388 lines
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388 lines
13 KiB
* ApiWorkload.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.h"
#include "fdbclient/ReadYourWrites.h"
#include "fdbclient/ThreadSafeTransaction.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/MemoryKeyValueStore.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
//an enumeration of apis being tested
enum TransactionType
//A wrapper interface for dealing with different Transaction implementations
struct TransactionWrapper : public ReferenceCounted<TransactionWrapper> {
virtual ~TransactionWrapper() { }
//Sets a key-value pair in the database
virtual void set(KeyRef &key, ValueRef &value) = 0;
//Commits modifications to the database
virtual Future<Void> commit() = 0;
//Gets a value associated with a given key from the database
virtual Future<Optional<Value>> get(KeyRef &key) = 0;
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a key range
virtual Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeyRangeRef &keys, int limit, bool reverse) = 0;
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a pair of key selectors
virtual Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeySelectorRef &begin, KeySelectorRef &end, int limit, bool reverse) = 0;
//Gets the key from the database specified by a given key selector
virtual Future<Key> getKey(KeySelectorRef &key) = 0;
//Clears a key from the database
virtual void clear(KeyRef &key) = 0;
//Clears a range of keys from the database
virtual void clear(KeyRangeRef &range) = 0;
//Processes transaction error conditions
virtual Future<Void> onError(Error const& e) = 0;
//Gets the read version of a transaction
virtual Future<Version> getReadVersion() = 0;
//Gets the committed version of a transaction
virtual Version getCommittedVersion() = 0;
//Prints debugging messages for a transaction; not implemented for all transaction types
virtual void debugTransaction(UID debugId) {}
virtual void addReadConflictRange( KeyRangeRef const& keys ) = 0;
//A wrapper class for flow based transactions (NativeAPI, ReadYourWrites)
template<class T>
struct FlowTransactionWrapper : public TransactionWrapper {
Database cx;
Database extraDB;
bool useExtraDB;
T transaction;
T lastTransaction;
FlowTransactionWrapper(Database cx, Database extraDB, bool useExtraDB) : cx(cx), extraDB(extraDB), useExtraDB(useExtraDB), transaction(cx) {
if(useExtraDB && g_random->random01() < 0.5) {
transaction = T(extraDB);
virtual ~FlowTransactionWrapper() { }
//Sets a key-value pair in the database
void set(KeyRef &key, ValueRef &value) {
transaction.set(key, value);
//Commits modifications to the database
Future<Void> commit() {
return transaction.commit();
//Gets a value associated with a given key from the database
Future<Optional<Value>> get(KeyRef &key) {
return transaction.get(key);
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a key range
Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeyRangeRef &keys, int limit, bool reverse) {
return transaction.getRange(keys, limit, false, reverse);
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a pair of key selectors
Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeySelectorRef &begin, KeySelectorRef &end, int limit, bool reverse) {
return transaction.getRange(begin, end, limit, false, reverse);
//Gets the key from the database specified by a given key selector
Future<Key> getKey(KeySelectorRef &key) {
return transaction.getKey(key);
//Clears a key from the database
void clear(KeyRef &key) {
//Clears a range of keys from the database
void clear(KeyRangeRef &range) {
//Processes transaction error conditions
Future<Void> onError(Error const& e) {
Future<Void> returnVal = transaction.onError(e);
if( useExtraDB ) {
lastTransaction = std::move(transaction);
transaction = T( g_random->random01() < 0.5 ? extraDB : cx );
return returnVal;
//Gets the read version of a transaction
Future<Version> getReadVersion() {
return transaction.getReadVersion();
//Gets the committed version of a transaction
Version getCommittedVersion() {
return transaction.getCommittedVersion();
//Prints debugging messages for a transaction
void debugTransaction(UID debugId) {
void addReadConflictRange( KeyRangeRef const& keys ) {
//A wrapper class for ThreadSafeTransactions. Converts ThreadFutures into Futures for interchangeability with flow transactions
struct ThreadTransactionWrapper : public TransactionWrapper {
Reference<ITransaction> transaction;
ThreadTransactionWrapper(Reference<IDatabase> db, Reference<IDatabase> extraDB, bool useExtraDB) : transaction(db->createTransaction()) { }
virtual ~ThreadTransactionWrapper() { }
//Sets a key-value pair in the database
void set(KeyRef &key, ValueRef &value) {
transaction->set(key, value);
//Commits modifications to the database
Future<Void> commit() {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->commit());
//Gets a value associated with a given key from the database
Future<Optional<Value>> get(KeyRef &key) {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->get(key));
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a key range
Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeyRangeRef &keys, int limit, bool reverse) {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->getRange(keys, limit, false, reverse));
//Gets a range of key-value pairs from the database specified by a pair of key selectors
Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> getRange(KeySelectorRef &begin, KeySelectorRef &end, int limit, bool reverse) {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->getRange(begin, end, limit, false, reverse));
//Gets the key from the database specified by a given key selector
Future<Key> getKey(KeySelectorRef &key) {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->getKey(key));
//Clears a key from the database
void clear(KeyRef &key) {
//Clears a range of keys from the database
void clear(KeyRangeRef &range) {
//Processes transaction error conditions
Future<Void> onError(Error const& e) {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->onError(e));
//Gets the read version of a transaction
Future<Version> getReadVersion() {
return unsafeThreadFutureToFuture(transaction->getReadVersion());
//Gets the committed version of a transaction
Version getCommittedVersion() {
return transaction->getCommittedVersion();
void addReadConflictRange( KeyRangeRef const& keys ) {
//A factory interface for creating different kinds of TransactionWrappers
struct TransactionFactoryInterface : public ReferenceCounted<TransactionFactoryInterface> {
virtual ~TransactionFactoryInterface() { }
//Creates a new transaction
virtual Reference<TransactionWrapper> createTransaction() = 0;
//Templated implementation of TransactionFactoryInterface which creates a specific type of TransactionWrapper
template<class T, class DB>
struct TransactionFactory : public TransactionFactoryInterface {
//The database used to create transaction (of type Database, Reference<ThreadSafeDatabase>, etc.)
