1807 lines
67 KiB
1807 lines
67 KiB
* tester.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <toml.hpp>
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbrpc/sim_validation.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClusterInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/Status.h"
#include "fdbserver/QuietDatabase.h"
#include "fdbclient/MonitorLeader.h"
#include "fdbserver/CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/ManagementAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
WorkloadContext::WorkloadContext() {}
WorkloadContext::WorkloadContext(const WorkloadContext& r)
: options(r.options), clientId(r.clientId), clientCount(r.clientCount), sharedRandomNumber(r.sharedRandomNumber),
dbInfo(r.dbInfo) {}
WorkloadContext::~WorkloadContext() {}
const char HEX_CHAR_LOOKUP[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
void emplaceIndex(uint8_t* data, int offset, int64_t index) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
data[(15 - i) + offset] = HEX_CHAR_LOOKUP[index & 0xf];
index = index >> 4;
Key doubleToTestKey(double p) {
return StringRef(format("%016llx", *(uint64_t*)&p));
double testKeyToDouble(const KeyRef& p) {
uint64_t x = 0;
sscanf(p.toString().c_str(), "%" SCNx64, &x);
return *(double*)&x;
Key doubleToTestKey(double p, const KeyRef& prefix) {
return doubleToTestKey(p).withPrefix(prefix);
Key KVWorkload::getRandomKey() const {
return getRandomKey(absentFrac);
Key KVWorkload::getRandomKey(double absentFrac) const {
if (absentFrac > 0.0000001) {
return getRandomKey(deterministicRandom()->random01() < absentFrac);
} else {
return getRandomKey(false);
Key KVWorkload::getRandomKey(bool absent) const {
return keyForIndex(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, nodeCount), absent);
Key KVWorkload::keyForIndex(uint64_t index) const {
if (absentFrac > 0.0000001) {
return keyForIndex(index, deterministicRandom()->random01() < absentFrac);
} else {
return keyForIndex(index, false);
Key KVWorkload::keyForIndex(uint64_t index, bool absent) const {
int adjustedKeyBytes = (absent) ? (keyBytes + 1) : keyBytes;
Key result = makeString(adjustedKeyBytes);
uint8_t* data = mutateString(result);
memset(data, '.', adjustedKeyBytes);
int idx = 0;
if (nodePrefix > 0) {
ASSERT(keyBytes >= 32);
emplaceIndex(data, 0, nodePrefix);
idx += 16;
ASSERT(keyBytes >= 16);
double d = double(index) / nodeCount;
emplaceIndex(data, idx, *(int64_t*)&d);
return result;
double testKeyToDouble(const KeyRef& p, const KeyRef& prefix) {
return testKeyToDouble(p.removePrefix(prefix));
ACTOR Future<Void> poisson(double* last, double meanInterval) {
*last += meanInterval * -log(deterministicRandom()->random01());
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> uniform(double* last, double meanInterval) {
*last += meanInterval;
return Void();
Value getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, Value defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
Value value = options[i].value;
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return value;
return defaultValue;
int getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, int defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
int r;
if (sscanf(options[i].value.toString().c_str(), "%d", &r)) {
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return r;
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidTestOption").detail("OptionName", key);
throw test_specification_invalid();
return defaultValue;
uint64_t getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, uint64_t defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
uint64_t r;
if (sscanf(options[i].value.toString().c_str(), "%" SCNd64, &r)) {
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return r;
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidTestOption").detail("OptionName", key);
throw test_specification_invalid();
return defaultValue;
int64_t getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, int64_t defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
int64_t r;
if (sscanf(options[i].value.toString().c_str(), "%" SCNd64, &r)) {
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return r;
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "InvalidTestOption").detail("OptionName", key);
throw test_specification_invalid();
return defaultValue;
double getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, double defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
float r;
if (sscanf(options[i].value.toString().c_str(), "%f", &r)) {
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return r;
return defaultValue;
bool getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, bool defaultValue) {
Value p = getOption(options, key, defaultValue ? LiteralStringRef("true") : LiteralStringRef("false"));
if (p == LiteralStringRef("true"))
return true;
if (p == LiteralStringRef("false"))
return false;
return false; // Assure that compiler is fine with the function
std::vector<std::string> getOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key, std::vector<std::string> defaultValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (options[i].key == key) {
std::vector<std::string> v;
int begin = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < options[i].value.size(); c++)
if (options[i].value[c] == ',') {
v.push_back(options[i].value.substr(begin, c - begin).toString());
begin = c + 1;
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
return v;
return defaultValue;
bool hasOption(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options, Key key) {
for (const auto& option : options) {
if (option.key == key) {
return true;
return false;
// returns unconsumed options
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> checkAllOptionsConsumed(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options) {
static StringRef nothing = LiteralStringRef("");
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> unconsumed;
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (!(options[i].value == nothing)) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "OptionNotConsumed")
.detail("Key", options[i].key.toString().c_str())
.detail("Value", options[i].value.toString().c_str());
unconsumed.push_back_deep(unconsumed.arena(), options[i]);
return unconsumed;
struct CompoundWorkload : TestWorkload {
std::vector<TestWorkload*> workloads;
CompoundWorkload(WorkloadContext& wcx) : TestWorkload(wcx) {}
CompoundWorkload* add(TestWorkload* w) {
return this;
~CompoundWorkload() override {
for (int w = 0; w < workloads.size(); w++)
delete workloads[w];
std::string description() const override {
std::string d;
for (int w = 0; w < workloads.size(); w++)
d += workloads[w]->description() + (w == workloads.size() - 1 ? "" : ";");
return d;
Future<Void> setup(Database const& cx) override {
std::vector<Future<Void>> all;
for (int w = 0; w < workloads.size(); w++)
return waitForAll(all);
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx) override {
std::vector<Future<Void>> all;
auto wCount = std::make_shared<unsigned>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++) {
std::string workloadName = workloads[i]->description();
.detail("Name", workloadName)
.detail("Count", *wCount)
.detail("Phase", "Start");
[workloadName, wCount](Void value) {
.detail("Name", workloadName)
.detail("Remaining", *wCount)
.detail("Phase", "End");
return Void();
return waitForAll(all);
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx) override {
std::vector<Future<bool>> all;
auto wCount = std::make_shared<unsigned>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++) {
std::string workloadName = workloads[i]->description();
.detail("Name", workloadName)
.detail("Count", *wCount)
.detail("Phase", "Start");
[workloadName, wCount](bool ret) {
.detail("Name", workloadName)
