418 lines
14 KiB
418 lines
14 KiB
* KVStoreTest.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ctime>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "contrib/fmt-8.1.1/include/fmt/format.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/IKeyValueStore.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
extern IKeyValueStore* makeDummyKeyValueStore();
template <class T>
class TestHistogram {
TestHistogram(int minSamples = 100) : minSamples(minSamples) { reset(); }
void reset() {
N = 0;
samplingRate = 1.0;
sum = T();
sumSQ = T();
void addSample(const T& x) {
if (!N) {
minSample = maxSample = x;
} else {
if (x < minSample)
minSample = x;
if (maxSample < x)
maxSample = x;
sum += x;
sumSQ += x * x;
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() < samplingRate) {
if (samples.size() == minSamples * 2) {
samplingRate /= 2;
// void addHistogram(const Histrogram& h2);
T mean() const { return sum * (1.0 / N); } // exact
const T& min() const { return minSample; }
const T& max() const { return maxSample; }
T stdDev() const {
if (!N)
return T();
return sqrt((sumSQ * N - sum * sum) * (1.0 / (N * (N - 1))));
T percentileEstimate(double p) {
ASSERT(p <= 1 && p >= 0);
int size = samples.size();
if (!size)
return T();
if (size == 1)
return samples[0];
std::sort(samples.begin(), samples.end());
double fi = p * double(size - 1);
int li = p * double(size - 1);
if (li == size - 1)
return samples.back();
double alpha = fi - li;
return samples[li] * (1 - alpha) + samples[li + 1] * alpha;
T medianEstimate() { return percentileEstimate(0.5); }
uint64_t samplesCount() const { return N; }
int minSamples;
double samplingRate;
std::vector<T> samples;
T minSample;
T maxSample;
T sum;
T sumSQ;
uint64_t N;
struct KVTest {
IKeyValueStore* store;
Version startVersion;
Version lastSet;
Version lastCommit;
Version lastDurable;
Map<Key, IndexedSet<Version, NoMetric>> allSets;
int nodeCount, keyBytes;
bool dispose;
explicit KVTest(int nodeCount, bool dispose, int keyBytes)
: store(nullptr), startVersion(Version(time(nullptr)) << 30), lastSet(startVersion), lastCommit(startVersion),
lastDurable(startVersion), nodeCount(nodeCount), keyBytes(keyBytes), dispose(dispose) {}
~KVTest() { close(); }
void close() {
if (store) {
if (dispose)
store = 0;
Version get(KeyRef key, Version version) {
auto s = allSets.find(key);
if (s == allSets.end())
return startVersion;
auto& sets = s->value;
auto it = sets.lastLessOrEqual(version);
return it != sets.end() ? *it : startVersion;
void set(KeyValueRef kv) {
auto s = allSets.find(kv.key);
if (s == allSets.end()) {
allSets.insert(MapPair<Key, IndexedSet<Version, NoMetric>>(Key(kv.key), IndexedSet<Version, NoMetric>()));
s = allSets.find(kv.key);
s->value.insert(lastSet, NoMetric());
Key randomKey() { return makeKey(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, nodeCount)); }
Key makeKey(Version value) {
Key k;
((KeyRef&)k) = KeyRef(new (k.arena()) uint8_t[keyBytes], keyBytes);
memcpy((uint8_t*)k.begin(), doubleToTestKey(value).begin(), 16);
memset((uint8_t*)k.begin() + 16, '.', keyBytes - 16);
return k;
ACTOR Future<Void> testKVRead(KVTest* test, Key key, TestHistogram<float>* latency, PerfIntCounter* count) {
// state Version s1 = test->lastCommit;
state Version s2 = test->lastDurable;
state double begin = timer();
Optional<Value> val = wait(test->store->readValue(key));
latency->addSample(timer() - begin);
Version v = val.present() ? BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>(val.get(), Unversioned()) : test->startVersion;
if (v < test->startVersion)
v = test->startVersion; // ignore older data from the database
// ASSERT( s1 <= v || test->get(key, s1)==v ); // Plan A
ASSERT(s2 <= v || test->get(key, s2) == v); // Causal consistency
ASSERT(v <= test->lastCommit); // read committed
// ASSERT( v <= test->lastSet ); // read uncommitted
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> testKVReadSaturation(KVTest* test, TestHistogram<float>* latency, PerfIntCounter* count) {
while (true) {
state double begin = timer();
