
505 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import subprocess
import struct
import random
import argparse
import math
import os
import copy
import traceback
from threading import Timer, Event
import logging.config
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce
sys.path[:0] = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')]
import bindingtester
from bindingtester import FDB_API_VERSION
from bindingtester import Result
from bindingtester import util
from bindingtester.tests import Test, InstructionSet
from known_testers import Tester
import fdb
import fdb.tuple
class ResultSet(object):
def __init__(self, specification):
self.specification = specification
self.tester_results = OrderedDict()
def add(self, name, results):
num = 1
base_name = name
while name in self.tester_results:
num += 1
name = '%s (%d)' % (base_name, num)
self.tester_results[name] = results
def check_for_errors(self):
if len(self.tester_results) == 1:
return (0, False)
util.get_logger().info('Comparing results from \'%s\'...' % repr(util.subspace_to_tuple(self.specification.subspace)))
num_errors = 0
has_filtered_error = False
# Tracks the current result being evaluated for each tester
indices = [0 for i in range(len(self.tester_results))]
name_length = max([len(name) for name in self.tester_results.keys()])
while True:
# Gets the next result for each tester
results = {i: r[indices[i]] for i, r in enumerate(self.tester_results.values()) if len(r) > indices[i]}
if len(results) == 0:
# Attempt to 'align' the results. If two results have matching sequence numbers, then they should be compared.
# Only those testers which have a result matching the minimum current sequence number will be included. All
# others are considered to have not produced a result and will be evaluated in a future iteration.
sequence_nums = [r.sequence_num(self.specification) for r in results.values()]
if any([s is not None for s in sequence_nums]):
results = {i: r for i, r in results.items() if r.sequence_num(self.specification) == min(sequence_nums)}
# If these results aren't using sequence numbers, then we match two results based on whether they share the same key
min_key = min([r.key(self.specification) for r in results.values()])
results = {i: r for i, r in results.items() if Result.tuples_match(r.key(self.specification), min_key)}
# Increment the indices for those testers which produced a result in this iteration
for i in results.keys():
indices[i] += 1
# Fill in 'None' values for testers that didn't produce a result and generate an output string describing the results
all_results = {i: results[i] if i in results else None for i in range(len(self.tester_results))}
result_str = '\n'.join([' %-*s - %s' % (name_length, self.tester_results.keys()[i], r) for i, r in all_results.items()])
result_list = results.values()
# If any of our results matches the global error filter, we ignore the result
if any(r.matches_global_error_filter(self.specification) for r in result_list):
has_filtered_error = True
# The result is considered correct if every tester produced a value and all the values meet the matching criteria
if len(results) < len(all_results) or not all(result_list[0].matches(r, self.specification) for r in result_list):
util.get_logger().error('\nIncorrect result: \n%s' % result_str)
num_errors += 1
util.get_logger().debug('\nCorrect result: \n%s' % result_str)
if num_errors > 0:
return (num_errors, has_filtered_error)
def choose_api_version(selected_api_version, tester_min_version, tester_max_version, test_min_version, test_max_version):
if selected_api_version is not None:
if selected_api_version < tester_min_version or selected_api_version > tester_max_version:
raise Exception('Not all testers support the API version %d (min=%d, max=%d)' %
(selected_api_version, tester_min_version, tester_max_version))
elif selected_api_version < test_min_version or selected_api_version > test_max_version:
raise Exception('API version %d is not supported by the specified test (min=%d, max=%d)' %
(selected_api_version, test_min_version, test_max_version))
api_version = selected_api_version
min_version = max(tester_min_version, test_min_version)
max_version = min(tester_max_version, test_max_version)
if min_version > max_version:
raise Exception(
'Not all testers support the API versions required by the specified test'
'(tester: min=%d, max=%d; test: min=%d, max=%d)' % (tester_min_version, tester_max_version, test_min_version, test_max_version))
if random.random() < 0.7:
api_version = max_version
elif random.random() < 0.7:
api_version = min_version