.detail("Remaining", *wCount)
.detail("Phase", "End");
return true;
return allTrue(all);
void getMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m) override {
for (int w = 0; w < workloads.size(); w++) {
std::vector<PerfMetric> p;
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
m.push_back(p[i].withPrefix(workloads[w]->description() + "."));
double getCheckTimeout() const override {
double m = 0;
for (int w = 0; w < workloads.size(); w++)
m = std::max(workloads[w]->getCheckTimeout(), m);
return m;
TestWorkload* getWorkloadIface(WorkloadRequest work,
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> options,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
Value testName = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("testName"), LiteralStringRef("no-test-specified"));
WorkloadContext wcx;
wcx.clientId = work.clientId;
wcx.clientCount = work.clientCount;
wcx.dbInfo = dbInfo;
wcx.options = options;
wcx.sharedRandomNumber = work.sharedRandomNumber;
TestWorkload* workload = IWorkloadFactory::create(testName.toString(), wcx);
auto unconsumedOptions = checkAllOptionsConsumed(workload ? workload->options : VectorRef<KeyValueRef>());
if (!workload || unconsumedOptions.size()) {
TraceEvent evt(SevError, "TestCreationError");
evt.detail("TestName", testName);
if (!workload) {
evt.detail("Reason", "Null workload");
"ERROR: Workload could not be created, perhaps testName (%s) is not a valid workload\n",
} else {
evt.detail("Reason", "Not all options consumed");
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Workload had invalid options. The following were unrecognized:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < unconsumedOptions.size(); i++)
" '%s' = '%s'\n",
delete workload;
throw test_specification_invalid();
return workload;
TestWorkload* getWorkloadIface(WorkloadRequest work, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
if (work.options.size() < 1) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestCreationError").detail("Reason", "No options provided");
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No options were provided for workload.\n");
throw test_specification_invalid();
if (work.options.size() == 1)
return getWorkloadIface(work, work.options[0], dbInfo);
WorkloadContext wcx;
wcx.clientId = work.clientId;
wcx.clientCount = work.clientCount;
wcx.sharedRandomNumber = work.sharedRandomNumber;
// FIXME: Other stuff not filled in; why isn't this constructed here and passed down to the other
// getWorkloadIface()?
CompoundWorkload* compound = new CompoundWorkload(wcx);
for (int i = 0; i < work.options.size(); i++) {
TestWorkload* workload = getWorkloadIface(work, work.options[i], dbInfo);
return compound;
* Only works in simulation. This method prints all simulated processes in a human readable form to stdout. It groups
* processes by data center, data hall, zone, and machine (in this order).
void printSimulatedTopology() {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) {
auto processes = g_simulator.getAllProcesses();
std::sort(processes.begin(), processes.end(), [](ISimulator::ProcessInfo* lhs, ISimulator::ProcessInfo* rhs) {
auto l = lhs->locality;
auto r = rhs->locality;
if (l.dcId() != r.dcId()) {
return l.dcId() < r.dcId();
if (l.dataHallId() != r.dataHallId()) {
return l.dataHallId() < r.dataHallId();
if (l.zoneId() != r.zoneId()) {
return l.zoneId() < r.zoneId();
if (l.machineId() != r.zoneId()) {
return l.machineId() < r.machineId();
return lhs->address < rhs->address;
printf("Simulated Cluster Topology:\n");
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> dcId, dataHallId, zoneId, machineId;
for (auto p : processes) {
std::string indent = "";
if (dcId != p->locality.dcId()) {
dcId = p->locality.dcId();
printf("%sdcId: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->locality.describeDcId().c_str());
indent += " ";
if (dataHallId != p->locality.dataHallId()) {
dataHallId = p->locality.dataHallId();
printf("%sdataHallId: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->locality.describeDataHall().c_str());
indent += " ";
if (zoneId != p->locality.zoneId()) {
zoneId = p->locality.zoneId();
printf("%szoneId: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->locality.describeZone().c_str());
indent += " ";
if (machineId != p->locality.machineId()) {
machineId = p->locality.machineId();
printf("%smachineId: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->locality.describeMachineId().c_str());
indent += " ";
printf("%sAddress: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->address.toString().c_str(), p->name);
indent += " ";
printf("%sClass: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->startingClass.toString().c_str());
printf("%sName: %s\n", indent.c_str(), p->name);
ACTOR Future<Void> databaseWarmer(Database cx) {
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
// Tries indefinitly to commit a simple, self conflicting transaction
ACTOR Future<Void> pingDatabase(Database cx) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> v =
wait(tr.get(StringRef("/Liveness/" + deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString())));
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> testDatabaseLiveness(Database cx,
double databasePingDelay,
std::string context,
double startDelay = 0.0) {
loop {
try {
state double start = now();
auto traceMsg = "PingingDatabaseLiveness_" + context;
wait(timeoutError(pingDatabase(cx), databasePingDelay));
double pingTime = now() - start;
ASSERT(pingTime > 0);
TraceEvent(("PingingDatabaseLivenessDone_" + context).c_str()).detail("TimeTaken", pingTime);
wait(delay(databasePingDelay - pingTime));
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevError, ("PingingDatabaseLivenessError_" + context).c_str())
.detail("PingDelay", databasePingDelay);
template <class T>
void sendResult(ReplyPromise<T>& reply, Optional<ErrorOr<T>> const& result) {
auto& res = result.get();
if (res.isError())
ACTOR Future<Void> runWorkloadAsync(Database cx,
WorkloadInterface workIface,
TestWorkload* workload,
double databasePingDelay) {
state std::unique_ptr<TestWorkload> delw(workload);
state Optional<ErrorOr<Void>> setupResult;
state Optional<ErrorOr<Void>> startResult;
state Optional<ErrorOr<CheckReply>> checkResult;
state ReplyPromise<Void> setupReq;
state ReplyPromise<Void> startReq;
state ReplyPromise<CheckReply> checkReq;
TraceEvent("TestBeginAsync", workIface.id())
.detail("Workload", workload->description())
.detail("DatabasePingDelay", databasePingDelay);
state Future<Void> databaseError =
databasePingDelay == 0.0 ? Never() : testDatabaseLiveness(cx, databasePingDelay, "RunWorkloadAsync");
loop choose {
when(ReplyPromise<Void> req = waitNext(workIface.setup.getFuture())) {
printf("Test received trigger for setup...\n");
TraceEvent("TestSetupBeginning", workIface.id()).detail("Workload", workload->description());
setupReq = req;
if (!setupResult.present()) {
try {
wait(workload->setup(cx) || databaseError);
TraceEvent("TestSetupComplete", workIface.id()).detail("Workload", workload->description());
setupResult = Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
setupResult = operation_failed();
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestSetupError", workIface.id())
.detail("Workload", workload->description());
if (e.code() == error_code_please_reboot || e.code() == error_code_please_reboot_delete)
sendResult(setupReq, setupResult);
when(ReplyPromise<Void> req = waitNext(workIface.start.getFuture())) {
startReq = req;
if (!startResult.present()) {
try {
TraceEvent("TestStarting", workIface.id()).detail("Workload", workload->description());
wait(workload->start(cx) || databaseError);
startResult = Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
startResult = operation_failed();
if (e.code() == error_code_please_reboot || e.code() == error_code_please_reboot_delete)
