
664 lines
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* Platform.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#if (defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__))
#define __unixish__ 1
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FDB_EXIT_ERROR 1
#define FDB_EXIT_ABORT 3
#define FDB_EXIT_NO_MEM 20
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERNC extern "C"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __unixish__
#include <unistd.h>
#if !(defined(_WIN32) || defined(__unixish__))
#error Compiling on unknown platform
#if defined(__linux__)
# if defined(__clang__)
# if ((__clang_major__ * 100 + __clang_minor__) < 303)
# error Clang 3.3 or later is required on this platform
# endif
# elif ((__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) < 40500)
# error GCC 4.5.0 or later required on this platform
# endif
#if defined(_WIN32) && (_MSC_VER < 1600)
#error Visual Studio 2010 required on this platform
#if defined(__APPLE__) && (!((__clang__ == 1) || ((__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) > 40800)))
#error Either Clang or GCC 4.8.0 or later required on this platform
#if (__clang__ == 1)
#define DISABLE_ZERO_DIVISION_FLAG _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdivision-by-zero\"")
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define DISABLE_ZERO_DIVISION_FLAG __pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdiv-by-zero\"")
#define DISABLE_ZERO_DIVISION_FLAG _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdiv-by-zero\"")
#if defined(__GNUG__)
#define force_inline inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define force_inline __forceinline
#error Missing force inline
* Visual Studio 2005 and beyond allow virtual and sealed while
* targetting native code, and we get better error messages at compile
* time with it where appropriate. Not supported with any other
* compiler.
#if _MSC_VER < 1400
#define sealed
#define override
* Visual Studio (.NET 2003 and beyond) has an __assume compiler
* intrinsic to hint to the compiler that a given condition is true
* and will remain true until the expression is altered. This can be
* emulated on GCC and ignored elsewhere.
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#if defined(__GNUG__)
#define __assume(cond) do { if (!(cond)) __builtin_unreachable(); } while (0)
#define __assume(cond)
#ifdef __unixish__
#include <pthread.h>
#define CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t
#define InitializeCriticalSection(m) \
do { \
pthread_mutexattr_t mta; \
pthread_mutexattr_init(&mta); \
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mta, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); \
pthread_mutex_init(m, &mta); \
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mta); \
} while (0)
#define DeleteCriticalSection(m) pthread_mutex_destroy(m)
#define EnterCriticalSection(m) pthread_mutex_lock(m)
#define LeaveCriticalSection(m) pthread_mutex_unlock(m)
#if (defined(__GNUG__))
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
// fake<T>() is for use in decltype expressions only - there is no implementation
template <class T> T fake();
// g++ requires that non-dependent names have to be looked up at
// template definition, which makes circular dependencies a royal
// pain. (For whatever it's worth, g++ appears to be adhering to spec
// here.) Fixing this properly requires quite a bit of reordering
// and/or splitting things into multiple files, but Scherer pointed
// out that it's simple to force a name to be dependent, which is what
// we'll do for now.
template <class Ignore, class T>
inline static T& makeDependent(T& value) { return value; }
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <process.h>
#define THREAD_FUNC static void __cdecl
#define THREAD_HANDLE void *
THREAD_HANDLE startThread(void (func) (void *), void *arg);
#define THREAD_RETURN return
#elif defined(__unixish__)
#define THREAD_FUNC static void *
#define THREAD_FUNC_RETURN void *
#define THREAD_HANDLE pthread_t
THREAD_HANDLE startThread(void *(func) (void *), void *arg);
#define THREAD_RETURN return NULL
#error How do I start a new thread on this platform?