elif random.random() < 0.9:
api_version = random.choice([v for v in [13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 100, 200, 300, 400, 410, 420, 430,
440, 450, 460, 500, 510, 520, 600, 610] if v >= min_version and v <= max_version])
api_version = random.randint(min_version, max_version)
return api_version
class TestRunner(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = copy.copy(args)
self.db =
self.test_seed = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
self.testers = [Tester.get_test(self.args.test1)]
if self.args.test2 is not None:
self.test = Test.create_test(self.args.test_name, fdb.Subspace((self.args.output_subspace,)))
if self.test is None:
raise Exception('the test \'%s\' could not be found' % self.args.test_name)
min_api_version = max([tester.min_api_version for tester in self.testers])
max_api_version = min([tester.max_api_version for tester in self.testers])
self.args.api_version = choose_api_version(self.args.api_version, min_api_version, max_api_version,
self.test.min_api_version, self.test.max_api_version)
util.get_logger().info('\nCreating test at API version %d' % self.args.api_version)
max_int_bits = min([tester.max_int_bits for tester in self.testers])
if self.args.max_int_bits is None:
self.args.max_int_bits = max_int_bits
elif self.args.max_int_bits > max_int_bits:
raise Exception('The specified testers support at most %d-bit ints, but --max-int-bits was set to %d' %
(max_int_bits, self.args.max_int_bits))
self.args.no_threads = self.args.no_threads or any([not tester.threads_enabled for tester in self.testers])
if self.args.no_threads and self.args.concurrency > 1:
raise Exception('Not all testers support concurrency')
# Test types should be intersection of all tester supported types
self.args.types = reduce(lambda t1, t2: filter(t1.__contains__, t2), map(lambda tester: tester.types, self.testers))
self.args.no_directory_snapshot_ops = self.args.no_directory_snapshot_ops or any([not tester.directory_snapshot_ops_enabled for tester in self.testers])
def print_test(self):
test_instructions = self._generate_test()
for top_level_subspace, top_level_thread in test_instructions.items():
for subspace, thread in top_level_thread.get_threads(top_level_subspace).items():
util.get_logger().error('\nThread at prefix %r:' % util.subspace_to_tuple(subspace))
if self.args.print_all:
instructions = thread
offset = 0
instructions = thread.core_instructions()
offset = thread.core_test_begin
for i, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
if self.args.print_all or (instruction.operation != 'SWAP' and instruction.operation != 'PUSH'):
util.get_logger().error(' %d. %r' % (i + offset, instruction))
def run_test(self):
test_instructions = self._generate_test()
expected_results = self.test.get_expected_results()
tester_results = {s.subspace: ResultSet(s) for s in self.test.get_result_specifications()}
for subspace, results in expected_results.items():
tester_results[subspace].add('expected', results)
tester_errors = {}
for tester in self.testers:
self.test.pre_run(self.db, self.args)
return_code = self._run_tester(tester)
if return_code != 0:
util.get_logger().error('Test of type %s failed to complete successfully with random seed %d and %d operations\n' %
(self.args.test_name, self.args.seed, self.args.num_ops))
return 2
tester_errors[tester] = self.test.validate(self.db, self.args)
for spec in self.test.get_result_specifications():
tester_results[spec.subspace].add(, self._get_results(spec.subspace))
return_code = self._validate_results(tester_errors, tester_results)
util.get_logger().info('Completed %s test with random seed %d and %d operations\n' % (self.args.test_name, self.args.seed, self.args.num_ops))
return return_code
def insert_test(self):
test_instructions = self._generate_test()
def _generate_test(self):
util.get_logger().info('Generating %s test at seed %d with %d op(s) and %d concurrent tester(s)...' %
(self.args.test_name, self.args.seed, self.args.num_ops, self.args.concurrency))
if self.args.concurrency == 1:
test_instructions = {fdb.Subspace((self.args.instruction_prefix,)): self.test.generate(self.args, 0)}
test_instructions = {}
main_thread = InstructionSet()
for i in range(self.args.concurrency):
# thread_spec = fdb.Subspace(('thread_spec', i))
thread_spec = 'thread_spec%d' % i
test_instructions[fdb.Subspace((thread_spec,))] = self.test.generate(self.args, i)
test_instructions[fdb.Subspace((self.args.instruction_prefix,))] = main_thread
return test_instructions
def _insert_instructions(self, test_instructions):
util.get_logger().info('\nInserting test into database...')
