707 lines
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707 lines
25 KiB
* Tracing.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbrpc/Msgpack.h"
#include "fdbclient/Tracing.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/IKnobCollection.h"
#include "flow/network.h"
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
namespace {
// Initial size of buffer used to store serialized traces. Buffer will be
// resized when necessary.
constexpr int kTraceBufferSize = 1024;
// The time interval between each report of the tracer queue size (seconds).
constexpr float kQueueSizeLogInterval = 5.0;
struct NoopTracer : ITracer {
TracerType type() const override { return TracerType::DISABLED; }
void trace(Span const& span) override {}
struct LogfileTracer : ITracer {
TracerType type() const override { return TracerType::LOG_FILE; }
void trace(Span const& span) override {
TraceEvent te(SevInfo, "TracingSpan", span.context.traceID);
te.detail("SpanID", span.context.spanID)
.detail("Location", span.location.name)
.detail("Begin", format("%.6f", span.begin))
.detail("End", format("%.6f", span.end))
.detail("Kind", span.kind)
.detail("Status", span.status)
.detail("ParentSpanID", span.parentContext.spanID);
for (const auto& link : span.links) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "TracingSpanLink", span.context.traceID)
.detail("TraceID", link.traceID)
.detail("SpanID", link.spanID);
for (const auto& [key, value] : span.attributes) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "TracingSpanTag", span.context.traceID).detail("Key", key).detail("Value", value);
for (const auto& event : span.events) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "TracingSpanEvent", span.context.traceID)
.detail("Name", event.name)
.detail("Time", event.time);
for (const auto& [key, value] : event.attributes) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "TracingSpanEventAttribute", span.context.traceID)
.detail("Key", key)
.detail("Value", value);
// A server listening for UDP trace messages, run only in simulation.
ACTOR Future<Void> simulationStartServer() {
// We're going to force the address to be loopback regardless of FLOW_KNOBS->TRACING_UDP_LISTENER_ADDR
// because we're in simulation testing mode.
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "UDPServerStarted")
.detail("Address", "")
state NetworkAddress localAddress =
NetworkAddress::parse("" + std::to_string(FLOW_KNOBS->TRACING_UDP_LISTENER_PORT));
state Reference<IUDPSocket> serverSocket = wait(INetworkConnections::net()->createUDPSocket(localAddress));
state Standalone<StringRef> packetString = makeString(IUDPSocket::MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
state uint8_t* packet = mutateString(packetString);
loop {
int size = wait(serverSocket->receive(packet, packet + IUDPSocket::MAX_PACKET_SIZE));
auto message = packetString.substr(0, size);
// For now, just check the first byte in the message matches. Data is
// currently written as an array, so first byte should match msgpack
// array notation. In the future, the entire message should be
// deserialized to make sure all data is written correctly.
ASSERT(message[0] == (4 | 0b10010000) || (5 | 0b10010000));
// Runs on an interval, printing debug information and performing other
// connection tasks.
ACTOR Future<Void> traceLog(int* pendingMessages, bool* sendError) {
state bool sendErrorReset = false;
loop {
TraceEvent("TracingSpanQueueSize").detail("PendingMessages", *pendingMessages);
// Wait at least one full loop before attempting to send messages
// again.
if (sendErrorReset) {
sendErrorReset = false;
*sendError = false;
} else if (*sendError) {
sendErrorReset = true;
struct UDPTracer : public ITracer {
// Serializes span fields as an array into the supplied TraceRequest
// buffer.
void serialize_span(const Span& span, MsgpackBuffer& buf) {
uint16_t size = 12;
buf.write_byte(size | 0b10010000); // write as array
serialize_value(span.context.traceID.first(), buf, 0xcf); // trace id
serialize_value(span.context.traceID.second(), buf, 0xcf); // trace id
serialize_value(span.context.spanID, buf, 0xcf); // spanid
// parent span id
serialize_value(span.parentContext.spanID, buf, 0xcf); // spanId
// Payload
serialize_string(span.location.name.toString(), buf);
serialize_value(span.begin, buf, 0xcb); // start time
serialize_value(span.end, buf, 0xcb); // end
// Kind
serialize_value(span.kind, buf, 0xcc);
// Status
serialize_value(span.status, buf, 0xcc);
// Links
serialize_vector(span.links, buf);
// Events
serialize_vector(span.events, buf);
// Attributes
serialize_map(span.attributes, buf);
// Writes the given vector of linked SpanContext's to the request. If the vector is
// empty, the request is not modified.
