676 lines
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676 lines
27 KiB
* DDTeamCollection.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include "fdbclient/FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/KeyBackedTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/StorageServerInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/ManagementAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/RunTransaction.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Replication.h"
#include "fdbserver/DataDistribution.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/FDBExecHelper.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/IKeyValueStore.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/MoveKeys.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/QuietDatabase.h"
#include "fdbserver/ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "fdbserver/TCInfo.h"
#include "fdbserver/TLogInterface.h"
#include "fdbserver/WaitFailure.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/BooleanParam.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
class TCTeamInfo;
class TCMachineInfo;
class TCMachineTeamInfo;
// All state that represents an ongoing tss pair recruitment
struct TSSPairState : ReferenceCounted<TSSPairState>, NonCopyable {
Promise<Optional<std::pair<UID, Version>>>
ssPairInfo; // if set, for ss to pass its id to tss pair once it is successfully recruited
Promise<bool> tssPairDone; // if set, for tss to pass ss that it was successfully recruited
Promise<Void> complete;
Optional<Key> dcId; // dc
Optional<Key> dataHallId; // data hall
bool active;
TSSPairState() : active(false) {}
TSSPairState(const LocalityData& locality)
: dcId(locality.dcId()), dataHallId(locality.dataHallId()), active(true) {}
bool inDataZone(const LocalityData& locality) const {
return locality.dcId() == dcId && locality.dataHallId() == dataHallId;
void cancel() {
// only cancel if both haven't been set, otherwise one half of pair could think it was successful but the other
// half would think it failed
if (active && ssPairInfo.canBeSet() && tssPairDone.canBeSet()) {
ssPairInfo.send(Optional<std::pair<UID, Version>>());
// callback of ssPairInfo could have cancelled tssPairDone already, so double check before cancelling
if (tssPairDone.canBeSet()) {
if (complete.canBeSet()) {
bool tssRecruitSuccess() {
if (active && tssPairDone.canBeSet()) {
return true;
return false;
bool tssRecruitFailed() {
if (active && tssPairDone.canBeSet()) {
return true;
return false;
bool ssRecruitSuccess(std::pair<UID, Version> ssInfo) {
if (active && ssPairInfo.canBeSet()) {
ssPairInfo.send(Optional<std::pair<UID, Version>>(ssInfo));
return true;
return false;
bool ssRecruitFailed() {
if (active && ssPairInfo.canBeSet()) {
ssPairInfo.send(Optional<std::pair<UID, Version>>());
return true;
return false;
bool markComplete() {
if (active && complete.canBeSet()) {
return true;
return false;
Future<Optional<std::pair<UID, Version>>> waitOnSS() const { return ssPairInfo.getFuture(); }
Future<bool> waitOnTSS() const { return tssPairDone.getFuture(); }
Future<Void> waitComplete() const { return complete.getFuture(); }
class ServerStatus {
bool isWiggling;
bool isFailed;
bool isUndesired;
bool isWrongConfiguration;
bool initialized; // AsyncMap erases default constructed objects
LocalityData locality;
: isWiggling(false), isFailed(true), isUndesired(false), isWrongConfiguration(false), initialized(false) {}
ServerStatus(bool isFailed, bool isUndesired, bool isWiggling, LocalityData const& locality)
: isWiggling(isWiggling), isFailed(isFailed), isUndesired(isUndesired), isWrongConfiguration(false),
initialized(true), locality(locality) {}
bool isUnhealthy() const { return isFailed || isUndesired; }
const char* toString() const {
return isFailed ? "Failed" : isUndesired ? "Undesired" : isWiggling ? "Wiggling" : "Healthy";
bool operator==(ServerStatus const& r) const {
return isFailed == r.isFailed && isUndesired == r.isUndesired && isWiggling == r.isWiggling &&
isWrongConfiguration == r.isWrongConfiguration && locality == r.locality && initialized == r.initialized;
bool operator!=(ServerStatus const& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
// If a process has reappeared without the storage server that was on it (isFailed == true), we don't need to
// exclude it We also don't need to exclude processes who are in the wrong configuration (since those servers will
// be removed)
bool excludeOnRecruit() const { return !isFailed && !isWrongConfiguration; }
typedef AsyncMap<UID, ServerStatus> ServerStatusMap;
class DDTeamCollection : public ReferenceCounted<DDTeamCollection> {
friend class DDTeamCollectionImpl;
friend class DDTeamCollectionUnitTest;
enum class Status { NONE = 0, WIGGLING = 1, EXCLUDED = 2, FAILED = 3 };
// addActor: add to actorCollection so that when an actor has error, the ActorCollection can catch the error.
