
303 lines
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* FlowTransport.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include "fdbrpc/HealthMonitor.h"
#include "flow/"
#include "flow/network.h"
#include "flow/FileIdentifier.h"
#include "flow/ProtocolVersion.h"
#include "flow/Net2Packet.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ContinuousSample.h"
enum {
#pragma pack(push, 4)
class Endpoint {
// Endpoint represents a particular service (e.g. a serialized Promise<T> or PromiseStream<T>)
// An endpoint is either "local" (used for receiving data) or "remote" (used for sending data)
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 10618805;
using Token = UID;
NetworkAddressList addresses;
Token token{};
Endpoint() {}
Endpoint(const NetworkAddressList& addresses, Token token) : addresses(addresses), token(token) {
static Token wellKnownToken(int wlTokenID) { return UID(-1, wlTokenID); }
static Endpoint wellKnown(const NetworkAddressList& addresses, int wlTokenID) {
return Endpoint(addresses, wellKnownToken(wlTokenID));
void choosePrimaryAddress() {
if (addresses.secondaryAddress.present() &&
((!g_network->getLocalAddresses().secondaryAddress.present() &&
(addresses.address.isTLS() != g_network->getLocalAddresses().address.isTLS())) ||
(g_network->getLocalAddresses().secondaryAddress.present() && !addresses.address.isTLS()))) {
std::swap(addresses.address, addresses.secondaryAddress.get());
bool isValid() const { return token.isValid(); }
bool isLocal() const;
// Return the primary network address, which is the first network address among
// all addresses this endpoint listens to.
const NetworkAddress& getPrimaryAddress() const { return addresses.address; }
NetworkAddress getStableAddress() const { return addresses.getTLSAddress(); }
Endpoint getAdjustedEndpoint(uint32_t index) const {
uint32_t newIndex = token.second();
newIndex += index;
return Endpoint(
UID(token.first() + (uint64_t(index) << 32), (token.second() & 0xffffffff00000000LL) | newIndex));
bool operator==(Endpoint const& r) const {
return token == r.token && getPrimaryAddress() == r.getPrimaryAddress();
bool operator!=(Endpoint const& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
bool operator<(Endpoint const& r) const {
return addresses.address < r.addresses.address || (addresses.address == r.addresses.address && token < r.token);
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
if constexpr (is_fb_function<Ar>) {
serializer(ar, addresses, token);
if constexpr (Ar::isDeserializing) {
} else {
if (ar.isDeserializing && !ar.protocolVersion().hasEndpointAddrList()) {
addresses.secondaryAddress = Optional<NetworkAddress>();
serializer(ar, addresses.address, token);
} else {
serializer(ar, addresses, token);
if (ar.isDeserializing) {
#pragma pack(pop)
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<Endpoint> {
size_t operator()(const Endpoint& ep) const { return ep.token.hash() + ep.addresses.address.hash(); }
} // namespace std
enum class RequirePeer { Exactly, AtLeast };
struct PeerCompatibilityPolicy {
RequirePeer requirement;
ProtocolVersion version;
class ArenaObjectReader;
class NetworkMessageReceiver {
virtual void receive(ArenaObjectReader&) = 0;
virtual bool isStream() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPublic() const = 0;
virtual PeerCompatibilityPolicy peerCompatibilityPolicy() const {
return { RequirePeer::Exactly, g_network->protocolVersion() };
class TransportData;
struct Peer : public ReferenceCounted<Peer> {
TransportData* transport;
NetworkAddress destination;
UnsentPacketQueue unsent;
ReliablePacketList reliable;
AsyncTrigger dataToSend; // Triggered when unsent.empty() becomes false
Future<Void> connect;
AsyncTrigger resetPing;
AsyncTrigger resetConnection;
bool compatible;
bool outgoingConnectionIdle; // We don't actually have a connection open and aren't trying to open one because we
// don't have anything to send
double lastConnectTime;
double reconnectionDelay;
int peerReferences;
bool incompatibleProtocolVersionNewer;
int64_t bytesReceived;
int64_t bytesSent;
double lastDataPacketSentTime;
int outstandingReplies;
ContinuousSample<double> pingLatencies;
double lastLoggedTime;
int64_t lastLoggedBytesReceived;
int64_t lastLoggedBytesSent;
int timeoutCount;
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ProtocolVersion>>> protocolVersion;
// Cleared every time stats are logged for this peer.