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define DYNAMIC_LIB_EXT ".dll"
#elif defined(__linux)
#define DYNAMIC_LIB_EXT ".so"
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define DYNAMIC_LIB_EXT ".dylib"
#error Port me
#if defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__unixish__)
#error Port me
void waitThread(THREAD_HANDLE thread);
// Linux-only for now. Set thread priority "low"
void deprioritizeThread();
std::string removeWhitespace(const std::string &t);
struct SystemStatistics {
bool initialized;
double elapsed;
double processCPUSeconds, mainThreadCPUSeconds;
uint64_t processMemory;
uint64_t processResidentMemory;
uint64_t processDiskTotalBytes;
uint64_t processDiskFreeBytes;
double processDiskQueueDepth;
double processDiskIdleSeconds;
double processDiskRead;
double processDiskWrite;
uint64_t processDiskReadCount;
uint64_t processDiskWriteCount;
double processDiskWriteSectors;
double processDiskReadSectors;
double machineMegabitsSent;
double machineMegabitsReceived;
uint64_t machineOutSegs;
uint64_t machineRetransSegs;
double machineCPUSeconds;
int64_t machineTotalRAM;
int64_t machineCommittedRAM;
int64_t machineAvailableRAM;
SystemStatistics() : initialized(false), elapsed(0), processCPUSeconds(0), mainThreadCPUSeconds(0), processMemory(0),
processResidentMemory(0), processDiskTotalBytes(0), processDiskFreeBytes(0), processDiskQueueDepth(0), processDiskIdleSeconds(0), processDiskRead(0), processDiskWrite(0),
processDiskReadCount(0), processDiskWriteCount(0), processDiskWriteSectors(0), processDiskReadSectors(0), machineMegabitsSent(0), machineMegabitsReceived(0), machineOutSegs(0),
machineRetransSegs(0), machineCPUSeconds(0), machineTotalRAM(0), machineCommittedRAM(0), machineAvailableRAM(0) {}
struct SystemStatisticsState;
struct IPAddress;
SystemStatistics getSystemStatistics(std::string dataFolder, const IPAddress* ip, SystemStatisticsState **statState, bool logDetails);
double getProcessorTimeThread();
double getProcessorTimeProcess();
uint64_t getMemoryUsage();
uint64_t getResidentMemoryUsage();
struct MachineRAMInfo {
int64_t total;
int64_t committed;
int64_t available;
void getMachineRAMInfo(MachineRAMInfo& memInfo);
void getDiskBytes(std::string const& directory, int64_t& free, int64_t& total);
void getNetworkTraffic(uint64_t& bytesSent, uint64_t& bytesReceived, uint64_t& outSegs,
uint64_t& retransSegs);
void getDiskStatistics(std::string const& directory, uint64_t& currentIOs, uint64_t& busyTicks, uint64_t& reads, uint64_t& writes, uint64_t& writeSectors);
void getMachineLoad(uint64_t& idleTime, uint64_t& totalTime, bool logDetails);
double timer(); // Returns the system real time clock with high precision. May jump around when system time is adjusted!
double timer_monotonic(); // Returns a high precision monotonic clock which is adjusted to be kind of similar to timer() at startup, but might not be a globally accurate time.
uint64_t timer_int(); // Return timer as uint64_t
void getLocalTime(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
void setMemoryQuota(size_t limit);
void *allocate(size_t length, bool allowLargePages);
void setAffinity(int proc);
void threadSleep( double seconds );
void threadYield(); // Attempt to yield to other processes or threads
// Returns true iff the file exists
bool fileExists(std::string const& filename);
// Returns true iff the directory exists
bool directoryExists(std::string const& path);
// Returns size of file in bytes
int64_t fileSize(std::string const& filename);
// Returns true if file is deleted, false if it was not found, throws platform_error() otherwise
// Consider using IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->deleteFile() instead, especially if you need durability!
bool deleteFile( std::string const& filename );
// Renames the given file. Does not fsync the directory.
void renameFile( std::string const& fromPath, std::string const& toPath );
// Atomically replaces the contents of the specified file.
void atomicReplace( std::string const& path, std::string const& content, bool textmode = true );
// Read a file into memory
std::string readFileBytes( std::string const& filename, int maxSize );
// Write data buffer into file
void writeFileBytes(std::string const& filename, const char* data, size_t count);
// Write text into file
void writeFile(std::string const& filename, std::string const& content);
std::string joinPath( std::string const& directory, std::string const& filename );
// cleanPath() does a 'logical' resolution of the given path string to a canonical form *without*
// following symbolic links or verifying the existence of any path components. It removes redundant
// "." references and duplicate separators, and resolves any ".." references that can be resolved
// using the preceding path components.
