
468 lines
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* BlobCipher.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/network.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/EncryptUtils.h"
#include "flow/FastRef.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "flow/"
#if defined(HAVE_WOLFSSL)
#include <wolfssl/options.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#include <openssl/engine.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#define AES_256_KEY_LENGTH 32
#define AES_256_IV_LENGTH 16
// Encryption operations buffer management
// Approach limits number of copies needed during encryption or decryption operations.
// For encryption EncryptBuf is allocated using client supplied Arena and provided to AES library to capture
// the ciphertext. Similarly, on decryption EncryptBuf is allocated using client supplied Arena and provided
// to the AES library to capture decipher text and passed back to the clients. Given the object passed around
// is reference-counted, it gets freed once refrenceCount goes to 0.
class EncryptBuf : public ReferenceCounted<EncryptBuf>, NonCopyable {
EncryptBuf(int size, Arena& arena) : allocSize(size), logicalSize(size) {
if (size > 0) {
buffer = new (arena) uint8_t[size];
} else {
buffer = nullptr;
int getLogicalSize() { return logicalSize; }
void setLogicalSize(int value) {
ASSERT(value <= allocSize);
logicalSize = value;
uint8_t* begin() { return buffer; }
int allocSize;
int logicalSize;
uint8_t* buffer;
// BlobCipher Encryption header format
// This header is persisted along with encrypted buffer, it contains information necessary
// to assist decrypting the buffers to serve read requests.
// The total space overhead is 104 bytes.
#pragma pack(push, 1) // exact fit - no padding
typedef struct BlobCipherEncryptHeader {
static constexpr int headerSize = 104;
union {
struct {
uint8_t size; // reading first byte is sufficient to determine header
uint8_t headerVersion{};
uint8_t encryptMode{};
uint8_t authTokenMode{};
uint8_t _reserved[4]{};
} flags;
uint64_t _padding{};
// Cipher text encryption information
struct {
// Encryption domain boundary identifier.
EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId{};
// BaseCipher encryption key identifier
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId baseCipherId{};
// Random salt
EncryptCipherRandomSalt salt{};
// Initialization vector used to encrypt the payload.
uint8_t iv[AES_256_IV_LENGTH];
} cipherTextDetails;
struct {
// Encryption domainId for the header
EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId{};
// BaseCipher encryption key identifier.
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId baseCipherId{};
// Random salt
EncryptCipherRandomSalt salt{};
} cipherHeaderDetails;
// Encryption header is stored as plaintext on a persistent storage to assist reconstruction of cipher-key(s) for
// reads. FIPS compliance recommendation is to leverage cryptographic digest mechanism to generate 'authentication
// token' (crypto-secure) to protect against malicious tampering and/or bit rot/flip scenarios.
union {
// Encryption header support two modes of generation 'authentication tokens':
// 1) SingleAuthTokenMode: the scheme generates single crypto-secrure auth token to protect {cipherText +
// header} payload. Scheme is geared towards optimizing cost due to crypto-secure auth-token generation,
// however, on decryption client needs to be read 'header' + 'encrypted-buffer' to validate the 'auth-token'.
// The scheme is ideal for usecases where payload represented by the encryptionHeader is not large and it is
// desirable to minimize CPU/latency penalty due to crypto-secure ops, such as: CommitProxies encrypted inline
// transactions, StorageServer encrypting pages etc. 2) MultiAuthTokenMode: Scheme generates separate authTokens
// for 'encrypted buffer' & 'encryption-header'. The scheme is ideal where payload represented by
// encryptionHeader is large enough such that it is desirable to optimize cost of upfront reading full
// 'encrypted buffer', compared to reading only encryptionHeader and ensuring its sanity; for instance:
// backup-files.
struct {
// Cipher text authentication token
uint8_t cipherTextAuthToken[AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE]{};
uint8_t headerAuthToken[AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE]{};
} multiAuthTokens;
struct {
uint8_t authToken[AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE]{};
uint8_t _reserved[AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE]{};
} singleAuthToken;
BlobCipherEncryptHeader() {}
} BlobCipherEncryptHeader;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Ensure no struct-packing issues
static_assert(sizeof(BlobCipherEncryptHeader) == BlobCipherEncryptHeader::headerSize,
"BlobCipherEncryptHeader size mismatch");
// This interface is in-memory representation of CipherKey used for encryption/decryption information.
