613 lines
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613 lines
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* ThreadSafeTransaction.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleFiles.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClusterConnectionFile.h"
#include "fdbclient/ThreadSafeTransaction.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/versions.h"
#include "fdbclient/GenericManagementAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "flow/ProtocolVersion.h"
// Users of ThreadSafeTransaction might share Reference<ThreadSafe...> between different threads as long as they don't
// call addRef (e.g. C API follows this). Therefore, it is unsafe to call (explicitly or implicitly) this->addRef in any
// of these functions.
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeDatabase::onConnected() {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
return onMainThread([db]() -> Future<Void> {
return db->onConnected();
ThreadFuture<Reference<IDatabase>> ThreadSafeDatabase::createFromExistingDatabase(Database db) {
return onMainThread([db]() {
DatabaseContext* cx = db.getPtr();
return Future<Reference<IDatabase>>(Reference<IDatabase>(new ThreadSafeDatabase(cx)));
Reference<ITenant> ThreadSafeDatabase::openTenant(TenantNameRef tenantName) {
return makeReference<ThreadSafeTenant>(Reference<ThreadSafeDatabase>::addRef(this), tenantName);
Reference<ITransaction> ThreadSafeDatabase::createTransaction() {
auto type = isConfigDB ? ISingleThreadTransaction::Type::SIMPLE_CONFIG : ISingleThreadTransaction::Type::RYW;
return Reference<ITransaction>(new ThreadSafeTransaction(db, type, Optional<TenantName>()));
void ThreadSafeDatabase::setOption(FDBDatabaseOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value) {
auto itr = FDBDatabaseOptions::optionInfo.find(option);
if (itr != FDBDatabaseOptions::optionInfo.end()) {
TraceEvent("SetDatabaseOption").detail("Option", itr->second.name);
} else {
TraceEvent("UnknownDatabaseOption").detail("Option", option);
throw invalid_option();
if (itr->first == FDBDatabaseOptions::USE_CONFIG_DATABASE) {
isConfigDB = true;
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
Standalone<Optional<StringRef>> passValue = value;
// ThreadSafeDatabase is not allowed to do anything with options except pass them through to RYW.
[db, option, passValue]() {
db->setOption(option, passValue.contents());
ThreadFuture<int64_t> ThreadSafeDatabase::rebootWorker(const StringRef& address, bool check, int duration) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
Key addressKey = address;
return onMainThread([db, addressKey, check, duration]() -> Future<int64_t> {
return db->rebootWorker(addressKey, check, duration);
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeDatabase::forceRecoveryWithDataLoss(const StringRef& dcid) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
Key dcidKey = dcid;
return onMainThread([db, dcidKey]() -> Future<Void> { return db->forceRecoveryWithDataLoss(dcidKey); });
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeDatabase::createSnapshot(const StringRef& uid, const StringRef& snapshot_command) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
Key snapUID = uid;
Key cmd = snapshot_command;
return onMainThread([db, snapUID, cmd]() -> Future<Void> { return db->createSnapshot(snapUID, cmd); });
ThreadFuture<DatabaseSharedState*> ThreadSafeDatabase::createSharedState() {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
return onMainThread([db]() -> Future<DatabaseSharedState*> { return db->initSharedState(); });
void ThreadSafeDatabase::setSharedState(DatabaseSharedState* p) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
onMainThreadVoid([db, p]() { db->setSharedState(p); }, nullptr);
// Return the main network thread busyness
double ThreadSafeDatabase::getMainThreadBusyness() {
return g_network->networkInfo.metrics.networkBusyness;
// Returns the protocol version reported by the coordinator this client is connected to
// If an expected version is given, the future won't return until the protocol version is different than expected
// Note: this will never return if the server is running a protocol from FDB 5.0 or older
ThreadFuture<ProtocolVersion> ThreadSafeDatabase::getServerProtocol(Optional<ProtocolVersion> expectedVersion) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
return onMainThread(
[db, expectedVersion]() -> Future<ProtocolVersion> { return db->getClusterProtocol(expectedVersion); });
ThreadFuture<Key> ThreadSafeDatabase::purgeBlobGranules(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange, Version purgeVersion, bool force) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
KeyRange range = keyRange;
return onMainThread([db, range, purgeVersion, force]() -> Future<Key> {
return db->purgeBlobGranules(range, purgeVersion, force);
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeDatabase::waitPurgeGranulesComplete(const KeyRef& purgeKey) {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
Key key = purgeKey;
return onMainThread([db, key]() -> Future<Void> { return db->waitPurgeGranulesComplete(key); });
ThreadSafeDatabase::ThreadSafeDatabase(std::string connFilename, int apiVersion) {
ClusterConnectionFile* connFile =
