1099 lines
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Executable File
1099 lines
48 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import shutil
import os
import subprocess
import logging
import functools
import json
import tempfile
import time
import random
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
def enable_logging(level=logging.DEBUG):
"""Enable logging in the function with the specified logging level
level (logging.<level>, optional): logging level for the decorated function. Defaults to logging.ERROR.
def func_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(func.__name__)
# set logging format
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler_format = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s')
# pass the logger to the decorated function
result = func(logger, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
return func_decorator
def run_fdbcli_command(*args):
"""run the fdbcli statement: fdbcli --exec '<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>'.
string: Console output from fdbcli
commands = command_template + ["{}".format(' '.join(args))]
return subprocess.run(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
def run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error(*args):
"""run the fdbcli statement: fdbcli --exec '<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>'.
string: Stderr output from fdbcli
commands = command_template + ["{}".format(' '.join(args))]
return subprocess.run(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env).stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
def advanceversion(logger):
# get current read version
version1 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version1))
# advance version to a much larger value compared to the current version
version2 = version1 * 10000
logger.debug("Advanced to version: " + str(version2))
run_fdbcli_command('advanceversion', str(version2))
# after running the advanceversion command,
# check the read version is advanced to the specified value
version3 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version3))
assert version3 >= version2
# advance version to a smaller value compared to the current version
# this should be a no-op
run_fdbcli_command('advanceversion', str(version1))
# get the current version to make sure the version did not decrease
version4 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version4))
assert version4 >= version3
def maintenance(logger):
# expected fdbcli output when running 'maintenance' while there's no ongoing maintenance
no_maintenance_output = 'No ongoing maintenance.'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
assert output1 == no_maintenance_output
# set maintenance on a fake zone id for 10 seconds
run_fdbcli_command('maintenance', 'on', 'fake_zone_id', '10')
# show current maintenance status
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
logger.debug("Maintenance status: " + output2)
items = output2.split(' ')
# make sure this specific zone id is under maintenance
assert 'fake_zone_id' in items
logger.debug("Remaining time(seconds): " + items[-2])
assert 0 < int(items[-2]) < 10
# turn off maintenance
run_fdbcli_command('maintenance', 'off')
# check maintenance status
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
assert output3 == no_maintenance_output
def quota(logger):
# Should be a noop
command = 'quota clear green'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == 'Successfully cleared quota.'
command = 'quota get green total_throughput'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == '<empty>'
# Ignored update
command = 'quota set red total_throughput 49152'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == 'Successfully updated quota.'
command = 'quota set green total_throughput 32768'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == 'Successfully updated quota.'
command = 'quota set green reserved_throughput 16384'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == 'Successfully updated quota.'
command = 'quota get green total_throughput'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == '32768'
command = 'quota get green reserved_throughput'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == '16384'
command = 'quota clear green'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == 'Successfully cleared quota.'
command = 'quota get green total_throughput'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
assert output == '<empty>'
# Too few arguments, should log help message
command = 'quota get green'
output = run_fdbcli_command(command)
logger.debug(command + ' : ' + output)
def setclass(logger):
# get all processes' network addresses
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
# except the first line, each line is one process
process_types = output1.split('\n')[1:]
assert len(process_types) == args.process_number
addresses = []
for line in process_types:
assert '' in line
# check class type
assert 'unset' in line
# check class source
assert 'command_line' in line
# check process' network address
network_address = ':'.join(line.split(':')[:2])
logger.debug("Network address: {}".format(network_address))
random_address = random.choice(addresses)
logger.debug("Randomly selected address: {}".format(random_address))
# set class to a random valid type
class_types = ['storage', 'transaction', 'resolution',
'commit_proxy', 'grv_proxy', 'master', 'stateless', 'log',
'router', 'cluster_controller', 'fast_restore', 'data_distributor',
'coordinator', 'ratekeeper', 'storage_cache', 'backup'
random_class_type = random.choice(class_types)
logger.debug("Change to type: {}".format(random_class_type))
run_fdbcli_command('setclass', random_address, random_class_type)
# check the set successful
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
assert random_address in output2
process_types = output2.split('\n')[1:]
# check process' network address
for line in process_types:
if random_address in line:
# check class type changed to the specified value
assert random_class_type in line
# check class source
assert 'set_class' in line
# set back to unset
run_fdbcli_command('setclass', random_address, 'unset')
# Attempt to set an invalid address and check error message
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass', '', 'storage')
assert 'No matching addresses found' in output3
# Verify setclass did not execute
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
# except the first line, each line is one process
process_types = output4.split('\n')[1:]
assert len(process_types) == args.process_number
addresses = []
for line in process_types:
assert '' in line
# check class type
assert 'unset' in line
# check class source
assert 'command_line' in line or 'set_class' in line
def lockAndUnlock(logger):
# lock an unlocked database, should be successful
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('lock')
# UID is 32 bytes
lines = output1.split('\n')
lock_uid = lines[0][-32:]
assert lines[1] == 'Database locked.'