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure", workIface.id())
.error(e, true)
.detail("Reason", "Error starting workload")
.detail("Workload", workload->description());
// ok = false;
TraceEvent("TestComplete", workIface.id())
.detail("Workload", workload->description())
.detail("OK", !startResult.get().isError());
printf("%s complete\n", workload->description().c_str());
sendResult(startReq, startResult);
when(ReplyPromise<CheckReply> req = waitNext(workIface.check.getFuture())) {
checkReq = req;
if (!checkResult.present()) {
try {
TraceEvent("TestChecking", workIface.id()).detail("Workload", workload->description());
bool check = wait(timeoutError(workload->check(cx), workload->getCheckTimeout()));
checkResult = CheckReply{ (!startResult.present() || !startResult.get().isError()) && check };
} catch (Error& e) {
checkResult = operation_failed(); // was: checkResult = false;
if (e.code() == error_code_please_reboot || e.code() == error_code_please_reboot_delete)
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure", workIface.id())
.detail("Reason", "Error checking workload")
.detail("Workload", workload->description());
// ok = false;
TraceEvent("TestCheckComplete", workIface.id()).detail("Workload", workload->description());
sendResult(checkReq, checkResult);
when(ReplyPromise<std::vector<PerfMetric>> req = waitNext(workIface.metrics.getFuture())) {
state ReplyPromise<std::vector<PerfMetric>> s_req = req;
try {
std::vector<PerfMetric> m;
TraceEvent("WorkloadSendMetrics", workIface.id()).detail("Count", m.size());
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_please_reboot || e.code() == error_code_please_reboot_delete)
TraceEvent(SevError, "WorkloadSendMetrics", workIface.id()).error(e);
when(ReplyPromise<Void> r = waitNext(workIface.stop.getFuture())) {
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> testerServerWorkload(WorkloadRequest work,
Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> ccr,
Reference<AsyncVar<struct ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
LocalityData locality) {
state WorkloadInterface workIface;
state bool replied = false;
state Database cx;
try {
std::map<std::string, std::string> details;
details["WorkloadTitle"] = printable(work.title);
details["ClientId"] = format("%d", work.clientId);
details["ClientCount"] = format("%d", work.clientCount);
details["WorkloadTimeout"] = format("%d", work.timeout);
startRole(Role::TESTER, workIface.id(), UID(), details);
if (work.useDatabase) {
cx = Database::createDatabase(ccr, -1, IsInternal::True, locality);
// add test for "done" ?
TraceEvent("WorkloadReceived", workIface.id()).detail("Title", work.title);
TestWorkload* workload = getWorkloadIface(work, dbInfo);
if (!workload) {
TraceEvent("TestCreationError").detail("Reason", "Workload could not be created");
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The workload could not be created.\n");
throw test_specification_invalid();
Future<Void> test = runWorkloadAsync(cx, workIface, workload, work.databasePingDelay) ||
traceRole(Role::TESTER, workIface.id());
replied = true;
if (work.timeout > 0) {
test = timeoutError(test, work.timeout);
endRole(Role::TESTER, workIface.id(), "Complete");
} catch (Error& e) {
if (!replied) {
if (e.code() == error_code_test_specification_invalid)
bool ok = e.code() == error_code_please_reboot || e.code() == error_code_please_reboot_delete ||
e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled;
endRole(Role::TESTER, workIface.id(), "Error", ok, e);
if (e.code() != error_code_test_specification_invalid && e.code() != error_code_timed_out) {
throw; // fatal errors will kill the testerServer as well
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> testerServerCore(TesterInterface interf,
Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> ccr,
Reference<AsyncVar<struct ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
LocalityData locality) {
state PromiseStream<Future<Void>> addWorkload;
state Future<Void> workerFatalError = actorCollection(addWorkload.getFuture());
TraceEvent("StartingTesterServerCore", interf.id());
loop choose {
when(wait(workerFatalError)) {}
when(WorkloadRequest work = waitNext(interf.recruitments.getFuture())) {
addWorkload.send(testerServerWorkload(work, ccr, dbInfo, locality));
ACTOR Future<Void> clearData(Database cx) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
// This transaction needs to be self-conflicting, but not conflict consistently with
// any other transactions
wait(success(tr.getReadVersion())); // required since we use addReadConflictRange but not get
TraceEvent("TesterClearingDatabase").detail("AtVersion", tr.getCommittedVersion());
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "TesterClearingDatabaseError").error(e);
return Void();
Future<Void> dumpDatabase(Database const& cx, std::string const& outputFilename, KeyRange const& range);
int passCount = 0;
int failCount = 0;
std::vector<PerfMetric> aggregateMetrics(std::vector<std::vector<PerfMetric>> metrics) {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<PerfMetric>> metricMap;
for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
std::vector<PerfMetric> workloadMetrics = metrics[i];
TraceEvent("MetricsReturned").detail("Count", workloadMetrics.size());
for (int m = 0; m < workloadMetrics.size(); m++) {
printf("Metric (%d, %d): %s, %f, %s\n",
.detail("Name", "Reporting Clients")
.detail("Value", (double)metrics.size())
.detail("Formatted", format("%d", metrics.size()).c_str());
std::vector<PerfMetric> result;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<PerfMetric>>::iterator it;
for (it = metricMap.begin(); it != metricMap.end(); it++) {
auto& vec = it->second;
if (!vec.size())
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
sum += vec[i].value();
if (vec[0].averaged() && vec.size())
sum /= vec.size();
result.emplace_back(vec[0].name(), sum, Averaged::False, vec[0].format_code());
return result;
void logMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric> metrics) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < metrics.size(); idx++)
.detail("Name", metrics[idx].name())
.detail("Value", metrics[idx].value())
.detail("Formatted", format(metrics[idx].format_code().c_str(), metrics[idx].value()));
template <class T>
void throwIfError(const std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<T>>>& futures, std::string errorMsg) {
for (auto& future : futures) {
if (future.get().isError()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, errorMsg.c_str()).error(future.get().getError());
throw future.get().getError();
ACTOR Future<DistributedTestResults> runWorkload(Database cx, std::vector<TesterInterface> testers, TestSpec spec) {
.detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title)
.detail("TesterCount", testers.size())
.detail("Phases", spec.phases)
.detail("TestTimeout", spec.timeout);
state std::vector<Future<WorkloadInterface>> workRequests;
state std::vector<std::vector<PerfMetric>> metricsResults;
state int i = 0;
state int success = 0;
state int failure = 0;
int64_t sharedRandom = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, 10000000);
for (; i < testers.size(); i++) {
WorkloadRequest req;
req.title = spec.title;
req.useDatabase = spec.useDB;
req.timeout = spec.timeout;
req.databasePingDelay = spec.useDB ? spec.databasePingDelay : 0.0;
req.options = spec.options;
req.clientId = i;
req.clientCount = testers.size();
req.sharedRandomNumber = sharedRandom;
state std::vector<WorkloadInterface> workloads = wait(getAll(workRequests));
state double waitForFailureTime = g_network->isSimulated() ? 24 * 60 * 60 : 60;
if (g_network->isSimulated() && spec.simCheckRelocationDuration)
if (spec.phases & TestWorkload::SETUP) {
state std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<Void>>> setups;