DB dbHandle;
DB extraDbHandle;
bool useExtraDB;
TransactionFactory(DB dbHandle, DB extraDbHandle, bool useExtraDB) : dbHandle(dbHandle), extraDbHandle(extraDbHandle), useExtraDB(useExtraDB) { }
virtual ~TransactionFactory() { }
//Creates a new transaction
Reference<TransactionWrapper> createTransaction() {
return Reference<TransactionWrapper>(new T(dbHandle, extraDbHandle, useExtraDB));
struct ApiWorkload : TestWorkload {
bool useExtraDB;
Database extraDB;
ApiWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx, int maxClients = -1) : TestWorkload(wcx), success(true), transactionFactory(NULL), maxClients(maxClients) {
clientPrefixInt = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("clientId"), clientId);
clientPrefix = format("%010d", clientPrefixInt);
numKeys = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numKeys"), 5000);
onlyLowerCase = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("onlyLowerCase"), false);
shortKeysRatio = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("shortKeysRatio"), 0.5);
minShortKeyLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("minShortKeyLength"), 1);
maxShortKeyLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxShortKeyLength"), 3);
minLongKeyLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("minLongKeyLength"), 1);
maxLongKeyLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxLongKeyLength"), 128);
minValueLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("minValueLength"), 1);
maxValueLength = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxValueLength"), 10000);
useExtraDB = g_simulator.extraDB != NULL;
if(useExtraDB) {
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> extraFile(new ClusterConnectionFile(*g_simulator.extraDB));
extraDB = Database::createDatabase(extraFile, -1);
Future<Void> setup(Database const& cx);
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx);
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx);
//Compares the contents of this client's key-space in the database with the in-memory key-value store
Future<bool> compareDatabaseToMemory();
//Verifies that the results of a getRange are the same in the database and in memory
bool compareResults(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> dbResults, VectorRef<KeyValueRef> storeResults, Version readVersion);
//Generates a set of random key-value pairs with an optional prefix
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> generateData(int numKeys, int minKeyLength, int maxKeyLength, int minValueLength, int maxValueLength, std::string prefix = "", bool allowDuplicates = true);
//Generates a random key
Key generateKey(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> const& data, int minKeyLength, int maxKeyLength, std::string prefix = "");
//Generates a random key selector with a specified maximum offset
KeySelector generateKeySelector(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> const& data, int maxOffset);
//Selects a random key. There is a <probabilityKeyExists> probability that the key will be chosen from the keyset in data, otherwise the key will
//be a randomly generated key
Key selectRandomKey(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> const& data, double probabilityKeyExists);
//Generates a random value
Value generateValue(int minValueLength, int maxValueLength);
//Generates a random value
Value generateValue();
//Convenience function for reporting a test failure to trace log and stdout
void testFailure(std::string reason);
//Creates a random transaction factory to produce transaction of one of the TransactionType choices
Future<Void> chooseTransactionFactory(Database const& cx, std::vector<TransactionType> const& choices);
//Creates a new transaction using the current transaction factory
Reference<TransactionWrapper> createTransaction();
//Implemented by subclasses; called during the setup function to prepare the database
virtual Future<Void> performSetup(Database const& cx) = 0;
//Implemented by subclasses; called during the start function to run the tests
virtual Future<Void> performTest(Database const& cx, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> const& data) = 0;
//Returns whether or not success is false
bool hasFailed();
//Clears the keyspace used by this test
Future<Void> clearKeyspace();
//The maximum number of tester clients that will run the test
int maxClients;
//A key prefix used by this client. This is so each client can operate on a key space without worrying about
//the operations of other clients. Otherwise, it would be challenging to maintain an in-memory representation
//of what the database should contain
std::string clientPrefix;
int clientPrefixInt;
//Whether or not the test passed
bool success;
//How many keys each client should generate to put in the database. This may not be exact, as some keys may be
//duplicates of each other
int numKeys;
//The ratio of keys which should have small length (to encourage collisions)
double shortKeysRatio;
//The minimum length of a short key
int minShortKeyLength;
//The maximum length of a short key
int maxShortKeyLength;
//The minimum length of a long key
int minLongKeyLength;
//The maximum length of a long key
int maxLongKeyLength;
//The minimum length of a value
int minValueLength;
//The maximum length of a value
int maxValueLength;
//If true, then random keys will only contain lower case letters. Otherwise, they will contain all character values
bool onlyLowerCase;
//The in-memory representation of this client's key space
MemoryKeyValueStore store;
//The transaction factory used to create transactions in this run
Reference<TransactionFactoryInterface> transactionFactory;
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"