logger.debug("UID: {}".format(lock_uid))
assert get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'database_lock_state', 'locked')
# lock a locked database, should get the error code 1038
output2 = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error("lock")
assert output2 == 'ERROR: Database is locked (1038)'
# unlock the database
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template + ['unlock ' + lock_uid], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
line1 = process.stdout.readline()
# The randome passphrease we need to confirm to proceed the unlocking
line2 = process.stdout.readline()
logger.debug("Random passphrase: {}".format(line2))
output3, err = process.communicate(input=line2)
# No error and unlock was successful
assert err is None
assert output3.decode('utf-8').strip() == 'Database unlocked.'
assert not get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'database_lock_state', 'locked')
def kill(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('kill')
lines = output1.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 2
assert lines[1].startswith('')
address = lines[1]
logger.debug("Address: {}".format(address))
old_generation = get_value_from_status_json(False, 'cluster', 'generation')
# This is currently an issue with fdbcli,
# where you need to first run 'kill' to initialize processes' list
# and then specify the certain process to kill
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
output2, err = process.communicate(input='kill; kill {}; sleep 1\n'.format(address).encode())
# wait for a second for the cluster recovery
new_generation = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'generation')
logger.debug("Old: {}, New: {}".format(old_generation, new_generation))
assert new_generation > old_generation
def killall(logger):
# test is designed to make sure 'kill all' sends all requests simultaneously
old_generation = get_value_from_status_json(False, 'cluster', 'generation')
# This is currently an issue with fdbcli,
# where you need to first run 'kill' to initialize processes' list
# and then specify the certain process to kill
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
output, error = process.communicate(input='kill; kill all; sleep 1\n'.encode())
# wait for a second for the cluster recovery
new_generation = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'generation')
logger.debug("Old generation: {}, New generation: {}".format(old_generation, new_generation))
# Make sure the kill is not happening sequentially
# Pre: each recovery will increase the generated number by 2
# Relax the condition to allow one additional recovery happening when we fetched the old generation
assert new_generation <= (old_generation + 4)
def suspend(logger):
if not shutil.which("pidof"):
logger.debug("Skipping suspend test. Pidof not available")
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('suspend')
lines = output1.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 2
assert lines[1].startswith('')
address = lines[1]
logger.debug("Address: {}".format(address))
db_available = get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
assert db_available
# use pgrep to get the pid of the fdb process
pinfos = subprocess.check_output(['pgrep', '-a', 'fdbserver']).decode().strip().split('\n')
port = address.split(':')[1]
logger.debug("Port: {}".format(port))
# use the port number to find the exact fdb process we are connecting to
# child process like fdbserver -r flowprocess does not provide `datadir` in the command line
pinfo = list(filter(lambda x: port in x and 'datadir' in x, pinfos))
assert len(pinfo) == 1
pid = pinfo[0].split(' ')[0]
logger.debug("Pid: {}".format(pid))
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
# suspend the process for enough long time
output2, err = process.communicate(input='suspend; suspend 3600 {}; sleep 1\n'.format(address).encode())
# the cluster should be unavailable after the only process being suspended
assert not get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
# check the process pid still exists
pids = subprocess.check_output(['pidof', 'fdbserver']).decode().strip()
logger.debug("PIDs: {}".format(pids))
assert pid in pids
# kill the process by pid
kill_output = subprocess.check_output(['kill', pid]).decode().strip()
logger.debug("Kill result: {}".format(kill_output))
# The process should come back after a few time
duration = 0 # seconds we already wait
while not get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available') and duration < 60:
logger.debug("Sleep for 1 second to wait cluster recovery")
duration += 1
# at most after 60 seconds, the cluster should be available
assert get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
def versionepoch(logger):
version1 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch')
assert version1 == "Version epoch is unset"