int connectOutgoingCount;
int connectIncomingCount;
int connectFailedCount;
ContinuousSample<double> connectLatencies;
Promise<Void> disconnect;
explicit Peer(TransportData* transport, NetworkAddress const& destination);
void send(PacketBuffer* pb, ReliablePacket* rp, bool firstUnsent);
void prependConnectPacket();
void discardUnreliablePackets();
void onIncomingConnection(Reference<Peer> self, Reference<IConnection> conn, Future<Void> reader);
class IPAllowList;
class FlowTransport {
FlowTransport(uint64_t transportId, int maxWellKnownEndpoints, IPAllowList const* allowList);
// Creates a new FlowTransport and makes FlowTransport::transport() return it. This uses g_network->global()
// variables, so it will be private to a simulation.
static void createInstance(bool isClient,
uint64_t transportId,
int maxWellKnownEndpoints,
IPAllowList const* allowList = nullptr);
static bool isClient() { return g_network->global(INetwork::enClientFailureMonitor) != nullptr; }
// Metrics must be initialized after FlowTransport::createInstance has been called
void initMetrics();
// Starts a server listening on the given listenAddress, and sets publicAddress to be the public
// address of this server. Returns only errors.
Future<Void> bind(NetworkAddress publicAddress, NetworkAddress listenAddress);
// Returns first local NetworkAddress.
NetworkAddress getLocalAddress() const;
// Returns first local NetworkAddress.
void setLocalAddress(NetworkAddress const&);
// Returns all local NetworkAddress.
NetworkAddressList getLocalAddresses() const;
// Returns all peers that the FlowTransport is monitoring.
const std::unordered_map<NetworkAddress, Reference<Peer>>& getAllPeers() const;
// Returns the same of all peers that have attempted to connect, but have incompatible protocol versions
std::map<NetworkAddress, std::pair<uint64_t, double>>* getIncompatiblePeers();
// Returns when getIncompatiblePeers has at least one peer which is incompatible.
Future<Void> onIncompatibleChanged();
// Signal that a peer connection is being used, even if no messages are currently being sent to the peer
void addPeerReference(const Endpoint&, bool isStream);
// Signal that a peer connection is no longer being used
void removePeerReference(const Endpoint&, bool isStream);
// Sets endpoint to be a new local endpoint which delivers messages to the given receiver
void addEndpoint(Endpoint& endpoint, NetworkMessageReceiver*, TaskPriority taskID);
void addEndpoints(std::vector<std::pair<struct FlowReceiver*, TaskPriority>> const& streams);
// The given local endpoint no longer delivers messages to the given receiver or uses resources
void removeEndpoint(const Endpoint&, NetworkMessageReceiver*);
// Sets endpoint to a new local endpoint (without changing its token) which delivers messages to the given receiver
// Implementations may have limitations on when this function is called and what endpoint.token may be!
void addWellKnownEndpoint(Endpoint& endpoint, NetworkMessageReceiver*, TaskPriority taskID);
// sendReliable will keep trying to deliver the data to the destination until cancelReliable is called. It will
// retry sending if the connection is closed or the failure manager reports the destination become available (edge
// triggered).
ReliablePacket* sendReliable(ISerializeSource const& what, const Endpoint& destination);
// Makes Packet "unreliable" (either the data or a connection close event will be delivered eventually). It can
// still be used safely to send a reply to a "reliable" request.
void cancelReliable(ReliablePacket*);
// This async var will be set to true when the process cannot connect to a public network address that the failure
// monitor thinks is healthy.
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> getDegraded();
// Forces the connection with this address to be reset
void resetConnection(NetworkAddress address);
Reference<Peer> sendUnreliable(ISerializeSource const& what,
const Endpoint& destination,
bool openConnection); // { cancelReliable(sendReliable(what,destination)); }
bool incompatibleOutgoingConnectionsPresent();
// Returns the protocol version of the peer at the specified address. The result is returned as an AsyncVar that
// can be used to monitor for changes of a peer's protocol. The protocol version will be unset in the event that
// there is no connection established to the peer.
// Note that this function does not establish a connection to the peer. In order to obtain a peer's protocol
// version, some other mechanism should be used to connect to that peer.
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ProtocolVersion>> const> getPeerProtocolAsyncVar(NetworkAddress addr);
static FlowTransport& transport() {
return *static_cast<FlowTransport*>((void*)g_network->global(INetwork::enFlowTransport));
static NetworkAddress getGlobalLocalAddress() { return transport().getLocalAddress(); }
static NetworkAddressList getGlobalLocalAddresses() { return transport().getLocalAddresses(); }
Endpoint loadedEndpoint(const UID& token);
Future<Void> loadedDisconnect();
HealthMonitor* healthMonitor();
class TransportData* self;
inline bool Endpoint::isLocal() const {
const auto& localAddrs = FlowTransport::transport().getLocalAddresses();
return addresses.address == localAddrs.address ||
(localAddrs.secondaryAddress.present() && addresses.address == localAddrs.secondaryAddress.get());