inline void serialize_vector(const SmallVectorRef<SpanContext>& vec, MsgpackBuffer& buf) {
int size = vec.size();
if (size <= 15) {
buf.write_byte(static_cast<uint8_t>(size) | 0b10010000);
} else if (size <= 65535) {
buf.write_byte(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&size)[1]);
buf.write_byte(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&size)[0]);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "TracingSpanSerializeVector").detail("Failed to MessagePack encode large vector", size);
for (const auto& link : vec) {
serialize_value(link.traceID.first(), buf, 0xcf); // trace id
serialize_value(link.traceID.second(), buf, 0xcf); // trace id
serialize_value(link.spanID, buf, 0xcf); // spanid
// Writes the given vector of linked SpanEventRef's to the request. If the vector is
// empty, the request is not modified.
inline void serialize_vector(const SmallVectorRef<SpanEventRef>& vec, MsgpackBuffer& buf) {
int size = vec.size();
if (size <= 15) {
buf.write_byte(static_cast<uint8_t>(size) | 0b10010000);
} else if (size <= 65535) {
buf.write_byte(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&size)[1]);
buf.write_byte(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&size)[0]);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "TracingSpanSerializeVector").detail("Failed to MessagePack encode large vector", size);
for (const auto& event : vec) {
serialize_string(event.name.toString(), buf); // event name
serialize_value(event.time, buf, 0xcb); // event time
serialize_vector(event.attributes, buf);
inline void serialize_vector(const SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef>& vals, MsgpackBuffer& buf) {
int size = vals.size();
if (size <= 15) {
// N.B. We're actually writing this out as a fixmap here in messagepack format!
// fixmap 1000xxxx 0x80 - 0x8f
buf.write_byte(static_cast<uint8_t>(size) | 0b10000000);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "TracingSpanSerializeVector").detail("Failed to MessagePack encode large vector", size);
for (const auto& kv : vals) {
serialize_string(kv.key.toString(), buf);
serialize_string(kv.value.toString(), buf);
#ifndef WIN32
ACTOR Future<Void> fastTraceLogger(int* unreadyMessages, int* failedMessages, int* totalMessages, bool* sendError) {
state bool sendErrorReset = false;
loop {
.detail("UnreadyMessages", *unreadyMessages)
.detail("FailedMessages", *failedMessages)
.detail("TotalMessages", *totalMessages)
.detail("SendError", *sendError);
if (sendErrorReset) {
sendErrorReset = false;
*sendError = false;
} else if (*sendError) {
sendErrorReset = true;
struct FastUDPTracer : public UDPTracer {
: unready_socket_messages_(0), failed_messages_(0), total_messages_(0), socket_fd_(-1), send_error_(false) {
request_ = MsgpackBuffer{ .buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(kTraceBufferSize),
.data_size = 0,
.buffer_size = kTraceBufferSize };
TracerType type() const override { return TracerType::NETWORK_LOSSY; }
void prepare(int size) {
static std::once_flag once;
std::call_once(once, [&]() {
log_actor_ = fastTraceLogger(&unready_socket_messages_, &failed_messages_, &total_messages_, &send_error_);
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
udp_server_actor_ = simulationStartServer();
// Force loopback when in simulation mode
destAddr = "";
NetworkAddress destAddress =
NetworkAddress::parse(destAddr + ":" + std::to_string(FLOW_KNOBS->TRACING_UDP_LISTENER_PORT));
socket_ = INetworkConnections::net()->createUDPSocket(destAddress);
if (size == 0) {
if (!socket_.isReady()) {
} else if (socket_fd_ == -1) {
socket_fd_ = socket_.get()->native_handle();
if (send_error_) {
void write() {
int bytesSent = send(socket_fd_, request_.buffer.get(), request_.data_size, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (bytesSent == -1) {
// Will forgo checking errno here, and assume all error messages
// should be treated the same.
send_error_ = true;
void trace(Span const& span) override {
serialize_span(span, request_);
MsgpackBuffer request_;
int unready_socket_messages_;
int failed_messages_;
int total_messages_;
int socket_fd_;
bool send_error_;
Future<Reference<IUDPSocket>> socket_;
Future<Void> log_actor_;
Future<Void> udp_server_actor_;
ITracer* g_tracer = new NoopTracer();
} // namespace
void openTracer(TracerType type) {
if (g_tracer->type() == type) {
delete g_tracer;
switch (type) {
case TracerType::DISABLED:
g_tracer = new NoopTracer{};
case TracerType::LOG_FILE:
g_tracer = new LogfileTracer{};
case TracerType::NETWORK_LOSSY:
#ifndef WIN32
g_tracer = new FastUDPTracer{};
case TracerType::SIM_END:
ITracer::~ITracer() {}
Span& Span::operator=(Span&& o) {
if (begin > 0.0 && context.isSampled()) {
end = g_network->now();
arena = std::move(o.arena);
context = o.context;
parentContext = o.parentContext;
begin = o.begin;
end = o.end;
location = o.location;
links = std::move(o.links);
events = std::move(o.events);
status = o.status;
kind = o.kind;
o.context = SpanContext();
o.parentContext = SpanContext();
o.kind = SpanKind::INTERNAL;
o.begin = 0.0;
o.end = 0.0;
o.status = SpanStatus::UNSET;
return *this;
Span::~Span() {
if (begin > 0.0 && context.isSampled()) {
end = g_network->now();
TEST_CASE("/flow/Tracing/CreateOTELSpan") {
// Sampling disabled, no parent.