version2 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch get')
assert version2 == "Version epoch is unset"
version3 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch commit')
assert version3 == "Must set the version epoch before committing it (see `versionepoch enable`)"
version4 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch enable')
assert version4 == "Version epoch enabled. Run `versionepoch commit` to irreversibly jump to the target version"
version5 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch get')
assert version5 == "Current version epoch is 0"
version6 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch set 10')
assert version6 == "Version epoch enabled. Run `versionepoch commit` to irreversibly jump to the target version"
version7 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch get')
assert version7 == "Current version epoch is 10"
run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch disable')
version8 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch get')
assert version8 == "Version epoch is unset"
version9 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch enable')
assert version9 == "Version epoch enabled. Run `versionepoch commit` to irreversibly jump to the target version"
version10 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch get')
assert version10 == "Current version epoch is 0"
version11 = run_fdbcli_command('versionepoch commit')
assert version11.startswith("Current read version is ")
def get_value_from_status_json(retry, *args):
while True:
result = json.loads(run_fdbcli_command('status', 'json'))
if result['client']['database_status']['available'] or not retry:
for arg in args:
assert arg in result
result = result[arg]
return result
def consistencycheck(logger):
consistency_check_on_output = 'ConsistencyCheck is on'
consistency_check_off_output = 'ConsistencyCheck is off'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output1 == consistency_check_on_output
run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck', 'off')
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output2 == consistency_check_off_output
run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck', 'on')
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output3 == consistency_check_on_output
def knobmanagement(logger):
# this test will set knobs and verify that the knobs are properly set
# must use begin/commit to avoid prompt for description
# Incorrect arguments
output = run_fdbcli_command('setknob')
assert output == "Usage: setknob <KEY> <VALUE> [CONFIG_CLASS]"
output = run_fdbcli_command('setknob', 'min_trace_severity')
assert output == "Usage: setknob <KEY> <VALUE> [CONFIG_CLASS]"
output = run_fdbcli_command('getknob')
assert output == "Usage: getknob <KEY> [CONFIG_CLASS]"
logger.debug("incorrect args passed")
# Invalid knob name
err = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('begin; setknob dummy_knob 20; commit \"fdbcli change\";')
logger.debug("err is: {}".format(err))
assert len(err) > 0
logger.debug("invalid knob name passed")
# Invalid type for knob
err = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('begin; setknob min_trace_severity dummy-text; commit \"fdbcli change\";')
logger.debug("err is: {}".format(err))
assert len(err) > 0
logger.debug("invalid knob type passed")
# Verifying we can't do a normal set, clear, get, getrange, clearrange
# with a setknob
err = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('writemode on; begin; set foo bar; setknob max_metric_size 1000; commit;')
logger.debug("err is: {}".format(err))
assert len(err) > 0
err = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('writemode on; begin; clear foo; setknob max_metric_size 1000; commit')
logger.debug("err is: {}".format(err))
assert len(err) > 0
# Various setknobs and verified by getknob
output = run_fdbcli_command('begin; setknob min_trace_severity 30; setknob max_metric_size 1000; \
setknob tracing_udp_listener_addr; \
setknob tracing_sample_rate 0.3; \
commit \"This is an fdbcli test for knobs\";')
assert "Committed" in output
output = run_fdbcli_command('getknob', 'min_trace_severity')
assert r"`min_trace_severity' is `30'" == output
output = run_fdbcli_command('getknob', 'max_metric_size')
assert r"`max_metric_size' is `1000'" == output
output = run_fdbcli_command('getknob', 'tracing_udp_listener_addr')
assert r"`tracing_udp_listener_addr' is `'''" == output
output = run_fdbcli_command('getknob', 'tracing_sample_rate')
assert r"`tracing_sample_rate' is `0.300000'" == output
def cache_range(logger):
# this command is currently experimental
# just test we can set and clear the cached range
run_fdbcli_command('cache_range', 'set', 'a', 'b')
run_fdbcli_command('cache_range', 'clear', 'a', 'b')
def datadistribution(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'off')
assert output1 == 'Data distribution is turned off.'