new ClusterConnectionFile(ClusterConnectionFile::lookupClusterFileName(connFilename).first);
// Allocate memory for the Database from this thread (so the pointer is known for subsequent method calls)
// but run its constructor on the main thread
DatabaseContext* db = this->db = DatabaseContext::allocateOnForeignThread();
[db, connFile, apiVersion]() {
try {
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>(connFile), apiVersion, IsInternal::False, LocalityData(), db)
} catch (Error& e) {
new (db) DatabaseContext(e);
} catch (...) {
new (db) DatabaseContext(unknown_error());
ThreadSafeDatabase::~ThreadSafeDatabase() {
DatabaseContext* db = this->db;
onMainThreadVoid([db]() { db->delref(); }, nullptr);
Reference<ITransaction> ThreadSafeTenant::createTransaction() {
auto type = db->isConfigDB ? ISingleThreadTransaction::Type::SIMPLE_CONFIG : ISingleThreadTransaction::Type::RYW;
return Reference<ITransaction>(new ThreadSafeTransaction(db->db, type, name));
ThreadSafeTenant::~ThreadSafeTenant() {}
ThreadSafeTransaction::ThreadSafeTransaction(DatabaseContext* cx,
ISingleThreadTransaction::Type type,
Optional<TenantName> tenant)
: tenantName(tenant) {
// Allocate memory for the transaction from this thread (so the pointer is known for subsequent method calls)
// but run its constructor on the main thread
// It looks strange that the DatabaseContext::addref is deferred by the onMainThreadVoid call, but it is safe
// because the reference count of the DatabaseContext is solely managed from the main thread. If cx is destructed
// immediately after this call, it will defer the DatabaseContext::delref (and onMainThread preserves the order of
// these operations).
auto tr = this->tr = ISingleThreadTransaction::allocateOnForeignThread(type);
// No deferred error -- if the construction of the RYW transaction fails, we have no where to put it
[tr, cx, tenant]() {
if (tenant.present()) {
tr->construct(Database(cx), tenant.get());
} else {
// This constructor is only used while refactoring fdbcli and only called from the main thread
ThreadSafeTransaction::ThreadSafeTransaction(ReadYourWritesTransaction* ryw) : tr(ryw) {
if (tr)
ThreadSafeTransaction::~ThreadSafeTransaction() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
if (tr)
onMainThreadVoid([tr]() { tr->delref(); }, nullptr);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::cancel() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr]() { tr->cancel(); }, nullptr);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::setVersion(Version v) {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, v]() { tr->setVersion(v); }, &tr->deferredError);
ThreadFuture<Version> ThreadSafeTransaction::getReadVersion() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr]() -> Future<Version> {
return tr->getReadVersion();
ThreadFuture<Optional<Value>> ThreadSafeTransaction::get(const KeyRef& key, bool snapshot) {
Key k = key;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, k, snapshot]() -> Future<Optional<Value>> {
return tr->get(k, Snapshot{ snapshot });
ThreadFuture<Key> ThreadSafeTransaction::getKey(const KeySelectorRef& key, bool snapshot) {
KeySelector k = key;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, k, snapshot]() -> Future<Key> {
return tr->getKey(k, Snapshot{ snapshot });
ThreadFuture<int64_t> ThreadSafeTransaction::getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(const KeyRangeRef& keys) {
KeyRange r = keys;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, r]() -> Future<int64_t> {
return tr->getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(r);
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> ThreadSafeTransaction::getRangeSplitPoints(const KeyRangeRef& range,
int64_t chunkSize) {
KeyRange r = range;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, r, chunkSize]() -> Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> {
return tr->getRangeSplitPoints(r, chunkSize);
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> ThreadSafeTransaction::getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
int limit,
bool snapshot,
bool reverse) {
KeySelector b = begin;
KeySelector e = end;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, b, e, limit, snapshot, reverse]() -> Future<RangeResult> {
return tr->getRange(b, e, limit, Snapshot{ snapshot }, Reverse{ reverse });
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> ThreadSafeTransaction::getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot,
bool reverse) {
KeySelector b = begin;
KeySelector e = end;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, b, e, limits, snapshot, reverse]() -> Future<RangeResult> {
return tr->getRange(b, e, limits, Snapshot{ snapshot }, Reverse{ reverse });
ThreadFuture<MappedRangeResult> ThreadSafeTransaction::getMappedRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
const StringRef& mapper,
GetRangeLimits limits,
int matchIndex,
bool snapshot,
bool reverse) {
KeySelector b = begin;
KeySelector e = end;
Key h = mapper;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, b, e, h, limits, matchIndex, snapshot, reverse]() -> Future<MappedRangeResult> {
return tr->getMappedRange(b, e, h, limits, matchIndex, Snapshot{ snapshot }, Reverse{ reverse });
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<const char*>>> ThreadSafeTransaction::getAddressesForKey(const KeyRef& key) {