printf("setting up test (%s)...\n", printable(spec.title).c_str());
TraceEvent("TestSetupStart").detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title);
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++)
setups.push_back(workloads[i].setup.template getReplyUnlessFailedFor<Void>(waitForFailureTime, 0));
throwIfError(setups, "SetupFailedForWorkload" + printable(spec.title));
TraceEvent("TestSetupComplete").detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title);
if (spec.phases & TestWorkload::EXECUTION) {
TraceEvent("TestStarting").detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title);
printf("running test (%s)...\n", printable(spec.title).c_str());
state std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<Void>>> starts;
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++)
starts.push_back(workloads[i].start.template getReplyUnlessFailedFor<Void>(waitForFailureTime, 0));
throwIfError(starts, "StartFailedForWorkload" + printable(spec.title));
printf("%s complete\n", printable(spec.title).c_str());
TraceEvent("TestComplete").detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title);
if (spec.phases & TestWorkload::CHECK) {
if (spec.useDB && (spec.phases & TestWorkload::EXECUTION)) {
state std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<CheckReply>>> checks;
printf("checking test (%s)...\n", printable(spec.title).c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++)
checks.push_back(workloads[i].check.template getReplyUnlessFailedFor<CheckReply>(waitForFailureTime, 0));
throwIfError(checks, "CheckFailedForWorkload" + printable(spec.title));
for (int i = 0; i < checks.size(); i++) {
if (checks[i].get().get().value)
if (spec.phases & TestWorkload::METRICS) {
state std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<std::vector<PerfMetric>>>> metricTasks;
printf("fetching metrics (%s)...\n", printable(spec.title).c_str());
TraceEvent("TestFetchingMetrics").detail("WorkloadTitle", spec.title);
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++)
workloads[i].metrics.template getReplyUnlessFailedFor<std::vector<PerfMetric>>(waitForFailureTime, 0));
throwIfError(metricTasks, "MetricFailedForWorkload" + printable(spec.title));
for (int i = 0; i < metricTasks.size(); i++) {
// Stopping the workloads is unreliable, but they have a timeout
// FIXME: stop if one of the above phases throws an exception
for (int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); i++)
return DistributedTestResults(aggregateMetrics(metricsResults), success, failure);
// Sets the database configuration by running the ChangeConfig workload
ACTOR Future<Void> changeConfiguration(Database cx, std::vector<TesterInterface> testers, StringRef configMode) {
state TestSpec spec;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> options;
spec.title = LiteralStringRef("ChangeConfig");
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("testName"), LiteralStringRef("ChangeConfig")));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("configMode"), configMode));
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), options);
DistributedTestResults testResults = wait(runWorkload(cx, testers, spec));
return Void();
// Runs the consistency check workload, which verifies that the database is in a consistent state
ACTOR Future<Void> checkConsistency(Database cx,
std::vector<TesterInterface> testers,
bool doQuiescentCheck,
bool doCacheCheck,
bool doTSSCheck,
double quiescentWaitTimeout,
double softTimeLimit,
double databasePingDelay,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> dbInfo) {
state TestSpec spec;
state double connectionFailures;
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
connectionFailures = g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration;
g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration = 1e6;
g_simulator.speedUpSimulation = true;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> options;
StringRef performQuiescent = LiteralStringRef("false");
StringRef performCacheCheck = LiteralStringRef("false");
StringRef performTSSCheck = LiteralStringRef("false");
if (doQuiescentCheck) {
performQuiescent = LiteralStringRef("true");
spec.restorePerpetualWiggleSetting = false;
if (doCacheCheck) {
performCacheCheck = LiteralStringRef("true");
if (doTSSCheck) {
performTSSCheck = LiteralStringRef("true");
spec.title = LiteralStringRef("ConsistencyCheck");
spec.databasePingDelay = databasePingDelay;
spec.timeout = 32000;
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("testName"), LiteralStringRef("ConsistencyCheck")));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("performQuiescentChecks"), performQuiescent));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("performCacheCheck"), performCacheCheck));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("performTSSCheck"), performTSSCheck));
ValueRef(options.arena(), format("%f", quiescentWaitTimeout))));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("distributed"), LiteralStringRef("false")));
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), options);
state double start = now();
state bool lastRun = false;
loop {
DistributedTestResults testResults = wait(runWorkload(cx, testers, spec));
if (testResults.ok() || lastRun) {
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration = connectionFailures;
return Void();
if (now() - start > softTimeLimit) {
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("failureIsError"), LiteralStringRef("true")));
lastRun = true;
wait(repairDeadDatacenter(cx, dbInfo, "ConsistencyCheck"));
ACTOR Future<bool> runTest(Database cx,
std::vector<TesterInterface> testers,
TestSpec spec,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> dbInfo) {
state DistributedTestResults testResults;
try {
Future<DistributedTestResults> fTestResults = runWorkload(cx, testers, spec);
if (spec.timeout > 0) {
fTestResults = timeoutError(fTestResults, spec.timeout);
DistributedTestResults _testResults = wait(fTestResults);
testResults = _testResults;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_timed_out) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure")
.detail("Reason", "Test timed out")
.detail("Timeout", spec.timeout);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Test timed out after %d seconds.\n", spec.timeout);
testResults.failures = testers.size();
testResults.successes = 0;
} else
state bool ok = testResults.ok();
if (spec.useDB) {
if (spec.dumpAfterTest) {
try {
wait(timeoutError(dumpDatabase(cx, "dump after " + printable(spec.title) + ".html", allKeys), 30.0));
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").error(e).detail("Reason", "Unable to dump database");
ok = false;
// Run the consistency check workload
if (spec.runConsistencyCheck) {
try {
bool quiescent = g_network->isSimulated() ? !BUGGIFY : spec.waitForQuiescenceEnd;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").error(e).detail("Reason", "Unable to perform consistency check");
ok = false;
TraceEvent(ok ? SevInfo : SevWarnAlways, "TestResults").detail("Workload", spec.title).detail("Passed", (int)ok);
//.detail("Metrics", metricSummary);
if (ok) {
} else {
printf("%d test clients passed; %d test clients failed\n", testResults.successes, testResults.failures);
if (spec.useDB && spec.clearAfterTest) {
try {
wait(timeoutError(clearData(cx), 1000.0));
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ErrorClearingDatabaseAfterTest").error(e);
throw; // If we didn't do this, we don't want any later tests to run on this DB
return ok;
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(const std::string&)>> testSpecGlobalKeys = {
// These are read by SimulatedCluster and used before testers exist. Thus, they must
// be recognized and accepted, but there's no point in placing them into a testSpec.
