565 lines
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565 lines
21 KiB
* SystemData.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "SystemData.h"
#include "StorageServerInterface.h"
#include "flow/TDMetric.actor.h"
const KeyRef systemKeysPrefix = LiteralStringRef("\xff");
const KeyRangeRef normalKeys(KeyRef(), systemKeysPrefix);
const KeyRangeRef systemKeys(systemKeysPrefix, LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff") );
const KeyRangeRef nonMetadataSystemKeys(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x03"));
const KeyRangeRef allKeys = KeyRangeRef(normalKeys.begin, systemKeys.end);
const KeyRef afterAllKeys = LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\x00");
// keyServersKeys.contains(k) iff k.startsWith(keyServersPrefix)
const KeyRangeRef keyServersKeys( LiteralStringRef("\xff/keyServers/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/keyServers0") );
const KeyRef keyServersPrefix = keyServersKeys.begin;
const KeyRef keyServersEnd = keyServersKeys.end;
const KeyRangeRef keyServersKeyServersKeys ( LiteralStringRef("\xff/keyServers/\xff/keyServers/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/keyServers/\xff/keyServers0"));
const KeyRef keyServersKeyServersKey = keyServersKeyServersKeys.begin;
const Key keyServersKey( const KeyRef& k ) {
return k.withPrefix( keyServersPrefix );
const KeyRef keyServersKey( const KeyRef& k, Arena& arena ) {
return k.withPrefix( keyServersPrefix, arena );
const Value keyServersValue( const vector<UID>& src, const vector<UID>& dest ) {
// src and dest are expected to be sorted
ASSERT( std::is_sorted(src.begin(), src.end()) && std::is_sorted(dest.begin(), dest.end()) );
BinaryWriter wr((IncludeVersion())); wr << src << dest;
return wr.toStringRef();
void decodeKeyServersValue( const ValueRef& value, vector<UID>& src, vector<UID>& dest ) {
if (value.size()) {
BinaryReader rd(value, IncludeVersion());
rd >> src >> dest;
} else {
const Value logsValue( const vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>>& logs, const vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>>& oldLogs ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << logs;
wr << oldLogs;
return wr.toStringRef();
std::pair<vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>>,vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>>> decodeLogsValue( const ValueRef& value ) {
vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>> logs;
vector<std::pair<UID, NetworkAddress>> oldLogs;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
reader >> logs;
reader >> oldLogs;
return std::make_pair(logs, oldLogs);
const KeyRef serverKeysPrefix = LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverKeys/");
const ValueRef serverKeysTrue = LiteralStringRef("1"), // compatible with what was serverKeysTrue
const Key serverKeysKey( UID serverID, const KeyRef& key ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverKeysPrefix );
wr << serverID;
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("/") );
wr.serializeBytes( key );
return wr.toStringRef();
const Key serverKeysPrefixFor( UID serverID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverKeysPrefix );
wr << serverID;
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("/") );
return wr.toStringRef();
UID serverKeysDecodeServer( const KeyRef& key ) {
UID server_id;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(serverKeysPrefix), Unversioned() );
rd >> server_id;
return server_id;
bool serverHasKey( ValueRef storedValue ) {
return storedValue == serverKeysTrue;
const KeyRangeRef serverTagKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverTag0") );
const KeyRef serverTagPrefix = serverTagKeys.begin;
const KeyRef serverTagMaxOldKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverTagMax");
const KeyRangeRef serverTagMaxKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverTagMax0") );
const KeyRangeRef serverTagConflictKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverTagConflict0") );
const KeyRef serverTagConflictPrefix = serverTagConflictKeys.begin;
const KeyRangeRef serverTagHistoryKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverTagHistory0") );
const KeyRef serverTagHistoryPrefix = serverTagHistoryKeys.begin;
const Key serverMaxTagKeyFor( int8_t tagLocality ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagMaxKeys.begin );
wr << tagLocality;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Key serverTagKeyFor( UID serverID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagKeys.begin );
wr << serverID;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Key serverTagHistoryKeyFor( UID serverID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagHistoryKeys.begin );
wr << serverID;
return addVersionStampAtEnd(wr.toStringRef());
const KeyRange serverTagHistoryRangeFor( UID serverID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagHistoryKeys.begin );
wr << serverID;
return prefixRange(wr.toStringRef());
const KeyRange serverTagHistoryRangeBefore( UID serverID, Version version ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagHistoryKeys.begin );
wr << serverID;
version = bigEndian64(version);
Key versionStr = makeString( 8 );
uint8_t* data = mutateString( versionStr );
memcpy(data, &version, 8);
return KeyRangeRef( wr.toStringRef(), versionStr.withPrefix(wr.toStringRef()) );
const Value serverTagValue( Tag tag ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << tag;
return wr.toStringRef();
UID decodeServerTagKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
UID serverID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(serverTagKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
