2086 lines
87 KiB
2086 lines
87 KiB
* sim2.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/IThreadPool.h"
#include "flow/ProtocolVersion.h"
#include "flow/Util.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h"
#include "fdbrpc/AsyncFileCached.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/AsyncFileNonDurable.actor.h"
#include "flow/crc32c.h"
#include "fdbrpc/TraceFileIO.h"
#include "flow/FaultInjection.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "flow/genericactors.actor.h"
#include "flow/network.h"
#include "flow/TLSConfig.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Net2FileSystem.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Replication.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ReplicationUtils.h"
#include "fdbrpc/AsyncFileWriteChecker.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
bool simulator_should_inject_fault( const char* context, const char* file, int line, int error_code ) {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) return false;
auto p = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
if (p->fault_injection_p2 && deterministicRandom()->random01() < p->fault_injection_p2 && !g_simulator.speedUpSimulation) {
uint32_t h1 = line + (p->fault_injection_r >> 32);
if (h1 < p->fault_injection_p1*std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
TEST(true); // A fault was injected
TEST(error_code == error_code_io_timeout); // An io timeout was injected
TEST(error_code == error_code_io_error); // An io error was injected
TEST(error_code == error_code_platform_error); // A platform error was injected.
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "FaultInjected").detail("Context", context).detail("File", file).detail("Line", line).detail("ErrorCode", error_code);
if(error_code == error_code_io_timeout) {
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enASIOTimedOut, (flowGlobalType)true);
return true;
return false;
void ISimulator::displayWorkers() const
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ISimulator::ProcessInfo*>> machineMap;
// Create a map of machine Id
for (auto processInfo : getAllProcesses()) {
std::string dataHall = processInfo->locality.dataHallId().present() ? processInfo->locality.dataHallId().get().printable() : "[unset]";
std::string machineId = processInfo->locality.machineId().present() ? processInfo->locality.machineId().get().printable() : "[unset]";
machineMap[format("%-8s %s", dataHall.c_str(), machineId.c_str())].push_back(processInfo);
printf("DataHall MachineId\n");
printf(" Address Name Class Excluded Failed Rebooting Cleared Role DataFolder\n");
for (auto& machineRecord : machineMap) {
printf("\n%s\n", machineRecord.first.c_str());
for (auto& processInfo : machineRecord.second) {
printf(" %9s %-10s%-13s%-8s %-6s %-9s %-8s %-48s %-40s\n",
processInfo->address.toString().c_str(), processInfo->name, processInfo->startingClass.toString().c_str(), (processInfo->isExcluded() ? "True" : "False"), (processInfo->failed ? "True" : "False"), (processInfo->rebooting ? "True" : "False"), (processInfo->isCleared() ? "True" : "False"), getRoles(processInfo->address).c_str(), processInfo->dataFolder);
int openCount = 0;
struct SimClogging {
double getSendDelay(NetworkAddress from, NetworkAddress to) const { return halfLatency(); }
double getRecvDelay(NetworkAddress from, NetworkAddress to) {
auto pair = std::make_pair( from.ip, to.ip );
double tnow = now();
double t = tnow + halfLatency();
t += clogPairLatency[ pair ];
if (!g_simulator.speedUpSimulation && clogPairUntil.count( pair ))
t = std::max( t, clogPairUntil[ pair ] );
if (!g_simulator.speedUpSimulation && clogRecvUntil.count( to.ip ))
t = std::max( t, clogRecvUntil[ to.ip ] );
return t - tnow;
void clogPairFor(const IPAddress& from, const IPAddress& to, double t) {
auto& u = clogPairUntil[ std::make_pair( from, to ) ];
u = std::max(u, now() + t);
void clogSendFor(const IPAddress& from, double t) {
auto& u = clogSendUntil[from];
u = std::max(u, now() + t);
void clogRecvFor(const IPAddress& from, double t) {
auto& u = clogRecvUntil[from];
u = std::max(u, now() + t);
double setPairLatencyIfNotSet(const IPAddress& from, const IPAddress& to, double t) {
auto i = clogPairLatency.find( std::make_pair(from,to) );
if (i == clogPairLatency.end())
i = clogPairLatency.insert( std::make_pair( std::make_pair(from,to), t ) ).first;
return i->second;
std::map<IPAddress, double> clogSendUntil, clogRecvUntil;
std::map<std::pair<IPAddress, IPAddress>, double> clogPairUntil;
std::map<std::pair<IPAddress, IPAddress>, double> clogPairLatency;
double halfLatency() const {
double a = deterministicRandom()->random01();
const double pFast = 0.999;
if (a <= pFast) {
a = a / pFast;
return 0.5 * (FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_NETWORK_LATENCY * (1-a) + FLOW_KNOBS->FAST_NETWORK_LATENCY/pFast * a); // 0.5ms average
} else {
a = (a-pFast) / (1-pFast); // uniform 0-1 again
return 0.5 * (FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_NETWORK_LATENCY * (1-a) + FLOW_KNOBS->SLOW_NETWORK_LATENCY*a); // long tail up to X ms
SimClogging g_clogging;
struct Sim2Conn final : IConnection, ReferenceCounted<Sim2Conn> {
Sim2Conn( ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process )
: process(process), dbgid( deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID() ), opened(false), closedByCaller(false), stopReceive(Never())
pipes = sender(this) && receiver(this);
// connect() is called on a pair of connections immediately after creation; logically it is part of the constructor and no other method may be called previously!
void connect( Reference<Sim2Conn> peer, NetworkAddress peerEndpoint ) {
this->peer = peer;
this->peerProcess = peer->process;
this->peerId = peer->dbgid;
this->peerEndpoint = peerEndpoint;
// Every one-way connection gets a random permanent latency and a random send buffer for the duration of the connection
auto latency = g_clogging.setPairLatencyIfNotSet( peerProcess->address.ip, process->address.ip, FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_CLOGGING_LATENCY*deterministicRandom()->random01() );
sendBufSize = std::max<double>( deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 5000000), 25e6 * (latency + .002) );
TraceEvent("Sim2Connection").detail("SendBufSize", sendBufSize).detail("Latency", latency);
~Sim2Conn() {
ASSERT_ABORT( !opened || closedByCaller );
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<Sim2Conn>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<Sim2Conn>::delref(); }
void close() override {
closedByCaller = true;
Future<Void> acceptHandshake() override { return delay(0.01 * deterministicRandom()->random01()); }
Future<Void> connectHandshake() override { return delay(0.01 * deterministicRandom()->random01()); }
Future<Void> onWritable() override { return whenWritable(this); }
Future<Void> onReadable() override { return whenReadable(this); }
bool isPeerGone() const { return !peer || peerProcess->failed; }
void peerClosed() {
leakedConnectionTracker = trackLeakedConnection(this);
stopReceive = delay(1.0);
// Reads as many bytes as possible from the read buffer into [begin,end) and returns the number of bytes read (might be 0)
// (or may throw an error if the connection dies)
int read(uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end) override {
int64_t avail = receivedBytes.get() - readBytes.get(); // SOMEDAY: random?
int toRead = std::min<int64_t>( end-begin, avail );
ASSERT( toRead >= 0 && toRead <= recvBuf.size() && toRead <= end-begin );
for(int i=0; i<toRead; i++)
begin[i] = recvBuf[i];
recvBuf.erase( recvBuf.begin(), recvBuf.begin() + toRead );
readBytes.set( readBytes.get() + toRead );
return toRead;
// Writes as many bytes as possible from the given SendBuffer chain into the write buffer and returns the number of bytes written (might be 0)
// (or may throw an error if the connection dies)
int write(SendBuffer const* buffer, int limit) override {
ASSERT(limit > 0);
int toSend = 0;
if (BUGGIFY) {
toSend = std::min(limit, buffer->bytes_written - buffer->bytes_sent);
} else {
for(auto p = buffer; p; p=p->next) {
toSend += p->bytes_written - p->bytes_sent;
if(toSend >= limit) {
if(toSend > limit)
toSend = limit;
if (BUGGIFY) toSend = std::min(toSend, deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 1000));
if (!peer) return toSend;
toSend = std::min( toSend, peer->availableSendBufferForPeer() );
ASSERT( toSend >= 0 );
int leftToSend = toSend;
for(auto p = buffer; p && leftToSend>0; p=p->next) {
int ts = std::min(leftToSend, p->bytes_written - p->bytes_sent);
peer->recvBuf.insert(peer->recvBuf.end(), p->data() + p->bytes_sent, p->data() + p->bytes_sent + ts);
leftToSend -= ts;
ASSERT( leftToSend == 0 );
peer->writtenBytes.set( peer->writtenBytes.get() + toSend );
return toSend;
// Returns the network address and port of the other end of the connection. In the case of an incoming connection, this may not
// be an address we can connect to!
NetworkAddress getPeerAddress() const override { return peerEndpoint; }
UID getDebugID() const override { return dbgid; }
bool opened, closedByCaller;
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, *peerProcess;
UID dbgid, peerId;
NetworkAddress peerEndpoint;
std::deque< uint8_t > recvBuf; // Includes bytes written but not yet received!
