244 lines
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244 lines
8.7 KiB
* MasterInterface.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/StorageServerInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseConfiguration.h"
#include "fdbserver/TLogInterface.h"
typedef uint64_t DBRecoveryCount;
struct MasterInterface {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 5979145;
LocalityData locality;
RequestStream<ReplyPromise<Void>> waitFailure;
RequestStream<struct TLogRejoinRequest>
tlogRejoin; // sent by tlog (whether or not rebooted) to communicate with a new master
RequestStream<struct ChangeCoordinatorsRequest> changeCoordinators;
RequestStream<struct GetCommitVersionRequest> getCommitVersion;
RequestStream<struct BackupWorkerDoneRequest> notifyBackupWorkerDone;
// Get the centralized live committed version reported by commit proxies.
RequestStream<struct GetRawCommittedVersionRequest> getLiveCommittedVersion;
// Report a proxy's committed version.
RequestStream<struct ReportRawCommittedVersionRequest> reportLiveCommittedVersion;
NetworkAddress address() const { return changeCoordinators.getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress(); }
NetworkAddressList addresses() const { return changeCoordinators.getEndpoint().addresses; }
UID id() const { return changeCoordinators.getEndpoint().token; }
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar) {
if constexpr (!is_fb_function<Archive>) {
serializer(ar, locality, waitFailure);
if (Archive::isDeserializing) {
tlogRejoin = RequestStream<struct TLogRejoinRequest>(waitFailure.getEndpoint().getAdjustedEndpoint(1));
changeCoordinators =
RequestStream<struct ChangeCoordinatorsRequest>(waitFailure.getEndpoint().getAdjustedEndpoint(2));
getCommitVersion =
RequestStream<struct GetCommitVersionRequest>(waitFailure.getEndpoint().getAdjustedEndpoint(3));
notifyBackupWorkerDone =
RequestStream<struct BackupWorkerDoneRequest>(waitFailure.getEndpoint().getAdjustedEndpoint(4));
getLiveCommittedVersion =
RequestStream<struct GetRawCommittedVersionRequest>(waitFailure.getEndpoint().getAdjustedEndpoint(5));
reportLiveCommittedVersion = RequestStream<struct ReportRawCommittedVersionRequest>(
void initEndpoints() {
std::vector<std::pair<FlowReceiver*, TaskPriority>> streams;
struct TLogRejoinReply {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 11;
// false means someone else registered, so we should re-register. true means this master is recovered, so don't
// send again to the same master.
bool masterIsRecovered;
TLogRejoinReply() = default;
explicit TLogRejoinReply(bool masterIsRecovered) : masterIsRecovered(masterIsRecovered) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, masterIsRecovered);
struct TLogRejoinRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 15692200;
TLogInterface myInterface;
ReplyPromise<TLogRejoinReply> reply;
TLogRejoinRequest() {}
explicit TLogRejoinRequest(const TLogInterface& interf) : myInterface(interf) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, myInterface, reply);
struct ChangeCoordinatorsRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 13605416;
Standalone<StringRef> newConnectionString;
ReplyPromise<Void> reply; // normally throws even on success!
ChangeCoordinatorsRequest() {}
ChangeCoordinatorsRequest(Standalone<StringRef> newConnectionString) : newConnectionString(newConnectionString) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, newConnectionString, reply);
struct ResolverMoveRef {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 11945475;
KeyRangeRef range;
int dest;
ResolverMoveRef() : dest(0) {}
ResolverMoveRef(KeyRangeRef const& range, int dest) : range(range), dest(dest) {}
ResolverMoveRef(Arena& a, const ResolverMoveRef& copyFrom) : range(a, copyFrom.range), dest(copyFrom.dest) {}
bool operator==(ResolverMoveRef const& rhs) const { return range == rhs.range && dest == rhs.dest; }
bool operator!=(ResolverMoveRef const& rhs) const { return range != rhs.range || dest != rhs.dest; }
size_t expectedSize() const { return range.expectedSize(); }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, range, dest);
struct GetCommitVersionReply {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 3568822;
Standalone<VectorRef<ResolverMoveRef>> resolverChanges;
Version resolverChangesVersion;
Version version;
Version prevVersion;
uint64_t requestNum;
GetCommitVersionReply() : resolverChangesVersion(0), version(0), prevVersion(0), requestNum(0) {}
explicit GetCommitVersionReply(Version version, Version prevVersion, uint64_t requestNum)
: resolverChangesVersion(0), version(version), prevVersion(prevVersion), requestNum(requestNum) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, resolverChanges, resolverChangesVersion, version, prevVersion, requestNum);
struct GetCommitVersionRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 16683181;
SpanID spanContext;
uint64_t requestNum;
uint64_t mostRecentProcessedRequestNum;
UID requestingProxy;
ReplyPromise<GetCommitVersionReply> reply;
GetCommitVersionRequest() {}
GetCommitVersionRequest(SpanID spanContext,
uint64_t requestNum,
uint64_t mostRecentProcessedRequestNum,
UID requestingProxy)
: spanContext(spanContext), requestNum(requestNum), mostRecentProcessedRequestNum(mostRecentProcessedRequestNum),
requestingProxy(requestingProxy) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, requestNum, mostRecentProcessedRequestNum, requestingProxy, reply, spanContext);
struct ReportRawCommittedVersionRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 1853148;
Version version;
bool locked;
Optional<Value> metadataVersion;
Version minKnownCommittedVersion;
ReplyPromise<Void> reply;
ReportRawCommittedVersionRequest() : version(invalidVersion), locked(false), minKnownCommittedVersion(0) {}
ReportRawCommittedVersionRequest(Version version,
bool locked,
Optional<Value> metadataVersion,
Version minKnownCommittedVersion)
: version(version), locked(locked), metadataVersion(metadataVersion),
minKnownCommittedVersion(minKnownCommittedVersion) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, version, locked, metadataVersion, minKnownCommittedVersion, reply);
struct BackupWorkerDoneRequest {
constexpr static FileIdentifier file_identifier = 8736351;
UID workerUID;
LogEpoch backupEpoch;
ReplyPromise<Void> reply;
BackupWorkerDoneRequest() : workerUID(), backupEpoch(-1) {}
BackupWorkerDoneRequest(UID id, LogEpoch epoch) : workerUID(id), backupEpoch(epoch) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, workerUID, backupEpoch, reply);
struct LifetimeToken {
int64_t count;
LifetimeToken() : count(0) {}
bool isStillValid(LifetimeToken const& latestToken, bool isLatestID) const {
return ccID == latestToken.ccID && (count >= latestToken.count || isLatestID);
std::string toString() const { return ccID.shortString() + format("#%lld", count); }
void operator++() { ++count; }
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
serializer(ar, ccID, count);