807 lines
31 KiB
807 lines
31 KiB
fdb python bindings
optional packages:
dateparser (for human date parsing)
sortedcontainers (for estimating key range read/write density)
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import fdb
from fdb.impl import strinc
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import logging
import struct
from bisect import bisect_left
import time
PROTOCOL_VERSION_5_2 = 0x0FDB00A552000001
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_0 = 0x0FDB00A570010001
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_1 = 0x0FDB00B061060001
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_2 = 0x0FDB00B062010001
supported_protocol_versions = frozenset([PROTOCOL_VERSION_5_2, PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_0, PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_1,
BASIC_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s"
LOG_PATH = "transaction_profiling_analyzer.log"
def setup_logger(name):
root = logging.getLogger(name)
root.propagate = False
file_formatter = logging.Formatter(BASIC_FORMAT)
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(LOG_PATH)
return root
logger = setup_logger(__name__)
class ByteBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self._offset = 0
self.val = val
def get_bytes(self, n):
if self._offset + n > len(self.val):
raise IndexError("Request to read %d bytes with only %d remaining" % (n, self.get_remaining_bytes()))
ret = self.val[self._offset:self._offset + n]
self._offset += n
return ret
def get_int(self):
return struct.unpack("<i", self.get_bytes(4))[0]
def get_long(self):
return struct.unpack("<q", self.get_bytes(8))[0]
def get_double(self):
return struct.unpack("<d", self.get_bytes(8))[0]
def get_bytes_with_length(self):
length = self.get_int()
return self.get_bytes(length)
def get_key_range(self):
return KeyRange(self.get_bytes_with_length(), self.get_bytes_with_length())
def get_key_range_list(self):
length = self.get_int()
return [self.get_key_range() for _ in range(0, length)]
def get_mutation(self):
return Mutation(ord(self.get_bytes(1)), self.get_bytes_with_length(), self.get_bytes_with_length())
def get_mutation_list(self):
length = self.get_int()
return [self.get_mutation() for _ in range(0, length)]
def get_remaining_bytes(self):
return len(self.val) - self._offset
class ObjJsonEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
except TypeError:
if isinstance(o, Enum):
return str(o)
if hasattr(o, "__dict__"):
return o.__dict__
return str(o)
class TrInfoChunk(object):
def __init__(self, num_chunks, chunk_num, key, value):
self.num_chunks = num_chunks
self.chunk_num = chunk_num
self.key = key
self.value = value
class KeyRange(object):
def __init__(self, start_key, end_key):
self.start_key = start_key
self.end_key = end_key
class MutationType(Enum):
NO_OP = 5
AND = 6
OR = 7
XOR = 8
MAX = 12
MIN = 13
class Mutation(object):
def __init__(self, code, param_one, param_two):
self.code = MutationType(code)
self.param_one = param_one
self.param_two = param_two
class BaseInfo(object):
def __init__(self, start_timestamp):
self.start_timestamp = start_timestamp
class GetVersionInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb, protocol_version):
self.latency = bb.get_double()
if protocol_version >= PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_2:
self.transaction_priority_type = bb.get_int()
class GetInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb):
self.latency = bb.get_double()
self.value_size = bb.get_int()
self.key = bb.get_bytes_with_length()
class GetRangeInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb):
self.latency = bb.get_double()
self.range_size = bb.get_int()
self.key_range = bb.get_key_range()
class CommitInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb, full_output=True):
self.latency = bb.get_double()
self.num_mutations = bb.get_int()
self.commit_bytes = bb.get_int()
read_conflict_range = bb.get_key_range_list()
if full_output:
self.read_conflict_range = read_conflict_range
write_conflict_range = bb.get_key_range_list()
if full_output:
self.write_conflict_range = write_conflict_range
mutations = bb.get_mutation_list()
if full_output:
self.mutations = mutations
self.read_snapshot_version = bb.get_long()
class ErrorGetInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb):
self.error_code = bb.get_int()
self.key = bb.get_bytes_with_length()
class ErrorGetRangeInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb):
self.error_code = bb.get_int()
self.key_range = bb.get_key_range()
class ErrorCommitInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, bb, full_output=True):
self.error_code = bb.get_int()
read_conflict_range = bb.get_key_range_list()
if full_output:
self.read_conflict_range = read_conflict_range