AsyncVar<int64_t> readBytes, // bytes already pulled from recvBuf (location of the beginning of recvBuf)
writtenBytes; // location of the end of recvBuf ( == recvBuf.size() + readBytes.get() )
Reference<Sim2Conn> peer;
int sendBufSize;
Future<Void> leakedConnectionTracker;
Future<Void> pipes;
Future<Void> stopReceive;
int availableSendBufferForPeer() const { return sendBufSize - (writtenBytes.get() - receivedBytes.get()); } // SOMEDAY: acknowledgedBytes instead of receivedBytes
void closeInternal() {
if(peer) {
stopReceive = delay(1.0);
ACTOR static Future<Void> sender( Sim2Conn* self ) {
loop {
wait( self->writtenBytes.onChange() ); // takes place on peer!
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->peerProcess );
wait( delay( .002 * deterministicRandom()->random01() ) );
self->sentBytes.set( self->writtenBytes.get() ); // or possibly just some sometimes...
ACTOR static Future<Void> receiver( Sim2Conn* self ) {
loop {
if (self->sentBytes.get() != self->receivedBytes.get())
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( self->peerProcess ) );
while ( self->sentBytes.get() == self->receivedBytes.get() )
wait( self->sentBytes.onChange() );
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->peerProcess );
state int64_t pos = deterministicRandom()->random01() < .5 ? self->sentBytes.get() : deterministicRandom()->randomInt64( self->receivedBytes.get(), self->sentBytes.get()+1 );
wait( delay( g_clogging.getSendDelay( self->process->address, self->peerProcess->address ) ) );
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( self->process ) );
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
wait( delay( g_clogging.getRecvDelay( self->process->address, self->peerProcess->address ) ) );
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
if(self->stopReceive.isReady()) {
self->receivedBytes.set( pos );
wait( Future<Void>(Void()) ); // Prior notification can delete self and cancel this actor
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
ACTOR static Future<Void> whenReadable( Sim2Conn* self ) {
try {
loop {
if (self->readBytes.get() != self->receivedBytes.get()) {
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
return Void();
wait( self->receivedBytes.onChange() );
} catch (Error& e) {
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
ACTOR static Future<Void> whenWritable( Sim2Conn* self ) {
try {
loop {
if (!self->peer) return Void();
if (self->peer->availableSendBufferForPeer() > 0) {
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
return Void();
try {
wait( self->peer->receivedBytes.onChange() );
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->peerProcess );
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() != error_code_broken_promise) throw;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( self->process ) );
} catch (Error& e) {
ASSERT( g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == self->process );
void rollRandomClose() {
if (now() - g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure > g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration && deterministicRandom()->random01() < .00001) {
g_simulator.lastConnectionFailure = now();
double a = deterministicRandom()->random01(), b = deterministicRandom()->random01();
TEST(true); // Simulated connection failure
TraceEvent("ConnectionFailure", dbgid)
.detail("MyAddr", process->address)
.detail("PeerAddr", peerProcess->address)
.detail("PeerIsValid", peer.isValid())
.detail("SendClosed", a > .33)
.detail("RecvClosed", a < .66)
.detail("Explicit", b < .3);
if (a < .66 && peer) peer->closeInternal();
if (a > .33) closeInternal();
// At the moment, we occasionally notice the connection failed immediately. In principle, this could happen but only after a delay.
if (b < .3)
throw connection_failed();
ACTOR static Future<Void> trackLeakedConnection( Sim2Conn* self ) {
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( self->process ) );
if (self->process->address.isPublic()) {
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "LeakedConnection", self->dbgid)
.detail("MyAddr", self->process->address)
.detail("PeerAddr", self->peerEndpoint)
.detail("PeerId", self->peerId)
.detail("Opened", self->opened);
return Void();
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int sf_open( const char* filename, int flags, int convFlags, int mode );
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <io.h>
#define O_CLOEXEC 0
#elif defined(__unixish__)
#define _open ::open
#define _read ::read
#define _write ::write
#define _close ::close
#define _lseeki64 ::lseek
#define _commit ::fsync
#define _chsize ::ftruncate
#define O_BINARY 0
int sf_open( const char* filename, int flags, int convFlags, int mode ) {
return _open( filename, convFlags, mode );
#error How do i open a file on a new platform?
class SimpleFile : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<SimpleFile> {
static void init() {}
static bool should_poll() { return false; }
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> open(
std::string filename, int flags, int mode,
Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters = makeReference<DiskParameters>(25000, 150000000),
bool delayOnWrite = true) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
if(++openCount >= 3000) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TooManyFiles");
if(openCount == 2000) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "DisableConnectionFailures_TooManyFiles");
g_simulator.speedUpSimulation = true;
g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration = 1e6;
// Filesystems on average these days seem to start to have limits of around 255 characters for a
// filename. We add ".part" below, so we need to stay under 250.
ASSERT( basename(filename).size() < 250 );
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
wait( delay(FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_OPEN_TIME + deterministicRandom()->random01() * (FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_OPEN_TIME - FLOW_KNOBS->MIN_OPEN_TIME) ) );
std::string open_filename = filename;
ASSERT( (flags & OPEN_CREATE) && (flags & OPEN_READWRITE) && !(flags & OPEN_EXCLUSIVE) );
open_filename = filename + ".part";
int h = sf_open( open_filename.c_str(), flags, flagConversion(flags), mode );
if( h == -1 ) {
bool notFound = errno == ENOENT;
Error e = notFound ? file_not_found() : io_error();
TraceEvent(notFound ? SevWarn : SevWarnAlways, "FileOpenError").error(e).GetLastError().detail("File", filename).detail("Flags", flags);
throw e;
SimpleFile *simpleFile = new SimpleFile( h, diskParameters, delayOnWrite, filename, open_filename, flags );
state Reference<IAsyncFile> file = Reference<IAsyncFile>( simpleFile );
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return file;
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<SimpleFile>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<SimpleFile>::delref(); }
int64_t debugFD() const override { return (int64_t)h; }
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override { return read_impl(this, data, length, offset); }
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
return write_impl( this, StringRef((const uint8_t*)data, length), offset );
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override { return truncate_impl(this, size); }
Future<Void> sync() override { return sync_impl(this); }
Future<int64_t> size() const override { return size_impl(this); }
std::string getFilename() const override { return actualFilename; }
~SimpleFile() {
_close( h );
int h;
//Performance parameters of simulated disk
Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters;
std::string filename, actualFilename;
int flags;
UID dbgId;
//If true, then writes/truncates will be preceded by a delay (like other operations). If false, then they will not
//This is to support AsyncFileNonDurable, which issues its own delays for writes and truncates
bool delayOnWrite;
SimpleFile(int h, Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters, bool delayOnWrite, const std::string& filename, const std::string& actualFilename, int flags)
: h(h), diskParameters(diskParameters), delayOnWrite(delayOnWrite), filename(filename), actualFilename(actualFilename), dbgId(deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID()), flags(flags) {}
static int flagConversion( int flags ) {
int outFlags = O_BINARY | O_CLOEXEC;
if( flags&OPEN_READWRITE ) outFlags |= O_RDWR;
if( flags&OPEN_CREATE ) outFlags |= O_CREAT;
if( flags&OPEN_READONLY ) outFlags |= O_RDONLY;
if( flags&OPEN_EXCLUSIVE ) outFlags |= O_EXCL;
return outFlags;
ACTOR static Future<int> read_impl( SimpleFile* self, void* data, int length, int64_t offset ) {
ASSERT( ( self->flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_NO_AIO ) != 0 ||
( (uintptr_t)data % 4096 == 0 && length % 4096 == 0 && offset % 4096 == 0 ) ); // Required by KAIO.
state UID opId = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "SFR1 %s %s %s %d %" PRId64 "\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str(), length, offset );
wait( waitUntilDiskReady( self->diskParameters, length ) );
if( _lseeki64( self->h, offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 1);
throw io_error();
unsigned int read_bytes = 0;
if( ( read_bytes = _read( self->h, data, (unsigned int) length ) ) == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 2);
throw io_error();
if (randLog) {
uint32_t a = crc32c_append( 0, (const uint8_t*)data, read_bytes );
fprintf( randLog, "SFR2 %s %s %s %d %d\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str(), read_bytes, a );
debugFileCheck("SimpleFileRead", self->filename, data, offset, length);
INJECT_FAULT(io_timeout, "SimpleFile::read"); // SimpleFile::read io_timeout injected
INJECT_FAULT(io_error, "SimpleFile::read"); // SimpleFile::read io_error injected
return read_bytes;
ACTOR static Future<Void> write_impl( SimpleFile* self, StringRef data, int64_t offset ) {
state UID opId = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
if (randLog) {
uint32_t a = crc32c_append( 0, data.begin(), data.size() );
fprintf( randLog, "SFW1 %s %s %s %d %d %" PRId64 "\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str(), a, data.size(), offset );
wait( waitUntilDiskReady( self->diskParameters, data.size() ) );
if( _lseeki64( self->h, offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 3);
throw io_error();
unsigned int write_bytes = 0;
if ( ( write_bytes = _write( self->h, (void*)data.begin(), data.size() ) ) == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 4);
throw io_error();
if ( write_bytes != data.size() ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 5);
throw io_error();
if (randLog) {
fprintf( randLog, "SFW2 %s %s %s\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str());
debugFileCheck("SimpleFileWrite", self->filename, (void*)data.begin(), offset, data.size());
INJECT_FAULT(io_timeout, "SimpleFile::write"); // SimpleFile::write inject io_timeout
INJECT_FAULT(io_error, "SimpleFile::write"); // SimpleFile::write inject io_error
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> truncate_impl( SimpleFile* self, int64_t size ) {
state UID opId = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "SFT1 %s %s %s %" PRId64 "\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str(), size );
if (size == 0) {
// KAIO will return EINVAL, as len==0 is an error.