// Relative paths remain relative and are NOT rebased on the current working directory.
std::string cleanPath( std::string const& path );
// Removes the last component from a path string (if possible) and returns the result with one trailing separator.
// If there is only one path component, the result will be "" for relative paths and "/" for absolute paths.
// Note that this is NOT the same as getting the parent of path, as the final component could be ".."
// or "." and it would still be simply removed.
// ALL of the following inputs will yield the result "/a/"
// /a/b
// /a/b/
// /a/..
// /a/../
// /a/.
// /a/./
// /a//..//
std::string popPath(const std::string &path);
// abspath() resolves the given path to a canonical form.
// If path is relative, the result will be based on the current working directory.
// If resolveLinks is true then symbolic links will be expanded BEFORE resolving '..' references.
// An empty path or a non-existent path when mustExist is true will result in a platform_error() exception.
// Upon success, all '..' references will be resolved with the assumption that non-existent components
// are NOT symbolic links.
// User directory references such as '~' or '~user' are effectively treated as symbolic links which
// are impossible to resolve, so resolveLinks=true results in failure and resolveLinks=false results
// in the reference being left in-tact prior to resolving '..' references.
std::string abspath( std::string const& path, bool resolveLinks = true, bool mustExist = false );
// parentDirectory() returns the parent directory of the given file or directory in a canonical form,
// with a single trailing path separator.
// It uses absPath() with the same bool options to initially obtain a canonical form, and upon success
// removes the final path component, if present.
std::string parentDirectory( std::string const& path, bool resolveLinks = true, bool mustExist = false);
// Returns the portion of the path following the last path separator (e.g. the filename or directory name)
std::string basename( std::string const& filename );
// Returns the home directory of the current user
std::string getUserHomeDirectory();
namespace platform {
// Returns true if directory was created, false if it existed, throws platform_error() otherwise
bool createDirectory( std::string const& directory );
// e.g. extension==".fdb", returns filenames relative to directory
std::vector<std::string> listFiles( std::string const& directory, std::string const& extension = "");
// returns directory names relative to directory
std::vector<std::string> listDirectories( std::string const& directory );
void findFilesRecursively(std::string path, std::vector<std::string> &out);
// Tag the given file as "temporary", i.e. not really needing commits to disk
void makeTemporary( const char* filename );
void setCloseOnExec( int fd );
// Logs an out of memory error and exits the program
void outOfMemory();
int getRandomSeed();
bool getEnvironmentVar(const char* name, std::string& value);
int setEnvironmentVar(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite);
std::string getWorkingDirectory();
// Returns the ... something something figure out plugin locations
std::string getDefaultPluginPath( const char* plugin_name );
void *getImageOffset();
// Places the frame pointers in a string formatted as parameters for addr2line.
size_t raw_backtrace(void** addresses, int maxStackDepth);
std::string get_backtrace();
std::string format_backtrace(void **addresses, int numAddresses);
} // namespace platform
#ifdef __linux__
typedef struct {
double timestamp;
size_t length;
void* frames[];
} ProfilingSample;
dev_t getDeviceId(std::string path);
#ifdef __linux__
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <features.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
// Version of CLang bundled with XCode doesn't yet include ia32intrin.h.