write_conflict_range = bb.get_key_range_list()
if full_output:
self.write_conflict_range = write_conflict_range
mutations = bb.get_mutation_list()
if full_output:
self.mutations = mutations
self.read_snapshot_version = bb.get_long()
class UnsupportedProtocolVersionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, protocol_version):
super().__init__("Unsupported protocol version 0x%0.2X" % protocol_version)
class ClientTransactionInfo:
def __init__(self, bb, full_output=True, type_filter=None):
self.get_version = None
self.gets = []
self.get_ranges = []
self.commit = None
self.error_gets = []
self.error_get_ranges = []
self.error_commits = []
protocol_version = bb.get_long()
if protocol_version not in supported_protocol_versions:
raise UnsupportedProtocolVersionError(protocol_version)
while bb.get_remaining_bytes():
event = bb.get_int()
if event == 0:
# we need to read it to consume the buffer even if we don't want to store it
get_version = GetVersionInfo(bb, protocol_version)
if (not type_filter or "get_version" in type_filter):
self.get_version = get_version
elif event == 1:
get = GetInfo(bb)
if (not type_filter or "get" in type_filter):
# because of the crappy json serializtion using __dict__ we have to set the list here otherwise
# it doesn't print
if not self.gets: self.gets = []
elif event == 2:
get_range = GetRangeInfo(bb)
if (not type_filter or "get_range" in type_filter):
if not self.get_ranges: self.get_ranges = []
elif event == 3:
commit = CommitInfo(bb, full_output=full_output)
if (not type_filter or "commit" in type_filter):
self.commit = commit
elif event == 4:
error_get = ErrorGetInfo(bb)
if (not type_filter or "error_gets" in type_filter):
if not self.error_gets: self.error_gets = []
elif event == 5:
error_get_range = ErrorGetRangeInfo(bb)
if (not type_filter or "error_get_range" in type_filter):
if not self.error_get_ranges: self.error_get_ranges = []
elif event == 6:
error_commit = ErrorCommitInfo(bb, full_output=full_output)
if (not type_filter or "error_commit" in type_filter):
if not self.error_commits: self.error_commits = []
raise Exception("Unknown event type %d" % event)
def has_types(self):
return self.get_version or self.gets or self.get_ranges or self.commit or self.error_gets \
or self.error_get_ranges or self.error_commits
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self, cls=ObjJsonEncoder, sort_keys=True)
class TransactionInfoLoader(object):
max_num_chunks_to_store = 1000 # Each chunk would be 100 KB in size
def __init__(self, db, full_output=True, type_filter=None, min_timestamp=None, max_timestamp=None):
self.db = db
self.full_output = full_output
self.type_filter = type_filter
self.min_timestamp = min_timestamp
self.max_timestamp = max_timestamp
Keys look like this
FF - 2 bytes \xff\x02
SSSSSSSSSS - 10 bytes Version Stamp
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - 16 bytes Transaction id
NNNN - 4 Bytes Chunk number
TTTT - 4 Bytes Total number of chunks
sample_key = "FF/fdbClientInfo/client_latency/SSSSSSSSSS/RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR/NNNNTTTT/"
self.client_latency_start = b'\xff\x02/fdbClientInfo/client_latency/'
self.client_latency_start_key_selector = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(self.client_latency_start)
self.client_latency_end_key_selector = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_or_equal(strinc(self.client_latency_start))
self.version_stamp_start_idx = sample_key.index('S')
self.version_stamp_end_idx = sample_key.rindex('S')
self.tr_id_start_idx = sample_key.index('R')
self.tr_id_end_idx = sample_key.rindex('R')
self.chunk_num_start_idx = sample_key.index('N')
self.num_chunks_start_idx = sample_key.index('T')
self.tr_info_map = {}
self.num_chunks_stored = 0
self.num_transactions_discarded = 0
def _check_and_adjust_chunk_cache_size(self):
if self.num_chunks_stored > self.max_num_chunks_to_store:
c_list = self.tr_info_map.pop(next(iter(self.tr_info_map)))
self.num_chunks_stored -= len(c_list)
self.num_transactions_discarded += 1
def parse_key(self, k):
version_stamp_bytes = k[self.version_stamp_start_idx:self.version_stamp_end_idx + 1]
tr_id = k[self.tr_id_start_idx:self.tr_id_end_idx + 1]
num_chunks = struct.unpack(">i", k[self.num_chunks_start_idx:self.num_chunks_start_idx + 4])[0]
chunk_num = struct.unpack(">i", k[self.chunk_num_start_idx:self.chunk_num_start_idx + 4])[0]
return version_stamp_bytes, tr_id, num_chunks, chunk_num
def get_key_prefix_for_version_stamp(self, version_stamp):
return self.client_latency_start + struct.pack(">Q", version_stamp) + b'\x00\x00'
def find_version_for_timestamp(self, tr, timestamp, start):
Uses Timekeeper to find the closest version to a timestamp.
If start is True, will find the greatest version at or before timestamp.