throw io_error();
wait( waitUntilDiskReady( self->diskParameters, 0 ) );
if( _chsize( self->h, (long) size ) == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 6).detail("Filename", self->filename).detail("Size", size).detail("Fd", self->h).GetLastError();
throw io_error();
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "SFT2 %s %s %s\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str());
INJECT_FAULT( io_timeout, "SimpleFile::truncate" ); // SimpleFile::truncate inject io_timeout
INJECT_FAULT( io_error, "SimpleFile::truncate" ); // SimpleFile::truncate inject io_error
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> sync_impl( SimpleFile* self ) {
state UID opId = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "SFC1 %s %s %s\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str());
wait( waitUntilDiskReady( self->diskParameters, 0, true ) );
if (self->flags & OPEN_ATOMIC_WRITE_AND_CREATE) {
auto& machineCache = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->machine->openFiles;
std::string sourceFilename = self->filename + ".part";
if(machineCache.count(sourceFilename)) {
TraceEvent("SimpleFileRename").detail("From", sourceFilename).detail("To", self->filename).detail("SourceCount", machineCache.count(sourceFilename)).detail("FileCount", machineCache.count(self->filename));
renameFile( sourceFilename.c_str(), self->filename.c_str() );
machineCache[self->filename] = machineCache[sourceFilename];
self->actualFilename = self->filename;
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "SFC2 %s %s %s\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str());
INJECT_FAULT( io_timeout, "SimpleFile::sync" ); // SimpleFile::sync inject io_timeout
INJECT_FAULT( io_error, "SimpleFile::sync" ); // SimpleFile::sync inject io_errot
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<int64_t> size_impl(SimpleFile const* self) {
state UID opId = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
if (randLog)
fprintf(randLog, "SFS1 %s %s %s\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str());
wait( waitUntilDiskReady( self->diskParameters, 0 ) );
int64_t pos = _lseeki64( self->h, 0L, SEEK_END );
if( pos == -1 ) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "SimpleFileIOError").detail("Location", 8);
throw io_error();
if (randLog)
fprintf(randLog, "SFS2 %s %s %s %" PRId64 "\n", self->dbgId.shortString().c_str(), self->filename.c_str(), opId.shortString().c_str(), pos);
INJECT_FAULT( io_error, "SimpleFile::size" ); // SimpleFile::size inject io_error
return pos;
struct SimDiskSpace {
int64_t totalSpace;
int64_t baseFreeSpace; //The original free space of the disk + deltas from simulated external modifications
double lastUpdate;
void doReboot( ISimulator::ProcessInfo* const& p, ISimulator::KillType const& kt );
struct Sim2Listener final : IListener, ReferenceCounted<Sim2Listener> {
explicit Sim2Listener( ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, const NetworkAddress& listenAddr )
: process(process),
address(listenAddr) {}
void incomingConnection( double seconds, Reference<IConnection> conn ) { // Called by another process!
incoming( Reference<Sim2Listener>::addRef( this ), seconds, conn );
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<Sim2Listener>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<Sim2Listener>::delref(); }
Future<Reference<IConnection>> accept() override { return popOne(nextConnection.getFuture()); }
NetworkAddress getListenAddress() const override { return address; }
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process;
PromiseStream< Reference<IConnection> > nextConnection;
ACTOR static void incoming( Reference<Sim2Listener> self, double seconds, Reference<IConnection> conn ) {
wait( g_simulator.onProcess(self->process) );
wait( delay( seconds ) );
if (((Sim2Conn*)conn.getPtr())->isPeerGone() && deterministicRandom()->random01()<0.5)
TraceEvent("Sim2IncomingConn", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("ListenAddress", self->getListenAddress())
.detail("PeerAddress", conn->getPeerAddress());
self->nextConnection.send( conn );
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IConnection>> popOne( FutureStream< Reference<IConnection> > conns ) {
Reference<IConnection> c = waitNext( conns );
((Sim2Conn*)c.getPtr())->opened = true;
return c;
NetworkAddress address;
#define g_sim2 ((Sim2&)g_simulator)
class Sim2 final : public ISimulator, public INetworkConnections {
// Implement INetwork interface
// Everything actually network related is delegated to the Sim2Net class; Sim2 is only concerned with simulating machines and time
double now() const override { return time; }
// timer() can be up to 0.1 seconds ahead of now()
double timer() override {
timerTime += deterministicRandom()->random01()*(time+0.1-timerTime)/2.0;
return timerTime;
double timer_monotonic() override { return timer(); }
Future<class Void> delay(double seconds, TaskPriority taskID) override {
ASSERT(taskID >= TaskPriority::Min && taskID <= TaskPriority::Max);
return delay( seconds, taskID, currentProcess );
Future<class Void> delay( double seconds, TaskPriority taskID, ProcessInfo* machine ) {
ASSERT( seconds >= -0.0001 );
seconds = std::max(0.0, seconds);
Future<Void> f;
if (!currentProcess->rebooting && machine == currentProcess && !currentProcess->shutdownSignal.isSet() &&
deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.25) { // FIXME: why doesnt this work when we are changing machines?
seconds += FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_BUGGIFIED_DELAY*pow(deterministicRandom()->random01(),1000.0);
tasks.push( Task( time + seconds, taskID, taskCount++, machine, f ) );
return f;
ACTOR static Future<Void> checkShutdown(Sim2 *self, TaskPriority taskID) {
return Void();
Future<class Void> yield(TaskPriority taskID) override {
if (taskID == TaskPriority::DefaultYield) taskID = currentTaskID;
if (check_yield(taskID)) {
// We want to check that yielders can handle actual time elapsing (it sometimes will outside simulation), but
// don't want to prevent instantaneous shutdown of "rebooted" machines.
return delay(getCurrentProcess()->rebooting ? 0 : .001,taskID) || checkShutdown(this, taskID);
return Void();
bool check_yield(TaskPriority taskID) override {
if (yielded) return true;
if (--yield_limit <= 0) {
yield_limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 150); // If yield returns false *too* many times in a row, there could be a stack overflow, since we can't deterministically check stack size as the real network does
return yielded = true;
return yielded = BUGGIFY_WITH_PROB(0.01);
TaskPriority getCurrentTask() const override { return currentTaskID; }
void setCurrentTask(TaskPriority taskID) override { currentTaskID = taskID; }
// Sets the taskID/priority of the current task, without yielding
Future<Reference<IConnection>> connect(NetworkAddress toAddr, std::string host) override {
ASSERT( host.empty());
if (!addressMap.count( toAddr )) {
return waitForProcessAndConnect( toAddr, this );
auto peerp = getProcessByAddress(toAddr);
auto myc = makeReference<Sim2Conn>(getCurrentProcess());
auto peerc = makeReference<Sim2Conn>(peerp);
myc->connect(peerc, toAddr);
IPAddress localIp;
if (getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.isV6()) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore store = getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.toV6();
uint16_t* ipParts = (uint16_t*)store.data();
ipParts[7] += deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256);
localIp = IPAddress(store);
} else {
localIp = IPAddress(getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.toV4() + deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
peerc->connect(myc, NetworkAddress(localIp, deterministicRandom()->randomInt(40000, 60000), false, toAddr.isTLS()));
((Sim2Listener*)peerp->getListener(toAddr).getPtr())->incomingConnection( 0.5*deterministicRandom()->random01(), Reference<IConnection>(peerc) );
return onConnect( ::delay(0.5*deterministicRandom()->random01()), myc );
Future<Reference<IUDPSocket>> createUDPSocket(NetworkAddress toAddr) override;
Future<Reference<IUDPSocket>> createUDPSocket(bool isV6 = false) override;
Future<std::vector<NetworkAddress>> resolveTCPEndpoint(std::string host, std::string service) override {
throw lookup_failed();
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IConnection>> onConnect( Future<Void> ready, Reference<Sim2Conn> conn ) {
if (conn->isPeerGone()) {
if(FLOW_KNOBS->SIM_CONNECT_ERROR_MODE == 1 || (FLOW_KNOBS->SIM_CONNECT_ERROR_MODE == 2 && deterministicRandom()->random01() > 0.5)) {
throw connection_failed();
conn->opened = true;
return conn;
Reference<IListener> listen(NetworkAddress localAddr) override {
Reference<IListener> listener( getCurrentProcess()->getListener(localAddr) );
return listener;
ACTOR static Future<Reference<IConnection>> waitForProcessAndConnect(
NetworkAddress toAddr, INetworkConnections *self ) {
// We have to be able to connect to processes that don't yet exist, so we do some silly polling
loop {
wait( ::delay( 0.1 * deterministicRandom()->random01() ) );
if (g_sim2.addressMap.count(toAddr)) {
Reference<IConnection> c = wait( self->connect( toAddr ) );
return c;
const TLSConfig& getTLSConfig() const override {
static TLSConfig emptyConfig;
return emptyConfig;
bool checkRunnable() override { return net2->checkRunnable(); }
void stop() override { isStopped = true; }
void addStopCallback(std::function<void()> fn) override { stopCallbacks.emplace_back(std::move(fn)); }
bool isSimulated() const override { return true; }
struct SimThreadArgs {
THREAD_FUNC_RETURN (*func) (void*);
void *arg;
ISimulator::ProcessInfo *currentProcess;
SimThreadArgs(THREAD_FUNC_RETURN (*func) (void*), void *arg) : func(func), arg(arg) {
currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
//Starts a new thread, making sure to set any thread local state
THREAD_FUNC simStartThread(void *arg) {