{ "extraDB", [](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedExtraDB", ""); } },
{ "configureLocked",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedConfigureLocked", ""); } },
{ "minimumReplication",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedMinimumReplication", ""); } },
{ "minimumRegions",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedMinimumRegions", ""); } },
{ "logAntiQuorum",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedLogAntiQuorum", ""); } },
{ "buggify", [](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedBuggify", ""); } },
// The test harness handles NewSeverity events specially.
{ "StderrSeverity", [](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("StderrSeverity").detail("NewSeverity", value); } },
{ "ClientInfoLogging",
[](const std::string& value) {
if (value == "false") {
// else { } It is enable by default for tester
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ClientInfoLogging", value);
} },
{ "startIncompatibleProcess",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedStartIncompatibleProcess", value); } },
{ "storageEngineExcludeTypes",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedStorageEngineExcludeTypes", ""); } },
{ "maxTLogVersion",
[](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedMaxTLogVersion", ""); } },
{ "disableTss", [](const std::string& value) { TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedDisableTSS", ""); } }
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec)>> testSpecTestKeys = {
{ "testTitle",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->title = value;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedTest", spec->title);
} },
{ "timeout",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
sscanf(value.c_str(), "%d", &(spec->timeout));
ASSERT(spec->timeout > 0);
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedTimeout", spec->timeout);
} },
{ "databasePingDelay",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
double databasePingDelay;
sscanf(value.c_str(), "%lf", &databasePingDelay);
ASSERT(databasePingDelay >= 0);
if (!spec->useDB && databasePingDelay > 0) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestParserError")
.detail("Reason", "Cannot have non-zero ping delay on test that does not use database")
.detail("PingDelay", databasePingDelay)
.detail("UseDB", spec->useDB);
spec->databasePingDelay = databasePingDelay;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedPingDelay", spec->databasePingDelay);
} },
{ "runSetup",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->phases = TestWorkload::EXECUTION | TestWorkload::CHECK | TestWorkload::METRICS;
if (value == "true")
spec->phases |= TestWorkload::SETUP;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedSetupFlag", (spec->phases & TestWorkload::SETUP) != 0);
} },
{ "dumpAfterTest",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->dumpAfterTest = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedDumpAfter", spec->dumpAfterTest);
} },
{ "clearAfterTest",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->clearAfterTest = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedClearAfter", spec->clearAfterTest);
} },
{ "useDB",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->useDB = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedUseDB", spec->useDB);
if (!spec->useDB)
spec->databasePingDelay = 0.0;
} },
{ "startDelay",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
sscanf(value.c_str(), "%lf", &spec->startDelay);
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedStartDelay", spec->startDelay);
} },
{ "runConsistencyCheck",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->runConsistencyCheck = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedRunConsistencyCheck", spec->runConsistencyCheck);
} },
{ "runConsistencyCheckOnCache",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->runConsistencyCheckOnCache = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedRunConsistencyCheckOnCache", spec->runConsistencyCheckOnCache);
} },
{ "runConsistencyCheckOnTSS",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->runConsistencyCheckOnTSS = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedRunConsistencyCheckOnTSS", spec->runConsistencyCheckOnTSS);
} },
{ "waitForQuiescence",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
bool toWait = value == "true";
spec->waitForQuiescenceBegin = toWait;
spec->waitForQuiescenceEnd = toWait;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedWaitForQuiescence", toWait);
} },
{ "waitForQuiescenceBegin",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
bool toWait = value == "true";
spec->waitForQuiescenceBegin = toWait;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedWaitForQuiescenceBegin", toWait);
} },
{ "waitForQuiescenceEnd",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
bool toWait = value == "true";
spec->waitForQuiescenceEnd = toWait;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedWaitForQuiescenceEnd", toWait);
} },
{ "simCheckRelocationDuration",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
spec->simCheckRelocationDuration = (value == "true");
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedSimCheckRelocationDuration", spec->simCheckRelocationDuration);
} },
{ "connectionFailuresDisableDuration",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
double connectionFailuresDisableDuration;
sscanf(value.c_str(), "%lf", &connectionFailuresDisableDuration);
ASSERT(connectionFailuresDisableDuration >= 0);
spec->simConnectionFailuresDisableDuration = connectionFailuresDisableDuration;
if (g_network->isSimulated())
g_simulator.connectionFailuresDisableDuration = spec->simConnectionFailuresDisableDuration;
.detail("ParsedSimConnectionFailuresDisableDuration", spec->simConnectionFailuresDisableDuration);
} },
{ "simBackupAgents",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
if (value == "BackupToFile" || value == "BackupToFileAndDB")
spec->simBackupAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::BackupToFile;
spec->simBackupAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedSimBackupAgents", spec->simBackupAgents);
if (value == "BackupToDB" || value == "BackupToFileAndDB")
spec->simDrAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::BackupToDB;
spec->simDrAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents;
TraceEvent("TestParserTest").detail("ParsedSimDrAgents", spec->simDrAgents);
} },
{ "checkOnly",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
