513 lines
18 KiB
513 lines
18 KiB
* pubsub.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cinttypes>
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/pubsub.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
Value uInt64ToValue( uint64_t v ) {
return StringRef(format("%016llx", v));
uint64_t valueToUInt64( const StringRef& v ) {
uint64_t x = 0;
sscanf( v.toString().c_str(), "%" SCNx64, &x );
return x;
Key keyForInbox(uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx", inbox));
Key keyForInboxSubcription(uint64_t inbox, uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/subs/%016llx", inbox, feed));
Key keyForInboxSubcriptionCount(uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/subsCnt", inbox));
Key keyForInboxStalePrefix(uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/stale/", inbox));
Key keyForInboxStaleFeed(uint64_t inbox, uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/stale/%016llx", inbox, feed));
Key keyForInboxCacheByIDPrefix(uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/cid/", inbox));
Key keyForInboxCacheByID(uint64_t inbox, uint64_t messageId) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/cid/%016llx", inbox, messageId));
Key keyForInboxCacheByFeedPrefix(uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/cf/", inbox));
Key keyForInboxCacheByFeed(uint64_t inbox, uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("i/%016llx/cf/%016llx", inbox, feed));
Key keyForFeed(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx", feed));
Key keyForFeedSubcriber(uint64_t feed, uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/subs/%016llx", feed, inbox));
Key keyForFeedSubcriberCount(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/subscCnt", feed));
Key keyForFeedMessage(uint64_t feed, uint64_t message) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/m/%016llx", feed, message));
Key keyForFeedMessagePrefix(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/m/", feed));
Key keyForFeedMessageCount(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/messCount", feed));
// the following should go at some point: change over to range query of count 1 from feed message list
Key keyForFeedLatestMessage(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/latestMessID", feed));
Key keyForFeedWatcherPrefix(uint64_t feed) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/watchers/", feed));
Key keyForFeedWatcher(uint64_t feed, uint64_t inbox) {
return StringRef(format("f/%016llx/watchers/%016llx", feed, inbox));
Standalone<StringRef> messagePrefix(LiteralStringRef("m/"));
Key keyForMessage(uint64_t message) {
return StringRef(format("m/%016llx", message));
Key keyForDisptchEntry(uint64_t message) {
return StringRef(format("d/%016llx", message));
PubSub::PubSub(Database _cx)
: cx(_cx)
ACTOR Future<uint64_t> _createFeed(Database cx, Standalone<StringRef> metadata) {
state uint64_t id(g_random->randomUniqueID().first()); // SOMEDAY: this should be an atomic increment
TraceEvent("PubSubCreateFeed").detail("Feed", id);
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
state Optional<Value> val = wait(tr.get(keyForFeed(id)));
while(val.present()) {
id = id + g_random->randomInt(1, 100);
Optional<Value> v = wait(tr.get(keyForFeed(id)));
val = v;
tr.set(keyForFeed(id), metadata);
tr.set(keyForFeedSubcriberCount(id), uInt64ToValue(0));
tr.set(keyForFeedMessageCount(id), uInt64ToValue(0));
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
return id;
Future<uint64_t> PubSub::createFeed(Standalone<StringRef> metadata) {
return _createFeed(cx, metadata);
ACTOR Future<uint64_t> _createInbox(Database cx, Standalone<StringRef> metadata) {
state uint64_t id = g_random->randomUniqueID().first();
TraceEvent("PubSubCreateInbox").detail("Inbox", id);
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
state Optional<Value> val = wait(tr.get(keyForInbox(id)));
while(val.present()) {
id += g_random->randomInt(1, 100);
Optional<Value> v = wait(tr.get(keyForFeed(id)));
val = v;
tr.set(keyForInbox(id), metadata);
tr.set(keyForInboxSubcriptionCount(id), uInt64ToValue(0));
wait( tr.commit() );
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
return id;
Future<uint64_t> PubSub::createInbox(Standalone<StringRef> metadata) {
return _createInbox(cx, metadata);
ACTOR Future<bool> _createSubcription(Database cx, uint64_t feed, uint64_t inbox) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
TraceEvent("PubSubCreateSubscription").detail("Feed", feed).detail("Inbox", inbox);
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> subcription = wait(tr.get(keyForInboxSubcription(inbox, feed)));
if(subcription.present()) {
// For idempotency, this could exist from a previous transaction from us that succeeded
return true;
Optional<Value> inboxVal = wait(tr.get(keyForInbox(inbox)));
if(!inboxVal.present()) {
return false;
Optional<Value> feedVal = wait(tr.get(keyForFeed(feed)));
if(!feedVal.present()) {
return false;
// Update the subscriptions of the inbox
Optional<Value> subcriptionCountVal = wait(tr.get(keyForInboxSubcriptionCount(inbox)));
uint64_t subcriptionCount = valueToUInt64(subcriptionCountVal.get()); // throws if count not present
tr.set(keyForInboxSubcription(inbox, feed), StringRef());
tr.set(keyForInboxSubcriptionCount(inbox), uInt64ToValue(subcriptionCount + 1));
// Update the subcribers of the feed
Optional<Value> subcriberCountVal = wait(tr.get(keyForFeedSubcriberCount(feed)));
uint64_t subcriberCount = valueToUInt64(subcriberCountVal.get()); // throws if count not present
tr.set(keyForFeedSubcriber(feed, inbox), StringRef());
tr.set(keyForFeedSubcriberCount(inbox), uInt64ToValue(subcriberCount + 1));
// Add inbox as watcher of feed.