SimThreadArgs *simArgs = (SimThreadArgs*)arg;
ISimulator::currentProcess = simArgs->currentProcess;
delete simArgs;
THREAD_HANDLE startThread(THREAD_FUNC_RETURN (*func)(void*), void* arg) override {
SimThreadArgs *simArgs = new SimThreadArgs(func, arg);
return ::startThread(simStartThread, simArgs);
void getDiskBytes(std::string const& directory, int64_t& free, int64_t& total) override {
ProcessInfo *proc = getCurrentProcess();
SimDiskSpace &diskSpace = diskSpaceMap[proc->address.ip];
int64_t totalFileSize = 0;
int numFiles = 0;
//Get the size of all files we've created on the server and subtract them from the free space
for(auto file = proc->machine->openFiles.begin(); file != proc->machine->openFiles.end(); ++file) {
if( file->second.isReady() ) {
totalFileSize += ((AsyncFileNonDurable*)file->second.get().getPtr())->approximateSize;
if(diskSpace.totalSpace == 0) {
diskSpace.totalSpace = 5e9 + deterministicRandom()->random01() * 100e9; //Total space between 5GB and 105GB
diskSpace.baseFreeSpace = std::min<int64_t>(diskSpace.totalSpace, std::max(5e9, (deterministicRandom()->random01() * (1 - .075) + .075) * diskSpace.totalSpace) + totalFileSize); //Minimum 5GB or 7.5% total disk space, whichever is higher
TraceEvent("Sim2DiskSpaceInitialization").detail("TotalSpace", diskSpace.totalSpace).detail("BaseFreeSpace", diskSpace.baseFreeSpace).detail("TotalFileSize", totalFileSize).detail("NumFiles", numFiles);
else {
int64_t maxDelta = std::min(5.0, (now() - diskSpace.lastUpdate)) * (BUGGIFY ? 10e6 : 1e6); //External processes modifying the disk
int64_t delta = -maxDelta + deterministicRandom()->random01() * maxDelta * 2;
diskSpace.baseFreeSpace = std::min<int64_t>(diskSpace.totalSpace, std::max<int64_t>(diskSpace.baseFreeSpace + delta, totalFileSize));
diskSpace.lastUpdate = now();
total = diskSpace.totalSpace;
free = std::max<int64_t>(0, diskSpace.baseFreeSpace - totalFileSize);
if(free == 0)
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "Sim2NoFreeSpace").detail("TotalSpace", diskSpace.totalSpace).detail("BaseFreeSpace", diskSpace.baseFreeSpace).detail("TotalFileSize", totalFileSize).detail("NumFiles", numFiles);
bool isAddressOnThisHost(NetworkAddress const& addr) const override {
return addr.ip == getCurrentProcess()->address.ip;
ACTOR static Future<Void> deleteFileImpl( Sim2* self, std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable ) {
// This is a _rudimentary_ simulation of the untrustworthiness of non-durable deletes and the possibility of
// rebooting during a durable one. It isn't perfect: for example, on real filesystems testing
// for the existence of a non-durably deleted file BEFORE a reboot will show that it apparently doesn't exist.
if(g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->machine->openFiles.count(filename)) {
if ( mustBeDurable || deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5 ) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo* currentProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_network->getCurrentTask();
wait( g_simulator.onMachine( currentProcess ) );
try {
wait( ::delay(0.05 * deterministicRandom()->random01()) );
if (!currentProcess->rebooting) {
auto f = IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem(self->net2)->deleteFile(filename, false);
ASSERT( f.isReady() );
wait( ::delay(0.05 * deterministicRandom()->random01()) );
TEST( true ); // Simulated durable delete
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
return Void();
} catch( Error &e ) {
state Error err = e;
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( currentProcess, currentTaskID ) );
throw err;
} else {
TEST( true ); // Simulated non-durable delete
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> runLoop(Sim2 *self) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo *callingMachine = self->currentProcess;
while ( !self->isStopped ) {
wait( self->net2->yield(TaskPriority::DefaultYield) );
if( self->tasks.size() == 0 ) {
//if (!randLog/* && now() >= 32.0*/)
// randLog = fopen("randLog.txt", "wt");
Task t = std::move( self->tasks.top() ); // Unfortunately still a copy under gcc where .top() returns const&
self->currentTaskID = t.taskID;
self->yielded = false;
self->currentProcess = callingMachine;
for ( auto& fn : self->stopCallbacks ) {
return Void();
// Implement ISimulator interface
void run() override {
Future<Void> loopFuture = runLoop(this);
ProcessInfo* newProcess(const char* name, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, bool sslEnabled, uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData locality, ProcessClass startingClass, const char* dataFolder,
const char* coordinationFolder, ProtocolVersion protocol) override {
ASSERT( locality.machineId().present() );
MachineInfo& machine = machines[ locality.machineId().get() ];
if (!machine.machineId.present())
machine.machineId = locality.machineId();
for( int i = 0; i < machine.processes.size(); i++ ) {
if( machine.processes[i]->locality.machineId() != locality.machineId() ) { // SOMEDAY: compute ip from locality to avoid this check
.detail("IP", format("%s", ip.toString().c_str()))
.detail("MachineId", locality.machineId())
.detail("NewName", name)
.detail("ExistingMachineId", machine.processes[i]->locality.machineId())
.detail("ExistingName", machine.processes[i]->name);
ASSERT( false );
ASSERT( machine.processes[i]->address.port != port );
// This is for async operations on non-durable files.
// These files must live on after process kills for sim purposes.
if( machine.machineProcess == 0 ) {
NetworkAddress machineAddress(ip, 0, false, false);
machine.machineProcess = new ProcessInfo("Machine", locality, startingClass, {machineAddress}, this, "", "");
machine.machineProcess->machine = &machine;
NetworkAddressList addresses;
addresses.address = NetworkAddress(ip, port, true, sslEnabled);
if (listenPerProcess == 2) { // listenPerProcess is only 1 or 2
addresses.secondaryAddress = NetworkAddress(ip, port+1, true, false);
ProcessInfo* m = new ProcessInfo(name, locality, startingClass, addresses, this, dataFolder, coordinationFolder);
for (int processPort = port; processPort < port + listenPerProcess; ++processPort) {
NetworkAddress address(ip, processPort, true, sslEnabled && processPort == port);
m->listenerMap[address] = Reference<IListener>( new Sim2Listener(m, address) );
addressMap[address] = m;
m->machine = &machine;
m->excluded = g_simulator.isExcluded(NetworkAddress(ip, port, true, false));
m->cleared = g_simulator.isCleared(addresses.address);
m->protocolVersion = protocol;
m->setGlobal(enTDMetrics, (flowGlobalType) &m->tdmetrics);
m->setGlobal(enNetworkConnections, (flowGlobalType) m->network);
m->setGlobal(enASIOTimedOut, (flowGlobalType) false);
TraceEvent("NewMachine").detail("Name", name).detail("Address", m->address).detail("MachineId", m->locality.machineId()).detail("Excluded", m->excluded).detail("Cleared", m->cleared);
// FIXME: Sometimes, connections to/from this process will explicitly close
return m;
bool isAvailable() const override {
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> processesLeft, processesDead;
for (auto processInfo : getAllProcesses()) {
if (processInfo->isAvailableClass()) {
if (processInfo->isExcluded() || processInfo->isCleared() || !processInfo->isAvailable()) {
} else {
return canKillProcesses(processesLeft, processesDead, KillInstantly, nullptr);
bool datacenterDead(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> dcId) const override {
if(!dcId.present()) {
return false;
LocalityGroup primaryProcessesLeft, primaryProcessesDead;
std::vector<LocalityData> primaryLocalitiesDead, primaryLocalitiesLeft;
for (auto processInfo : getAllProcesses()) {
if (processInfo->isAvailableClass() && processInfo->locality.dcId() == dcId) {
if (processInfo->isExcluded() || processInfo->isCleared() || !processInfo->isAvailable()) {
} else {
std::vector<LocalityData> badCombo;
bool primaryTLogsDead = tLogWriteAntiQuorum ? !validateAllCombinations(badCombo, primaryProcessesDead, tLogPolicy, primaryLocalitiesLeft, tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false) : primaryProcessesDead.validate(tLogPolicy);
if(usableRegions > 1 && remoteTLogPolicy && !primaryTLogsDead) {
primaryTLogsDead = primaryProcessesDead.validate(remoteTLogPolicy);
return primaryTLogsDead || primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy);
// The following function will determine if the specified configuration of available and dead processes can allow the cluster to survive
bool canKillProcesses(std::vector<ProcessInfo*> const& availableProcesses,
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> const& deadProcesses, KillType kt,
KillType* newKillType) const override {
bool canSurvive = true;
int nQuorum = ((desiredCoordinators+1)/2)*2-1;
KillType newKt = kt;
if ((kt == KillInstantly) || (kt == InjectFaults) || (kt == RebootAndDelete) || (kt == RebootProcessAndDelete))
LocalityGroup primaryProcessesLeft, primaryProcessesDead;
LocalityGroup primarySatelliteProcessesLeft, primarySatelliteProcessesDead;
LocalityGroup remoteProcessesLeft, remoteProcessesDead;
LocalityGroup remoteSatelliteProcessesLeft, remoteSatelliteProcessesDead;
std::vector<LocalityData> primaryLocalitiesDead, primaryLocalitiesLeft;
std::vector<LocalityData> primarySatelliteLocalitiesDead, primarySatelliteLocalitiesLeft;
std::vector<LocalityData> remoteLocalitiesDead, remoteLocalitiesLeft;
std::vector<LocalityData> remoteSatelliteLocalitiesDead, remoteSatelliteLocalitiesLeft;
std::vector<LocalityData> badCombo;
std::set<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>> uniqueMachines;
if(!primaryDcId.present()) {
for (auto processInfo : availableProcesses) {
for (auto processInfo : deadProcesses) {
} else {
for (auto processInfo : availableProcesses) {
if(processInfo->locality.dcId() == primaryDcId) {
} else if(processInfo->locality.dcId() == remoteDcId) {
