399 lines
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399 lines
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* futures.go
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// FoundationDB Go API
package fdb
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lfdb_c -lm
// #define FDB_API_VERSION 610
// #include <foundationdb/fdb_c.h>
// #include <string.h>
// extern void unlockMutex(void*);
// void go_callback(FDBFuture* f, void* m) {
// unlockMutex(m);
// }
// void go_set_callback(void* f, void* m) {
// fdb_future_set_callback(f, (FDBCallback)&go_callback, m);
// }
import "C"
import (
// A Future represents a value (or error) to be available at some later
// time. Asynchronous FDB API functions return one of the types that implement
// the Future interface. All Future types additionally implement Get and MustGet
// methods with different return types. Calling BlockUntilReady, Get or MustGet
// will block the calling goroutine until the Future is ready.
type Future interface {
// BlockUntilReady blocks the calling goroutine until the future is ready. A
// future becomes ready either when it receives a value of its enclosed type
// (if any) or is set to an error state.
// IsReady returns true if the future is ready, and false otherwise, without
// blocking. A future is ready either when has received a value of its
// enclosed type (if any) or has been set to an error state.
IsReady() bool
// Cancel cancels a future and its associated asynchronous operation. If
// called before the future becomes ready, attempts to access the future
// will return an error. Cancel has no effect if the future is already
// ready.
// Note that even if a future is not ready, the associated asynchronous
// operation may already have completed and be unable to be cancelled.
type future struct {
ptr *C.FDBFuture
func newFuture(ptr *C.FDBFuture) *future {
f := &future{ptr}
runtime.SetFinalizer(f, func(f *future) { C.fdb_future_destroy(f.ptr) })
return f
func fdb_future_block_until_ready(f *C.FDBFuture) {
if C.fdb_future_is_ready(f) != 0 {
// The mutex here is used as a signal that the callback is complete.
// We first lock it, then pass it to the callback, and then lock it
// again. The second call to lock won't return until the callback has
// fired.
// See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/SPjQEcsdORA
// for the history of why this pattern came to be used.
m := &sync.Mutex{}
C.go_set_callback(unsafe.Pointer(f), unsafe.Pointer(m))
func (f *future) BlockUntilReady() {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f)
func (f *future) IsReady() bool {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f)
return C.fdb_future_is_ready(f.ptr) != 0
func (f *future) Cancel() {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f)
// FutureByteSlice represents the asynchronous result of a function that returns
// a value from a database. FutureByteSlice is a lightweight object that may be
// efficiently copied, and is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type FutureByteSlice interface {
// Get returns a database value (or nil if there is no value), or an error
// if the asynchronous operation associated with this future did not
// successfully complete. The current goroutine will be blocked until the
// future is ready.
Get() ([]byte, error)
// MustGet returns a database value (or nil if there is no value), or panics
// if the asynchronous operation associated with this future did not
// successfully complete. The current goroutine will be blocked until the
// future is ready.
MustGet() []byte
type futureByteSlice struct {
v []byte
e error
o sync.Once
func (f *futureByteSlice) Get() ([]byte, error) {
f.o.Do(func() {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
var present C.fdb_bool_t
var value *C.uint8_t
var length C.int
if err := C.fdb_future_get_value(f.ptr, &present, &value, &length); err != 0 {
f.e = Error{int(err)}
if present != 0 {
f.v = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(value), length)
return f.v, f.e
func (f *futureByteSlice) MustGet() []byte {
val, err := f.Get()
if err != nil {
return val
// FutureKey represents the asynchronous result of a function that returns a key
// from a database. FutureKey is a lightweight object that may be efficiently
// copied, and is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type FutureKey interface {
// Get returns a database key or an error if the asynchronous operation
// associated with this future did not successfully complete. The current
// goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
Get() (Key, error)
// MustGet returns a database key, or panics if the asynchronous operation
// associated with this future did not successfully complete. The current
// goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
MustGet() Key
type futureKey struct {
k Key
e error
o sync.Once
func (f *futureKey) Get() (Key, error) {
f.o.Do(func() {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
var value *C.uint8_t
var length C.int
if err := C.fdb_future_get_key(f.ptr, &value, &length); err != 0 {
f.e = Error{int(err)}
f.k = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(value), length)
return f.k, f.e
func (f *futureKey) MustGet() Key {
val, err := f.Get()
if err != nil {
return val
// FutureNil represents the asynchronous result of a function that has no return
// value. FutureNil is a lightweight object that may be efficiently copied, and
// is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type FutureNil interface {
// Get returns an error if the asynchronous operation associated with this
// future did not successfully complete. The current goroutine will be
// blocked until the future is ready.