tr.set(keyForFeedWatcher(feed, inbox), StringRef());
wait( tr.commit() );
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
return true;
Future<bool> PubSub::createSubcription(uint64_t feed, uint64_t inbox) {
return _createSubcription(cx, feed, inbox);
// Since we are not relying on "read-your-own-writes", we need to keep track of
// the highest-numbered inbox that we've cleared from the watchers list and
// make sure that further requests start after this inbox.
ACTOR Future<Void> updateFeedWatchers(Transaction *tr, uint64_t feed) {
state StringRef watcherPrefix = keyForFeedWatcherPrefix(feed);
state uint64_t highestInbox;
state bool first = true;
loop {
// Grab watching inboxes in swaths of 100
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> watchingInboxes = wait( (*tr).getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedWatcher(feed, first ? 0 : highestInbox + 1)),
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedWatcher(feed, UINT64_MAX)), 100 ) ); // REVIEW: does 100 make sense?
// If there are no watchers, return.
return Void();
first = false;
state int idx = 0;
for(; idx < watchingInboxes.size(); idx++) {
KeyRef key = watchingInboxes[idx].key;
StringRef inboxStr = key.removePrefix(watcherPrefix);
uint64_t inbox = valueToUInt64(inboxStr);
// add this feed to the stale list of inbox
(*tr).set(keyForInboxStaleFeed(inbox, feed), StringRef());
// remove the inbox from the list of watchers on this feed
highestInbox = inbox;
if(watchingInboxes.size() < 100)
// If there were fewer watchers returned that we asked for, we're done.
return Void();
* Posts a message to a feed. This updates the list of stale feeds to all watchers.
* Return: a per-feed (non-global) message ID.
* This needs many additions to make it "real"
* SOMEDAY: create better global message table to enforce cross-feed ordering.
* SOMEDAY: create a global "dispatching" list for feeds that have yet to fully update inboxes.
* Move feed in and remove watchers in one transaction, possibly
* SOMEDAY: create a global list of the most-subscribed-to feeds that all inbox reads check
ACTOR Future<uint64_t> _postMessage(Database cx, uint64_t feed, Standalone<StringRef> data) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
state uint64_t messageId = UINT64_MAX - (uint64_t)now();
TraceEvent("PubSubPost").detail("Feed", feed).detail("Message", messageId);
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> feedValue = wait(tr.get(keyForFeed(feed)));
if(!feedValue.present()) {
// No such feed!!
