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* ProtocolVersion.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include <cstdint>
// This version impacts both communications and the deserialization of certain database and IKeyValueStore keys.
constexpr uint64_t defaultProtocolVersionValue = {{defaultVersion | encode_version}};
// The first protocol version that cannot be downgraded from. Ordinarily, this will be two release versions larger
// than the current version, meaning that we only support downgrades between consecutive release versions.
constexpr uint64_t minInvalidProtocolVersionValue = {{minInvalidVersion | encode_version}};
// The lowest protocol version that can be downgraded to.
constexpr uint64_t minCompatibleProtocolVersionValue = {{minCompatibleVersion | encode_version}};
// The protocol version that will most likely follow the current one
// Used only for testing upgrades to the future version
constexpr uint64_t futureProtocolVersionValue = {{futureVersion | encode_version}};
// ProtocolVersion wraps a uint64_t to make it type safe. It will know about the current versions.
// The default constructor will initialize the version to 0 (which is an invalid
// version). ProtocolVersion objects should never be compared to version numbers
// directly. Instead one should always use the type-safe version types from which
// this class inherits all.
class ProtocolVersion {
uint64_t _version;
public: // constants
static constexpr uint64_t versionFlagMask = 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
static constexpr uint64_t objectSerializerFlag = 0x1000000000000000LL;
static constexpr uint64_t compatibleProtocolVersionMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000LL;
static constexpr uint64_t minValidProtocolVersion = 0x0FDB00A200060001LL;
static constexpr uint64_t invalidProtocolVersion = 0x0FDB00A100000000LL;
constexpr explicit ProtocolVersion(uint64_t version) : _version(version) {}
constexpr ProtocolVersion() : _version(0) {}
constexpr bool isCompatible(ProtocolVersion other) const {
return (other.version() & compatibleProtocolVersionMask) == (version() & compatibleProtocolVersionMask);
// Returns a normalized protocol version that will be the same for all compatible versions
constexpr ProtocolVersion normalizedVersion() const {
return ProtocolVersion(_version & compatibleProtocolVersionMask);
constexpr bool isValid() const { return version() >= minValidProtocolVersion; }
constexpr bool isInvalid() const { return version() == invalidProtocolVersion; }
constexpr uint64_t version() const { return _version & versionFlagMask; }
constexpr uint64_t versionWithFlags() const { return _version; }
constexpr bool hasObjectSerializerFlag() const { return (_version & objectSerializerFlag) > 0; }
constexpr void addObjectSerializerFlag() { _version = _version | objectSerializerFlag; }
constexpr void removeObjectSerializerFlag() {
_version = hasObjectSerializerFlag() ? _version ^ objectSerializerFlag : _version;
constexpr void removeAllFlags() { _version = version(); }
// comparison operators
// Comparison operators ignore the flags - this is because the version flags are stored in the
// most significant byte which can make comparison confusing. Also, generally, when one wants to
// compare versions, we are usually not interested in the flags.
constexpr bool operator==(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() == other.version(); }
constexpr bool operator!=(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() != other.version(); }
constexpr bool operator<=(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() <= other.version(); }
constexpr bool operator>=(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() >= other.version(); }
constexpr bool operator<(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() < other.version(); }
constexpr bool operator>(const ProtocolVersion other) const { return version() > other.version(); }
public: // introduced features
// The 5th digit from right is dev version, for example, 2 in 0x0FDB00B061020000LL;
// It was used to identify a protocol change (e.g., interface change) between major/minor versions (say 5.1 and 5.2)
// We stopped using the dev version consistently in the past.
// To ensure binaries work across patch releases (e.g., 6.2.0 to 6.2.22), we require that the protocol version be
// the same for each of them.
{% for version, features in all_features.items() %}
{% for feature in features %}
{% set feature_name = feature | feature_name_transformer %}
{% set encoded_version = version | encode_version %}
// The first check second expression version doesn't need to change because it's just for earlier protocol versions.
static_assert(({{encoded_version}} & {{lsbMask | encode_version}}) == 0 || {{encoded_version}} < 0x0FDB00B071000000LL, "Unexpected feature protocol version");
static_assert({{encoded_version}} <= defaultProtocolVersionValue, "Feature protocol version too large");
struct {{feature_name}} {
static constexpr uint64_t protocolVersion = {{version | encode_version}};
constexpr bool has{{feature_name}}() const { return this->version() >= {{feature_name}}::protocolVersion; }
static constexpr ProtocolVersion with{{feature_name}}() { return ProtocolVersion({{feature_name}}::protocolVersion); }
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
template <>
struct Traceable<ProtocolVersion> : std::true_type {
static std::string toString(const ProtocolVersion& protocolVersion) {
return format("0x%016lX", protocolVersion.version());
constexpr ProtocolVersion defaultProtocolVersion(defaultProtocolVersionValue);
constexpr ProtocolVersion minInvalidProtocolVersion(minInvalidProtocolVersionValue);
constexpr ProtocolVersion minCompatibleProtocolVersion(minCompatibleProtocolVersionValue);
// The protocol version of the process, normally it is equivalent defaultProtocolVersion
// The currentProtocolVersion can be overridden dynamically for testing upgrades
// to a future FDB version
ProtocolVersion currentProtocolVersion();
// Assume the next future protocol version as the current one. Used for testing purposes only
void useFutureProtocolVersion();
// This assert is intended to help prevent incrementing the leftmost digits accidentally. It will probably need to
// change when we reach version 10.
static_assert(defaultProtocolVersion.version() < {{leftMostCheck | encode_version}}, "Unexpected protocol version");
// The last two bytes of the protocol version are currently masked out in compatibility checks. We do not use them,
// so prevent them from being inadvertently changed.
// We also do not modify the protocol version for patch releases, so prevent modifying the patch version digit.
static_assert((defaultProtocolVersion.version() & {{lsbMask | encode_version}}) == 0, "Unexpected protocol version");
// Downgrades must support at least one minor version.
static_assert(minInvalidProtocolVersion.version() >=
(defaultProtocolVersion.version() & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000000LL) + 0x0000000002000000,
"Downgrades must support one minor version");
// The min invalid protocol version should be the smallest possible protocol version associated with a minor release
// version.
static_assert((minInvalidProtocolVersion.version() & 0xFFFFFFLL) == 0, "Unexpected min invalid protocol version");
struct SWVersion {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 13943914;
uint64_t _newestProtocolVersion;
uint64_t _lastRunProtocolVersion;
uint64_t _lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion;
SWVersion() {
_newestProtocolVersion = 0;
_lastRunProtocolVersion = 0;
_lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion = 0;
SWVersion(ProtocolVersion latestVersion, ProtocolVersion lastVersion, ProtocolVersion minCompatibleVersion)
: _newestProtocolVersion(latestVersion.version()), _lastRunProtocolVersion(lastVersion.version()),
_lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion(minCompatibleVersion.version()) {}
bool isValid() const {
return (_newestProtocolVersion != 0 && _lastRunProtocolVersion != 0 && _lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion != 0);
uint64_t newestProtocolVersion() const { return _newestProtocolVersion; }
uint64_t lastRunProtocolVersion() const { return _lastRunProtocolVersion; }
uint64_t lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion() const { return _lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion; }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, _newestProtocolVersion, _lastRunProtocolVersion, _lowestCompatibleProtocolVersion);
template <>
struct Traceable<SWVersion> : std::true_type {
static std::string toString(const SWVersion& swVersion) {
return format("Newest: 0x%016lX, Last: 0x%016lX, MinCompatible: 0x%016lX",