268 lines
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268 lines
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* TCInfo.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/Tenant.h"
#include "fdbserver/DDTeamCollection.h"
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/FastRef.h"
class TCTeamInfo;
class TCTenantInfo;
class TCMachineInfo;
class TCMachineTeamInfo;
class TCServerInfo : public ReferenceCounted<TCServerInfo> {
friend class TCServerInfoImpl;
friend class DDTeamCollectionUnitTest;
UID id;
bool inDesiredDC;
DDTeamCollection* collection;
Future<Void> tracker;
// TODO: Remove?
[[maybe_unused]] Version addedVersion; // Read version when this Server is added
StorageServerInterface lastKnownInterface;
ProcessClass lastKnownClass;
// A storage server's StoreType does not change.
// To change storeType for an ip:port, we destroy the old one and create a new one.
KeyValueStoreType storeType; // Storage engine type
int64_t dataInFlightToServer = 0, readInFlightToServer = 0;
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> teams;
ErrorOr<GetStorageMetricsReply> metrics;
void setMetrics(GetStorageMetricsReply serverMetrics) { this->metrics = serverMetrics; }
void markTeamUnhealthy(int teamIndex);
Reference<TCMachineInfo> machine;
Promise<std::pair<StorageServerInterface, ProcessClass>> interfaceChanged;
Future<std::pair<StorageServerInterface, ProcessClass>> onInterfaceChanged;
Promise<Void> removed;
Future<Void> onRemoved;
Future<Void> onTSSPairRemoved;
Promise<Void> killTss;
Promise<Void> wakeUpTracker;
LocalityEntry localityEntry;
Promise<Void> updated;
AsyncVar<bool> wrongStoreTypeToRemove;
AsyncVar<bool> ssVersionTooFarBehind;
TCServerInfo(StorageServerInterface ssi,
DDTeamCollection* collection,
ProcessClass processClass,
bool inDesiredDC,
Reference<LocalitySet> storageServerSet,
Version addedVersion = 0);
GetStorageMetricsReply const& getMetrics() const { return metrics.get(); }
UID const& getId() const { return id; }
bool isInDesiredDC() const { return inDesiredDC; }
void updateInDesiredDC(std::vector<Optional<Key>> const& includedDCs);
void setTracker(Future<Void> tracker) { this->tracker = tracker; }
void updateLastKnown(StorageServerInterface const&, ProcessClass);
StorageServerInterface const& getLastKnownInterface() const { return lastKnownInterface; }
ProcessClass const& getLastKnownClass() const { return lastKnownClass; }
Future<Void> updateStoreType();
KeyValueStoreType getStoreType() const { return storeType; }
int64_t getDataInFlightToServer() const { return dataInFlightToServer; }
// expect read traffic to server after data movement
int64_t getReadInFlightToServer() const { return readInFlightToServer; }
void incrementDataInFlightToServer(int64_t bytes) { dataInFlightToServer += bytes; }
void incrementReadInFlightToServer(int64_t readBytes) { readInFlightToServer += readBytes; }
void cancel();
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> const& getTeams() const { return teams; }
void addTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team) { teams.push_back(team); }
void removeTeamsContainingServer(UID removedServer);
void removeTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo>);
bool metricsPresent() const { return metrics.present(); }
bool isCorrectStoreType(KeyValueStoreType configStoreType) const {
// A new storage server's store type may not be set immediately.
// If a storage server does not reply its storeType, it will be tracked by failure monitor and removed.
return (storeType == configStoreType || storeType == KeyValueStoreType::END);
bool isWigglePausedServer() const;
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> spaceBytes(bool includeInFlight = true) const;
int64_t loadBytes() const;
bool hasHealthyAvailableSpace(double minAvailableSpaceRatio) const;
Future<Void> updateServerMetrics();
static Future<Void> updateServerMetrics(Reference<TCServerInfo> server);
Future<Void> serverMetricsPolling();
class TCMachineInfo : public ReferenceCounted<TCMachineInfo> {
TCMachineInfo() = default;
std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>> serversOnMachine; // SOMEDAY: change from vector to set
Standalone<StringRef> machineID;
std::vector<Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo>> machineTeams; // SOMEDAY: split good and bad machine teams.