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'on')
assert output2 == 'Data distribution is turned on.'
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'disable', 'ssfailure')
assert output3 == 'Data distribution is disabled for storage server failures.'
# While we disable ssfailure, maintenance should fail
error_msg = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('maintenance', 'on', 'fake_zone_id', '1')
assert error_msg == "ERROR: Maintenance mode cannot be used while data distribution is disabled for storage server failures. Use 'datadistribution on' to reenable data distribution."
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'enable', 'ssfailure')
assert output4 == 'Data distribution is enabled for storage server failures.'
output5 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'disable', 'rebalance')
assert output5 == 'Data distribution is disabled for rebalance.'
output6 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'enable', 'rebalance')
assert output6 == 'Data distribution is enabled for rebalance.'
def transaction(logger):
"""This test will cover the transaction related fdbcli commands.
In particular,
'begin', 'rollback', 'option'
'getversion', 'get', 'getrange', 'clear', 'clearrange', 'set', 'commit'
err1 = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('set', 'key', 'value')
assert err1 == 'ERROR: writemode must be enabled to set or clear keys in the database.'
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
transaction_flow = ['writemode on', 'begin', 'getversion', 'set key value', 'get key', 'commit']
output1, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
# split the output into lines
lines = list(filter(len, output1.decode().split('\n')))[-4:]
assert lines[0] == 'Transaction started'
read_version = int(lines[1])
logger.debug("Read version {}".format(read_version))
# line[1] is the printed read version
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
assert lines[3].startswith('Committed (') and lines[3].endswith(')')
# validate commit version is larger than the read version
commit_verion = int(lines[3][len('Committed ('):-1])
logger.debug("Commit version: {}".format(commit_verion))
assert commit_verion >= read_version
# check the transaction is committed
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output2 == "`key' is `value'"
# test rollback and read-your-write behavior
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
transaction_flow = [
'writemode on', 'begin', 'getrange a z',
'clear key', 'get key',
# 'option on READ_YOUR_WRITES_DISABLE', 'get key',
output3, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
lines = list(filter(len, output3.decode().split('\n')))[-5:]
# lines[0] == "Transaction started" and lines[1] == 'Range limited to 25 keys'
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
assert lines[3] == "`key': not found"
assert lines[4] == "Transaction rolled back"
# make sure the rollback works
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output4 == "`key' is `value'"
# test read_your_write_disable option and clear the inserted key
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
transaction_flow = [
'writemode on', 'begin',
'clear key', 'get key',
output6, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
lines = list(filter(len, output6.decode().split('\n')))[-4:]
assert lines[1] == 'Option enabled for current transaction'
# the get key should still return the value even we clear it in the transaction
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
# Check the transaction is committed
output7 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output7 == "`key': not found"
def get_fdb_process_addresses(logger):
# get all processes' network addresses
output = run_fdbcli_command('kill')
# except the first line, each line is one process
addresses = output.split('\n')[1:]
assert len(addresses) == args.process_number
return addresses
def coordinators(logger):
# we should only have one coordinator for now
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('coordinators')
assert len(output1.split('\n')) > 2
cluster_description = output1.split('\n')[0].split(': ')[-1]
logger.debug("Cluster description: {}".format(cluster_description))
coordinators = output1.split('\n')[1].split(': ')[-1]
# verify the coordinator
coordinator_list = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'coordinators', 'coordinators')
assert len(coordinator_list) == 1
assert coordinator_list[0]['address'] == coordinators
# verify the cluster description
assert get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'connection_string').startswith('{}:'.format(cluster_description))
addresses = get_fdb_process_addresses(logger)
# set all 5 processes as coordinators and update the cluster description
new_cluster_description = 'a_simple_description'
run_fdbcli_command('coordinators', *addresses, 'description={}'.format(new_cluster_description))