// addActor is used to create the actorCollection when the dataDistributionTeamCollection is created
PromiseStream<Future<Void>> addActor;
bool doBuildTeams;
bool lastBuildTeamsFailed;
Future<Void> teamBuilder;
AsyncTrigger restartTeamBuilder;
AsyncVar<bool> waitUntilRecruited; // make teambuilder wait until one new SS is recruited
MoveKeysLock lock;
PromiseStream<RelocateShard> output;
std::vector<UID> allServers;
int64_t unhealthyServers;
std::map<int, int> priority_teams;
std::map<UID, Reference<TCServerInfo>> tss_info_by_pair;
std::map<UID, Reference<TCServerInfo>> server_and_tss_info; // TODO could replace this with an efficient way to do a
// read-only concatenation of 2 data structures?
std::map<Key, int> lagging_zones; // zone to number of storage servers lagging
AsyncVar<bool> disableFailingLaggingServers;
// storage wiggle info
Reference<StorageWiggler> storageWiggler;
std::vector<AddressExclusion> wiggleAddresses; // collection of wiggling servers' address
Optional<UID> wigglingId; // Process id of current wiggling storage server;
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> pauseWiggle;
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> processingWiggle; // track whether wiggling relocation is being processed
PromiseStream<StorageWiggleValue> nextWiggleInfo;
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> badTeams;
Reference<ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure> shardsAffectedByTeamFailure;
PromiseStream<UID> removedServers;
PromiseStream<UID> removedTSS;
std::set<UID> recruitingIds; // The IDs of the SS/TSS which are being recruited
std::set<NetworkAddress> recruitingLocalities;
Future<Void> initialFailureReactionDelay;
Future<Void> initializationDoneActor;
Promise<Void> serverTrackerErrorOut;
AsyncVar<int> recruitingStream;
Debouncer restartRecruiting;
int healthyTeamCount;
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> zeroHealthyTeams;
int optimalTeamCount;
AsyncVar<bool> zeroOptimalTeams;
int bestTeamKeepStuckCount = 0;
bool isTssRecruiting; // If tss recruiting is waiting on a pair, don't consider DD recruiting for the purposes of
// QuietDB
invalidLocalityAddr; // These address have invalidLocality for the configured storagePolicy
std::vector<Optional<Key>> includedDCs;
Optional<std::vector<Optional<Key>>> otherTrackedDCs;
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> processingUnhealthy;
Future<Void> readyToStart;
Future<Void> checkTeamDelay;
Promise<Void> addSubsetComplete;
Future<Void> badTeamRemover;
Future<Void> checkInvalidLocalities;
Future<Void> wrongStoreTypeRemover;
AsyncVar<Optional<Key>> healthyZone;
Future<bool> clearHealthyZoneFuture;
double medianAvailableSpace;
double lastMedianAvailableSpaceUpdate;
int lowestUtilizationTeam;
int highestUtilizationTeam;
PromiseStream<GetMetricsRequest> getShardMetrics;
PromiseStream<Promise<int>> getUnhealthyRelocationCount;
Promise<UID> removeFailedServer;
// WIGGLING if an address is under storage wiggling.
// EXCLUDED if an address is in the excluded list in the database.
// FAILED if an address is permanently failed.