LocalityEntry localityEntry;
Reference<TCMachineInfo> clone() const;
explicit TCMachineInfo(Reference<TCServerInfo> server, const LocalityEntry& entry);
std::string getServersIDStr() const;
// TeamCollection's machine team information
class TCMachineTeamInfo : public ReferenceCounted<TCMachineTeamInfo> {
UID _id;
std::vector<Reference<TCMachineInfo>> machines;
std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> machineIDs;
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> serverTeams;
explicit TCMachineTeamInfo(std::vector<Reference<TCMachineInfo>> const& machines);
int size() const {
ASSERT_EQ(machines.size(), machineIDs.size());
return machineIDs.size();
UID id() const { return _id; }
std::vector<Reference<TCMachineInfo>> const& getMachines() const { return machines; }
std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> const& getMachineIDs() const { return machineIDs; }
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> const& getServerTeams() const { return serverTeams; }
void addServerTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team) { serverTeams.push_back(team); }
bool matches(std::vector<Standalone<StringRef>> const& sortedMachineIDs);
std::string getMachineIDsStr() const;
bool containsMachine(Standalone<StringRef> machineID) const {
return std::count(machineIDs.begin(), machineIDs.end(), machineID);
// Returns true iff team is found
bool removeServerTeam(Reference<TCTeamInfo> team);
bool operator==(TCMachineTeamInfo& rhs) const { return this->machineIDs == rhs.machineIDs; }
// TeamCollection's server team info.
class TCTeamInfo final : public ReferenceCounted<TCTeamInfo>, public IDataDistributionTeam {
friend class TCTeamInfoImpl;
std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>> servers;
std::vector<UID> serverIDs;
Optional<Reference<TCTenantInfo>> tenant;
bool healthy;
bool wrongConfiguration; // True if any of the servers in the team have the wrong configuration
int priority;
UID id;
Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo> machineTeam;
Future<Void> tracker;
explicit TCTeamInfo(std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>> const& servers, Optional<Reference<TCTenantInfo>> tenant);
Optional<Reference<TCTenantInfo>>& getTenant() { return tenant; }
static std::string serversToString(std::vector<UID> servers);
std::string getTeamID() const override { return id.shortString(); }
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> getLastKnownServerInterfaces() const override;
int size() const override {
ASSERT(servers.size() == serverIDs.size());
return servers.size();
std::vector<UID> const& getServerIDs() const override { return serverIDs; }
const std::vector<Reference<TCServerInfo>>& getServers() const { return servers; }
std::string getServerIDsStr() const;
void addDataInFlightToTeam(int64_t delta) override;
void addReadInFlightToTeam(int64_t delta) override;
int64_t getDataInFlightToTeam() const override;
int64_t getLoadBytes(bool includeInFlight = true, double inflightPenalty = 1.0) const override;
double getLoadReadBandwidth(bool includeInFlight = true, double inflightPenalty = 1.0) const override;
int64_t getReadInFlightToTeam() const override;
int64_t getMinAvailableSpace(bool includeInFlight = true) const override;
double getMinAvailableSpaceRatio(bool includeInFlight = true) const override;
bool hasHealthyAvailableSpace(double minRatio) const override;
Future<Void> updateStorageMetrics() override;
bool isOptimal() const override;
bool isWrongConfiguration() const override { return wrongConfiguration; }
void setWrongConfiguration(bool wrongConfiguration) override { this->wrongConfiguration = wrongConfiguration; }
bool isHealthy() const override { return healthy; }
void setHealthy(bool h) override { healthy = h; }
int getPriority() const override { return priority; }
void setPriority(int p) override { priority = p; }
void addref() const override { ReferenceCounted<TCTeamInfo>::addref(); }
void delref() const override { ReferenceCounted<TCTeamInfo>::delref(); }
bool hasServer(const UID& server) const;
bool hasWigglePausedServer() const;
void addServers(const std::vector<UID>& servers) override;
// Calculate an "average" of the metrics replies that we received. Penalize teams from which we did not receive all
// replies.
int64_t getLoadAverage() const;
bool allServersHaveHealthyAvailableSpace() const;
class TCTenantInfo : public ReferenceCounted<TCTenantInfo> {
TenantInfo m_tenantInfo;
Key m_prefix;
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> m_tenantTeams;
int64_t m_cacheGeneration;
TCTenantInfo() { m_prefix = allKeys.end; }
TCTenantInfo(TenantInfo tinfo, Key prefix) : m_tenantInfo(tinfo), m_prefix(prefix) {}
std::vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>>& teams() { return m_tenantTeams; }
TenantName name() { return m_tenantInfo.name.get(); }
std::string prefixDesc() { return m_prefix.printable(); }
void addTeam(TCTeamInfo team);
void removeTeam(TCTeamInfo team);
void updateCacheGeneration(int64_t generation) { m_cacheGeneration = generation; }
int64_t cacheGeneration() const { return m_cacheGeneration; }