361 lines
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361 lines
13 KiB
* ReplicationPolicy.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbrpc/ReplicationPolicy.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Replication.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
bool IReplicationPolicy::selectReplicas(Reference<LocalitySet>& fromServers, std::vector<LocalityEntry>& results) {
return selectReplicas(fromServers, std::vector<LocalityEntry>(), results);
bool IReplicationPolicy::validate(Reference<LocalitySet> const& solutionSet) const {
return validate(solutionSet->getEntries(), solutionSet);
bool IReplicationPolicy::validateFull(bool solved,
std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& solutionSet,
std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& alsoServers,
Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) {
bool valid = true;
std::vector<LocalityEntry> totalSolution(solutionSet);
// Append the also servers, if any
if (alsoServers.size()) {
totalSolution.reserve(totalSolution.size() + alsoServers.size());
totalSolution.insert(totalSolution.end(), alsoServers.begin(), alsoServers.end());
if (!solved) {
if (validate(totalSolution, fromServers)) {
valid = false;
} else if (validate(fromServers->getGroupEntries(), fromServers)) {
valid = false;
} else if (!validate(totalSolution, fromServers)) {
valid = false;
} else if (solutionSet.empty()) {
if (!validate(alsoServers, fromServers)) {
valid = false;
} else {
auto lastSolutionIndex = solutionSet.size() - 1;
auto missingEntry = totalSolution[lastSolutionIndex];
totalSolution[lastSolutionIndex] = totalSolution.back();
for (int index = 0; index < solutionSet.size() && index < totalSolution.size(); index++) {
if (validate(totalSolution, fromServers)) {
valid = false;
auto tempMissing = totalSolution[index];
totalSolution[index] = missingEntry;
missingEntry = tempMissing;
return valid;
bool PolicyOne::selectReplicas(Reference<LocalitySet>& fromServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& alsoServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry>& results) {
int totalUsed = 0;
if (alsoServers.size()) {
} else if (fromServers->size()) {
auto randomEntry = fromServers->random();
return (totalUsed > 0);
bool PolicyOne::validate(std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& solutionSet,
Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) const {
return ((solutionSet.size() > 0) && (fromServers->size() > 0));
PolicyAcross::PolicyAcross(int count, std::string const& attribKey, Reference<IReplicationPolicy> const policy)
: _count(count), _attribKey(attribKey), _policy(policy) {
PolicyAcross::PolicyAcross() : _policy(new PolicyOne()) {}
PolicyAcross::~PolicyAcross() {}
// Debug purpose only
// Trace all record entries to help debug
// fromServers is the servers locality to be printed out.
void IReplicationPolicy::traceLocalityRecords(Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) {
std::vector<Reference<LocalityRecord>> const& recordArray = fromServers->getRecordArray();
TraceEvent("LocalityRecordArray").detail("Size", recordArray.size());
for (auto& record : recordArray) {
traceOneLocalityRecord(record, fromServers);
void IReplicationPolicy::traceOneLocalityRecord(Reference<LocalityRecord> record,
Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) {
int localityEntryIndex = record->_entryIndex._id;
Reference<KeyValueMap> const& dataMap = record->_dataMap;
std::vector<AttribRecord> const& keyValueArray = dataMap->_keyvaluearray;
.detail("EntryIndex", localityEntryIndex)
.detail("KeyValueArraySize", keyValueArray.size());
for (int i = 0; i < keyValueArray.size(); ++i) {
AttribRecord attribRecord = keyValueArray[i]; // first is key, second is value
.detail("EntryIndex", localityEntryIndex)
.detail("ArrayIndex", i)
.detail("Key", attribRecord.first._id)
.detail("Value", attribRecord.second._id)
.detail("KeyName", fromServers->keyText(attribRecord.first))
.detail("ValueName", fromServers->valueText(attribRecord.second));
// Validate if the team satisfies the replication policy
// LocalitySet is the base class about the locality information
// solutionSet is the team to be validated
// fromServers is the location information of all servers
// return true if the team satisfies the policy; false otherwise
bool PolicyAcross::validate(std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& solutionSet,
Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) const {
bool valid = true;
int count = 0;
// Get the indexKey from the policy name (e.g., zoneid) in _attribKey
AttribKey indexKey = fromServers->keyIndex(_attribKey);
auto groupIndexKey = fromServers->getGroupKeyIndex(indexKey);
std::map<AttribValue, std::vector<LocalityEntry>> validMap;
for (auto& item : solutionSet) {
auto value = fromServers->getValueViaGroupKey(item, groupIndexKey);
if (value.present()) {
auto itValue = validMap.find(value.get());
if (itValue != validMap.end()) {
} else {
validMap[value.get()] = { item };
if (validMap.size() < _count) {
valid = false;
} else {
for (auto& itValid : validMap) {
// itValid.second is the vector of LocalityEntries that belong to the same locality
if (_policy->validate(itValid.second, fromServers)) {
if (count < _count) {
valid = false;
return valid;
// Choose new servers from "least utilized" alsoServers and append the new servers to results
// fromserverse are the servers that have already been chosen and
// that should be excluded from being selected as replicas.