rd >> serverID;
return serverID;
Version decodeServerTagHistoryKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
Version parsedVersion;
memcpy(&parsedVersion, key.substr(key.size()-10).begin(), sizeof(Version));
parsedVersion = bigEndian64(parsedVersion);
return parsedVersion;
Tag decodeServerTagValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
Tag s;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
if( reader.protocolVersion() < 0x0FDB00A560010001LL ) {
int16_t id;
reader >> id;
if(id == invalidTagOld) {
s = invalidTag;
} else if(id == txsTagOld) {
s = txsTag;
} else {
ASSERT(id >= 0);
s.id = id;
s.locality = tagLocalityUpgraded;
} else {
reader >> s;
return s;
const Key serverTagConflictKeyFor( Tag tag ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverTagConflictKeys.begin );
wr << tag;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Value serverTagMaxValue( Tag tag ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned()); //This has to be unversioned because we are using an atomic op to max it
wr << tag;
return wr.toStringRef();
Tag decodeServerTagMaxValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
Tag s;
BinaryReader reader( value, Unversioned() );
reader >> s;
return s;
Tag decodeServerTagMaxValueOld( ValueRef const& value ) {
Tag s;
BinaryReader reader( value, Unversioned() );
int16_t id;
reader >> id;
if(id == invalidTagOld) {
s = invalidTag;
} else if(id == txsTagOld) {
s = txsTag;
} else {
ASSERT(id >= 0);
s.id = id;
s.locality = tagLocalityUpgraded;
return s;
const KeyRangeRef tagLocalityListKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/tagLocalityList0") );
const KeyRef tagLocalityListPrefix = tagLocalityListKeys.begin;
const Key tagLocalityListKeyFor( Optional<Value> dcID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion));
wr.serializeBytes( tagLocalityListKeys.begin );
wr << dcID;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Value tagLocalityListValue( int8_t const& tagLocality ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << tagLocality;
return wr.toStringRef();
Optional<Value> decodeTagLocalityListKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
Optional<Value> dcID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(tagLocalityListKeys.begin), AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion) );
rd >> dcID;
return dcID;
int8_t decodeTagLocalityListValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
int8_t s;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
reader >> s;
return s;
// serverListKeys.contains(k) iff k.startsWith( serverListKeys.begin ) because '/'+1 == '0'
const KeyRangeRef serverListKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/serverList0") );
const KeyRef serverListPrefix = serverListKeys.begin;
const Key serverListKeyFor( UID serverID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( serverListKeys.begin );
wr << serverID;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Value serverListValue( StorageServerInterface const& server ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << server;
return wr.toStringRef();
UID decodeServerListKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
UID serverID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(serverListKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
rd >> serverID;
return serverID;
StorageServerInterface decodeServerListValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
StorageServerInterface s;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
reader >> s;
return s;
// processClassKeys.contains(k) iff k.startsWith( processClassKeys.begin ) because '/'+1 == '0'
const KeyRangeRef processClassKeys(
LiteralStringRef("\xff/processClass0") );
const KeyRef processClassPrefix = processClassKeys.begin;
const KeyRef processClassChangeKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/processClassChanges");
const KeyRef processClassVersionKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/processClassChangesVersion");
const ValueRef processClassVersionValue = LiteralStringRef("1");
const Key processClassKeyFor(StringRef processID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( processClassKeys.begin );
wr << processID;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Value processClassValue( ProcessClass const& processClass ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << processClass;
return wr.toStringRef();
Key decodeProcessClassKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
StringRef processID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(processClassKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
rd >> processID;
return processID;
UID decodeProcessClassKeyOld( KeyRef const& key ) {
UID processID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(processClassKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
rd >> processID;
return processID;
ProcessClass decodeProcessClassValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
ProcessClass s;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
reader >> s;
return s;
const KeyRangeRef configKeys( LiteralStringRef("\xff/conf/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/conf0") );
const KeyRef configKeysPrefix = configKeys.begin;
const KeyRangeRef excludedServersKeys( LiteralStringRef("\xff/conf/excluded/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/conf/excluded0") );
const KeyRef excludedServersPrefix = excludedServersKeys.begin;
const KeyRef excludedServersVersionKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/conf/excluded");
const AddressExclusion decodeExcludedServersKey( KeyRef const& key ) {