Key k = key;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, k]() -> Future<Standalone<VectorRef<const char*>>> {
return tr->getAddressesForKey(k);
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>>> ThreadSafeTransaction::getBlobGranuleRanges(
const KeyRangeRef& keyRange) {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
KeyRange r = keyRange;
return onMainThread([tr, r]() -> Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>>> {
return tr->getBlobGranuleRanges(r);
ThreadResult<RangeResult> ThreadSafeTransaction::readBlobGranules(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Optional<Version> readVersion,
ReadBlobGranuleContext granule_context) {
// FIXME: prevent from calling this from another main thread!
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
KeyRange r = keyRange;
int64_t readVersionOut;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef>>> getFilesFuture = onMainThread(
[tr, r, beginVersion, readVersion, &readVersionOut]() -> Future<Standalone<VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef>>> {
return tr->readBlobGranules(r, beginVersion, readVersion, &readVersionOut);
// FIXME: can this safely avoid another main thread jump?
// propagate error to client
if (getFilesFuture.isError()) {
return ThreadResult<RangeResult>(getFilesFuture.getError());
Standalone<VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef>> files = getFilesFuture.get();
// do this work off of fdb network threads for performance!
if (granule_context.debugNoMaterialize) {
return ThreadResult<RangeResult>(blob_granule_not_materialized());
} else {
return loadAndMaterializeBlobGranules(files, keyRange, beginVersion, readVersionOut, granule_context);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::addReadConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) {
KeyRange r = keys;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, r]() { tr->addReadConflictRange(r); }, &tr->deferredError);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::makeSelfConflicting() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr]() { tr->makeSelfConflicting(); }, &tr->deferredError);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::atomicOp(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value, uint32_t operationType) {
Key k = key;
Value v = value;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, k, v, operationType]() { tr->atomicOp(k, v, operationType); }, &tr->deferredError);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::set(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value) {
Key k = key;
Value v = value;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, k, v]() { tr->set(k, v); }, &tr->deferredError);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::clear(const KeyRangeRef& range) {
KeyRange r = range;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, r]() { tr->clear(r); }, &tr->deferredError);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::clear(const KeyRef& begin, const KeyRef& end) {
Key b = begin;
Key e = end;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
[tr, b, e]() {
if (b > e)
throw inverted_range();
tr->clear(KeyRangeRef(b, e));
void ThreadSafeTransaction::clear(const KeyRef& key) {
Key k = key;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, k]() { tr->clear(k); }, &tr->deferredError);
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeTransaction::watch(const KeyRef& key) {
Key k = key;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, k]() -> Future<Void> {
return tr->watch(k);
void ThreadSafeTransaction::addWriteConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) {
KeyRange r = keys;
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr, r]() { tr->addWriteConflictRange(r); }, &tr->deferredError);
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeTransaction::commit() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr]() -> Future<Void> {
return tr->commit();
Version ThreadSafeTransaction::getCommittedVersion() {
// This should be thread safe when called legally, but it is fragile
return tr->getCommittedVersion();
VersionVector ThreadSafeTransaction::getVersionVector() {
return tr->getVersionVector();
SpanContext ThreadSafeTransaction::getSpanContext() {
return tr->getSpanContext();
ThreadFuture<int64_t> ThreadSafeTransaction::getApproximateSize() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr]() -> Future<int64_t> { return tr->getApproximateSize(); });
ThreadFuture<Standalone<StringRef>> ThreadSafeTransaction::getVersionstamp() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr]() -> Future<Standalone<StringRef>> { return tr->getVersionstamp(); });
void ThreadSafeTransaction::setOption(FDBTransactionOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value) {
auto itr = FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.find(option);
if (itr == FDBTransactionOptions::optionInfo.end()) {
TraceEvent("UnknownTransactionOption").detail("Option", option);
throw invalid_option();
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
Standalone<Optional<StringRef>> passValue = value;
// ThreadSafeTransaction is not allowed to do anything with options except pass them through to RYW.