// It caches base encryption key properties as well as caches the 'derived encryption' key obtained by applying
// HMAC-SHA-256 derivation technique.
class BlobCipherKey : public ReferenceCounted<BlobCipherKey>, NonCopyable {
BlobCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCiphId,
const uint8_t* baseCiph,
int baseCiphLen);
BlobCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCiphId,
const uint8_t* baseCiph,
int baseCiphLen,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
uint8_t* data() const { return cipher.get(); }
uint64_t getCreationTime() const { return creationTime; }
EncryptCipherDomainId getDomainId() const { return encryptDomainId; }
EncryptCipherRandomSalt getSalt() const { return randomSalt; }
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId getBaseCipherId() const { return baseCipherId; }
int getBaseCipherLen() const { return baseCipherLen; }
uint8_t* rawCipher() const { return cipher.get(); }
uint8_t* rawBaseCipher() const { return baseCipher.get(); }
bool isEqual(const Reference<BlobCipherKey> toCompare) {
return encryptDomainId == toCompare->getDomainId() && baseCipherId == toCompare->getBaseCipherId() &&
randomSalt == toCompare->getSalt() && baseCipherLen == toCompare->getBaseCipherLen() &&
memcmp(cipher.get(), toCompare->rawCipher(), AES_256_KEY_LENGTH) == 0 &&
memcmp(baseCipher.get(), toCompare->rawBaseCipher(), baseCipherLen) == 0;
void reset();
// Encryption domain boundary identifier
EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId;
// Base encryption cipher key properties
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> baseCipher;
int baseCipherLen;
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId baseCipherId;
// Random salt used for encryption cipher key derivation
EncryptCipherRandomSalt randomSalt;
// Creation timestamp for the derived encryption cipher key
uint64_t creationTime;
// Derived encryption cipher key
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> cipher;
void initKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const uint8_t* baseCiph,
int baseCiphLen,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCiphId,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
void applyHmacSha256Derivation();
// This interface allows FDB processes participating in encryption to store and
// index recently used encyption cipher keys. FDB encryption has two dimensions:
// 1. Mapping on cipher encryption keys per "encryption domains"
// 2. Per encryption domain, the cipher keys are index using {baseCipherKeyId, salt} tuple.
// The design supports NIST recommendation of limiting lifetime of an encryption
// key. For details refer to:
// Below gives a pictoral representation of in-memory datastructure implemented
// to index encryption keys:
// { encryptionDomain -> { {baseCipherId, salt} -> cipherKey } }
// Supported cache lookups schemes:
// 1. Lookup cipher based on { encryptionDomainId, baseCipherKeyId, salt } triplet.
// 2. Lookup latest cipher key for a given encryptionDomainId.
// Client is responsible to handle cache-miss usecase, the corrective operation
// might vary based on the calling process, for instance: EncryptKeyServer
// cache-miss shall invoke RPC to external Encryption Key Manager to fetch the
// required encryption key, however, CPs/SSs cache-miss would result in RPC to
// EncryptKeyServer to refresh the desired encryption key.
using BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKey = std::pair<EncryptCipherBaseKeyId, EncryptCipherRandomSalt>;
using BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKeyHash = boost::hash<BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKey>;
using BlobCipherKeyIdCacheMap =
std::unordered_map<BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKey, Reference<BlobCipherKey>, BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKeyHash>;
using BlobCipherKeyIdCacheMapCItr =
std::unordered_map<BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKey, Reference<BlobCipherKey>, BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKeyHash>::const_iterator;
struct BlobCipherKeyIdCache : ReferenceCounted<BlobCipherKeyIdCache> {
explicit BlobCipherKeyIdCache(EncryptCipherDomainId dId);
BlobCipherKeyIdCacheKey getCacheKey(const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
// API returns the last inserted cipherKey.
