
422 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess
import logging
import functools
import json
import time
import random
def enable_logging(level=logging.ERROR):
"""Enable logging in the function with the specified logging level
level (logging.<level>, optional): logging level for the decorated function. Defaults to logging.ERROR.
def func_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(func.__name__)
# set logging format
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler_format = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s')
# pass the logger to the decorated function
result = func(logger, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
return func_decorator
def run_fdbcli_command(*args):
"""run the fdbcli statement: fdbcli --exec '<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>'.
string: Console output from fdbcli
commands = command_template + ["{}".format(' '.join(args))]
return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
def run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error(*args):
"""run the fdbcli statement: fdbcli --exec '<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>'.
string: Stderr output from fdbcli
commands = command_template + ["{}".format(' '.join(args))]
return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
def advanceversion(logger):
# get current read version
version1 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version1))
# advance version to a much larger value compared to the current version
version2 = version1 * 10000
logger.debug("Advanced to version: " + str(version2))
run_fdbcli_command('advanceversion', str(version2))
# after running the advanceversion command,
# check the read version is advanced to the specified value
version3 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version3))
assert version3 >= version2
# advance version to a smaller value compared to the current version
# this should be a no-op
run_fdbcli_command('advanceversion', str(version1))
# get the current version to make sure the version did not decrease
version4 = int(run_fdbcli_command('getversion'))
logger.debug("Read version: {}".format(version4))
assert version4 >= version3
def maintenance(logger):
# expected fdbcli output when running 'maintenance' while there's no ongoing maintenance
no_maintenance_output = 'No ongoing maintenance.'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
assert output1 == no_maintenance_output
# set maintenance on a fake zone id for 10 seconds
run_fdbcli_command('maintenance', 'on', 'fake_zone_id', '10')
# show current maintenance status
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
logger.debug("Maintenance status: " + output2)
items = output2.split(' ')
# make sure this specific zone id is under maintenance
assert 'fake_zone_id' in items
logger.debug("Remaining time(seconds): " + items[-2])
assert 0 < int(items[-2]) < 10
# turn off maintenance
run_fdbcli_command('maintenance', 'off')
# check maintenance status
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('maintenance')
assert output3 == no_maintenance_output
def setclass(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
class_type_line_1 = output1.split('\n')[-1]
# check process' network address
assert '' in class_type_line_1
network_address = ':'.join(class_type_line_1.split(':')[:2])
logger.debug("Network address: {}".format(network_address))
# check class type
assert 'unset' in class_type_line_1
# check class source
assert 'command_line' in class_type_line_1
# set class to a random valid type
class_types = ['storage', 'storage', 'transaction', 'resolution',
'commit_proxy', 'grv_proxy', 'master', 'stateless', 'log',
'router', 'cluster_controller', 'fast_restore', 'data_distributor',
'coordinator', 'ratekeeper', 'storage_cache', 'backup'
random_class_type = random.choice(class_types)
logger.debug("Change to type: {}".format(random_class_type))
run_fdbcli_command('setclass', network_address, random_class_type)
# check the set successful
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
class_type_line_2 = output2.split('\n')[-1]
# check process' network address
assert network_address in class_type_line_2
# check class type changed to the specified value
assert random_class_type in class_type_line_2
# check class source
assert 'set_class' in class_type_line_2
# set back to default
run_fdbcli_command('setclass', network_address, 'default')
# everything should be back to the same as before
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('setclass')
class_type_line_3 = output3.split('\n')[-1]
assert class_type_line_3 == class_type_line_1
def lockAndUnlock(logger):
# lock an unlocked database, should be successful
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('lock')
# UID is 32 bytes
lines = output1.split('\n')
lock_uid = lines[0][-32:]
assert lines[1] == 'Database locked.'
logger.debug("UID: {}".format(lock_uid))
assert get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'database_lock_state', 'locked')
# lock a locked database, should get the error code 1038
output2 = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error("lock")
assert output2 == 'ERROR: Database is locked (1038)'
# unlock the database
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template + ['unlock ' + lock_uid], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
line1 = process.stdout.readline()
# The randome passphrease we need to confirm to proceed the unlocking
line2 = process.stdout.readline()
logger.debug("Random passphrase: {}".format(line2))
output3, err = process.communicate(input=line2)
# No error and unlock was successful
assert err is None
assert output3.decode('utf-8').strip() == 'Database unlocked.'