// NONE by default. Updated asynchronously (eventually)
AsyncMap<AddressExclusion, Status> excludedServers;
Reference<EventCacheHolder> ddTrackerStartingEventHolder;
Reference<EventCacheHolder> teamCollectionInfoEventHolder;
Reference<EventCacheHolder> storageServerRecruitmentEventHolder;
bool primary;
UID distributorId;
LocalityMap<UID> machineLocalityMap; // locality info of machines
// Randomly choose one machine team that has chosenServer and has the correct size
// When configuration is changed, we may have machine teams with old storageTeamSize
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> findOneRandomMachineTeam(TCServerInfo const& chosenServer) const;
Future<Void> logOnCompletion(Future<Void> signal);
void resetLocalitySet();
bool satisfiesPolicy(const std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>>& team, int amount = -1) const;
Future<Void> interruptableBuildTeams();
Future<Void> checkBuildTeams();
Future<Void> addSubsetOfEmergencyTeams();
// Check if server or machine has a valid locality based on configured replication policy
bool isValidLocality(Reference<IReplicationPolicy> storagePolicy, const LocalityData& locality) const;
void evaluateTeamQuality() const;
int overlappingMembers(const std::vector<UID>& team) const;
int overlappingMachineMembers(std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> const& team) const;
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> findMachineTeam(std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> const& machineIDs) const;
// Add a machine team specified by input machines
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> addMachineTeam(std::vector<Reference<TCMachineInfo>> machines);
// Add a machine team by using the machineIDs from begin to end
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> addMachineTeam(std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>>::iterator begin,
std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>>::iterator end);
void traceConfigInfo() const;
void traceServerInfo() const;
void traceServerTeamInfo() const;
void traceMachineInfo() const;
void traceMachineTeamInfo() const;
// Locality string is hashed into integer, used as KeyIndex
// For better understand which KeyIndex is used for locality, we print this info in trace.
void traceLocalityArrayIndexName() const;
void traceMachineLocalityMap() const;
// We must rebuild machine locality map whenever the entry in the map is inserted or removed
void rebuildMachineLocalityMap();
bool isMachineTeamHealthy(std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> const& machineIDs) const;
bool isMachineTeamHealthy(TCMachineTeamInfo const& machineTeam) const;
bool isMachineHealthy(Reference<TCMachineInfo> const& machine) const;
// Return the healthy server with the least number of correct-size server teams
Reference<TCServerInfo> findOneLeastUsedServer() const;
// A server team should always come from servers on a machine team
// Check if it is true
bool isOnSameMachineTeam(TCTeamInfo const& team) const;
int calculateHealthyServerCount() const;
int calculateHealthyMachineCount() const;
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> calculateMinMaxServerTeamsOnServer() const;
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> calculateMinMaxMachineTeamsOnMachine() const;
// Sanity check
bool isServerTeamCountCorrect(Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> const& mt) const;
// Find the machine team with the least number of server teams
std::pair<Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo>, int> getMachineTeamWithLeastProcessTeams() const;
// Find the machine team whose members are on the most number of machine teams, same logic as serverTeamRemover
std::pair<Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo>, int> getMachineTeamWithMostMachineTeams() const;
// Find the server team whose members are on the most number of server teams
std::pair<Reference<TCTeamInfo>, int> getServerTeamWithMostProcessTeams() const;
int getHealthyMachineTeamCount() const;
// Each machine is expected to have targetMachineTeamNumPerMachine
// Return true if there exists a machine that does not have enough teams.
bool notEnoughMachineTeamsForAMachine() const;
// Each server is expected to have targetTeamNumPerServer teams.
// Return true if there exists a server that does not have enough teams.
bool notEnoughTeamsForAServer() const;
// Use the current set of known processes (from server_info) to compute an optimized set of storage server teams.
// The following are guarantees of the process:
// - Each newly-built team will meet the replication policy
// - All newly-built teams will have exactly teamSize machines
// buildTeams() only ever adds teams to the list of teams. Teams are only removed from the list when all data has
// been removed.