If start is False, will find the smallest version at or after the timestamp.
:param tr:
:param timestamp:
:param start:
timekeeper_prefix = b'\xff\x02/timeKeeper/map/'
timestamp_packed = fdb.tuple.pack((timestamp,))
if start:
start_key = timekeeper_prefix
end_key = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(timekeeper_prefix + timestamp_packed)
reverse = True
start_key = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_or_equal(timekeeper_prefix + timestamp_packed)
end_key = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_or_equal(strinc(timekeeper_prefix))
reverse = False
for k, v in tr.snapshot.get_range(start_key, end_key, limit=1, reverse=reverse):
return fdb.tuple.unpack(v)[0]
return 0 if start else 0x8000000000000000 # we didn't find any timekeeper data so find the max range
def fetch_transaction_info(self):
if self.min_timestamp:
start_version = self.find_version_for_timestamp(self.db, self.min_timestamp, True)
logger.debug("Using start version %s" % start_version)
start_key = self.get_key_prefix_for_version_stamp(start_version)
start_key = self.client_latency_start_key_selector
if self.max_timestamp:
end_version = self.find_version_for_timestamp(self.db, self.max_timestamp, False)
logger.debug("Using end version %s" % end_version)
end_key = self.get_key_prefix_for_version_stamp(end_version)
end_key = self.client_latency_end_key_selector
valid_transaction_infos = 0
invalid_transaction_infos = 0
def build_client_transaction_info(v):
return ClientTransactionInfo(ByteBuffer(v), full_output=self.full_output, type_filter=self.type_filter)
more = True
tr = self.db.create_transaction()
while more:
found = 0
buffer = []
logger.debug("Querying [%s:%s]" % (start_key, end_key))
transaction_info_range = tr.snapshot.get_range(start_key, end_key,
for k, v in transaction_info_range:
found += 1
start_key = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(k)
_, tr_id, num_chunks, chunk_num = self.parse_key(k)
#logger.debug("num_chunks=%d, chunk_num=%d" % (num_chunks,chunk_num))
if num_chunks == 1:
assert chunk_num == 1
info = build_client_transaction_info(v)
if info.has_types():
valid_transaction_infos += 1
except UnsupportedProtocolVersionError as e:
invalid_transaction_infos += 1
except ValueError:
invalid_transaction_infos += 1
if chunk_num == 1:
# first chunk
assert tr_id not in self.tr_info_map
self.tr_info_map[tr_id] = [TrInfoChunk(num_chunks, chunk_num, k, v)]
self.num_chunks_stored += 1
if tr_id not in self.tr_info_map:
logger.error("Got a middle chunk without getting beginning part. Discarding transaction id: %s\n" % tr_id)
c_list = self.tr_info_map[tr_id]
if c_list[-1].num_chunks != num_chunks or c_list[-1].chunk_num != chunk_num - 1:
self.num_chunks_stored -= len(c_list)
raise Exception("Chunk numbers do not match for Transaction id: %s" % tr_id)
c_list.append(TrInfoChunk(num_chunks, chunk_num, k, v))
self.num_chunks_stored += 1
if num_chunks == chunk_num:
self.num_chunks_stored -= len(c_list)
info = build_client_transaction_info(b''.join([chunk.value for chunk in c_list]))
if info.has_types():
valid_transaction_infos += 1
except UnsupportedProtocolVersionError as e:
invalid_transaction_infos += 1
except ValueError:
invalid_transaction_infos += 1
if (valid_transaction_infos + invalid_transaction_infos) % 1000 == 0:
print("Processed valid: %d, invalid: %d" % (valid_transaction_infos, invalid_transaction_infos))
if found == 0:
more = False
except fdb.FDBError as e:
# if too old then reset and don't wait
if e.code == 1007:
for item in buffer:
yield item
def has_sortedcontainers():
import sortedcontainers
return True
except ImportError:
logger.warn("Can't find sortedcontainers so disabling RangeCounter")
return False
def has_dateparser():
import dateparser
return True
except ImportError:
logger.warn("Can't find dateparser so disabling human date parsing")
return False
class RangeCounter(object):
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
self.ranges = SortedDict()
def process(self, transaction_info):
for get_range in transaction_info.get_ranges:
self._insert_range(get_range.key_range.start_key, get_range.key_range.end_key)
def _insert_range(self, start_key, end_key):
keys = self.ranges.keys()
if len(keys) == 0:
self.ranges[start_key] = end_key, 1
start_pos = bisect_left(keys, start_key)
end_pos = bisect_left(keys, end_key)
#print("start_pos=%d, end_pos=%d" % (start_pos, end_pos))
possible_intersection_keys = keys[max(0, start_pos - 1):min(len(keys), end_pos+1)]
start_range_left = start_key
for key in possible_intersection_keys:
cur_end_key, cur_count = self.ranges[key]
#logger.debug("key=%s, cur_end_key=%s, cur_count=%d, start_range_left=%s" % (key, cur_end_key, cur_count, start_range_left))
if start_range_left < key:
if end_key <= key:
self.ranges[start_range_left] = end_key, 1
self.ranges[start_range_left] = key, 1
start_range_left = key
assert start_range_left >= key
if start_range_left >= cur_end_key:
# [key, start_range_left) = cur_count
# if key == start_range_left this will get overwritten below
self.ranges[key] = start_range_left, cur_count
if end_key <= cur_end_key:
# [start_range_left, end_key) = cur_count+1
# [end_key, cur_end_key) = cur_count
self.ranges[start_range_left] = end_key, cur_count + 1
if end_key != cur_end_key:
self.ranges[end_key] = cur_end_key, cur_count
start_range_left = end_key
# [start_range_left, cur_end_key) = cur_count+1
self.ranges[start_range_left] = cur_end_key, cur_count+1
start_range_left = cur_end_key
assert start_range_left <= end_key
# there may be some range left
if start_range_left < end_key:
self.ranges[start_range_left] = end_key, 1
def get_count_for_key(self, key):
if key in self.ranges:
return self.ranges[key][1]
keys = self.ranges.keys()
index = bisect_left(keys, key)
if index == 0:
return 0
index_key = keys[index-1]
if index_key <= key < self.ranges[index_key][0]:
return self.ranges[index_key][1]
return 0
def get_range_boundaries(self, shard_finder=None):
total = sum([count for _, (_, count) in self.ranges.items()])
range_size = total // self.k
output_range_counts = []
def add_boundary(start, end, count):
if shard_finder:
shard_count = shard_finder.get_shard_count(start, end)
if shard_count == 1:
addresses = shard_finder.get_addresses_for_key(start)
addresses = None
output_range_counts.append((start, end, count, shard_count, addresses))
output_range_counts.append((start, end, count, None, None))
this_range_start_key = None
count_this_range = 0
for (start_key, (end_key, count)) in self.ranges.items():
if not this_range_start_key:
this_range_start_key = start_key
count_this_range += count
if count_this_range >= range_size:
add_boundary(this_range_start_key, end_key, count_this_range)
count_this_range = 0
this_range_start_key = None
if count_this_range > 0:
add_boundary(this_range_start_key, end_key, count_this_range)
return output_range_counts
class ShardFinder(object):
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
def _get_boundary_keys(tr, begin, end):
return fdb.locality.get_boundary_keys(tr, begin, end)
def _get_addresses_for_key(tr, key):
return fdb.locality.get_addresses_for_key(tr, key)
def get_shard_count(self, start_key, end_key):
return len(list(self._get_boundary_keys(self.db, start_key, end_key))) + 1
def get_addresses_for_key(self, key):
return [a.decode('ascii') for a in self._get_addresses_for_key(self.db, key).wait()]
class TopKeysCounter(object):
mutation_types_to_consider = frozenset([MutationType.SET_VALUE, MutationType.ADD_VALUE])
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
self.reads = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
self.writes = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def process(self, transaction_info):
for get in transaction_info.gets:
self.reads[get.key] += 1
if transaction_info.commit:
for mutation in transaction_info.commit.mutations:
if mutation.code in self.mutation_types_to_consider:
self.writes[mutation.param_one] += 1
def _get_range_boundaries(self, counts, shard_finder=None):
total = sum([v for (k, v) in counts.items()])
range_size = total // self.k
key_counts_sorted = sorted(counts.items())
output_range_counts = []
def add_boundary(start, end, count):
if shard_finder:
shard_count = shard_finder.get_shard_count(start, end)
if shard_count == 1:
addresses = shard_finder.get_addresses_for_key(start)
addresses = None
output_range_counts.append((start, end, count, shard_count, addresses))
output_range_counts.append((start, end, count, None, None))
start_key = None
count_this_range = 0
for (k, v) in key_counts_sorted:
if not start_key:
start_key = k
count_this_range += v
if count_this_range >= range_size:
add_boundary(start_key, k, count_this_range)
count_this_range = 0
start_key = None
if count_this_range > 0:
add_boundary(start_key, k, count_this_range)
return output_range_counts
def _get_top_k(self, counts):
count_key_pairs = sorted([(v, k) for (k, v) in counts.items()], reverse=True)
return count_key_pairs[0:self.k]
def get_top_k_reads(self):
return self._get_top_k(self.reads)
def get_top_k_writes(self):
return self._get_top_k(self.writes)
def get_k_read_range_boundaries(self, shard_finder=None):
return self._get_range_boundaries(self.reads, shard_finder)
def get_k_write_range_boundaries(self, shard_finder=None):
return self._get_range_boundaries(self.writes, shard_finder)
def connect(cluster_file=None):
db = fdb.open(cluster_file=cluster_file)
return db
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TransactionProfilingAnalyzer")
parser.add_argument("-C", "--cluster-file", type=str, help="Cluster file")
parser.add_argument("--full-output", action="store_true", help="Print full output from mutations")
parser.add_argument("--filter-get-version", action="store_true",
help="Include get_version type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-get", action="store_true",
help="Include get type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-get-range", action="store_true",
help="Include get_range type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-commit", action="store_true",
help="Include commit type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-error-get", action="store_true",
help="Include error_get type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-error-get-range", action="store_true",
help="Include error_get_range type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
parser.add_argument("--filter-error-commit", action="store_true",
help="Include error_commit type. If no filter args are given all will be returned.")