Span notSampled("foo"_loc);
// Ensure child traceID matches parent, when parent is sampled.
Span childTraceIDMatchesParent("foo"_loc, SpanContext(UID(100, 101), 200, TraceFlags::sampled));
ASSERT(childTraceIDMatchesParent.context.traceID.first() ==
ASSERT(childTraceIDMatchesParent.context.traceID.second() ==
// When the parent isn't sampled AND it has legitimate values we should not sample a child,
// even if the child was randomly selected for sampling.
Span parentNotSampled("foo"_loc, SpanContext(UID(1, 1), 1, TraceFlags::unsampled));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/flow/Tracing/AddEvents") {
// Use helper method to add an OTELEventRef to an OTELSpan.
Span span1("span_with_event"_loc);
auto arena = span1.arena;
SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> attrs;
attrs.push_back(arena, KeyValueRef("foo"_sr, "bar"_sr));
span1.addEvent("read_version"_sr, 1.0, attrs);
ASSERT(span1.events[0].name.toString() == "read_version");
ASSERT(span1.events[0].time == 1.0);
ASSERT(span1.events[0].attributes.begin()->key.toString() == "foo");
ASSERT(span1.events[0].attributes.begin()->value.toString() == "bar");
// Use helper method to add an OTELEventRef with no attributes to an OTELSpan
Span span2("span_with_event"_loc);
span2.addEvent(StringRef(span2.arena, "commit_succeed"_sr), 1234567.100);
ASSERT(span2.events[0].name.toString() == "commit_succeed");
ASSERT(span2.events[0].time == 1234567.100);
ASSERT(span2.events[0].attributes.size() == 0);
// Add fully constructed OTELEventRef to OTELSpan passed by value.
Span span3("span_with_event"_loc);
auto s3Arena = span3.arena;
SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> s3Attrs;
s3Attrs.push_back(s3Arena, KeyValueRef("xyz"_sr, "123"_sr));
span3.addEvent("commit_fail"_sr, 1234567.100, s3Attrs).addEvent("commit_succeed"_sr, 1111.001, s3Attrs);
ASSERT(span3.events[0].name.toString() == "commit_fail");
ASSERT(span3.events[0].time == 1234567.100);
ASSERT(span3.events[0].attributes.size() == 1);
ASSERT(span3.events[0].attributes.begin()->key.toString() == "xyz");
ASSERT(span3.events[0].attributes.begin()->value.toString() == "123");
ASSERT(span3.events[1].name.toString() == "commit_succeed");
ASSERT(span3.events[1].time == 1111.001);
ASSERT(span3.events[1].attributes.size() == 1);
ASSERT(span3.events[1].attributes.begin()->key.toString() == "xyz");
ASSERT(span3.events[1].attributes.begin()->value.toString() == "123");
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/flow/Tracing/AddAttributes") {
Span span1("span_with_attrs"_loc,
KnobValueRef::create(bool{ true }));
auto arena = span1.arena;
span1.addAttribute(StringRef(arena, "foo"_sr), StringRef(arena, "bar"_sr));
span1.addAttribute(StringRef(arena, "operation"_sr), StringRef(arena, "grv"_sr));
ASSERT_EQ(span1.attributes.size(), 3); // Includes default attribute of "address"
ASSERT(span1.attributes[1] == KeyValueRef("foo"_sr, "bar"_sr));
ASSERT(span1.attributes[2] == KeyValueRef("operation"_sr, "grv"_sr));
Span span2("span_with_attrs"_loc,
auto s2Arena = span2.arena;
span2.addAttribute(StringRef(s2Arena, "a"_sr), StringRef(s2Arena, "1"_sr))
.addAttribute(StringRef(s2Arena, "b"_sr), "2"_sr)
.addAttribute(StringRef(s2Arena, "c"_sr), "3"_sr);
ASSERT_EQ(span2.attributes.size(), 4); // Includes default attribute of "address"
ASSERT(span2.attributes[1] == KeyValueRef("a"_sr, "1"_sr));
ASSERT(span2.attributes[2] == KeyValueRef("b"_sr, "2"_sr));
ASSERT(span2.attributes[3] == KeyValueRef("c"_sr, "3"_sr));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/flow/Tracing/AddLinks") {
Span span1("span_with_links"_loc);
span1.addLink(SpanContext(UID(100, 101), 200, TraceFlags::sampled));
span1.addLink(SpanContext(UID(200, 201), 300, TraceFlags::unsampled))
.addLink(SpanContext(UID(300, 301), 400, TraceFlags::sampled));
// Ensure the root span is now sampled and traceID and spanIDs are set.