// buildTeams will not count teams larger than teamSize against the desired teams.
Future<Void> buildTeams();
bool shouldHandleServer(const StorageServerInterface& newServer) const;
// Check if the serverTeam belongs to a machine team; If not, create the machine team
// Note: This function may make the machine team number larger than the desired machine team number
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> checkAndCreateMachineTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo> serverTeam);
// Remove the removedMachineInfo machine and any related machine team
void removeMachine(Reference<TCMachineInfo> removedMachineInfo);
// Invariant: Remove a machine team only when the server teams on it has been removed
// We never actively remove a machine team.
// A machine team is removed when a machine is removed,
// which is caused by the event when all servers on the machine is removed.
// NOTE: When this function is called in the loop of iterating machineTeams, make sure NOT increase the index
// in the next iteration of the loop. Otherwise, you may miss checking some elements in machineTeams
bool removeMachineTeam(Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> targetMT);
// Adds storage servers held on process of which the Process Id is “id” into excludeServers which prevent
// recruiting the wiggling storage servers and let teamTracker start to move data off the affected teams;
// Return a vector of futures wait for all data is moved to other teams.
Future<Void> excludeStorageServersForWiggle(const UID& id);
// Include wiggled storage servers by setting their status from `WIGGLING`
// to `NONE`. The storage recruiter will recruit them as new storage servers
void includeStorageServersForWiggle();
// Track a team and issue RelocateShards when the level of degradation changes
// A bad team can be unhealthy or just a redundant team removed by machineTeamRemover() or serverTeamRemover()
Future<Void> teamTracker(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team, IsBadTeam, IsRedundantTeam);
// Check the status of a storage server.
// Apply all requirements to the server and mark it as excluded if it fails to satisfies these requirements
Future<Void> storageServerTracker(Database cx,
TCServerInfo* server,
Promise<Void> errorOut,
Version addedVersion,
DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState,
bool isTss);
bool teamContainsFailedServer(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team) const;
// NOTE: this actor returns when the cluster is healthy and stable (no server is expected to be removed in a period)
// processingWiggle and processingUnhealthy indicate that some servers are going to be removed.
Future<Void> waitUntilHealthy(double extraDelay = 0, WaitWiggle = WaitWiggle::False) const;
bool isCorrectDC(TCServerInfo const& server) const;
// Set the server's storeType; Error is caught by the caller
Future<Void> keyValueStoreTypeTracker(TCServerInfo* server);
Future<Void> storageServerFailureTracker(TCServerInfo* server,
Database cx,
ServerStatus* status,
Version addedVersion);
Future<Void> waitForAllDataRemoved(Database cx, UID serverID, Version addedVersion) const;
// Create a transaction updating `perpetualStorageWiggleIDPrefix` to the next serverID according to a sorted
// wiggle_pq maintained by the wiggler.
Future<Void> updateNextWigglingStorageID();
// Iterate over each storage process to do storage wiggle. After initializing the first Process ID, it waits a
// signal from `perpetualStorageWiggler` indicating the wiggling of current process is finished. Then it writes the
// next Process ID to a system key: `perpetualStorageWiggleIDPrefix` to show the next process to wiggle.
Future<Void> perpetualStorageWiggleIterator(AsyncVar<bool>& stopSignal,
FutureStream<Void> finishStorageWiggleSignal);
// periodically check whether the cluster is healthy if we continue perpetual wiggle
Future<Void> clusterHealthCheckForPerpetualWiggle(int& extraTeamCount);
// Watches the value change of `perpetualStorageWiggleIDPrefix`, and adds the storage server into excludeServers
// which prevent recruiting the wiggling storage servers and let teamTracker start to move data off the affected
// teams. The wiggling process of current storage servers will be paused if the cluster is unhealthy and restarted
// once the cluster is healthy again.