start_time_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
start_time_group.add_argument("--min-timestamp", type=int, help="Don't return events older than this epoch time")
start_time_group.add_argument("-s", "--start-time", type=str,
help="Don't return events older than this parsed time")
end_time_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
end_time_group.add_argument("--max-timestamp", type=int, help="Don't return events newer than this epoch time")
end_time_group.add_argument("-e", "--end-time", type=str, help="Don't return events older than this parsed time")
parser.add_argument("--top-keys", type=int, help="If specified will output this many top keys for reads or writes", default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
type_filter = set()
if args.filter_get_version: type_filter.add("get_version")
if args.filter_get: type_filter.add("get")
if args.filter_get_range: type_filter.add("get_range")
if args.filter_commit: type_filter.add("commit")
if args.filter_error_get: type_filter.add("error_get")
if args.filter_error_get_range: type_filter.add("error_get_range")
if args.filter_error_commit: type_filter.add("error_commit")
top_keys = args.top_keys
key_counter = TopKeysCounter(top_keys) if top_keys else None
range_counter = RangeCounter(top_keys) if (has_sortedcontainers() and top_keys) else None
full_output = args.full_output or (top_keys is not None)
if args.min_timestamp:
min_timestamp = args.min_timestamp
elif args.start_time:
if not has_dateparser():
raise Exception("Can't find dateparser needed to parse human dates")
import dateparser
min_timestamp = int(dateparser.parse(args.start_time).timestamp())
raise Exception("Must specify start time")
if args.max_timestamp:
max_timestamp = args.max_timestamp
elif args.end_time:
if not has_dateparser():
raise Exception("Can't find dateparser needed to parse human dates")
import dateparser
max_timestamp = int(dateparser.parse(args.end_time).timestamp())
raise Exception("Must specify end time")
now = time.time()
if max_timestamp > now:
raise Exception("max_timestamp is %d seconds in the future" % (max_timestamp - now))
if min_timestamp > now:
raise Exception("min_timestamp is %d seconds in the future" % (min_timestamp - now))
logger.info("Loading transactions from %d to %d" % (min_timestamp, max_timestamp))
db = connect(cluster_file=args.cluster_file)
loader = TransactionInfoLoader(db, full_output=full_output, type_filter=type_filter,
min_timestamp=min_timestamp, max_timestamp=max_timestamp)
for info in loader.fetch_transaction_info():
if info.has_types():
if not key_counter and not range_counter:
if key_counter:
if range_counter:
if key_counter:
def print_top(top):
for (count, key) in top:
print("%s %d" % (key, count))
def print_range_boundaries(range_boundaries):
for (start, end, count, shard_count, addresses) in range_boundaries:
if not shard_count:
print("[%s, %s] %d" % (start, end, count))
addresses_string = "addresses=%s" % ','.join(addresses) if addresses else ''
print("[%s, %s] %d shards=%d %s" % (start, end, count, shard_count, addresses_string))
shard_finder = ShardFinder(db)
top_reads = key_counter.get_top_k_reads()
if top_reads:
print("Top %d reads:" % min(top_keys, len(top_reads)))
print("Approx equal sized gets range boundaries:")
top_writes = key_counter.get_top_k_writes()
if top_writes:
print("Top %d writes:" % min(top_keys, len(top_writes)))
print("Approx equal sized commits range boundaries:")
if range_counter:
range_boundaries = range_counter.get_range_boundaries(shard_finder=shard_finder)
if range_boundaries:
print("Approx equal sized get_ranges boundaries:")
if __name__ == "__main__":