del self.db[:]
for subspace, thread in test_instructions.items():
thread.insert_operations(self.db, subspace)
def _run_tester(self, test):
params = test.cmd.split(' ') + [self.args.instruction_prefix, str(self.args.api_version)]
if self.args.cluster_file is not None:
params += [self.args.cluster_file]
util.get_logger().info('\nRunning tester \'%s\'...' % ' '.join(params))
proc = subprocess.Popen(params)
timed_out = Event()
def killProc():
timer = Timer(self.args.timeout, killProc)
ret_code = proc.wait()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Unable to run tester (%s)' % e)
if ret_code != 0:
signal_name = str(ret_code)
if ret_code < 0:
signal_name = util.signal_number_to_name(-ret_code)
reason = 'exit code: %s' % (signal_name,)
if timed_out.is_set():
reason = 'timed out after %d seconds' % (self.args.timeout,)
util.get_logger().error('\n\'%s\' did not complete succesfully (%s)' % (params[0], reason))
return ret_code
def _get_results(self, subspace, instruction_index=None):
util.get_logger().info('Reading results from \'%s\'...' % repr(util.subspace_to_tuple(subspace)))
results = []
next_key = subspace.range().start
while True:
next_results = self.db.get_range(next_key, subspace.range().stop, 1000)
if len(next_results) == 0:
results += [Result(subspace, kv.key, (kv.value,)) for kv in next_results]
next_key = fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(next_results[-1].key)
return results
def _validate_results(self, tester_errors, tester_results):
num_incorrect = 0
has_filtered_error = False
for r in tester_results.values():
(count, filtered_error) = r.check_for_errors()
num_incorrect += count
has_filtered_error = has_filtered_error or filtered_error
num_errors = sum([len(e) for e in tester_errors.values()])
for tester, errors in tester_errors.items():
if len(errors) > 0:
util.get_logger().error('The %s tester reported errors:\n' %
for i, error in enumerate(errors):
util.get_logger().error(' %d. %s' % (i + 1, error))
log_message = '\nTest with seed %d and concurrency %d had %d incorrect result(s) and %d error(s) at API version %d' %\
(self.args.seed, self.args.concurrency, num_incorrect, num_errors, self.args.api_version)
if num_errors == 0 and (num_incorrect == 0 or has_filtered_error):
if has_filtered_error:
util.get_logger().info("Test had permissible non-deterministic errors; disregarding results...")
return 0
return 1
def bisect(test_runner, args):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = args.num_ops
while True:
test_runner.args.num_ops = int((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2)
result = test_runner.run_test()
if lower_bound == upper_bound:
if result != 0:
util.get_logger().error('Found minimal failing test with %d operations' % lower_bound)
if args.print_test:
return 0
elif upper_bound < args.num_ops:
util.get_logger().error('Error finding minimal failing test for seed %d. The failure may not be deterministic' % args.seed)
return 1
util.get_logger().error('No failing test found for seed %d with %d ops. Try specifying a larger --num-ops parameter.'