Future<Void> perpetualStorageWiggler(AsyncVar<bool>& stopSignal, PromiseStream<Void> finishStorageWiggleSignal);
int numExistingSSOnAddr(const AddressExclusion& addr) const;
Future<Void> initializeStorage(RecruitStorageReply candidateWorker,
DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState,
bool recruitTss,
Reference<TSSPairState> tssState);
Future<UID> getClusterId();
// return the next ServerID in storageWiggler
Future<UID> getNextWigglingServerID();
// read the current map of `perpetualStorageWiggleIDPrefix`, then restore wigglingId.
Future<Void> readStorageWiggleMap();
auto eraseStorageWiggleMap(KeyBackedObjectMap<UID, StorageWiggleValue, decltype(IncludeVersion())>* metadataMap,
UID id) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [metadataMap, id](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) -> Future<Void> {
metadataMap->erase(tr, id);
return Void();
// Read storage metadata from database, and do necessary updates
Future<Void> readOrCreateStorageMetadata(TCServerInfo* server);
Future<Void> serverGetTeamRequests(TeamCollectionInterface tci);
Future<Void> removeBadTeams();
Future<Void> machineTeamRemover();
// Remove the server team whose members have the most number of process teams
// until the total number of server teams is no larger than the desired number
Future<Void> serverTeamRemover();
Future<Void> removeWrongStoreType();
// Check if the number of server (and machine teams) is larger than the maximum allowed number
void traceTeamCollectionInfo() const;
Future<Void> updateReplicasKey(Optional<Key> dcId);
Future<Void> storageRecruiter(Reference<IAsyncListener<RequestStream<RecruitStorageRequest>>> recruitStorage,
DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState);
// Monitor whether or not storage servers are being recruited. If so, then a database cannot be considered quiet
Future<Void> monitorStorageServerRecruitment();
// The serverList system keyspace keeps the StorageServerInterface for each serverID. Storage server's storeType
// and serverID are decided by the server's filename. By parsing storage server file's filename on each disk,
// process on each machine creates the TCServer with the correct serverID and StorageServerInterface.
Future<Void> waitServerListChange(FutureStream<Void> serverRemoved, DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState);
Future<Void> trackExcludedServers();
Future<Void> monitorHealthyTeams();
// This coroutine sets a watch to monitor the value change of `perpetualStorageWiggleKey` which is controlled by
// command `configure perpetual_storage_wiggle=$value` if the value is 1, this actor start 2 actors,
// `perpetualStorageWiggleIterator` and `perpetualStorageWiggler`. Otherwise, it sends stop signal to them.
Future<Void> monitorPerpetualStorageWiggle();
Future<Void> waitHealthyZoneChange();
int64_t getDebugTotalDataInFlight() const;
void noHealthyTeams() const;
// To enable verbose debug info, set shouldPrint to true
void traceAllInfo(bool shouldPrint = false) const;
// Check if the server belongs to a machine; if not, create the machine.
// Establish the two-direction link between server and machine
Reference<TCMachineInfo> checkAndCreateMachine(Reference<TCServerInfo> server);
// Group storage servers (process) based on their machineId in LocalityData
// All created machines are healthy
// Return The number of healthy servers we grouped into machines
int constructMachinesFromServers();
// Create machineTeamsToBuild number of machine teams
// No operation if machineTeamsToBuild is 0
// Note: The creation of machine teams should not depend on server teams:
// No matter how server teams will be created, we will create the same set of machine teams;
// We should never use server team number in building machine teams.
// Five steps to create each machine team, which are document in the function
// Reuse ReplicationPolicy selectReplicas func to select machine team
// return number of added machine teams
int addBestMachineTeams(int machineTeamsToBuild);
// Sanity check the property of teams in unit test
// Return true if all server teams belong to machine teams
bool sanityCheckTeams() const;
void disableBuildingTeams() { doBuildTeams = false; }
void setCheckTeamDelay() { this->checkTeamDelay = Void(); }
// Assume begin to end is sorted by std::sort
// Assume InputIt is iterator to UID
// Note: We must allow creating empty teams because empty team is created when a remote DB is initialized.