# verify now we have 5 coordinators and the description is updated
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('coordinators')
assert output2.split('\n')[0].split(': ')[-1] == new_cluster_description
assert output2.split('\n')[1] == 'Cluster coordinators ({}): {}'.format(args.process_number, ','.join(addresses))
# auto change should go back to 1 coordinator
run_fdbcli_command('coordinators', 'auto')
assert len(get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'coordinators', 'coordinators')) == 1
def exclude(logger):
# get all processes' network addresses
addresses = get_fdb_process_addresses(logger)
logger.debug("Cluster processes: {}".format(' '.join(addresses)))
# There should be no excluded process for now
no_excluded_process_output = 'There are currently no servers or localities excluded from the database.'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
assert no_excluded_process_output in output1
# randomly pick one and exclude the process
excluded_address = random.choice(addresses)
# If we see "not enough space" error, use FORCE option to proceed
# this should be a safe operation as we do not need any storage space for the test
force = False
# sometimes we need to retry the exclude
while True:
logger.debug("Excluding process: {}".format(excluded_address))
if force:
error_message = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('exclude', 'FORCE', excluded_address)
error_message = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('exclude', excluded_address)
if error_message == 'WARNING: {} is a coordinator!'.format(excluded_address):
# exclude coordinator will print the warning, verify the randomly selected process is the coordinator
coordinator_list = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'coordinators', 'coordinators')
assert len(coordinator_list) == 1
assert coordinator_list[0]['address'] == excluded_address
elif 'ERROR: This exclude may cause the total free space in the cluster to drop below 10%.' in error_message:
# exclude the process may cause the free space not enough
# use FORCE option to ignore it and proceed
assert not force
force = True
logger.debug("Use FORCE option to exclude the process")
elif not error_message:
logger.debug("Error message: {}\n".format(error_message))
logger.debug("Retry exclude after 1 second")
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
assert 'There are currently 1 servers or localities being excluded from the database' in output2
assert excluded_address in output2
run_fdbcli_command('include', excluded_address)
# check the include is successful
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
assert no_excluded_process_output in output4
# read the system key 'k', need to enable the option first
def read_system_key(k):
output = run_fdbcli_command('option', 'on', 'READ_SYSTEM_KEYS;', 'get', k)
if 'is' not in output:
# key not present
return None
_, value = output.split(' is ')
return value
def throttle(logger):
# no throttled tags at the beginning
no_throttle_tags_output = 'There are no throttled tags'
output = run_fdbcli_command('throttle', 'list')
assert output == no_throttle_tags_output
# test 'throttle enable auto'
run_fdbcli_command('throttle', 'enable', 'auto')
# verify the change is applied by reading the system key
# not an elegant way, may change later
enable_flag = read_system_key('\\xff\\x02/throttledTags/autoThrottlingEnabled')
assert enable_flag == "`1'"
run_fdbcli_command('throttle', 'disable', 'auto')
enable_flag = read_system_key('\\xff\\x02/throttledTags/autoThrottlingEnabled')
# verify disabled
assert enable_flag == "`0'"
# TODO : test manual throttling, not easy to do now
def wait_for_database_available(logger):
# sometimes the change takes some time to have effect and the database can be unavailable at that time
# this is to wait until the database is available again
while not get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'database_status', 'available'):
logger.debug("Database unavailable for now, wait for one second")
def profile(logger):
# profile list should return the same list as kill
addresses = get_fdb_process_addresses(logger)
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'list')
assert output1.split('\n') == addresses
# check default output
default_profile_client_get_output = 'Client profiling rate is set to default and size limit is set to default.'
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'client', 'get')
assert output2 == default_profile_client_get_output
# set rate and size limit
run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'client', 'set', '0.5', '1GB')
time.sleep(1) # global config can take some time to sync
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'client', 'get')
output3_list = output3.split(' ')
assert float(output3_list[6]) == 0.5
# size limit should be 1GB
assert output3_list[-1] == '1000000000.'