Optional<Value> val = wait(test->store->readValue(test->randomKey()));
latency->addSample(timer() - begin);
ACTOR Future<Void> testKVCommit(KVTest* test, TestHistogram<float>* latency, PerfIntCounter* count) {
state Version v = test->lastSet;
test->lastCommit = v;
state double begin = timer();
latency->addSample(timer() - begin);
test->lastDurable = std::max(test->lastDurable, v);
return Void();
Future<Void> testKVStore(struct KVStoreTestWorkload* const&);
struct KVStoreTestWorkload : TestWorkload {
bool enabled, saturation;
double testDuration, operationsPerSecond;
double commitFraction, setFraction;
int nodeCount, keyBytes, valueBytes;
bool doSetup, doClear, doCount;
std::string filename;
PerfIntCounter reads, sets, commits;
TestHistogram<float> readLatency, commitLatency;
double setupTook;
std::string storeType;
KVStoreTestWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx)
: TestWorkload(wcx), reads("Reads"), sets("Sets"), commits("Commits"), setupTook(0) {
enabled = !clientId; // only do this on the "first" client
testDuration = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 10.0);
operationsPerSecond = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("operationsPerSecond"), 100e3);
commitFraction = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("commitFraction"), .001);
setFraction = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("setFraction"), .1);
nodeCount = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("nodeCount"), 100000);
keyBytes = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("keyBytes"), 8);
valueBytes = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("valueBytes"), 8);
doSetup = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("setup"), false);
doClear = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("clear"), false);
doCount = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("count"), false);
filename = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("filename"), Value()).toString();
saturation = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("saturation"), false);
storeType = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("storeType"), LiteralStringRef("ssd")).toString();
std::string description() const override { return "KVStoreTest"; }
Future<Void> setup(Database const& cx) override { return Void(); }
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx) override {
if (enabled)
return testKVStore(this);
return Void();
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx) override { return true; }
void metricsFromHistogram(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m, std::string name, TestHistogram<float>& h) const {
m.emplace_back("Min " + name, 1000.0 * h.min(), Averaged::True);
m.emplace_back("Average " + name, 1000.0 * h.mean(), Averaged::True);
m.emplace_back("Median " + name, 1000.0 * h.medianEstimate(), Averaged::True);
m.emplace_back("95%% " + name, 1000.0 * h.percentileEstimate(0.95), Averaged::True);
m.emplace_back("Max " + name, 1000.0 * h.max(), Averaged::True);
void getMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m) override {
if (setupTook)
m.emplace_back("SetupTook", setupTook, Averaged::False);
metricsFromHistogram(m, "Read Latency (ms)", readLatency);
metricsFromHistogram(m, "Commit Latency (ms)", commitLatency);
WorkloadFactory<KVStoreTestWorkload> KVStoreTestWorkloadFactory("KVStoreTest");
ACTOR Future<Void> testKVStoreMain(KVStoreTestWorkload* workload, KVTest* ptest) {
state KVTest& test = *ptest;
state ActorCollectionNoErrors ac;
state std::deque<Future<Void>> reads;
state BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
state int64_t commitsStarted = 0;
// test.store = makeDummyKeyValueStore();
state int extraBytes = workload->valueBytes - sizeof(test.lastSet);
state int i;
ASSERT(extraBytes >= 0);
state char* extraValue = new char[extraBytes];
memset(extraValue, '.', extraBytes);
if (workload->doCount) {
state int64_t count = 0;
state Key k;
state double cst = timer();
while (true) {
RangeResult kv = wait(test.store->readRange(KeyRangeRef(k, LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\xff\xff")), 1000));