// The empty team is used as the starting point to move data to the remote DB
// begin : the start of the team member ID
// end : end of the team member ID
// isIntialTeam : False when the team is added by addTeamsBestOf(); True otherwise, e.g.,
// when the team added at init() when we recreate teams by looking up DB
template <class InputIt>
void addTeam(InputIt begin, InputIt end, IsInitialTeam isInitialTeam) {
std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>> newTeamServers;
for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
if (server_info.find(*i) != server_info.end()) {
addTeam(newTeamServers, isInitialTeam);
void addTeam(const std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>>& newTeamServers,
IsRedundantTeam = IsRedundantTeam::False);
void addTeam(std::set<UID> const& team, IsInitialTeam isInitialTeam) {
addTeam(team.begin(), team.end(), isInitialTeam);
// Create server teams based on machine teams
// Before the number of machine teams reaches the threshold, build a machine team for each server team
// When it reaches the threshold, first try to build a server team with existing machine teams; if failed,
// build an extra machine team and record the event in trace
int addTeamsBestOf(int teamsToBuild, int desiredTeams, int maxTeams);
Database cx;
DatabaseConfiguration configuration;
ServerStatusMap server_status;
std::map<UID, Reference<TCServerInfo>> server_info;
// machine_info has all machines info; key must be unique across processes on the same machine
std::map<Standalone<StringRef>, Reference<TCMachineInfo>> machine_info;
std::vector<Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo>> machineTeams; // all machine teams
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> teams;
std::vector<DDTeamCollection*> teamCollections;
AsyncTrigger printDetailedTeamsInfo;
Reference<LocalitySet> storageServerSet;
DDTeamCollection(Database const& cx,
UID distributorId,
MoveKeysLock const& lock,
PromiseStream<RelocateShard> const& output,
Reference<ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure> const& shardsAffectedByTeamFailure,
DatabaseConfiguration configuration,
std::vector<Optional<Key>> includedDCs,
Optional<std::vector<Optional<Key>>> otherTrackedDCs,
Future<Void> readyToStart,
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> zeroHealthyTeams,
IsPrimary primary,
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> processingUnhealthy,
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> processingWiggle,
PromiseStream<GetMetricsRequest> getShardMetrics,
Promise<UID> removeFailedServer,
PromiseStream<Promise<int>> getUnhealthyRelocationCount);
void addLaggingStorageServer(Key zoneId);
void removeLaggingStorageServer(Key zoneId);
// whether server is under wiggling proces, but wiggle is paused for some healthy compliance.
bool isWigglePausedServer(const UID& server) const;
// Returns a random healthy team, which does not contain excludeServer.
std::vector<UID> getRandomHealthyTeam(const UID& excludeServer);
Future<Void> getTeam(GetTeamRequest);
Future<Void> init(Reference<InitialDataDistribution> initTeams, DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState);
void addServer(StorageServerInterface newServer,
ProcessClass processClass,
Promise<Void> errorOut,
Version addedVersion,
DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState);
bool removeTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team);
void removeTSS(UID removedServer);
void removeServer(UID removedServer);
// Find size of set intersection of excludeServerIDs and serverIDs on each team and see if the leftover team is
// valid
bool exclusionSafetyCheck(std::vector<UID>& excludeServerIDs);
bool isPrimary() const { return primary; }
UID getDistributorId() const { return distributorId; }
// Keep track of servers and teams -- serves requests for getRandomTeam
static Future<Void> run(Reference<DDTeamCollection> teamCollection,
Reference<InitialDataDistribution> initData,
TeamCollectionInterface tci,
Reference<IAsyncListener<RequestStream<RecruitStorageRequest>>> recruitStorage,
DDEnabledState const& ddEnabledState);
// Take a snapshot of necessary data structures from `DDTeamCollection` and print them out with yields to avoid slow
// task on the run loop.
static Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self);