - prevBytesWritten));
checksum = crc32c_append(checksum, checksumPb->data + prevBytesWritten, processLength);
checksumUnprocessedLength -= processLength;
checksumPb = checksumPb->nextPacketBuffer();
prevBytesWritten = 0;
// Write packet length and checksum into packet buffer
packetInfoBuffer.write(&len, sizeof(len));
if (checksumEnabled) {
packetInfoBuffer.write(&checksum, sizeof(checksum), sizeof(len));
TraceEvent(SevError, "Net2_PacketLimitExceeded").detail("ToPeer", destination.address).detail("Length", (int)len);
// throw platform_error(); // FIXME: How to recover from this situation?
else if (len > FLOW_KNOBS->PACKET_WARNING) {
TraceEvent(self->warnAlwaysForLargePacket ? SevWarnAlways : SevWarn, "Net2_LargePacket")
.detail("ToPeer", destination.address)
.detail("Length", (int)len)
self->warnAlwaysForLargePacket = false;
SendBuffer *checkbuf = pb;
while (checkbuf) {
int size = checkbuf->bytes_written;
const uint8_t* data = checkbuf->data;
checkbuf = checkbuf -> next;
peer->send(pb, rp, firstUnsent);
return (PacketID)rp;
PacketID FlowTransport::sendReliable( ISerializeSource const& what, const Endpoint& destination ) {
return sendPacket( self, what, destination, true );
void FlowTransport::cancelReliable( PacketID pid ) {
ReliablePacket* p = (ReliablePacket*)pid;
if (p) p->remove();
// SOMEDAY: Call reliable.compact() if a lot of memory is wasted in PacketBuffers by formerly reliable packets mixed with a few reliable ones. Don't forget to delref the new PacketBuffers since they are unsent.
void FlowTransport::sendUnreliable( ISerializeSource const& what, const Endpoint& destination ) {
sendPacket( self, what, destination, false );
int FlowTransport::getEndpointCount() {
return -1;
bool FlowTransport::incompatibleOutgoingConnectionsPresent() {
return self->numIncompatibleConnections;
void FlowTransport::createInstance( uint64_t transportId )
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enFailureMonitor, (flowGlobalType) new SimpleFailureMonitor());
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enFlowTransport, (flowGlobalType) new FlowTransport(transportId));
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enNetworkAddressFunc, (flowGlobalType) &FlowTransport::getGlobalLocalAddress);