#ifdef __APPLE__
#if !(__has_builtin(__rdtsc))
inline static uint64_t __rdtsc() {
uint64_t lo, hi;
asm( "rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi) );
return( lo | (hi << 32) );
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <intrin.h>
inline static int32_t interlockedIncrement(volatile int32_t *a) { return _InterlockedIncrement((long*)a); }
inline static int64_t interlockedIncrement64(volatile int64_t *a) { return _InterlockedIncrement64(a); }
inline static int32_t interlockedDecrement(volatile int32_t *a) { return _InterlockedDecrement((long*)a); }
inline static int64_t interlockedDecrement64(volatile int64_t *a) { return _InterlockedDecrement64(a); }
inline static int32_t interlockedCompareExchange(volatile int32_t *a, int32_t b, int32_t c) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange((long*)a, (long)b, (long)c); }
inline static int64_t interlockedExchangeAdd64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(a, b); }
inline static int64_t interlockedExchange64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) { return _InterlockedExchange64(a, b); }
inline static int64_t interlockedOr64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) { return _InterlockedOr64(a, b); }
#include <xmmintrin.h>
inline static int32_t interlockedIncrement(volatile int32_t *a) { return __sync_add_and_fetch(a, 1); }
inline static int64_t interlockedIncrement64(volatile int64_t *a) { return __sync_add_and_fetch(a, 1); }
inline static int32_t interlockedDecrement(volatile int32_t *a) { return __sync_add_and_fetch(a, -1); }
inline static int64_t interlockedDecrement64(volatile int64_t *a) { return __sync_add_and_fetch(a, -1); }
inline static int32_t interlockedCompareExchange(volatile int32_t *a, int32_t b, int32_t c) { return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(a, c, b); }
inline static int64_t interlockedExchangeAdd64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) { return __sync_fetch_and_add(a, b); }
inline static int64_t interlockedExchange64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) {
return __sync_lock_test_and_set(a, b);
inline static int64_t interlockedOr64(volatile int64_t *a, int64_t b) { return __sync_fetch_and_or(a, b); }
#error No implementation of atomic instructions
template <class T> inline static T* interlockedExchangePtr(T*volatile*a, T*b) { static_assert(sizeof(T*)==sizeof(int64_t),"Port me!"); return (T*)interlockedExchange64((volatile int64_t*)a, (int64_t)b); }
#define thread_volatile volatile
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedExchangeAdd64( volatile int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { return interlockedExchangeAdd64(p, a); }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedIncrement64( volatile int64_t* p ) { return interlockedIncrement64(p); }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedDecrement64( volatile int64_t* p ) { return interlockedDecrement64(p); }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedExchange64( volatile int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { return interlockedExchange64(p, a); }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedOr64( volatile int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { return interlockedOr64(p, a); }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedAnd64( volatile int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { return interlockedAnd64(p, a); }
#define thread_volatile
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedExchangeAdd64( int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { auto old=*p; *p+=a; return old; }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedIncrement64( int64_t* p ) { return ++*p; }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedDecrement64( int64_t* p ) { return --*p; }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedExchange64( int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { auto old=*p; *p=a; return old; }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedOr64( int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { auto old=*p; *p |= a; return old; }
inline static int64_t flowInterlockedAnd64( int64_t* p, int64_t a ) { auto old=*p; *p &= a; return old; }
// We only run on little-endian system, so conversion to/from bigEndian64 is always a byte swap
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define bigEndian16(value) uint16_t(_byteswap_ushort(value))
#define bigEndian32(value) uint32_t(_byteswap_ulong(value))
#define bigEndian64(value) uint64_t(_byteswap_uint64(value))
#elif __GNUG__
#define bigEndian16(value) uint16_t((value>>8)|(value<<8))
#define bigEndian32(value) uint32_t(__builtin_bswap32(value))
#define bigEndian64(value) uint64_t(__builtin_bswap64(value))
#error Missing byte swap methods
#define littleEndian16(value) value
#define littleEndian32(value) value
#define littleEndian64(value) value
#if defined(_WIN32)
inline static void flushOutputStreams() { _flushall(); }
#elif defined(__unixish__)
inline static void flushOutputStreams() { fflush(NULL); }
#error Missing flush output stream
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(__GNUG__)
#define DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#error Missing symbol export
#define crashAndDie() (*(volatile int*)0 = 0)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define strcasecmp stricmp
#if defined(__GNUG__)
X( X const& rhs ) = default; \
X& operator=( X const& rhs ) = default;
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define strtoull(nptr, endptr, base) _strtoui64(nptr, endptr, base)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return _aligned_malloc(size, alignment); }
inline static void aligned_free(void* ptr) { _aligned_free(ptr); }
#elif defined(__linux__)
#include <malloc.h>
inline static void aligned_free(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
#if (!defined(_ISOC11_SOURCE)) // old libc versions
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return memalign(alignment, size); }
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <cstdlib>
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) {
// Linux's aligned_alloc() requires alignment to be a power of 2. While posix_memalign()
// also requires this, in addition it requires alignment to be a multiple of sizeof(void *).