Get() error
// MustGet panics if the asynchronous operation associated with this future
// did not successfully complete. The current goroutine will be blocked
// until the future is ready.
type futureNil struct {
func (f *futureNil) Get() error {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
if err := C.fdb_future_get_error(f.ptr); err != 0 {
return Error{int(err)}
return nil
func (f *futureNil) MustGet() {
if err := f.Get(); err != nil {
type futureKeyValueArray struct {
func stringRefToSlice(ptr unsafe.Pointer) []byte {
size := *((*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + 8)))
if size == 0 {
return []byte{}
src := unsafe.Pointer(*(**C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)))
return C.GoBytes(src, size)
func (f *futureKeyValueArray) Get() ([]KeyValue, bool, error) {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
var kvs *C.FDBKeyValue
var count C.int
var more C.fdb_bool_t
if err := C.fdb_future_get_keyvalue_array(f.ptr, &kvs, &count, &more); err != 0 {
return nil, false, Error{int(err)}
ret := make([]KeyValue, int(count))
for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ {
kvptr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(kvs)) + uintptr(i*24))
ret[i].Key = stringRefToSlice(kvptr)
ret[i].Value = stringRefToSlice(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(kvptr) + 12))
return ret, (more != 0), nil
// FutureInt64 represents the asynchronous result of a function that returns a
// database version. FutureInt64 is a lightweight object that may be efficiently
// copied, and is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type FutureInt64 interface {
// Get returns a database version or an error if the asynchronous operation
// associated with this future did not successfully complete. The current
// goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
Get() (int64, error)
// MustGet returns a database version, or panics if the asynchronous
// operation associated with this future did not successfully complete. The
// current goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
MustGet() int64
type futureInt64 struct {
func (f *futureInt64) Get() (int64, error) {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
var ver C.int64_t
if err := C.fdb_future_get_version(f.ptr, &ver); err != 0 {
return 0, Error{int(err)}
return int64(ver), nil
func (f *futureInt64) MustGet() int64 {
val, err := f.Get()
if err != nil {
return val
// FutureStringSlice represents the asynchronous result of a function that
// returns a slice of strings. FutureStringSlice is a lightweight object that
// may be efficiently copied, and is safe for concurrent use by multiple
// goroutines.
type FutureStringSlice interface {
// Get returns a slice of strings or an error if the asynchronous operation
// associated with this future did not successfully complete. The current
// goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
Get() ([]string, error)
// MustGet returns a slice of strings or panics if the asynchronous
// operation associated with this future did not successfully complete. The
// current goroutine will be blocked until the future is ready.
MustGet() []string
type futureStringSlice struct {
func (f *futureStringSlice) Get() ([]string, error) {
defer runtime.KeepAlive(f.future)
var strings **C.char
var count C.int
if err := C.fdb_future_get_string_array(f.ptr, (***C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&strings)), &count); err != 0 {
return nil, Error{int(err)}
ret := make([]string, int(count))
for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ {
ret[i] = C.GoString((*C.char)(*(**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(strings)) + uintptr(i*8)))))
return ret, nil
func (f *futureStringSlice) MustGet() []string {
val, err := f.Get()
if err != nil {
return val