// FIXME: Simplify this function, such as removing unnecessary printf
// fromServers are the servers that must have;
// alsoServers are the servers you can choose.
bool PolicyAcross::selectReplicas(Reference<LocalitySet>& fromServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& alsoServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry>& results) {
int count = 0;
AttribKey indexKey = fromServers->keyIndex(_attribKey);
auto groupIndexKey = fromServers->getGroupKeyIndex(indexKey);
int resultsSize, resultsAdded;
int resultsInit = results.size();
// Clear the member variables
_addedResults.resize(_arena, 0);
for (auto& alsoServer : alsoServers) {
auto value = fromServers->getValueViaGroupKey(alsoServer, groupIndexKey);
if (value.present()) {
auto lowerBound = std::lower_bound(_usedValues.begin(), _usedValues.end(), value.get());
if ((lowerBound == _usedValues.end()) || (*lowerBound != value.get())) {
//_selected is a set of processes that have the same indexKey and indexValue (value)
_selected = fromServers->restrict(indexKey, value.get());
if (_selected->size()) {
// Pass only the also array item which are valid for the value
resultsSize = _newResults.size();
if (_policy->selectReplicas(_selected, alsoServers, _newResults)) {
resultsAdded = _newResults.size() - resultsSize;
if (!resultsAdded) {
} else {
_addedResults.push_back(_arena, std::pair<int, int>(resultsAdded, resultsSize));
if (count >= _count)
_usedValues.insert(lowerBound, value.get());
// Process the remaining results, if present
if ((count < _count) && (_addedResults.size())) {
// Sort the added results array
std::sort(_addedResults.begin(), _addedResults.end(), PolicyAcross::compareAddedResults);
if (g_replicationdebug > 0) {
LocalitySet::staticDisplayEntries(fromServers, alsoServers, "also");
LocalitySet::staticDisplayEntries(fromServers, results, "results");
LocalitySet::staticDisplayEntries(fromServers, _newResults, "add items");
for (auto& addedResult : _addedResults) {
results.reserve(results.size() + addedResult.first);
_newResults.begin() + addedResult.second,
_newResults.begin() + addedResult.second + addedResult.first);
if (count >= _count)
if (g_replicationdebug > 0) {
LocalitySet::staticDisplayEntries(fromServers, results, "results");
// Cannot find replica from the least used alsoServers, now try to find replicas from all servers
// Process the remaining values
if (count < _count) {
int recordIndex;
// Use mutable array so that swaps does not affect actual element array
auto& mutableArray = fromServers->getMutableEntries();
for (int checksLeft = fromServers->size(); checksLeft > 0; checksLeft--) {
if (g_replicationdebug > 0) {
LocalitySet::staticDisplayEntries(fromServers, mutableArray, "mutable");
recordIndex = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, checksLeft);
auto& entry = mutableArray[recordIndex];
auto value = fromServers->getValueViaGroupKey(entry, groupIndexKey);
if (value.present()) {
auto lowerBound = std::lower_bound(_usedValues.begin(), _usedValues.end(), value.get());
if ((lowerBound == _usedValues.end()) || (*lowerBound != value.get())) {
_selected = fromServers->restrict(indexKey, value.get());
if (_selected->size()) {
if (_policy->selectReplicas(_selected, emptyEntryArray, results)) {
if (count >= _count)
_usedValues.insert(lowerBound, value.get());
if (recordIndex != checksLeft - 1) {
fromServers->swapMutableRecords(recordIndex, checksLeft - 1);
// Clear the return array, if not satified
if (count < _count) {
count = 0;
return (count >= _count);
bool PolicyAnd::validate(std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& solutionSet,
Reference<LocalitySet> const& fromServers) const {
bool valid = true;
for (auto& policy : _policies) {
if (!policy->validate(solutionSet, fromServers)) {
valid = false;
return valid;
bool PolicyAnd::selectReplicas(Reference<LocalitySet>& fromServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry> const& alsoServers,
std::vector<LocalityEntry>& results) {
bool passed = true;
std::vector<LocalityEntry> newResults(alsoServers);
// Ensure that the results array is large enough
if (newResults.capacity() < fromServers->size()) {
for (auto& policy : _sortedPolicies) {
if (!policy->selectReplicas(fromServers, newResults, newResults)) {
passed = false;
if ((passed) && (newResults.size() > alsoServers.size())) {
results.reserve(results.size() + newResults.size() - alsoServers.size());
results.insert(results.end(), newResults.begin() + alsoServers.size(), newResults.end());
return passed;
void testPolicySerialization(Reference<IReplicationPolicy>& policy) {
std::string policyInfo = policy->info();
BinaryWriter writer(IncludeVersion());
serializeReplicationPolicy(writer, policy);
BinaryReader reader(writer.getData(), writer.getLength(), IncludeVersion());
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> copy;
serializeReplicationPolicy(reader, copy);
ASSERT(policy->info() == copy->info());
void testReplicationPolicy(int nTests) {
Reference<IReplicationPolicy> policy =
Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyAcross(1, "data_hall", Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyOne())));
policy = Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(
new PolicyAnd({ Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(
new PolicyAcross(2,
Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyAcross(
3, "rack", Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyOne()))))),
new PolicyAcross(2,
Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyAcross(
2, "data_hall", Reference<IReplicationPolicy>(new PolicyOne()))))) }));
TEST_CASE("/ReplicationPolicy/Serialization") {
return Void();