// If none exists, null reference is returned.
Reference<BlobCipherKey> getLatestCipherKey();
// API returns cipherKey corresponding to input 'baseCipherKeyId'.
// If none exists, null reference is returned.
Reference<BlobCipherKey> getCipherByBaseCipherId(const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherKeyId,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
// API enables inserting base encryption cipher details to the BlobCipherKeyIdCache.
// Given cipherKeys are immutable, attempting to re-insert same 'identical' cipherKey
// is treated as a NOP (success), however, an attempt to update cipherKey would throw
// 'encrypt_update_cipher' exception. Returns the inserted cipher key if success.
// API NOTE: Recommended usecase is to update encryption cipher-key is updated the external
// keyManagementSolution to limit an encryption key lifetime
Reference<BlobCipherKey> insertBaseCipherKey(const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const uint8_t* baseCipher,
int baseCipherLen);
// API enables inserting base encryption cipher details to the BlobCipherKeyIdCache
// Given cipherKeys are immutable, attempting to re-insert same 'identical' cipherKey
// is treated as a NOP (success), however, an attempt to update cipherKey would throw
// 'encrypt_update_cipher' exception. Returns the inserted cipher key if sucess.
// API NOTE: Recommended usecase is to update encryption cipher-key regeneration while performing
// decryption. The encryptionheader would contain relevant details including: 'encryptDomainId',
// 'baseCipherId' & 'salt'. The caller needs to fetch 'baseCipherKey' detail and re-populate KeyCache.
// Also, the invocation will NOT update the latest cipher-key details.
void insertBaseCipherKey(const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const uint8_t* baseCipher,
int baseCipherLen,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
// API cleanup the cache by dropping all cached cipherKeys
void cleanup();
// API returns list of all 'cached' cipherKeys
std::vector<Reference<BlobCipherKey>> getAllCipherKeys();
EncryptCipherDomainId domainId;
BlobCipherKeyIdCacheMap keyIdCache;
Optional<EncryptCipherBaseKeyId> latestBaseCipherKeyId;
Optional<EncryptCipherRandomSalt> latestRandomSalt;
using BlobCipherDomainCacheMap = std::unordered_map<EncryptCipherDomainId, Reference<BlobCipherKeyIdCache>>;
class BlobCipherKeyCache : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<BlobCipherKeyCache> {
// Public visibility constructior ONLY to assist FlowSingleton instance creation.
// API Note: Constructor is expected to be instantiated only in simulation mode.
explicit BlobCipherKeyCache(bool ignored) { ASSERT(g_network->isSimulated()); }
// Enable clients to insert base encryption cipher details to the BlobCipherKeyCache.
// The cipherKeys are indexed using 'baseCipherId', given cipherKeys are immutable,
// attempting to re-insert same 'identical' cipherKey is treated as a NOP (success),
// however, an attempt to update cipherKey would throw 'encrypt_update_cipher' exception.
// Returns the inserted cipher key if success.
// API NOTE: Recommended use case is to update encryption cipher-key is updated the external
// keyManagementSolution to limit an encryption key lifetime
Reference<BlobCipherKey> insertCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const uint8_t* baseCipher,
int baseCipherLen);
// Enable clients to insert base encryption cipher details to the BlobCipherKeyCache.
// The cipherKeys are indexed using 'baseCipherId', given cipherKeys are immutable,
// attempting to re-insert same 'identical' cipherKey is treated as a NOP (success),
// however, an attempt to update cipherKey would throw 'encrypt_update_cipher' exception.
// Returns the inserted cipher key if success.
// API NOTE: Recommended usecase is to update encryption cipher-key regeneration while performing
// decryption. The encryptionheader would contain relevant details including: 'encryptDomainId',
// 'baseCipherId' & 'salt'. The caller needs to fetch 'baseCipherKey' detail and re-populate KeyCache.
// Also, the invocation will NOT update the latest cipher-key details.
void insertCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const uint8_t* baseCipher,
int baseCipherLen,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
// API returns the last insert cipherKey for a given encryption domain Id.