ASSERT( key.startsWith( excludedServersPrefix ) );
// Returns an invalid NetworkAddress if given an invalid key (within the prefix)
// Excluded servers have IP in x.x.x.x format, port optional, and no SSL suffix
// Returns a valid, public NetworkAddress with a port of 0 if the key represents an IP address alone (meaning all ports)
// Returns a valid, public NetworkAddress with nonzero port if the key represents an IP:PORT combination
return AddressExclusion::parse(key.removePrefix( excludedServersPrefix ));
std::string encodeExcludedServersKey( AddressExclusion const& addr ) {
//FIXME: make sure what's persisted here is not affected by innocent changes elsewhere
std::string as = format( "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr.ip>>24)&0xff, (addr.ip>>16)&0xff, (addr.ip>>8)&0xff, addr.ip&0xff );
//ASSERT( StringRef(as).endsWith(LiteralStringRef(":0")) == (addr.port == 0) );
if (!addr.isWholeMachine())
as += format(":%d", addr.port);
return excludedServersPrefix.toString() + as;
const KeyRangeRef workerListKeys( LiteralStringRef("\xff/worker/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/worker0") );
const KeyRef workerListPrefix = workerListKeys.begin;
const Key workerListKeyFor( StringRef processID ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( workerListKeys.begin );
wr << processID;
return wr.toStringRef();
const Value workerListValue( ProcessData const& processData ) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << processData;
return wr.toStringRef();
Key decodeWorkerListKey(KeyRef const& key) {
StringRef processID;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(workerListKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
rd >> processID;
return processID;
ProcessData decodeWorkerListValue( ValueRef const& value ) {
ProcessData s;
BinaryReader reader( value, IncludeVersion() );
reader >> s;
return s;
const KeyRef coordinatorsKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/coordinators");
const KeyRef logsKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/logs");
const KeyRef minRequiredCommitVersionKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/minRequiredCommitVersion");
const KeyRef globalKeysPrefix = LiteralStringRef("\xff/globals");
const KeyRef lastEpochEndKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/globals/lastEpochEnd");
const KeyRef lastEpochEndPrivateKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff/globals/lastEpochEnd");
const KeyRef fastLoggingEnabled = LiteralStringRef("\xff/globals/fastLoggingEnabled");
const KeyRef fastLoggingEnabledPrivateKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff/globals/fastLoggingEnabled");
const KeyRef moveKeysLockOwnerKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/moveKeysLock/Owner");
const KeyRef moveKeysLockWriteKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/moveKeysLock/Write");
const KeyRef dataDistributionModeKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/dataDistributionMode");
const UID dataDistributionModeLock = UID(6345,3425);
// Client status info prefix
const KeyRangeRef fdbClientInfoPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/fdbClientInfo/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/fdbClientInfo0"));
const KeyRef fdbClientInfoTxnSampleRate = LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/fdbClientInfo/client_txn_sample_rate/");
const KeyRef fdbClientInfoTxnSizeLimit = LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/fdbClientInfo/client_txn_size_limit/");
// Keyspace to maintain wall clock to version map
const KeyRangeRef timeKeeperPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/timeKeeper/map/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/timeKeeper/map0"));
const KeyRef timeKeeperVersionKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/timeKeeper/version");
const KeyRef timeKeeperDisableKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/timeKeeper/disable");
// Backup Log Mutation constant variables
const KeyRef backupEnabledKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/backupEnabled");
const KeyRangeRef backupLogKeys(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/blog/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/blog0"));
const KeyRangeRef applyLogKeys(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/alog/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/alog0"));
//static_assert( backupLogKeys.begin.size() == backupLogPrefixBytes, "backupLogPrefixBytes incorrect" );
const KeyRef backupVersionKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/backupDataFormat");
const ValueRef backupVersionValue = LiteralStringRef("4");
const int backupVersion = 4;
// Log Range constant variables
// \xff/logRanges/[16-byte UID][begin key] := serialize( make_pair([end key], [destination key prefix]), IncludeVersion() )
const KeyRangeRef logRangesRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/logRanges/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/logRanges0"));
// Layer status metadata prefix
const KeyRangeRef layerStatusMetaPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/status/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/status0"));
// Backup agent status root
const KeyRangeRef backupStatusPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/backupstatus/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/backupstatus0"));
// Restore configuration constant variables
const KeyRangeRef fileRestorePrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/restore-agent/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/restore-agent0"));