# change back to default value and check
run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'client', 'set', 'default', 'default')
time.sleep(1) # global config can take some time to sync
assert run_fdbcli_command('profile', 'client', 'get') == default_profile_client_get_output
def test_available(logger):
duration = 0 # seconds we already wait
while not get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available') and duration < 10:
logger.debug("Sleep for 1 second to wait cluster recovery")
duration += 1
if duration >= 10:
logger.debug(run_fdbcli_command('status', 'json'))
assert False
def triggerddteaminfolog(logger):
# this command is straightforward and only has one code path
output = run_fdbcli_command('triggerddteaminfolog')
assert output == 'Triggered team info logging in data distribution.'
def setup_tenants(tenants):
command = '; '.join(['tenant create %s' % t for t in tenants])
def clear_database_and_tenants():
run_fdbcli_command('writemode on; option on SPECIAL_KEY_SPACE_ENABLE_WRITES; clearrange "" \\xff; clearrange \\xff\\xff/management/tenant/map/ \\xff\\xff/management/tenant/map0')
def run_tenant_test(test_func):
def tenant_create(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('tenant create tenant')
assert output1 == 'The tenant `tenant\' has been created'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant create tenant2 tenant_group=tenant_group2')
assert output == 'The tenant `tenant2\' has been created'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant create tenant')
assert output == 'ERROR: A tenant with the given name already exists (2132)'
def tenant_delete(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2'])
run_fdbcli_command('writemode on; usetenant tenant2; set tenant_test value')
# delete a tenant while the fdbcli is using that tenant
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['writemode on', 'usetenant tenant', 'tenant delete tenant', 'get tenant_test', 'defaulttenant', 'usetenant tenant']
output, error_output = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-6:]
error_lines = error_output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-2:]
assert lines[0] == 'Using tenant `tenant\''
assert lines[1] == 'The tenant `tenant\' has been deleted'
assert lines[2] == 'WARNING: the active tenant was deleted. Use the `usetenant\' or `defaulttenant\''
assert lines[3] == 'command to choose a new tenant.'
assert error_lines[0] == 'ERROR: Tenant does not exist (2131)'
assert lines[5] == 'Using the default tenant'
assert error_lines[1] == 'ERROR: Tenant `tenant\' does not exist'
# delete a non-empty tenant
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['writemode on', 'tenant delete tenant2', 'usetenant tenant2', 'clear tenant_test', 'defaulttenant', 'tenant delete tenant2']
output, error_output = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-4:]
error_lines = error_output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-1:]
assert error_lines[0] == 'ERROR: Cannot delete a non-empty tenant (2133)'
assert lines[0] == 'Using tenant `tenant2\''
assert lines[1].startswith('Committed')
assert lines[2] == 'Using the default tenant'
assert lines[3] == 'The tenant `tenant2\' has been deleted'
# delete a non-existing tenant
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant delete tenant')
assert output == 'ERROR: Tenant does not exist (2131)'
def tenant_list(logger):
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list')
assert output == 'The cluster has no tenants'
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list')
assert output == '1. tenant\n 2. tenant2'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list a z 1')
assert output == '1. tenant'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list a tenant2')
assert output == '1. tenant'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list tenant2 z')
assert output == '1. tenant2'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list a b')
assert output == 'The cluster has no tenants in the specified range'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant list b a')
assert output == 'ERROR: end must be larger than begin'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant list a b 12x')
assert output == 'ERROR: invalid limit `12x\''
def tenant_get(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2 tenant_group=tenant_group2'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant')
lines = output.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 3
assert lines[0].strip().startswith('id: ')
assert lines[1].strip().startswith('prefix: ')
assert lines[2].strip() == 'tenant state: ready'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant JSON')
json_output = json.loads(output, strict=False)
assert(len(json_output) == 2)
assert('tenant' in json_output)
assert(json_output['type'] == 'success')
assert(len(json_output['tenant']) == 4)
assert('id' in json_output['tenant'])
assert('encrypted' in json_output['tenant'])
assert('prefix' in json_output['tenant'])
assert(len(json_output['tenant']['prefix']) == 2)
assert('base64' in json_output['tenant']['prefix'])
assert('printable' in json_output['tenant']['prefix'])
assert(json_output['tenant']['tenant_state'] == 'ready')
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant2')
lines = output.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 4
assert lines[0].strip().startswith('id: ')
assert lines[1].strip().startswith('prefix: ')
assert lines[2].strip() == 'tenant state: ready'