assert not get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'database_lock_state', 'locked')
def kill(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('kill')
lines = output1.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 2
assert lines[1].startswith('')
address = lines[1]
logger.debug("Address: {}".format(address))
old_generation = get_value_from_status_json(False, 'cluster', 'generation')
# This is currently an issue with fdbcli,
# where you need to first run 'kill' to initialize processes' list
# and then specify the certain process to kill
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
output2, err = process.communicate(input='kill; kill {}\n'.format(address).encode())
# wait for a second for the cluster recovery
new_generation = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'generation')
logger.debug("Old: {}, New: {}".format(old_generation, new_generation))
assert new_generation > old_generation
def suspend(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('suspend')
lines = output1.split('\n')
assert len(lines) == 2
assert lines[1].startswith('')
address = lines[1]
logger.debug("Address: {}".format(address))
db_available = get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
assert db_available
# use pgrep to get the pid of the fdb process
pinfos = subprocess.check_output(['pgrep', '-a', 'fdbserver']).decode().strip().split('\n')
port = address.split(':')[1]
logger.debug("Port: {}".format(port))
# use the port number to find the exact fdb process we are connecting to
pinfo = list(filter(lambda x: port in x, pinfos))
assert len(pinfo) == 1
pid = pinfo[0].split(' ')[0]
logger.debug("Pid: {}".format(pid))
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
# suspend the process for enough long time
output2, err = process.communicate(input='suspend; suspend 3600 {}\n'.format(address).encode())
# the cluster should be unavailable after the only process being suspended
assert not get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
# check the process pid still exists
pids = subprocess.check_output(['pidof', 'fdbserver']).decode().strip()
logger.debug("PIDs: {}".format(pids))
assert pid in pids
# kill the process by pid
kill_output = subprocess.check_output(['kill', pid]).decode().strip()
logger.debug("Kill result: {}".format(kill_output))
# The process should come back after a few time
duration = 0 # seconds we already wait
while not get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available') and duration < 60:
logger.debug("Sleep for 1 second to wait cluster recovery")
duration += 1
# at most after 60 seconds, the cluster should be available
assert get_value_from_status_json(False, 'client', 'database_status', 'available')
def get_value_from_status_json(retry, *args):
while True:
result = json.loads(run_fdbcli_command('status', 'json'))
if result['client']['database_status']['available'] or not retry:
for arg in args:
assert arg in result
result = result[arg]
return result
def consistencycheck(logger):
consistency_check_on_output = 'ConsistencyCheck is on'
consistency_check_off_output = 'ConsistencyCheck is off'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output1 == consistency_check_on_output
run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck', 'off')
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output2 == consistency_check_off_output
run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck', 'on')
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('consistencycheck')
assert output3 == consistency_check_on_output
def cache_range(logger):
# this command is currently experimental
# just test we can set and clear the cached range
run_fdbcli_command('cache_range', 'set', 'a', 'b')
run_fdbcli_command('cache_range', 'clear', 'a', 'b')
def datadistribution(logger):
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'off')
assert output1 == 'Data distribution is turned off.'
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'on')
assert output2 == 'Data distribution is turned on.'
output3 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'disable', 'ssfailure')
assert output3 == 'Data distribution is disabled for storage server failures.'
# While we disable ssfailure, maintenance should fail
error_msg = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('maintenance', 'on', 'fake_zone_id', '1')
assert error_msg == "ERROR: Maintenance mode cannot be used while data distribution is disabled for storage server failures. Use 'datadistribution on' to reenable data distribution."
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'enable', 'ssfailure')
assert output4 == 'Data distribution is enabled for storage server failures.'
output5 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'disable', 'rebalance')
assert output5 == 'Data distribution is disabled for rebalance.'
output6 = run_fdbcli_command('datadistribution', 'enable', 'rebalance')
assert output6 == 'Data distribution is enabled for rebalance.'
def transaction(logger):
"""This test will cover the transaction related fdbcli commands.
In particular,
'begin', 'rollback', 'option'
'getversion', 'get', 'getrange', 'clear', 'clearrange', 'set', 'commit'
err1 = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('set', 'key', 'value')
assert err1 == 'ERROR: writemode must be enabled to set or clear keys in the database.'