onMainThreadVoid([tr, option, passValue]() { tr->setOption(option, passValue.contents()); }, &tr->deferredError);
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeTransaction::checkDeferredError() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr]() {
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
tr->deferredError = Error();
return Future<Void>(e);
return Future<Void>(Void());
ThreadFuture<Void> ThreadSafeTransaction::onError(Error const& e) {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
return onMainThread([tr, e]() { return tr->onError(e); });
Optional<TenantName> ThreadSafeTransaction::getTenant() {
return tenantName;
void ThreadSafeTransaction::operator=(ThreadSafeTransaction&& r) noexcept {
tr = r.tr;
r.tr = nullptr;
ThreadSafeTransaction::ThreadSafeTransaction(ThreadSafeTransaction&& r) noexcept {
tr = r.tr;
r.tr = nullptr;
void ThreadSafeTransaction::reset() {
ISingleThreadTransaction* tr = this->tr;
onMainThreadVoid([tr]() { tr->reset(); }, nullptr);
extern const char* getSourceVersion();
: apiVersion(-1), clientVersion(format("%s,%s,%llx", FDB_VT_VERSION, getSourceVersion(), currentProtocolVersion)),
transportId(0) {}
void ThreadSafeApi::selectApiVersion(int apiVersion) {
this->apiVersion = apiVersion;
const char* ThreadSafeApi::getClientVersion() {
// There is only one copy of the ThreadSafeAPI, and it never gets deleted. Also, clientVersion is never modified.
return clientVersion.c_str();
void ThreadSafeApi::setNetworkOption(FDBNetworkOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value) {
if (option == FDBNetworkOptions::EXTERNAL_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_ID) {
if (value.present()) {
transportId = std::stoull(value.get().toString().c_str());
} else {
::setNetworkOption(option, value);
void ThreadSafeApi::setupNetwork() {
void ThreadSafeApi::runNetwork() {
Optional<Error> runErr;
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "RunNetworkError").error(e);
runErr = e;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
runErr = unknown_error();
TraceEvent(SevError, "RunNetworkError").error(unknown_error()).detail("RootException", e.what());
} catch (...) {
runErr = unknown_error();
TraceEvent(SevError, "RunNetworkError").error(unknown_error());
for (auto& hook : threadCompletionHooks) {
try {
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "NetworkShutdownHookError").error(e);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "NetworkShutdownHookError").error(unknown_error()).detail("RootException", e.what());
} catch (...) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "NetworkShutdownHookError").error(unknown_error());
if (runErr.present()) {
throw runErr.get();
void ThreadSafeApi::stopNetwork() {
Reference<IDatabase> ThreadSafeApi::createDatabase(const char* clusterFilePath) {
return Reference<IDatabase>(new ThreadSafeDatabase(clusterFilePath, apiVersion));
void ThreadSafeApi::addNetworkThreadCompletionHook(void (*hook)(void*), void* hookParameter) {
if (!g_network) {
throw network_not_setup();
MutexHolder holder(lock); // We could use the network thread to protect this action, but then we can't guarantee
// upon return that the hook is set.
threadCompletionHooks.emplace_back(hook, hookParameter);