count += kv.size();
if (kv.size() < 1000)
k = keyAfter(kv[kv.size() - 1].key);
double elapsed = timer() - cst;
TraceEvent("KVStoreCount").detail("Count", count).detail("Took", elapsed);
fmt::print("Counted: {0} in {1:01.f}s\n");
if (workload->doSetup) {
wr << Version(0);
wr.serializeBytes(extraValue, extraBytes);
printf("Building %d nodes: ", workload->nodeCount);
state double setupBegin = timer();
state Future<Void> lastCommit = Void();
for (i = 0; i < workload->nodeCount; i++) {
test.store->set(KeyValueRef(test.makeKey(i), wr.toValue()));
if (!((i + 1) % 10000) || i + 1 == workload->nodeCount) {
lastCommit = test.store->commit();
printf("ETA: %f seconds\n", (timer() - setupBegin) / i * (workload->nodeCount - i));
workload->setupTook = timer() - setupBegin;
TraceEvent("KVStoreSetup").detail("Count", workload->nodeCount).detail("Took", workload->setupTook);
state double t = now();
state double stopAt = t + workload->testDuration;
if (workload->saturation) {
if (workload->commitFraction) {
while (now() < stopAt) {
for (int s = 0; s < 1 / workload->commitFraction; s++) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr << test.lastSet;
wr.serializeBytes(extraValue, extraBytes);
test.set(KeyValueRef(test.randomKey(), wr.toValue()));
wait(testKVCommit(&test, &workload->commitLatency, &workload->commits));
} else {
std::vector<Future<Void>> actors;
for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)
actors.push_back(testKVReadSaturation(&test, &workload->readLatency, &workload->reads));
wait(timeout(waitForAll(actors), workload->testDuration, Void()));
} else {
while (t < stopAt) {
double end = now();
loop {
t += 1.0 / workload->operationsPerSecond;
double op = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (op < workload->commitFraction) {
// Commit
if (workload->commits.getValue() == commitsStarted) {
ac.add(testKVCommit(&test, &workload->commitLatency, &workload->commits));
} else if (op < workload->commitFraction + workload->setFraction) {
// Set
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr << test.lastSet;
wr.serializeBytes(extraValue, extraBytes);
test.set(KeyValueRef(test.randomKey(), wr.toValue()));
} else {
// Read
ac.add(testKVRead(&test, test.randomKey(), &workload->readLatency, &workload->reads));
if (t >= end)
if (workload->doClear) {
state int chunk = 1000000;
t = timer();
for (i = 0; i < workload->nodeCount; i += chunk) {
test.store->clear(KeyRangeRef(test.makeKey(i), test.makeKey(i + chunk)));
TraceEvent("KVStoreClear").detail("Took", timer() - t);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> testKVStore(KVStoreTestWorkload* workload) {
state KVTest test(workload->nodeCount, !workload->filename.size(), workload->keyBytes);
state Error err;
// wait( delay(1) );
UID id = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID();
std::string fn = workload->filename.size() ? workload->filename : id.toString();
if (workload->storeType == "ssd")
test.store = keyValueStoreSQLite(fn, id, KeyValueStoreType::SSD_BTREE_V2);
else if (workload->storeType == "ssd-1")
test.store = keyValueStoreSQLite(fn, id, KeyValueStoreType::SSD_BTREE_V1);
else if (workload->storeType == "ssd-2")
test.store = keyValueStoreSQLite(fn, id, KeyValueStoreType::SSD_REDWOOD_V1);
else if (workload->storeType == "ssd-redwood-1-experimental")
test.store = keyValueStoreRedwoodV1(fn, id);
else if (workload->storeType == "ssd-rocksdb-v1")
test.store = keyValueStoreRocksDB(fn, id, KeyValueStoreType::SSD_ROCKSDB_V1);
else if (workload->storeType == "memory")
test.store = keyValueStoreMemory(fn, id, 500e6);
else if (workload->storeType == "memory-radixtree-beta")
test.store = keyValueStoreMemory(fn, id, 500e6, "fdr", KeyValueStoreType::MEMORY_RADIXTREE);
state Future<Void> main = testKVStoreMain(workload, &test);
try {
choose {
when(wait(main)) {}
when(wait(test.store->getError())) { ASSERT(false); }
} catch (Error& e) {
err = e;
Future<Void> c = test.store->onClosed();
if (err.code() != invalid_error_code)
throw err;
return Void();