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
transaction_flow = ['writemode on', 'begin', 'getversion', 'set key value', 'get key', 'commit']
output1, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
# split the output into lines
lines = list(filter(len, output1.decode().split('\n')))[-4:]
assert lines[0] == 'Transaction started'
read_version = int(lines[1])
logger.debug("Read version {}".format(read_version))
# line[1] is the printed read version
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
assert lines[3].startswith('Committed (') and lines[3].endswith(')')
# validate commit version is larger than the read version
commit_verion = int(lines[3][len('Committed ('):-1])
logger.debug("Commit version: {}".format(commit_verion))
assert commit_verion >= read_version
# check the transaction is committed
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output2 == "`key' is `value'"
# test rollback and read-your-write behavior
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
transaction_flow = [
'writemode on', 'begin', 'getrange a z',
'clear key', 'get key',
# 'option on READ_YOUR_WRITES_DISABLE', 'get key',
output3, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
lines = list(filter(len, output3.decode().split('\n')))[-5:]
# lines[0] == "Transaction started" and lines[1] == 'Range limited to 25 keys'
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
assert lines[3] == "`key': not found"
assert lines[4] == "Transaction rolled back"
# make sure the rollback works
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output4 == "`key' is `value'"
# test read_your_write_disable option and clear the inserted key
process = subprocess.Popen(command_template[:-1], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
transaction_flow = [
'writemode on', 'begin',
'clear key', 'get key',
output6, _ = process.communicate(input='\n'.join(transaction_flow).encode())
lines = list(filter(len, output6.decode().split('\n')))[-4:]
assert lines[1] == 'Option enabled for current transaction'
# the get key should still return the value even we clear it in the transaction
assert lines[2] == "`key' is `value'"
# Check the transaction is committed
output7 = run_fdbcli_command('get', 'key')
assert output7 == "`key': not found"
def get_fdb_process_addresses():
# get all processes' network addresses
output = run_fdbcli_command('kill')
# except the first line, each line is one process
addresses = output.split('\n')[1:]
assert len(addresses) == process_number
return addresses
def coordinators(logger):
# we should only have one coordinator for now
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('coordinators')
assert len(output1.split('\n')) > 2
cluster_description = output1.split('\n')[0].split(': ')[-1]
logger.debug("Cluster description: {}".format(cluster_description))
coordinators = output1.split('\n')[1].split(': ')[-1]
# verify the coordinator
coordinator_list = get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'coordinators', 'coordinators')
assert len(coordinator_list) == 1
assert coordinator_list[0]['address'] == coordinators
# verify the cluster description
assert get_value_from_status_json(True, 'cluster', 'connection_string').startswith('{}:'.format(cluster_description))
addresses = get_fdb_process_addresses()
# set all 5 processes as coordinators and update the cluster description
new_cluster_description = 'a_simple_description'
run_fdbcli_command('coordinators', *addresses, 'description={}'.format(new_cluster_description))
# verify now we have 5 coordinators and the description is updated
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('coordinators')
assert output2.split('\n')[0].split(': ')[-1] == new_cluster_description
assert output2.split('\n')[1] == 'Cluster coordinators ({}): {}'.format(5, ','.join(addresses))
# auto change should go back to 1 coordinator
run_fdbcli_command('coordinators', 'auto')
assert len(get_value_from_status_json(True, 'client', 'coordinators', 'coordinators')) == 1
def exclude(logger):
# get all processes' network addresses
addresses = get_fdb_process_addresses()
logger.debug("Cluster processes: {}".format(' '.join(addresses)))
# There should be no excluded process for now
no_excluded_process_output = 'There are currently no servers or localities excluded from the database.'
output1 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
assert no_excluded_process_output in output1
# randomly pick one and exclude the process
excluded_address = random.choice(addresses)
# sometimes we need to retry the exclude
while True:
logger.debug("Excluding process: {}".format(excluded_address))
error_message = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('exclude', excluded_address)
if not error_message:
logger.debug("Retry exclude after 1 second")
output2 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
# logger.debug(output3)
assert 'There are currently 1 servers or localities being excluded from the database' in output2
assert excluded_address in output2
run_fdbcli_command('include', excluded_address)
# check the include is successful
output4 = run_fdbcli_command('exclude')
assert no_excluded_process_output in output4
if __name__ == '__main__':
# <path_to_fdbcli_binary> <path_to_fdb_cluster_file> <process_number>
assert len(sys.argv) == 4, "Please pass arguments: <path_to_fdbcli_binary> <path_to_fdb_cluster_file> <process_number>"
# shell command template
command_template = [sys.argv[1], '-C', sys.argv[2], '--exec']
# tests for fdbcli commands
# assertions will fail if fdbcli does not work as expected
process_number = int(sys.argv[3])
if process_number == 1:
assert process_number > 1, "Process number should be positive"