// Ensure links are present.
ASSERT(span1.links[0].traceID == UID(100, 101));
ASSERT(span1.links[0].spanID == 200);
ASSERT(span1.links[0].m_Flags == TraceFlags::sampled);
ASSERT(span1.links[1].traceID == UID(200, 201));
ASSERT(span1.links[1].spanID == 300);
ASSERT(span1.links[1].m_Flags == TraceFlags::unsampled);
ASSERT(span1.links[2].traceID == UID(300, 301));
ASSERT(span1.links[2].spanID == 400);
ASSERT(span1.links[2].m_Flags == TraceFlags::sampled);
Span span2("span_with_links"_loc);
auto link1 = SpanContext(UID(1, 1), 1, TraceFlags::sampled);
auto link2 = SpanContext(UID(2, 2), 2, TraceFlags::sampled);
auto link3 = SpanContext(UID(3, 3), 3, TraceFlags::sampled);
span2.addLinks({ link1, link2 }).addLinks({ link3 });
// Ensure the root span is now sampled and traceID and spanIDs are set.
ASSERT(span2.links[0].traceID == UID(1, 1));
ASSERT(span2.links[0].spanID == 1);
ASSERT(span2.links[0].m_Flags == TraceFlags::sampled);
ASSERT(span2.links[1].traceID == UID(2, 2));
ASSERT(span2.links[1].spanID == 2);
ASSERT(span2.links[1].m_Flags == TraceFlags::sampled);
ASSERT(span2.links[2].traceID == UID(3, 3));
ASSERT(span2.links[2].spanID == 3);
ASSERT(span2.links[2].m_Flags == TraceFlags::sampled);
return Void();
uint16_t swapUint16BE(uint8_t* index) {
uint16_t value;
memcpy(&value, index, sizeof(value));
return fromBigEndian16(value);
uint64_t swapUint64BE(uint8_t* index) {
uint64_t value;
memcpy(&value, index, sizeof(value));
return fromBigEndian64(value);
double swapDoubleBE(uint8_t* index) {
double value;
memcpy(&value, index, sizeof(value));
char* const p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(double) / 2; ++i)
std::swap(p[i], p[sizeof(double) - i - 1]);
return value;
std::string readMPString(uint8_t* index, int len) {
uint8_t data[len + 1];
std::copy(index, index + len, data);
data[len] = '\0';
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
std::string readMPString(uint8_t* index) {
auto len = 0;
switch (*index) {
case 0xda:
index++; // read the size in the next 2 bytes
len = swapUint16BE(index);
index += 2; // move index past the size bytes
// We & out the bits here that contain the length the initial 3 higher order bits are
// to signify this is a string of len <= 31 chars.
len = static_cast<uint8_t>(*index & 0b00011111);
uint8_t data[len + 1];
std::copy(index, index + len, data);
data[len] = '\0';
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
// Windows doesn't like lack of header and declaration of constructor for FastUDPTracer
#ifndef WIN32
TEST_CASE("/flow/Tracing/FastUDPMessagePackEncoding") {
KnobValueRef::create(bool{ true }));
Span span1("encoded_span"_loc);
auto request = MsgpackBuffer{ .buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(kTraceBufferSize),
.data_size = 0,
.buffer_size = kTraceBufferSize };
auto tracer = FastUDPTracer();
tracer.serialize_span(span1, request);
auto data = request.buffer.get();
ASSERT(data[0] == 0b10011100); // Default array size.
// Test - constructor OTELSpan(const Location& location, const SpanContext parent, const SpanContext& link)
// Will delegate to other constructors.
Span span2("encoded_span"_loc,
SpanContext(UID(100, 101), 1, TraceFlags::sampled),
{ SpanContext(UID(200, 201), 2, TraceFlags::sampled) });
tracer.serialize_span(span2, request);
data = request.buffer.get();
ASSERT(data[0] == 0b10011100); // 12 element array.
