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173 lines
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* CoordinationInterface.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/CoordinationInterface.h"
struct GenerationRegInterface {
RequestStream< struct GenerationRegReadRequest > read;
RequestStream< struct GenerationRegWriteRequest > write;
// read(key,gen2) returns (value,gen,rgen).
// If there was no prior write(_,_,0) or a data loss fault,
// returns (Optional(),0,0) //< FIXME: The returned rgen is not zero, but >= gen2! (Specification bug)
// Else
// There was some earlier or concurrent write(key,value,gen).
// There was some earlier or concurrent read(key,rgen).
// If there is a write(key,_,gen1)=>gen1 s.t. gen1 < gen2 OR the write completed before this read started, then gen >= gen1.
// If there is a read(key,gen1) that completed before this read started, then rgen >= gen1
// write(key,value,gen) returns gen1.
// If gen>0 and there was no prior write(_,_,0) or a data loss fault, throws not_created()?
// (gen1==gen is considered a "successful" write)
// There is some earlier or concurrent read(key,gen1) or write(key,_,gen1). (In the successful case, the concurrent write is this one)
// All instances of the pattern
// read(key, g)=>v1 and write(key, v2, g)=>true
// thus form a totally ordered sequence of modifications, in which
// the v2 of the previous generation is the v1 of the next.
GenerationRegInterface() {}
GenerationRegInterface( NetworkAddress remote );
GenerationRegInterface( INetwork* local );
struct UniqueGeneration {
uint64_t generation;
UID uid;
UniqueGeneration() : generation(0) {}
UniqueGeneration( uint64_t generation, UID uid ) : generation(generation), uid(uid) {}
bool operator < (UniqueGeneration const& r) const {
if (generation < r.generation) return true;
if (r.generation < generation) return false;
return uid < r.uid;
bool operator == (UniqueGeneration const& r) const {
return generation == r.generation && uid == r.uid;
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, generation, uid);
struct GenerationRegReadRequest {
Key key;
UniqueGeneration gen;
ReplyPromise<struct GenerationRegReadReply> reply;
GenerationRegReadRequest( Key key, UniqueGeneration gen ) : key(key), gen(gen) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, gen, reply);
struct GenerationRegReadReply {
Optional<Value> value;
UniqueGeneration gen, rgen;
GenerationRegReadReply() {}
GenerationRegReadReply( Optional<Value> value, UniqueGeneration gen, UniqueGeneration rgen ) : value(value), gen(gen), rgen(rgen) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, value, gen, rgen);
struct GenerationRegWriteRequest {
KeyValue kv;
UniqueGeneration gen;
ReplyPromise< UniqueGeneration > reply;
GenerationRegWriteRequest() {}
GenerationRegWriteRequest(KeyValue kv, UniqueGeneration gen) : kv(kv), gen(gen) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, kv, gen, reply);
struct LeaderElectionRegInterface : ClientLeaderRegInterface {
RequestStream< struct CandidacyRequest > candidacy;
RequestStream< struct LeaderHeartbeatRequest > leaderHeartbeat;
RequestStream< struct ForwardRequest > forward;
LeaderElectionRegInterface() {}
LeaderElectionRegInterface(NetworkAddress remote);
LeaderElectionRegInterface(INetwork* local);
struct CandidacyRequest {
Key key;
LeaderInfo myInfo;
UID knownLeader, prevChangeID;
ReplyPromise<Optional<LeaderInfo>> reply;
CandidacyRequest() {}
CandidacyRequest(Key key, LeaderInfo const& myInfo, UID const& knownLeader, UID const& prevChangeID) : key(key), myInfo(myInfo), knownLeader(knownLeader), prevChangeID(prevChangeID) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, myInfo, knownLeader, prevChangeID, reply);
struct LeaderHeartbeatRequest {
Key key;
LeaderInfo myInfo;
UID prevChangeID;
ReplyPromise<bool> reply;
LeaderHeartbeatRequest() {}
explicit LeaderHeartbeatRequest( Key key, LeaderInfo const& myInfo, UID prevChangeID ) : key(key), myInfo(myInfo), prevChangeID(prevChangeID) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, myInfo, prevChangeID, reply);
struct ForwardRequest {
Key key;
Value conn; // a cluster connection string
ReplyPromise<Void> reply;
ForwardRequest() {}
ForwardRequest( Key key, Value conn ) : key(key), conn(conn) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, key, conn, reply);
class ServerCoordinators : public ClientCoordinators {
explicit ServerCoordinators( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> );
vector<LeaderElectionRegInterface> leaderElectionServers;
vector<GenerationRegInterface> stateServers;
Future<Void> coordinationServer( std::string const& dataFolder );