if (value == "true")
spec->phases = TestWorkload::CHECK;
} },
{ "restorePerpetualWiggleSetting",
[](const std::string& value, TestSpec* spec) {
if (value == "false")
spec->restorePerpetualWiggleSetting = false;
} },
std::vector<TestSpec> readTests(std::ifstream& ifs) {
TestSpec spec;
std::vector<TestSpec> result;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> workloadOptions;
std::string cline;
bool beforeFirstTest = true;
bool parsingWorkloads = false;
while (ifs.good()) {
getline(ifs, cline);
std::string line = removeWhitespace(cline);
if (!line.size() || line.find(';') == 0)
size_t found = line.find('=');
if (found == std::string::npos)
// hmmm, not good
std::string attrib = removeWhitespace(line.substr(0, found));
std::string value = removeWhitespace(line.substr(found + 1));
if (attrib == "testTitle") {
beforeFirstTest = false;
parsingWorkloads = false;
if (workloadOptions.size()) {
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), workloadOptions);
workloadOptions = Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>();
if (spec.options.size() && spec.title.size()) {
spec = TestSpec();
testSpecTestKeys[attrib](value, &spec);
} else if (testSpecTestKeys.find(attrib) != testSpecTestKeys.end()) {
if (parsingWorkloads)
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestSpecTestParamInWorkload").detail("Attrib", attrib).detail("Value", value);
testSpecTestKeys[attrib](value, &spec);
} else if (testSpecGlobalKeys.find(attrib) != testSpecGlobalKeys.end()) {
if (!beforeFirstTest)
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestSpecGlobalParamInTest").detail("Attrib", attrib).detail("Value", value);
} else {
if (attrib == "testName") {
parsingWorkloads = true;
if (workloadOptions.size()) {
TraceEvent("TestParserFlush").detail("Reason", "new (compound) test");
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), workloadOptions);
workloadOptions = Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>();
workloadOptions.push_back_deep(workloadOptions.arena(), KeyValueRef(StringRef(attrib), StringRef(value)));
TraceEvent("TestParserOption").detail("ParsedKey", attrib).detail("ParsedValue", value);
if (workloadOptions.size())
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), workloadOptions);
if (spec.options.size() && spec.title.size()) {
return result;
template <typename T>
std::string toml_to_string(const T& value) {
// TOML formatting converts numbers to strings exactly how they're in the file
// and thus, is equivalent to testspec. However, strings are quoted, so we
// must remove the quotes.
if (value.type() == toml::value_t::string) {
const std::string& formatted = toml::format(value);
return formatted.substr(1, formatted.size() - 2);
} else {
return toml::format(value);
std::vector<TestSpec> readTOMLTests_(std::string fileName) {
TestSpec spec;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> workloadOptions;
std::vector<TestSpec> result;
const toml::value& conf = toml::parse(fileName);
// Then parse each test
const toml::array& tests = toml::find(conf, "test").as_array();
for (const toml::value& test : tests) {
spec = TestSpec();
// First handle all test-level settings
for (const auto& [k, v] : test.as_table()) {
if (k == "workload") {
if (testSpecTestKeys.find(k) != testSpecTestKeys.end()) {
testSpecTestKeys[k](toml_to_string(v), &spec);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestSpecUnrecognizedTestParam")
.detail("Attrib", k)
.detail("Value", toml_to_string(v));
// And then copy the workload attributes to spec.options
const toml::array& workloads = toml::find(test, "workload").as_array();
for (const toml::value& workload : workloads) {
workloadOptions = Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>();
TraceEvent("TestParserFlush").detail("Reason", "new (compound) test");
for (const auto& [attrib, v] : workload.as_table()) {
const std::string& value = toml_to_string(v);
KeyValueRef(StringRef(attrib), StringRef(value)));
TraceEvent("TestParserOption").detail("ParsedKey", attrib).detail("ParsedValue", value);
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), workloadOptions);
return result;
// A hack to catch and log std::exception, because TOML11 has very useful
// error messages, but the actor framework can't handle std::exception.
std::vector<TestSpec> readTOMLTests(std::string fileName) {
try {
return readTOMLTests_(fileName);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
TraceEvent("TOMLParseError").detail("Error", printable(e.what()));
// TODO: replace with toml_parse_error();
throw unknown_error();
ACTOR Future<Void> monitorServerDBInfo(Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterControllerFullInterface>>> ccInterface,
LocalityData locality,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> dbInfo) {
// Initially most of the serverDBInfo is not known, but we know our locality right away
ServerDBInfo localInfo;
localInfo.myLocality = locality;
loop {
GetServerDBInfoRequest req;
req.knownServerInfoID = dbInfo->get().id;
choose {
when(ServerDBInfo _localInfo =
? brokenPromiseToNever(ccInterface->get().get().getServerDBInfo.getReply(req))
: Never())) {
ServerDBInfo localInfo = _localInfo;
.detail("ChangeID", localInfo.id)
.detail("MasterID", localInfo.master.id())
.detail("RatekeeperID", localInfo.ratekeeper.present() ? localInfo.ratekeeper.get().id() : UID())
localInfo.distributor.present() ? localInfo.distributor.get().id() : UID());
localInfo.myLocality = locality;
when(wait(ccInterface->onChange())) {
if (ccInterface->get().present())
.detail("CCID", ccInterface->get().get().id())
.detail("CCMachine", ccInterface->get().get().getWorkers.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress());
* \brief Test orchestrator: sends test specification to testers in the right order and collects the results.
* There are multiple actors in this file with similar names (runTest, runTests) and slightly different signatures.
* This is the actual orchestrator. It reads the test specifications (from tests), prepares the cluster (by running the
* configure command given in startingConfiguration) and then runs the workload.
* \param cc The cluster controller interface
* \param ci Same as cc.clientInterface
* \param testers The interfaces of the testers that should run the actual workloads
* \param tests The test specifications to run
* \param startingConfiguration If non-empty, the orchestrator will attempt to set this configuration before starting
* the tests.
* \param locality client locality (it seems this is unused?)
* \returns A future which will be set after all tests finished.