return uint64_t(0);
// Get globally latest message, set our ID to that less one
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> latestMessage = wait( tr.getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForMessage(UINT64_MAX)), 1 ) );
if(!latestMessage.size()) {
messageId = UINT64_MAX - 1;
} else {
StringRef messageStr = latestMessage[0].key.removePrefix(messagePrefix);
messageId = valueToUInt64(messageStr) - 1;
tr.set(keyForMessage(messageId), StringRef());
tr.set(keyForDisptchEntry(messageId), StringRef());
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
tr = Transaction(cx);
loop {
try {
// Record this ID as the "latest message" for a feed
tr.set(keyForFeedLatestMessage(feed), uInt64ToValue(messageId));
// Store message in list of feed's messages
tr.set(keyForFeedMessage(feed, messageId), StringRef());
// Update the count of message that this feed has published
Optional<Value> cntValue = wait(tr.get(keyForFeedMessageCount(feed)));
uint64_t messageCount(valueToUInt64(cntValue.get()) + 1);
tr.set(keyForFeedMessageCount(feed), uInt64ToValue(messageCount));
// Go through the list of watching inboxes
wait(updateFeedWatchers(&tr, feed));
// Post the real message data; clear the "dispatching" entry
tr.set(keyForMessage(messageId), data);
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
return messageId;
Future<uint64_t> PubSub::postMessage(uint64_t feed, Standalone<StringRef> data) {
return _postMessage(cx, feed, data);
ACTOR Future<int> singlePassInboxCacheUpdate(Database cx, uint64_t inbox, int swath) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
// For each stale feed, update cache with latest message id
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> staleFeeds = wait( tr.getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForInboxStaleFeed(inbox, 0)),
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForInboxStaleFeed(inbox, UINT64_MAX)), swath ) ); //REVIEW: does 100 make sense?
//printf(" --> stale feeds list size: %d\n", staleFeeds.size());
// If there are no stale feeds, return.
return 0;
state StringRef stalePrefix = keyForInboxStalePrefix(inbox);
state int idx = 0;
for(; idx < staleFeeds.size(); idx++) {
StringRef feedStr = staleFeeds[idx].key.removePrefix(stalePrefix);
//printf(" --> clearing stale entry: %s\n", feedStr.toString().c_str());
state uint64_t feed = valueToUInt64(feedStr);
// SOMEDAY: change this to be a range query for the highest #'ed message
Optional<Value> v = wait(tr.get(keyForFeedLatestMessage(feed)));
state Value latestMessageValue = v.get();
//printf(" --> latest message from feed: %s\n", latestMessageValue.toString().c_str());
// find the messageID which is currently cached for this feed
Optional<Value> lastCachedValue = wait(tr.get(keyForInboxCacheByFeed(inbox, feed)));
if(lastCachedValue.present()) {
uint64_t lastCachedId = valueToUInt64(lastCachedValue.get());
// clear out the cache entry in the "by-ID" list for this feed
// SOMEDAY: should we leave this in there in some way, or should we pull a better/more recent cache?
tr.clear(keyForInboxCacheByID(inbox, lastCachedId));
//printf(" --> caching message by ID: %s\n", keyForInboxCacheByID(inbox, valueToUInt64(latestMessageValue)).toString().c_str());
tr.set(keyForInboxCacheByID(inbox, valueToUInt64(latestMessageValue)), uInt64ToValue(feed));
// set the latest message
tr.set(keyForInboxCacheByFeed(inbox, feed), latestMessageValue);
// place watch back on feed
tr.set(keyForFeedWatcher(feed, inbox), StringRef());
//printf(" --> adding watch to feed: %s\n", keyForFeedWatcher(feed, inbox).toString().c_str());
return staleFeeds.size();
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
// SOMEDAY: evaluate if this could lead to painful loop if there's one frequent feed.