// Rather than add this requirement to the platform::aligned_alloc() interface we will simply
// upgrade powers of 2 which are less than sizeof(void *) to be exactly sizeof(void *). Non
// powers of 2 of any size will fail as they would on other platforms. This change does not
// break the platform::aligned_alloc() contract as all addresses which are aligned to
// sizeof(void *) are also aligned to any power of 2 less than sizeof(void *).
if(alignment != 0 && alignment < sizeof(void *) && (alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0) {
alignment = sizeof(void *);
void* ptr = nullptr;
posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size);
return ptr;
inline static void aligned_free(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
// lib_path may be a relative or absolute path or a name to be
// resolved by whatever linker is hanging around on this system
bool isLibraryLoaded(const char* lib_path);
void* loadLibrary(const char* lib_path);
void closeLibrary(void* handle);
void* loadFunction(void* lib, const char* func_name);
std::string exePath();
#ifdef _WIN32
inline static int ctzll( uint64_t value ) {
unsigned long count = 0;
if( _BitScanForward64( &count, value ) ) {
return count;
return 64;
inline static int clzll( uint64_t value ) {
unsigned long count = 0;
if( _BitScanReverse64( &count, value ) ) {
return 63 - count;
return 64;
inline static int ctz( uint32_t value ) {
unsigned long count = 0;
if( _BitScanForward( &count, value ) ) {
return count;
return 64;
inline static int clz( uint32_t value ) {
unsigned long count = 0;
if( _BitScanReverse( &count, value ) ) {
return 63 - count;
return 64;
#define ctzll __builtin_ctzll
#define clzll __builtin_clzll
#define ctz __builtin_ctz
#define clz __builtin_clz
#include <boost/config.hpp>
// The formerly existing BOOST_NOEXCEPT is now BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#define EXTERNC
#endif // __cplusplus
* Multiply Defined Symbol (support for weak function declaration).
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define MULTIPLY_DEFINED_SYMBOL __attribute__((weak))
// Logs a critical error message and exits the program
EXTERNC void criticalError(int exitCode, const char *type, const char *message);
EXTERNC void flushAndExit(int exitCode);
// Initilization code that's run at the beginning of every entry point (except fdbmonitor)
void platformInit();
void registerCrashHandler();
void setupSlowTaskProfiler();
EXTERNC void setProfilingEnabled(int enabled);
// These return thread local counts
int64_t getNumProfilesDeferred();
int64_t getNumProfilesOverflowed();
int64_t getNumProfilesCaptured();
// Use _exit() or criticalError(), not exit()
#if defined(FDB_CLEAN_BUILD) && !( defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) )
#error Clean builds must define NDEBUG, and not define various debug macros
// DTrace probing
#if defined(DTRACE_PROBES)
#include <sys/sdt.h>
#define FDB_TRACE_PROBE_STRING_CONCAT2(h, t) h ## t
#define FDB_TRACE_PROBE_EXPAND_MACRO(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, \
_10, _11, _12, NAME, ...) \
#define FDB_TRACE_PROBE(...) \
(foundationdb, __VA_ARGS__)
extern void fdb_probe_actor_create(const char* name, unsigned long id);
extern void fdb_probe_actor_destroy(const char* name, unsigned long id);
extern void fdb_probe_actor_enter(const char* name, unsigned long, int index);
extern void fdb_probe_actor_exit(const char* name, unsigned long, int index);
#define FDB_TRACE_PROBE_STRING_CONCAT(h, t) h ## t
#define FDB_TRACE_PROBE(...)
inline void fdb_probe_actor_create(const char* name, unsigned long id) {}
inline void fdb_probe_actor_destroy(const char* name, unsigned long id) {}
inline void fdb_probe_actor_enter(const char* name, unsigned long id, int index) {}
inline void fdb_probe_actor_exit(const char* name, unsigned long id, int index) {}
#endif /* FLOW_PLATFORM_H */