} else if(std::find(primarySatelliteDcIds.begin(), primarySatelliteDcIds.end(), processInfo->locality.dcId()) != primarySatelliteDcIds.end()) {
} else if(std::find(remoteSatelliteDcIds.begin(), remoteSatelliteDcIds.end(), processInfo->locality.dcId()) != remoteSatelliteDcIds.end()) {
for (auto processInfo : deadProcesses) {
if(processInfo->locality.dcId() == primaryDcId) {
} else if(processInfo->locality.dcId() == remoteDcId) {
} else if(std::find(primarySatelliteDcIds.begin(), primarySatelliteDcIds.end(), processInfo->locality.dcId()) != primarySatelliteDcIds.end()) {
} else if(std::find(remoteSatelliteDcIds.begin(), remoteSatelliteDcIds.end(), processInfo->locality.dcId()) != remoteSatelliteDcIds.end()) {
bool tooManyDead = false;
bool notEnoughLeft = false;
bool primaryTLogsDead = tLogWriteAntiQuorum ? !validateAllCombinations(badCombo, primaryProcessesDead, tLogPolicy, primaryLocalitiesLeft, tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false) : primaryProcessesDead.validate(tLogPolicy);
if(usableRegions > 1 && remoteTLogPolicy && !primaryTLogsDead) {
primaryTLogsDead = primaryProcessesDead.validate(remoteTLogPolicy);
if(!primaryDcId.present()) {
tooManyDead = primaryTLogsDead || primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy);
notEnoughLeft = !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy);
} else {
bool remoteTLogsDead = tLogWriteAntiQuorum ? !validateAllCombinations(badCombo, remoteProcessesDead, tLogPolicy, remoteLocalitiesLeft, tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false) : remoteProcessesDead.validate(tLogPolicy);
if(usableRegions > 1 && remoteTLogPolicy && !remoteTLogsDead) {
remoteTLogsDead = remoteProcessesDead.validate(remoteTLogPolicy);
if(!hasSatelliteReplication) {
if(usableRegions > 1) {
tooManyDead = primaryTLogsDead || remoteTLogsDead || ( primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) && remoteProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) );
notEnoughLeft = !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(remoteTLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(remoteTLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy);
} else {
tooManyDead = primaryTLogsDead || remoteTLogsDead || primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) || remoteProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy);
notEnoughLeft = !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy);
} else {
bool primarySatelliteTLogsDead = satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback ? !validateAllCombinations(badCombo, primarySatelliteProcessesDead, satelliteTLogPolicyFallback, primarySatelliteLocalitiesLeft, satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback, false) : primarySatelliteProcessesDead.validate(satelliteTLogPolicyFallback);
bool remoteSatelliteTLogsDead = satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback ? !validateAllCombinations(badCombo, remoteSatelliteProcessesDead, satelliteTLogPolicyFallback, remoteSatelliteLocalitiesLeft, satelliteTLogWriteAntiQuorumFallback, false) : remoteSatelliteProcessesDead.validate(satelliteTLogPolicyFallback);
if(usableRegions > 1) {
notEnoughLeft = !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(remoteTLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !primarySatelliteProcessesLeft.validate(satelliteTLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(remoteTLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !remoteSatelliteProcessesLeft.validate(satelliteTLogPolicy);
} else {
notEnoughLeft = !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !primaryProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !primarySatelliteProcessesLeft.validate(satelliteTLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(tLogPolicy) || !remoteProcessesLeft.validate(storagePolicy) || !remoteSatelliteProcessesLeft.validate(satelliteTLogPolicy);
if(usableRegions > 1 && allowLogSetKills) {
tooManyDead = ( primaryTLogsDead && primarySatelliteTLogsDead ) || ( remoteTLogsDead && remoteSatelliteTLogsDead ) || ( primaryTLogsDead && remoteTLogsDead ) || ( primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) && remoteProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) );
} else {
tooManyDead = primaryTLogsDead || remoteTLogsDead || primaryProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy) || remoteProcessesDead.validate(storagePolicy);
// Reboot if dead machines do fulfill policies
if (tooManyDead) {
newKt = Reboot;
canSurvive = false;
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("NewKillType", newKt)
.detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info())
.detail("Reason", "Too many dead processes that cannot satisfy tLogPolicy.");
// Reboot and Delete if remaining machines do NOT fulfill policies
else if ((kt < RebootAndDelete) && notEnoughLeft) {
newKt = RebootAndDelete;
canSurvive = false;
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("NewKillType", newKt)
.detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info())
.detail("Reason", "Not enough tLog left to satisfy tLogPolicy.");
else if ((kt < RebootAndDelete) && (nQuorum > uniqueMachines.size())) {
newKt = RebootAndDelete;
canSurvive = false;
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("NewKillType", newKt)
.detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info())
.detail("Quorum", nQuorum)
.detail("Machines", uniqueMachines.size())
.detail("Reason", "Not enough unique machines to perform auto configuration of coordinators.");
else {
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info())
.detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info())
.detail("Quorum", nQuorum)
.detail("Machines", uniqueMachines.size());
if (newKillType) *newKillType = newKt;
return canSurvive;
void destroyProcess(ISimulator::ProcessInfo* p) override {
TraceEvent("ProcessDestroyed").detail("Name", p->name).detail("Address", p->address).detail("MachineId", p->locality.machineId());
currentlyRebootingProcesses.insert(std::pair<NetworkAddress, ProcessInfo*>(p->address, p));
std::vector<ProcessInfo*>& processes = machines[ p->locality.machineId().get() ].processes;
if( p != processes.back() ) {
auto it = std::find( processes.begin(), processes.end(), p );
std::swap( *it, processes.back() );
killProcess_internal( p, KillInstantly );
void killProcess_internal( ProcessInfo* machine, KillType kt ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated machine was killed with any kill type
TEST( kt == KillInstantly ); // Simulated machine was killed instantly
TEST( kt == InjectFaults ); // Simulated machine was killed with faults
if (kt == KillInstantly) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "FailMachine")
.detail("Name", machine->name)
.detail("Address", machine->address)
.detail("ZoneId", machine->locality.zoneId())
.detail("Process", machine->toString())
.detail("Rebooting", machine->rebooting)
.detail("Protected", protectedAddresses.count(machine->address))
// This will remove all the "tracked" messages that came from the machine being killed
machine->failed = true;
} else if (kt == InjectFaults) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "FaultMachine")
.detail("Name", machine->name)
.detail("Address", machine->address)
.detail("ZoneId", machine->locality.zoneId())
.detail("Process", machine->toString())
.detail("Rebooting", machine->rebooting)
.detail("Protected", protectedAddresses.count(machine->address))
should_inject_fault = simulator_should_inject_fault;
machine->fault_injection_r = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().first();
machine->fault_injection_p1 = 0.1;
machine->fault_injection_p2 = deterministicRandom()->random01();
} else {
ASSERT( false );
ASSERT(!protectedAddresses.count(machine->address) || machine->rebooting);
void rebootProcess(ProcessInfo* process, KillType kt) override {
if( kt == RebootProcessAndDelete && protectedAddresses.count(process->address) ) {
TraceEvent("RebootChanged").detail("ZoneId", process->locality.describeZone()).detail("KillType", RebootProcess).detail("OrigKillType", kt).detail("Reason", "Protected process");
kt = RebootProcess;
doReboot( process, kt );
void rebootProcess(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> zoneId, bool allProcesses) override {
if( allProcesses ) {
auto processes = getAllProcesses();
for( int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++ )
if( processes[i]->locality.zoneId() == zoneId && !processes[i]->rebooting )
doReboot( processes[i], RebootProcess );
} else {
auto processes = getAllProcesses();
for( int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++ ) {
if( processes[i]->locality.zoneId() != zoneId || processes[i]->rebooting ) {
swapAndPop(&processes, i--);
if( processes.size() )
doReboot( deterministicRandom()->randomChoice( processes ), RebootProcess );
void killProcess(ProcessInfo* machine, KillType kt) override {
TraceEvent("AttemptingKillProcess").detail("ProcessInfo", machine->toString());
if (kt < RebootAndDelete ) {
killProcess_internal( machine, kt );
void killInterface(NetworkAddress address, KillType kt) override {
if (kt < RebootAndDelete ) {
std::vector<ProcessInfo*>& processes = machines[ addressMap[address]->locality.machineId() ].processes;
for( int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++ )
killProcess_internal( processes[i], kt );
bool killZone(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> zoneId, KillType kt, bool forceKill, KillType* ktFinal) override {
auto processes = getAllProcesses();
std::set<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>> zoneMachines;
for (auto& process : processes) {
if(process->locality.zoneId() == zoneId) {
bool result = false;
for(auto& machineId : zoneMachines) {
if(killMachine(machineId, kt, forceKill, ktFinal)) {
result = true;
return result;
bool killMachine(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> machineId, KillType kt, bool forceKill,
KillType* ktFinal) override {
auto ktOrig = kt;
TEST(true); // Trying to killing a machine