assert lines[3].strip() == 'tenant group: tenant_group2'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant2 JSON')
json_output = json.loads(output, strict=False)
assert(len(json_output) == 2)
assert('tenant' in json_output)
assert(json_output['type'] == 'success')
assert(len(json_output['tenant']) == 5)
assert('id' in json_output['tenant'])
assert('encrypted' in json_output['tenant'])
assert('prefix' in json_output['tenant'])
assert(json_output['tenant']['tenant_state'] == 'ready')
assert('tenant_group' in json_output['tenant'])
assert(len(json_output['tenant']['tenant_group']) == 2)
assert('base64' in json_output['tenant']['tenant_group'])
assert(json_output['tenant']['tenant_group']['printable'] == 'tenant_group2')
def tenant_configure(logger):
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant configure tenant tenant_group=tenant_group1')
assert output == 'The configuration for tenant `tenant\' has been updated'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant')
lines = output.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 4
assert lines[3].strip() == 'tenant group: tenant_group1'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant configure tenant unset tenant_group')
assert output == 'The configuration for tenant `tenant\' has been updated'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant')
lines = output.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 3
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant tenant_group=tenant_group1 tenant_group=tenant_group2')
assert output == 'ERROR: configuration parameter `tenant_group\' specified more than once.'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant unset')
assert output == 'ERROR: `unset\' specified without a configuration parameter.'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant unset tenant_group=tenant_group1')
assert output == 'ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter `tenant_group=tenant_group1\'.'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant tenant_group')
assert output == 'ERROR: invalid configuration string `tenant_group\'. String must specify a value using `=\'.'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant3 tenant_group=tenant_group1')
assert output == 'ERROR: Tenant does not exist (2131)'
def tenant_rename(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant rename tenant tenant3')
assert output == 'The tenant `tenant\' has been renamed to `tenant3\''
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant rename tenant tenant4')
assert output == 'ERROR: Tenant does not exist (2131)'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant rename tenant2 tenant3')
assert output == 'ERROR: A tenant with the given name already exists (2132)'
def tenant_usetenant(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('usetenant')
assert output == 'Using the default tenant'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('usetenant tenant3')
assert output == 'ERROR: Tenant `tenant3\' does not exist'
# Test writing keys to different tenants and make sure they all work correctly
run_fdbcli_command('writemode on; set tenant_test default_tenant')
output = run_fdbcli_command('get tenant_test')
assert output == '`tenant_test\' is `default_tenant\''
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['writemode on', 'usetenant tenant', 'get tenant_test', 'set tenant_test tenant']
output, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-3:]
assert lines[0] == 'Using tenant `tenant\''
assert lines[1] == '`tenant_test\': not found'
assert lines[2].startswith('Committed')
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['writemode on', 'usetenant tenant2', 'get tenant_test', 'set tenant_test tenant2', 'get tenant_test']
output, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-4:]
assert lines[0] == 'Using tenant `tenant2\''
assert lines[1] == '`tenant_test\': not found'
assert lines[2].startswith('Committed')
assert lines[3] == '`tenant_test\' is `tenant2\''
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['usetenant tenant', 'get tenant_test', 'usetenant tenant2', 'get tenant_test', 'defaulttenant', 'get tenant_test']
output, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-6:]
assert lines[0] == 'Using tenant `tenant\''
assert lines[1] == '`tenant_test\' is `tenant\''
assert lines[2] == 'Using tenant `tenant2\''
assert lines[3] == '`tenant_test\' is `tenant2\''
assert lines[4] == 'Using the default tenant'
assert lines[5] == '`tenant_test\' is `default_tenant\''
def tenant_old_commands(logger):
create_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant create tenant')
list_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant list')
get_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant get tenant')
# Run the gettenant command here because the ID will be different in the second block
get_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('gettenant tenant')
configure_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant configure tenant tenant_group=tenant_group1')
rename_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant rename tenant tenant2')
delete_output = run_fdbcli_command('tenant delete tenant2')
create_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('createtenant tenant')
list_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('listtenants')
configure_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('configuretenant tenant tenant_group=tenant_group1')