% (args.seed, args.num_ops))
return 0
elif result == 0:
util.get_logger().info('Test with %d operations succeeded\n' % test_runner.args.num_ops)
lower_bound = test_runner.args.num_ops + 1
util.get_logger().info('Test with %d operations failed with error code %d\n' % (test_runner.args.num_ops, result))
upper_bound = test_runner.args.num_ops
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='FoundationDB Binding API Tester')
parser.add_argument('--test-name', default='scripted',
help='The name of the test to run. Must be the name of a test specified in the tests folder. (default=\'scripted\')')
parser.add_argument(metavar='tester1', dest='test1', help='Name of the first tester to invoke')
parser.add_argument('--compare', metavar='tester2', nargs='?', type=str, default=None, const='python', dest='test2',
help='When specified, a second tester will be run and compared against the first. This flag takes an optional argument '
'for the second tester to invoke (default = \'python\').')
parser.add_argument('--print-test', action='store_true',
help='Instead of running a test, prints the set of instructions generated for that test. Unless --all is specified, all '
'setup, finalization, PUSH, and SWAP instructions will be excluded.')
parser.add_argument('--all', dest='print_all', action='store_true', help='Causes --print-test to print all instructions.')
parser.add_argument('--bisect', action='store_true',
help='Run the specified test varying the number of operations until a minimal failing test is found. Does not work for '
'concurrent tests.')
parser.add_argument('--insert-only', action='store_true', help='Insert the test instructions into the database, but do not run it.')
parser.add_argument('--concurrency', type=int, default=1, help='Number of concurrent test threads to run. (default = 1).')
parser.add_argument('--num-ops', type=int, default=100, help='The number of operations to generate per thread (default = 100)')
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, help='The random seed to use for generating the test')
parser.add_argument('--max-int-bits', type=int, default=None,
help='Maximum number of bits to use for int types in testers. By default, the largest value supported by the testers being '
'run will be chosen.')
parser.add_argument('--api-version', default=None, type=int,
help='The API version that the testers should use. Not supported in scripted mode. (default = random version supported by '
'all testers)')
parser.add_argument('--cluster-file', type=str, default=None, help='The cluster file for the cluster being connected to. (default None)')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=600, help='The timeout in seconds for running each individual tester. (default 600)')
parser.add_argument('--enable-client-trace-logging', nargs='?', type=str, default=None, const='.',
help='Enables trace file output. This flag takes an optional argument specifying the output directory (default = \'.\').')
parser.add_argument('--instruction-prefix', type=str, default='test_spec',
help='The prefix under which the main thread of test instructions are inserted (default=\'test_spec\').')
parser.add_argument('--output-subspace', type=str, default='tester_output',
help='The string used to create the output subspace for the testers. The subspace will be of the form (<output_subspace>,). '
parser.add_argument('--logging-level', type=str, default='INFO',
choices=['ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'], help='Specifies the level of detail in the tester output (default=\'INFO\').')
# SOMEDAY: this applies only to the scripted test. Should we invoke test files specifically (as in circus),
# or invoke them here and allow tests to add arguments?
parser.add_argument('--no-threads', action='store_true', help='Disables the START_THREAD instruction in the scripted test.')
parser.add_argument('--no-directory-snapshot-ops', action='store_true', help='Disables snapshot operations for directory instructions.')
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def validate_args(args):
if args.insert_only and args.bisect:
raise Exception('--bisect cannot be used with --insert-only')
if args.print_all and not args.print_test:
raise Exception('cannot specify --all without --print-test')
if args.bisect and not args.seed:
raise Exception('--seed must be specified if using --bisect')
if args.concurrency < 1:
raise Exception('--concurrency must be a positive integer')
if args.concurrency > 1 and args.test2:
raise Exception('--compare cannot be used with concurrent tests')
def main(argv):
args = parse_args(argv)
from bindingtester import LOGGING
if args.seed is None:
args.seed = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
if args.enable_client_trace_logging is not None:
test_runner = TestRunner(args)
if args.bisect:
return bisect(test_runner, args)
if args.print_test:
return test_runner.print_test()
if args.insert_only:
return test_runner.insert_test()
return test_runner.run_test()
except Exception as e:
util.get_logger().error('\nERROR: %s' % e)
except BaseException:
util.get_logger().error('\nERROR: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':