TEST(kt == KillInstantly); // Trying to kill instantly
TEST(kt == InjectFaults); // Trying to kill by injecting faults
if(speedUpSimulation && !forceKill) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "AbortedKill").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("Reason", "Unforced kill within speedy simulation.").backtrace();
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = None;
return false;
int processesOnMachine = 0;
KillType originalKt = kt;
// Reboot if any of the processes are protected and count the number of processes not rebooting
for (auto& process : machines[machineId].processes) {
if (protectedAddresses.count(process->address))
kt = Reboot;
if (!process->rebooting)
// Do nothing, if no processes to kill
if (processesOnMachine == 0) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "AbortedKill").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("Reason", "The target had no processes running.").detail("Processes", processesOnMachine).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).backtrace();
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = None;
return false;
// Check if machine can be removed, if requested
if (!forceKill && ((kt == KillInstantly) || (kt == InjectFaults) || (kt == RebootAndDelete) || (kt == RebootProcessAndDelete)))
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> processesLeft, processesDead;
int protectedWorker = 0, unavailable = 0, excluded = 0, cleared = 0;
for (auto processInfo : getAllProcesses()) {
if (processInfo->isAvailableClass()) {
if (processInfo->isExcluded()) {
else if (processInfo->isCleared()) {
else if (!processInfo->isAvailable()) {
else if (protectedAddresses.count(processInfo->address)) {
else if (processInfo->locality.machineId() != machineId) {
} else {
if (!canKillProcesses(processesLeft, processesDead, kt, &kt)) {
TraceEvent("ChangedKillMachine").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("OrigKillType", ktOrig).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("TotalProcesses", machines.size()).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).detail("Protected", protectedWorker).detail("Unavailable", unavailable).detail("Excluded", excluded).detail("Cleared", cleared).detail("ProtectedTotal", protectedAddresses.size()).detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info()).detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info());
else if ((kt == KillInstantly) || (kt == InjectFaults)) {
TraceEvent("DeadMachine").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("TotalProcesses", machines.size()).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info()).detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info());
for (auto process : processesLeft) {
TraceEvent("DeadMachineSurvivors").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("SurvivingProcess", process->toString());
for (auto process : processesDead) {
TraceEvent("DeadMachineVictims").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("VictimProcess", process->toString());
else {
TraceEvent("ClearMachine").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("TotalProcesses", machines.size()).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info()).detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info());
for (auto process : processesLeft) {
TraceEvent("ClearMachineSurvivors").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("SurvivingProcess", process->toString());
for (auto process : processesDead) {
TraceEvent("ClearMachineVictims").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("VictimProcess", process->toString());
TEST(originalKt != kt); // Kill type was changed from requested to reboot.
// Check if any processes on machine are rebooting
if( processesOnMachine != processesPerMachine && kt >= RebootAndDelete ) {
TEST(true); //Attempted reboot, but the target did not have all of its processes running
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "AbortedKill").detail("KillType", kt).detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("Reason", "Machine processes does not match number of processes per machine").detail("Processes", processesOnMachine).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).backtrace();
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = None;
return false;
// Check if any processes on machine are rebooting
if ( processesOnMachine != processesPerMachine ) {
TEST(true); //Attempted reboot and kill, but the target did not have all of its processes running
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "AbortedKill").detail("KillType", kt).detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("Reason", "Machine processes does not match number of processes per machine").detail("Processes", processesOnMachine).detail("ProcessesPerMachine", processesPerMachine).backtrace();
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = None;
return false;
TraceEvent("KillMachine").detail("MachineId", machineId).detail("Kt", kt).detail("KtOrig", ktOrig).detail("KillableMachines", processesOnMachine).detail("ProcessPerMachine", processesPerMachine).detail("KillChanged", kt!=ktOrig);
if ( kt < RebootAndDelete ) {
if(kt == InjectFaults && machines[machineId].machineProcess != nullptr)
killProcess_internal( machines[machineId].machineProcess, kt );
for (auto& process : machines[machineId].processes) {
TraceEvent("KillMachineProcess").detail("KillType", kt).detail("Process", process->toString()).detail("StartingClass", process->startingClass.toString()).detail("Failed", process->failed).detail("Excluded", process->excluded).detail("Cleared", process->cleared).detail("Rebooting", process->rebooting);
if (process->startingClass != ProcessClass::TesterClass)
killProcess_internal( process, kt );
else if ( kt == Reboot || kt == RebootAndDelete ) {
for (auto& process : machines[machineId].processes) {
TraceEvent("KillMachineProcess").detail("KillType", kt).detail("Process", process->toString()).detail("StartingClass", process->startingClass.toString()).detail("Failed", process->failed).detail("Excluded", process->excluded).detail("Cleared", process->cleared).detail("Rebooting", process->rebooting);
if (process->startingClass != ProcessClass::TesterClass)
doReboot(process, kt );
TEST(kt == RebootAndDelete); // Resulted in a reboot and delete
TEST(kt == Reboot); // Resulted in a reboot
TEST(kt == KillInstantly); // Resulted in an instant kill
TEST(kt == InjectFaults); // Resulted in a kill by injecting faults
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = kt;
return true;
bool killDataCenter(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> dcId, KillType kt, bool forceKill, KillType* ktFinal) override {
auto ktOrig = kt;
auto processes = getAllProcesses();
std::map<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>, int> datacenterMachines;
int dcProcesses = 0;
// Switch to a reboot, if anything protected on machine
for (auto& procRecord : processes) {
auto processDcId = procRecord->locality.dcId();
auto processMachineId = procRecord->locality.machineId();
if (processDcId.present() && (processDcId == dcId)) {
if ((kt != Reboot) && (protectedAddresses.count(procRecord->address))) {
kt = Reboot;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "DcKillChanged").detail("DataCenter", dcId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("OrigKillType", ktOrig)
.detail("Reason", "Datacenter has protected process").detail("ProcessAddress", procRecord->address).detail("Failed", procRecord->failed).detail("Rebooting", procRecord->rebooting).detail("Excluded", procRecord->excluded).detail("Cleared", procRecord->cleared).detail("Process", procRecord->toString());
datacenterMachines[processMachineId.get()] ++;
dcProcesses ++;
// Check if machine can be removed, if requested
if (!forceKill && ((kt == KillInstantly) || (kt == InjectFaults) || (kt == RebootAndDelete) || (kt == RebootProcessAndDelete)))
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> processesLeft, processesDead;
for (auto processInfo : getAllProcesses()) {
if (processInfo->isAvailableClass()) {
if (processInfo->isExcluded() || processInfo->isCleared() || !processInfo->isAvailable()) {
} else if (protectedAddresses.count(processInfo->address) || datacenterMachines.find(processInfo->locality.machineId()) == datacenterMachines.end()) {
} else {
if (!canKillProcesses(processesLeft, processesDead, kt, &kt)) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "DcKillChanged").detail("DataCenter", dcId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("OrigKillType", ktOrig);
else {
TraceEvent("DeadDataCenter").detail("DataCenter", dcId).detail("KillType", kt).detail("DcZones", datacenterMachines.size()).detail("DcProcesses", dcProcesses).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("TLogPolicy", tLogPolicy->info()).detail("StoragePolicy", storagePolicy->info());
for (auto process : processesLeft) {
TraceEvent("DeadDcSurvivors").detail("MachineId", process->locality.machineId()).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("SurvivingProcess", process->toString());
for (auto process : processesDead) {
TraceEvent("DeadDcVictims").detail("MachineId", process->locality.machineId()).detail("KillType", kt).detail("ProcessesLeft", processesLeft.size()).detail("ProcessesDead", processesDead.size()).detail("VictimProcess", process->toString());
KillType ktResult, ktMin = kt;
for (auto& datacenterMachine : datacenterMachines) {
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.99) {
killMachine(datacenterMachine.first, kt, true, &ktResult);
if (ktResult != kt) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "KillDCFail")
.detail("Zone", datacenterMachine.first)
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("KillTypeResult", ktResult)
.detail("KillTypeOrig", ktOrig);
ASSERT(ktResult == None);
ktMin = std::min<KillType>( ktResult, ktMin );
.detail("DcZones", datacenterMachines.size())