// Backup Agent configuration constant variables
const KeyRangeRef fileBackupPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/backup-agent/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/backup-agent0"));
// DR Agent configuration constant variables
const KeyRangeRef databaseBackupPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/db-backup-agent/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/db-backup-agent0"));
// Returns the encoded key comprised of begin key and log uid
Key logRangesEncodeKey(KeyRef keyBegin, UID logUid) {
return keyBegin.withPrefix(uidPrefixKey(logRangesRange.begin, logUid));
// Returns the start key and optionally the logRange Uid
KeyRef logRangesDecodeKey(KeyRef key, UID* logUid) {
if (key.size() < logRangesRange.begin.size() + sizeof(UID)) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidDecodeKey").detail("key", printable(key));
if (logUid) {
*logUid = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(key.removePrefix(logRangesRange.begin), Unversioned());
return key.substr(logRangesRange.begin.size() + sizeof(UID));
// Returns the encoded key value comprised of the end key and destination prefix
Key logRangesEncodeValue(KeyRef keyEnd, KeyRef destKeyPrefix) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion());
wr << std::make_pair(keyEnd, destKeyPrefix);
return wr.toStringRef();
// \xff/logRanges/[16-byte UID][begin key] := serialize( make_pair([end key], [destination key prefix]), IncludeVersion() )
Key logRangesDecodeValue(KeyRef keyValue, Key* destKeyPrefix) {
std::pair<KeyRef,KeyRef> endPrefixCombo;
BinaryReader rd( keyValue, IncludeVersion() );
rd >> endPrefixCombo;
if (destKeyPrefix) {
*destKeyPrefix = endPrefixCombo.second;
return endPrefixCombo.first;
// Returns a key prefixed with the specified key with
// the uid encoded at the end
Key uidPrefixKey(KeyRef keyPrefix, UID logUid) {
BinaryWriter bw(Unversioned());
bw << logUid;
return bw.toStringRef();
// Apply mutations constant variables
// \xff/applyMutationsEnd/[16-byte UID] := serialize( endVersion, Unversioned() )
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsEndRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsEnd/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsEnd0"));
// \xff/applyMutationsBegin/[16-byte UID] := serialize( beginVersion, Unversioned() )
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsBeginRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsBegin/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsBegin0"));
// \xff/applyMutationsAddPrefix/[16-byte UID] := addPrefix
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsAddPrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsAddPrefix/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsAddPrefix0"));
// \xff/applyMutationsRemovePrefix/[16-byte UID] := removePrefix
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsRemovePrefixRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsRemovePrefix/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsRemovePrefix0"));
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsKeyVersionMapRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsKeyVersionMap/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff/applyMutationsKeyVersionMap0"));
const KeyRangeRef applyMutationsKeyVersionCountRange(LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/applyMutationsKeyVersionCount/"), LiteralStringRef("\xff\x02/applyMutationsKeyVersionCount0"));
const KeyRef systemTuplesPrefix = LiteralStringRef("\xff/a/");
const KeyRef metricConfChangeKey = LiteralStringRef("\x01TDMetricConfChanges\x00");
const KeyRangeRef metricConfKeys( LiteralStringRef("\x01TDMetricConf\x00\x01"), LiteralStringRef("\x01TDMetricConf\x00\x02") );
const KeyRef metricConfPrefix = metricConfKeys.begin;
const Key metricConfKey( KeyRef const& prefix, MetricNameRef const& name, KeyRef const& key ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( prefix );
wr.serializeBytes( metricConfPrefix );
wr.serializeBytes( name.type );
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("\x00\x01") );
wr.serializeBytes( name.name );
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("\x00\x01") );
wr.serializeBytes( name.address );
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("\x00\x01") );
wr.serializeBytes( name.id );
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("\x00\x01") );
wr.serializeBytes( key );
wr.serializeBytes( LiteralStringRef("\x00") );
return wr.toStringRef();
std::pair<MetricNameRef, KeyRef> decodeMetricConfKey( KeyRef const& prefix, KeyRef const& key ) {
MetricNameRef result;
KeyRef withoutPrefix = key.removePrefix( prefix );
withoutPrefix = withoutPrefix.removePrefix( metricConfPrefix );
int pos = std::find(withoutPrefix.begin(), withoutPrefix.end(), '\x00') - withoutPrefix.begin();
result.type = withoutPrefix.substr(0,pos);
withoutPrefix = withoutPrefix.substr(pos+2);
pos = std::find(withoutPrefix.begin(), withoutPrefix.end(), '\x00') - withoutPrefix.begin();
result.name = withoutPrefix.substr(0,pos);
withoutPrefix = withoutPrefix.substr(pos+2);
pos = std::find(withoutPrefix.begin(), withoutPrefix.end(), '\x00') - withoutPrefix.begin();
result.address = withoutPrefix.substr(0,pos);
withoutPrefix = withoutPrefix.substr(pos+2);
pos = std::find(withoutPrefix.begin(), withoutPrefix.end(), '\x00') - withoutPrefix.begin();
result.id = withoutPrefix.substr(0,pos);
return std::make_pair( result, withoutPrefix.substr(pos+2,withoutPrefix.size()-pos-3) );
const KeyRef maxUIDKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff");
const KeyRef databaseLockedKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff/dbLocked");