// Verify the Parent Trace ID overwrites this spans Trace ID
ASSERT(data[1] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[2]) == 100);
ASSERT(data[10] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[11]) == 101);
ASSERT(data[19] == 0xcf);
// We don't care about the next 8 bytes, they are the ID for the span itself and will be random.
// Parent SpanID.
ASSERT(data[28] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[29]) == 1);
// Read and verify span name
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[37]) == "encoded_span");
// Verify begin/end is encoded, we don't care about the values
ASSERT(data[50] == 0xcb);
ASSERT(data[59] == 0xcb);
// SpanKind
ASSERT(data[68] == 0xcc);
ASSERT(data[69] == static_cast<uint8_t>(SpanKind::SERVER));
// Status
ASSERT(data[70] == 0xcc);
ASSERT(data[71] == static_cast<uint8_t>(SpanStatus::OK));
// Linked SpanContext
ASSERT(data[72] == 0b10010001);
ASSERT(data[73] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[74]) == 200);
ASSERT(data[82] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[83]) == 201);
ASSERT(data[91] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[92]) == 2);
// Events
ASSERT(data[100] == 0b10010000); // empty
// Attributes
ASSERT(data[101] == 0b10000001); // single k/v pair
ASSERT(data[102] == 0b10100111); // length of key string "address" == 7
// Exercise all fluent interfaces, include links, events, and attributes.
Span span3("encoded_span_3"_loc, SpanContext());
auto s3Arena = span3.arena;
SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> attrs;
attrs.push_back(s3Arena, KeyValueRef("foo"_sr, "bar"_sr));
span3.addAttribute("operation"_sr, "grv"_sr)
.addLink(SpanContext(UID(300, 301), 400, TraceFlags::sampled))
.addEvent(StringRef(s3Arena, "event1"_sr), 100.101, attrs);
tracer.serialize_span(span3, request);
data = request.buffer.get();
ASSERT(data[0] == 0b10011100); // 12 element array.
// We don't care about the next 36 bytes as there is no parent and a randomly assigned Trace and SpanID
// Read and verify span name
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[37]) == "encoded_span_3");
// Verify begin/end is encoded, we don't care about the values
ASSERT(data[52] == 0xcb);
ASSERT(data[61] == 0xcb);
// SpanKind
ASSERT(data[70] == 0xcc);
ASSERT(data[71] == static_cast<uint8_t>(SpanKind::SERVER));
// Status
ASSERT(data[72] == 0xcc);
ASSERT(data[73] == static_cast<uint8_t>(SpanStatus::OK));
// Linked SpanContext
ASSERT(data[74] == 0b10010001);
ASSERT(data[75] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[76]) == 300);
ASSERT(data[84] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[85]) == 301);
ASSERT(data[93] == 0xcf);
ASSERT(swapUint64BE(&data[94]) == 400);
// Events
ASSERT(data[102] == 0b10010001); // empty
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[103]) == "event1");
ASSERT(data[110] == 0xcb);
ASSERT(swapDoubleBE(&data[111]) == 100.101);
// Events Attributes
ASSERT(data[119] == 0b10000001); // single k/v pair
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[120]) == "foo");
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[124]) == "bar");
// Attributes
ASSERT(data[128] == 0b10000010); // two k/v pair
// Reconstruct map from MessagePack wire format data and verify.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> attributes;
auto index = 129;
auto firstKey = readMPString(&data[index]);
index += firstKey.length() + 1; // +1 for control byte
auto firstValue = readMPString(&data[index]);
index += firstValue.length() + 1; // +1 for control byte
attributes[firstKey] = firstValue;
auto secondKey = readMPString(&data[index]);
index += secondKey.length() + 1; // +1 for control byte
auto secondValue = readMPString(&data[index]);
attributes[secondKey] = secondValue;
// We don't know what the value for address will be, so just verify it is in the map.
ASSERT(attributes.find("address") != attributes.end());
ASSERT(attributes["operation"] == "grv");
// Test message pack encoding for string >= 256 && <= 65535 chars
const char* longString = "yGUtj42gSKfdqib3f0Ri4OVhD7eWyTbKsH/g9+x4UWyXry7NIBFIapPV9f1qdTRl"
Span span4;
auto location = Location();
location.name = StringRef(span4.arena, longString);
span4.location = location;
tracer.serialize_span(span4, request);
data = request.buffer.get();
ASSERT(data[0] == 0b10011100); // 12 element array.
// We don't care about the next 36 bytes as there is no parent and a randomly assigned Trace and SpanID
// Read and verify span name
ASSERT(data[37] == 0xda);
ASSERT(readMPString(&data[37]) == longString);
return Void();