.detail("DcProcesses", dcProcesses)
.detail("DCID", dcId)
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("KillTypeOrig", ktOrig)
.detail("KillTypeMin", ktMin)
.detail("KilledDC", kt==ktMin);
TEST(kt != ktMin); // DataCenter kill was rejected by killMachine
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt == RebootAndDelete)); // Datacenter kill Resulted in a reboot and delete
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt == Reboot)); // Datacenter kill Resulted in a reboot
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt == KillInstantly)); // Datacenter kill Resulted in an instant kill
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt == InjectFaults)); // Datacenter kill Resulted in a kill by injecting faults
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt != ktOrig)); // Datacenter Kill request was downgraded
TEST((kt==ktMin) && (kt == ktOrig)); // Datacenter kill - Requested kill was done
if (ktFinal) *ktFinal = ktMin;
return (kt == ktMin);
void clogInterface(const IPAddress& ip, double seconds, ClogMode mode = ClogDefault) override {
if (mode == ClogDefault) {
double a = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if ( a < 0.3 ) mode = ClogSend;
else if (a < 0.6 ) mode = ClogReceive;
else mode = ClogAll;
.detail("IP", ip.toString())
.detail("Delay", seconds)
.detail("Queue", mode == ClogSend ? "Send" : mode == ClogReceive ? "Receive" : "All");
if (mode == ClogSend || mode==ClogAll)
g_clogging.clogSendFor( ip, seconds );
if (mode == ClogReceive || mode==ClogAll)
g_clogging.clogRecvFor( ip, seconds );
void clogPair(const IPAddress& from, const IPAddress& to, double seconds) override {
g_clogging.clogPairFor( from, to, seconds );
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> getAllProcesses() const override {
std::vector<ProcessInfo*> processes;
for( auto& c : machines ) {
processes.insert( processes.end(), c.second.processes.begin(), c.second.processes.end() );
for( auto& c : currentlyRebootingProcesses ) {
processes.push_back( c.second );
return processes;
ProcessInfo* getProcessByAddress(NetworkAddress const& address) override {
NetworkAddress normalizedAddress(address.ip, address.port, true, address.isTLS());
ASSERT( addressMap.count( normalizedAddress ) );
// NOTE: addressMap[normalizedAddress]->address may not equal to normalizedAddress
return addressMap[normalizedAddress];
MachineInfo* getMachineByNetworkAddress(NetworkAddress const& address) override {
return &machines[addressMap[address]->locality.machineId()];
MachineInfo* getMachineById(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> const& machineId) override {
return &machines[machineId];
void destroyMachine(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> const& machineId) override {
auto& machine = machines[machineId];
for( auto process : machine.processes ) {
ASSERT( process->failed );
if( machine.machineProcess ) {
killProcess_internal( machine.machineProcess, KillInstantly );
Sim2() : time(0.0), timerTime(0.0), taskCount(0), yielded(false), yield_limit(0), currentTaskID(TaskPriority::Zero) {
// Not letting currentProcess be nullptr eliminates some annoying special cases
currentProcess = new ProcessInfo("NoMachine", LocalityData(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), StringRef(), StringRef(), StringRef()), ProcessClass(), {NetworkAddress()}, this, "", "");
g_network = net2 = newNet2(TLSConfig(), false, true);
g_network->addStopCallback( Net2FileSystem::stop );
// Implementation
struct Task {
TaskPriority taskID;
double time;
uint64_t stable;
ProcessInfo* machine;
Promise<Void> action;
Task( double time, TaskPriority taskID, uint64_t stable, ProcessInfo* machine, Promise<Void>&& action ) : time(time), taskID(taskID), stable(stable), machine(machine), action(std::move(action)) {}
Task( double time, TaskPriority taskID, uint64_t stable, ProcessInfo* machine, Future<Void>& future ) : time(time), taskID(taskID), stable(stable), machine(machine) { future = action.getFuture(); }
Task(Task&& rhs) noexcept
: time(rhs.time), taskID(rhs.taskID), stable(rhs.stable), machine(rhs.machine),
action(std::move(rhs.action)) {}
void operator= ( Task const& rhs ) { taskID = rhs.taskID; time = rhs.time; stable = rhs.stable; machine = rhs.machine; action = rhs.action; }
Task( Task const& rhs ) : taskID(rhs.taskID), time(rhs.time), stable(rhs.stable), machine(rhs.machine), action(rhs.action) {}
void operator=(Task&& rhs) noexcept {
time = rhs.time;
taskID = rhs.taskID;
stable = rhs.stable;
machine = rhs.machine;
action = std::move(rhs.action);
bool operator < (Task const& rhs) const {
// Ordering is reversed for priority_queue
if (time != rhs.time) return time > rhs.time;
return stable > rhs.stable;
void execTask(struct Task& t) {
if (t.machine->failed) {
else {
this->time = t.time;
this->timerTime = std::max(this->timerTime, this->time);
this->currentProcess = t.machine;
try {
ASSERT( this->currentProcess == t.machine );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "UnhandledSimulationEventError").error(e, true);
killProcess(t.machine, KillInstantly);
if (randLog)
fprintf( randLog, "T %f %d %s %" PRId64 "\n", this->time, int(deterministicRandom()->peek() % 10000), t.machine ? t.machine->name : "none", t.stable);
void onMainThread(Promise<Void>&& signal, TaskPriority taskID) override {
// This is presumably coming from either a "fake" thread pool thread, i.e. it is actually on this thread
// or a thread created with g_network->startThread
ASSERT(taskID >= TaskPriority::Min && taskID <= TaskPriority::Max);
tasks.push( Task( time, taskID, taskCount++, getCurrentProcess(), std::move(signal) ) );
bool isOnMainThread() const override {
return net2->isOnMainThread();
Future<Void> onProcess(ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, TaskPriority taskID) override {
return delay( 0, taskID, process );
Future<Void> onMachine(ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process, TaskPriority taskID) override {
if( process->machine == 0 )
return Void();
return delay( 0, taskID, process->machine->machineProcess );
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion() override {
return getCurrentProcess()->protocolVersion;
//time is guarded by ISimulator::mutex. It is not necessary to guard reads on the main thread because
//time should only be modified from the main thread.
double time;
double timerTime;
TaskPriority currentTaskID;
//taskCount is guarded by ISimulator::mutex
uint64_t taskCount;
std::map<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>, MachineInfo > machines;
std::map<NetworkAddress, ProcessInfo*> addressMap;
std::map<ProcessInfo*, Promise<Void>> filesDeadMap;
//tasks is guarded by ISimulator::mutex
std::priority_queue<Task, std::vector<Task>> tasks;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> stopCallbacks;
//Sim2Net network;
INetwork *net2;
//Map from machine IP -> machine disk space info
std::map<IPAddress, SimDiskSpace> diskSpaceMap;
//Whether or not yield has returned true during the current iteration of the run loop
bool yielded;
int yield_limit; // how many more times yield may return false before next returning true
class UDPSimSocket : public IUDPSocket, ReferenceCounted<UDPSimSocket> {
using Packet = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>>;
UID id;
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* process;
Optional<NetworkAddress> peerAddress;
Optional<ISimulator::ProcessInfo*> peerProcess;
Optional<Reference<UDPSimSocket>> peerSocket;
ActorCollection actors;
Promise<Void> closed;
std::deque<std::pair<NetworkAddress, Packet>> recvBuffer;
AsyncVar<int64_t> writtenPackets;
NetworkAddress _localAddress;
bool randomDropPacket() {
auto res = deterministicRandom()->random01() < .000001;
TEST(res); // UDP packet drop
return res;
bool isClosed() const { return closed.getFuture().isReady(); }
Future<Void> onClosed() const { return closed.getFuture(); }
ACTOR static Future<Void> cleanupPeerSocket(UDPSimSocket* self) {
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> send(UDPSimSocket* self, Reference<UDPSimSocket> peerSocket, uint8_t const* begin,
uint8_t const* end) {
state Packet packet(std::make_shared<std::vector<uint8_t>>());
packet->resize(end - begin);
std::copy(begin, end, packet->begin());
wait( delay( .002 * deterministicRandom()->random01() ) );
peerSocket->recvBuffer.emplace_back(self->_localAddress, std::move(packet));
peerSocket->writtenPackets.set(peerSocket->writtenPackets.get() + 1);
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<int> receiveFrom(UDPSimSocket* self, uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, NetworkAddress* sender) {
state TaskPriority currentTaskID = g_sim2.getCurrentTask();
wait(g_sim2.onProcess(self->process, currentTaskID));
auto packet = self->recvBuffer.front().second;
int sz = packet->size();
ASSERT(sz <= end - begin);
if (sender) {
*sender = self->recvBuffer.front().first;
std::copy(packet->begin(), packet->end(), begin);
return sz;
UDPSimSocket(NetworkAddress const& localAddress, Optional<NetworkAddress> const& peerAddress)
: id(deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID()), process(g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()), peerAddress(peerAddress),
actors(false), _localAddress(localAddress) {
g_sim2.addressMap.emplace(_localAddress, process);
ASSERT(process->boundUDPSockets.find(localAddress) == process->boundUDPSockets.end());
process->boundUDPSockets.emplace(localAddress, this);
~UDPSimSocket() {
if (!closed.getFuture().isReady()) {
void close() override {
UID getDebugID() const override { return id; }
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<UDPSimSocket>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<UDPSimSocket>::delref(); }
Future<int> send(uint8_t const* begin, uint8_t const* end) override {
int sz = int(end - begin);
auto res = fmap([sz](Void){ return sz; }, delay(0.0));
if (!peerProcess.present()) {
auto iter = g_sim2.addressMap.find(peerAddress.get());