ACTOR Future<Void> runTests(Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<struct ClusterControllerFullInterface>>> cc,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<struct ClusterInterface>>> ci,
std::vector<TesterInterface> testers,
std::vector<TestSpec> tests,
StringRef startingConfiguration,
LocalityData locality) {
state Database cx;
state Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> dbInfo(new AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>);
state Future<Void> ccMonitor = monitorServerDBInfo(cc, LocalityData(), dbInfo); // FIXME: locality
state bool useDB = false;
state bool waitForQuiescenceBegin = false;
state bool waitForQuiescenceEnd = false;
state bool restorePerpetualWiggleSetting = false;
state bool perpetualWiggleEnabled = false;
state double startDelay = 0.0;
state double databasePingDelay = 1e9;
state ISimulator::BackupAgentType simBackupAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents;
state ISimulator::BackupAgentType simDrAgents = ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents;
state bool enableDD = false;
if (tests.empty())
useDB = true;
for (auto iter = tests.begin(); iter != tests.end(); ++iter) {
if (iter->useDB)
useDB = true;
if (iter->waitForQuiescenceBegin)
waitForQuiescenceBegin = true;
if (iter->waitForQuiescenceEnd)
waitForQuiescenceEnd = true;
if (iter->restorePerpetualWiggleSetting)
restorePerpetualWiggleSetting = true;
startDelay = std::max(startDelay, iter->startDelay);
databasePingDelay = std::min(databasePingDelay, iter->databasePingDelay);
if (iter->simBackupAgents != ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents)
simBackupAgents = iter->simBackupAgents;
if (iter->simDrAgents != ISimulator::BackupAgentType::NoBackupAgents) {
simDrAgents = iter->simDrAgents;
enableDD = enableDD || getOption(iter->options[0], LiteralStringRef("enableDD"), false);
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
g_simulator.backupAgents = simBackupAgents;
g_simulator.drAgents = simDrAgents;
// turn off the database ping functionality if the suite of tests are not going to be using the database
if (!useDB)
databasePingDelay = 0.0;
if (useDB) {
cx = openDBOnServer(dbInfo);
state Future<Void> disabler = disableConnectionFailuresAfter(FLOW_KNOBS->SIM_SPEEDUP_AFTER_SECONDS, "Tester");
// Change the configuration (and/or create the database) if necessary
printf("startingConfiguration:%s start\n", startingConfiguration.toString().c_str());
if (useDB && startingConfiguration != StringRef()) {
try {
wait(timeoutError(changeConfiguration(cx, testers, startingConfiguration), 2000.0));
if (g_network->isSimulated() && enableDD) {
wait(success(setDDMode(cx, 1)));
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").error(e).detail("Reason", "Unable to set starting configuration");
if (restorePerpetualWiggleSetting) {
std::string_view confView(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(startingConfiguration.begin()),
const std::string setting = "perpetual_storage_wiggle:=";
auto pos = confView.find(setting);
if (pos != confView.npos && confView.at(pos + setting.size()) == '1') {
perpetualWiggleEnabled = true;
if (useDB && waitForQuiescenceBegin) {
.detail("DatabasePingDelay", databasePingDelay)
.detail("StartDelay", startDelay);
try {
wait(quietDatabase(cx, dbInfo, "Start") ||
(databasePingDelay == 0.0
? Never()
: testDatabaseLiveness(cx, databasePingDelay, "QuietDatabaseStart", startDelay)));
} catch (Error& e) {
if (perpetualWiggleEnabled) { // restore the enabled perpetual storage wiggle setting
printf("Set perpetual_storage_wiggle=1 ...\n");
wait(setPerpetualStorageWiggle(cx, true, LockAware::True));
printf("Set perpetual_storage_wiggle=1 Done.\n");
TraceEvent("TestsExpectedToPass").detail("Count", tests.size());
state int idx = 0;
for (; idx < tests.size(); idx++) {
printf("Run test:%s start\n", tests[idx].title.toString().c_str());
wait(success(runTest(cx, testers, tests[idx], dbInfo)));
printf("Run test:%s Done.\n", tests[idx].title.toString().c_str());
// do we handle a failure here?
printf("\n%d tests passed; %d tests failed.\n", passCount, failCount);
// If the database was deleted during the workload we need to recreate the database
if (tests.empty() || useDB) {
if (waitForQuiescenceEnd) {
printf("Waiting for DD to end...\n");
try {
wait(quietDatabase(cx, dbInfo, "End", 0, 2e6, 2e6) ||
(databasePingDelay == 0.0 ? Never()
: testDatabaseLiveness(cx, databasePingDelay, "QuietDatabaseEnd")));
} catch (Error& e) {
return Void();
* \brief Proxy function that waits until enough testers are available and then calls into the orchestrator.
* There are multiple actors in this file with similar names (runTest, runTests) and slightly different signatures.
* This actor wraps the actual orchestrator (also called runTests). But before calling that actor, it waits for enough
* testers to come up.
* \param cc The cluster controller interface
* \param ci Same as cc.clientInterface
* \param tests The test specifications to run
* \param minTestersExpected The number of testers to expect. This actor will block until it can find this many testers.
* \param startingConfiguration If non-empty, the orchestrator will attempt to set this configuration before starting
* the tests.
* \param locality client locality (it seems this is unused?)
* \returns A future which will be set after all tests finished.
ACTOR Future<Void> runTests(Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<struct ClusterControllerFullInterface>>> cc,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<struct ClusterInterface>>> ci,
std::vector<TestSpec> tests,
test_location_t at,
int minTestersExpected,
StringRef startingConfiguration,
LocalityData locality) {
state int flags = (at == TEST_ON_SERVERS ? 0 : GetWorkersRequest::TESTER_CLASS_ONLY) |
state Future<Void> testerTimeout = delay(600.0); // wait 600 sec for testers to show up
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers;
loop {
choose {
when(std::vector<WorkerDetails> w =
? brokenPromiseToNever(cc->get().get().getWorkers.getReply(GetWorkersRequest(flags)))
: Never())) {
if (w.size() >= minTestersExpected) {
workers = w;
when(wait(cc->onChange())) {}
when(wait(testerTimeout)) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TesterRecruitmentTimeout").log();
throw timed_out();
std::vector<TesterInterface> ts;
for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++)
wait(runTests(cc, ci, ts, tests, startingConfiguration, locality));
return Void();
* \brief Set up testing environment and run the given tests on a cluster.
* There are multiple actors in this file with similar names (runTest, runTests) and slightly different signatures.
* This actor is usually the first entry point into the test environment. It itself doesn't implement too much
* functionality. Its main purpose is to generate the test specification from passed arguments and then call into the
* correct actor which will orchestrate the actual test.