// If domain Id is invalid, it would throw 'encrypt_invalid_id' exception,
// otherwise, and if none exists, it would return null reference.
Reference<BlobCipherKey> getLatestCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId);
// API returns cipherKey corresponding to {encryptionDomainId, baseCipherId} tuple.
// If none exists, it would return null reference.
Reference<BlobCipherKey> getCipherKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt);
// API returns point in time list of all 'cached' cipherKeys for a given encryption domainId.
std::vector<Reference<BlobCipherKey>> getAllCiphers(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId);
// API enables dropping all 'cached' cipherKeys for a given encryption domain Id.
// Useful to cleanup cache if an encryption domain gets removed/destroyed etc.
void resetEncryptDomainId(const EncryptCipherDomainId domainId);
static Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> getInstance() {
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
return FlowSingleton<BlobCipherKeyCache>::getInstance(
[]() { return makeReference<BlobCipherKeyCache>(g_network->isSimulated()); });
} else {
static BlobCipherKeyCache instance;
return Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache>::addRef(&instance);
// Ensures cached encryption key(s) (plaintext) never gets persisted as part
// of FDB process/core dump.
static void cleanup() noexcept;
BlobCipherDomainCacheMap domainCacheMap;
BlobCipherKeyCache() {}
// This interface enables data block encryption. An invocation to encrypt() will
// do two things:
// 1) generate encrypted ciphertext for given plaintext input.
// 2) generate BlobCipherEncryptHeader (including the 'header authTokens') and persit for decryption on reads.
class EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr final : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr> {
static constexpr uint8_t ENCRYPT_HEADER_VERSION = 1;
EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr(Reference<BlobCipherKey> tCipherKey,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> hCipherKey,
const uint8_t* iv,
const int ivLen,
const EncryptAuthTokenMode mode);
Reference<EncryptBuf> encrypt(const uint8_t* plaintext,
const int plaintextLen,
BlobCipherEncryptHeader* header,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> textCipherKey;
Reference<BlobCipherKey> headerCipherKey;
EncryptAuthTokenMode authTokenMode;
uint8_t iv[AES_256_IV_LENGTH];
// This interface enable data block decryption. An invocation to decrypt() would generate
// 'plaintext' for a given 'ciphertext' input, the caller needs to supply BlobCipherEncryptHeader.
class DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr final : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr> {
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr(Reference<BlobCipherKey> tCipherKey,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> hCipherKey,
const uint8_t* iv);
Reference<EncryptBuf> decrypt(const uint8_t* ciphertext,
const int ciphertextLen,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
// Enable caller to validate encryption header auth-token (if available) without needing to read the full encrypted
// payload. The call is NOP unless header.flags.authTokenMode == ENCRYPT_HEADER_AUTH_TOKEN_MODE_MULTI.
void verifyHeaderAuthToken(const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header, Arena& arena);
Reference<BlobCipherKey> textCipherKey;
Reference<BlobCipherKey> headerCipherKey;
bool headerAuthTokenValidationDone;
bool authTokensValidationDone;
void verifyEncryptHeaderMetadata(const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header);
void verifyAuthTokens(const uint8_t* ciphertext,
const int ciphertextLen,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
uint8_t* buff,
Arena& arena);
void verifyHeaderSingleAuthToken(const uint8_t* ciphertext,
const int ciphertextLen,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
uint8_t* buff,
Arena& arena);
void verifyHeaderMultiAuthToken(const uint8_t* ciphertext,
const int ciphertextLen,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
uint8_t* buff,
Arena& arena);
class HmacSha256DigestGen final : NonCopyable {
HmacSha256DigestGen(const unsigned char* key, size_t len);
HMAC_CTX* getCtx() const { return ctx; }
StringRef digest(unsigned char const* data, size_t len, Arena&);
HMAC_CTX* ctx;
StringRef computeAuthToken(const uint8_t* payload,
const int payloadLen,
const uint8_t* key,
const int keyLen,
Arena& arena);