if (iter == g_sim2.addressMap.end()) {
return res;
peerProcess = iter->second;
if (!peerSocket.present() || peerSocket.get()->isClosed()) {
auto iter = peerProcess.get()->boundUDPSockets.find(peerAddress.get());
if (iter == peerProcess.get()->boundUDPSockets.end()) {
return fmap([sz](Void){ return sz; }, delay(0.0));
peerSocket = iter->second.castTo<UDPSimSocket>();
// the notation of leaking connections doesn't make much sense in the context of UDP
// so we simply handle those in the simulator
if (randomDropPacket()) {
return res;
actors.add(send(this, peerSocket.get(), begin, end));
return res;
Future<int> sendTo(uint8_t const* begin, uint8_t const* end, NetworkAddress const& peer) override {
int sz = int(end - begin);
auto res = fmap([sz](Void){ return sz; }, delay(0.0));
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* peerProcess = nullptr;
Reference<UDPSimSocket> peerSocket;
auto iter = g_sim2.addressMap.find(peer);
if (iter == g_sim2.addressMap.end()) {
return res;
peerProcess = iter->second;
auto iter = peerProcess->boundUDPSockets.find(peer);
if (iter == peerProcess->boundUDPSockets.end()) {
return res;
peerSocket = iter->second.castTo<UDPSimSocket>();
actors.add(send(this, peerSocket, begin, end));
return res;
Future<int> receive(uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end) override {
return receiveFrom(begin, end, nullptr);
Future<int> receiveFrom(uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, NetworkAddress* sender) override {
if (!recvBuffer.empty()) {
auto buf = recvBuffer.front().second;
if (sender) {
*sender = recvBuffer.front().first;
int sz = buf->size();
ASSERT(sz <= end - begin);
std::copy(buf->begin(), buf->end(), begin);
auto res = fmap([sz](Void){ return sz; }, delay(0.0));
return res;
return receiveFrom(this, begin, end, sender);
void bind(NetworkAddress const& addr) override {
process->boundUDPSockets.emplace(addr, Reference<UDPSimSocket>::addRef(this));
_localAddress = addr;
g_sim2.addressMap.emplace(_localAddress, process);
NetworkAddress localAddress() const override {
return _localAddress;
Future<Reference<IUDPSocket>> Sim2::createUDPSocket(NetworkAddress toAddr) {
NetworkAddress localAddress;
auto process = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
if (process->address.ip.isV6()) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore store = process->address.ip.toV6();
uint16_t* ipParts = (uint16_t*)store.data();
ipParts[7] += deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256);
localAddress.ip = IPAddress(store);
} else {
localAddress.ip = IPAddress(process->address.ip.toV4() + deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
localAddress.port = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(40000, 60000);
while (process->boundUDPSockets.find(localAddress) != process->boundUDPSockets.end()) {
localAddress.port = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(40000, 60000);
return Reference<IUDPSocket>(new UDPSimSocket(localAddress, toAddr));
Future<Reference<IUDPSocket>> Sim2::createUDPSocket(bool isV6) {
NetworkAddress localAddress;
auto process = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
if (process->address.ip.isV6() == isV6) {
localAddress = process->address;
} else {
ASSERT(process->addresses.secondaryAddress.present() &&
process->addresses.secondaryAddress.get().isV6() == isV6);
localAddress = process->addresses.secondaryAddress.get();
if (localAddress.ip.isV6()) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore store = localAddress.ip.toV6();
uint16_t* ipParts = (uint16_t*)store.data();
ipParts[7] += deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256);
localAddress.ip = IPAddress(store);
} else {
localAddress.ip = IPAddress(localAddress.ip.toV4() + deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 256));
localAddress.port = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(40000, 60000);
return Reference<IUDPSocket>(new UDPSimSocket(localAddress, Optional<NetworkAddress>{}));
void startNewSimulator() {
ASSERT( !g_network );
g_network = g_pSimulator = new Sim2();
g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration = deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1e6;
ACTOR void doReboot( ISimulator::ProcessInfo *p, ISimulator::KillType kt ) {
.detail("ZoneId", p->locality.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("Process", p->toString())
.detail("StartingClass", p->startingClass.toString())
.detail("Failed", p->failed)
.detail("Excluded", p->excluded)
.detail("Cleared", p->cleared)
.detail("Rebooting", p->rebooting)
.detail("TaskPriorityDefaultDelay", TaskPriority::DefaultDelay);
wait( g_sim2.delay( 0, TaskPriority::DefaultDelay, p ) ); // Switch to the machine in question
try {
ASSERT( kt == ISimulator::RebootProcess || kt == ISimulator::Reboot || kt == ISimulator::RebootAndDelete || kt == ISimulator::RebootProcessAndDelete );
TEST( kt == ISimulator::RebootProcess ); // Simulated process rebooted
TEST( kt == ISimulator::Reboot ); // Simulated machine rebooted
TEST( kt == ISimulator::RebootAndDelete ); // Simulated machine rebooted with data and coordination state deletion
TEST( kt == ISimulator::RebootProcessAndDelete ); // Simulated process rebooted with data and coordination state deletion
if( p->rebooting || !p->isReliable() )
.detail("KillType", kt)
.detail("Address", p->address)
.detail("ZoneId", p->locality.zoneId())
.detail("DataHall", p->locality.dataHallId())
.detail("Locality", p->locality.toString())
.detail("Failed", p->failed)
.detail("Excluded", p->excluded)
.detail("Cleared", p->cleared)
p->rebooting = true;
if ((kt == ISimulator::RebootAndDelete) || (kt == ISimulator::RebootProcessAndDelete)) {
p->cleared = true;
p->shutdownSignal.send( kt );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "RebootError").error(e);
p->shutdownSignal.sendError(e); // ?
throw; // goes nowhere!
//Simulates delays for performing operations on disk
Future<Void> waitUntilDiskReady( Reference<DiskParameters> diskParameters, int64_t size, bool sync ) {
if(g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration > 1e4)
return delay(0.0001);
if( diskParameters->nextOperation < now() ) diskParameters->nextOperation = now();
diskParameters->nextOperation += ( 1.0 / diskParameters->iops ) + ( size / diskParameters->bandwidth );
double randomLatency;
if(sync) {
randomLatency = .005 + deterministicRandom()->random01() * (BUGGIFY ? 1.0 : .010);
} else
randomLatency = 10 * deterministicRandom()->random01() / diskParameters->iops;
return delayUntil( diskParameters->nextOperation + randomLatency );
#if defined(_WIN32)
/* Opening with FILE_SHARE_DELETE lets simulation actually work on windows - previously renames were always failing.
FIXME: Use an actual platform abstraction for this stuff! Is there any reason we can't use underlying net2 for example? */
#include <Windows.h>
int sf_open( const char* filename, int flags, int convFlags, int mode ) {
HANDLE wh = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_READ | ((flags&IAsyncFile::OPEN_READWRITE) ? GENERIC_WRITE : 0),
(flags&IAsyncFile::OPEN_CREATE) ? OPEN_ALWAYS :
nullptr );
int h = -1;
if (wh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) h = _open_osfhandle( (intptr_t)wh, convFlags );
else errno = GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ? ENOENT : EFAULT;
return h;
// Opens a file for asynchronous I/O
Future< Reference<class IAsyncFile> > Sim2FileSystem::open( std::string filename, int64_t flags, int64_t mode )
!(flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_CREATE) ||
StringRef(filename).endsWith(LiteralStringRef(".fdb-lock")) ); // We don't use "ordinary" non-atomic file creation right now except for folder locking, and we don't have code to simulate its unsafeness.
if ( (flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_EXCLUSIVE) ) ASSERT( flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_CREATE );
if (flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_UNCACHED) {
auto& machineCache = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess()->machine->openFiles;
std::string actualFilename = filename;
if ( machineCache.find(filename) == machineCache.end() ) {
if(flags & IAsyncFile::OPEN_ATOMIC_WRITE_AND_CREATE) {
actualFilename = filename + ".part";
auto partFile = machineCache.find(actualFilename);
if(partFile != machineCache.end()) {
Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> f = AsyncFileDetachable::open(partFile->second);
f = map(f, [=](Reference<IAsyncFile> r) { return Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileWriteChecker(r)); });
return f;
// Simulated disk parameters are shared by the AsyncFileNonDurable and the underlying SimpleFile.
// This way, they can both keep up with the time to start the next operation
auto diskParameters =
machineCache[actualFilename] = AsyncFileNonDurable::open(filename, actualFilename, SimpleFile::open(filename, flags, mode, diskParameters, false), diskParameters);
Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> f = AsyncFileDetachable::open( machineCache[actualFilename] );
f = map(f, [=](Reference<IAsyncFile> r) { return Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileWriteChecker(r)); });
return f;
return AsyncFileCached::open(filename, flags, mode);
// Deletes the given file. If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a power failure.
Future< Void > Sim2FileSystem::deleteFile( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable )
return Sim2::deleteFileImpl(&g_sim2, filename, mustBeDurable);
Future< std::time_t > Sim2FileSystem::lastWriteTime( std::string filename ) {
// TODO: update this map upon file writes.
static std::map<std::string, double> fileWrites;
if (BUGGIFY && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.01) {
fileWrites[filename] = now();
return fileWrites[filename];
void Sim2FileSystem::newFileSystem()
g_network->setGlobal(INetwork::enFileSystem, (flowGlobalType) new Sim2FileSystem());