* \param connRecord A cluster connection record. Not all tests require a functional cluster but all tests require
* a cluster record.
* \param whatToRun TEST_TYPE_FROM_FILE to read the test description from a passed toml file or
* TEST_TYPE_CONSISTENCY_CHECK to generate a test spec for consistency checking
* \param at TEST_HERE: this process will act as a test client and execute the given workload. TEST_ON_SERVERS: Run a
* test client on every worker in the cluster. TEST_ON_TESTERS: Run a test client on all servers with class Test
* \param minTestersExpected In at is not TEST_HERE, this will instruct the orchestrator until it can find at least
* minTestersExpected test-clients. This is usually passed through from a command line argument. In simulation, the
* simulator will pass the number of testers that it started.
* \param fileName The path to the toml-file containing the test description. Is ignored if whatToRun !=
* \param startingConfiguration Can be used to configure a cluster before running the test. If this is an empty string,
* it will be ignored, otherwise it will be passed to changeConfiguration.
* \param locality The client locality to be used. This is only used if at == TEST_HERE
* \returns A future which will be set after all tests finished.
ACTOR Future<Void> runTests(Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> connRecord,
test_type_t whatToRun,
test_location_t at,
int minTestersExpected,
std::string fileName,
StringRef startingConfiguration,
LocalityData locality,
UnitTestParameters testOptions) {
state std::vector<TestSpec> testSpecs;
auto cc = makeReference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterControllerFullInterface>>>();
auto ci = makeReference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>>();
std::vector<Future<Void>> actors;
if (connRecord) {
actors.push_back(reportErrors(monitorLeader(connRecord, cc), "MonitorLeader"));
actors.push_back(reportErrors(extractClusterInterface(cc, ci), "ExtractClusterInterface"));
TestSpec spec;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> options;
spec.title = LiteralStringRef("ConsistencyCheck");
spec.databasePingDelay = 0;
spec.timeout = 0;
spec.waitForQuiescenceBegin = false;
spec.waitForQuiescenceEnd = false;
std::string rateLimitMax = format("%d", CLIENT_KNOBS->CONSISTENCY_CHECK_RATE_LIMIT_MAX);
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("testName"), LiteralStringRef("ConsistencyCheck")));
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("performQuiescentChecks"), LiteralStringRef("false")));
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("distributed"), LiteralStringRef("false")));
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("failureIsError"), LiteralStringRef("true")));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("indefinite"), LiteralStringRef("true")));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("rateLimitMax"), StringRef(rateLimitMax)));
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("shuffleShards"), LiteralStringRef("true")));
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), options);
} else if (whatToRun == TEST_TYPE_UNIT_TESTS) {
TestSpec spec;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> options;
spec.title = LiteralStringRef("UnitTests");
spec.startDelay = 0;
spec.useDB = false;
spec.timeout = 0;
KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("testName"), LiteralStringRef("UnitTests")));
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(LiteralStringRef("testsMatching"), fileName));
// Add unit test options as test spec options
for (auto& kv : testOptions.params) {
options.push_back_deep(options.arena(), KeyValueRef(kv.first, kv.second));
spec.options.push_back_deep(spec.options.arena(), options);
} else {
std::ifstream ifs;
ifs.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
if (!ifs.good()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestHarnessFail")
.detail("Reason", "file open failed")
.detail("File", fileName.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open file `%s'\n", fileName.c_str());
return Void();
enableClientInfoLogging(); // Enable Client Info logging by default for tester
if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(fileName, ".txt")) {
testSpecs = readTests(ifs);
} else if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(fileName, ".toml")) {
// TOML is weird about opening the file as binary on windows, so we
// just let TOML re-open the file instead of using ifs.
testSpecs = readTOMLTests(fileName);
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestHarnessFail")
.detail("Reason", "unknown tests specification extension")
.detail("File", fileName.c_str());
return Void();
Future<Void> tests;
if (at == TEST_HERE) {
auto db = makeReference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>>();
std::vector<TesterInterface> iTesters(1);
reportErrors(monitorServerDBInfo(cc, LocalityData(), db), "MonitorServerDBInfo")); // FIXME: Locality
actors.push_back(reportErrors(testerServerCore(iTesters[0], connRecord, db, locality), "TesterServerCore"));
tests = runTests(cc, ci, iTesters, testSpecs, startingConfiguration, locality);
} else {
tests = reportErrors(runTests(cc, ci, testSpecs, at, minTestersExpected, startingConfiguration, locality),
choose {
when(wait(tests)) { return Void(); }
when(wait(quorum(actors, 1))) {
throw internal_error();
namespace {
ACTOR Future<Void> testExpectedErrorImpl(Future<Void> test,
const char* testDescr,
Optional<Error> expectedError,
Optional<bool*> successFlag,
std::map<std::string, std::string> details,
Optional<Error> throwOnError,
UID id) {
state Error actualError;
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled) {
throw e;
actualError = e;
// The test failed as expected
if (!expectedError.present() || actualError.code() == expectedError.get().code()) {
return Void();
// The test has failed
if (successFlag.present()) {
*(successFlag.get()) = false;
TraceEvent evt(SevError, "TestErrorFailed", id);
evt.detail("TestDescription", testDescr);
if (expectedError.present()) {
evt.detail("ExpectedError", expectedError.get().name());
evt.detail("ExpectedErrorCode", expectedError.get().code());
if (actualError.isValid()) {
evt.detail("ActualError", actualError.name());
evt.detail("ActualErrorCode", actualError.code());
} else {
evt.detail("Reason", "Unexpected success");
// Make sure that no duplicate details were provided
ASSERT(details.count("TestDescription") == 0);
ASSERT(details.count("ExpectedError") == 0);
ASSERT(details.count("ExpectedErrorCode") == 0);
ASSERT(details.count("ActualError") == 0);
ASSERT(details.count("ActualErrorCode") == 0);
ASSERT(details.count("Reason") == 0);
for (auto& p : details) {
evt.detail(p.first.c_str(), p.second);
if (throwOnError.present()) {
throw throwOnError.get();
return Void();
} // namespace
Future<Void> testExpectedError(Future<Void> test,
const char* testDescr,
Optional<Error> expectedError,
Optional<bool*> successFlag,
std::map<std::string, std::string> details,
Optional<Error> throwOnError,
UID id) {
return testExpectedErrorImpl(test, testDescr, expectedError, successFlag, details, throwOnError, id);