ACTOR Future<Void> updateInboxCache(Database cx, uint64_t inbox) {
state int swath = 100;
state int updatedEntries = swath;
while(updatedEntries >= swath) {
int retVal = wait(singlePassInboxCacheUpdate(cx, inbox, swath));
updatedEntries = retVal;
return Void();
ACTOR Future<MessageId> getFeedLatestAtOrAfter(Transaction *tr, Feed feed, MessageId position) {
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> lastMessageRange = wait( (*tr).getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedMessage(feed, position)),
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedMessage(feed, UINT64_MAX)), 1 ) );
return uint64_t(0);
KeyValueRef m = lastMessageRange[0];
StringRef prefix = keyForFeedMessagePrefix(feed);
StringRef mIdStr = m.key.removePrefix(prefix);
return valueToUInt64(mIdStr);
ACTOR Future<Message> getMessage(Transaction *tr, Feed feed, MessageId id) {
state Message m;
m.originatorFeed = feed;
m.messageId = id;
Optional<Value> data = wait(tr->get(keyForMessage(id)));
m.data = data.get();
return m;
ACTOR Future<std::vector<Message>> _listInboxMessages(Database cx, uint64_t inbox, int count, uint64_t cursor);
// inboxes with MANY fast feeds may be punished by the following checks
// SOMEDAY: add a check on global lists (or on dispatching list)
ACTOR Future<std::vector<Message>> _listInboxMessages(Database cx, uint64_t inbox, int count, uint64_t cursor)
TraceEvent("PubSubListInbox").detail("Inbox", inbox).detail("Count", count).detail("Cursor", cursor);
wait(updateInboxCache(cx, inbox));
state StringRef perIdPrefix = keyForInboxCacheByIDPrefix(inbox);
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
state std::vector<Message> messages;
state std::map<MessageId, Feed> feedLatest;
try {
// Fetch all cached entries for all the feeds to which we are subscribed
Optional<Value> cntValue = wait(tr.get(keyForInboxSubcriptionCount(inbox)));
uint64_t subscriptions = valueToUInt64(cntValue.get());
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> feeds = wait( tr.getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForInboxCacheByID(inbox, 0)),
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForInboxCacheByID(inbox, UINT64_MAX)), subscriptions ) );
return messages;
// read cache into map, replace entries newer than cursor with the newest older than cursor
state int idx = 0;
for(; idx < feeds.size(); idx++) {
StringRef mIdStr = feeds[idx].key.removePrefix(perIdPrefix);
MessageId messageId = valueToUInt64(mIdStr);
state Feed feed = valueToUInt64(feeds[idx].value);
//printf(" -> cached message %016llx from feed %016llx\n", messageId, feed);
if(messageId >= cursor) {
//printf(" -> entering message %016llx from feed %016llx\n", messageId, feed);
feedLatest.insert(pair<MessageId, Feed>(messageId, feed));
} else {
// replace this with the first message older than the cursor
MessageId mId = wait(getFeedLatestAtOrAfter(&tr, feed, cursor));
if(mId) {
feedLatest.insert(pair<MessageId, Feed>(mId, feed));
// There were some cached feeds, but none with messages older than "cursor"
return messages;
// Check the list of dispatching messages to make sure there are no older ones than ours
state MessageId earliestMessage = feedLatest.begin()->first;
Standalone<RangeResultRef> dispatching = wait( tr.getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForDisptchEntry(UINT64_MAX)), 1 ) );
// If there are messages "older" than ours, try this again
// (with a new transaction and a flush of the "stale" feeds
if(dispatching.size()) {
std::vector<Message> r = wait( _listInboxMessages(cx, inbox, count, earliestMessage) );
return r;
while (messages.size() < count && feedLatest.size() > 0) {
std::map<MessageId, Feed>::iterator latest = feedLatest.begin();
state MessageId id = latest->first;
state Feed f = latest->second;
Message m = wait( getMessage( &tr, f, id ) );
messages.push_back( m );
MessageId nextMessage = wait(getFeedLatestAtOrAfter(&tr, f, id + 1));
if(nextMessage) {
feedLatest.insert(pair<MessageId, Feed>(nextMessage, f));
return messages;
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
Future<std::vector<Message>> PubSub::listInboxMessages(uint64_t inbox, int count, uint64_t cursor) {
return _listInboxMessages(cx, inbox, count, cursor);
ACTOR Future<std::vector<Message>> _listFeedMessages(Database cx, Feed feed, int count, uint64_t cursor) {
state std::vector<Message> messages;
state Transaction tr(cx);
TraceEvent("PubSubListFeed").detail("Feed", feed).detail("Count", count).detail("Cursor", cursor);
loop {
try {
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> messageIds = wait( tr.getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedMessage(feed, cursor)),
firstGreaterOrEqual(keyForFeedMessage(feed, UINT64_MAX)), count ) );
return messages;
state int idx = 0;
for(; idx < messageIds.size(); idx++) {
StringRef mIdStr = messageIds[idx].key.removePrefix(keyForFeedMessagePrefix(feed));
MessageId messageId = valueToUInt64(mIdStr);
Message m = wait( getMessage(&tr, feed, messageId) );
messages.push_back( m );
return messages;
} catch(Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
Future<std::vector<Message>> PubSub::listFeedMessages(Feed feed, int count, uint64_t cursor) {
return _listFeedMessages(cx, feed, count, cursor);