rename_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('renametenant tenant tenant2')
delete_output_old = run_fdbcli_command('deletetenant tenant2')
assert create_output == create_output_old
assert list_output == list_output_old
assert get_output == get_output_old
assert configure_output == configure_output_old
assert rename_output == rename_output_old
assert delete_output == delete_output_old
def tenant_group_list(logger):
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list')
assert output == 'The cluster has no tenant groups'
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2 tenant_group=tenant_group2', 'tenant3 tenant_group=tenant_group3'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list')
assert output == '1. tenant_group2\n 2. tenant_group3'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list a z 1')
assert output == '1. tenant_group2'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list a tenant_group3')
assert output == '1. tenant_group2'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list tenant_group3 z')
assert output == '1. tenant_group3'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup list a b')
assert output == 'The cluster has no tenant groups in the specified range'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenantgroup list b a')
assert output == 'ERROR: end must be larger than begin'
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenantgroup list a b 12x')
assert output == 'ERROR: invalid limit `12x\''
def tenant_group_get(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant tenant_group=tenant_group'])
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup get tenant_group')
assert output == 'The tenant group is present in the cluster'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup get tenant_group JSON')
json_output = json.loads(output, strict=False)
assert(len(json_output) == 2)
assert('tenant_group' in json_output)
assert(json_output['type'] == 'success')
assert(len(json_output['tenant_group']) == 0)
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenantgroup get tenant_group2')
assert output == 'ERROR: tenant group not found'
output = run_fdbcli_command('tenantgroup get tenant_group2 JSON')
json_output = json.loads(output, strict=False)
assert(len(json_output) == 2)
assert(json_output['type'] == 'error')
assert(json_output['error'] == 'tenant group not found')
def tenants():
def integer_options():
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env)
cmd_sequence = ['option on TIMEOUT 1000', 'writemode on', 'clear foo']
output, error_output = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd_sequence).encode())
lines = output.decode().strip().split('\n')[-2:]
assert lines[0] == 'Option enabled for all transactions'
assert lines[1].startswith('Committed')
assert error_output == b''
def tls_address_suffix():
# fdbcli shall prevent a non-TLS fdbcli run from connecting to an all-TLS cluster
preamble = 'eNW1yf1M:eNW1yf1M@'
num_server_addrs = [1, 2, 5]
err_output_server_tls = "ERROR: fdbcli is not configured with TLS, but all of the coordinators have TLS addresses."
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
cluster_fn = tmpdir + "/fdb.cluster"
for num_server_addr in num_server_addrs:
with open(cluster_fn, "w") as fp:
fp.write(preamble + ",".join(
["{}:tls".format(4000 + addr_idx) for addr_idx in range(num_server_addr)]))
fdbcli_process = subprocess.run(command_template[:2] + [cluster_fn], capture_output=True)
assert fdbcli_process.returncode != 0
err_out = fdbcli_process.stderr.decode("utf8").strip()
assert err_out == err_output_server_tls, f"unexpected output: {err_out}"
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
The test calls fdbcli commands through fdbcli --exec "<command>" interactively using subprocess.
The outputs from fdbcli are returned and compared to predefined results.
Consequently, changing fdbcli outputs or breaking any commands will casue the test to fail.
Commands that are easy to test will run against a single process cluster.
For complex commands like exclude, they will run against a cluster with multiple(current set to 5) processes.
If external_client_library is given, we will disable the local client and use the external client to run fdbcli.
parser.add_argument('build_dir', metavar='BUILD_DIRECTORY', help='FDB build directory')
parser.add_argument('cluster_file', metavar='CLUSTER_FILE', help='FDB cluster file')
parser.add_argument('process_number', nargs='?', metavar='PROCESS_NUMBER', help="Number of fdb processes", type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--external-client-library', '-e', metavar='EXTERNAL_CLIENT_LIBRARY_PATH', help="External client library path")
args = parser.parse_args()
# keep current environment variables
fdbcli_env = os.environ.copy()
# set external client library if provided
if args.external_client_library:
# disable local client and use the external client library
fdbcli_env['FDB_NETWORK_OPTION_EXTERNAL_CLIENT_LIBRARY'] = args.external_client_library
# shell command template
command_template = [args.build_dir + '/bin/fdbcli', '-C', args.cluster_file, '--exec']
# tests for fdbcli commands
# assertions will fail if fdbcli does not work as expected
if args.process_number == 1:
# TODO: disable for now, the change can cause the database unavailable
# advanceversion()
assert args.process_number > 1, "Process number should be positive"
# TODO: fix the failure where one process is not available after setclass call
# setclass()